Spelling suggestions: "subject:"catastrophe"" "subject:"katastrophe""
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"Living in truth" : moral and political intersections in Samuel Beckett, Tom Stoppard, and Václav HavelHarger, Jennifer Leigh 26 July 2011 (has links)
Often considered to be apolitical playwrights, Samuel Beckett and Tom Stoppard each dedicated dramatic works to dissident Czech playwright (and later President) Václav Havel in the late 1970s and early 1980s—during his imprisonment for his role in writing and distributing the dissident document Charter 77. These dramatic works, with a few others, collectively mark simultaneous, parallel shifts in Beckett’s and Stoppard’s careers toward uncharacteristically explicit political engagement. This report examines these works—Beckett’s Catastrophe and What Where, and Stoppard’s Every Good Boy Deserves Favor and Professional Foul—through the lens of Havel’s political philosophy, especially as expressed in his 1978 essay “The power of the powerless.” This report argues that Havel’s model of apolitical resistance to injustice, a model he calls “living in truth,” expresses humanist values that these playwrights had long affirmed in their art. Their shared moral vision, along with sympathy for Havel’s plight under a totalitarian regime that distorted language as a tool of oppression, was the catalyst for their new, direct involvement in political matters. The report establishes the historical context of the Soviet-dominated Communist regime in Czechoslovakia, along with relevant biographical and professional narratives for each figure. It then examines closely this selection of Beckett’s and Stoppard’s dramatic works and their shared thematic concerns, and demonstrates how they artistically embody and communicate Havel’s model of “living in truth.” / text
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Comment le phénomène du déplacement environnemental est-il perçu par les pays industrialisés ? Observations empiriques en Italie à partir des glissements de terrain à Sarno et à CerzetoGuadagno, Eleonora 20 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche interroge la perception du phénomène des déplacés environnementaux dans les pays industrialisés à partir de l'observation de deux catastrophes en Italie. L'analyse de la gestion environnementale et de la vulnérabilité dans le contexte italien, ainsi qu'une étude qualitative sur la couverture médiatique, les discours politiques et le vécu des déplacements environnementaux causés par deux coulées de boue à Sarno (en 1998) et à Cerzeto (en 2005), ont révélé les limites de l'usage de ce concept. De plus, cette recherche a montré que ces déplacements se produisent également dans des pays industrialisés, contrairement aux débats théoriques, aux discours politiques et aux représentations médiatiques actuels, qui se focalisent sur les contextes géographiques spécifiques des pays en développement. Les raisons expliquant les différences dans les discours sur ce même phénomène sont ici enquêtées, avec des instruments propres à la géographie et à la science politique. Les resultats de l'analyse révèlent un dessein politique qui vise à instrumentaliser le débat dans le but de renforcer le déséquilibre des pouvoirs politiques dans les pays industrialisés et entre ces derniers et les pays en développement.
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A l'ombre du géant aigre-doux. Vulnérabilités, capacités et réduction des risques en contexte multiethnique : le cas de a région du Mont Kanlaon (Philippines)Cadag, Jake Rom David 10 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les groupes ethniques minoritaires sont parmi les secteurs de la société qui sont menacés en permanence par des risques plus élevés de catastrophes. Le fondement d'un tel constat est les impacts négatifs disproportionnés de catastrophes passées. Il est de ce fait nécessaire d'intégrer tous les groupes ethniques en particuliers les minorités dans la réduction des risques de catastrophe (RRC). Pourtant, la communauté scientifique a peu étudié le rôle de l'ethnicité dans la vulnérabilité et la capacité des populations exposées à divers aléas. Ainsi les praticiens sur le terrain et les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG), ne possèdent pas de méthodes et d'outils appropriés pour intégrer les minorités ethniques dans la RRC. En plus, des exemples de méthodologies et de politiques visant à rendre cet objectif opérationnel et institutionnalisés sont également limités. Cette étude vise à répondre à ces lacunes, en prenant l'exemple des communautés multiethniques autour de Mont Kanlaon situé sur l'île de Negros aux Philippines. La zone d'étude se caractérise par une grande diversité ethnique composé d'au moins trois grands groupes ethniques (Ilonggos, Cebuanos et Bukidnons). Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que cette mosaïque constitue une dimension importante de la RRC puisque chaque groupe ethnique possède ses propres formes de vulnérabilité et de capacité face aux aléas volcaniques et d'autres origines. Ces minorités ethniques sont parmi les secteurs les plus vulnérables de la société philippine en raison de leur statut marginalisés. En outre, les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que chaque groupe ethnique possède des capacités issues en grande partie de ressources locales qui sont utiles aux fins de la RRC.
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Nach dem Hochwasser ist vor dem Hochwasser: Eine Analyse zur Rationalität politischer Entscheidungsprozesse / (Deutschland und Vietnam im späten 20. Jahrhundert) / Preparing for the next Flood: An Analysis on Rationality of Political Decision Making / (Germany and Vietnam in the late 20th Century)Kronenberg, Nicole 25 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The Ecological Economics of Resilience: Designing a Safe-Fail CivilizationStanley, Conrad B. J. January 2011 (has links)
There is mounting evidence that sustainable scale thresholds are now being exceeded worldwide and environmental resource shocks (e.g. climate change, water and oil shortages) may be inevitable in some regions of the world in the near future. These could result in severe economic breakdowns, welfare loss, and in the worst-case, the collapse of modern civilization. Therefore, a pre-eminent challenge of our times is to determine how to design a resilient (safe-fail) economy – one that can endure, adapt to and successfully recover from breakdowns when they occur. Surprisingly, while ecological economic theory relies heavily on natural science concepts such as thermodynamics, insufficient attention has been paid to the important ecological concept of resilience, particularly as it applies to economic design. The three major policy goals of current ecological economic theory (sustainable scale, just distribution and efficient allocation) focus instead on preventing environmental resource shocks and breakdowns, but given their unpredictability prevention may not always be possible.
How resilience can inform the blossoming field of ecological economics is thus explored in this theoretical, transdisciplinary paper. Drawing on literature as diverse as archaeology and disaster planning, it develops six key principles of economic resilience and applies them to analyze the resilience of key societal systems including our money, electricity, water, transportation, information/communication and emergency response systems. Overall, economic resilience appears to be a unique concern that is not readily subsumed under any of the three existing ecological economic policy pillars. In fact, efforts to build in resilience have the potential to both complement and at times contradict the other three goals, especially efficiency. The need to further study these possible tradeoffs provides strong justification for adding a fourth distinct policy pillar, namely “Resilient Design”, to core ecological economic theory. Indeed, ecological economist’s longstanding criticism of economic growth meshes readily with the Resilience Alliance’s own figure-8 adaptive cycle theory critiquing the resilience costs of growth, providing significant opportunities for the future collaboration of these two fields in broadening global system theory.
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Ripe for resolution? : How the recent earthquake impacted India-Pakistan relationsKarlsson, Per January 2006 (has links)
The traditional standing in the practice of negotiation which is main concerned with the substance of the proposal for a solution has been somewhat altered by Zartman who do acknowledge the importance of the first idea but adds the dimension of the timing of the efforts for a resolution. Throughout the schools of crisis management and conflict resolution this concept has made its name as the ‘ripeness theory’. The focal point of the theory is termed as the ‘Mutually Hurting Stalemate’ (MHS), a situation where the conflicting parties sense their positions in a hurting impasse. The concept of a ripe moment does not only centre on the parties’ perception of a MHS but is optimally associated with an impending, past or recently avoided catastrophe. Even though the catastrophe is not necessary to either the definition or the existence of a MHS it provides a deadline or a lesson that pain can be sharply increased in something is not done about it now. This in linked with the idea behind the concept that, when the parties find themselves locked into a conflict from which they cannot escalate to victory and this deadlock is painful to them (although not necessarily in equal degrees or for the same reasons), they seek a way out. A unique opportunity presented itself when a earthquake struck the areas between India and Pakistan the 8th of October 2005. Did the post-quake scenario present a new opportunity to collaborate on immediate relief activity and long-term build up? Could suspicion be buried with the wreckage? Could the disaster be a push to intensify the peace process? The aim of this study is to find out if the disaster has made the conflict ripe for resolution or more advanced mediation. The empirical chapters is going down two avenues including the political elites (and their actions) as well as the internal political process which in this study is made up by a) the militancy, and b) editorials from major Pakistani and Indian newspapers. The results of the study can be summed with that the earthquake has not made the conflict ripe for resolution (as in final resolution) but definitely made it ripe for more advanced mediation. This is based on the numerous important counter building measures carried out by the elites of India and Pakistan and the fact that the Kashmiri people were involved in the process. As for the internal political process the militancy did not show any will of collaborate or changing position in the conflict. The results of the newspaper’s editorials is not entirely positive either although both Pakistan and Indian newspapers had a rather positive outlook towards the increased Indo-Pak cooperation and the prospects for the future.
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Essays on risk management in the presence of ambiguity / Essai sur la gestion des risques en présence d'ambiguïtéLampach, Nicolas 09 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse vise à établir une gestion du risque technologique optimal pour assurer la réduction des dangers de nouveaux risques émergents, sans entraver le chemin de l'innovation. Les travaux de recherche apportent une contribution aux stratégies ex-ante et ex-post de la gestion des risques et fournissent des données théoriques et empiriques pour aborder la gestion des nouveaux risques émergents. La première partie de la thèse examine, du point de vue juridique et économique, l'efficacité de la règle de la responsabilité civile lorsque le décideur manque d'information sur la probabilité d'un événement. La deuxième partie de la thèse porte une attention particulière à la transition énergétique en France afin de se concentrer sur l'assurabilité de la performance énergétique dans le secteur du logement. Les résultats théoriques et expérimentaux de la première partie de la recherche attestent d'une forte validité empirique selon laquelle le droit de la responsabilité civile ne peut pas fournir des incitations optimales ex-ante en absence d'information sur la probabilité d'accident. Les régimes de la responsabilité illimitée et limitée conduisent à un surinvestissement dans la prévention par rapport aux nouveaux risques émergents. Les résultats empiriques de la deuxième partie de la thèse révèlent que 23,75% des ménages, qui ont participé au programme de rénovation "Je Rénove BBC", ne peuvent pas atteindre l'objectif d'énergie prévu, mais l'amplitude de l'écart de performance énergétique est relativement faible. Les résultats des travaux de recherche impliquent plusieurs recommandations politiques pour gérer les nouvelles technologies émergentes dans le futur. / The thesis aims to establish an optimal technological risk management to ensure hazard reduction of new emerging risks without impeding the innovation path. The research work contributes to ex-ante and ex-post risk management strategies and provides theoretical and empirical evidence to address the management of new emerging risks. The first part of the thesis examines, from the perspective of Law and Economics, the effectiveness of the tort liability rule for the situation where the decision maker is lacking information about the probability of an event to occur. The second part of the thesis pays particular attention to the environmental energy transition in France and focus on the insurability of the energy performance in the housing sector. The theoretical and experimental findings from the first part of the research convey strong validity that tort law cannot provide ex-ante optimal incentives when there is lacking information about the probability of accident. The regime of unlimited and limited liability leads to overinvestment in prevention in regard to new emerging risks. The empirical results of the second part of the thesis reveal that 23.75% of households participated in the weatherization program "Je Rénove BBC" do not achieve the required energy target but the severity of the energy performance gap is relatively low. The findings of the research work imply several policy recommendations to manage new emerging technologies in the future.
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Violence, traumatisme et bifurcation catastrophique : enjeux du lien dans l'enrôlement "volontaire" d'enfants soldats / Violence, trauma and catastrophic bifurcation : relationship issues in « volontary » recruitment of child-soldierOnguene Ndongo, Theodore 23 November 2015 (has links)
Dans la plupart des situations de guerre utilisant des enfants, tout au moins dans les configurations actuelles, c’est une partie du groupe-communauté lui-même qui porte la transgression. Il apparaît souvent dans ces guerres une dimension inavouable liée à la dynamique interne du groupe. Dans ces configurations il s’agit d’une organisation collective du massacre par une partie du groupe, sur la base de codes communs et partagés saisissable au travers de la théorie des catastrophes (Thom, 1961) comme des opérateurs de bifurcation. Comme si d’une part, la figure de l’intrus (Duez., 2003) qui peut se comprendre comme produit du travail de figuration, de mise en forme de l’objet perdait sa principale fonction structurante, et d’autre part, le sujet perdait toute possibilité de vivre intimement le groupe comme son espace psychique, comme la scène destinée à transférer immédiatement ses différents conflits et enjeux psychiques, re-convoquant les scénalités archaïques et invitant à définir de nouvelles formes à investir. Ceci vient complexifier tout travail de symbolisation. Dans ces contextes de transgressions, où l’enfant est au prise avec l’autre-semblable devenu nocif et porteur de la mort, l’émergence de la figure de l’enfant-soldat obéit à une dynamique dont la force (celle utilisée par le chef de guerre) n’est pas le seul paramètre. Cette figure est logée dans le groupe-combattant qui est une émanation méta-défensives du groupe-communauté. / In most current configurations of war front using children, we use to find a part of the community-group bearing itself the transgression. It often appears in these wars, a shameful dimension related to the internal dynamics of the group killing itself. By the fact, in these configurations, we have a collective massacre committed by part of Group, on the basis of common and shared social rules and anthropological codes. The catastrophe theory (Thom, 1961) is an opportunity to explain those phenomena using attractive and repulsive forces in individual an groupal catastrophic bifurcation. It seems, on one hand, the “alien intrusion” (Duez B. 2003) which can be considered as the result of the psychic figuration work out and shaping of the psychic object, loses its main structuring function. On the other hand, the individual lost any opportunity to intimately experience the group as a psychic area on which he can transfer his immediate psychic conflicts and issues. Then, archaic scenes take the rule and invite the individual to find new internal form to deal with for symbolisation process. In these transgressions contexts, where children have to deal with harmful adult bearer of death, the rising of Child Soldier phenomena obeys a dynamic in witch strength (used by lord of war) is the common but not the unique parameter to consider. Child Soldier emerge in the war group which is a meta-defensive organization of the community reacting to the state of war.
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Les représentations collectives de l’événement-catastrophe : étude sociologique sur les peurs contemporaines / Collective Representations of Disaster Events : a Sociological Study of Contemporary Fears / As representações coletivas do acontecimento-catástrofe : estudo sociológico sobre os medos contemporâneosVidal, Bertrand 07 December 2012 (has links)
Lorsque les désastres et les catastrophes apparaissent comme des traits marquants de l’existence sociale et collective, notre vision/conception du monde, tant esthétique que cognitive, se voit interpellée, voire prise à défaut. Le monde contemporain est traversé par une crise de nos certitudes de maîtrise de la nature et de la société, crise paradoxale puisqu’elle s’enracine dans nos immenses pouvoirs de transformation, ceux-là mêmes qui entretenaient nos espoirs de progrès et dont les conséquences imprévues nourrissent aujourd’hui nos appréhensions et nos peurs collectives. A travers un regard sociologique, cette recherche interroge le poids des imaginaires sociaux sur la production de l’événement-catastrophe, et, en retour, l’influence de cette dernière sur les opinions, les attitudes et les comportements de prévention du danger et les représentations sociales de la sécurité. Construit sur un corpus d’une dizaine de catastrophe (de la tempête de décembre 1999 en Europe de l’Ouest à la catastrophe de Fukushima en 2011), et soutenu par un travail de terrain (presse, littérature, cinéma, jeux-vidéo mais aussi groupes de préparation aux désastres), ce travail fait apparaitre l’efficience de l’archétypologie durandienne et dévoile de la réactivation d’anciens mythes et l’apparition de nouveaux récits dans le complexe sociétal, introduisant alors une idée neuve en Occident : notre époque est fascinée par sa puissance mais aussi terrifiée par un avenir dans lequel elle ne sait plus lire que des promesses de déclin. / When disasters and catastrophes are prominent features of social and collective life, our aesthetic and cognitive vision or conception of the world is challenged or even overwhelmed. The contemporary world is experiencing a crisis that has shaken our certainties about nature and society’s control. This crisis is paradoxical, because it is rooted in our immense powers of transformation; the very same powers that sustain our hopes of progress. The unexpected consequences of these powers now feed our collective anxieties and fears. This research takes a sociological perspective to assess the influence of the social imaginary on the production of disaster events, and, in turn, the impact of the production of disaster events on the opinions, attitudes and risk-prevention behaviors and social representations of security. Based on a corpus of ten catastrophes (the December 1999 storm in Western Europe to the Fukushima disaster in 2011), and supported by field work (press, literature, cinema, video games and also disaster preparedness groups), this work reveals the effectiveness of the Durandian archetype and reveals reactivation of ancient myths and the emergence of new tales in the social complex, while introducing a new idea in the Occident: our age is fascinated by its power, but also terrified of a future in which it can see only promises of decline. / Quando os desastres e as catástrofes surgem como traços marcantes da existência social e coletiva, é a nossa visão/concepção do mundo, tanto estética como cognitiva, que é interrogada, e mesmo posta em xeque. O mundo contemporâneo é atravessado pela crise das nossas certezas de dominação da natureza e da sociedade, uma crise paradoxal, dado que se enraíza nos nossos imensos poderes de transformação. Esses poderes alimentavam as nossas esperanças de progresso. Mas as suas inesperadas consequências estimulam hoje as nossas angústias e os nossos medos coletivos. Através de um olhar sociológico, esta pesquisaquestiona a força dos imaginários sociais na produção do evento-catástrofe e, em sentido contrário, a influência que o evento-catástrofe tem nas opiniões, atitudes e comportamentos de prevenção do perigo e nas representações sociais da segurança. Construído sobre um corpus de uma dezena de catástrofes (da tempestade de Dezembro de 1999 na Europa Ocidental até à catástrofe de Fukushima, em 2011), e apoiado numa pesquisa de campo (imprensa, literatura, filmes, videojogos, como também grupos de preparação para os desastres), este trabalho torna manifesta a eficiência da arque-tipologia durandiana e revela a reativação de mitos antigos, assim como o surgimento de novas narrações no complexo societal. Uma nova ideia irrompe no Ocidente: a nossa época está fascinada pelo seu poder, mas também se encontra aterrorizada por um futuro em que apenas consegue ler promessas de declínio.
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Modeling of natural catastrophes / Modelování přírodních katastrofZuzák, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
This thesis introduces various approaches to natural catastrophe risk assessment in (re)insurance environment. Most emphasis and further elaboration is put on probabilistic models in comparison to the standard model as proposed by Solvency II. The outcomes of natural catastrophe modeling play an important role in the design of proper actuarial models related to catastrophe risk. More specifically it is shown that they can be entirely understood in a wider actuarial context, namely risk theory. Within the Solvency II framework, probabilistic model outcomes are translated by means of the proposed decomposition methodology putting them into a similar language of the standard formula in order to create the ability to compare different results implied by either probabilistic model or standard formula. This enables both comparison of the implied dependence structure of probabilistic model to standardized correlations assumed in Solvency II, and scenario year loss factors of Solvency II to implied damage factors of probabilistic models in defined cresta zones. The introduced decomposition methodology is illustrated by flood and windstorm model outcomes calculated on exposure data of Czech insurance companies and compared to the respective standard formula parameters and outcomes. Finally, other applications of the proposed decomposition methodology are introduced, such as measurement of diversification effect or blending of different results calculated by different models or even approaches to natural catastrophe risk assessment.
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