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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adult children of divorce : patterns of organisation characterising committed relationships

Fulford, Claire Natalie 06 1900 (has links)
This study aims to present an alternative framework with which to view the phenomenon of parental divorce and its perceived consequences for adult children of divorce in committed relationships. Research done within the traditional Newtonian framework is reviewed and its limitations explicated. The epistemological presuppositions of the new epistemology are presented along with their implications for conducting research. The importance of description as research methodology is emphasised. Written descriptions from various adult children of divorce are presented. Metadescriptions, by the author, are presented. These metadescriptions, based on the presuppositions of the new epistemology, highlight the value of describing the patterns of organisation which characterise the committed relationships of adult children of divorce. It is concluded that an alternative approach, based on the new epistemology, enlarges our understanding of the adult child of divorce within the context of a committed relationship. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)


Barbiero, Danilo Ribas 25 March 2013 (has links)
This study, conducted in the context of the Research Line Training, Knowledge and Professional Development, the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) aims at investigating the impact of experiences of Presencial Teaching and Virtual Teaching in the training of the university teacher. The specific objectives of the research are: to analyze the significant experiences narrated by professors of Presencial Teaching and Virtual Teaching and possible influences on their (trans) formation; understand the strategic markers present in Teaching Choreography and their transformation/reconstruction for Classroom Teaching to Virtual Teaching and vice versa and identify the possible interrelationships between Teaching Choreographies submitted in the Presencial Teaching in the Virtual Teaching from the experiences narrated. Regarding the theoretical review, we discuss fields of studies, themes and theories such as Teacher Education, the Teaching Choreography in Teaching in Higher Education, Digital Technologies of Information and Communication, Virtual Environments for Teaching and Learning, Theory History-Cultural including Activity Theory and Study Activity. In this research with qualitative approach and narrative feature, we seek the information through narrative interviews with professors of the Department of Documentation (UFSM), who teach the course Archivology (UFSM) and Postgraduate Course-Specialization of Distance Learning-Management in Archives (UAB/UFSM). The information were analyzed through discursive textual analysis. Among the search results, highlight the influences of Virtual Teaching on the Presencial Teaching, the (re) construction of teacher knowledgein the preparation of Teaching Choreographies and the role of distance tutors and monitors the training of teachers. / Este estudo, realizado no contexto da Linha de Pesquisa Formação, Saberes e Desenvolvimento Profissional, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) tem por objetivo geral investigar as repercussões das experiências de Docência Presencial e Docência Virtual na formação do professor universitário. Os objetivos específicos da pesquisa são: analisar as experiências significativas narradas pelos professores universitários de Docência Presencial e na Docência Virtual e as possíveis influências em sua (trans) formação; compreender os marcadores estratégicos presentes nas Coreografias Didáticas e a sua transposição/reconstrução da Docência Presencial para a Docência Virtual e vice-versa e identificar as inter-relações possíveis entre as Coreografias Didáticas apresentadas na Docência Presencial e na Docência Virtual a partir das experiências narradas. Em relação à revisão teórica, abordamos campos de estudos, temas e teorias como a Formação de Professores, as Coreografias Didáticas, a Docência na Educação Superior, as Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e da Comunicação, os Ambientes Virtuais de Ensino-Aprendizagem, a Teoria Histórico-Cultural, incluindo a Teoria da Atividade e a Atividade de Estudo. Nesta pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, cunho narrativo, buscamos as informações por meio de entrevistas narrativas, com os professores do Departamento de Documentação (UFSM), que lecionam no Curso de Arquivologia (UFSM) e no Curso de Pós-Graduação Especialização a Distância-Gestão em Arquivos (UAB/UFSM). As informações foram analisadas por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva. Dentre os resultados da pesquisa, destacamos as influências da Docência Virtual sobre a Docência Presencial, a (re) construção dos saberes docentes na elaboração das Coreografias Didáticas e o papel dos tutores a distância e dos monitores na formação dos professores.

Salomé danse-t-elle ? Enquête sur les représentations littéraires et chorégraphiques d'un mythe féminin aux XIXe et XXe siècles / Does Salome dance? Investigating literary and choreographic representations of a feminine myth in the 19th and the 20th century

Dariane, Cynthia 02 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis toujours, Salomé hante les esprits et se profile dans les créations artistiques. Elle évolue selon les siècles, changeant selon l’humeur des artistes, assouvissant leur désir créateur. Cependant, ce sont les artistes symbolistes et décadents qui vont donner à la danseuse biblique son véritable essor et l’imposer comme une véritable figure archétypale, avec la danse au cœur de cette recréation. L’art de Terpsichore s’empare également de Salomé et les techniques scéniques et chorégraphiques permettent l’affirmation de nouvelles idées sociales, de courants de danse novateurs ainsi que le développement de nouveaux savoir-faire artistiques à travers la figure de la fille d’Hérodiade. Notre travail va porter non pas sur Salomé dans l’absolu, mais sur sa danse en tant que telle, et plus particulièrement sur la façon dont elle est retranscrite dans les textes et sur scène. Il s’agira donc de se demander, à travers la figure de la danseuse, quelles sont les connivences entre les deux langages, celui du corps, des gestes, et celui des mots. En quoi Salomé arrive-t-elle à conjuguer influence artistique et révolution socioculturelle ? / Salomé has always been haunting our minds and sneaking into artistic creations. She evolves through the centuries, changing with artists' state of mind and meeting their creative desire. However, symbolist and decadent artists are those who gave the biblical dancer her real take-off, imposed her as a true archetypal figure, with dance at the heart of the recreation. Terpsichore's art also takes hold of Salome and stage and chorography techniques enable the assertion of new social ideas, innovative dance trends and the development of new artistic know-hows through the myth of Herodias. This work tackles not Salome in absolute, but rather her dance, and more specifically the way it is expressed in writings and on stage. We shall see, through the figure of the dancer, what complicity bond the two languages, that of the body and the moves, and that of the words. How does Salome mix artistic influence and social and cultural revolution?

Pour une approche du ''poétique instinct'' à travers la danse, de Mallarmé à aujourd'hui. : La danse comme geste de l’avant-poème, du symbolisme mallarméen au « renouveau lyrique ». / An approach through dance of the ''poétique instinct'', from Mallarmé to today. : Dance as a gesture of the prior-poem, from Mallarmés symbolism to ''lyrical renewal''.

Torrent, Céline 10 December 2015 (has links)
En 1886, c’est à la danseuse que Mallarmé confie le soin de lui révéler son propre « poétique instinct ». C’est donc à travers l’élucidation de cette expression énigmatique que nous aborderons le lien entre poésie et danse, en France, de Mallarmé à aujourd’hui. Toute notre recherche consistera à comprendre ce qui dans la danse relève d’un instinct poétique et renvoie le poète à son propre instinct créatif. Mallarmé et Valéry nous permettront d’abord d’étudier la façon dont la danse est passée de simple motif poétique à véritable moteur poïétique au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. La danse, considérée comme « écriture corporelle », renverra ces deux poètes à la dimension corporelle de leur acte d’écriture. Nous verrons ensuite que, délivrée du livret de ballet, la danse elle-même se conçoit comme étant sa propre écriture, à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle. Tracé sans traces, elle est écriture du pur poïein que nous nommerons donc écriture poïegraphique. Nous dépasserons ainsi le clivage entre danse « classique » et « contemporaine », à travers la notion de « danse- contempoïein », en nous appuyant notamment sur la théorie des Barres flexibles de Wilfride Piollet. Enfin, le « poétique instinct » sera exploré à travers une convergence entre danse et « renouveau lyrique ». Après avoir étudié les livrets de ballet de René Char, nous questionnerons la présence explicite de la danse, au tournant des XXe et XXIe siècles, chez Pascal Quignard, Jean-Michel Maulpoix et André Velter. Nous envisagerons au même moment, du côté de la danse, l’émergence d’un lyrisme chorégraphique. Nous verrons ainsi que, du symbolisme mallarméen au « renouveau lyrique », la danse en appelle au « poétique instinct » du poète en ce qu’elle le renvoie à l’acte d’écriture qui a précédé son poème écrit, à son geste de l’avant-poème. / In 1886, Mallarmé entrusted the dancer to reveal to him his own ''poétique instinct''. It will be trough this enigmatic phrase and its elucidation that we shall approach the existing link between poetry and dance in France, from Mallarmé to nowadays. All our focus in research will consist in understanding what in dance can be considered as poetic instinct and brings the poet to face his own creative instinct. First Mallarmé and Valéry will help us study how dance evolved from being a simple poetic pattern to a genuine poïetic engine during the 19th and 20th century. Dance, considered as ''écriture corporelle'', will bring these poets to see the corporal dimension of their act of writing. We shall see next that at the end of the 19th century, dance when it's freed from ballet, considers itself to be its own writing. Drawn without a trace dance is pure poïein writing and so we shall name it poïegraphic writing. We'll overrule the gap between ''classical'' and ''contemporary'' dancing with this concept of ''contempoeïn-dance'', by leaning on Wilfride Piollets theory of the ''Barres flexibles'' (''Flexible Bars''). Lastly, the ''poétique instinct'' will be explored trough the meeting of dance and ''lyrical renewal''. After studying René Chars ballet booklets we'll question the explicit presence of dance in Pascal Quignard, Jean-Michel Maulpoix and André Velters work during the 19th and 20th century. At the same time we'll consider the appearance of chorographical lyricism in dance. We will therefore see, through Mallarmés symbolism up to ''lyrical renewal'', that dance calls upon the poets ''poétique instinct'' and brings him back to the act of writing that came before the written poem, and so to the gesture of the prior-poem.

A symbolic approach for the verification and the test of service choreographies / Une approche symbolique pour la vérification et le test des chorégraphies de services

Nguyễn, Hữu Nghĩa 31 October 2013 (has links)
L'ingénierie orientée services est un nouveau paradigme pour développer des logiciels distribués et collaboratifs. Un tel logiciel se compose de plusieurs entités, appelés services, chacun d'entre eux étant par exemple une application Web, un service Web, ou même un humain. Les services peuvent être développés indépendamment et sont composés pour atteindre quelques exigences. Les chorégraphies de service définissent ces exigences avec une perspective globale, basée sur les interactions entre des participants qui sont implémentés en tant que services. Cette thèse vise à formaliser des problèmes et tente d'élaborer un environnement intégré avec lequel les chorégraphies de services peuvent être développés correctement pour les deux types d'approches de développement: l'approche descendante et l'approche ascendante. Elle consiste à analyser la relation entre une spécification de chorégraphie et une implémentation de la chorégraphie au niveau du modèle et aussi au niveau de l'implémentation réelle. Particulièrement, il s'agit de la composition/décomposition des services, la vérification, et le test de l'implémentation de chorégraphie. Le premier point-clé de notre environnement intégré est de représenter le passage de valeurs entre les services en utilisant la technique symbolique et un solveur SMT. Cette technique nous permet de réduire les faux négatifs et de contourner le problème d'explosion combinatoire de l'espace d'états, ces problèmes sont durs à l'abstraction et à l'énumération des valeurs pour les approches existantes basées données. Le second point-clé est le test passif boîte noire de l'implémentation de chorégraphie. Il ne nécessite pas d'accéder au code source, ni de rendre indisponible l'implémentation pendant le processus de test. Notre environnement intégré est mis en œuvre dans nos outils qui sont disponibles en téléchargement ou à utiliser en ligne à l’adresse http://schora.lri.fr. / Service-oriented engineering is an emerging software development paradigm for distributed collaborative applications. Such an application is made up of several entities abstracted as services, each of them being for example a Web application, a Web service, or even a human. The services can be developed independently and are composed to achieve common requirements through interactions among them. Service choreographies define such requirements from a global perspective, based on interactions among a set of participants. This thesis aims to formalize the problems and attempts to develop a framework by which service choreographies can be developed correctly for both top-down and bottom-up approaches. It consists in analyzing the relation between a choreography specification and a choreography implementation at both model level and real implementation level. Particularly, it concerns the composition/decomposition service design, the verification, and the testing of choreography implementation. The first key point of our framework is to support value-passing among services by using symbolic technique and SMT solver. It overcomes false negatives or state space explosion issues due by abstracting or limiting the data domain of value-passing in existing approaches. The second key point is the black-box passive testing of choreography implementation. It does not require neither to access to source codes nor to make the implementation unavailable during the testing process. Our framework is fully implemented in our toolchains, which can be downloaded or used online at address: http://schora.lri.fr.

Analýza obtížnosti a variability prvků v sestavách sportovního aerobiku- seniorky ženy (Mistrovství Evropy 2014, 2017, 2019) / Analysis of variability and difficulty of elements in sports aerobics performances - seniors women (European championship 2014, 2017,2019)

Čadová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
TITLE: Analysis of variability and difficulty of elements in sports aerobics performances- seniors women (European championship 2014, 2017, 2019) AUTHOR: Bc. Tereza Čadová DEPARTMENT: Department of physical education SUPERVISOR: PaedDr. Jana Hájková ABSTRACT: The main aim of this diploma work was to analyse sports aerobic¨s choreographies regarding the difficulty, variability and comparing the results. The analysis focused on the final choreographies of the six best women contestants in the Europe's Championship in 2014, 2017 and 2019 using the observant, analysis and result comparison method. This analysis followed criteria which was given in advance. In the conclusion the analysis results are defined anh show that the choreographies hasn't improved technically in the along the analysed years. KEYWORDS: Sports aerobics, technical index, variability, analysis, elemenst of difficulty

Ethnic and Racial Formation on the Concert Stage: A Comparative Analysis of Tap Dance and Appalachian Step Dance

Schroeder, Janet Kathleen, Schroeder January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

FIN-I, the utopian connection. : How can I perform in different places? / A multilingual performance : The creation of a play with a guest actress from the place where it is performed.

Viglietti, Martina January 2023 (has links)
We live in a globalized world that is changing rapidly. We interconnect between cultures in different ways. But what if we want to go global with a performance to go around the world, without modifying the piece? Is that possible? How to be international without losing the hear and now by reading subtitles? The diversity of sounds when speaking on stage can embrace otherness, the audience's encounter with a language that may not be familiar to them. This is my journey through creating a play to broaden the audiences I can reach as much as possible.

Dance Literacy in the Studio: Partnering Movement Texts and Residual Texts

Riggs Leyva, Rachael 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Propuesta de uso del paradigma de coreografía de procesos para crear sistemas de eSalud en entornos heterogéneos

Bayo Montón, José Luis 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los sistemas de salud actuales están viendo cómo la cantidad de pacientes a atender y de servicios diferentes que han de prestar, es cada vez mayor, por lo que se cuestiona si serán sostenibles a largo plazo. Uno de los factores importantes de este aumento es el envejecimiento de la población, lo que implica un mayor número de pacientes crónicos y de personas dependientes. Al mismo tiempo, se genera la necesidad de abordar soluciones de prevención sobre la población general. Para hacer frente a estos problemas, se está recurriendo a la aplicación de las TIC en el ámbito de la salud, son los llamados sistemas de eSalud. En el desarrollo de sistemas de eSalud es necesario tener en cuenta que deben trabajar en entornos altamente heterogéneos y cambiantes. Además, han de ser capaces de adaptarse a las nuevas necesidades demandadas por la población, todo ello sin reducir la calidad de los servicios ya prestados y sin disparar los costes del sistema. Al desarrollar un sistema software, el modelo de arquitectura elegido marca qué características se van a potenciar. El paradigma de Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios (SOA) presenta entre sus principales beneficios una alta flexibilidad, reducción de costes y desarrollo rápido, así como permite la escalabilidad de sistemas. Por lo que puede ser un buen candidato a la hora de crear sistemas de eSalud. Existen diferentes formas de construir una arquitectura SOA, atendiendo a cómo se componen sus servicios y a cómo se aplican las directrices SOA. En esta tesis se propone el uso del paradigma de coreografía de procesos, siendo éste un modelo en el que se busca construir la arquitectura del sistema desde el punto de vista de los procesos de negocio de la organización. Este paradigma trabaja desde el concepto de un proceso único definido de forma distribuida, empleando coreografía de servicios para la composición. Es decir, no existe un elemento que centralice la toma de decisiones, donde cada servicio es consciente de qué debe realizar y cómo interactuar con el resto. En la coreografía de procesos se prioriza la eficiencia del sistema, aumentando el acoplamiento entre servicios, lo que puede reducir la flexibilidad del sistema SOA. Pero genera un sistema con mayor rendimiento y con una mejor alineación con los procesos de negocio. Además, la coreografía es más robusta que otros mecanismos de composición y ayuda con la integración de sistemas entre empresas. El objetivo de esta tesis es validar si el paradigma de coreografía de procesos es aplicable al desarrollo de sistemas de eSalud. Para ello se ha realizado la aplicación de este paradigma en tres escenarios de eSalud diferentes. En el primero de los escenarios, se creó un sistema para integrar y evaluar un dispositivo tecnológico puntero, las Google Glass. Esto demostró que se puede crear un sistema de eSalud basado en coreografía de procesos que integre dispositivos tecnológicos complejos. En el segundo de los escenarios, se validó el paradigma en un entorno real, creando un sistema distribuido de ejecución de modelos híbridos para la predicción y detección de diabetes tipo 2. El sistema permitió construir servicios para la ejecución de los modelos híbridos, integrando motores estadísticos externos y sistemas de terceros de acceso a datos clínicos. De esta forma se validó que la coreografía de procesos ayuda a la integración con sistemas externos, permitiendo un desarrollo rápido y la creación de sistemas distribuidos. En el tercero de los escenarios, se aplica el paradigma orientado al modelo de IoT integrando sensores portables para crear un sistema de eSalud. El sistema desarrollado integra un kit de sensores de eSalud para el seguimiento y monitorización remota de pacientes, comparando su rendimiento en un ordenador y en una Raspberry Pi. El resultado refrenda la hipótesis de que la coreografía de procesos permite aplicarse para crear fácilmente sistemas de eSalud orientados a IoT e integrar sensores portables de este ámbito. / [CA] Els sistemes de salut actuals estan veient com la quantitat de pacients a atendre i de servicis diferents que han de prestar, és cada vegada major, per la qual cosa es qüestiona si seran sostenibles a llarg termini. Un dels factors importants d'aquest augment és l'envelliment de la població, la qual cosa implica un major nombre de pacients crònics i de persones dependents. Al mateix temps, es genera la necessitat d'abordar solucions de prevenció sobre la població general. Per a fer front a aquests problemes, s'està recorrent a l'aplicació de les TIC en l'àmbit de la salut, són els cridats sistemes d'eSalut. En el desenvolupament de sistemes d'eSalut és necessari tindre en compte que han de treballar en entorns altament heterogenis i canviants. A més, han de ser capaços d'adaptar-se a les noves necessitats demandades per la població, tot això sense reduir la qualitat dels servicis ja prestats i sense disparar els costos del sistema. En desenvolupar un sistema programari, el model d'arquitectura triat marca quines característiques es potenciaran. El paradigma d'Arquitectura Orientada a Servicis (SOA) presenta entre els seus principals beneficis una alta flexibilitat, reducció de costos i desenrotllament ràpid, així com permet l'escalabilitat de sistemes. Pel que pot ser un bon candidat a l'hora de crear sistemes d'eSalut. Hi ha diferents formes de construir una arquitectura SOA, atenent a com es componen els seus servicis i a com s'apliquen les directrius SOA. En esta tesi es proposa l'ús del paradigma de coreografia de processos, sent aquest un model en el qual es busca construir l'arquitectura del sistema des del punt de vista dels processos de negoci de l'organització. Este paradigma treballa des del concepte d'un procés únic definit de forma distribuïda, emprant coreografia de servicis per a la composició. És a dir, no hi ha un element que centralitze la presa de decisions, on cada servici és conscient de què ha de realitzar i com interactuar amb la resta. En la coreografia de processos es prioritza l'eficiència del sistema, augmentant l'adaptament entre servicis, la qual cosa pot reduir la flexibilitat del sistema SOA. Però genera un sistema amb major rendiment i amb una millor alineació amb els processos de negoci. A més, la coreografia és més robusta que altres mecanismes de composició i ajuda amb la integració de sistemes entre empreses. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és validar si el paradigma de coreografia de processos és aplicable al desenrotllament de sistemes d'eSalut. Per a això s'ha realitzat l'aplicació d'aquest paradigma en tres escenaris d'eSalut diferents. En el primer dels escenaris, es va crear un sistema per a integrar i avaluar un dispositiu tecnològic punter, les Google Glass. Açò va demostrar que es pot crear un sistema d'eSalut basat en coreografia de processos que integre dispositius tecnològics complexos. En el segon dels escenaris, es va validar el paradigma en un entorn real, creant un sistema distribuït d'execució de models híbrids per a la predicció i detecció de diabetis tipus 2. El sistema va permetre construir servicis per a l'execució dels models híbrids, integrant motors estadístics externs i sistemes de tercers d'accés a dades clíniques. D'aquesta manera es va validar que la coreografia de processos ajuda amb la integració amb sistemes externs, permetent un desenrotllament ràpid i la creació de sistemes distribuïts. En el tercer dels escenaris, s'aplica el paradigma orientat al model d'IoT integrant sensors portables per a crear un sistema d'eSalut. El sistema desenrotllat integra un kit de sensors d'eSalut per al seguiment i monitorització remota de pacients, comparant el seu rendiment en un ordinador i en una Raspberry Pi. El resultat referenda la hipòtesi que la coreografia de processos permet aplicar-se per a crear fàcilment sistemes d'eSalut orientats a IoT i integrar sensors portables d'este àmbit. / [EN] Today's health systems are seeing an increasing number of patients to be cared for, as well as different services to be provided, raising questions as to whether they will be sustainable in the long term. One of the critical factors in this increase is the ageing of the population, which implies a more significant number of chronic patients and dependents. At the same time, there is a need to address prevention solutions in the general population. To address these problems, the application of ICTs in the health field, the so-called eHealth systems, is being used. In the development of eHealth systems, it is necessary to consider that they have to work in highly heterogeneous and changing environments. Moreover, they must be able to adapt to the new needs demanded by the population, without reducing the quality of the services already provided and without increasing the costs of the system. When developing a software system, the architecture model chosen determines which characteristics are to be enhanced. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm has among its main benefits high flexibility, cost reduction and rapid development, as well as allowing the scalability of systems. Therefore, it can be a good candidate when creating eHealth systems. There are different ways to build an SOA architecture, depending on how its services are composed and how SOA guidelines are applied. This thesis proposes the use of the process choreography paradigm, which is a model that seeks to build the architecture of the system from the point of view of the organisation's business processes. This paradigm works from the concept of a single process defined in a distributed way, using service choreography for the composition. In other words, there is no centralised decision-making element, where each service is aware of what it must do and how to interact with the rest. Process choreography prioritises system efficiency by increasing coupling between services, which can reduce the flexibility of the SOA system. But it generates a system with higher performance and better alignment with business processes. In addition, choreography is more robust than other composition mechanisms and helps with cross-company system integration. The aim of this thesis is to validate whether the process choreography paradigm is applicable to the development of eHealth systems. To this end, the application of this paradigm has been carried out in three different eHealth scenarios. In the first scenario, a system was created to integrate and evaluate a cutting-edge technological device, Google Glass. This demonstrated that it is possible to create an eHealth system based on process choreography that integrates complex technological devices. In the second scenario, the paradigm was validated in a real environment, creating a distributed hybrid model execution system for the prediction and detection of type 2 diabetes. The system allowed building services for hybrid model execution, integrating external statistical engines and third-party services to access clinical data. This scenario validated that the process choreography aids integration with external systems, enabling rapid development and the creation of distributed systems. In the third scenario, the paradigm is applied to the IoT model by integrating wearable sensors to create an eHealth system. The developed system integrates an eHealth sensor kit for remote patient tracking and monitoring, comparing its performance on a computer and a Raspberry Pi. The result supports the hypothesis that process choreography can be applied to easily create IoT-oriented eHealth systems and integrate IoT wearable sensors. / Bayo Montón, JL. (2023). Propuesta de uso del paradigma de coreografía de procesos para crear sistemas de eSalud en entornos heterogéneos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192822

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