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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dualité de Schur-Weyl, mouvement brownien sur les groupes de Lie compacts classiques et étude asymptotique de la mesure de Yang-Mills / Schur-Weyl duality, Brownian motion on classical compact Lie groups and asymptotic study of the Yang-Mills measure

Dahlqvist, Antoine 12 February 2014 (has links)
On s'intéresse dans cette thèse à l'étude de variables aléatoires sur les groupes de Lie compacts classiques. On donne une déformation du calcul de Weingarten tel qu'il a été introduit par B. Collins et P. Sniady. On fait une étude asymptotique du mouvement brownien sur les groupes de Lie compacts de grande dimension en obtenant des nouveaux résultats de fluctuations. Deux nouveaux objets, que l'on appelle champ maître gaussien planaire et champ maître orienté planaire, sont introduits pour décrire le comportement asymptotique des mesures de Yang-Mills pour des groupes de structure de grande dimension. / In the following text, we are interested in the study of Lie-groups valued random variables. We give a deformation of the Weingarten calculus introduced by Benoît Collins and Piotr Sniady. We study the asymptotic behavior of Brownian motion on compact Lie groups in high dimensions and obtain new fluctuations results. Two new objects called the planar gaussian master field and the planar oriented master field are introduced here to describe the asymptotic behavior of the Yang-Mills measure as the dimension of the structure group is large.

<b>Influence of Metal Speciation and Support Properties for Ammonia Oxidation and Other Automotive Exhaust Catalytic Applications</b>

Brandon Kyle Bolton (18116749) 07 March 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Metal speciation and structure can be influenced by the deposition method used during synthesis, interactions with the support, and by post-deposition treatments and reaction conditions experienced during its lifetime of carrying out a catalytic reaction. Supported metal particles of different size contain different surface structures and coordination environments, which may not only influence reaction rates but also the interconversion between agglomerated metallic domains and dispersed metal atom or ion sites. Here, we address the influence of post-deposition treatments and support properties on the structural interconversion of Pd and Cu on aluminosilicate chabazite (CHA) zeolites, Pt on gamma-alumina (γ-Al2O3), and Pd on amorphous oxides (γ-Al2O3, La-doped Al2O3, ΘΔ-Al2O3). The fundamental insights from these studies can be used to design catalysts used widely in automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems, including Pd-exchanged zeolites for passive NOx (x = 1,2) adsorbers (PNA), Cu-exchanged zeolites for NOx (x = 1,2) selective catalytic reduction (SCR), Pt/Al2O3 for NH3 oxidation, and Pd/oxides for three-way catalysts (TWC). Incipient wetness impregnation (IWI) and colloidal methods were used to prepare Pd nanoparticles deposited on CHA zeolites with distinct Pd nanoparticle sizes and distributions. These Pd-CHA samples were used to investigate the effects of Pd particle size distribution on structural interconversion between ion-exchanged Pd and agglomerated Pd domains under realistic operating conditions. Smaller Pd nanoparticles had larger fractions of agglomerated Pd that converted to ion-exchanged Pd2+ sites at fixed air treatment temperatures (598–973 K) and H2O pressures (2–6 kPa H2O), consistent with thermodynamic predictions from DFT calculations. Furthermore, the addition of H2O during air treatment of different Pd nanoparticles (2–14 nm) inhibited the formation of ion-exchanged Pd2+ (thermodynamics), but not the rate of redispersion (kinetics). This demonstrates that, regardless of Pd nanoparticle size, water vapor in automotive exhaust streams facilitate metal sintering in PNA applications. Aqueous-phase exchange of Cu on CHA zeolites with varying support properties (i.e., number of paired Al sites in the 6 membered ring) were used to prepare materials with distinct types and numbers of extraframework Cu species (Cu2+, CuOH+). These Cu-CHA materials were used to analyze Cu structural changes before and after exposure to hydrothermal aging conditions. In the absence of H2O, some Cu2+ sites condense to form binuclear Ox-bridged Cu species that can be reduced with H2 to form Cu-hydride sites and reject H2O, leading to a sub-stoichiometric H2 consumption (H2/Cu < 0.5). In the presence of H2O, all nominally isolated Cu2+ species convert to [CuOH]+ structures, which can subsequently be reduced by H2 to form a Cu-hydride and reject H2O, leading to stoichiometric H2 consumption (H2/Cu ~ 0.5). Furthermore, the presence of H2O led to reduction features in H2 temperature programmed reduction (TPR) profiles that were similar among Cu-CHA materials, regardless of the initial Cu2+ speciation, further supporting the proposal that all nominally isolated Cu2+ sites convert to a similar [CuOH]+ motif. This demonstrates how water influences Cu speciation on CHA materials of varying origin or treatment history, aiding in quantifying SCR-active isolated Cu ions and SCR-inactive Cu species (e.g., CuO, CuAl2O4). Pt supported on γ-Al2O3 were prepared with different average Pt particle sizes (2–13 nm) by increasing the temperature of post-deposition air treatment (523–873 K). This suite of materials was interrogated to isolate the effects of Pt particle size on NH3 oxidation rates and selectivities during conditions relevant to NH3 slip applications in diesel exhaust aftertreatment. For all Pt particle sizes, NH3 oxidation rates displayed a hysteresis with temperature, with high rates measured during temperature decreases than during temperature increases. Smaller Pt particles (2 nm) had lower rates (per surface Pt, quantified by CO chemisorption) than larger Pt particles (13 nm), signifying that NH3 oxidation is a structure-sensitive reaction. Furthermore, surfaces of Pt particles restructure under NH3 oxidation reaction conditions, influencing effective Pt oxidation states, surface structures (numbers and types of exposed Pt sites), and surface coverages of intermediates leading to the observed hysteresis in rate. These findings demonstrate that Pt particles undergo dynamic structural changes during reaction, influencing their ability to convert NH3 to environmentally benign products in NH3 slip applications. The influence of treatment conditions, support properties, and initial Pd particle size and distribution on the kinetics of nanoparticle sintering were investigated to identify which material properties allow maintaining high dispersion to maximize metal utilization for three way catalysts (TWC) during the conversion of regulated pollutants (CO, hydrocarbons, NOx). Pd was deposited by IWI methods to generate polydiserse particle size distributions, and using colloidal Pd nanoparticle solutions to generate monodisperse size distributions, onto various supports (γ-Al2O3, La-doped Al2O3, ΘΔ-Al2O3) and subjected to aging under oxidative and reductive conditions relevant for TWC operation. The average Pd particle size for all materials increased with treatment time under both reductive and oxidative environments. For samples prepared with IWI (i.e., log normal distribution of Pd particle sizes), reductive aging treatments led to higher sintering rates than oxidative treatments. In contrast, for samples prepared using colloidal Pd solutions (i.e., normal distribution of Pd particle sizes), oxidative aging treatments led to higher sintering rates than reduction treatments. Furthermore, after the same treatment condition and time, samples prepared with IWI resulted in higher average Pd particle sizes. These results indicate that more monodisperse initial Pd particle size distributions lead to lower sintering rates, providing guidance to design of supported metal TWCs with improved metal utilization during their lifetimes. Here, the combination of synthesis approaches to prepare a suite of model (e.g., powder) supported metal catalysts of varying structure and composition, interrogated using site and structural characterizations and steady-state and transient kinetic measurements, along with predictions from theoretical calculations, enabled unraveling the influence of material properties and gas environments that affect metal speciation, structure, and oxidation state in real-world aftertreatment systems that use more complex catalytic architectures (e.g., layered washcoats) and reactor designs (e.g., monoliths). This approach provides insights into the fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic factors influencing metal restructuring and interconversion under realistic conditions encountered in automotive exhaust aftertreatment applications, and the kinetic and mechanistic factors that underlie complex phenomena (e.g., reaction rate hysteresis) from data measured in the absence of hydrodynamic artifacts. The overall approach used in this work enabled development of synthesis-structure-function relationships on various metal supported catalysts for automotive exhaust aftertreatment applications, which can provide guidance for material design and treatment strategies to form and retain desired metal structures throughout the material lifetime, including synthesis, reaction, and regeneration treatments.</p>


Gallego Sánchez, Eva María 07 January 2020 (has links)
[ES] Las zeolitas son materiales microporosos cristalinos formados por una red de tetraedros TO4 (T = Si, Al, Ti, ...) interconectados entre sí compartiendo átomos de oxígeno, que generan estructuras tridimensionales definidas por poros y cavidades de dimensiones moleculares. Su capacidad como tamices moleculares, junto con la gran diversidad de sólidos zeolíticos descritos en lo que respecta a topologías de poro, tipos de cavidades, composición química y propiedades texturales, hace de este tipo de materiales importantes catalizadores heterogéneos en procesos de gran interés para la industria química. La presente tesis doctoral busca la síntesis de zeolitas con propiedades fisicoquímicas y texturales controladas, especialmente en lo referente al tipo de cavidad catalítica, la distribución de los centros activos y el control del tamaño de cristal, para su posterior aplicación como catalizadores en reacciones de interés. La primera parte de este trabajo se centra en la síntesis de zeolitas de poro pequeño de estructura tipo CHA con una distribución homogénea de los centros ácidos de aluminio a lo largo de todo el cristal. Para ello, se ha combinado el uso de un agente director específico para dicha estructura con precursores cristalinos. El procedimiento utilizado permite la preparación del material con un tamaño de cristal nanométrico. Esta zeolita ha mostrado ser un catalizador eficiente y estable para el proceso de metanol a olefinas ligeras, alternativa de gran interés en la actualidad frente al uso del petróleo como precursor de ese tipo de compuestos. En la segunda parte de la tesis doctoral se presentan nuevos agentes directores de estructura orgánicos (ADEOs) de constitución sencilla, formados por una parte cíclica directora y una cadena alifática corta, que permiten la preparación de zeolitas clásicas (ZSM-5, Beta y MCM-22) en sus formas nanocristalinas. El control de las propiedades texturales, especialmente en lo que concierne al tamaño de cristal, implica importantes mejoras catalíticas en procesos con limitaciones de tipo difusional para reactivos y/o productos. En ese sentido, el desarrollo de métodos de síntesis eficientes que empleen moléculas directoras de bajo coste facilitaría el empleo real de las zeolitas nanocristalinas a nivel industrial. Finalmente, la última parte propone un nuevo paradigma en la preparación de zeolitas: la síntesis a medida de materiales zeolíticos para su uso como catalizadores en reacciones químicas preestablecidas. El principal objetivo es diseñar sólidos con un perfecto control de la cavidad catalítica, capaces de maximizar las interacciones con los estados de transición de la reacción objetivo, empleando mímicos de dichos intermedios de reacción como ADEOs. Esta táctica evitaría el procedimiento heurístico utilizado tradicionalmente en la búsqueda de la zeolita más activa para un determinado proceso químico. A modo de ejemplo, esta metodología novedosa de síntesis se ha aplicado en la preparación de catalizadores para la síntesis de adamantano y reacciones de cicloadición de tipo Diels-Alder. / [CA] Les zeolites són materials microporosos cristal·lins formats per una xarxa de tetraedres TO4 (T = Si, Al, Ti, ...) interconnectats entre si compartint àtoms d'oxigen, que generen estructures tridimensionals definides per porus i cavitats de dimensions moleculars. La seva capacitat com tamisos moleculars, juntament amb la gran diversitat de sòlids zeolítics descrits pel que fa a tipologies de porus, cavitats, composició química i propietats texturals, fa d'aquest tipus de materials importants catalitzadors heterogenis en processos de gran interès per la indústria química. La present tesi doctoral busca la síntesi de zeolites amb propietats fisicoquímiques i texturals controlades, especialment pel que fa al tipus de cavitat catalítica, la distribució dels centres actius i el control de la grandària de cristall, per a la seua posterior aplicació com a catalitzadors en reaccions d'interès. La primera part d'aquest treball se centra en la síntesi de la zeolita de porus petit CHA amb una distribució homogènia dels centres àcids d'alumini al llarg de tot el cristall. Per a això, s'ha combinat l'ús d'un agent director d'estructura orgànic (ADEO) específic per aquesta estructura amb precursors cristal·lins. El procediment utilitzat permet la preparació del material amb una grandària de cristall nanomètrica. Aquesta zeolita ha mostrat ser un catalitzador eficient i estable per al procés de metanol a olefines lleugeres, alternativa de gran interès en l'actualitat davant l'ús del petroli com a precursor d'aquest tipus de compostos. A la segona part de la tesi doctoral es presenten nous ADEOs de constitució senzilla, formats per una part cíclica directora i una cadena alifàtica curta, que permeten la preparació de zeolites clàssiques i de rellevància industrial (ZSM-5, Beta i MCM-22) en les seves formes nanocristal·lines. El control de les propietats texturals, especialment pel que fa a la grandària de cristall, implica importants millores catalítiques en processos amb limitacions de tipus difusional per reactius i / o productes. En aquest sentit, el desenvolupament de mètodes de síntesi eficients que empren molècules directores de baix cost facilitaria l'ocupació real de les zeolites nanocristal·lines a nivell industrial. Finalment, l'última part proposa un nou paradigma en la preparació de zeolites: la síntesi a mida de materials zeolítics per al seu ús com a catalitzadors en reaccions químiques preestablides. El principal objectiu és dissenyar sòlids amb un perfecte control de la cavitat catalítica, capaços de maximitzar les interaccions amb els estats de transició de la reacció objectiu, emprant mímics d'aquests intermedis de reacció com ADEOs. Aquesta tàctica evitaria el procediment heurístic utilitzat tradicionalment en la recerca de la zeolita més activa per a un determinat procés químic. A tall d'exemple, aquesta metodologia nova de síntesi s'ha aplicat en la preparació de catalitzadors per a la síntesi de adamantà i reaccions de cicloadició de tipus Diels-Alder. / [EN] Zeolites are crystalline microporous materials formed by interconnected TO4 tetrahedra (T = Si, Al, Ti, ...), which create three-dimensional structures defined by pores and cavities of molecular dimensions. Their capacity as molecular sieves, together with the fine-tune control of their properties, including pore topology, cavities, chemical composition or textural properties, among others, make zeolites essential heterogeneous catalysts for industrially-relevant chemical processes. This doctoral thesis seeks the synthesis of zeolites with controlled physicochemical and textural properties, especially focusing on the type of the catalytic cavity, the distribution of the active sites and the control of the crystal size, for their application as heterogeneous catalysts in reactions of interest. The first part of this work attempts the synthesis of the small pore CHA zeolite with a homogeneous distribution of the acidic aluminium centres through the entire crystals. For this, the use of a specific organic structure-directing agent (OSDA) for this zeolite has been combined with crystalline precursors. The procedure described allows the preparation of the high-silica CHA material with a nanometric crystal size. This zeolite performs as an efficient and stable catalyst for the transformation of methanol to light olefins process, which has been proposed as an attractive alternative to the petroleum-based route to obtain these products. In the second part of this thesis, new simple OSDAs combining a directing cyclic part and a short aliphatic chain have been proposed for the preparation of classical and industrially-relevant zeolites (ZSM-5, Beta and MCM-22) in their nanocrystalline forms. The control of textural properties, especially with regard to crystal size, implies significant catalytic improvements in processes with diffusion limitations for reagents and/or products. In this sense, the development of efficient synthesis methods employing low-cost OSDA molecules would facilitate the actual use of nanocrystalline zeolites in industry. Finally, the last part proposes a new paradigm in the preparation of zeolites: the customized synthesis of zeolitic materials for their use as catalysts in pre-established chemical reactions. The main objective is the design of solids with a perfect control of the catalytic cavity, capable of maximizing interactions with the transition states of the target reaction, using mimics of the reaction intermediates as OSDAs. This technique would avoid the heuristic procedure traditionally used in the search of active zeolites for target chemical processes. As an example, this novel synthesis methodology has been applied in the preparation of catalysts for the synthesis of adamantane and cycloaddition reactions, as Diels-Alder. / Gallego Sánchez, EM. (2019). SÍNTESIS DE ZEOLITAS CON PROPIEDADES TEXTURALES Y DE CONFINAMIENTO ADECUADAS PARA SU USO COMO CATALIZADORES EN REACCIONES QUÍMICAS DE INTERÉS INDUSTRIAL [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/134015

Resistance: Cultural Expression of Tea Plantation Workers in Bangladesh

Sharif, Faiham Ebna January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic study of culture, economy, everyday life, and resistance among ‘Baganiyas’ (workers) of a tea plantation in contemporary Bangladesh. The main goal of this thesis is to highlight the Baganiyas' everyday resistance to the systemic alienation of the plantation structure and to demonstrate how their actions of resistance served as symbolic representations of their community's culture. It draws on the finding from an 18-day field trip with additional autoethnography and netnography conducted while the world was experiencing a global pandemic in 2020. Based on ethnographic observation, participation, interviews, and collaborative dialogues the study aims to explore the social life and stories of the people who bring the most consumed drink in the world into our cup from the ‘Bagan’ (garden). It traces the emerging subjectivities of the Baganiya - Worker, Planter – Manager, Planter – Owner, and neighboring others regarding the garden, on what they are commonly connected to. In doing so, the study investigates workers’ economic network that leads to the social and political association of the workers, which connects them to the occupational and institutional hierarchy within and beyond the plantation. The study explores resistance as culture in a symbolic form that stems from the structural inequality that alienates the workers from tea and everything outside the plantation. However, it argues that the resistance is not an act of idleness, rather an invisible tactic by the workers to counter the hegemonic strategy.

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