Spelling suggestions: "subject:"case law"" "subject:"base law""
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A reclamação de não violação no GATT/OMCLawson, Michael Nunes January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva contribuir para a compreensão do instituto da reclamação de não violação, previsto no art. XXIII:1(b) do Acordo General de Tarifas e Comércio (GATT) e art. 26:1 do Entendimento sobre Solução de Controvérsias (ESC) da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Parte-se da premissa de que a reclamação de não violação deve ser abordada à luz da sua contraparte, a reclamação de violação (art. XXIII:1(a) do GATT). O estudo é levado a cabo recorrendo-se a conceitos desenvolvidos em direito internacional geral. A reclamação de violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos internacionalmente ilícitos, enquanto a reclamação de não violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos não proibidos pelo direito internacional (do comércio). O contraste entre as duas reclamações manifesta-se, ademais, no que tange ao regramento respectivo, especialmente no que diz com os remédios jurídicos disponíveis. A investigação é completada pela análise da jurisprudência do GATT/OMC que cuidou da reclamação de não violação, essencial face à amplitude da terminologia do art. XXIII:1(b). Assim, examina-se a interpretação conferida ao art. XXIII:1, caput - benefício, princípio da expectativa legítima (implícito), anulação ou prejuízo e nexo de causalidade -; art. XXIII:1(b) - medida -; por fim, art. XXIII:2, que versa sobre remédios jurídicos. / The present dissertation seeks to contribute to the understanding of the non-violation complaint, regulated in GATT art. XXIII:1(b) and WTO's DSU art. 26:1. It departs from the premise that the non-violation complaint must be approached in light of its counterpart, the violation complaint (GATT art. XXIII:1(a)). The study is carried on with resort to concepts developed in general international law. The violation complaint leads to responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, whilst the non-violation complaint leads to liability for acts not prohibited by international (trade) law. The contrast between the two complaints is manifested, in addition, with regard to their respective disciplines, particularly the remedies available. The investigation is completed by the analysis of the GATT/WTO case-law which dealt with the non-violation complaint, essential in view of the breadth of the terminology contained in art. XXIII:1(b). In this sense, it is examined the interpretation of art. XXIII:1, caput - benefit, the principle of legitimate expectations (implicit), nullification or impairment, nexus of causality -; art. XXIII:1(b) - measure -; lastly, art. XXIII:2, which concerns itself of remedies.
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A reclamação de não violação no GATT/OMCLawson, Michael Nunes January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva contribuir para a compreensão do instituto da reclamação de não violação, previsto no art. XXIII:1(b) do Acordo General de Tarifas e Comércio (GATT) e art. 26:1 do Entendimento sobre Solução de Controvérsias (ESC) da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Parte-se da premissa de que a reclamação de não violação deve ser abordada à luz da sua contraparte, a reclamação de violação (art. XXIII:1(a) do GATT). O estudo é levado a cabo recorrendo-se a conceitos desenvolvidos em direito internacional geral. A reclamação de violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos internacionalmente ilícitos, enquanto a reclamação de não violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos não proibidos pelo direito internacional (do comércio). O contraste entre as duas reclamações manifesta-se, ademais, no que tange ao regramento respectivo, especialmente no que diz com os remédios jurídicos disponíveis. A investigação é completada pela análise da jurisprudência do GATT/OMC que cuidou da reclamação de não violação, essencial face à amplitude da terminologia do art. XXIII:1(b). Assim, examina-se a interpretação conferida ao art. XXIII:1, caput - benefício, princípio da expectativa legítima (implícito), anulação ou prejuízo e nexo de causalidade -; art. XXIII:1(b) - medida -; por fim, art. XXIII:2, que versa sobre remédios jurídicos. / The present dissertation seeks to contribute to the understanding of the non-violation complaint, regulated in GATT art. XXIII:1(b) and WTO's DSU art. 26:1. It departs from the premise that the non-violation complaint must be approached in light of its counterpart, the violation complaint (GATT art. XXIII:1(a)). The study is carried on with resort to concepts developed in general international law. The violation complaint leads to responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, whilst the non-violation complaint leads to liability for acts not prohibited by international (trade) law. The contrast between the two complaints is manifested, in addition, with regard to their respective disciplines, particularly the remedies available. The investigation is completed by the analysis of the GATT/WTO case-law which dealt with the non-violation complaint, essential in view of the breadth of the terminology contained in art. XXIII:1(b). In this sense, it is examined the interpretation of art. XXIII:1, caput - benefit, the principle of legitimate expectations (implicit), nullification or impairment, nexus of causality -; art. XXIII:1(b) - measure -; lastly, art. XXIII:2, which concerns itself of remedies.
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A alteração das circunstâncias fáticas nos contratos interempresariais / Change of circumstances in entrepreneurial contractsHugo Tubone Yamashita 02 March 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação volta-se à análise da alteração superveniente das circunstâncias fáticas, especificamente, em contratos interempresariais. Tais contratos, compreendidos como aqueles em que, ao menos, uma das partes é ente empresarial e ambos os contratantes visam auferir lucro, têm características distintas de outros contratos de natureza civil (contratos existenciais), mormente no que se refere à assunção de riscos pelas partes envolvidas. Dado o caráter arriscado da atividade empresarial, a intervenção exógena nos contratos interempresariais visando à tutela dos contratantes deve ser reduzida, de forma a se privilegiar tanto quanto possível a força obrigatória dos contratos (pacta sunt servanda). Nessa medida, as nuances dos contratos interempresariais, em conjunto com a imprescindível atividade estatal de regulação do mercado (fenômeno poliédrico), demandam uma aplicação diferenciada do modelo da onerosidade excessiva previsto nos artigos 478 a 480 do Código Civil, sob pena de desvirtuamento da lógica empresarial e desestímulo ao tráfico mercantil. O primeiro capítulo deste trabalho é destinado à individualização dos principais vetores da atividade empresarial e os respectivos reflexos daqueles na formação dos contratos empresariais. Em seguida, no segundo capítulo da empreitada, são analisadas as teorias revisionistas de maior influência na construção do modelo de onerosidade excessiva brasileiro, bem como as especificidades do próprio modelo em si. Por fim, o terceiro e conclusivo capítulo visa à identificação do suporte fático da onerosidade excessiva em contratos empresariais, bem como à análise dos efeitos decorrentes da aplicação do modelo a referidas formas de contratação. / This dissertation is focused on the analysis of the change of circumstances, regarding specifically entrepreneurial contracts. These contracts, understood as those in which at least one of the parties involved is an entrepreneurial entity and both of the parties seek to obtain profits with the deal, can be defined by distinguished characteristics when compared to civil contracts in general (contratos existenciais), mainly when it comes to the risk assumption by the parties in the contract. Given the risk inherent to business activities, the exogenous intervention in entrepreneurial contracts aiming the protection of one of the parties should be reduced as much as possible, in such a way to respect the binding force of the contracts (pacta sunt servanda). Accordingly, the specificities of the entrepreneurial contracts, together with the indispensable public regulation of the market (polyhedral phenomenon), require a distinguished applicability of the rules provided by the Brazilian Civil Code under the articles 478 to 480, otherwise entrepreneurial rationality of commercial contracts may be ruined and, as a result, the commercial traffic discouraged. The first chapter of this study is dedicated to finding the main features of the business activity and their implications to the formation of entrepreneurial contracts. Subsequently, in the second chapter of the essay, the theories related to change of circumstances that most influenced the construction of a Brazilian theory are analyzed, as well as the peculiarities of the Brazilian theory itself. Finally, the third and concluding chapter seeks to identify the hypothesis provided by articles 478 to 480 for entrepreneurial contracts, as well to analyze the effects arising from the application of this set of rules to referred contracts.
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A reclamação de não violação no GATT/OMCLawson, Michael Nunes January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva contribuir para a compreensão do instituto da reclamação de não violação, previsto no art. XXIII:1(b) do Acordo General de Tarifas e Comércio (GATT) e art. 26:1 do Entendimento sobre Solução de Controvérsias (ESC) da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Parte-se da premissa de que a reclamação de não violação deve ser abordada à luz da sua contraparte, a reclamação de violação (art. XXIII:1(a) do GATT). O estudo é levado a cabo recorrendo-se a conceitos desenvolvidos em direito internacional geral. A reclamação de violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos internacionalmente ilícitos, enquanto a reclamação de não violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos não proibidos pelo direito internacional (do comércio). O contraste entre as duas reclamações manifesta-se, ademais, no que tange ao regramento respectivo, especialmente no que diz com os remédios jurídicos disponíveis. A investigação é completada pela análise da jurisprudência do GATT/OMC que cuidou da reclamação de não violação, essencial face à amplitude da terminologia do art. XXIII:1(b). Assim, examina-se a interpretação conferida ao art. XXIII:1, caput - benefício, princípio da expectativa legítima (implícito), anulação ou prejuízo e nexo de causalidade -; art. XXIII:1(b) - medida -; por fim, art. XXIII:2, que versa sobre remédios jurídicos. / The present dissertation seeks to contribute to the understanding of the non-violation complaint, regulated in GATT art. XXIII:1(b) and WTO's DSU art. 26:1. It departs from the premise that the non-violation complaint must be approached in light of its counterpart, the violation complaint (GATT art. XXIII:1(a)). The study is carried on with resort to concepts developed in general international law. The violation complaint leads to responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, whilst the non-violation complaint leads to liability for acts not prohibited by international (trade) law. The contrast between the two complaints is manifested, in addition, with regard to their respective disciplines, particularly the remedies available. The investigation is completed by the analysis of the GATT/WTO case-law which dealt with the non-violation complaint, essential in view of the breadth of the terminology contained in art. XXIII:1(b). In this sense, it is examined the interpretation of art. XXIII:1, caput - benefit, the principle of legitimate expectations (implicit), nullification or impairment, nexus of causality -; art. XXIII:1(b) - measure -; lastly, art. XXIII:2, which concerns itself of remedies.
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A jurisprudência eleitoral e seus reflexos no Estado democrático de direito / The electoral case law and its consequences to the democratic stateMilton Fernando Lamanauskas 10 May 2010 (has links)
A sociedade brasileira aguarda pacientemente e há anos uma real reforma que introduza a ética e a moral no meio político e faça valer a soberania de seu povo. De um lado, observa-se um Poder Legislativo com sérias dificuldades de quebrar sua inércia e cumprir o seu papel de concretizar a lei como expressão da vontade geral. De outro, um Poder Judiciário que busca suprir os anseios sociais dando efetividade aos direitos fundamentais colocados na Constituição Federal da República Brasileira de 1988. O presente estudo almeja analisar como o Estado brasileiro tem convivido com um intenso ativismo judicial ou judicialização da política e suas consequências para a democracia pátria. Para a eficácia de suas conclusões, limitou-se o campo de estudo à matéria eleitoral, dada sua cristalina correlação com o Estado Democrático de Direito. Foram selecionadas, deste modo, as recentes decisões dos Tribunais nacionais em temas eleitorais para averiguar os reflexos desta jurisprudência sobre as bases democráticas de nosso país. E, em assim procedendo, foram trazidos elementos para uma crítica fundamentada à tentativa do Poder Judiciário de moralizar as instituições políticas, buscando fornecer as bases para concluir se esse altivo movimento dos Tribunais logrou, de fato, o aprimoramento do regime democrático vigente, preservando a harmonia entre os Poderes, a unidade do ordenamento jurídico e a legitimidade das instituições da nação ou se, ao contrário, apenas soluções pontuais foram conquistadas, combatendo-se uma doença grave com remédios paliativos ao invés de atacar a real causa das mazelas que assolam o Estado Democrático de Direito brasileiro. / The Brazilian society waits patiently and for many years for a deep change that introduces ethics and moral to politics to renew the sovereignty of its people. On one hand, the Parliament presents serious difficulties in moving forward to fulfill its role of materializing the law as an expression of the general will. On the other hand, the judiciary tries to meet social expectations, providing effectiveness to basic rights constitutionally established. This study aims to analyze how the Brazilian State has been living with an intense judicial activism and a judicialization of its politics and its consequences to democracy. For the effectiveness of its conclusions, the object of the analysis was limited to electoral issue, due to its crystal clear relation with the Rule of Law. In this manner, some recent judicial decisions of the national Courts as regards electoral subjects were chosen to verify the consequences of this jurisprudence on the democratic foundations of our country. And, in so proceeding, many aspects were brought to enable a justified criticism to the judiciary attempt to moralize political institutions, trying to provide the basis for the following questions: have, in fact, this noble movement of the Courts succeeded in improving the current democratic Brazilian system, preserving the harmony between the Powers, the unity of the legal system and the legitimacy of the nation institutions?; or, on the opposite, only few hoc solutions have been conquered, fighting with a serious illness by ministering palliative drugs, instead of solving the real cause of the illness that plagues the State?
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O princípio da congruência no processo individual do trabalho / The principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor processManuela da Palma Coelho Germano Lourenção 18 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho. Tal princípio caracteriza-se pelo caráter restritivo da atuação judicial, vinculando a prolação de sentença aos limites da lide. A problemática centra-se no entendimento do conceito de lide, ora entendido simplesmente como pedido, ora como a matéria fática e jurídica levada aos autos, permitindo-se ao magistrado conhecer de pedidos não formulados expressamente, desde que os fatos a eles pertinentes tenham sido discutidos nos autos. A partir da Teoria Instrumentalista do Processo, que admite este modo de resolução de conflitos como um meio para a efetividade do Direito Material, buscou-se identificar a possibilidade de flexibilização do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho, tendo em vista que o estudo deste princípio revelou que a doutrina e a jurisprudência civil e trabalhista já permitem sua relativização ou mitigação em determinados casos, em especial quando se trata da aplicação de norma de ordem pública, uma das características do Direito Material do Trabalho. Ademais, considerando as questões linguísticas implicadas na formulação da pretensão da parte e da sentença, foi feita pesquisa jurisprudencial no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, de modo a identificar as relações hermenêuticas estabelecidas entre o pedido e a decisão final neste tribunal. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 149 decisões em que se discute a existência ou não de julgamento além dos limites da lide, destacando-se os casos em que o tribunal considerou desnecessária a formulação de pedido expresso para a concessão de direito trabalhista / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the use of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process. This principle is defined by the restrictive aspect of the acts of the judge, binding the sentence to the matters under dispute. The core discussion lies on the identification of such matters, which can be seen as simply the pleadings expressed by the parties or as all the matters in connection with the facts merely mentioned by them. The latter position would allow the judicial authority to pronounce a sentence addressing additional matters that were not expressly pleaded by the parties. Based on the idea that the due process of law is an instrument to achieve effectiveness of legal commands, on the already accepted exception of this principle when it comes to public order rules, and also on the assumption that labor law is of public order, this dissertation analyzed the possibility of disregarding the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process in order to enhance the legal award. In addition to the theoretical analysis, a wide research on the website of the superior labor court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) was carried out in order to verify the hermeneutical relations between the pleadings and the dispositions of the judicial decision. Bearing such an objective in mind, 149 decisions on the alleged violation of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita were selected and analyzed, focusing on those awards in which the court considered irrelevant the existence of an express pleading in order to grant or deny a specific labor right.
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Droit et pratique de la faillite dans le ressort de la Cour d'appel de Lyon : 1838-1889 / Law and Practice of bankruptcy within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Lyon : 1838-1889Dinc, Bilal 17 December 2015 (has links)
Au cours du XIXe siècle, le droit de la faillite institué comme un mécanisme de sanction des débiteurs professionnels faillis prend progressivement en compte la situation du débiteur ainsi que sa bonne ou sa mauvaise foi afin d’évaluer son degré de culpabilité. À Lyon, l’évolution de la norme de la faillite et de sa pratique le tribunal de commerce fait apparaître une prise en considération grandissante de l’humanité du débiteur, accompagnée parfois par une réforme légale impulsée par l’initiative des juges consulaires lyonnais. Ceux-ci prennent l’initiative d’instituer des mesures contra legem afin de protéger les commerçants de bonne foi victimes d’une conjoncture provoquant une crise économique majeure qui génère des faillites en cascade.Au lieu de mettre en place une réforme en profondeur du droit de la faillite réclamée par les praticiens, les docteurs, la jurisprudence ainsi que par les justiciables, le législateur n’institue que des mesures provisoires et palliatives. Son inertie renforce la conviction des juges consulaires lyonnais que leur pratique s’impose comme une solution appropriée pour réduire les conséquences néfastes de l’inaction du législateur non seulement sur la situation des commerçants faillis mais aussi sur la société et l’économie de la ville de Lyon. / During the nineteenth century, the bankruptcy law instituted as a sanction mechanism of bankrupt debtors professionals has been gradually taking into account the debtor's situation and his good or bad faith in order to assess the degree of guilt.In Lyon, the evolution of the standard of bankruptcy and practice of the Commercial Court reveals a growing consideration of debtor’s humanity, sometimes accompanied by a legal reform promoted by the initiative of consular judges of Lyon. They take the initiative to institute measures contrary to the law to protect bona fide traders victims of a situation causing a major economic crisis that generates cascading bankruptcies.Instead of putting in place a comprehensive reform of bankruptcy law claimed by practitioners, doctors, case law and by litigants, the legislator establishes only temporary and palliative measures. Its inertia reinforces the conviction of consular judges of Lyon that their practice has established itself as an appropriate solution to reduce the adverse consequences of the inaction of the legislature not only on the situation of failed traders, but also on society and the economy of the city from Lyon.
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Le bourreau : entre symbolisme judiciaire et utilité publique (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles) / The hangman : between judicial symbolism and public utilityChamot, Cyrielle 10 March 2017 (has links)
À la fin du Moyen Âge, la place que doit occuper le bourreau au sein de l’organisation judiciaire et, par extension, au sein de la société, demeure relativement obscure. Il faut attendre le XIVe siècle pour qu’une ébauche du régime professionnel de l’exécuteur émerge progressivement en dépit du laconisme d’un grand nombre de sources juridiques. De par sa connexion avec la mort judiciaire, cet agent n’est pas cantonné au rôle de simple exécutant des peines mais est un véritable symbole pourtant relégué aux limites de la sphère sociale. Cette exclusion en fait une main d’oeuvre polyvalente à même de remplir des tâches de police. Le maître de la haute et basse justice permet donc d’assainir la ville tant métaphoriquement, en châtiant les criminels, que matériellement en encadrant certains parias et en éliminant les déchets urbains. Il apparaît comme une figure judiciaire et administrative originale par son mode de fonctionnement et ses attributions ainsi que les différentes rémunérations qui en découlent. La fin de l’Ancien Régime le consacre comme l’incarnation d’un système pénal reposant sur des peines corporelles vouées à disparaître. / At the end of the Middle Ages, the place occupied by the hangman inside the judicial organization and, by extension, inside society, remains quite obscure. It is only at the turn of the XIVth century that a draft of the Contract Killer's professionnal status progressively emerged despite the terseness of numerous juridical sources. Because of his connexion with judicial death, this agent was not confined to the role of simple executor of the penalties but was a true symbol thereof. Yet he was left on the fringes of the social sphere. This exclusion turned him into a polyvalent hand, one able to realize various police tasks. The hangman thus sanitized the city both metaphorically − by punishing criminals − as much as materially − by framing some parias and supressing urban wastes. He appears as a judicial and administrative figure, original by its operating and attributions as well as through the various remunerations this entailed. The end of the Old Regime consecrated him as the incarnation of the criminal system, based on corporal punishments which were destined to disappear.
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La rétroactivité de la jurisprudence. Recherche sur la lutte contre l'insécurité juridique en droit civil / The retroactivity of the case law. Study on the legal certainty in French private lawDrouot, Guillaume 04 December 2014 (has links)
La rétroactivité étant un mode d’application d’une règle de droit dans le temps, il convient de se demander en premier lieu si le juge crée des règles de droit afin de savoir si la jurisprudence est rétroactive ou seulement déclarative. Pour répondre à cette interrogation, il a paru nécessaire de définir la règle de droit comme la règle ayant vocation à être utilisée par un juge pour trancher un litige. Puis, pour savoir si plus précisément le juge posait de telles règles de droit, il a été fait recours aux règles de reconnaissance de Hart, invitant à regarder l’attitude du législateur, du juge et du peuple pour voir si la jurisprudence était considérée comme source du droit. La réponse est affirmative en ce qui concerne celle de la Cour de cassation. Il devient alors nécessaire en deuxième lieu de s’interroger sur la cause de cette rétroactivité. La théorie naturaliste, soutenant que toute règle de droit est naturellement rétroactive, et la théorie mécaniste, expliquant la rétroactivité par la nécessité pour le juge d’appliquer la règle créée au litige qui lui est soumis, ont paru devoir être écartée. Le fondement de la rétroactivité serait la théorie de l’incorporation, dont l’application aux créations jurisprudentielles et aux changements d’interprétation serait justifiée par la prohibition des arrêts de règlement. Dès lors, et en troisième lieu, comment lutter contre l’insécurité juridique produite par la rétroactivité jurisprudentielle ? Deux solutions paraissent efficaces : soit permettre à la Cour de cassation de rendre des arrêts de règlement, soit introduire une sorte de référé législatif permettant à la Cour de cassation de demander au législateur de modifier la norme, plutôt que d’opérer un revirement rétroactif. Puisqu’il nous paraît opportun de conserver une complémentarité entre la loi et la jurisprudence, seule la création d’un référé-suggestion semble être une solution satisfaisante au problème de la rétroactivité de la jurisprudence. / As retroactivity constitutes an application process of the law in time, it is worth first asking whether a judge's rulings are considered as a rule of law whether such case law is retroactive or declarative. To answer this question, it seemed necessary to define the rule of law as the rule that is intended to be used by a judge to settle a dispute. Then, to check whether the judge do make such rules of law, the Hart recognition rules were applied, inviting us to look at the attitude of the legislator, the judge and of the people to see if case law was considered as a source of law. The answer is yes with respect to the French Supreme Court's case law (Cour de cassation). It then becomes necessary to question the cause of this retroactivity. The naturalistic theory, which provides that any rule of law is naturally retroactive; and the mechanistic theory which justifies retroactivity by the need for the judge to apply the rule created by its ruling to the dispute brought before him had to be excluded. The basis of retroactivity would be the incorporation theory, the application of which to case law as well as to changes in interpretation would be justified by the prohibition of regulatory judgements (arrêts de règlement). Therefore one may wonder how to avoid the legal uncertainty produced by the retroactivity of case law ? Two solutions seem to be effective: either to enable the French Supreme Court to make regulatory judgements, or to introduce a kind of legislative summary proceedings enabling the French Supreme Court to request from the legislator to amend the rule, instead of creating a retroactive overruling decision. As it seems appropriate to maintain the complementarity between statutory law and case law, the creation of a legislative summary proceeding appears to be the only satisfying solution to the case law retroactivity issue.
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Soutenance de travaux en droit européen des sociétés et en arbitrage international / Works on european company law and international arbitrationKorom, Veronika 19 March 2014 (has links)
La soutenance de thèse proposée est une soutenance sur travaux qui portent sur des questions de droit comparé des sociétés, de droit européen des sociétés et de l'arbitrage international. Les travaux portant sur le droit des sociétés s'interrogent sur les développements récents en matière de liberté d'établissement des sociétés en Europe suite à la jurisprudence rendue par la Cour européenne de justice et sur l'opération des Limited liability company de droit anglais en Allemagne et des questions de droit international privé que cela soulève. Le travail sur le droit de l'arbitrage s'interroge sur le sort des traités bilatéraux d'investissement conclus entre Etats devenus Etats membres de l'Union européenne face à la politique menée par la Commission Européenne qui vise leur annulation. / The papers submitted for the viva deal with various comparative company law, European company law and international arbitration related issues. The company law papers look at the recent developments in the freedom of establishment of companies in Europe resulting from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and at the operation of English law limited liability companies in Germany and certain of the private international law questions that arise in that context. The paper on international arbitration discusses the future of bilateral investment treaties concluded between EU member states in light of the European Commission's hostile approach to such treaties aiming at obtaining their annulment.
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