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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skyddsnätets förutsättningar : En enkätundersökning om vilka förutsättningar lärarstudenter ges inför anmälningsplikten / The prerequisites of society´s safety net : a web survey of students teachers prerequisites as future mandated reporters

Ström, Mattias, Ahnstedt, Joel January 2019 (has links)
Child neglect and abuse is a widespread problem and mandatory reporting is one of society's most important instruments for detecting and supporting children that are affected. Teachers are an occupational professional group in a unique position to identify children affected by abuse and neglect, but previous research shows that teachers often lack proper education and skills to detect children in need of protection and support. The aim of the study is to examine the qualifications student teachers acquire during their undergraduate studies to act as mandated reporters in their future careers. Furthermore the aim is to problematize how prepared student teachers are for this responsibility. All final year student teachers studying F-3 and 4-6 at Linneaus university in Kalmar and Växjö were asked to participate in a web survey. The results of the study showed that education on child neglect and abuse was scarce and received no primary focus during student teachers basic training. The results also showed that only a minority of the student teachers had received information via official guidelines and documents, while previous work experience was a major source of knowledge on child abuse and neglect. Our conclusion of the study is that student teachers are ill prepared for the responsibility as mandated reporters. This is problematized in the discussion where mandatory reporting and it’s prerequisites are put in a different perspective based on society's responsibility regarding child abuse and neglect.

Kära barn, det här handlar om din barndom : 9 vuxna berättar om sina erfarenheter av en utsatt barndom och samhällets insatser

Skog, Emilia, Karlsson, Karoline January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze how adults who grew up in an exposed habitat experienced their upbringing and society's efforts and how it affected them in adult life. The method that we used was qualitative interviews. This method has given us a rich material, we believe. The results were analyzed by means of the theory we used and past research in the field. All of our respondents have in common that they were insecure in childhood.  And everyone has had negative consequences of their childhood into adulthood. All respondents noted that what has been significant in touch with society´s effords has been to feel seen and listen to. The results of our study and past research in this area shows that it is important to pay attention to children in distress early to avoid negative outcomes in adulthood and that preventative measures are important. Other result from our study was that children and their experiences need to be taken seriously and to strive for continuity in the work.

Technology Adaptations to the Parent-infant Interactions Module for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities

Gaskin, Emily H 29 July 2011 (has links)
Parents with intellectual disabilities (ID) are disproportionately represented in child maltreatment (CM) statistics due to a confluence of factors. Prevention efforts should address this population by developing curricula that support various modes of learning. Technology offers a potentially effective tool because it is visual, free from extraneous factors, engaging, and self-instructional. SafeCare is an evidence-based parenting program with flexibility to adapt curricula while maintaining fidelity. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of an adaptation to the SafeCare parent-infant (PII) module for parents with ID by using digital picture frames with pictures of their own PII to effect performance. A multiple-probe design across behaviors was used with one mother with ID and her infant. Results showed a significant increase in PII behaviors through two month follow-up. These data suggest the digital picture frame enhancement to the SafeCare PII module is a promising instructional tool for parents with ID.

Religious Freedom or Child Abuse? Drawing the Line between Free Excercise and Crimes against Children in Georgia

Bennett, Christina G 11 August 2011 (has links)
This project examines how Georgia draws the line between religious freedom and child abuse. In Georgia, certain religious parents are granted spiritual exemptions for conduct that would otherwise be prohibited due to its potential harm to children, while other parents must alter their religious practices to conform to the law. An examination of Georgia law governing conduct that is both religiously-motivated and poses a risk of physical harm to children illustrates that Georgia’s spiritual exemptions have contributed to producing legally-defined religious orthodoxy, inconsistent regulation of religious conduct, and less stringent state protection from harm for the children of some religious parents.

Exploring Barriers and Consequences Related to Nurses Reporting Child Abuse

Devkota, Asmita 01 January 2017 (has links)
Background: Child abuse is a pervasive and serious problem in the United States. Over 3 million children are the victims of some kind of physical assault by adults. Due to their prolonged contact with children and opportunity to report, nurses should be trained to accurately assess, identify, and manage cases of child abuse. The purpose of this study was to examine student’s experiences with Child Protective Services, and explore their confidence and attitudes related to identifying and reporting child abuse. Factors associated with non-reporting were identified. Methodology: This was an exploratory, descriptive study. Students enrolled in the online Nursing Research course, NUR 3165, were asked to participate. Forty-four RN to BSN and Concurrent students completed the 27 questions survey on Qualtrics. It included demographic questions, questions regarding the participant’s beliefs about child abuse, The Child Abuse Reporting, Attitude and Experience Survey, and two vignettes. Survey data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: There were total of 44 (6 males and 38 females) students who completed the survey; most of them were between the age of 20-24. Fourteen were RN to BSN students who have practiced nursing for more than a year and 30 were concurrent nursing students who are still working on their ASN degree. The results showed that nursing students had positive experiences with CPS and indicated that they had confidence in identifying child abuse. However, students felt that they have not received adequate professional education in this field. Many reported never receiving training regarding child abuse and 84.1% indicated never reporting a suspected case to CPS. When presented with vignettes describing scenarios related to abuse, participants were not able to positively identify cases of abuse versus cases that were ambiguous. Discussion: Nurses are mandatory child abuse reporters in Florida. Many nursing students indicated that they have never reported suspected cases of child abuse to CPS and some of the reasons for this could be the lack of experience, and proper training and education on child abuse. Regardless of the reason, nursing students should be given adequate education to improve their confidence and attitude in identification and reporting of child abuse cases. Nursing schools could focus on including more hands on activity such as case studies and simulation to improve knowledge. Employers could try to utilize protocols to help identify child abuse.

Det bristande föräldraskapet : En kvalitativ analys av föräldrars omsorgsförmåga i LVU-domar / The lack of parenting : A qualitative analysis of parents' caregiving ability in LVU-judgements

Folckner, Ingrid, Fritiof, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa dokumentstudie har som syfte att undersöka hur föräldraskap konstrueras i LVU-domar i förhållande till rekvisitet brister i omsorgen. Studien ämnar att undersöka hur moderskap respektive faderskap porträtteras i förhållande till detta. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har LVU-domar analyserats utifrån en tematisk analys. Den teoretiska ramen har varit socialkonstruktionism, Hirdmans teori om genussystemet, intersektionalitet samt ett rättssociologiskt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att det finns flera olika faktorer som kan ligga till grund för en bristande omsorg och att det i varje specifikt fall görs en bedömning utifrån de omständigheter som kan innebära en påtaglig risk för att barnets hälsa eller utveckling skadas. Föräldrarnas omsorgsförmåga porträtteras följaktligen i förhållande till omständigheterna i barnets liv och till barnets specifika behov. Övergripande har studien också funnit att det generellt skrivs mer om mödrar i domarna. Deras omsorgsförmåga beskrivs mer utförligt, både i negativa och positiva ordalag. Det råder även en variation kring hur domen är utformad, samt hur mycket och hur utförligt det skrivs. I vissa domar skrivs det mycket kortfattat kring omsorgsförmågan, medan det i andra redogörs mycket utförligt. Studien har också funnit att moderskap respektive faderskap till viss del konstrueras på olika sätt. Till exempel konstrueras mödrar som ansvariga för grundläggande och känslomässig omsorg. De konstrueras även som ansvariga för att hantera konflikter och säkerställa säkerheten för barnet. Generellt skrivs det inte mycket kring fäderna och de tillskrivs generellt en mer passiv roll.

De osedda barnen : Kvinnors upplevelser av förälder/föräldrars alkoholmissbruk och alkoholmissbrukets påverkan under barndom och vuxenliv

Gren, Anette, 0hlsson, Lena January 2010 (has links)
<p>This article seeks to examine the effects alcohol abuse have on the growth of women and how, as adults, their lives are affected by this. It tries to encourage a better understanding and knowledge of these experiences and how instances of support and help have influenced the subject’s life, from childhood through to adulthood. Through 10 qualitative interviews of adult women, all affected by childhood alcohol abuse, the article tries to get a better understanding of how these women coped under these circumstances. The article attempts also to better understand how the women’s experiences of support during childhood have benefited them and how they feel as adults today.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur kvinnor som vuxit upp i familjer med alkoholmissbruk har upplevt sin uppväxt och hur vuxenlivet har blivit påverkat. Vi vill även få en ökad förståelse och kunskap om upplevelser av stöd och hjälp under de vuxna barnens barndom och fram till idag som vuxen. Genom tio kvalitativa intervjuer av vuxna kvinnor till alkoholmissbrukare har vi kunnat få en förståelse hur det var att växa upp med alkohol i familjen och hur de hanterade det som var problemfyllt. Vi ville få en förståelse hur de vuxna barnen upplevde stöd under sin barndom, vad som varit gynnande, samt hur de mår idag som vuxen.</p>

De osedda barnen : Kvinnors upplevelser av förälder/föräldrars alkoholmissbruk och alkoholmissbrukets påverkan under barndom och vuxenliv

Gren, Anette, 0hlsson, Lena January 2010 (has links)
This article seeks to examine the effects alcohol abuse have on the growth of women and how, as adults, their lives are affected by this. It tries to encourage a better understanding and knowledge of these experiences and how instances of support and help have influenced the subject’s life, from childhood through to adulthood. Through 10 qualitative interviews of adult women, all affected by childhood alcohol abuse, the article tries to get a better understanding of how these women coped under these circumstances. The article attempts also to better understand how the women’s experiences of support during childhood have benefited them and how they feel as adults today. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur kvinnor som vuxit upp i familjer med alkoholmissbruk har upplevt sin uppväxt och hur vuxenlivet har blivit påverkat. Vi vill även få en ökad förståelse och kunskap om upplevelser av stöd och hjälp under de vuxna barnens barndom och fram till idag som vuxen. Genom tio kvalitativa intervjuer av vuxna kvinnor till alkoholmissbrukare har vi kunnat få en förståelse hur det var att växa upp med alkohol i familjen och hur de hanterade det som var problemfyllt. Vi ville få en förståelse hur de vuxna barnen upplevde stöd under sin barndom, vad som varit gynnande, samt hur de mår idag som vuxen.

Religious Freedom or Child Abuse? Drawing the Line between Free Excercise and Crimes against Children in Georgia

Bennett, Christina G 11 August 2011 (has links)
This project examines how Georgia draws the line between religious freedom and child abuse. In Georgia, certain religious parents are granted spiritual exemptions for conduct that would otherwise be prohibited due to its potential harm to children, while other parents must alter their religious practices to conform to the law. An examination of Georgia law governing conduct that is both religiously-motivated and poses a risk of physical harm to children illustrates that Georgia’s spiritual exemptions have contributed to producing legally-defined religious orthodoxy, inconsistent regulation of religious conduct, and less stringent state protection from harm for the children of some religious parents.

Efter anmälan : - BVC-sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter ur ett etiskt perspektiv efter att de har anmält till socialtjänsten att barn far illa

Fagerberg, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor som arbetar på barnavårdcentral (BVC-sjuksköterskor) träffar 99,2 procent av alla barn. De har därför en viktig funktion när det gäller att upptäcka och rapportera barn som far illa. Trots anmälningsplikt är anmälningsfrekvensen låg. Det råder brist på studier kring hur det blir för BVC-sjuksköterskor efter att de har gjort en anmälan. Syfte: Att ur ett etiskt perspektiv undersöka BVC-sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter efter att de har anmält till socialtjänsten att barn far illa. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sex BVC-sjuksköterskor. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys på manifest nivå enligt Graneheim och Lundman. Resultat: BVC-sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av samarbetet med socialtjänsten varierade. Alla informanterna menade dock att bristen på återkoppling var ett stort hinder. Relationen till föräldrarna kunde ibland bevaras eller fördjupas efter anmälan. Ibland skadades relationen och då ansågs byte av BVC-sjuksköterska som bra. Efter beslutet om anmälan fanns många känslor. Bland annat kände sig informanterna utsatta och var rädda för hot. Det fanns även en stor oro för barnet och moralisk stress förekom. Att anmäla upplevdes som att göra sin plikt. Stöd var viktigt och kunde göra tröskeln till ny anmälan mindre. Slutsats: BVC-sjuksköterskor upplever många svårigheter efter anmälan, vilket kan påverka anmälningsfrekvensen. Ett gott samarbete med socialtjänsten, handledning och tillräckligt med stöd efter anmälan, skulle kunna leda till fler anmälningar till socialtjänsten när barn far illa. / Background: Nurses working in primary child healthcare meet 99,2 percent of the children in Sweden. Therefore they have an important role in finding and reporting child abuse and neglect. Despite mandatory reporting according to the law, the rate of reports is low. There is a lack of research about experiences from nurses after they have made a report to the social welfare board. Aim: To, from an ethical perspective, explore the experiences from nurses working in primary child healthcare after they have made a report to the social welfare board about child abuse or neglect. Method: Semistructured interviews were conducted with six nurses working in primary childhealth care. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis on a manifest level according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results: Nurses working in primary child healthcare had a varying experience of the contact with the social welfare board. All respondents however, thought that the lack of feedback from the social welfare board was a major obstacle. The relation to the parents were sometimes preserved or even deeper after the report. The relation could also be harmed and then a replacement of the nurse was considered to be good. After decision to report, there were a lot of emotions and some felt that they were in an exposed situation some feared threats. Further on there was a major concern for the child and some respondents perceived moral distress. To report was considered to do ones duty. To get support was important and could lower the threshold for making another report. Conclusion: Nurses working in primary child healthcare experience many difficulties after reporting to the social welfare board, which may influence the amounts of made reports. Good cooperation with the social welfare board, mentoring and sufficient support after reporting, may result in more reports to the social welfare board about child abuse or neglect.

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