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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Speculation on the Trajectory of Human Kind

Kline, Amanda Le 07 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Visualiseringsmediernas betydelse vid försäljning av

During, Jennifer, Fällås, Helena January 2007 (has links)
SammanfattningTitelVisualiseringsmediernas betydelse vid försäljning av nyproducerade bostäder – En studie av modeller i Virtual Reality och fullskala.Författare Jennifer During Helena FällåsSyfteDenna uppsats syftar till att utreda om modeller i Virtual Reality och fullskala kompletterar befintliga visualiseringsmedier i försäljningen av nyproducerade bostäder, genom att dessa stödtjänster skapar ökad förståelse för bostadens utformning och därmed ökar nyttan för kunden. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att utreda hur projektsäljare och privatpersoner ställer sig till användandet av denna typ av modeller samt om kvaliteten på företagets tjänster därmed kan anses öka. MetodUppsatsen är framarbetad både med en kvalitativ och med en kvantitativ metod. Genom att göra djupintervjuer med projektsäljare på Peab Region Bostad samt med sakkunniga personer inom områdena för Virtual Reality och modeller i fullskala, har intervjupersonernas kunskaper och inställningar kunnat inhämtas. Den kvantitativa ansatsen har bestått av en enkätundersökning med avsikt att åskådliggöra vilken förståelse personer får för en bostad genom att titta på olika visualiseringsmedier. Slutsats Både modeller i Virtual Reality och fullskala ger ökad förståelse för bostadens utformning i jämförelse med ritningar. Den optimala förståelsen för bostadens utformning ges av en mix av visualiseringsmedier. Projektsäljarna och privatpersoner är överens om att modeller i Virtual Reality och fullskala skulle kunna utgöra komplement till befintliga marknadsföringsmedier, då de ger en ökad förståelse för bostadens utformning. Modeller i fullskala ger det bästa helhetsintrycket av bostadens utformning. Virtual Reality får dock anses utgöra framtidens visualiseringsmedium vad gäller att påvisa utformningen av nyproduktion. Att som företag vara tidig med att introducera en stödtjänst som ger nytta för kunden anses bidra till företagets tjänstekvalitet och ökade konkurrenskraft. Idag är det få byggföretag som kontinuerligt använder sig av modeller i Virtual Reality och fullskala i försäljningsprocessen av nyproduktion. Dock börjar aktiviteter som innefattar visualiseringsteknik att användas inom byggbranschen i marknadsföringssyfte. Detta är en tydlig indikation på att tekniken har stor potential att på allvar få genomslag i byggbranschen. / AbstractTitle The meaning of visualization methods to illustrate future house building –A study of models in Virtual Reality and full-scale.Authors Jennifer During Helena FällåsPurpose The aim of the thesis is to examine whether models in Virtual Reality and full-scale work as complement to other visualization methods, that are used today, by giving customers a better understanding of the design and interior of the future house or flat. The purpose of the essay is also to investigate the attitude towards using models in Virtual Reality and full-scale by private persons and sellers at a construction company. MethodThe methods that have been used in this thesis are both of a qualitative and quantitative character. The persons that have been interviewed are either sellers of houses and flats in a construction company or persons that have got great knowledge within the area of Virtual Reality and models in full-scale. The essay is also based on a survey in form of a questionnaire. The purpose of using this method was to get statistic data over the understanding of the design and interior of a house or flat, when using different visualization models. In addition to this the survey also compares how people understand these models comparing to the more traditional ones. Conclusion Models in both Virtual Reality and full-scale gives the user a better understanding of how the future house or flat is going to look like comparing to a drawing. The best result is given by a mix of various visualization methods, as most of them are illustrating different qualities better than others. Sellers at a construction company as well as private persons have got a positive attitude towards using models in Virtual reality and full-scale as complement to visualization methods that are being used today. The best over all impression is given by using models in full-scale. Models in Virtual Reality, however, are considered to be the future visualization method. To get an advantage over rival companies it is important to introduce new technology in an early stage. The possible benefits of this action could be that a construction company could increase the quality of the service it provides, as a result of the better understanding the costumers get of the future house or flat. Only a few companies within the property business are using models in Virtual Reality and full-scale on a regular basis in their selling process today. As models in Virtual Reality are starting to get more common, this shows its potential to become the obvious visualization method in the future.

L’analyse de la faisabilité et la sécurité de l’approche chirurgicale trans-péricardique vers l’atrium droit à travers le diaphragme par la cavité abdominale : une étude cadavérique

Zhernovoi, Ihor 04 1900 (has links)
Malgré des progrès significatifs dans le diagnostic précoce, on constate ces dernières années une nette tendance à l'augmentation du nombre de patients atteints de carcinome à cellules rénales (CCR) présentant une complication spécifique sous la forme d'un thrombus tumoral (TT) s'étendant le long de la lumière de la veine cave inférieure (VCI) au-dessus du niveau du diaphragme, jusqu'à l'atrium droit. Le seul traitement efficace du CCR avec TT reste la chirurgie. La chirurgie conventionnelle comprend la néphrectomie radicale avec thrombectomie, nécessitant des techniques de pontage cardio-pulmonaire et l'arrêt de la circulation sanguine, ce qui implique toujours des complications graves. Pour les éviter, diverses options d'accès chirurgical à la partie supradiaphragmatique de la VCI et à l'atrium droit ont été proposées exclusivement par le côté abdominal, en utilisant diverses options de diaphragmotomie et de péricardotomie avec isolement de la VCI dans la cavité péricardique. L'un des points les plus importants dans le traitement chirurgical du CCR avec TT supradiaphragmatique, est le contrôle de l'extrémité distale du TT. Cette étape dépend largement de l'accès choisi. Dans ce travail, afin d'optimiser les techniques chirurgicales pour les patients atteints de TT supradiaphragmatique, nous avons comparé la faisabilité et la sécurité des différents accès chirurgicaux transdiaphragmatiques. Nous avons également proposé un accès transdiaphragmatique transpéricardique combiné comprenant des diaphragmotomies en forme de T et circulaires, combinées à des péricardotomies longitudinales et circulaires. Nous avons utilisé quatre corps préservés avec la méthode Thiel pour réaliser les simulations chirurgicales. La néphrectomie radicale avec thrombectomie a été réalisée par deux experts de manière indépendante. Quatre approches chirurgicales de la VCI supradiaphragmatique ont été réalisées consécutivement. Nous avons utilisé des simulateurs de TT de différents diamètres et densités pour étudier la palpation de l'apex du TT et son déplacement. La faisabilité et la sécurité de chaque accès et de chaque procédure chirurgicale ont été évaluées à l'aide du test du Chi carré, avec correction des comparaisons multiples (Bonferroni). Notre travail a confirmé la faisabilité et la sécurité des approches transdiaphragmatiques. Les accès transpéricardiques sont préférables dans les cas où les TT sont plus élevés. Ils constituent une alternative adéquate à la chirurgie conventionnelle en cas de TT flottant supradiaphragmatique, jusqu’à l’atrium droit. / Despite significant progress in early diagnosis, there has been a clear trend in recent years towards an increasing number of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients with a specific complication in the form of a tumor thrombus (TT) extending along the lumen of the inferior vena cava (IVC) above the level of the diaphragm into the right atrium. The only effective treatment for RCC with TT remains surgery. Conventional surgery includes radical nephrectomy with thrombectomy, requiring cardiopulmonary bypass techniques and cessation of blood flow, which always involves serious complications. To avoid them, various options for surgical access to the supradiaphragmatic part of the IVC and the right atrium have been proposed exclusively from the abdominal side, using various options of diaphragmotomy and pericardotomy with isolation of the IVC in the pericardial cavity. One of the most important issues in the surgical treatment of RCC with supradiaphragmatic TT is the control of the distal end of the TT. This step depends largely on the access chosen. In this work, to optimize surgical techniques for patients with supradiaphragmatic TT, we compared the feasibility and safety of different transdiaphragmatic surgical accesses. We also proposed a combined transdiaphragmatic transpericardial access including T-shaped and circular diaphragmotomies combined with longitudinal and circular pericardotomies. We used four bodies preserved with the Thiel method to perform the surgical simulations. Radical nephrectomy with thrombectomy was performed by two experts independently. Four supradiaphragmatic ICV surgical approaches were performed consecutively. We used TT simulators of different diameters and densities to study palpation of the TT apex and its displacement. The feasibility and safety of each access and surgical procedure were evaluated using the Chi-square test with correction for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni). Our work confirmed the feasibility and safety of transdiaphragmatic approaches. Transpericardial accesses are preferable in cases with higher TT. They are an adequate alternative to conventional surgery in cases of supradiaphragmatic floating TT, up to the right atrium.

Immersive Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction for Volume Data Analysis

Laha, Bireswar 04 September 2014 (has links)
This dissertation provides empirical evidence for the effects of the fidelity of VR system components, and novel 3D interaction techniques for analyzing volume datasets. It provides domain-independent results based on an abstract task taxonomy for visual analysis of scientific datasets. Scientific data generated through various modalities e.g. computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc. are in 3D spatial or volumetric format. Scientists from various domains e.g., geophysics, medical biology, etc. use visualizations to analyze data. This dissertation seeks to improve effectiveness of scientific visualizations. Traditional volume data analysis is performed on desktop computers with mouse and keyboard interfaces. Previous research and anecdotal experiences indicate improvements in volume data analysis in systems with very high fidelity of display and interaction (e.g., CAVE) over desktop environments. However, prior results are not generalizable beyond specific hardware platforms, or specific scientific domains and do not look into the effectiveness of 3D interaction techniques. We ran three controlled experiments to study the effects of a few components of VR system fidelity (field of regard, stereo and head tracking) on volume data analysis. We used volume data from paleontology, medical biology and biomechanics. Our results indicate that different components of system fidelity have different effects on the analysis of volume visualizations. One of our experiments provides evidence for validating the concept of Mixed Reality (MR) simulation. Our approach of controlled experimentation with MR simulation provides a methodology to generalize the effects of immersive virtual reality (VR) beyond individual systems. To generalize our (and other researchers') findings across disparate domains, we developed and evaluated a taxonomy of visual analysis tasks with volume visualizations. We report our empirical results tied to this taxonomy. We developed the Volume Cracker (VC) technique for improving the effectiveness of volume visualizations. This is a free-hand gesture-based novel 3D interaction (3DI) technique. We describe the design decisions in the development of the Volume Cracker (with a list of usability criteria), and provide the results from an evaluation study. Based on the results, we further demonstrate the design of a bare-hand version of the VC with the Leap Motion controller device. Our evaluations of the VC show the benefits of using 3DI over standard 2DI techniques. This body of work provides the building blocks for a three-way many-many-many mapping between the sets of VR system fidelity components, interaction techniques and visual analysis tasks with volume visualizations. Such a comprehensive mapping can inform the design of next-generation VR systems to improve the effectiveness of scientific data analysis. / Ph. D.

Late Quaternary Plant Zonation and Climate in Southeastern Utah

Betancourt, Julio L. January 1983 (has links)
Plant macrofossils from packrat middens in two southeastern Utah caves outline development of modern plant zonation from the late Wisconsin. Allen Canyon Cave (2195 m) and Fishmouth Cave (1585 m) are located along a continuous gradient of outcropping Navajo Sandstone that extends from the Abajo Mountains south to the San Juan River. By holding the site constant, changes in the floral composition for a plot of less than one hectare can be observed, even if sporadically, over tens of millennia. At Allen Canyon Cave, engelmann spruce-alpine fir forest was replaced by the present vegetation consisting of pinyon-juniper woodland on exposed ridgetops and cliffside stands of Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, and aspen. Xerophytic woodland plants such as pinyon, Plains prickly pear, and narrowleaf yucca arrived sometime in the middle Holocene between 7200 and 3400 B.P. At Fishmouth Cave, Utah juniper in Holocene middens replaced blue spruce, limber pine, Douglas fir, and dwarf and Rocky Mountain junipers in late Wisconsin samples. Disharmonious associations for the late Wisconsin occur only at the lower site with the xerophytes Mormon tea, Plains prickly pear, and narrowleaf yucca growing alongside subalpine conifers. One possible explanation involves the late Wisconsin absence of ponderosa and pinyon pines from the Colorado Plateaus. Released from competition at their lower limits, subalpine conifers were able to expand into lower elevations and mix with xerophytic plants found today in understories of pinyon-juniper and ponderosa pine woodlands. Quantitative climatic estimates are derived for the late Wisconsin by applying vertical lapse rates for temperature and precipitation to the amount of vegetation depression. The Fishmouth Cave sequence indicates a minimum lowering of 850 m for blue spruce, limber pine, and dwarf juniper. A depression of at least 700 m for engelmann spruce and alpine fir is suggested for the Allen Canyon locality. Use of conservatively low lapse rates for stations below 2080 m yields a 3-4°C cooling from present mean annual temperature and 35 to 60 percent more rainfall than today. Steeper lapse rates associated with more mountainous terrain suggest a 5°C lowering in temperature and up to 120 percent increase over modern precipitation.

Stable isotope investigations on speleothems from different cave systems in Germany. / Stabile Isotopen-Untersuchungen an Speläothemen aus verschiedenen Höhlensystemen in Deutschland.

Nordhoff, Peter 13 June 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Naar analogie van schaduwen aan de wand : een wijsgerige interpretatie van 'de schaduw als kunstwerk' aan de hand van Plato's grotvergelijking

Hoedekie, Nelson G. U. (Nelson Gustaaf Urbain) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, 'shadow' is investigated as an object of thought and (analogically connected to this) of perception. This dialectical process is structured through means of a series of experiments and Plato's allegory of the cave, which is interpreted as a process directed towards selfconciousness. This process is further explained through thinkers such as, Blumenberg, Heidegger, Levinas en Voegelin. The purpose of this study is to break with the self-evident way in which 'shadow' is 'normally' treated and to bring back about a sense of astonishment for it. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die 'skaduwee' as waarnemingsobjek en (analogies verwant daaraan) as denkobjek ondersoek. Hierdie dialektiese proses word gestruktureerd met behulp van 'n aantal eksperimente en Plato se grotgelykenis, wat geinterpreteer word as programmaties van die proses van selfbewuswording. Hierdie proses word verder toegelig aan die hand van denkers soos Blumenberg, Heidegger, Levinas en Voegelin. Die doel van die ondersoek is om die vanselfsprekendheid waarmee daar met die fenomeen van die skaduwee omgegaan word te deurbreek en weer verwondering daarvoor op te roep. / NEDERLANDSTALIGE SAMENVATTING: In deze thesis wordt de 'schaduw' als waarnemingsobject en (analogisch verwant daaraan) als denkobject onderzocht. Dit dialectische proces wordt gestructureerd met behulp van een aantal experimenten en Plato's grotvergelijking, die geïnterpreteerd worden als een proces gericht op zeltbewustwording. Dit proces wordt verder toegelicht aan de hand van denkers zoals, Blumenberg, Heidegger, Levinas en Voegelin. Het doel van het onderzoek is om de vanzelfsprekendheid waarmee met het fenomeen van de 'schaduw' omgegaan wordt, te doorbreken en er opnieuw verwondering voor op te roepen.


陳宛萱, Chen, Wan-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
《理想國》第六、七卷的主題,尤其是整個第六卷,通常被視為是一個知識論的討論,其中最主要的兩個談論即是線段譬喻與洞穴譬喻,因此如何正確地分別解讀兩者,並將兩者放在一個整全的框架下來理解,即是理解柏拉圖《理想國》知識論最重要的課題。通過本文的討論我們似乎可以看到,柏拉圖把知識與存有與真理連結在一起,並且存有與真理即是相互說明的概念,因此真理即是透過認識活動掌握那個對於存有者的存有之揭示(理念),因此認識能力即是瞭解存有,亦即「由靈魂的眼睛看」。而這個對於存有者的存有之認識活動要能夠獲得實踐,必須仰賴善的理念作為施力者,給予認識者去認識的能力、並將真理賦予給可認識者(理念),兩者在真理作為那個使得存有者的存有可以顯現的力量在認識活動中結合在一起,由此可認識者作為某個「真的」,而分有了真理。於此善的理念作為知識與真理的原因、並由此亦為所有者的存有的終極原因,但善的理念並非垂手可得,我們必須付出努力才可以獲致,獲致的方式是我們必須藉由辯證術與哲學的研究,逐步地自以肉體之眼所見的世界,上登到靈魂的眼睛所注視的純理性世界。 柏拉圖在這裡做了一個很仔細的關於知識要求的描述,以兩個不同的類比—線段和洞穴,去說明達致這個最高的原理原則的路徑,他先在線段譬喻中對知識種類與其對應的靈魂從屬狀態做區分與定義,然後在洞穴譬喻中,由人類在其本性上未受教育的最初狀態,和經過教育或啟發後不同的狀態,來解釋教育、或靈魂必須向上攀升的重要性。 經由對於兩個譬喻以及其他相關的概念之解析,我們將可以發現,柏拉圖在《理想國》中提出的真理觀,清楚地指出了存有者與其存有間有一個連結的關係,在真理作為解蔽性的意義中為心靈所掌握,於此對存有的揭示越多、則越真(越「沒有-遮蔽」),其遮蔽的程度越少;但另方面他又明確地排拒那些在存有者的領域中被他描述為「涉及感知與意見的」,並一再地指出上昇之旅除了「前往、趨近存有」外,亦在於排除感知的影響,在這個意義下,他特別強調數理知識的中介作用,並指出數理圖形與數字的抽象作用,可以幫助靈魂向存有趨近。但持平而論,柏拉圖仍為我們指引出一條通往存有的道路,並將《理想國》的知識論以一個完整的存有論的連結關係展現給我們(雖然不無理論上的困難),要求著我們將「真理」的本質與「存有」緊密結合起來,而哲學研究的目的與任務則明確地被定義為對存有的追問,以及將存有與真理之光帶回到「世界」中。 / The theme of the sixth and seventh Book of Plato’s "Republic", especially the whole sixth Book, is usually considered to be the discussion of the knowledge problem (or the epistemology) ; among them there are two main paragraphs about this issue, they are the divided-line simile and cave simile, so how to understand those two similes separately, and at the same time place them under one whole structure to interpret them correctly, namely is the most important task to understand the knowledge problem of Plato's " Republic ". Through the discussion of this thesis, we could see that Plato connected knowledge together with Being and Truth, and Being and Truth are the concepts which explain each other; so Truth is through knowing activity to grasp the revealing of the beings’ Being (Idea), to know is understanding Being, such as 'seeing by eyes of soul'. And to exercise this knowing activity of the beings’ Being, must be dependent on the Idea of Good as the empowerment, offer the power for the Knower to know, and offer Truth to the Knowable (idea) to be known, the two (the Knower and the Knowable) in Truth as the power that makes the beings’ Being shown connect together in the knowing activity, thus the Knowable been regarded as something ' true', and participated Truth. Hence the idea of Good as the cause of Knowledge and Truth, and also as the ultimate cause of the Being of the all beings, but to reach the Idea of Good is not a easy thing, we must endeavor really hard to obtain the Idea of Good. The way to obtain it is that we have to by means of the research of Dialectic and philosophy, ascend step by step from the world seen by bodily eyes, to the purely rational world seen by soul’s eyes. Plato made a very careful description of knowledge requirement here, with two different similes – divided Line and cave, to interpret the route led to this supreme principle. He first discriminates and defines the classification of knowledge and their corresponding subordinated soul states in the divided line simile, then in the cave simile, he brings up the primitive uneducated state of the human nature, and the different states after educated or enlightened, to explain the importance of education or the upward journey of soul. Via the analysis of two similes and other relevant concepts, we could discover, the Truth View which Plato puts forward in " Republic ", clearly states there is a relation linked between beings and Being, grasped by the mind in the Truth as the Unhiddenness; therefore the more revealing of Being, the truer (more ' un- hidden'), and the less its degree hidden is. But on the other hand he distinctly discards those which he described as ‘involved sensual perception and opinion’ in the field of beings, and constantly points out the upward journey not only about 'going to and close to the Being’, also about discarding the influence of sensual perception. Thus he especially emphasizes the intermediate position of mathematical knowledge, and point out that the abstract function of the mathematical figures and numbers could help soul come toward Being. But generally speaking, Plato still leads us to the road toward Being, and shows us the epistemology of "Republic" with one intact ontology interrelation (though there are still some difficulties in his theory), therefore forces us to integrate the essence of ‘Truth’ and ‘Being’ closely; in this way the purpose and task of philosophic study are clearly defined as the questioning of Being, and bringing the light of Being and Truth back to 'the World'.

Robert Penn Warren's Archetypal Triptych: A Study of the Myths of the Garden, the Journey, and Rebirth in The Cave, Wilderness, and Flood

Phillips, Billie Ray Sudberry, 1937- 12 1900 (has links)
Robert Penn Warren, historian, short story writer, teacher, critic, poet, and novelist, has received favorable attention from literary critics as well as the general reading public. This attention is merited, in part, by Warren's narrative skill and by his use of imagery. A study of his novels reveals that his narrative technique and his imagery are closely related to his interest in myth.

Ciudadanos del Atlántico : las redes de aprovisionamiento trasatlánticas de las pescas vascas en Canadá a través de su cerámica, siglos XVI-XVIII

Barreiro Argüelles, Saraí 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 1980, les archéologues ont remarqué l'originalité des collections de céramiques trouvées sur des sites occupés par les pêcheurs basques au cours du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle sur les côtes atlantiques du Canada. Le site de Red Bay (Labrador) a été le premier à fournir une riche collection de terre cuites communes, majoliques et grès, qui ont permis aux archéologues de reconnaître une tradition céramique distincte. Pendant plus de deux siècles, ces céramiques constituent un fil conducteur qui montre la permanence des activités commerciales basques au Canada. En utilisant une approche mutualiste et comparative de quatre sites de pêche basque (Red Bay (1530-1580), Anse-à-la-Cave (1580-1630), Petit-Mécatina (1630-1713), Pabos (1713- 1760)) et leurs ports d’attache dans l’Europe atlantique, nous observons comment à partir du milieu du XVIe siècle, l’ensemble des céramiques se transforme d'un endroit à l’autre sans perdre son air distinctif jusqu'au début du XVIIIe siècle quand les témoins des céramiques basques changent radicalement. Finalement, une perspective globale qui relie les deux côtes atlantiques par le biais de ces matériaux céramiques nous aide à mieux connaître les réseaux d'approvisionnement liés aux traversées de pêche et l’espace économique complexe qui s’articule aux routes maritimes et de l’intérieur. Ces deux éléments se veulent essentiels à la compréhension de l'expansion outremers, ses materiaux laissés et son rôle dans l'économie mondiale au début de l'époque moderne. / Since the 1980s, archaeologists have remarked the originality of the ceramic collections found on sites occupied by Basque fishermen during the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries on the Atlantic coasts of Canada. The site of Red Bay (Labrador) was the first to provide a rich collection of common coarse earthenware, stoneware and majolica that allowed archaeologists to recognise a distinctive pottery tradition. For over two centuries, these ceramics form a continuous thread of materials showing the permanence of Basque commercial activities in Canada. Using a mutualistic and comparative approach to four Basque fishing sites – Red Bay (1530-1580), Anse-à-la-Cave (1580-1630), Petit-Mécatina (1630-1713), Pabos (1713-1760) – and their outfitting ports in Atlantic Europe, we will observe how this mid-sixteenth century ceramic collection was transformed from one place to another without losing its distinctive nature until the early eighteenth century, when the Basque ceramic record changes radically. Finally, through a global perspective that links the two Atlantic shores by way of these ceramic materials, we discover the supply networks for the Basque fishery, and the complex economic space that articulated its maritime and continental routes, two elements that are key to understanding the European overseas expansion and its configuration within the world economy of the early modern era.

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