Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chinese literature."" "subject:"8hinese literature.""
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古代典籍傳注與異文淵源考辨. / Relation of textual variances to the commentaries of ancient texts / Gu dai dian ji zhuan zhu yu yi wen yuan yuan kao bian.January 2014 (has links)
中國古代典籍異文繁多,古人訓釋典籍,理當參詳眾本異文,考定字句意義。在校勘學研究方面,前人所論古人校書方法,亦有謂其廣集異本,進行比對校勘,把注家引用異文當作專為校勘之手段。至於訓詁學及異文研究的討論方面,前賢學者亦以為古人注書標示異文,僅為展示他本差異,校勘異同。即使論及異文,亦只局限於討論同一種書的不同版本,或今古文之別,並認為直至清人注書校書,方通過異文比對,探求古書字詞真義。 / 本論文集中討論由漢代至唐代古書注疏與異文之關係,以鄭玄《禮記注》、韋昭《國語解》、王肅《孔子家語注》、楊倞《荀子注》、成玄英《莊子疏》為中心,輯錄諸書有關異文,囊括古今文字異文、互見文獻、引書異文、出土文獻異文、類書異文等,以之比對該書注文,查考當中有關聯者。在訓詁學研究方面,本文據上述比對材料,考證漢唐注疏諸家運用異文以為訓詁之例,詳析其以異文為訓詁的方法及準則,繼而考察後代注疏對漢代經師注書方法的承傳,以及對後世訓詁方法的影響,從而梳理異文訓詁從漢代開始的發展脈絡。在語言學研究方面,則通過古籍傳注與異文的比對,分析一些古代字詞之通名與別名,以及辭書未有收錄的通假字、近義字,望能補正前說之未備。 / 在個別典籍及注家的研究方面,則根據注家所選用之異文,探討其學術思想之淵源及取向,如從鄭玄《禮記注》與出土文獻郭店簡、上博簡〈緇衣〉的相合詞例,探討三種版本於〈緇衣〉文意理解相輔相成的關係;從韋昭《國語解》的異文選材,查探其注史方法,並與杜預《春秋左傳注》相關釋項比對,考析二書之互見關係;從王肅《家語注》的選材運用,探討《孔子家語》的真偽,並王肅對《家語》學說淵源的看法;從楊倞《荀子注》對諸書之參考程度,分析楊倞對荀子與諸子關係的看法;從成玄英《莊子疏》大量採納互見文獻《淮南子》、《文子》,考析其對三書關係的看法,並側探成玄英的道家思想背景。 / It is generally believed that annotators before the Qing dynasty provided textual variances of ancient texts simply for the purpose of collation. This thesis proposes that textual variances actually serve as a type of commentaries on language and content from the Han through the Tang dynasties, and it examines the various examples of such usage. The texts covered by this study include Zheng Xuan's 鄭玄 (ca. 127-200) Liji zhu 禮記注, Wang Su's 王肅 (ca.195-256) Kongzi jiayu zhu 孔子家語注, Wei Zhao's 韋昭 (ca. 204-273) Guoyu jie 國語解, Cheng Xuanying's 成玄英 (fl. 631-656) Zhuangzi shu 莊子疏, and Yang Liang's 楊倞 (fl. 805-820) Xunzi zhu 荀子注. Through investigating their selecting criteria of textual variances, this research examines their scholarship and their influence on later scholars. The first chapter investigates the relation between the excavated texts and the received edition of "Ziyi" 緇衣. The second chapter evaluates Wei Zhao’s method in commentating Guoyu and comparing it with Du Yu's 杜預 (ca. 222-285) annotation to the Zuo zhuan 左傳. The third chapter delves into the authenticity and the origin of Kongzi jiayu 孔子家語. The fourth chapter analyzes Yang Liang’s perceptions towards the relation between Xunzi 荀子 and the other works of Han and pre-Han philosophers. The last chapter explores Cheng Xuanying's appreciation of the relation between Huainanzi 淮南子, Wenzi 文子, and Zhuang Zi 莊子, as well as his Daoist background. Ultimately, it aims to shed light on the method in citing textual variances as commentary and its development. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 林麗玲 = The relation of textual variances to the commentaries of ancient texts / Lam Lai Ling. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 168-173). / Abstracts also in English. / Lin Liling = The relation of textual variances to the commentaries of ancient texts / Lam Lai Ling.
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Establishing National Identity in the Twentieth-Century China: Traces of Russian and Ukrainian Literature in the New Chinese LiteratureKorovianska, Veronika 06 September 2018 (has links)
Russian literature is traditionally regarded as one that served a model and guide for
Chinese intellectuals in developing their national literature. It is also recognized that Eastern
European literatures drew much attention of Chinese intellectuals in their quest for national
identity and modernization. This thesis is aimed at providing a more detailed look at the Chinese-
Slavic literary discourse of the 1920’s, focusing on Russian literature as a recognized literary
“authority” of the time, and Ukrainian literature as an example of a literature of an oppressed
nation, which went under both Russian and Eastern European “labels” at the time. I argue that
challenged by a deep social and political crisis, Chinese intellectuals were compelled to develop
a unique form of national identity, basing it on two usually mutually exclusive forms of
nationalism, which manifested itself in the literary works of the period.
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中國現代文學中的「創傷」書寫 : 魯迅、張愛玲、穆旦 = "Trauma" in the modern Chinese literature : Lu Xun, Eileen Chang, Mu Dan呂永佳, 01 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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任昉及詩文研究 = A study of Ren Fang's life and literary works唐梓彬, 01 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Le genre et la condition des femmes à l'épreuve du XXème siècle : un regard sur la littérature féminine chinoise (1919-2000) / Gender and Women’s Condition to the Test of Twentieth Century : a look at Chinese Female Literature (1919-2000)Guillerez, Émilie 25 November 2013 (has links)
En Chine dynastique, les femmes étaient bien souvent confinées à l’espace domestique, et leurs rôles sociaux s’inscrivaient nécessairement au sein de la cellule familiale. « Filles de », épouses ou mères, leur existence était subordonnée à celle de l’homme, père ou époux. A travers l’analyse du prisme littéraire féminin, cette thèse se propose de montrer comment le XXème siècle a renversé les paradigmes traditionnels. Il s’agira d’analyser de quelle façon le genre, les rôles sociaux féminins ainsi que les rapports entre les sexes ont été représentés, redéfinis et subvertis par les écrivaines tout au long du siècle dernier. / In Dynastic China, women were often confined in domestic space, and played social roles within family unit only. They were daughters, spouses and mothers, and considered subordinate to their fathers and husbands. This thesis aims to show how the twentieth century challenged traditional paradigm through the filter of Chinese female literature. This work thus analyses the literary representation, redefinition and subversion of female gender, female social roles and relationshipbetween men and women throughout the last century.
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Mnohovrstevná subverze a dvojité ostří subjektivity: Čínská avantgardní literatura 2. poloviny 80. let 20. století / Multilayered Subversion and Double-edged Subjectivity: Chinese Avant-garde Literature of the Second Half of the 1980sReismüller, František January 2019 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova Filozofická Fakulta Ústav Dálného východu Teorie a dějiny literatur zemí Asie a Afriky Disertační Práce Mgr. František Reismüller Vedoucí práce: Prof. PhDr. Olga Lomová, CSc. 2019 Multilayered Subversion and Double-edged Subjectivity: Chinese Avant-garde Literature of the Second Half of the 1980s Abstract This thesis analyzes Chinese avant-garde literature of the second half of the 1980s in order to identify the main literary features that are common for the otherwise very diverse works of this literary current. First part of the thesis describes literary-political conditions, discursive changes and literary-theoretical discussions between 1978 and 1989 related to the rapid development of Chinese literature of that period and relevant for the following analysis. Second part then analyzes works of selected authors of the Chinese avant-garde literature and using Western literary theory in combination with the theoretical background described in the first part of the thesis it identifies the most important characteristics of the given literary current. The thesis then reaches the conclusion that the works of the Chinese avant-garde literature of the second half of the 1980s show a critical amount of common features, such as subversion, metafictional elements or questioning of the...
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張載人性論研究包玉玲, Bao, Yu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
第貳章至第肆章則是本論文的正文部份,係以張載的人性論為重心展開研究。第貳章首先往上推究其人性論的理論基礎-氣化論; 第參章接著就探討其人性論的具體內容; 最後第肆章往下探討其人性論落實在人性修養的相關議題,如命、心、變化氣質等等。總的來說,人性根源於氣之性,因此,人性之中也就蘊涵有天性的靈明純善,此即為「天地之性」; 但因稟氣有清濁厚薄之異,所以也就產生了障蔽靈明本性的「氣質之性」。因此,人必需要透過變化氣質的修養過程才能「善反」「天地之性」的純粹至善。
第伍章結論部份,旨在探討張載人性論在中國思想史上意義: 一則為儒家的人性理論建立了本體論基礎; 一則是成為宋元時期理學家論性的基礎,就這一點而言,張載的人性論可以說在某一種程度上解決了自先秦以來就聚訟紛紛的人性善惡的問題。
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中央研究院所藏石印本福州評話研究陳冠蓉, Chen, Guan-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
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Communication via Vinay and Darbelnet's translation strategies : a case study of the book Common Knowledge about Chinese CultureLam, Oi Lin January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of English
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The Political Context of Contemporary Chinese Literary Thoughts: the inheritance relationoship between Hsia. C. T, Leo Ou-Fan Lee and David Der-Wei WangChang, Yu-chun 04 January 2011 (has links)
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