Spelling suggestions: "subject:"case law"" "subject:"base law""
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The crime of human trafficking as a complex crime and its difficulties in the Peruvian jurisprudence / El delito de trata de personas como delito complejo y sus dificultades en la jurisprudencia peruanaMontoya Vivanco, Yvan 10 April 2018 (has links)
The crime of human trafficking is a crime of complex nature and presents problems in its interpretation in the Peruvian law and jurisprudence. These problems require the author to study the legally protected goods behind this criminal prohibition, the consent of minors, analysis of the previous domain relationship above the victim or caused by the perpetrator, and the evidential approach that this reinterpretation of the crime of trafficking assumes. According to the previous legal framework, the author stands his proposal, which is characterized by criticism and being contrary to the Peruvian supreme jurisprudence. / El delito de trata de personas es un delito de naturaleza compleja y presenta problemas dentro de su interpretación en la jurisprudencia peruana. Estos problemas obligan al autor a estudiar la delimitación del bien jurídico protegido detrás de este delito, el consentimiento de menores de edad, el análisis de la relación de dominio que antecede o es provocada por el agresor sobre la víctima y el enfoque probatorio que supone esta reinterpretación del delito de trata de personas. De acuerdo con el marco jurídico anterior, el autor analiza casos observados por la Corte Suprema peruana y las diversas posturas doctrinales para finalmente emitir una postura propia, la cual se caracteriza por ser crítica y contraria a la interpretación presente en la jurisprudencia suprema peruana.
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Judiciary on Russian Constitutional System / La judicatura en el sistema constitucional rusoArkhipov, Vladislav, Bartenev, Dmitriy, Belov, Sergey, Kudryashova, Olga, Mushtakova, Diana, Vasil’ev, Ilya 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article is about new constitutional order in Russia emphasizing fundamental areas as the role of judiciary in the Russian Constitutional System from 1993 Constitution, the one which replaced the 1978 Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Constitution based on communist ideology. Therefore, it is intended to examine the principle of separation of powers, constitutionally recognized human rights and liberties, relationship between international bodies’ case law of human rights and the Russian Constitutional Court, among others issues. / El presente artículo se detiene a analizar el papel de la judicatura en el sistema constitucional ruso a partir de la Constitución de 1993, aquella que sustituyó a la Constitución de 1978 de la República Socialista Federativa de la Unión Soviética que estaba basada en la ideología comunista. Así, con la finalidad de dar cuenta del nuevo orden constitucional, enfatiza en importantes aristas como el principio de separación de poderes, los derechos humanos y libertades reconocidos constitucionalmente, la interrelación entre la jurisprudencia de los órganos internacionales de derechos humanos y la Corte Constitucional de Rusia, entre otros.
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Aplicação de penas na repressão a cartéis: uma análise da jurispudência do CADE / The imposition of penalties to cartels repression: an analysis of CADE case lawsFlávia Chiquito dos Santos 14 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação consiste em uma análise dos critérios utilizados pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) para aplicação de penas contra condutas de cartel clássico, sob o ponto de vista dissuasório da punição. Acessoriamente, também integra este trabalho um panorama institucional da política de repressão a cartéis, de modo que se possam vislumbrar os fatores que, direta ou indiretamente, afetam o formato e a efetividade da punição de cartéis. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise da jurisprudência, por meio de uma investigação retrospectiva de todos os processos administrativos em que houve condenação pelo CADE envolvendo condutas de cartel em geral. A análise jurisprudencial se limitou às penas de multa aplicadas às empresas incluídas no polo passivo do processo administrativo, bem como às obrigações de fazer e não fazer, previstas nos arts. 23, I, e 24 da Lei n. 8.884/1994; e nos arts. 37, I, e 38 da Lei n. 12.529/2011, respectivamente. Ademais, a análise da jurisprudência também investigou variáveis materiais, relacionadas à definição da conduta de cartel; procedimentais, envolvendo o tempo de análise despendido pela autoridade; e institucionais, relacionada à interface do CADE com as esferas civil e criminal. No primeiro capítulo, foi feita uma abordagem geral dos efeitos negativos produzidos pela prática de cartel ao mercado e sua necessidade de punição, traçou-se um panorama internacional em relação ao combate a cartéis e exibiu-se um histórico de repressão a cartéis no Brasil. No segundo capítulo, foram apresentadas as previsões das legislações antitruste brasileiras sobre penas às infrações da ordem econômica; paralelamente, estudaram-se regimes de penas de jurisdições internacionais e apresentaram-se as discussões da literatura especializada acerca do caráter dissuasório de punição de cartéis. No terceiro capítulo, foi analisada a prática decisória do CADE, fundamentada no arcabouço legislativo brasileiro, nas melhores práticas internacionais e na literatura especializada sobre o tema. Ao final, foi possível concluir que o CADE ainda precisa aperfeiçoar os critérios de formulação de penas, de modo que estes sejam baseados em um método sistemático, a fim de que a jurisprudência seja construída de modo consistente e coerente. Concluiu-se, também, que há algumas inconsistências procedimentais e materiais que podem afetar a política de combate a cartéis, seja no modo de enquadramento da tipicidade da conduta de cartel que pode afetar a eficiência da análise do ilícito, seja no tempo de investigação de condutas de cartel e da inter-relação do CADE com outras esferas jurídicas, i.e., civil e criminal. / This dissertation consists of an analysis of the criteria used by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (namely CADE), the Brazilian antitrust Agency, related to the imposition of penalties against hardcore cartels, under the standpoint of the deterrence of the punishment. In addition, an institutional prospect of the policy of fighting cartels composes this research in order to highlight the factors which, directly or indirectly, can affect the format and effectiveness of the punishment. Aiming that, an analysis of the case law was made through a retrospective investigation of all administrative proceedings in which there have been condemnations imposed by CADE, involving conducts of cartels. The analysis of the case law was limited to the fines applied to companies qualified as defendants in the administrative proceeding, as well as the behavioral obligations pursuant to article 23, section I and 24, of Law No. 8,884/1994 and article 37, section I and 38, of Law No. 12,529/2011. Moreover, the case law analysis investigated material variables related to the definition of cartel conduct; procedural variables related to the period taken by the antitrust authorities for analysis of cartel conducts; and institutional variables related to the intersection of CADE with both the civil and criminal spheres. In Chapter one, a general approach of the negative effects produced by the cartel practice to the market and its necessity of punishment was adopted; an international overview related to fighting cartels was delineated; and a historical presentation of cartels repression in Brazil was exposed. In Chapter two, the forecasts of penalties related to the infringements of the economic order in the Brazilian antitrust laws were introduced. In parallel, the regimes of fines of international jurisdictions and the discussions of the specialized literature related to the deterrence of cartel punishment were studied. In Chapter three, CADEs decision-making practice was analyzed, based on the Brazilian legislation framework, the best international practices and the specialized literature on this particular issue. In the final topic, it was possible to conclude that CADE still needs to improve its formulation of penalties criteria, so that they become supported by a systematic method, providing a consistent and coherent building of the case law. The conclusion also indicates that currently there are some procedural and material inconsistencies which may affect the policy of fighting cartels, namely framing the definition of the cartel conduct, likely to affect the analysis efficiency of the illicit, along with the investigation of the cartel conduct and the interrelation of CADE with both the civil and criminal spheres.
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Técnicas de agregação de demandas repetitivas: uma análise comparativa da experiência norte-americana em busca da eficiência processual / Aggregation techniques for repetitive litigation: a compared analisys with the American law in the search of procedural efficiencyFernanda Mercier Querido Farina 27 May 2014 (has links)
Essa pesquisa se destina a discutir a crise de eficiência por qual passa o Poder Judiciário brasileiro, decorrente dos processos repetitivos, e as soluções processuais para buscar amenizá-la. Primeiramente far-se-á uma análise da situação atual dos tribunais nacionais, da carga de trabalho e dos efeitos da crise de eficiência na demora da prestação jurisdicional, bem como na sua influência maléfica nos direitos e garantias fundamentais ao acesso à justiça plena. Posteriormente, em busca de soluções, far-se-á uma análise comparada de instrumentos de agregação de demandas repetitivas dos Estados Unidos com os instrumentos correlatos do Brasil. Os institutos escolhidos para análise, diga-se, aqueles que se compreende serem os mais adequados no intento de solucionar as demandas repetitivas, subdividem-se em dois grupos: aqueles destinados a resolver processos oriundos da mesma questão de fato a coletivização e aqueles destinados a resolver processos envolvendo exclusivamente a mesma questão de direito vinculação de precedentes. Dessa maneira, de um lado estudar-se-á a class action, de modo a extrair dela os instrumentos necessários a fim de conferir aos institutos brasileiros de coletivização, particularmente à ação civil pública para tutela de direitos individuais homogêneos, maior eficiência para solução de conflitos repetitivos. Objetivando-se, sempre, imprimir eficácia, segurança jurídica e celeridade ao processo. De outro lado analisar-se-á o stare decisis, fazendo-se um paralelo com a jurisprudência vinculante e a experiência brasileira no manuseio da jurisprudência súmula vinculante, súmula persuasiva etc. A conclusão buscará encontrar na experiência dos institutos de agregação norteamericanos ensinamentos que possam contribuir de forma positiva com os institutos brasileiros de modo a conferir eficiência no manuseio das causas repetitivos, reduzindo, assim, o congestionamento do Poder Judiciário. / This research aims to discuss the efficiency crisis that affects the Judiciary Power in Brazil due to repetitive litigation and the procedural solutions thought to solve it. First of all, it will be analyzed the actual situation of Brazilian Courts: workloads delay in the jurisdictional answer, as well as the direct consequences of delay on the due process and right to one day in court. Secondly, in search of solutions, this research will do a compared analysis of the aggregation techniques for solving repetitive litigation in the United States and in Brazil. The techniques chosen for study, those that are thought to be the best ones in the aim of bringing efficiency to civil procedure, are subdivided into two groups: the ones destined to solving procedures born from the same transaction or occurrence preclusion mechanisms and secondly, the ones destined to solving procedures uniquely discussing the same question of law stare decisis. Therefore, the study shall be divided into three chapters: one for problematic, one for studding the class action and one for stare decisis. The class action will be compared with the Brazilian technique for solving mass tort cases (ação civil pública para tutela de interesses individuais homogêneos), suggesting modifications and improvements in the Brazilian legislation starting by the American class action study. Finally, stare decisis will be compared with the Brazilian experience with dealing with jurisprudence and mandatory case law. All of it in the aim of finding the best technique for solving repetitive litigation and improving the Brazilian procedural system, with efficiency and fairness
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Súmulas e orientações jurisprudenciais do tribunal superior do trabalho: procedimentos para elaboração e controle de validade em face de sua tendência vinculante / Jurisprudential precedents and guidelines of the Superior Labor Court: procedures for the preparation and control of validity under his tendency binding.Letícia Prebianca 20 May 2013 (has links)
As súmulas e orientações jurisprudenciais no âmbito do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho foi o tema escolhido para o presente trabalho e objetiva evidenciar o procedimento de criação e edição e validade destes institutos do ordenamento pátrio, diante do sistema jurídico adotado e das tendências atuais em torná-los como de cumprimento obrigatório. Para o enfrentamento das múltiplas questões que permeiam este assunto, e com o suporte metodológico da técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, realizou-se estudo da natureza jurídica da atividade jurisdicional, dos sistemas adotados e das tendências constatadas. Também faz parte desse esforço uma análise dos argumentos favoráveis e contrários ao sistema pautado em súmulas tendencialmente vinculantes. Como forma de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria geral acerca da validade dos verbetes expedidos pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, buscou-se, no sistema jurídico do common law, técnicas e pressupostos que possam ser aproveitados no civil law. O estudo desenvolvido possibilitou verificar a inevitabilidade de vinculação dos precedentes e, ao mesmo tempo, permitiu buscar dentro do próprio ordenamento jurídico vigente as bases para controle e validação desta vinculação, além de, com base no direito comparado, propor técnica de análise de validade de conteúdo dos precedentes com tendências vinculantes. / The summaries (abridgements precedents overviews) and jurisprudential (case law) guidelines within the Superior Labor Court was the theme for this study and aims to highlight the procedure of creation and editing of these institutes and validity of the vernacular ordering before the legal system adopted and current trends in make them questions that permeate this issue, and with the methodological support of technical literature search, a study was conducted on the legal nature of judicial activity, the systems adopted and observed tendencies. Also as part of this effort, there is an analysis of the arguments for and against the system in tendentiously binding summaries. In order to contribute (as a way of contribution) to the development of a theory about the validity of the entries sent by the Superior Labor Court we sought in the legal systems of the common-law, assumptions and techniques that can be used in civil-law. The study made it possible to verify the inevitability of binding of precedents and at the same time allowed seek within the own present legal ordering, bases for control and validation of this attachment, and based on comparative law, to propose a technique of analysis of contents validity of precedents with binding tendencies.
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Fúze z pohledu daňového práva / Mergers as seen by tax lawKorcová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the tax aspects of mergers. It is divided into three chapters. The first describes general characteristics of mergers such as the reasons for undertaking mergers, a classification of various types of mergers, and a description of the merger progress. The next chapter analyzes Czech and EU legislation. The last chapter contains a detailed analysis of the tax aspects of mergers, especially in terms of income tax.
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Svoboda usazování obchodních společností v evropském právu / Freedom of Establishment of Companies in European LawHorák, Milan January 2012 (has links)
States have traditionally dealt with foreign companies on their territory within their private international law. The arrival of European law and enactment of freedom of establishment though considerably constrained capabilities of member states, whereas companies gained the right of establishment. The aim of this thesis is characterization and specification of the relationship between the freedom of establishment, member states and companies incorporated under laws of member states. The main focus of this thesis is analysis of ten most important cases by the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the freedom of establishment of companies, which significantly transformed mentioned relationship. Subsequently the thesis summarizes the conclusions of analyzed cases by subject of evolution of primary and secondary freedom of establishment, standing of pseudoforeign companies, conformity with incorporation theory and real seat theory and lastly ways of statutory and/or real seat transfer. The main contribution of the thesis is the very detailed case law analysis, including the newest case Vale from July 12th 2012, and also the case law classification by object.
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Judikatura chybějící daně v podvodu na DPH / Case-law for Missing VAT in Carousel FraudsProcházka, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The Master‘s thesis deals with the issue of missing VAT in carousel frauds in case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic. Partial issues are identification of missing VAT and subjects in fraudulant supply chain whose right to deduct input VAT can be denied along with question of sanctional or reparational character of denial of right to deduct input VAT. The thesis contains recommended procedure for tax payers to minimize risks related to deduction of VAT.
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The dual role of the principal as employee of the Department of Education and ex officio member of the school governing bodyModikwa, Phorwane Josias 24 June 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the dual role of the principal as an employee of the Department of Education and as an ex officio member of the governing body. The South African Schools Act distinguishes between professional management and school governance. This distinction may however give rise to conflict between the principal and the governing body, more especially if roles are not clearly explained, known and understood. For the purpose of this qualitative study, a multiple case study was considered to be the most appropriate research design strategy. Interviews, document analysis and observation were used to collect data. Chapter 1 gives a general view of the study while Chapter 2 focuses on the literature review. Chapter 3 deals with data collection and data analysis. Chapter 4 focuses on the synthesis of the findings and presents the recommendations of the study. The findings in Chapter 4 reveal that in many schools there is a power struggle between the principal, teacher and parent governors. It seems as if many of the problems experienced by principals and governors are due to the fact that they cannot distinguish between the concepts of professional management and school governance. Extensive training programmes for schools’ governors will be necessary to improve the quality of governance. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted
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Právo na příznivé životní prostředí v judikatuře českých soudů / The Right to a Favourable Environment in Case-law of the Czech CourtsKrejčíčková, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
The Right to a Favourable Environment in Case-law of the Czech Courts Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the right to a favourable environment as it is contained in the decisions of the Czech courts. The main objective was to provide a complete overview of the development of case-law in this area, with an emphasis on some related problems. Presented diploma thesis points out especially on the unclear conception of the holders of the substantive right to a favourable environment in contrast to the substantive rights belonging to participants in environmental protection proceedings and strives for illustrating the interpretative difficulties associated with this double-track which occurs actually in the Czech legal order. Apart from other things, this thesis aims to point out to the current question, which was submitted to the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, i.e. whether the amendment to the Act of the Czech National Council no. 114/1992 Coll. on Nature and Landscape Protection is consistent with constitutional principles on the protection of public interests and assumptions of international law, especially whether it complies with the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (hereinafter also referred to as...
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