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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Det är så komplext varför man väljer bort en förälder” : En kvalitativ studie om familjerättssekreterares arbete med familjer där föräldrapåverkan misstänks förekomma / “It´s so complex why you reject a parent” : A qualitative study on family law secretaries work with families where parental influence is suspected to occur

Severinsson, Vilma, Dröschler Leo, Isabella January 2024 (has links)
Det förekommer att barn distanserar sig från en förälder till följd av den andra förälderns påverkan, vilket orsakar både kortsiktiga och långsiktiga konsekvenser för barnet. Det råder dock delade åsikter kring om fenomenet existerar eller inte. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur familjerättssekreterare arbetar med konfliktfyllda familjer där föräldrapåverkan misstänks förekomma. Uppsatsens frågeställningar berörde hantering av dessa ärenden, identifiering av tecken, barnets inkludering samt begreppet föräldraalienations tillämpning. För att besvara dessa har åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med familjerättssekreterare från södra Sverige. Resultatet visade att familjerättssekreterare har svårt att urskilja vad som handlar om föräldrapåverkan respektive ett berättigat avståndstagande. Professionella möter likaså utmaningar i ärenden där föräldrapåverkan misstänks förekomma och till dessa hör att nå fram till föräldrarna samt vara opartisk. Olika metoder används, exempelvis att göra små överenskommelser och ge hemläxor till föräldrarna, vilket anses underlätta arbetet. Familjerättssekreterare är även uppmärksamma på olika typer av tecken hos både barn och föräldrar, för att kunna upptäcka ett sådant här avståndstagande. Vidare genomsyras arbetet av ett barnperspektiv, där barns rättigheter och föräldrarnas skyldigheter betonas. Med grund i att det framkom att det finns en osäkerhet och brist på kunskap gällande fenomenet, är det av stor vikt att professionella förstår de orsaker som kan ligga till grund för barnets avvisande beteende. Detta för att kunna agera i tid och minimera skadan för familjen. / It occurs that children distance themselves from one parent as a result of the other parent’s influence, which causes both short-term and long-term consequences for the child. However, there are divided opinions about whether the phenomenon exists or not. The aim of this qualitative study was to examine how family law secretaries work with conflicted families where parental influence is suspected to occur. The essay’s questions concerned the handling of these cases, identification of signs, the child’s inclusion and the application of the concept of parental alienation. To answer these, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight family law secretaries from southern Sweden. The results showed that family law secretaries have difficulty distinguishing between parental influence and justified distancing. Professionals also face challenges in cases where parental influence is suspected, and these include reaching out to the parents and being unbiased. Different methods are used, for example making small agreements and giving homework to the parents, which is considered to facilitate the work. Family law secretaries are also aware of different types of signs in both children and parents, in order to detect this kind of distancing. Furthermore, the work is permeated by a children’s perspective, where children’s rights and parents’ obligations are emphasized. Due to the fact that there is an uncertainty and lack of knowledge regarding the phenomenon, it is of great importance that professionals understand the reasons that may underlie the child’s rejecting behavior. This is to be able to act in time and minimize the damage to the family.

Interracial and intercultural adoption : a South African legal perspective

Ferreira, Sandra 05 1900 (has links)
The best interests of the child are paramount in every matter concerning the child. This applies in the case of adoption of a child as well. When an adoption is intercultural, culture is an issue to be taken into account. This study is undertaken to consider the role that culture should play in a decision whether an adoption is in the best interests of the child. In order to determine whether intercultural adoption is a viable option that serves the best interests of the child, interracial adoption also needs to be focused on, as intercultural adoption is often also interracial. The research for this thesis is done from a South African legal perspective, although some interdisciplinary and international research is necessary as well. A brief historical overview of adoption in South Africa is undertaken, as it is important to have some background knowledge about adoption in South Africa in order to understand why race and culture are relevant in the South African adoptive system. The role of the family in the life of the child is investigated. The difference between family care, parental care and alternative care is researched. Thereafter the role of emotional bonding for a child, also known as attachment, is focused on. An important question is whether race and culture is the same thing. This is researched, whereafter the role of race and culture in the adoption process is investigated. The relevant provisions of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983,which regulates adoption in South Africa, are compared to the relevant provisions of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005, which will regulate adoption in South Africa soon. Finally, some conclusions are drawn, shortcomings are highlighted and possible solutions are suggested. The outcome of this thesis should provide some guidance to those involved in the adoption process with regard to the factors that are important in determining the best interests of the child in an intercultural adoption. / Law / LL.D.

The role of international, regional and domestic standards in monitoring children's rights

Oladiji, Sharon Omowunmi 06 1900 (has links)
The study provides a brief overview of the most important legal instruments in the international, regional and national framework on the development and promotion of children’s rights. Basically, it examines the continuous and pervasive violation of children’s rights despite the progressive instruments that have been adopted to ensure the proper and effective realization of these rights. It focuses on three different countries in Africa: South Africa, Ethiopia and Nigeria because of the value-laden nature of the progressive laws adopted by these countries in the protection of children’s rights. Specific roles and actions taken by international, regional and national monitoring bodies are highlighted to indicate their effectiveness in promoting and fulfilling rights for children. Country reports on the situation of children are examined in the context of realization of salient rights for children amidst the different judicial, political and socio-cultural settings. Emerging judgments and judicial developments that have limited and advanced the realization of rights for children in the specific country context were explored. Conclusions and recommendations are made. / Public, Constitutional, & International Law / LLM

Le système de justice pénale pour adolescents et les droits internationaux de l’enfant : obligations du Canada et jeunes racialisés

Caron-Paquin, Azinatya 08 1900 (has links)
La justice criminelle devrait être adaptée aux mineurs et répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques selon le droit international des droits de l’enfant. Or, ce mémoire démontre que les droits internationaux de l’enfant compris dans les traités et autres instruments de droit international ne sont pas respectés au Canada. Le non-respect des droits de l’enfant en matière de justice juvénile se traduit par une violation des protections internationales fondamentales contre la discrimination raciale. Afin d’étudier les répercussions de la violation des droits du mineur dans la justice criminelle sur les jeunes racialisés, l’auteure adopte un cadre théorique critique de la race. La loi canadienne sur le système de justice pénale (LSJPA) est évaluée à la lumière des instruments internationaux de protection des droits de la personne selon quatre thèmes, soit (1) l’accent de la justice juvénile canadienne mis sur la répression, (2) l’accès entravé aux mesures et sanctions extrajudiciaires, (3) l’emploi abusif du placement sous garde ainsi que (4) l’assujettissement à une peine adulte. Chacun de ces quatre thèmes aborde la question de la discrimination raciale telle que vécue par les Autochtones et jeunes d’appartenance aux minorités visibles. / According to Children’s international rights, the youth criminal justice system should be adapted to minors and address their special needs. However, this thesis examines the extend to which Canada does not fulfill its international obligations regarding international children’s rights in juvenile justice. Violation of these rights induce the infrigement of internationally recognized fundamental protections against racial discrimination. In order to analyse the consequences for racialized youth of such violation of international rights, the author applies a critical race theoretical frame. This thesis compares the Canadian Youth criminal justice Act (YCJA) with international human rights emanating from ratified treaties and other international agreements. The evaluation is divided among four themes : the emphasis of the present act on the repressive justice model, the impeded access to extrajudicial measures and sanctions, the abusive use of detention, and the transfer to adult court. Each of these four themes address questions of racial discrimination as lived by Aboriginal youth and visible minorities.

Giustizia penale e protezione dei minori nell’Unione europea / Justice pénale et protection des mineurs dans l'Union européenne / Criminal justice and child protection in the European Union

Magli, Mia 13 June 2017 (has links)
Aujourd'hui les droits des mineurs occupent une place de plus en plus importante dans l'agenda juridique et politique de l'UE. La promotion des droits de l'enfant représente maintenant un objectif de l'UE, consacré dans l'article 3, paragr. 3, du Traité sur l'Union européenne. Les droits de l'enfant sont également cristallisés dans l'article 24 de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne. Actuellement l'Union européenne dispose de nombreux actes législatifs et de documents non législatifs relatifs aux droits des mineurs ou qui peuvent avoir des répercussions indirectes sur la vie des enfants. Ce travail analyse la nature, la portée et la valeur des mesures de l'UE dans deux domaines principaux : la protection des enfants et de leurs droits et la justice pénale des mineurs. Le but de la recherche a été d’examiner jusqu'à quel point on peut parler d’une valeur ajoutée de la promotion des droits des enfants au niveau de l'UE, par rapport au niveau national et international et également celui de proposer de nouvelles solutions pour améliorer la promotion et la protection des droits des enfants dans l’Union européenne. / Today children’s rights occupy an increasingly prominent place on the EU legal and policy agenda. The promotion and protection of the rights of the child is now an objective of the EU as set out in Article 3.3 of the Treaty on European Union. The rights of the child are also enshrined in the article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The EU has now many legislative documents and non-legislative acts related to children’s rights or that may have the potential to impact on children’s life. This Phd thesis analyzes the nature, scope and value of EU measures in relation to children in two main areas : child protection and juvenile criminal justice. It investigates if there is an added value of children’s rights at EU level and it also makes some suggestions to improve the promotion and protection of children’s rights in the EU. / Al giorno d’oggi, i diritti dei minori occupano uno spazio sempre più importante nell’agenda giuridica e politica dell’Unione europea. Attualmente, infatti, la promozione dei diritti dei minori rappresenta un obiettivo dell’Unione, consacrato nell’articolo 3, par. 3, del Trattato sull’Unione europea. I diritti fondamentali dei minori sono poi sanciti esplicitamente nell’articolo 24 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’UE. Oggi, l’Unione europea può disporre di numerosi strumenti normativi (e non) dedicati espressamente ai diritti dei fanciulli e tanti altri possono avere delle ripercussioni indirette sulla loro vita. La presente ricerca analizza, pertanto, la natura, la portata e il valore delle misure intraprese dall’UE in due settori principali : la protezione dei minori e la giustizia penale. Lo scopo della tesi è esaminare in che termini si possa parlare di un valore aggiunto della promozione dei diritti dei minori a livello UE, rispetto alle normative già in vigore a livello nazionale e internazionale. A partire da tale analisi, essa cerca di proporre nuove soluzioni per migliorare la promozione e la protezione dei diritti dei minori nell’Unione europea.

International refugee law in Europe and the temporary relocation scheme : on durable solutions for the refugee child during the refugee crisis

Difford, Crystal 07 May 2018 (has links)
This study explores the international obligations of the European Union to the unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee child. In doing so, it involves an investigation into the concept and content of durable solutions for the refugee child. As such, it analyses the effect of the temporary European relocation scheme in the search for durable solutions. To that end, it engages a comprehensive explanation of the relevant refugee law, the law of the rights of the child and the European legislative framework governing the reception and protection of refugees. Cumulatively, an assessment is made as to the effectiveness of the durable solutions that currently exist. This study seeks to establish whether, in an attempt to relieve the pressure from the frontline member states by creating a system for effective integration, Europe encourages the development of a children’s rights perspective and ultimately, provides a path for the unaccompanied child’s development and self-fulfilment. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. M.

Interracial and intercultural adoption : a South African legal perspective

Ferreira, Sandra 05 1900 (has links)
The best interests of the child are paramount in every matter concerning the child. This applies in the case of adoption of a child as well. When an adoption is intercultural, culture is an issue to be taken into account. This study is undertaken to consider the role that culture should play in a decision whether an adoption is in the best interests of the child. In order to determine whether intercultural adoption is a viable option that serves the best interests of the child, interracial adoption also needs to be focused on, as intercultural adoption is often also interracial. The research for this thesis is done from a South African legal perspective, although some interdisciplinary and international research is necessary as well. A brief historical overview of adoption in South Africa is undertaken, as it is important to have some background knowledge about adoption in South Africa in order to understand why race and culture are relevant in the South African adoptive system. The role of the family in the life of the child is investigated. The difference between family care, parental care and alternative care is researched. Thereafter the role of emotional bonding for a child, also known as attachment, is focused on. An important question is whether race and culture is the same thing. This is researched, whereafter the role of race and culture in the adoption process is investigated. The relevant provisions of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983,which regulates adoption in South Africa, are compared to the relevant provisions of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005, which will regulate adoption in South Africa soon. Finally, some conclusions are drawn, shortcomings are highlighted and possible solutions are suggested. The outcome of this thesis should provide some guidance to those involved in the adoption process with regard to the factors that are important in determining the best interests of the child in an intercultural adoption. / Law / LL.D.

O direito da criança ao respeito, à participação e à liberdade em discursos de professores/as

Brito, Márcia Regina Mathias dos Guimarães 11 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Valquíria Barbieri (kikibarbi@hotmail.com) on 2018-03-22T21:31:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Marcia Regina Mathias dos Guimarães Brito.pdf: 1411632 bytes, checksum: f86c6d1ccb3fd7d11f3be82167ea127f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2018-04-17T14:03:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Marcia Regina Mathias dos Guimarães Brito.pdf: 1411632 bytes, checksum: f86c6d1ccb3fd7d11f3be82167ea127f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-17T14:03:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Marcia Regina Mathias dos Guimarães Brito.pdf: 1411632 bytes, checksum: f86c6d1ccb3fd7d11f3be82167ea127f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-11 / Esta dissertação integra um projeto coletivo de pesquisas do Grupo de Pesquisa “Infância e Juventude Contemporânea” (GEIJC), da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), campus de Rondonópolis, que vem investigando, entre outros temas, os discursos sobre os direitos da criança e adolescente. Nosso objetivo é descrever e interpretar discursos de professores(as) da rede pública do Ensino Fundamental, da cidade de Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso, sobre como entendem e inserem no seu fazer pedagógico o direito da criança e do adolescente ao respeito, à liberdade e à participação. Utilizamos, na condução desta pesquisa, o método da Hermenêutica de Profundidade (HP) proposto por Thompson (2007), que é composto por três fases: a) análise do contexto sócio-histórico; b) análise formal ou discursiva e c) interpretação/reinterpretação. Para tanto, seguimos o percurso da contextualização da legislação sobre os Direitos da Criança, desde os debates em âmbito internacional e nacional, com a Declaração de Genebra (1924), a Declaração dos Direitos da Criança (1959), a Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos da Criança (1989), a Constituição Federal (Brasil, 1988) e o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – ECA (1990). Um dos referenciais teóricos, inspirador desse trabalho, é o autor Jannuz Korczak (1872-1942) que deixou expresso, em suas obras, como entendia o respeito que deveria ser conferido às crianças, bem como sua contestação ao baixo status moral atribuído, até então, às crianças, num mundo concebido e construído pelos adultos. Além de Korczak, adotamos os aportes teóricos dos estudos sociais da infância, tais como Qvortrup (2010), Pinto e Sarmento (1997), Corsaro (2011), Soares (1997) entre outros. Foram entrevistadas três professoras da rede pública de ensino e os dados obtidos indicam que as professoras relacionam o direito ao respeito, participação e liberdade ao direito que a criança tem ao aprendizado e que, embora haja um reconhecimento da importância do direito das crianças em serem respeitadas, a visualização e materialização desse direito no contexto escolar ainda é incipiente. / This paper is part of a collective research project of the Contemporary Infancy and Youth Group (GEIJC, in Portuguese), at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), municipality of Rondonópolis campus, which has researched, among other topics, discourses on children’s and adolescents’ Rights. It aims at describing and interpreting public elementary school teachers’ discourses about their understanding of and how they deal with children’s and adolescents’ rights towards respect, freedom and participation during their classes. The Profound Hermeneutics method (PH) proposed by Thompson (2007), which is made up with three phases (socio-historical content analysis, formal or discursive analysis, and [re]interpretation), was at use. Thus, the contextualization of the law over children’s rights timeline was followed, from (inter)national debates, leading to Geneva Declaration (1924), Declaration of the Rights of the Children (1959), Federal Constitution (Brazil, 1988), International Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), and the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA, in Portuguese, 1990). One of the theoretical backgrounds that inspired this paper is by Janusz Korczak (1878-1942), who expressed his understand on children’s rights as well as his view against children’s role in a world of grownups. Besides Korczak, it is based on social studies on infancy by Qvortrup (2010), Pinto and Sarmento (1997), Corsaro (2011), Soares (1997), among others. Three public school teachers were interviewed and the data collected show that they relate right to respect, participation and freedom that children have regarding the learning process and that, although there is such acknowledgment of the importance of respecting children’s rights, seeing and feeling such right at schools is still something incipient.

Children at the Borders / Barn vid gränserna

Josefsson, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
In the wake of a steady flow of child migrants attempting to cross borders and states’ efforts to restrict immigration, various public controversies have arisen about the rights of asylum-seeking children. The ‘moral gap’ between the outcome of democratically enacted laws and the aim of controlling immigration, on the one hand, and public calls to protect the universal rights of asylum seeking children, on the other, have created a political challenge for Western democracies. This thesis sets out to examine two particular settings in which norms about the rights of asylum-seeking children and immigration control have been established and contested over the years: the Swedish Migration Court of Appeal and Sweden’s largest morning paper, Dagens Nyheter. It combines empirically oriented analysis with theoretical enquiry, and it brings the issue of the rights of asylumseeking children into dialogue with the contemporary political-philosophical debate about membership, rights and borders. / I kölvattnet av en stadig ström av barn som migrerar över statsgränser har medial rapportering, protester och offentliga diskussioner aktualiserat frågor om asylsökande barns rättigheter. Det ”moraliska glappet” mellan tillämpningen av demokratiskt stiftade lagar i syfte att reglera invandringen,å ena sidan, och offentliga krav på att skydda universella rättigheter för asylsökande barn, å andra sidan, har växt fram som en samtida utmaning för demokratiska stater att hantera. I denna avhandling undersöks två specifika arenor där normer om asylsökande barns rättigheter och immigrationskontroll har etablerats och ifrågasatts under de senaste åren; den svenska Migrationsöverdomstolen och Sveriges största morgontidning, Dagens Nyheter. Avhandlingen kombinerar empiriska analyser med teoretiska undersökningar om asylsökande barns rättigheter i dialog med en samtida politisk filosofisk diskussion om medlemskap, rättigheter och gränser.

The role of international, regional and domestic standards in monitoring children's rights

Oladiji, Sharon Omowunmi 06 1900 (has links)
The study provides a brief overview of the most important legal instruments in the international, regional and national framework on the development and promotion of children’s rights. Basically, it examines the continuous and pervasive violation of children’s rights despite the progressive instruments that have been adopted to ensure the proper and effective realization of these rights. It focuses on three different countries in Africa: South Africa, Ethiopia and Nigeria because of the value-laden nature of the progressive laws adopted by these countries in the protection of children’s rights. Specific roles and actions taken by international, regional and national monitoring bodies are highlighted to indicate their effectiveness in promoting and fulfilling rights for children. Country reports on the situation of children are examined in the context of realization of salient rights for children amidst the different judicial, political and socio-cultural settings. Emerging judgments and judicial developments that have limited and advanced the realization of rights for children in the specific country context were explored. Conclusions and recommendations are made. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LL. M.

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