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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physikalische Kartierung der RT1-C/M-Region des Haupthistokompatibilitätskomplexes der Ratte / physical map of the RT1-C/M region of the major histocompatibility complex of the rat

Ioannidu, Sofia 02 November 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular characterization of the porcine hyaluronidase gene cluster on SSC13q21 / Molekulargenetische Charakterisierung des porcinen Hyaluronidase-Genclusters auf Chromosom 13q21

Gatphayak, Kesinee 05 February 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Obrazová analýza mitotických chromosomů / Digital image analysis of mitotic chromosomes

Danielová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on digital image analysis of mitotic chromosomes. It deals with the design of the processing of digital images - from image preprocessing to clasification of each chromosomes, including testing on a set of images. This work introduces used cytogenetic methods, that are used to visualize chromosomes. In its practical part describes morphology operations and clasification procedure. Classification of the chomosomes was divided into 5 groups (A-G). All algorithms were created in the MATLAB program.

Obrazová analýza mitotických chromosomů / Digital image analysis of mitotic chromosomes

Jaroš, Luboš January 2017 (has links)
The development in modern medicine has allowed to study human genome and detect predispositions to several diseases. One of very promising techniques is the analysis of human karyotype, i.e., the number and appearance of chromosomes in the cell nucleus. The most important step in the karyotype analysis is the chromosome detection and categorization. In this work, a new algorithm for detection of chromosomes from an image of microscopic DNA sample and their categorization into seven groups was developed. The algorithm was implemented in Matlab. The accuracy of segmentation and classification was tested on a set of images from two databases with 117 and 38 images, respectively. The sensitivity of the developed segmentation reached 88% while the value of positive predictivity of segmentation reached 92%. The success rate of chromosome pairing achieves 77%.

Chromosom Y v hybridní zóně myší / Y chromosome in the mouse hybrid zone

Rubík, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The contact zone between subspecies of house mouse Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus is one of the most intensively studied hybrid zones. It is also due to extensive introgression of the Y chromosome of M. m. musculus subspecies to the genetic background of M. m. domesticus. One theory of the origin of the introgression explains it by intragenomic conflict between the sexes. With a set of variable microsatellite markers on the Y chromosome, I have examined the validity of this theory by simple approaches revealing the history of the introgression area. It turned out that overly big variability of our markers makes the revelation of this theory impossible. Our markers have been found suitable for use in the analysis of population structure of house mouse. Thanks to them, we can identify migrants between localities and estimate the level of closeness of the population structure in relation to migrants from the neighborhood. Populations in our analysis proved to be relatively closed and resistant to the influx of migrants. Despite the conclusions of previous research where the dispersion of males ran up to one kilometer, I have discovered a relatively large number of migrations to a distance of thirty kilometers. Keywords Mus musculus musculus, Mus musculus domesticus, Y chromosome,...

Aberace chromosomu 5 u dospělých nemocných s myelodysplastickými syndromy (MDS) / Aberrations of chromosome 5 in adult patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)

Šejgunovová, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a clonal disease of hematopoesis resulting from damage to hematopoietic stem cells. The most common chromosomal aberration in patients with MDS is deletion of the long arms of chromosome 5, del(5q). The aim of this study is to analyse unbalanced aberrations of chromosome 5 in MDS patients, to compare the extent of 5q deletion in groups of patients with isolated del(5q) and with del(5q) in complex karyotypes, and to study the effect of the extent of del(5q) on overall survival and prognosis of the disease. We combined cytogenomic methods to examine 88 bone marrow samples from patients with MDS and del(5q) confirmed by conventional banding methods. Del(5q) was present in the karyotype as an isolated aberration in 31 patients (35,2 %), in combination with one other clonal aberration in 9 patients (10,2 %), and as part of complex karyotypes in 48 patients (54,6 %). Patients with complex karyotypes had a lower overall survival than patients with isolated del(5q). The occurrence of complex karyotypes was associated with a large extent of 5q deletion. When both the occurrence of complex karyotypes and the extent of 5q deletion were considered, only karyotype complexity had a significant effect on patients' overall survival. The extent of the deletion does not affect...

Electron tomography of meiotic spindles in males of the trioecious nematode Auanema rhodensis

Unger, Anna 19 June 2023 (has links)
The nematode Auanema rhodensis has recently been established as a new model organism. A. rhodensis is characterized by the simultaneous existence of three phenotypical sexes (males, females and hermaphrodites; called trioecy), skewed sex ratios which do not follow Mendel's laws, and variant segregation patterns according to sex and type of gametogenesis. Recently, A. rhodensis has been used to study the possible mechanisms for sex determination in three-sexed species and the variability of basic processes during sexual reproduction including meiotic divisions. During male meiosis, a diploid primary spermatocyte undergoes two consecutive divisions to form four haploid spermatids. Surprisingly, male meiosis in A. rhodensis results in two functional and two nonfunctional spermatids depending on the presence of an X-chromatid. A. rhodensis males exhibit a set of paired autosomes and one single X-chromosome, like males of the wellestablished nematode model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. In contrast to C. elegans, however, the X-chromosome in A. rhodensis divides precociously into its sister chromatids during the first meiotic division followed by a lagging X-chromatid and its uneven distribution during meiosis II. Additionally, the second meiotic divi-sion within this species is characterized by an asymmetric organelle distribution and a spindle structure reminiscent of a monopolar spindle. In this study, serial section electron tomography was used to analyse the ultrastructure of the microtubule skeleton in spermatocytes of A. rhodensis. The analysis of spermiogenesis using electron tomography posed some key advantages compared to standard transmission electron microscopy. First, the microtubule (MT) network could be studied in detail including spindle formation, organization of spindle poles, rearrangement of MTs, and inter-action between MTs and chromosomes. Second, the number and shape of chromosomes could be visualized. And third, the morphology of organelles could be observed at high resolution, and different organelles as well as their distribution pattern could be distinguished and quantified. This study provides highresolution 3D information about male meiosis in A. rhodensis. The results of this thesis confirm the complexity of the male meiotic program and the promi-nent position of the X-chromatid in meiosis II in this organism. Like previous light microscopic studies, electron tomography supports the hypothesis of an X-chromatid-dependent distribution of cellular organelles such as fibrousbody membranousorganelles (FB-MOs) and mitochondria. Furthermore, the formation of an asymmetric spindle could be observed with progressing anaphase II and might be associated with the X-chromatid distribution. Additionally, the analysis of the number of chromosome-associating MTs and their association character gives new insights into possible chromosome segregation mechanisms. Finally, significant differences to the male meiotic program in C. elegans have been identified. For the first time, the MT network in A rhodensis spermatocytes of different division stages has been observed in detail, and several different analyses could be done, including an analysis of the length distribution of MTs in the spindles. Because this ultrastructural analysis is based on fixed samples, live-cell imaging should be performed in the future to gain further information on the chromosome dynamics in this species. / Der Fadenwurm Auanema rhodensis hat sich in den letzten Jahren mehr und mehr zu einem neuen Modellorganismus entwickelt. Typisch für A. rhodensis ist das zeitgleiche Vor-kommen dreier phänotypischer Geschlechter (Männchen, Weibchen und Hermaphroditen; die sogenannte Triözie) und deren zahlenmäßig ungleiches Verhältnis zueinander, welches sich nicht durch Mendelsche Regeln erklären lässt. Ebenfalls auffällig sind nach Geschlecht und Gametogenese (Oogenese oder Spermatogenese) abweichende chromosomale Segregationsmuster. Unlängst hat A. rhodensis zu Erkenntnissen über die Geschlechtsdeterminierung in dreigeschlechtlichen Arten und die Varianz grundlegender Prozesse in der Meiose beigetragen. Während der männlichen Meiose (Spermatogenese) teilt sich eine diploide primäre Vorläuferzelle (primäre Spermatozyte) in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Teilungen in insgesamt vier haploide Spermatiden. Bei A. rhodensis führt die Spermatogenese ungewöhnlicher-weise zu zwei funktionalen und zwei nicht-funktionalen Spermatiden, wobei die Funktionsfähigkeit vom Auftreten eines X-Chromatids abhängt. Männchen von A. rhodensis besitzen, ähnlich wie im Modellorganismus Caenorhabditis elegans, eine Reihe gepaarter Autosomen sowie ein einzelnes X-Chromosom. Im Gegensatz zu C. elegans teilt sich das ungepaarte X-Chromosom in A. rhodensis vorzeitig schon während der ersten meiotischen Teilung in seine Chromatiden, wodurch es zu einer verzögerten und ungleichen Verteilung des X-Chromatids während der zweiten meiotischen Teilung kommt. Diese zweite meiotische Teilung bei A. rhodensis ist außerdem durch eine asymmetrische Verteilung der Organellen und Mikrotubuli gekennzeichnet, letztere ähneln einer monopolaren Spindel. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Methode der seriellen Elektronentomographie genutzt, um die Ultrastruktur der Mikrotubuli in meiotischen Spindeln in Spermatozyten von A. rhodensis zu untersuchen. Zum einen wurden mittels Elektronentomographie das Netzwerk der Mikrotubuli und die Spindelorganisation, die Struktur der Spindelpole sowie die Interaktion zwischen Mikrotubli und Chromosomen drei-dimensional (3D) analysiert. Zum anderen wurde die Form der Chromosomen und die Morphologie und Verteilung der verschiedenen Organellen quantitativ erfasst. Somit stellt diese Studie hochauflösende 3D-Information über den Ablauf der männlichen Meiose in A. rhodensis zur Verfügung und bestätigt damit die Komplexität der männlichen Meiose und die zentrale Rolle des X-Chromatids während der zweiten meiotischen Teilung in diesem Organismus. Basierend auf vorangegangenen lichtmikroskopischen Experimenten an fixierten Proben unterstützt die Elektronentomographie die Hypothese einer vom X-Chromatid abhängigen Verteilung zellulärer Organellen wie spermienspezifischer FB-MOs oder Mitochondrien während der zweiten meiotischen Teilung. Außerdem konnte die Ausbildung einer asymmetrischen Spindel beobachtet werden, welche ebenfalls mit der ungleichen Verteilung des X-Chromatids in Zusammenhang stehen könnte. Eine zusätzliche Analyse chromosomenassoziierter Mikrotubuli brachte erste Erkenntnisse über mögliche zugrundeliegende Mechanismen der Chromosomensegregation. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit konnten mit ähnlichen Untersuchungen in C. elegans verglichen und Unterschiede herausgearbeitet werden. Zum ersten Mal wurden hier meiotische Spindeln unterschiedlicher Teilungsstadien in 3D untersucht und unterschiedliche quantitative Analysen zur Längenverteilung der Mikrotubuli durchgeführt. Da alle hier gewonnenen Ultrastrukturdaten auf fixierten Proben basieren, sollte eine Betrachtung einer transgenen Wurmlinie mit Fluoreszenzmarkern mittels live-cell imaging auf diese Ultrastrukturanalyse folgen.

Identifizierung differenziell exprimierter Gene bei Brust- und Ovarialkarzinomen in den chromosomalen Regionen 1q32-q41 und 11q12-q23

Kuner, Ruprecht 02 July 2002 (has links)
Brust- und Ovarialkarzinome gehören zu den häufigsten sporadischen Tumorerkrankungen bei der Frau. Die Progression von benignen Neoplasien zu malignen Karzinomen werden von spezifischen Veränderungen der Genexpression begleitet. Durch die bioinformatische Auswertung von vier Millionen ESTs aus cDNA-Bibliotheken von Normalgeweben und der korrespondierenden Tumore wurden Hunderte von differenziell exprimierten Genen selektiert. Nach der chromosomalen Kartierung der Kandidatengene erfolgten weitere Untersuchungen für Gene aus den chromosomalen Regionen 1q32-q41 und 11q12-q23, die häufig in Brust- und Ovarialkarzinomen als aberrant beschrieben wurden. Die Validierung der in-silico Expressionsdaten erfolgte über Northernblot- und cDNA-Array-Analysen von unselektierten und mikrodissezierten Tumorproben. Es konnte für einige der Gene die differenzielle Expression in Brusttumoren bestätigt und dadurch neue Kandidatengene für die untersuchten Genloci identifiziert werden. Das Expressionsmuster einer Acyltransferase in 11q13 als potenzielles Tumorsuppressorgen erbrachte den Hinweis auf eine mögliche Involvierung in den Retinol-Metabolismus und könnte auf einen Mechanismus der Inhibierung der Karzinogenese im Brustepithel hindeuten. / Breast and ovarian cancers have become major tumor diseases among woman. The progression of benign neoplasia to malignant carcinoma is characterized by specific changes of gene expression. By using an in-silico strategy to analyze four million ESTs available in cDNA libraries of normal and the corresponding tumor tissues, we selected hundreds of differentially expressed genes. After chromosomal assignment of the candidate genes, further experiments were focussed on these genes located in the specific regions 1q32-q41 and 11q13-q23 often described to be aberrant in breast and ovarian cancer specimen. The in-silico expression analysis was verifyed by Northern blot and cDNA-Array techniques of unselected and microdissected tumor samples. We could confirm the in-silico expression pattern of some genes and identified novel tumor associated candidate genes for the investigated loci. According to the expression pattern, an acyltransferases located in 11q13 may represent a tumor suppressor gene, which could possibly inhibit breast carcinogenesis by involving in retinol metabolism.

Meiosis-specific Regulation of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex / Meisis-spezifische Regulation des Anaphase-Promoting Complex

Oelschlägel, Tobias 02 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Meiosis is a specialized cell cycle, which generates haploid gametes from diploid parental cells. During meiosis one round of cohesion establishment during premeiotic DNA replication mediates two rounds of chromosome segregation. During meiosis I homologous chromosomes separate, whereas sister chromatids segregate during the second meiotic division without an intervening round of DNA replication. Both rounds of chromosome segregation are triggered by an ubiquitin ligase called the Anaphase-Promoting Complex or Cyclosome (APC/C). APC/C-dependent destruction of securin/Pds1 is required to activate separase, a thiol protease that mediates chromosome segregation by cleavage of the cohesin complex. The first meiotic division is preceded by an extended prophase I, during which maternal and paternal chromatids undergo recombination. The persistence of cohesion during premeiotic S- and prophase I is essential for recombination and both meiotic nuclear divisions. In order to prevent premature loss of cohesion, the APC/C has to be inactivated during early meiosis. How the APC/C is kept inactive during premeiotic S- and prophase I was unknown. This question has been addressed by studying the APC/C subunit Mnd2 from the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This work demonstrates that Mnd2 is required for the persistence of cohesion during premeiotic S- and prophase I. Mnd2 prevents premature activation of the APC/C by the meiosis-specific substrate recognition factor Ama1. In cells lacking Mnd2, the APC/C-Ama1 enzyme triggers premature ubiquitin-dependent degradation of Pds1, which leads to premature separation of sister chromatids due to an unrestrained activity of separase. Thus, chromosome segregation during meiosis depends on both inhibition of a meiosis-specific APC/C and timely activation of APC/C- dependent proteolysis. / Die Meiose ist ein spezialisierter Zellzyklus, der zum Ziel hat haploide Gameten aus diploiden Vorläuferzellen zu produzieren. Dafür erfolgen nach der prä-meiotischen DNA Replikation zwei aufeinanderfolgende Kernteilungen. In der ersten meiotischen Teilung erfolgt die Trennung der homologen Chromosomen. In einer zweiten meiotischen Teilung werden dann die Schwesterchromatiden getrennt. Die Trennung der Chromosomen wird durch den Anaphase-Promoting Complex oder Cyclosome (APC/C), einer Ubiquitin Ligase, reguliert. Der APC/C initiiert den Abbau von Securin/Pds1, einem Inhibitor der Thiol-Protease Separase, welche für die Trennung der Chromosomen zum Beginn der Anaphase verantwortlich ist. In einer im Vergleich zur Mitose extrem langen meiotischen Prophase I findet Rekombination zwischen maternalen und paternalen Chromosomen statt. Für diesen Vorgang, sowie für die beiden folgenden meiotischen Teilungen, wird Kohäsion zwischen den Schwesterchromatiden benötigt. Ein frühzeitiger Verlust der Kohäsion führt zur frühzeitigen Trennnung der Schwesterchromatiden, wodurch aneuploide Gameten produziert werden können. Daher muss die Aktivität des APC/C während der meiotischen Prophase I inhibiert werden. Wie der APC/C während der Prophase I inaktiviert wird, war bisher unbekannt. Einsicht in dieses Problem ergab sich aus der Untersuchung der APC/C Untereinheit Mnd2 aus der Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Es wird gezeigt, dass Mnd2 für den Verbleib der Kohäsion zwischen den Schwesterchromatiden während der meiotischen S- und Prophase I benötigt wird. Während dieser Phase verhindert Mnd2 die frühzeitige Aktivierung der Meiose-spezifischen Form des APC/C-Ama1. In meiotischen Zellen, die kein Mnd2 besitzen, löst das APC/C-Ama1 Enzym die Ubiquitin-abhängige Zerstörung von Pds1 aus. Dies führt zu einer frühzeitigen Aktivierung von Separase, welches die Trennung der Schwesterchromatiden schon während der meiotischen S- und Prophase I zur Folge hat. Die korrekte Verteilung der Chromosomen hängt daher sowohl von der Inhibierung als auch der Aktivierung des APC/C ab.

Autoregressive Higher-Order Hidden Markov Models: Exploiting Local Chromosomal Dependencies in the Analysis of Tumor Expression Profiles

Seifert, Michael, Abou-El-Ardat, Khalil, Friedrich, Betty, Klink, Barbara, Deutsch, Andreas 07 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Changes in gene expression programs play a central role in cancer. Chromosomal aberrations such as deletions, duplications and translocations of DNA segments can lead to highly significant positive correlations of gene expression levels of neighboring genes. This should be utilized to improve the analysis of tumor expression profiles. Here, we develop a novel model class of autoregressive higher-order Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) that carefully exploit local data-dependent chromosomal dependencies to improve the identification of differentially expressed genes in tumor. Autoregressive higher-order HMMs overcome generally existing limitations of standard first-order HMMs in the modeling of dependencies between genes in close chromosomal proximity by the simultaneous usage of higher-order state-transitions and autoregressive emissions as novel model features. We apply autoregressive higher-order HMMs to the analysis of breast cancer and glioma gene expression data and perform in-depth model evaluation studies. We find that autoregressive higher-order HMMs clearly improve the identification of overexpressed genes with underlying gene copy number duplications in breast cancer in comparison to mixture models, standard first- and higher-order HMMs, and other related methods. The performance benefit is attributed to the simultaneous usage of higher-order state-transitions in combination with autoregressive emissions. This benefit could not be reached by using each of these two features independently. We also find that autoregressive higher-order HMMs are better able to identify differentially expressed genes in tumors independent of the underlying gene copy number status in comparison to the majority of related methods. This is further supported by the identification of well-known and of previously unreported hotspots of differential expression in glioblastomas demonstrating the efficacy of autoregressive higher-order HMMs for the analysis of individual tumor expression profiles. Moreover, we reveal interesting novel details of systematic alterations of gene expression levels in known cancer signaling pathways distinguishing oligodendrogliomas, astrocytomas and glioblastomas.

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