Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chromosomes."" "subject:"hromosomes.""
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Women's and policymakers' values of the expansion of a noninvasive prenatal screening-based prenatal screening program : a discrete choice experiment approach studyNguyen, Manh Hung 06 May 2024 (has links)
**Introduction** : Plusieurs approches ont été développées pour impliquer les patients et le public dans le processus de prise de décision de l'évaluation des technologies en santé (HTA, health technology assessment en anglais). Cependant, obtenir une participation optimale des patients et du public dans les activités de HTA représente un défi requérant une recherche de nouvelles solutions. La méthode des choix discrets (DCE, Discrete Choice Experiment en anglais) est une approche qui mesure quantitativement les préférences pour les attributs d'une intervention, prédéfinis par la population cible de l'intervention. L'intérêt d'utiliser le même instrument pour mesurer les préférences de deux populations cibles-clés, les patients et les décideurs, à l'égard d'une intervention, n'a jamais été exploré.
**Objectif de la thèse** : L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'évaluer la faisabilité de l'élaboration et de l'administration d'un instrument DCE commun aux bénéficiaires et aux décideurs politiques. En outre, elle visait à étudier la perception des décideurs quant à la valeur ajoutée de l'utilisation d'un tel instrument pour soutenir la participation des patients et du public dans les décisions liées à la fourniture de services de santé à la population.
**Méthodologie :** Pour atteindre les objectifs, quatre études consécutives ont été menées en utilisant un cas traceur, soit l'ajout de tests à un programme de dépistage des anomalies fœtales. La première étude porte sur l'analyse systématique de la littérature. Cette étude a été réalisée pour explorer l'état de l'utilisation de l'approche DCE dans les études sur le dépistage prénatal d'anomalies chromosomiques fœtales. L'extraction des données a porté sur les attributs utilisés dans les études DCE sur des programmes de dépistage prénatal. La deuxième étude vise à élaborer un instrument DCE de mesure commun aux bénéficiaires et décideurs politiques. L'instrument vise à pouvoir mesurer des niveaux de préférence de la part des femmes enceintes et des décideurs politiques pour un nouveau test de dépistage. Une troisième étude a été réalisée à l'aide de l'instrument auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de femmes enceintes et de décideurs. Finalement, une étude qualitative a été menée pour évaluer les perceptions des décideurs des comités scientifiques d'une agence d'évaluation des technologies en santé, concernant la valeur ajoutée de l'approche DCE pour leurs processus décisionnels.
**Résultats :** La recherche montre qu'il est possible d'élaborer et d'utiliser un instrument DCE unique qui peut être administré à la fois aux femmes enceintes et aux décideurs politiques, bien qu'une validation complète de l'instrument ait été entravée par le nombre limité de décideurs politiques dans la juridiction de santé où l'étude a été menée. L'administration de l'instrument DCE aux deux groupes cibles a révélé des disparités significatives dans la manière dont ces deux groupes évaluent les attributs d'une nouvelle intervention de dépistage prénatal. Enfin, l'étude qualitative suggère que l'intérêt principal d'un instrument DCE commun est qu'il peut servir d'outil de sensibilisation aux éventuels préjugés inconscients découlant des intérêts personnels et des perspectives disciplinaires des décideurs politiques.
**Conclusion :** L'élaboration et l'administration d'un instrument DCE commun aux patients et aux décideurs politiques demandent beaucoup de temps et de ressources. Cela peut limiter l'utilisation d'un tel instrument dans les études sur les préférences en matière de santé auprès de différentes parties prenantes concernées par une nouvelle intervention. Toutefois, un instrument DCE commun peut contribuer à sensibiliser des décideurs aux préjugés inconscients qui peuvent les conduire à négliger le point de vue des patients. / **Introduction**: A variety of approaches have been developed to involve patients and the public in the decision-making process of health technology assessment (HTA), however, obtaining an optimal patient and public participation is challenged. A need for new solution to support more effective patient and public participation in HTA activities is therefore warranted. Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) is an approach that quantitatively measures preferences for attributes of an intervention, predefined by the intervention's target population. The value of using the same instrument to measure preferences for an intervention felt by two key target populations, patients and policymakers, has never been explored.
**Objective**: The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the feasibility of developing and administering a common DCE instrument for both beneficiaries and policymakers. Additionally, it aimed to investigate the added value of using such an instrument to support the participation of patients and the public in decisions related to the delivery of healthcare services to the population.
**Methodology**: To reach the objectives, four consecutive studies were carried out on a tracer case, the addition of tests to a fetal anomaly screening program. A systematic literature review was first conducted to explore the state of use of DCE in studies related to prenatal screening for fetal chromosomal anomalies. The review explored the attributes used in DCE studies on prenatal screening program. A common DCE instrument development study was then conducted. The instrument aimed at eliciting preference levels from both pregnant women and policymakers. A third study was carried out with the developed instrument among a representative sample of pregnant women and policymakers. Finally, a qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the perceptions of policymakers at HTA scientific committees regarding the added value of the DCE approach in their decision-making processes.
**Results**: The research shows that it is feasible to develop and use a single DCE instrument that can be administered to both pregnant women and policymakers, although a full validation of the instrument was hampered by the limited pool of policymakers in the health jurisdiction where the study was conducted. The administration of the developed DCE instrument to both target groups revealed significant disparities in how these two groups assess attributes related to their preferences for the new prenatal screening intervention. Finally, the qualitative study suggests that the main interest for a common DCE instrument is that it can serve as a tool for raising awareness of potential unconscious biases stemming from policymakers' personal interests and disciplinary perspectives.
**Conclusion**: Developing and administrating a common DCE instrument for patients and policymakers is time-consuming and resource intensive. This may limit the use of such an instrument in health preference studies of different stakeholder groups for a new intervention. However, a common DCE instrument can help raise awareness of unconscious biases that may lead to the neglect of patient perspectives in the value assessments of new health interventions by HTA agencies.
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A role for topoisomerase II alpha in chromosome damage in human cell linesTerry, Samantha Y. A. January 2010 (has links)
Human response to ionising radiation (IR) shows a wide variation. This is most clearly seen in the radiation-response of cells as measured by frequencies of chromosomal aberrations. Different frequencies of IR-induced aberrations can be conveniently observed in phytohaemagglutin-stimulated peripheral blood T-lymphocytes from both normal individuals and sporadic cancer cases, in either metaphase chromosomes or as micronuclei in the following cell cycle. Metaphase cells show frequent chromatid breaks, defined as chromatid discontinuities or terminal deletions, if irradiated in the G 2 -phase of the cell cycle. It has been shown that the frequency of chromatid breaks in cells from approximately 40% of sporadic breast cancer patients, are significantly higher than in groups of normal individuals. This suggests that elevated radiation-induced chromatid break frequency may be linked with susceptibility to breast cancer. It is known that chromatid breaks are initiated by a double strand break (DSB), but it appears that the two are linked only indirectly as repair kinetics for DSBs and chromatid breaks do not match. Therefore, the underlying causes of the wide variation in frequencies of chromatid breaks in irradiated T-lymphocytes from different normal individuals and from sporadic breast cancer cases are still unclear but it is unlikely to be linked directly to DSB rejoining. My research has focused on the mechanism through which chromatid breaks are formed from initial DSBs. The lack of a direct association suggested that a signalling process might be involved, connecting the initial DSB and resulting chromatid break. The signal model, suggested that the initial DSB is located within a chromatin loop that leads to an intra- or interchromatid rearrangement resulting in incomplete mis-joining of chromatin ends during the decatenation of chromatids during G 2 . It was therefore proposed that topoisomerase II alpha (topo IIα) might be involved, mainly because of its ability to incise DNA and its role in sister chromatid decatenation. During my PhD research I have used a strategy of altering topo II activity or expression and studying whether this alters IR-induced chromatid break frequency. The first approach involved cell lines that varied in topo IIα expression. The frequency of IR-induced chromatid breaks was found to correlate positively with topo IIα expression level, as measured in three different cell lines by immunoblotting, i.e. two cell lines with lower topo IIα expression exhibited lower chromatid break frequency. Topo II activity in these three cell lines was also estimated indirectly by the ability of a topo IIα poison to activate the G 2 /M checkpoint, and this related well with topo IIα expression. A second approach involved ‘knocking down’ topo IIα protein expression by silencing RNA (siRNA). Lowered topo IIα expression was confirmed by immunoblotting and polymerase chain reaction. SiRNA-lowered topo IIα expression correlated with a decreased IR-induced chromatid break frequency. In a third series of experiments cells were treated with ICRF-193, a topo IIα catalytic inhibitor. It was shown that inhibition of topo IIα also significantly reduced IR-induced chromatid breaks. I also showed that lowered chromatid break frequency was not due to cells with high chromatid break frequencies being blocked in G 2 as the mitotic index was not altered significantly in cells with lowered topo IIα expression or activity. These experiments show that topo IIα is involved in IR-induced chromatid break formation. The final experiments reported here attempted to show how topo II might be recruited in the process of forming IR-induced chromatid breaks. Hydrogen peroxide was used as a source of reactive oxygen species (reported to poison topo IIα) and it was shown that topo IIα under these conditions is involved in the entanglement of metaphase chromosomes and formation of chromatin ‘dots’ as well as chromatid breaks. Experiments using atomic force microscopy attempted to confirm these dots as excised chromatin loops. The possible role of topo IIα in both radiation- and hydrogen peroxide-induced primary DNA damage was also tested. It was shown that topo IIα does not affect radiation-induced DSBs, even though it does affect chromatid break frequency. Also, topo IIα does not affect hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage at low doses. The results support the idea that topo IIα is involved in the conversion of DSBs to chromatid breaks after both irradiation and treatment with hydrogen peroxide at a low concentrations. I have demonstrated that topo IIα is involved in forming IR-induced chromatid breaks, most likely by converting the initial DSBs into chromosomal aberrations as suggested by the signal model.
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Elucidating the crosstalk between condensin subunits and its relevance in chromosome condensationShankar, Sahana 09 1900 (has links)
ADN subit une série de transformations structurelles complexes au cours de la division cellulaire, ce qui entraîne dans son compactage chromosomes mitotiques par un processus appelé la condensation des chromosomes. Le complexe de condensine pentamérique est fortement impliqué comme un effecteur majeur de ce phénomène. Il s'agit d'un complexe protéine de sous-unités multiples avec deux sous-unités catalytiques [SMC- Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes] et de trois sous-unités de régulation, hautement conservés de la levure à l'homme. Le complexe de condensine dans Saccharomyces cerevisiae est constitué de deux sous-unités de SMC [Smc2 et Smc4] et trois protéines non réglementaires [Brn1, Ycs4, Ycg1]. Malgré son importance, le mécanisme d'action de condensine reste largement inconnu. Par conséquent, l'objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre le mécanisme d'action de condensine et comment elle est affectée par l'interaction entre ses sous-unités réglementaires et non-réglementaires. Cette thèse identifie quatre morphologies dépendants du cycle cellulaire distincts du locus d'ADNr. Cette transformation du phénotype ADNr de G1 à la mitose dépend condensine. Afin de déterminer le rôle de l'interaction entre les sous-unités catalytiques et réglementaires de condensine dans la régulation du complexe condensine, nous avons identifié six résidus positifs sur l'extrémité C-terminale de BRN1 qui affectent la formation du complexe condensine, l'activité de la condensation et l'interaction avec tubuline, ce qui suggère que ces résidus ont un rôle dans la régulation de condensine. Ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent un modèle de règlement du condensine par l'interaction entre les sous-unités de condensine. / DNA undergoes a series of complex structural transformations during cell division, resulting in its compaction into intact mitotic chromosomes called chromosome condensation. The pentameric condensin complex has been strongly implicated as a major effector of this phenomenon. It is a multi-subunit protein complex with two catalytic “Structural maintenance of chromosome” [SMC] subunits and three regulatory subunits, highly conserved from yeast to humans. The condensin complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is made up of two SMC subunits [Smc2 and Smc4] and three regulatory non-SMC proteins [Brn1, Ycs4, Ycg1]. Despite its importance, the mechanism of action of condensin remains largely unknown. Hence, the objective of this research is to understand the mechanism of action of condensin and how it is affected by interaction between its regulatory and non-regulatory sub-units. This thesis identifies four distinct cell cycle dependent morphologies of the rDNA locus. The transformation of the rDNA phenotype from G1 to mitosis is condensin dependent. In order to determine the role of the interaction between the catalytic and regulatory subunits of condensin in the regulation of the condensin complex, we have identified six positive residues on the C-terminus of Brn1 which affect complex formation, condensation activity and interaction with tubulin, suggesting that these residues have a role in condensin regulation. Together, our results suggest a model for condensin regulation by interaction between condensin subunits.
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Analýza karyotypu u sklípkanů čeledí Hexathelidae a Dipluridae / Karyotype analysis of mygalomorph spiders of the families Hexathelidae and DipluridaeHrubá, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Cytogenetics of spiders of the infraorder Mygalomorphae is largely unknown. My thesis is focused on the karyotype evolution of spiders of families Hexathelidae Dipluridae, which are basal groups of the superfamily Avicularioidea. In this thesis the evolution of diploid chromosome number, chromosome morfology, and also sex chromosomes are studied. The karyotypes of the mygalomorphs are quite interesting for their diversity. Many members of the family Hexathelidae exhibit extreme systems of a chromosomal sex determination which are composed by many gonosomes X. The meiotic division of males is analyzed. Some species exhibit modifications of this division such as achiazmatic meiosis. Selected markers have been detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Keywords: evolution, fluorescent in situ hybridization, karyotype, nucleolus organizer region, sex chromosomes, spider
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Mapeamento genético de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) por associação empregando marcadores SSR e AFLP / Genetic mapping of sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) by association using SSR and AFLP markersLopes, Francisco Claudio da Conceição 17 June 2011 (has links)
A cultura da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) possui uma importância histórica e econômica para o Brasil. O agronegócio sucroalcooleiro vem experimentando forte expansão na última década não só no Brasil como também em todo o mundo em função, principalmente, da demanda por fontes de energia menos agressivas ao ambiente. Para atender a uma maior demanda por seus subprodutos, principalmente de etanol, a área cultivada com cana-de-açúcar vem aumentando a cada ano no Brasil, ocupando áreas novas de cultivo nas regiões centrais do país. Nesse contexto, o melhoramento genético tem um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento de novas cultivares adaptadas a essas condições de cultivo. A maioria dos caracteres de importância econômica possui uma natureza genética complexa fazendo com que o desenvolvimento de uma nova cultivar de cana-de-açúcar leve mais de 10 anos. Desta forma, o uso de abordagens que permitam a identificação de genes ou de QTLs associados a caracteres quantitativos de forma precisa e rápida tem grande utilidade no melhoramento dessa espécie. O mapeamento por associação baseado no fenômeno do desequilíbrio de ligação é uma metodologia que visa detectar associações entre genes e caracteres agronômicos, podendo contribuir desta forma para o melhoramento da cana-de-açúcar. Assim, este trabalho teve como principal objetivo avaliar o uso da abordagem de mapeamento por associação na detecção de associações importantes entre marcadores moleculares do tipo SSR e AFLP e os caracteres Altura, Diâmetro e Número de Colmos; Percentual de Fibra na Cana (Fibra % Cana); Porcentagem em massa de sacarose (Pol % cana) e Tonelada de Cana por Hectare (TCH) em cana-de-açúcar. Os dados fenotípicos dos genótipos avaliados são oriundos de experimentos conduzidos em quatro regiões: Ribeirão Preto, Jaú e Piracicaba em São Paulo e Goianésia em Goiás no período entre 1990 e 2009. Associações entre os marcadores e os caracteres fenotípicos foram avaliadas em cada região e em todas simultaneamente. A análise de associação realizada através de modelos mistos sugeriu a existência de doze associações envolvendo os caracteres Número de Colmos, Porcentagem em massa de sacarose (Pol % cana) e Tonelada de Cana por Hectare (TCH). Quatro associações envolveram a característica Número de Colmos sendo três (CIR56, ACG_CGT e AGG_CAG) de caráter geral, ou seja, relacionada à média das quatro regiões e uma associação na região de Goiás (ACG_CAT). Sete associações entre a característica Pol % Cana e as marcas CV60, CV106, AAG_CAC, AAG_CAG e ACG_CTT foram específicas para a região de cultivo de Ribeirão Preto. Uma associação entre Tonelada de Cana por Hectare (TCH) e a marca ACG_CGC foi detectada na região de Piracicaba. / Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) has an historical and economic relevance in Brazil. We are the largest producer and exporter of sugar and ethanol in the world. Sugar agribusiness has experienced a xx in the last decade not only in Brazil but also around the world as a consequence of increasing demand on renewable and clean sources of energy. As a consequence, the growing area with sugarcane in Brazil is expanding, reaching the central regions of the country. Sugarcane breeding has an important role in developing new cultivars adapted to these new conditions. However, most traits of economic importance in sugarcane have complex genetic architecture making the improvement of new sugarcane cultivars a challenging process. Thus, adoption of strategies that allow for rapid and precise detection of genes associated with quantitative traits is of great interest, representing a valuable tool for sugarcane breeding. Association mapping based on linkage disequilibrium represents a strategy useful for detection of marker-trait associations and may contribute for identifying genes useful for sugarcane breeding. In the present study, association mapping approach was applied to sugarcane in order to evaluate its potential contribution in detecting important associations between SSR and AFLP molecular markers and the characters Height, Diameter and Number of Stalks; % Fiber; % Pol and TCH. Phenotypic data for genotypes were collected from field trials in four locations: Ribeirão Preto, Jaú and Piracicaba in São Paulo and Goianésia in Goiás between 1993 and 2009. Marker-trait associations were tested for each location individually and for all locations simultaneously. A mixed model approach was adopted to test for marker-trait associations. The results suggested the existence of twelve associations involving the characters Stalk Number, % Pol and TCH. Four associations involved stalk number from which three (markers CIR56, ACG_CGT e AGG_CAG) were for all locations and one specific to Goiás (ACG_CAT). Seven associations between % Pol and markers CV60, CV106, AAG_CAC, AAG_CAG e ACG_CTT were detected in Ribeirão Preto. One association between TCH and ACG_CGC was detected in Piracicaba
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Alterações morfológicas de Tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) (Linnaeus, 1758) expostas às águas da represa Billings. / Morphologic alterations of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (Linnaeus, 1758) exposed to waters of Billings dam.Rezende, Karina Fernandes Oliveira 20 July 2011 (has links)
A Represa Billings apresenta águas eutrofizadas em decorrência da grande quantidade de esgoto proveniente da área urbana próxima, e como conseqüência, os peixes podem representar um problema de saúde pública. As brânquias e o fígado tornam-se órgãos alvo para a ação dos poluentes existentes no meio aquático podendo se manifestar em vários níveis de organização biológica. Estas respostas biológicas ao estresse provocado pelos poluentes podem ser utilizadas para identificar sinais iniciais de danos aos peixes e podem ser denominadas biomarcadores. Desse modo, o presente projeto teve como objetivo a análise histológica de brânquias e fígado de Tilápias do Nilo, por meio de mensurações, Índice de Alterações Histológicas e Valor Médio de Avaliação; também foi realizada a análise da freqüência de micronúcleo. Verficou-se que as Tilápias do Nilo apresentam alterações histológicas das brânquias e do fígado classificadas como moderada a grave, além da presença de micronúcleo. Os resultados permitem um melhor monitoramento ambiental e o controle da qualidade dessa espécie. / The Billings dam shows eutrophic waters due to the large amount of sewage from urban occupation neaby, and consequently, the fish can be a public health problem. The gills and liver become target organs for the action of pollutants in the aquatic environment and may present several levels of biological organization. These biological responses to stress caused by pollutants can be used to identify early signs of damage to fish and can be called biomarkers. Thus, this project aimed to analyze the histological gills and liver of Nile Tilapia, by means of measurements, Histological Alterations Index and Assessment Medium Value; the frequency of micronuclei was done. We observed histological alterations in gills and livers of Nile Tilapia classified as mild to severe, and the presence of micronucleus. The results enable better environmental monitoring and quality control of this species.
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Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 1 in cervical cancer.January 1998 (has links)
Poon Cho Sun. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 83-91). / Abstract also in Chinese. / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.v / ABSTRACT --- p.vi / LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS --- p.x / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature review --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1 --- Epidemiology and aetiology of cervical cancer --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Incidence and mortality --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Aetiology --- p.6 / Chapter --- Oral contraceptive pills and cervical cancer --- p.7 / Chapter --- Human papilloma virus (HPV) and cervical cancer --- p.7 / Chapter --- Immunity and cervical cancer --- p.8 / Chapter --- Socio-economic differences and cervical cancer --- p.9 / Chapter --- Smoking and cervical cancer --- p.9 / Chapter --- Male role and cervical cancer --- p.9 / Chapter --- Nutrition and cervical cancer --- p.10 / Chapter 2.2 --- Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes --- p.10 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Oncogene --- p.10 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Tumour suppressor gene --- p.13 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Alterations of oncogene in cervical cancer --- p.16 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Alterations of tumour suppressor genes in cervical cancer --- p.18 / Chapter 2.3 --- Alterations of chromosome 1 in cervical cancer --- p.19 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Cytogenetic tudy --- p.19 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Molecular genetic study --- p.21 / Chapter 2.4 --- Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) --- p.21 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Materials and methods --- p.24 / Chapter 3.1 --- Materials --- p.24 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Patients --- p.24 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Specimens --- p.24 / Chapter --- Blood samples --- p.24 / Chapter --- Tumour tissue specimens --- p.24 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- Chemicals and reagents --- p.25 / Chapter --- Chemicals --- p.25 / Chapter --- Reagents --- p.27 / Chapter --- Markers --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1.4 --- Major equipment --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2 --- Methodology --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- DNA extraction --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- DNA amplification --- p.35 / Chapter --- Validation of PCR primers and optimisation of PCR condition --- p.35 / Chapter --- End labelling of the primer by (γ-32p)ATP --- p.35 / Chapter --- PCR for LOH detection --- p.36 / Chapter --- Electrophoresis --- p.37 / Chapter --- Gel dry and radioautography --- p.38 / Chapter --- PCR analysis of the D1S80 and D1S76 loci --- p.39 / Chapter 3.3 --- Determination of Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) --- p.39 / Chapter 3.4 --- Statistical analysis --- p.40 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Results --- p.41 / Chapter 4.1 --- LOH analysis in cervical cancer --- p.41 / Chapter 4.2 --- LOH and age in cervical cancer --- p.60 / Chapter 4.3 --- LOH and pathological grade in cervical cancer --- p.62 / Chapter 4.4 --- LOH and clinical stage in cervical cancer --- p.64 / Chapter 4.5 --- LOH and clinical status in cervical cancer --- p.66 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Discussion --- p.68 / Chapter 5.1 --- Microsatellite markers --- p.69 / Chapter 5.2 --- PCR condition --- p.70 / Chapter 5.3 --- LOH in cervical cancer --- p.72 / Chapter 5.4 --- Correlation of LOH with clinico-pathologic characteristics of cervical cancer --- p.76 / Chapter 5.4.1 --- LOH and age --- p.78 / Chapter 5.4.2 --- LOH and clinical stage --- p.78 / Chapter 5.4.3 --- LOH and pathologic grade --- p.79 / Chapter 5.4.4 --- LOH and clinical status --- p.79 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.80 / Chapter Chapter 7 --- References --- p.83
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Estudo comparativo das características citogenéticas e moleculares de Triatoma maculata e Triatoma pseudomaculata (Triatominae, Heteroptera) /Mendonça, Priscila Pasqüetto. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: Os triatomíneos são insetos hematófagos de grande importância para a parasitologia humana, pois são transmissores do Trypanosoma cruzi, protozoário causador da doença de Chagas. Além de sua importância médico-sanitária, os triatomíneos destacam-se pela sua citogenética, pois possuem cromossomos holocêntricos e um modelo de meiose incomum, com meiose invertida para os cromossomos sexuais. Recentes pesquisas com marcadores moleculares em triatomíneos tentam compreender a ancestralidade do grupo. Uma das formas de se compreender a evolução entre espécies é a partir da análise de seqüências do DNA ribossômico (DNAr). Por pertencer a famílias multigênicas, cópias individuais do DNAr não acumulam mutações independentemente, resultando em pequena variação intra-específica e relevante diferenciação interespecífica. No presente trabalho foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre as espécies Triatoma maculata e Triatoma pseudomaculata, com base no uso das técnicas citogenéticas convencionais de orceína lacto-acética, impregnação por íons prata, bandamento-C, reação de Feulgen; da técnica de citogenética molecular de bandamento- C CMA/DAPI; e também por meio da análise da região ITS-1 do DNAr, com base no sequenciamento, com o objetivo de avaliar o grau de homologia entre as espécies estudadas. Os cariogramas das duas espécies indicaram dez pares de autossomos (um deles de tamanho maior) e um par de cromossomos sexuais (2n = 22). No ciclo meiótico foi possível observar a fragmentação da região nucleolar no final do estágio difuso. Corpúsculos nucleolares foram observados em alguns dos núcleos em metáfases meióticas de T. pseudomaculata, evidenciando a persistência nucleolar. A técnica de bandamento-C revelou que o cromossomo Y é heterocromático em ambas as espécies. O sequencimento da região ITS-1, indicou que as espécies apresenta... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The triatomines are hematophagous insects of great concern in public health because they are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan that causes Chagas disease. Triatomines are also of great genetic interest, because that they present holocentric chromosomes and an unusual form of meiosis with post-reductional segregation of sex chromosomes. Recent studies based on molecular markers try to understand the evolutionary history of triatomines. To understand the evolution of a given species, ribosomal DNA (rDNA) analyses are frequently used, which can help to infer evolutionary relationships among species. Individual copies of rDNA do not accumulate mutations independently because they belong to multigene families, resulting in slight intraspecific and important interspecific variation. In this study, a comparative analysis was performed between the species Triatoma maculata and Triatoma pseudomaculata, based on the cytogenetic techniques of lacto-acetic orcein, silver ion impregnation, Cbanding, Feulgen reaction; and CMA/DAPI C-banding. We also compared the species by sequencing the ITS-1 rDNA internal transcribed region in order to evaluate the degree of homology among the studied species. The cariograms of the two species revealed ten autosomes and one pair of sexual chromosomes (2n= 22). In the meiotic cycle, nucleolar fragmentation during the final stages of meiotic prophase I was found. Nucleolar corpuscles were found in some meiotic metaphases of T. pseudomaculata, which is evidence of nucleolar persistence. The C-banding technique revealed that the Y chromosome is heterochromatic in both species. The ITS-1 rDNA sequences showed that the species presented a discharge proximity to each other, and had a high degree of homology (98.5%). The knowledge obtained in this study contributes to the understanding of the interrelation and distribution of those species, and offers... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Maria Tercília Vilela de Azeredo Oliveira / Coorientador: Lilian Castiglioni / Banca: João Aristeu da Rosa / Banca: Carlos Roberto Ceron / Mestre
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On the association between chromosomal rearragements and genic evolution in mammalsMarquès i Bonet, Tomàs, 1975- 15 January 2007 (has links)
The main objectives of this work are:a) To test the predictions of suppressed-recombination chromosomal speciation models on two different lineages of mammals: rodents and rimates. Suppressed-recombination chromosomal speciation is still quite elusive as a mode of speciation in mammals. Experimental results are scarce and the first objective of this work is to analyze whole-genome data looking for traces of events of chromosomal speciation. Rodent and primate lineages were chosen for this search, not just because of their particular biological and cytological characteristics, which make them good candidates to have speciated by this mechanism, but also because they were the first mammalian organisms to be fully sequenced. b) To study the effects of chromosomal rearrangements on genic evolutionary rates. As have been seen in the introduction, there are many of potential interactions among chromosomal rearrangements and evolutionary rates, so the second goal of this work was to try to understand the impact of chromosomal rearrangements over substitution rates by means of other mechanisms not related with speciation. c) To distinguish individual contributions of different genomic factors in the potential association among chromosomal rearrangements and evolutionary rates.The third main goal of this thesis was to discern among the different factors that could be explaining the many associations between chromosomal and genic evolution that were detected in different studies.
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Cytogenomic Analyses of the genus SorghumAnderson, Jason C. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
A phylogenetic tree based on ITS1, Adh1 and ndhF grouped the species of the
genus Sorghum into one distinct monophyletic group, but including two sister lineages,
one with x=5, the other with x=10 as basic chromosome numbers. The goal of this study was to elucidate major patterns in Sorghum genome evolution, particularly n=5 vs. n=10 genomes. A very recent molecular cytogenetic study in our laboratory revealed striking structural karyotypic rearrangements between S. bicolor (x=10) and an x=5 Sorghum species, S. angustum; so an immediate objective here was to determine if identical or similar rearrangements exist in other wild Sorghum species. Our approach was [1] to extend similar methods to additional species, i.e., fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses of sorghum genomic bacterial artificial chromosome clones and multi-BAC cocktail probes to mitotic chromosomes of S. angustum, S. versicolor, S. brachypodum and S. intrans; and [2] to augment the BAC-FISH findings by comparing telomeric and ribosomal DNA FISH signal distributions to x=5 and x=10 Sorghum species. Signals from in situ hybridizations of BAC-based probes were insufficiently robust and insufficiently localized to delineate FISH signal patterns akin to those discovered previously in S. angustum. Southern blots of the same BACs to restricted DNA of these species revealed relatively moderate affinity to smeared DNA, suggesting homology to non-tandemized sequences. FISH of the A-type TRS (Arabidopsis-like telomeric repeat sequence) revealed its presence is limited to terminal chromosomal regions of the Sorghum species tested, except S. brachypodum, which displayed intercalary signal on one chromosome and no detachable signal at its termini region. The hybridization of 45S and 5S rDNA revealed that the respective sites of tandemized clusters differ among species in terms of size, number and location, except S. angustum versus S. versicolor.
Well localized BAC-FISH signals normally occur when signals from low-copy sequences discernibly exceed background signal, including those from hybridization of dispersed repetitive elements. The low level of signal intensity from BAC low-copy sequences relative to the background signal "noise" seems most likely due to low homology and(or) technical constraints. Extensive dispersal of low-copy sequences that are syntenic in S. bicolor seems unlikely, but possible.
In conclusion, the result was a lack of clear experimental success with BAC-FISH and an inability to effectively screen for S. angustum-like rearrangements using BAC-FISH. The telomeric and rDNA FISH indicated that the x=5 genomes vary extensively. One can surmise that although the arrangements seen in S. angustum might extend to S. versicolor, they certainly do not extend to S. versicolor, they certainly do not extend to S. intrans or S. brachypodum. It is clear that S. brachypodum has telomeric repeats that are either very short or rely on some sequence other than the A-type TRS.
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