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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de la susceptibilité des cellules eucaryotes à l'injection de toxines par le système de sécrétion de type 3 de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Study of the susceptibility of host cells to toxin injection by the type 3 secretion system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Verove, Julien 20 December 2011 (has links)
La pathogénicité de P. aeruginosa (P. a) repose sur de nombreux facteurs de virulence dont le système de sécrétion de type III (SST3). Ce complexe multiprotéique est constitué d'une aiguille se terminant par un translocon composé des protéines PopB et PopD. En s'insérant dans les membranes plasmiques, le translocon permet le passage des exotoxines dans le cytoplasme de la cellule cible. L'induction de la synthèse et de la sécrétion des exotoxines est dépendante d'un contact entre P. a et la cellule cible. Dans ce travail, nous avons examiné l'influence de facteurs cellulaires sur l'efficacité de translocation des toxines. L'utilisation d'un système rapporteur fluorescent CCF2/β-lactamase a permis de visualiser l'injection de toxine. En parallèle, l'association des protéines du translocon avec la membrane de la cellule hôte a été évaluée par immunodétection de PopB/D après fractionnement des membranes sur gradient de sucrose. Les cellules promyelocytaires HL-60 et promonocytaires U937 sont résistantes à l'injection de toxine, bien que PopB et PopD soient associées à la membrane. Après différenciation en neutrophiles, or monocytes/macrophages, ces cellules deviennent sensibles à l'injection sans que l'on détecte de variation notable de la quantité de protéines du translocon insérées dans la membrane. Le traitement des cellules HL-60 sensibles avec un agent déplétant le cholestérol, entraine une diminution de l'injection de toxine. De plus, la protéine PopB est retrouvée dans la fraction membranaire, obtenue par purification sur gradient de sucrose, contenant le marqueur des radeaux lipidiques flotilline. Par une approche pharmacologique, nous apportons la preuve que, en plus de la composition de la membrane, des voies de signalisation intracellulaires impliquées dans la polymérisation de l'actine sont essentielles pour la formation d'un pore fonctionnel. / The pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.a) implies multiple virulence factors among which the type III secretion system (T3SS). This multiprotein complex is composed of a needle through which four exotoxins are exported. The protein PopB and PopD form an oligomeric structure (translocon) at the end of the needle that inserts into the host cell membrane and translocates the exotoxins into the cytoplasm. Synthesis and toxin secretion is induced on contact with eukaryotic cell. In this work, we examined the influence of host cell elements on exotoxin translocation efficiency. The delivery of T3SS toxins was investigated using a CCF2/β-lactamase fluorescent reporter system In parallel, the association of translocon proteins with host plasma membranes was evaluated by immunodetection of PopB/D following sucrose gradient fractionation of membranes. Promyelocytic HL-60 cells and promonocytic U937 cells were found to be resistant to toxin injection even though PopB/D associated with host cell plasma membranes. Differentiation of these cells to neutrophil- or macrophage-like cells resulted in an injection-sensitive phenotype without any significant change in the level of membrane-inserted translocon proteins. Treatment of sensitive HL-60 cells with a cholesterol-depleting agent, resulted in a diminished injection of toxin. Moreover, the PopB translocator was found in the membrane fraction obtained from sucrose-gradient purifications and containing lipid-raft marker flotillin. Through a pharmacological approach, we brought evidence that, in addition to membrane composition, some general signalling pathways involved in actin polymerization may be critical for the formation of a functional pore.

Cell signaling guides morphogenesis: roles for Eph-Ephrin signaling in sea urchin morphogenesis.

Krupke, Oliver A. 13 August 2015 (has links)
The role that signaling molecules play during morphogenesis and their interactions is a field of intense study and the sea urchin represents a facile system to study these aspects of development in the early embryo. In many instances, the S. purpuratus genome contains relatively simple receptor-ligand signaling systems compared to vertebrate counterparts and this provides interesting opportunities to study their diversity of function during the morphogenetic events that shape the embryo. The Eph-Ephrin signaling components are an excellent example of this and they are represented by dozens of members in the vertebrate system with developmental functions that include axon guidance, cell migration and tissue segregation. In contrast, the sea urchin genome contains a single Eph receptor and a single Ephrin ligand and by interacting with different effectors of signal transduction, this simple, bipartite system can fulfill a variety of functional roles during morphogenesis. Studying the function of Eph-Ephrin signaling in the sea urchin embryo, I have revealed two distinct morphogenetic movements in which Eph-Ephrin signaling is necessary; apical constriction of ciliary band cells and pigment cell migration. In both examples, a functionally relevant Ephrin gradient establishes spatial information in the developing tissues, producing a reaction from cells expressing the Eph receptor. In the case of pigment cells, the distribution of migrating cells is affected and in the case of ciliary band cells, apical constriction occurs. The different outcomes of Eph-Ephrin signaling in these two tissues exemplifies signaling components communicating spatial information and initiating morphogenetic programs with outcomes dependent on cellular context. Furthermore, I have identified downstream components of Eph-Ephrin signaling that have necessary functions in both models, illustrating how different cellular programs can be induced by the same signaling iii iv components. My research contributes to understanding fundamental aspects of how complex 3 dimensional tissues arise from the genes and regulatory elements encoded in metazoan genomes. / Graduate

Control of Adult Bone Marrow Erythroid Progenitor Cell Fate by Combinatorial Niche Factor Signals

Wang, Weijia 16 August 2013 (has links)
Stem and progenitor cell fate (self-renewal, proliferation, survival, differentiation) is tightly controlled by niche factors and the interplay of these factors is particularly important to comprehend for the development of stem cell therapies. During erythropoiesis, erythroid progenitors at the colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E) stage are responsive to both stem cell factor (SCF) and erythropoietin (EPO); however, the joint action of SCF and EPO in these cells and the underlying mechanisms remain to be defined. In this study, quantitative data on the activation of signaling pathways and gene expression profiles provided definitive evidence for two parallel but complementary mechanisms that resulted in enhanced generation of red blood cells from mouse bone marrow-derived CFU-E culture in the presence of SCF and EPO. First, SCF and EPO signaling intersected within the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway and the sustained ERK activation was required for the maximal changes in the expression levels of genes that are involved in the proliferation and survival of CFU-Es. Second, the apparent competition between SCF and EPO in regulating c-Kit expression was found to have a dramatic impact on the terminal differentiation of CFU-Es. The latter mechanism was, for the first time, reported in a primary cell system. In addition, a fetal liver-derived conditioned medium further enhanced the survival and proliferation of bone marrow CFU-Es in the presence of SCF and EPO by not only increasing the ERK signaling duration but also, the amplitude. The agents present in the conditioned media possess significant clinical potential to stimulate erythropoiesis both in vivo and in vitro. In conclusion, our study has provided novel insights into the mechanisms by which combinations of niche factors control the fate of erythroid progenitors at a unique transitional stage and highlighted the important role of the ERK signaling dynamics in adult erythropoiesis.

Control of Adult Bone Marrow Erythroid Progenitor Cell Fate by Combinatorial Niche Factor Signals

Wang, Weijia 16 August 2013 (has links)
Stem and progenitor cell fate (self-renewal, proliferation, survival, differentiation) is tightly controlled by niche factors and the interplay of these factors is particularly important to comprehend for the development of stem cell therapies. During erythropoiesis, erythroid progenitors at the colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E) stage are responsive to both stem cell factor (SCF) and erythropoietin (EPO); however, the joint action of SCF and EPO in these cells and the underlying mechanisms remain to be defined. In this study, quantitative data on the activation of signaling pathways and gene expression profiles provided definitive evidence for two parallel but complementary mechanisms that resulted in enhanced generation of red blood cells from mouse bone marrow-derived CFU-E culture in the presence of SCF and EPO. First, SCF and EPO signaling intersected within the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway and the sustained ERK activation was required for the maximal changes in the expression levels of genes that are involved in the proliferation and survival of CFU-Es. Second, the apparent competition between SCF and EPO in regulating c-Kit expression was found to have a dramatic impact on the terminal differentiation of CFU-Es. The latter mechanism was, for the first time, reported in a primary cell system. In addition, a fetal liver-derived conditioned medium further enhanced the survival and proliferation of bone marrow CFU-Es in the presence of SCF and EPO by not only increasing the ERK signaling duration but also, the amplitude. The agents present in the conditioned media possess significant clinical potential to stimulate erythropoiesis both in vivo and in vitro. In conclusion, our study has provided novel insights into the mechanisms by which combinations of niche factors control the fate of erythroid progenitors at a unique transitional stage and highlighted the important role of the ERK signaling dynamics in adult erythropoiesis.

Common and specific functions of paxillin and hic-5 in invadosome formation and activity / Fonctions communes et spécifiques des protéines paxilline et hic-5 dans la formation et l'activité des invadosomes

Petropoulos, Christos 31 January 2014 (has links)
L'invasion cellulaire est un processus basé sur la dynamique des invadosomes, qui sont desstructures acto-adhesives capables de dégrader localement la matrice extracellulaire. Lesinvadosomes sont composés d'un coeur riche en actine-F entouré par un assemblage desprotéines d'adhésion conduisant à la dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire par lerecrutement et la sécrétion des protéases. Les cellules MEF exprimantes la formeconstitutivement active de la kinase Src (SrcY527F) forment des invadosomes quis'organisent sous forme d'anneaux ou rosettes. Paxilline et hic-5 (une protéine homologue àla paxilline) ont des rôles spécifiques dans la morphologie cellulaire et la plasticité pendantl'invasion cellulaire. La structure de ces deux protéines se caractérise par la présence dedomaines LIM dans la partie C-terminale et de motifs LD dans la partie N-terminale. Cettesimilarité suggère que ces protéines peuvent avoir des fonctions redondantes. L'importance dela famille des protéines paxillines dans la formation des invadosomes a été examiné en tentantd'induire des invadosomes via l'expression de la forme constitutivement active de la kinaseSrc (SrcY527F) dans des cellules déplétées en paxilline et hic-5 (cellules pax-/- et déplétées enhic-5 par shRNA). La formation des invadosomes a été totalement bloquéequand l'expression de ces deux protéines a été diminuée de manière significativesimultanément indiquant leur redondance fonctionnelle. La ré-expression de nombreuxmutants de la paxilline dans ce contexte cellulaire a permis de montrer que les domaines LIMde paxilline n'étaient pas nécessaires pour la formation de l'anneau des invadosomes. Aucontraire, ces études de structure-fonctions ont permis de mettre en évidence le rôle essentieldes motifs LD3 et LD5 considérablement dans l'assemblage des rosettes. En outre, l'ordreprécis de chaque LD dans la molécule de paxilline est essentiel pour leur travail coopératifdans la régulation des invadosomes. Après avoir montré la redondance fonctionnelle entrepaxillin et hic-5, nous avons voulu déterminer leurs fonctions spécifiques. Pour cela,différents traitements siRNAs nous ont permis de diminuer spécifiquement l'expression depaxillin et/ou hic-5 dans des cellules formant des invadosomes. La déplétion rapide de lapaxilline a réduit la formation des rosettes alors que celle de hic-5 a affecté de manièreimportante la dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire. En effet, l'identification despartenaires spécifiques de paxilline et hic-5 à révélé que cette dernière interagissaitspécifiquement avec IQGAP1. Cette protéine est un facteur essentiel pour le recrutement del'exocyst, un complexe régulant la sécrétion locale de métalloprotéases dans lesinvadosomes. En conclusion, il apparaît que l'action complémentaire de la paxilline et hic-5 aun rôle essentiel dans la régulation des fonctions cellulaires assurées par les invadosomes. / Cellular invasion is based on invadosome dynamics where acto-adhesive machinery iscoupled with extracellular matrix proteolysis. Each invadosome unit is composed by a denseF-actin core surrounded by a ring of adhesion molecules that localizes intense ECMdegradation activity via the recruitment and secretion of lytic enzymes. Invadosomes in MEFstransformed with an activated form of the Src kinase (SrcY527F) auto-assemble into circularmeta-structures called rings or rosettes. Paxillin and the closely related family member hic-5(hydrogen peroxide inducible clone 5) have been recently identified as critical determinants ofcell morphology and plasticity during cell invasion with distinct signaling functions.However, the two proteins have a similar overall domain structure, including amino-terminalLD motifs and carboxyl-terminal LIM domains suggesting overlapping or redundantfunctions. We examined the importance of this class of proteins in invadosome formation, byexpressing SrcY527F in pax-/- cells depleted or not of hic-5. Only when the expression of bothproteins was significantly decreased, invadosome formation was blocked indicating theirfunctional redundancy. Importantly, LIM domain of paxillin was dispensable for ringformation whereas individual depletion of LD3 and LD5 motifs dramatically reducedinvadosome rosette assembly. Furthermore, the precise order of each LD in the paxillin'smolecule was necessary to allow their cooperativity during invadosome formation. Beyondtheir redundancy, their distinct roles in invadosomes were assessed via siRNA strategy aimingat the acute depletion of each molecule. Rapid depletion of paxillin reduced invadosome ringformation whereas hic-5 silencing dramatically affected extracellular matrix degradation. Hic-5 role in ECM degradation was enhanced by the fact that it was found to specifically interactwith IQGAP1, a CDC42- effector that is essential to recruit the exocyst complex ininvadosomes. In summary, the functional redundancy of paxillin and hic-5 suggests anextensive cross-talk between these two closely related proteins in the regulation ofinvadosome-based cellular functions.

Desenvolvimento de método de preparação de biomarcadores moleculares relacionados a N-acetilglicosaminas para estudos de sinalização celular / Development of preparation method of molecular biomarkers related N-acetylclucosamines for studies of cell signaling

Paulo Sergio Gonçalves Nunes 28 March 2014 (has links)
Os carboidratos apresentam-se envolvidos em diversos eventos celulares, tais como geração de energia, sustentação celular, reconhecimento celular, processos de sinalização, etc. A OGlcNAcilação, uma das alterações proteicas pós-traducionais relacionada à adição de Nacetilglicosamina a resíduos de serina ou treonina em proteínas citoplasmáticas ou nucleares, vem demonstrando ser uma das alterações recíproca a O-fosforilação de proteínas e pode estar envolvida no desencadeamento de patologias como câncer, diabetes tipo II, e doenças neurodegenerativas. Tendo em vista à relevância da O-GlcNAcilação e a necessidade de ferramentas para seu estudo, temos como objetivo, desenvolver uma rota sintética para a obtenção de moléculas modificadas derivadas de N-acetilglicosamina, contendo o átomo de flúor ligado ao grupo N-acetil. As moléculas correspondem aos derivados glicopiranosídeo de metila 1 e glicoaminoácidos de serina 2 e treonina 3. Uma vez padronizada, os intermediários finais da rota serão utilizados para futura marcação com o 18F, o qual poderá ser empregado em estudos do processo de sinalização celular por O-GlcNAcilação, e no diagnóstico de câncer por PET. Assim, foram propostas, inicialmente, duas rotas sintéticas, uma para a síntese do derivado glicopiranosídeo de metila 1 e outra para os glicoaminoácidos 2 e 3, ambas utilizando o reagente cloridrato de 2-amino-2-desoxi-D-glicose (4) como percursor. A síntese do derivado 1 foi conduzida por meio da proteção do grupo amino do composto 4 pela formação de carbamato 5, e sequencial reação de glicosilação de Fischer (6 e 7), per-Oacetilação 8 e remoção do grupo protetor do amino 9. As etapas sequenciais relacionadas à condensação com o ácido bromoacético 10, e finalmente halogenação e desproteção do carboidrato 11 estão em andamento. A rota sintética proposta para a obtenção dos glicoaminoácidos 2 e 3 foi fundamentada na obtenção de um doador glicosídico contendo o grupo tricloroacetimidato e as hidroxilas protegidas com grupos benzílicos 16, e na utilização do aceptor glicosídico serina 17 e treonina 18, contendo os grupos amino e carboxila protegidos com 9-fluorenilmetóxicarbonil (Fmoc) e benzil (Bn), respectivamente. Até o momento não foi possível a síntese dos glicoaminoácidos 2 e 3 empregando o doador glicosídico inicialmente proposto (tricloroacetimidato), e mesmo após a variação do doador glicosídico, empregando tioaçucares per-O-benzilado 28, ou per-O-acetilado 26, não foi possível a obtenção do produto desejado. As dificuldades observadas na obtenção dos compostos, conduziram a elaboração de novas estratégias sintéticas que possuem o átomo de cloro como grupo abandonador na posição anomérica e a) uma amida {[(4- metilfenil)sulfonil]oxi}acético (33) em C-2, a qual exerce assistência anquimérica em C-1, e permite a funcionalização com o flúor e b) um azido em C-2, preparado a partir de glicais per- O-acetilados, desprovido de participação em C-1. Ambas as rotas sintéticas estão em andamento. / Carbohydrates are involved in many cellular events, such as energy source, sustenance, recognition, signaling processes, etc. O- GlcNAcylation is a post- translational proteins\' alteration related to the addition of N-acetylglucosamine to residues of serine or threonine in cytoplasmic or nuclear protein which has proven to be one of the reciprocal changes to Ophosphorylation of proteins and may be involved in the onset of pathologies such as cancer, type II diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. Given the relevance of O- GlcNAcylation and the importance of tools required for the study of this event, we aim to develop a synthetic route to obtain modified molecules derived from N-acetylglucosamine containing fluorine atom attached to the N -acetyl group. The molecules correspond to methyl glucopyranoside derivatives 1 and gluco-amino acids derived from serine 2 and threonine 3. Once the synthetic route is established, the final intermediates of the route will be used for further labeling with 18F, which may be employed in studies of cell signaling processes, involving OGlcNAcylation, and cancer diagnosis by PET. Thus, two synthetic routes were initially proposed: one for the preparation of the methyl glucopyranoside derivative 1 and another one for the gluco-amino acids 2 and 3, both using glucosamine hydrochloride (4) as a precursor. The synthesis of derivative 1 was conducted by protecting the amine group of compound 4 to form the carbamate 5, and sequential Fischer glycosylation (6, 7), per-O-acetylation (8) and removal of the protecting group from the amine (9). The sequential steps related to condensation with bromoacetic acid (10), halogenation and deprotection of the carbohydrate 11 are in progress. The proposed synthetic route for the preparation of 2 and 3 was based on a glycosidic donor containing trichloroacetimidate group, the protection of the hydroxyl groups with benzyl group (16) and glycoside acceptors serine 17 and threonine 18 containing amine and carboxyl groups protected with 9- fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) and benzyl (Bn), respectively. Hitherto, the synthesis of gluco-amino acids 2 and 3 was not achieved using the glycosidic donor initially proposed (trichloroacetimidate), even after the change of the glycosidic donor using per-O-benzylated (28) or per-O-acetylated (26) thiosugars. The difficulties encountered for the synthesis of the target compounds led the design of new synthetic strategies which comprise a chlorine atom as leaving group in the anomeric position and either: a) an amide acetic acid (33) at C-2, which exerts anchimeric assistance at C-1, and allows functionalization with fluorine and b) an azide group at C- 2, prepared from per-O-acetylated glucal, with no participation at C-1. Both synthetic routes are in progress.

Caractérisation des réseaux d’interactions protéiques associés aux mutations oncogéniques principales retrouvées dans le cancer du poumon non à petites cellules / New insights and characterisation of the dynamic protein interaction landscape driven by oncogene mutations in non-small cell lung cancer

Beganton, Benoît 29 November 2017 (has links)
Le cancer du poumon est la première cause de mortalité liée au cancer en France et dans le monde. Il s’agit d’un cancer de mauvais pronostique, diagnostiqué généralement aux stades tardifs III ou IV et avec une survie à 5 ans faible, respectivement de 6 et 1%. Ce cancer comprend différents types histologiques, parmi lesquels les adénocarcinomes sont les plus fréquents et comptent pour 40% des diagnostics. L’analyse génétique par séquençage des tumeurs des patients en stade IV permet de mettre en évidence des mutations récurrentes, et généralement mutuellement exclusives, au niveau des gènes KRAS, EGFR, BRAF et ALK. L’identification de ces mutations permet dans le cadre de tests compagnons de décider de l’éligibilité du patient aux thérapies ciblées lorsqu’elles sont disponibles.Bien que ces thérapies ciblées représentent une véritable révolution dans la prise en charge des patients, une majorité de patients ne peuvent bénéficier de ces traitements car ils ne présentent pas au niveau tumoral de mutation activatrices actionnables (absence de mutation EGFR, BRAF et ALK, présence d’une mutation KRAS…). De plus, dans l’éventualité où ils peuvent être traités par une molécule orale, le bénéfice observé reste malheureusement de courte durée et tous finiront à terme par échapper au traitement, c’est le cas par exemple lors de mutations de l’EGFR.Ainsi, afin de mieux comprendre quels sont les mécanismes moléculaires associés aux phénomènes de résistances thérapeutiques observés en clinique, et dans l’objectif de proposer de nouvelles voies thérapeutiques pour les patients non éligibles aux thérapies ciblées, j’ai étudié, au niveau protéique, l’impact des mutations sur les réseaux d’interactions protéiques en utilisant la technique du BioID (proximity-dependent biotinylation identification). Plus particulièrement, je me suis intéressé aux mutations activatrices de l’EGFR, KRAS, BRAF et ALK. Les protéines de la famille RAS (HRAS, NRAS, KRAS) étant mutées dans plus de 30% des cancers, je me suis également intéressé aux réseaux d’interactions protéiques portés par ces trois isoformes afin de mettre en évidence des interactions protéiques spécifiques à l’isoforme KRAS.Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai montré que les réseaux d’interaction caractérisés par le BioID sont bien plus denses que ceux obtenus par la technique plus conventionnelle de purification par affinité, et qu’ils permettent de mettre en évidence des interacteurs spécifiquement dérégulés par l’apparition de mutations activatrices. Par ailleurs les modèles cellulaires HEK293 (cellules humaines embryonnaires de rein) et BEAS2B (cellules pulmonaires d’origine non-cancéreuses) ont montré un fort recouvrement des interacteurs identifiés, ce qui suggère que la stratégie employée est pertinente pour identifier des interacteurs spécifiques de mutations. Ce travail de thèse a permis d’identifier une série de plusieurs interacteurs spécifiques des formes mutante de KRAS, d’EGFR, de BRAF, de NRAS et de la fusion EML4-ALK. Treize interacteurs spécifiques de la forme mutée de KRAS ont été validés fonctionnellement dans des modèles cellulaires de cancers du poumon. Enfin, en utilisant les données de BioID, un modèle préliminaire de résistance de l’EGFR aux thérapies ciblées a pu être élaboré, lequel fait apparaitre les protéines CBL et IGF2R comme des protéines potentiellement impliquées dans l’acquisition des résistances aux thérapies ciblées.Ce travail de thèse propose ainsi de nouvelles perspectives quant à la détermination des mécanismes de résistance spécifiques aux thérapies ciblées et à l’identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques chez les patients présentent des mutations activatrices. / Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in France and in the world. It is a cancer of poor prognosis, diagnosed at the late stage III or IV, with a 5-years survival of 6% and 1%, respectively. This cancer encompass several histological types, and among them adenocarcinoma account for 40% of the diagnosis. Genetic sequencing of stage IV tumors highlights redundant mutations, and generally exclusives from each other’s, of KRAS, EGFR, BRAF and ALK genes. The identification of these mutations enable, within companion test, to make eligible patients for targeted therapies when molecules are available.Even though these targeted therapies represent a true revolution in patient’s care, the majority of them cannot benefit from these treatments because their tumors do not harbor activating mutations that are targetable (e.g. absence of EGFR, BRAF and ALK mutation, presence of KRAS mutation). Additionally, when they can be treated using an oral molecule, the benefit observed is unfortunately poor in terms of period of time, and all the patients will escape from the treatment. This is for example the case with EGFR mutations.To better understand the molecular mechanisms associated with the resistance events observed in the clinic, and to propose new therapeutics for patient not-eligible for targeted therapies, I studied at the proteome level, the impact these mutations on protein networks, using the BioID technology (proximity-dependent biotinylation identification). More particularly, I have been interested in the activating mutation of EGFR, KRAS, BRAF and ALK. Considering that proteins from the RAS family (HRAS, NRAS and KRAS) are mutated in around 30% of cancers, I have been also interested in the protein network of these proteins to highlight interaction specific to the KRAS isoform.During my thesis, I showed that the protein networks characterized using BioID are much more dense compared to those identified with the more conventional technic of AP-MS (Affinity-purification and mass spectrometry), and that they enable to identify interactors specifically deregulated upon activating mutation. Additionally, the HEK293 cell model (Human Embryonic Kidney) and BEAS2B cell model (non-cancerous lung cell line) showed a high overlapping degree of the interactors identified, suggesting that the strategy used is relevant to identify interactors specific to mutations. This thesis enabled to identify several interactors specific to the mutant KRAS, EGFR, BRAF, NRAS and EML4-ALk fusion. Thirteen interactors specific to the mutated-KRAS have been functionally validated in lung-cancer cell lines models. Finally, using BioID data I have been able to propose a model of EGFR resistance to targeted therapies. This model shows that CBL and IGH2R might be the EGFR partners responsible for therapeutic escape.Altogether, this thesis propose new perspective to determine resistance mechanisms and to identify new therapeutic targets for KRAS-mutated patients.

Inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Leads to Autophagy-mediated Killing of Toxoplasma gondii and Control of Disease

Lopez Corcino, Yalitza Z. 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Pre-clinical investigation of carnosine’s anti-neoplastic effect on glioblastoma: uptake, signal transduction, gene expression and tumour cell metabolism

Oppermann, Henry 18 September 2020 (has links)
Das Glioblastom ist der häufigste maligne Tumor des zentralen Nervensystems. Trotz leitliniengerechter Therapie, bestehend aus mikrochirurgischer Resektion, Strahlentherapie und ergänzender Chemotherapie mit Temozolomid, beträgt die 2-Jahres-Überlebensrate nur ca. 17%. Daher sind dringend neue Therapieansätze erforderlich. Dem natürlich vorkommenden Dipeptid Carnosin, welches vor über 100 Jahren erstmals isoliert wurde, konnten viele physiologische Funktionen zugeschrieben werden. Zu Beginn unserer Arbeiten war bekannt, dass das Dipeptid das Wachstum von Krebszellen inhibiert, wobei die genauen Mechanismen der antineoplastischen Wirkungsweise weitgehend unbekannt waren. Die Untersuchungen im Rahmen der vorliegenden Habilitationsarbeit setzten sich mit möglichen Wirkmechanismen des Dipeptides auseinander, wobei ebenfalls Fragestellungen zur klinischen Anwendung von Carnosin bearbeitet wurden. Im ersten Abschnitt werden die Transportmechanismen von Carnosin in Glioblastom-Zellen beschrieben. Weiterhin wird die Frage beantwortet, ob das Dipeptid die biologisch aktive Verbindung ist oder ob L-Histidin von Carnosin abgespalten werden muss, um die antineoplastische Wirkung zu entfalten. Der zweite Abschnitt beschäftigt sich mit den Einflüssen von Carnosin auf die Signaltransduktion und Genexpression. Im dritten Abschnitt wird unter anderem mit einem Metabolomics-Ansatz der Stoffwechsel von Glioblastom-Zellen charakterisiert und der Einfluss von Carnosin auf diesen bestimmt. Im vierten Abschnitt wird ein neuartiges Ko-Kultur Modell zur Untersuchung von Carnosins Einfluss auf Glioblastom-Zell-Migration und Koloniebildung vorgestellt. Weiterhin untersuchten wir die möglichen Interaktionen des Dipeptides mit der Standardtherapie von Glioblastomen. Zusammenfassend zeigten wir, dass Carnosin durch drei verschiedene Transporter aufgenommen werden kann. Das Dipeptid hemmt sowohl Proliferation und Migration von Glioblastom-Zellen. Die Spaltung des Dipeptides ist für seine antineoplastische Wirkung nicht notwendig. In die Zelle aufgenommen, wirkt Carnosin inhibitorisch auf den Pentosephosphatweg. Eine mögliche Erklärung dafür lieferte die beobachte nicht-enzymatische Reaktion von Glycerinaldehyd-3-phosphat mit dem Dipeptid. Weiterhin zeigten unsere Experimente zum ersten Mal eine Carnosin-bedingte Veränderung der Histonacetylierung und eine damit einhergehende Beeinflussung der Genexpression. Da das Dipeptid den Effekt der Radio-/Chemotherapie verstärkt, sollte die Wirkung von Carnosin in einer klinischen Studie an Glioblastom-Patienten untersucht werden. / Glioblastoma is the most common malignant tumour of the central nervous system. Only ~17% of patients undergoing standard therapy, including microsurgical resection, radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy using temozolomide survive two years after diagnosis. Hence, new therapeutic approaches are urgently needed. The naturally occurring dipeptide carnosine was discovered more than 100 years ago. Since then, many physiological functions and beneficial effects have been ascribed to it. Previous studies demonstrated that carnosine inhibits growth of cancer cells. However, at the beginning of our investigations were the mechanisms behind carnosine’s anti-neoplastic effect mostly unknown. The present work addresses possible modes of action of carnosine and issues regarding the clinical application of the dipeptide. In the first paragraph we describe the transport mechanisms of carnosine in glioblastoma cells. Furthermore, we deal with the problem whether carnosine is the biological active compound or release of L-histidine from the dipeptide is required to deploy its anti-neoplastic effect. The second paragraph addresses the influence of carnosine on glioblastoma cell signal transduction and gene expression. In the third paragraph we characterise the metabolism of glioblastoma cells and how it is influenced by carnosine by using a metabolomics approach. The fourth paragraph introduces a novel co-culture model which allows the analysis of carnosine’s impact on glioblastoma cell migration and colony formation. Furthermore, the possible interaction of the dipeptide with the glioblastoma standard therapy is investigated. In conclusion, we demonstrated that three different transporters are capable for the uptake of carnosine in glioblastoma cells. The dipeptide inhibited in addition to proliferation also migration of glioblastoma cells. Moreover, cleavage of carnosine was not required for its anti-neoplastic effect. After taken up by the cell, carnosine inhibits the pentose phosphate pathway. The observed non-enzymatic reaction of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate with the dipeptide could possibly explain this effect. Furthermore, our experiments showed for the first time that carnosine influences gene expression by an effect on histone acetylation. As the administration of carnosine arguments the effects of radio-/chemotherapy, we encourage the clinical evaluation of the dipeptide for glioblastoma patients.

Modeling Functional Modules Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods

Cubuk, Cankut 30 November 2020 (has links)
[ES] La comprensión de los aspectos de la funcionalidad de las células que cuentan para los mecanismos de las enfermedades es el mayor reto de la medicina personalizada. A pesar de la disponibilidad creciente de los datos de genómica y transcriptómica, sigue existiendo una notable brecha entre la detección de las perturbaciones en la expresión de genes y la comprensión de su contribución en los mecanismos moleculares que últimamente tienen relación importante con el fenotipo estudiado. A lo largo de la última década, distintos modelos computacionales y matemáticos se han propuesto para el análisis de las rutas. Sin embargo, estos modelos no toman en cuenta los mecanismos dinámicos de las rutas como la estructura y las interacciones entre genes y proteínas. En esta tesis doctoral, presento dos modelos matemáticos ligeramente distintos, para integrar los datos transcriptómicos masivos de humano con un conocimiento previo de de las rutas de señalización y metabólicas para estimar las actividades mecánicas que están detrás de esas rutas (MPAs). Las MPAs son variables continuas con valores de nivel individual que pueden ser usadas con los modelos de aprendizaje de máquinas y métodos estadísticos para determinar los biomarcadores que podemos usar para los diagnósticos tempranos y la clasificación de subtipos de enfermedades, además de poder sugerir las dianas terapéuticas potenciales para las intervenciones individualizadas. El objetivo global es desarrollar nuevos y avanzados enfoques de la biología de sistemas para proponer unas hipótesis funcionales que nos ayuden a entender e interpretar los mecanismos complejos de las enfermedades. Estos mecanismos son cruciales para mejorar los tratamientos personalizados y predecir los resultados clínicos. En primer lugar, contribuí al desarrollo de un método que está diseñado para extraer las subrutas elementales desde la ruta de señalización con sus actividades estimadas. Posteriormente, este algoritmo se ha adaptado a los módulos metabólicos y se ha implementado como una herramienta web. Finalmente , el método ha revelado un panorama metabólico para una lista completa de diferentes tipos de cánceres. En este estudio, analicé el perfil metabólico de 25 tipos de cáncer distintos y se validó el método usando varios enfoques computacionales y experimentales. Cada método desarrollado en esta tesis ha sido enfrentado a otros métodos similares existentes, evaluados por sus sensibilidades y especificidades, experimentalmente validados cuando fue posible y usados para predecir resultados clínicos de varios tipos de cánceres. La investigación descrita en esta tesis y los resultados obtenidos fueron publicados en distintas revistas arbitradas que están relacionadas con el cáncer y biología de sistemas, y también en los periódicos nacionales. / [CA] La comprensió dels aspectes de la funcionalitat de les cèl·lules que compten per als mecanismes de les malalties és el major repte de la medicina personalitzada. Malgrat la disponibilitat creixent de les dades de genòmica i transcriptómica, continua existint una notable bretxa entre la detecció de les pertorbacions en l'expressió de gens i la comprensió de la seua contribució en els mecanismes moleculars que últimament tenen relació important amb el fenotip estudiat. Al llarg de l'última dècada, diferents models computacionals i matemàtics s'han proposat per a l'anàlisi de les rutes. No obstant això, aquests models no tenen en compte els mecanismes dinàmics de les rutes com l'estructura i les interaccions entre gens i proteïnes. En aquesta tesi doctoral, presente dos models matemàtics lleugerament diferents, per a integrar les dades transcriptómicos massius d'humà amb un coneixement previ de de les rutes de senyalització i metabòliques per a estimar les activitats mecàniques que estan darrere d'aqueixes rutes (MPAs). Les MPAs són variables contínues amb valors de nivell individual que poden ser usades amb els models d'aprenentatge de màquines i mètodes estadístics per a determinar els biomarcadores que podem usar per als diagnòstics primerencs i la classificació de subtipus de malalties, a més de poder suggerir les dianes terapèutiques potencials per a les intervencions individualitzades. L'objectiu global és desenvolupar nous i avançats enfocaments de la biologia de sistemes per a proposar unes hipòtesis funcionals que ens ajuden a entendre i interpretar els mecanismes complexos de les malalties. Aquests mecanismes són crucials per a millorar els tractaments personalitzats i predir els resultats clínics. En primer lloc, vaig contribuir al desenvolupament d'un mètode que està dissenyat per a extraure les subrutas elementals des de la ruta de senyalització amb les seues activitats estimades. Posteriorment, aquest algorisme s'ha adaptat als mòduls metabòlics i s'ha implementat com una eina web. Finalment, el mètode ha revelat un panorama metabòlic per a una llista completa de diferents tipus de càncers. En aquest estudi, vaig analitzar el perfil metabòlic de 25 tipus de càncer diferents i es va validar el mètode usant diversos enfocaments computacionals i experimentals. Cada mètode desenvolupat en aquesta tesi ha sigut enfrontat a altres mètodes similars existents, avaluats per les seues sensibilitats i especificitats, experimentalment validats quan va ser possible i usats per a predir resultats clínics de diversos tipus de càncers. La investigació descrita en aquesta tesi i els resultats obtinguts van ser publicats en diferents revistes arbitrades que estan relacionades amb el càncer i biologia de sistemes, i també en els periòdics nacionals. / [EN] Understanding the aspects of the cell functionality that account for disease or drug action mechanisms is the main challenge for precision medicine. In spite of the increasing availability of genomic and transcriptomic data, there is still a gap between the detection of perturbations in gene expression and the understanding of their contribution to the molecular mechanisms that ultimately account for the phenotype studied. Over the last decade, different computational and mathematical models have been proposed for pathway analysis. However, they are not taking into account the dynamic mechanisms contained by pathways as represented in their layout and the interactions between genes and proteins. In this thesis, I present two slightly different mathematical models to integrate human transcriptomic data with prior knowledge of signalling and metabolic pathways to estimate the Mechanistic Pathway Activities (MPAs). MPAs are continuous and individual level values that can be used with machine learning and statistical methods to determine biomarkers for the early diagnosis and subtype classification of the diseases, and also to suggest potential therapeutic targets for individualized therapeutic interventions. The overall objective is, developing new and advanced systems biology approaches to propose functional hypotheses that help us to understand and interpret the complex mechanism of the diseases. These mechanisms are crucial for robust personalized drug treatments and predict clinical outcomes. First, I contributed to the development of a method which is designed to extract elementary sub-pathways from a signalling pathway and to estimate their activity. Second, this algorithm adapted to metabolic modules and it is implemented as a webtool. Third, the method used to reveal a pan-cancer metabolic landscape. In this study, I analyzed the metabolic module profile of 25 different cancer types and the method is also validated using different computational and experimental approaches. Each method developed in this thesis was benchmarked against the existing similar methods, evaluated for their sensitivity and specificity, experimentally validated when it is possible and used to predict clinical outcomes of different cancer types. The research described in this thesis and the results obtained were published in different systems biology and cancer-related peer-reviewed journals and also in national newspapers. / Cubuk, C. (2020). Modeling Functional Modules Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/156175 / TESIS

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