Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chest pain."" "subject:"thest pain.""
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Besvikelse hos patienter med misstänkt angina där kranskärlsröntgen visar normalt resultat : En intervjustudieNylander, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Misstanke om angina är vanligt förekommande, och utreds ofta med kranskärlsröntgen. Det är visserligen känns att dessa patienter lider av oro, ovisshet och försämrad livskvalitet men kunskap behövs om varför patienter blir besvikna över ett normalt undersökningsfynd. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva upplevelser hos patienter som uttrycker en besvikelse över att kranskärlsröntgen visar normala kärl eller inte förklarar patientens symtom samt beskriva vad känslan av besvikelse grundar sig i. Metod: En empirisk studie med beskrivande design och kvalitativ ansats. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med patienter med misstänkt angina. Data har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Deltagarna uttryckte en besvikelse över att inte få veta vad deras besvär beror på och över att kranskärlsröntgen inte visade på något som behövde och kunde åtgärdas, vilket hade kunnat bidra till förbättrat välbefinnande och en förbättrad fysisk förmåga. Deltagarna beskrev en förlust och saknad över att inte kunna leva det aktiva liv som de gjort tidigare, vilket tolkas ligga till grund för de förväntningar och reaktioner som deltagarna uttrycker. Upplevda begränsningar, oro och ovisshet leder till psykisk lidande, i form av frustration, nedstämdhet, uppgivenhet, och en känsla av hopplöshet. Detta leder till förväntningar på att få svar och hopp om åtgärd. Slutsats: Sjukvården kanske inte alltid kan minska patienternas grad av begränsningar, men genom relevant och anpassad information, kan vi ge patienterna rimliga förväntningar och till viss del kanske minska graden av besvikelse. Genom tydliga besked, stöd, och uppföljning kan vi förhoppningsvis minska patienternas psykiska lidande och känsla av ovisshet. / Background: Suspicion of angina are common, and often investigated with coronary angiography. Although it´s known that these patients suffer from anxiety, uncertainty and impaired QoL, knowledge is needed as to why patients are disappointed with normal examination findings. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences in patients who express disappointment over the fact that coronary angiography shows normal vessels or don´t explain the patient's symptoms, and to describe what the feeling of disappointment is based on. Method: An empirical study with descriptive design and qualitative approach. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients with suspected angina. Data have been analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Main results: The participants expressed disappointment of not knowing what causes their problems and that coronary angiography did not reveal something that needed or could be fixed, which could have contributed to improved well-being and improved physical ability. The participants described a loss of not being able to live the active life that they´ve been used to, which interpreted to be the cause of their expressed expectations and reactions. Their experienced limitations, anxiety and uncertainty lead to mental suffering, frustration, depression, despair, and a feeling of hopelessness. This leads to expectations of getting answers and hope of treatment. Conclusion: Healthcare may not always be able to reduce patients' degree of limitation, but through relevant and customized information, we can give patients reasonable expectations and to some extent perhaps reduce the degree of disappointment. Through clear messages, support, and follow-up, we can hopefully reduce patients' mental suffering and feelings of uncertainty.
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Detecção de infarto do miocárdio através de ressonância magnética cardiovascular e angiotomografia coronária em pacientes usuários de cocaína com história de dor torácica após seu uso / Assessment of myocardial infarction by cardiovascular magnetic resonance and computed tomography angiography in patients with cocaine-associated chest painParaschin, Karen 15 December 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A cocaína é a terceira droga ilícita mais comumente utilizada nos Estados Unidos e a principal responsável pelo atendimento de pacientes usuários de drogas em serviços de emergência médica. A queixa mais comum na entrada da emergência é a dor torácica, referida em 40% dos casos. Além disso, o uso crônico leva a piora da hipertensão, hipertrofia ventricular esquerda e acelera a aterosclerose. A ressonância magnética cardiovascular é um excelente método para avaliação da morfologia e função ventricular, com excelente reprodutibilidade, e atualmente considerada padrão ouro. A angiotomografia coronária é um método diagnóstico em ascensão, permitindo a detecção de DAC obstrutiva e não obstrutiva, acrescentando informação para a estratificação de risco cardiovascular. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eventual presença de infarto prévio em pacientes jovens (18 a 40 anos) usuários de cocaína, que apresentavam dor torácica, através da detecção de fibrose miocárdica por exame de ressonância magnética cardiovascular. O objetivo secundário foi avaliar alterações parietais e obstruções das coronárias desses pacientes por angiotomografia coronária. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos 24 pacientes usuários de cocaína (nas formas inalatória, injetável ou crack) que apresentavam dor torácica freqüente e de longa duração relacionada ao seu uso. Esses pacientes realizaram a angiotomografia coronária e a ressonância magnética cardiovascular. A angiotomografia coronária avaliou o escore de cálcio e árvore coronária por segmentos, e a ressonância magnética cardiovascular avaliou dimensões, volumes e função ventricular, bem como a eventual presença de realce tardio miocárdico. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 24 pacientes, 22 homens, com idade média de 29,7 anos (18 a 40 anos). A grande maioria dos pacientes (79%) fazia uso de cocaína inalatória de forma freqüente e 71% dos pacientes já haviam usado crack. O escore de cálcio foi positivo em apenas um paciente [54 (Agatston) e 56 (volume)]. Nenhum dos pacientes apresentou redução luminal significativa. Dos segmentos coronários avaliados, apenas um paciente apresentou placas calcificadas na artéria descendente anterior, nos segmentos proximal e médio. A análise da função ventricular global através da fração de ejeção (FE), volume diastólico final (VDF), volume sistólico final (VSF), e massa ventricular foi considerada normal em 100% da amostra. As médias da FE, VDF e VSF foram 60,7%, 147,7 ml e 59,1 ml, respectivamente. O índice cardíaco foi considerado normal em todos os pacientes, com média de 2,9. Nenhum paciente apresentou hipertrofia miocárdica. A análise da função ventricular segmentar através da análise dos 17 segmentos foi normal em todos os pacientes. Nenhum paciente apresentou realce tardio indicativo de fibrose miocárdica. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética cardiovascular não demonstrou, na população estudada, a presença de realce tardio miocárdico indicativo de fibrose, em indivíduos jovens e de baixo risco para doença arterial coronária, e com episódios de dor precordial prolongada durante ou após o uso de cocaína. A tomografia computadorizada corroborou o perfil de baixo risco clínico, demonstrando a ausência de ateromatose coronária na grande maioria (96%) dos indivíduos estudados. Apenas uma pequena porcentagem (4%) dos indivíduos apresentou ateromatose coronária discreta, sem obstruções significativas / INTRODUCTION: Cocaine is the third most commonly used illicit drug in the United States and the leading cause of emergency department visits among drug users. Chest pain is the most common cocaine-related presentation, being reported in 40% of patients. Its chronic use causes hypertensive crises, myocardium hypertrophy and accelerates the process of atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance provides an accurate assessment of cardiac morphology and ventricular function with excellent reproductibility, and it is considered the gold standard method. Computed tomography angiography has emerged as a powerful tool to evaluate patients with suspected coronary artery disease at the same time that it helps in the prognostic assessment of the patient. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of previous myocardial infarction among young cocaine users (18 to 40 years) with chest pain related with the use of the drug by the assessment of myocardial fibrosis through cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Secondarily, was also meant the evaluation of the coronary tree by the computed tomography angiography. METHODS: We studied 24 cocaine users (crystalline, powder or granular forms) that frequently complained about chest pain related to the use of the cocaine. These patients underwent computed tomography angiography with assessment of calcium score and the evaluation of the segmented coronary arteries, and cardiovascular magnetic resonance to assess dimensions, volumes and ventricular function of the heart, and the presence of myocardial fibrosis. RESULTS: We studied 24 patients (22 male), mean age of 29.7 years. Most of the patients (79%) had frequently used inhalatory cocaine, 71% of them had also used the crack cocaine form. The calcium score turned out to be positive in only one patient [54 (Agatston) and 56 (volume)]. None of them showed significant coronary stenosis. Among the coronary segments evaluated, only one patient had calcified plaques at the anterior descending coronary artery (proximal and medium segments). The global analysis of the left ventricular function assessed by the ejection fraction (EF), end diastolic volume (EDV), end sistolic volume (ESV) and ventricular mass were considered normal in 100% of the patients. Mean EF, EDV and ESV were 60.7%, 147.7mL and 59.1mL respectivelly. Cardiac index was normal in all patients. None of the patients showed myocardial hypertrophy. Assessment of regional ventricular function by the evaluation of 17 segments was normal in all patients. None of the patients showed myocardial delayed-enhancement, indicative of myocardial fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance did not detect the presence of delayed enhancement indicative of myocardial fibrosis among young cocaine users with low cardiovascular risk with complaints of chest pain during or after cocaine abuse. Computed tomography angiography confirmed low cardiovascular risk of these patients, since most of them (96%) had no atherosclerosis detected by this exam. Only one patient (4%) had coronary atherosclerosis detected, without significant coronary stenosis
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Prognostic value of reported chest pain for cardiovascular risk stratification in primary careLeistner, David M., Klotsche, Jens, Palm, Sylvia, Pieper, Lars, Stalla, Günter K., Lehnert, Hendrik, Silber, Sigmund, März, Winfried, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Zeiher, Andreas M. 21 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: The prognostic significance of chest pain is well established in patients with coronary artery disease, but still ill defined in primary prevention. Therefore, the aim of our analysis was to assess the prognostic value of different forms of chest pain in a large cohort of primary care subjects under the conditions of contemporary modalities of care in primary prevention, including measurement of serum levels of the biomarker NT-pro-BNP.
Design: We carried out a post-hoc analysis of the prospective DETECT cohort study.
Methods: In a total of 5570 unselected subjects, free of coronary artery disease, within the 55,518 participants of the cross-sectional DETECT study, we assessed chest pain history by a comprehensive questionnaire and measured serum NT-pro-BNP levels. Three types of chest pain, which were any chest pain, exertional chest pain and classical angina, were defined. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs = cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization procedures) were assessed during a 5-year follow-up period.
Results: During follow-up, 109 subjects experienced a MACE. All types of reported chest pain were associated with an approximately three-fold increased risk for the occurrence of incident MACEs, even after adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors. Any form of reported chest pain had a similar predictive value for MACEs as a one-time measurement of NT-pro-BNP. However, adding a single measurement of NT-pro-BNP and the information on chest pain resulted in reclassification of approximately 40% of subjects, when compared with risk prediction based on established cardiovascular risk factors.
Conclusions: In primary prevention, self-reported chest pain and a single measurement of NT-pro-BNP substantially improve cardiovascular risk prediction and allow for risk reclassification of approximately 40% of the subjects compared with assessing classical cardiovascular risk factors alone.
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Protocolo de atendimento de dor torácica em pediatriaPolo, Mariana Colbachini January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rossano César Bonatto / Resumo: Dor torácica na faixa etária pediátrica é causa comum de atendimentos em Pronto-Socorros e de encaminhamento para cardiologistas. Em crianças e adolescentes, com pouca frequência o sintoma está relacionado à patologia cardíaca, sendo as etiologias idiopática, musculoesqueléticas, gastrointestinais, pulmonares e psicogênicas as mais prevalentes. Embora seja benigna na maioria dos casos, tal sintoma pode ser responsável por faltas escolares, restrição das atividades físicas e pode ainda causar muita ansiedade em pacientes, familiares e profissionais da saúde. Anamnese, exame físico e eletrocardiograma conseguem identificar os pacientes com doenças que precisam ampliar a investigação diagnóstica, com exames ou avaliação do cardiologista pediátrico, sem necessidade de outros exames iniciais. Apesar disso, o medo e a ansiedade de perder uma condição potencialmente fatal levam a avaliações que são de baixo rendimento, alto custo, além de sobrecarregar os serviços especializados. Protocolos para padronização da abordagem da dor torácica pediátrica estão sendo implementadas em diversos departamentos de cardiologia pediátrica em todo o mundo visando a reduzir a grande variação das condutas adotadas na investigação diagnóstica, otimizar a utilização de recursos e melhorar o atendimento aos pacientes. Objetivo: Padronizar um protocolo de atendimento de dor torácica na faixa etária pediátrica de acordo com a realidade institucional do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Bot... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Pediatric chest pain is a common cause of emergency department (ED) visit and cardiology referral. In children and adolescents this symptom is infrequently related to a cardiac pathology, and more often, its causes are: idiopathic, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, pulmonary and psychogenic. Although it´s mostly benign, such sign may yet be responsible for school absence, lack of physical activities and parental anxiety. Background history, physical examination and electrocardiogram can easily identify the patients who need further investigation, whether if they need more exams or a cardiology referral. However, many of those patients are submitted to unnecessary exams because physicians fear that the initial assessment will not be enough, which implicates in money expenditure and overloaded specialty hospitals. Protocols to support decision-making and standardized assessment are being implemented in many cardiology departments, resulting in reduced costs and improved patient well-being. Objectives: Implementation of an evidence based pediatric chest pain protocol according to the resources available in Botucatu Medical School. Methods: Computer-based search of Pubmed, EMBASE, LILACS, Cochrane and Uptodate. Data summary: An algorithm of pediatric chest pain care was developed and that will be available to physicians responsible for the pediatric patients of the institution. Conclusions: The standardized assessment of pediatric chest pain can reduce hospital costs, in additio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Detecção de infarto do miocárdio através de ressonância magnética cardiovascular e angiotomografia coronária em pacientes usuários de cocaína com história de dor torácica após seu uso / Assessment of myocardial infarction by cardiovascular magnetic resonance and computed tomography angiography in patients with cocaine-associated chest painKaren Paraschin 15 December 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A cocaína é a terceira droga ilícita mais comumente utilizada nos Estados Unidos e a principal responsável pelo atendimento de pacientes usuários de drogas em serviços de emergência médica. A queixa mais comum na entrada da emergência é a dor torácica, referida em 40% dos casos. Além disso, o uso crônico leva a piora da hipertensão, hipertrofia ventricular esquerda e acelera a aterosclerose. A ressonância magnética cardiovascular é um excelente método para avaliação da morfologia e função ventricular, com excelente reprodutibilidade, e atualmente considerada padrão ouro. A angiotomografia coronária é um método diagnóstico em ascensão, permitindo a detecção de DAC obstrutiva e não obstrutiva, acrescentando informação para a estratificação de risco cardiovascular. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eventual presença de infarto prévio em pacientes jovens (18 a 40 anos) usuários de cocaína, que apresentavam dor torácica, através da detecção de fibrose miocárdica por exame de ressonância magnética cardiovascular. O objetivo secundário foi avaliar alterações parietais e obstruções das coronárias desses pacientes por angiotomografia coronária. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos 24 pacientes usuários de cocaína (nas formas inalatória, injetável ou crack) que apresentavam dor torácica freqüente e de longa duração relacionada ao seu uso. Esses pacientes realizaram a angiotomografia coronária e a ressonância magnética cardiovascular. A angiotomografia coronária avaliou o escore de cálcio e árvore coronária por segmentos, e a ressonância magnética cardiovascular avaliou dimensões, volumes e função ventricular, bem como a eventual presença de realce tardio miocárdico. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 24 pacientes, 22 homens, com idade média de 29,7 anos (18 a 40 anos). A grande maioria dos pacientes (79%) fazia uso de cocaína inalatória de forma freqüente e 71% dos pacientes já haviam usado crack. O escore de cálcio foi positivo em apenas um paciente [54 (Agatston) e 56 (volume)]. Nenhum dos pacientes apresentou redução luminal significativa. Dos segmentos coronários avaliados, apenas um paciente apresentou placas calcificadas na artéria descendente anterior, nos segmentos proximal e médio. A análise da função ventricular global através da fração de ejeção (FE), volume diastólico final (VDF), volume sistólico final (VSF), e massa ventricular foi considerada normal em 100% da amostra. As médias da FE, VDF e VSF foram 60,7%, 147,7 ml e 59,1 ml, respectivamente. O índice cardíaco foi considerado normal em todos os pacientes, com média de 2,9. Nenhum paciente apresentou hipertrofia miocárdica. A análise da função ventricular segmentar através da análise dos 17 segmentos foi normal em todos os pacientes. Nenhum paciente apresentou realce tardio indicativo de fibrose miocárdica. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética cardiovascular não demonstrou, na população estudada, a presença de realce tardio miocárdico indicativo de fibrose, em indivíduos jovens e de baixo risco para doença arterial coronária, e com episódios de dor precordial prolongada durante ou após o uso de cocaína. A tomografia computadorizada corroborou o perfil de baixo risco clínico, demonstrando a ausência de ateromatose coronária na grande maioria (96%) dos indivíduos estudados. Apenas uma pequena porcentagem (4%) dos indivíduos apresentou ateromatose coronária discreta, sem obstruções significativas / INTRODUCTION: Cocaine is the third most commonly used illicit drug in the United States and the leading cause of emergency department visits among drug users. Chest pain is the most common cocaine-related presentation, being reported in 40% of patients. Its chronic use causes hypertensive crises, myocardium hypertrophy and accelerates the process of atherosclerosis. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance provides an accurate assessment of cardiac morphology and ventricular function with excellent reproductibility, and it is considered the gold standard method. Computed tomography angiography has emerged as a powerful tool to evaluate patients with suspected coronary artery disease at the same time that it helps in the prognostic assessment of the patient. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of previous myocardial infarction among young cocaine users (18 to 40 years) with chest pain related with the use of the drug by the assessment of myocardial fibrosis through cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Secondarily, was also meant the evaluation of the coronary tree by the computed tomography angiography. METHODS: We studied 24 cocaine users (crystalline, powder or granular forms) that frequently complained about chest pain related to the use of the cocaine. These patients underwent computed tomography angiography with assessment of calcium score and the evaluation of the segmented coronary arteries, and cardiovascular magnetic resonance to assess dimensions, volumes and ventricular function of the heart, and the presence of myocardial fibrosis. RESULTS: We studied 24 patients (22 male), mean age of 29.7 years. Most of the patients (79%) had frequently used inhalatory cocaine, 71% of them had also used the crack cocaine form. The calcium score turned out to be positive in only one patient [54 (Agatston) and 56 (volume)]. None of them showed significant coronary stenosis. Among the coronary segments evaluated, only one patient had calcified plaques at the anterior descending coronary artery (proximal and medium segments). The global analysis of the left ventricular function assessed by the ejection fraction (EF), end diastolic volume (EDV), end sistolic volume (ESV) and ventricular mass were considered normal in 100% of the patients. Mean EF, EDV and ESV were 60.7%, 147.7mL and 59.1mL respectivelly. Cardiac index was normal in all patients. None of the patients showed myocardial hypertrophy. Assessment of regional ventricular function by the evaluation of 17 segments was normal in all patients. None of the patients showed myocardial delayed-enhancement, indicative of myocardial fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance did not detect the presence of delayed enhancement indicative of myocardial fibrosis among young cocaine users with low cardiovascular risk with complaints of chest pain during or after cocaine abuse. Computed tomography angiography confirmed low cardiovascular risk of these patients, since most of them (96%) had no atherosclerosis detected by this exam. Only one patient (4%) had coronary atherosclerosis detected, without significant coronary stenosis
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Chest pain in general practiceFrese, Thomas, Mahlmeister, Jarmila, Heitzer, Maximilian, Sandholzer, Hagen January 2015 (has links)
Objective: Chest pain is a common reason for an encounter in general practice. The present investigation was set out to characterize the consultation rate of chest pain, accompanying symptoms, frequency of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, and results of the encounter. Materials and Methods: Cross‑sectional data were collected from randomly selected patients in the German Sächsische Epidemiologische Studie in der Allgemeinmedizin 2 (SESAM 2) and analyzed from the Dutch Transition Project. Results: Overall, 270 patients from the SESAM 2 study consulted a general practitioner due to chest pain (3% of all consultations). Chest pain was more frequent in people aged over 45 years. The most common diagnostic interventions were physical examination, electrocardiogram at rest and analysis of blood parameters. For the majority of cases, the physicians arranged a follow‑up consultation or prescribed drugs. The transition project documented 8117 patients reporting chest pain with a frequency of 44.5/1000 patient years (1.7% of all consultations). Physical examination was also the most common diagnostic intervention, and physician’s advice the most relevant therapeutic one. Conclusion: The most common causes for chest pain were musculoskeletal problems followed by cardiovascular diseases. Ischemic heart disease, psychogenic problems, and respiratory diseases each account for about 10% of the cases. However, acutely dangerous causes are rare in general practice.
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New Algorithm for the Prediction of Cardiovascular Risk in Symptomatic Adults with Stable Chest PainPapireddy, Muralidhar R., Lavie, Carl J., Deoker, Abhizith, Mamudu, Hadii, Paul, Timir K. 01 May 2018 (has links)
Purpose of Review: To review the landmark studies in predicting obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) in symptomatic patients with stable chest pain and identify better prediction tools and propose a simplified algorithm to guide the health care providers in identifying low risk patients to defer further testing. Recent Findings: There are a few risk prediction models described for stable chest pain patients including Diamond-Forrester (DF), Duke Clinical Score (DCS), CAD Consortium Basic, Clinical, and Extended models. The CAD Consortium models demonstrated that DF and DCS models overestimate the probability of CAD. All CAD Consortium models performed well in the contemporary population. PROMISE trial secondary data results showed that a clinical tool using readily available ten very low-risk pre-test variables could discriminate low-risk patients to defer further testing safely. Summary: In the contemporary population, CAD Consortium Basic or Clinical model could be used with more confidence. Our proposed simple algorithm would guide the physicians in selecting low risk patients who can be managed conservatively with deferred testing strategy. Future research is needed to validate our proposed algorithm to identify the low-risk patients with stable chest pain for whom further testing may not be warranted.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med patienter som lider av psykosomatisk bröstsmärta i prehospital miljö : En intervjustudie / Nurses’ experiences of the encounters with patients suffering from psychosomatic chest pain in a prehospital environment : An interview studyÖstman, Sanna, Boija, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan ökar i Sverige. Det innebär förändringar inom den prehospitala sjukvården. Ambulanssjuksköterskans arbete riktas ofta initialt mot akuta somatiska problem, men att vårda patienter med psykosomatisk bröstsmärta till följd av ångest är också en viktig del av omvårdnadsarbetet. Detta medför stor potentiell patientnytta då obehandlad, svår ångest indirekt kan bli livshotande med hänseende till suicidrisken. För att öka kunskapen om psykosomatisk bröstsmärta finns det ett behov av att beforska området. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med patienter med psykosomatisk bröstsmärta prehospitalt. Metod: Åtta sjuksköterskor varav sex vidareutbildade inom ambulanssjukvård rekryterades från tre olika ambulansstationer i Norrland. Datan insamlades genom individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Vald analysmetod resulterade i tre huvudkategorier: Samtalet har en viktig roll i mötet, Bedömningen av allvarlighetsgrad är utmanande i mötet, och Ett per- soncentrerat förhållningssätt är viktigt i mötet, med sex tillhörande underkategorier som svarar på syftet. Slutsats: Psykisk ohälsa ses vara ett fullvärdigt problem inom den prehospitala sjukvården. Sjuksköterskor inom prehospital sjukvård utesluter i första hand somatisk orsak, men ser samtalet som ett naturligt nästa steg i bemötandet och behandlingen av patienter som söker vård för psykosomatisk bröstsmärta. Samtalet i kombination med ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt anses vara de bästa verktygen i bemötandet.
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Esophageal Disorders in Primary PracticeShort, T P., Thomas, E 01 December 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Uso da angiografia coronária por tomografia computadorizada na avaliação prognóstica de pacientes com suspeita de doença arterial coronária / Coronary computed tomography angiography to evaluate prognosis in patients with suspected coronary artery diseaseBittencourt, Márcio Sommer 24 July 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Poucos estudos avaliaram o valor prognóstico em longo prazo da presença, extensão e gravidade da doença arterial coronária (DAC) detectada pela angiotomografia computadorizada de artérias coronárias (TCcor). Métodos: Todos os pacientes consecutivos sem DAC prévia que realizaram TCcor para avaliar DAC foram incluídos. Os resultados da TCcor foram classificados como normal, DAC não-obstrutiva (estenose < 50%), ou obstrutiva (>= 50%). Além disso, com base no número de segmentos com a doença, a DAC foi classificada como não-extensa (<= 4 segmentos) ou extensa (> 4 segmentos). Os pacientes foram acompanhados para o desfecho primário de eventos cardiovasculares (CV) incluindo morte ou infarto do miocárdio (IAM) e um desfecho secundário dos eventos cardiovasculares adversos maiores, constituído por morte CV, IAM ou revascularização coronária tardia (> 90 dias). Resultados: Entre 3242 pacientes acompanhados por uma média de 3,6 ± 1,8 anos, ocorreram 92 (2,8%) eventos primários e 195 (6,0%) apresentaram o desfecho secundário. Em uma análise multivariada, foram associados com aumento de eventos a presença de DAC extensa não-obstrutiva (hazard ratio (HR): 3.1, intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC): 1,5-6,5); não-extensa obstrutiva (HR: 3,0, IC 95%: 1,3 - 7,0) e DAC obstrutiva extensa (HR: 3,9, IC 95%: 2,1-7,2), enquanto os não-extensiva CAD não-obstrutiva não esteve associada a eventos (HR: 1,3, IC 95%: 0,6-2,4). A adição da extensão da placa a um modelo que incluía probabilidade clínica de DAC, assim como a presença e gravidade de DAC resultou na melhoria da predição de eventos CV. Conclusão: Entre os pacientes com DAC não obstrutiva, aqueles com mais de 4 segmentos com doença apresentaram uma maior taxa de CV morte ou MI, comparáveis aos que têm doença obstrutiva com <= 4 segmentos. Mesmo entre os pacientes com DAC obstrutiva, maior extensão de placa esteve associado com maior taxa de eventos. Estes resultados sugerem que, independentemente da presença de estenose, a extensão da placa não-obstrutiva reforça a avaliação de risco além dos dados clínicos e outros achados TCcor / Introduction: There is limited prior data on the long-term prognostic value of the presence, extent and severity of both non-obstructive and obstructive CAD detected by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Methods: All consecutive patients without prior CAD referred for CCTA to evaluate for CAD were included. CCTA findings were classified as normal, non-obstructive (< 50% stenosis) or obstructive (>= 50%) disease. Additionally, based on the number of segments with disease, extent of CAD was classified as non-extensive (<=4 segments) or extensive (> 4 segments). Patients were followed for a primary endpoint of cardiovascular (CV) death or myocardial infarction (MI) and a secondary endpoint of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) consisting of CV death, MI or late coronary revascularization (> 90 days). Results: Among 3242 patients followed for a mean of 3.6±1.8 years, 92 (2.8%) patients who experienced the primary endpoints and 195 (6.0%) experienced the secondary endpoint. In a multivariable analysis, the presence of extensive non-obstructive CAD (hazard ratio (HR): 3.1, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.5 - 6.5); non-extensive obstructive (HR: 3.0, 95%CI: 1.3 - 7.0) and extensive obstructive CAD (HR: 3.9, 95%CI: 2.1 - 7.2) were associated with increase in the rate of the primary endpoint, while non-extensive non-obstructive CAD was not (HR: 1.3, 95%CI: 0.6 - 2.4). The addition of the extent of plaque to a model, which included clinical probability of CAD as well as the presence and severity of CAD, resulted in improved prediction of all endpoints. Conclusion: Among patients with non-obstructive CAD, those with more than 4 segments with disease experienced a higher rate CV death or MI, comparable to those who have obstructive disease with <= 4 diseased segments. Even among patients with obstructive CAD, greater extent of non-obstructive plaque was associated with higher event rate. These findings suggest that regardless of whether stenosis is present or absent, the extent of non-obstructive plaque enhances risk assessment beyond clinical data and other CCTA findings
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