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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Slumpen och Guds försyn : Ett försök att karaktärisera slumpbegreppet / Chance and God's providence : An attempt to characterize chance

Söderlind, Lennart January 2020 (has links)
Why is there a phenomenon of chance in the created world? There are many different probability distributions and does that point at different ideas of chance? Given that God has created the whole universe, why is chance an element of that universe of ours? Does He use chance as a mechanism for His providence? There is a common apprehension of the laws of nature, that they are statistically attained in an asymptotic behaviour over a long period of time. The laws of probability are likewise evolved in the same fashion, as shown in the paper. The universe seems to be lawfully constructed according to both natural laws and probability laws. It is a clear conclusion to regard chance as an intrinsic concept of the world. But, why are there so many ideas of chance despite this common feature of the world? Next section in the paper addresses the many conceptions of chance and works out an idea of how to look at these conditions. The paper results in a presentation of a hierarchy, where different events with their probability distributions might be gathered to some more common properties of chance. The question rises if God is working on that higher level of hierarchy.  This paper has come to a conclusion that, because there are that many ideas of chance and that many probability distributions, we might lack the idea of chance.

Chance (odd) versus Wahrscheinlichkeit (probability)

Huschens, Stefan 30 March 2017 (has links)
Der Zusammenhang zwischen den Begriffen "Chance" (odd) und "Wahrscheinlichkeit" (probability) und die Anwendung des Chancenverhältnisses (odds ratio) im Bereich der Biometrie und bei der logistischen Regression werden erläutert. Es wird auf mögliche Fehlinterpretationen der Begriffe Chance und Chancenverhältnis hingewiesen.

The role of Instagram Influencers in Last Chance Tourism : Through applying users perception and interaction of Instagram Influencers’ photos of Last Chance Destinations

Jensen, Maria Louise January 2021 (has links)
While theory argues that Instagram influencers are beneficial for rural and sustainable tourism in gaining attention and awareness, they also can generate an increased tourist flow. A newly published article by Palazzo, et al., 2021, mentions that while they have focused on the bright sides of Instagram Influencers within tourism, they have excluded matters of adverse effects. Something that could likely create a situation of overtourism, as increased tourism flows can be hard to manage. Due to little research of Last Chance Destinations (LCDs), a similar theory will be applied, as these destinations are already considered damaged. Due to the study gap and the tiny amount of empery within this field, people between 18-25 with interest in travel content on Instagram have been interviewed to get more in-depth answers. It has been discovered that Instagram Influencers play little to no role in increased tourism flows to LCDs. People are only inclined to visit LCD after engaging with a destination post if they already have existing motivations to visit it. Instead, influencers serve the purpose and potential ofeducating Instagram users about sustainable tourism principles and climate change.


Randestad, Stina January 2016 (has links)
Breed has a concept and a main goal, to be unpredictable and visually impressive. The idea that it was built on was to try to create a collection with the method of breeding and the rules of genetics. At first, twelve individuals were created. They were all given characteristics – “genes”, handed out in a random way, decided by the toss of a dice. The individuals bred and were blended into a second generation, who thereafter procreated into a third. This third generation of eight characters, four females and four males, carry genes and features from their ancestors. They have been twisted, mutated and mixed, just like in nature. It is voluminous line-up with clashes between references, colours and styles. The challenge has been to let chance take decisions and to do something that was unexpected and was going to give an unpredictable result. Breed has not been done for a commercial destination but would be suitable for styling artists, editorials for fashion magazines, costumes in music videos or artistic films. The method is supposed to make people interested, the result is supposed to give the onlooker a smaller chock, a tingling sensation and the impression of a new subculture, a modern day tribe or a new breed. Or simply “What crazy person made this?”

Two new combinatorial problems involving dominating sets for lottery schemes

Grundlingh, Werner R. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Mathematical Sciences. Applied Mathematics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / Suppose a lottery scheme consists of randomly selecting an unordered winning n-subset from a universal set of m numbers, while a player participates in the scheme by purchasing a playing set of any number of unordered n-subsets from the same universal set prior to a winning draw, and is awarded a prize if ...

La chance dans l’œuvre de Georges Bataille / Chance in the works of Georges Bataille

Lagana, Fabrice 27 January 2012 (has links)
La notion de chance se rapproche de celle du hasard, mais c’est une notion critique, tenant compte de la mort de Dieu pensée par Nietzsche. Elle opère un renversement des valeurs et des représentations. Fugace, insaisissable, elle réfute toute logique du travail et de l’action. Elle s’accomplit dans l’instant. Elle entraîne une nouvelle ontologie et une nouvelle morale, celle du jeu.La chance est négative mais également positive. Elle apparaît comme une exigence, celle de dépasser les limites du donné ; et comme un risque, celui de se perdre dans la nuit du non-savoir.Elle prend forme dans les années 1930, dans un contexte de guerre de plus en plus menaçant. Elle trouve nombre de ses formulations dans la philosophie de Nietzsche dont Bataille se sert comme d’une arme contre le système hégélien. Elle apparaît comme le résidu ou le déchet des doctrines uniquement rationnelles et se présente comme une expérience sensible, ancrée dans le vécu de Bataille. Elle est un mouvement d’excès qui conduit la pensée à l’excès. Or, dans le monde moderne, les états extrêmes n’ayant plus de but (comme l’expiation et le salut) et l’action directe ayant remplacé le sacrifice, l’art seul les recueille. Bataille transpose donc sa recherche dans une écriture fragmentaire heurtée qui contrevient à toutes les normes littéraires. Il mêle les formes et les genres pour exposer la diversité, l’intensité et l’inquiétude qui caractérise cette expérience. Il invente une écriture qui ne cesse de se mettre en question pour faire sentir l’absence de certitude dans un monde où tout est instable, menacé de disparition. / The notion of chance is similar to fortuity, but it is a critical concept, taking into accountthe death of God, thought by Nietzsche. It reverses values and representations. Fleeting,elusive, it refutes all the logic of labour and of action. It is accomplished in the moment. It leadsto a new ontology and a new morality, that of playing. Chance is an opportunity and a risk. Itappears as a demand, that of exceeding the limits of the given, and as a hazard, that of gettinglost in the night of ignorance. It takes shape in the 1930s in a context of war more and morethreatening. It is often expressed in the philosophy of Nietzsche that Bataille uses as a weaponagainst the Hegelian system. It appears as the residue or waste of only rational doctrines andpresents itself as a sensitive experience, rooted in the life of Bataille. It is a movement of excessleading the thinking process to excess. However, in the modern world, the extreme states havingno purpose (such as the atonement and salvation) and direct action having replaced sacrifice,art alone collects them. Bataille therefore transposes his research in an encounteredfragmentary writing that contravenes all standards of literature. He combines the forms and typesto showcase diversity, intensity and anxiety which characterise this experience. He invents atype of writing that never stops challenging itself to highlight the lack of certainty in a world whereall is unstable, threatened with extinction.

Le quartier Figuerolles à Montpellier : imaginaire et lien social / The district of Figuerolles in Montpellier : the imaginary and the social link

Arcaix, Thierry 08 November 2012 (has links)
Figuerolles est le nom d’un quartier de la ville de Montpellier, une ville qui est le chef-lieu de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon et du département de l'Hérault, en France. La thèse qui y est consacrée s’articule autour de trois axes : sa dimension historique, car il n’y a de vrai développement qu’à partir d’une bonne connaissance de ce que nous sommes, ensuite tout ce qui a trait aux anecdotes, rappelant ainsi qu’il y a, comme le dirait Edgar Morin, une dialogie, c’est-à-dire un va et vient constant entre les archétypes fondateurs et les stéréotypes vécus dans la vie courante. Enfin, les descriptions de figures emblématiques, véritables totems, autour desquels on s’agrège, et qui ainsi constituent véritablement ce qui est un idéal communautaire. Au travers de ces trois points : histoire, figures, anecdotes, il s’agit de montrer comment le bien et le mal, la lumière et les ténèbres, le matériel et le spirituel sont mêlés en un réel tout à la fois complexe et fécond, régi par le hasard et la nécessité. La manifestation la plus évidente d’une telle complétude étant l’étonnante tolérance entre « ceuxqui croyaient au ciel et ceux qui n’y croyaient pas », vivant en un même lieu. N’oublions pas que le lieu fait lien… La signification affective du « quartier » souligne bien l’importance de l’espace que « je » partage avec d’autres, espace où la diversité des orientations sexuelles, la pluralité des représentations idéologiques, la multiplicité des tenues vestimentaires, la théâtralisation corporelle et la variété des goûts divers s’inscrivent dans l’ordre des choses. Tout et son contraire ont leur place, confirmant bien ainsi qu’« il faut de tout pour faire un monde ». / Figuerolles is the name of a district of the city of Montpellier, a city which is the capital of the Languedoc-Roussillon and the department of Hérault, France. This thesis is devoted to this district, and revolves around three axes : its historical dimension, because there can be no real development without a good understanding of what we are ; secondly, everything that relates to stories, reminding ourselves that there is, to paraphrase Edgar Morin, a dialogy, that is to say a constant back and forth between founders archetypes and stereotypes experienced in everyday life. Thirdly, descriptions of iconic figures, real totems around which we collect, and thus which constitute an ideal community. Through these three points : history, figures, anecdotes, we show how good and evil, light and darkness, the material and the spiritual are involved in a real context all at once complex and fruitful governed by chance and necessity. The most obvious manifestation of such completeness being amazing tolerance between "those who believe in heaven and those who do not believe," living in the same place. Do not forget that the place links... The affective meaning of "neighbourhood" underscores the importance of space as "I" shares with others, space where the diversity of sexual orientations, the plurality of ideological representations, multiple outfits, corporal dramatisation and the variety of different tastes fall into the order of things. Everything and its opposite have their place, clearly confirming that “it takes all kinds to make a world."

Příčinná souvislost v medicínskoprávních sporech a Koncept ,,ztráty naděje,, / Casual link in medical disputes and ,,loss of chance,, concept

Loucká, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the responsibility associated with the provision of health care, specifically it deals with the problem of causal link in medical disputes, its peculiarities, its obstacles related to its proving and possible ways of burden-of-proof- easement in relation to causation, including in particular the loss of chance concept. Second section of the thesis is dedicated to the brief introduction to the issue of liability, as a specific phenomenon necessary for the functioning of the human community, which is in the provision of health care represented not only by civil liability, but also by ethical disciplinary or labour liability. Legal liability is however clearly the dominant and most efficient instrument to regulate the conduct of the legal norm addressees. Legal liability, defined as secondary legal obligation, arising as a result of a breach of the primary legal obligation, is described in the third section of this thesis according to its basic structural elements. These basic structural elements are: infringement, emergence of damage, fault and finally causal link between the unlawful conduct and the damage. Crucial attention is paid to the causal link, to the specification of the causal link concept, to the requirement for level of proof in the Czech legal system and also in...

Finančněprávní aspekty loterií a jiných podobných her se zaměřením na poker / Financial and legal aspects of lotteries and similar games with a special regard to poker

Krasula, Vladimír January 2012 (has links)
81 Abstract The thesis is focused on financial and legal aspects of lotteries and similar games with a special regard to poker layed down by act No. 202/1990 Coll., Act on Lotteries and Other Similar Games. Bets and games of chance are civil law parallels of lotteries and other similar games. Legislator doesnt provide them with the same margin of legal protection and determines them unenforceable. Lotteries and other similar games according to the Czech legislation have a characteristic element of chance. Author argues whether poker is a game of chance and tends towards the opinion, that poker doesnt fall within the scope of the lottery act in its current definition. Afterwards the thesis clarifies the legal requirements to obtain licence to operate lotteries and other similar games. Czech republic as a member of the European Union shall be subjekt to the european law, nevertheless Czech legislation prohibits the applicants for licence to have a foreign equity participation. Author therefore compares the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union on gambling and tends towards the opinion that Czech legislation is in conflict with the European law. Lotteries and other similar games are closely connected with the tax and fee duties of the subjects. Thesis clarifies the new institute of lotteries...

Postavení územní samosprávy při regulaci provozu loterií a jiných podobných her / The position of local self-government in the regulation of lotteries and other similar games

Ulrich, Václav January 2013 (has links)
The position of local self-government in the regulation of lotteries and other similar games This thesis covers the position of local self-government in the Czech republic in the regulation of gambling. The role of local self-government, especially the municipalities, was rather recently reinforced thanks to a series of changes during the last two years. My objective is to describe the development of the position of local administration in this area and through an impartial opinion show the consequences of the aforementioned changes. My thesis is composed of three parts. Before I start dealing with the essential topic of my thesis, I have to define the basic notion in the first part of my work, by which I mean the notion of lotteries and other similar games of chance not only according to Act No. 202/1990 Coll., but also according to the foreign legislation (e.g. Belgian). I mention two basic aspects of this notion. The first one is based on the civil law and the second one much more important to my thesis is based on the norms of public law. After this selection I continue with classification of games of chance, but accordnig to my thesis, I try to show the differences between the games of chance that are object of the regulation of local self-government and the games of chance that are not. The most...

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