Spelling suggestions: "subject:"civil core"" "subject:"zivil core""
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O sistema de pagamentos brasileiro à luz do código civil / The Brazilian payment system in the light of Civil Code.Brida, Henrique Paulo de 20 May 2014 (has links)
O estudo jurídico do sistema de pagamentos sob o enfoque do direito obrigacional requer exame prévio do fenômeno socioeconômico representado pela moeda, enquanto elemento fundamental da relação obrigacional de compra e venda, determinante do preço e objeto do pagamento. Antes, porém, da análise do pagamento e de seus instrumentos jurídicos, ou seja, da moeda (em sentido largo) como efeito jurídico, tem-se de perquirir sobre sua natureza com o auxílio dos conceitos elaborados sobretudo pela ciência econômica, mas também pela sociologia e pela história social. O exame da realidade socioeconômica sob o prisma da essência dos fatos, não apenas de sua aparência, busca na materialidade do fenômeno monetário o suporte teórico para o encaminhamento da análise jurídica desse mesmo fenômeno e seus correlatos, tanto sob o enfoque positivista (dogmático) quanto sob o interativo, ou seja, enquanto relação entre o mundo jurídico positivo e a globalidade social por meio da interpretação ou aplicação das normas. A partir desse quadro analítico, procura o presente trabalho apresentar, primeiramente, um panorama do sistema monetário, situando o problema da moeda no contexto econômico e jurídico. Na segunda parte são expostos os fundamentos analíticos da economia em sua forma monetária (análise econômica da moeda). A terceira seção abrange o efetivo funcionamento do sistema monetário, particularmente examinando as funções do dinheiro numa economia monetária. A quarta e última parte apresenta o Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro (SPB) em seus moldes institucionais, situando-o no arcabouço do ordenamento jurídico nacional. A partir de seus fundamentos jurídicos, procede-se ao exame das matérias específicas do Direito obrigacional, em particular do pagamento e de suas garantias institucionais. / The legal study of the system of payments under the focus given by law requires prior examination of the economic phenomenon represented by currency as a key element of the obligational relationship given by purchase agreement, as by establishing the price and also as an object of payment. However, previously to the analysis of the payment and its legal instruments, i.e. the currency (in broad sense) as a legal effect, one should assess his nature with the aid of concepts specially developed by economic science, but also by sociology and social history. The examination of the socio-economic reality lit by the essence of the facts, not just by their appearance, search through the materiality of monetary phenomenon for the theoretical support for legally dealing with such a phenomenon and the correlated ones, both under the positivist approach (dogmatic) as under the interactive one, that is, as a relationship between the effective legal world and the social universe as a result of the interpretation or application of law. From this analytical framework, the ongoing writing seeks firstly to show a panorama of the monetary system by focusing the currency problem in the economic and legal context. The second part deals with the analytical foundations of the economy in its monetary form (economic analysis of currency). The third section covers the effective functioning of the monetary system, particularly by assessing the functions of money in the context of a monetary economy. The fourth and last part deals with the Brazilian Payment System (SPB) in its institutional patterns, by placing it in the framework of the national legal system. From their legal grounds, one assesses the specific matters concerning the Law of obligations, in particular the payment and its institutional collaterals.
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Quereller l'azur. Lignes et figures du divorce dans le récit français (1870-1905) / Quarrelling the azure. Lines and figures of divorce in the French narrative (1870-1905)Glaumaud-Carbonnier, Marion 11 January 2017 (has links)
Le divorce comme objet d’étude littéraire, la proposition peut surprendre. La répartition distributive des champs et des domaines de pensée exigerait que l’on en fasse, au choix, le sujet d’une réflexion historique, politique, juridique, sociale ou morale. De littérature, il n’est en revanche point question. En 1884, la réhabilitation du divorce dans la législation française est pourtant l’œuvre d’une combinatoire inédite entre politique et littérature. Depuis les tribunes et les colonnes des journaux, dans les essais et dans les livres, la narration des malheurs matrimoniaux d’hommes et de femmes pris dans les tenailles de la loi, se débattant contre une fatalité civile qui contraint leur vie privée et conjugale, crie en faveur du démariage. Alors que les liens entre le récit et la revendication d’une désunion légale sont séculaires, noués notamment dans les œuvres de George Sand, le combat de plumes mené contre l’indissolubilité du mariage va significativement révolutionner la pensée de la littérature à thèse, encourager une réflexion sur la fonction de l’écrivain, sur son rapport au droit, et démontrer le pouvoir de la littérature sur les mœurs et sur la rédaction des lois. Outil d’analyse précieux pour comprendre le fait intellectuel, littéraire et narratif des débuts de la IIIe République, le motif du démariage sert de plus l’étude de la représentation de la conjugalité dans le récit français de la fin du XIXe siècle. Devenu légal, le divorce bouleverse en effet l’imaginaire du récit de mœurs privées et inaugure de nouvelles situations narratives : la rencontre avec l’ancien époux, la jalousie du nouveau mari, la seconde nuit de noces, le passé sexuel de la femme deviennent bientôt les lieux communs et les lois narratives du genre. La promulgation du divorce éprouve néanmoins rudement les coutumes narratives françaises : en offrant une solution au récit d’adultère, le divorce brise un modèle narratif séculaire, et oblige le récit à repenser ses fatalités et ses formes. / Divorce as an object of literary study, the proposal may surprise. The distinctiveness of fields and areas of research requires that a choice be made to study the question from a historical, political, legal, social or moral point of view. Literature, however, is never even considered. In 1884, the rehabilitation of divorce in French legislation was the result of an unusual combination of politics and literature. From the editorials and columns of the newspapers, in essays and in books, the narration of matrimonial misfortunes of men and women caught strangled by the law, wrestling against a civil inevitability that constrains their private and conjugal life, clamors for un-marriage. While the ties between literature and the claims for legal disunion are secular, linked in the works of George Sand, the battle of pens fighting against the indissolubility of marriage will significantly change the thinking of engaged literature and encourage a reasoning on the role of the writer, his relation to the law, and to demonstrate the power of literature on morals and the drafting of legislation.As a valuable analytical tool to understand the intellectual, literary and narrative aspects of the beginnings of the Third Republic, the un-marriage topic can be used to study the representation of conjugality in the French narrative of the end of the 19th century. Henceforth legal, divorce in fact transforms the imagination of literature on private morals and inaugurates new narrative situations: the encounter with the former husband, the jealousy of the new husband, the second wedding night, and the sexual past of the woman, all soon become common practice in the literary genre. The promulgation of divorce nevertheless rudely tests French narrative customs: by offering a solution to stories of adultery, divorce breaks a secular narrative model, and obliges literature to rethink its fatalities and its forms.
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[pt] O trabalho enfoca a relação entre linguagem e Direito,
apontando o
distanciamento entre a linguagem legal e a linguagem do
homem médio. Tendo
por base o estudo comparativo de segmentos do Código
brasileiro de 1916
e de 2002, relativamente ao Direito das Sucessões,
analisam-se questões
pertinentes à estruturação sintática, à utilização
vocabular e à presença de
ambigüidades estruturais. Busca-se, assim, identificar
principais fatores
responsáveis pelas dificuldades enfrentadas pelo homem
médio ao interpretar
textos legais. O estudo, valendo-se de uma pesquisa
realizada junto a
informantes, constata que houve um certo progresso
à linguagem
adotada no Código Civil de 2002, em face à do de 1916.
Aponta, contudo, que o
progresso realizado está muito aquém do desejável, dado
que, na virtual
totalidade dos casos, alternativas de redação propostas
pela autora foram
preferidas às correlatamente encontradas no Código de
2002. A pesquisa volta-se,
também, para a identificação de marcas lingüísticas
evidenciadoras de
mudanças axiológicas ocorridas na sociedade brasileira
desde a promulgação do
Código de 1916, e refletidas no de 2002. A dissertação
discute as relações entre
linguagem e poder e destaca a perversidade da
da ficção,
juridicamente necessária, de que a ninguém é dado
se de cumprir a lei
alegando o seu desconhecimento com a perpetuação de uma
linguagem jurídica
obscura e proliferação irrefreada de leis. Defende,
a adoção de uma
linguagem jurídica que, ao invés de afastar o homem
do conhecimento de
seus direitos e deveres em face da sociedade, se torne
meio propiciador
desse conhecimento. / [en] This work focuses on the relation between language and
Law, pointing out
the distance that prevails between legal language and the
language of the
common man. By comparing segments of the Brazilian Civil
Code of 1916 with
those of the Civil Code of 2002, in regard to Successions
Law, issues concerning
syntactic structure, use of vocabulary and the presence of
structural ambiguities
are analyzed. The identification of the main factors
responsible for the difficulties
faced by the common man in interpreting legal texts is
also pursued. By means of
an empirical research undertaken with informants, the
study establishes that
there has been a certain degree of progress, language-
wise, in what concerns
the Civil Code of 2002, as compared to that of 1916.
However, it points out that
the degree of progress that has been achieved is far less
considerable than that
which would be desirable, since, in virtually all cases,
the alternative linguistic
formulations proposed by the author were preferred over
their parallel
formulations found in the Civil Code of 2002. The research
also provides the
identification of linguistic traces which signal
axiological changes that have taken
place in Brazilian society since the promulgation of the
1916 Code, and which are
reflected in that of 2002.The thesis discusses the
relation between language and
power and calls attention to the perversity of the
coexistence of the necessary
juridical fiction that no one can be excused of abiding to
the law by claiming to
ignore it with the perpetuation of an obscure juridical
language and the
unrestrained proliferation of laws. It thus recommends the
adoption of a juridical
language that instead of deterring the common man from
finding out what his
rights and his responsibilities in face of society are,
transforms itself in a means
of favoring such knowledge.
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La résolution unilatérale / Unilateral termination of contract for breachToma-Dăuceanu, Laura 25 October 2013 (has links)
La problématique traitée. Cette étude est dédiée à l’institution de la résolution unilatérale, c’est-à-dire, à la situation quand le contrat est anéanti par la déclaration unilatérale du créancier émise à la suite de l’inexécution importante d’une obligation contractuelle par le débiteur. Cette étude concerne principalement la résolution unilatérale légale comme elle a été consacrée dans l’article 1552 du Code civil roumain et les particularités de la résolution unilatérale conventionnelle. La distinction entre la résolution judiciaire et la résolution unilatérale a comme fondement la manière de laquelle la résolution opère. Ainsi, tandis que la résolution judiciaire est disposée par le juge, la résolution unilatérale est déclarée par la partie en droit. En conséquence, à l’exception de la manière dont la résolution opère, la résolution judiciaire et celle unilatérale ont le même régime juridique. Pour ces raisons la recherche exhaustive de ce sujet a supposé une analyse des éléments communs de la résolution. De plus, en vue de la manière de la rédaction et de la position des articles qui la concerne, ainsi comme des avantages offerts par cette manière d’opérer, la résolution unilatérale est prévue comme le moyen général d’anéantissement du contrat pour l’inexécution des obligations. En conséquence, dans le contexte du Nouveau Code civil roumain, pour traiter le sujet de la résolution unilatérale, une analyse complète du régime juridique de la résolution s’impose. Bien qu’en apparence, les résolutions du Nouveau Code civil roumain concernant la résolution n’apportent pas de modifications en substance par rapport au régime juridique de l’ancien Code civil roumain inspirée par le Code civil français, une analyse systématique des dispositions regardant l’exécution des obligations contractuelles mènent à une autre solution. Pour ce motif, on a choisi de commencer cette étude par la présentation des considérations générales en ce qui concerne la résolution (la Ière Partie), cela ayant comme finalité l’essai d’identifier les traits caractéristiques de cette institution, sa nature juridique et son fondement. A la suite, on a opté d’examiner les conditions pour que le droit à la résolution, les particularités de la résolution et de la résiliation unilatérale conventionnelle (la IIème Partie) et les effets de la résolution et de la résiliation (la IIIe Partie) [...] / The object. This study is dedicated to the unilateral termination of the contract in the situation when the contract is destroyed by the unilateral declaration issued by the creditor as a result of the significant breach of a contractual obligation by the debtor. This study mainly concerns the unilateral and legal termination of contract for breach as it was enshrined in Article 1552 of the Romanian Civil Code and also the case of the conventional unilateral resolution. The distinction between judicial termination of contract for breach and unilateral resolution of contract for breach is based on how the termination operates. Thus, while judicial termination of contract for breach is declared by the judge, the unilateral termination of contract for breach is declared by the party entitled. Excepting this distinction, the judicial termination of contract for breach and the unilateral one have the same legal regime. For these reasons this analyses focuses on the common elements of the termination of contract for breach. Furthermore, we believe that in this new legal frame the unilateral termination of contract for breach is intended as a general means of destruction of a contract for breach. This is the reason why in order to address the issue of unilateral termination of contract for breach we appreciated that a comprehensive analysis of the legal regime of the termination of contract for breach is required […]
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Le rôle de la traduction dans le transfert des connaissances juridiques : le cas des codes civils marocain et tunisienBarmaki, Fatiha 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The Public Services Concession Contract as a "Long Term" Contract / El Contrato de Concesión de Servicios Públicos Como Contrato “de Larga Duración”Pérez Hualde, Alejandro 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author highlights the benefits of incorporating the concepts “concession contract” and “long term contract” within the new Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation in Argentina. For the author, these contractual arrangements are fundamental in Administrative Law to understand the scope of the concession of public services, specifically in regard to the introduction of changes in the contract. This also means that foreign police concepts or theories as ius variandi, which only add authoritarian elements under the contract, are not longer required. / En el presente artículo, el autor resalta los beneficios de la incorporación de los conceptos “contrato de concesión” y “contrato de larga duración” dentro del nuevo Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación argentina. Así, para el autor, estas figuras contractuales son fundamentales en el Derecho Administrativo para poder comprender los alcances del contrato de concesión de servicios públicos, específicamente, en cuanto a la introducción de variaciones en la ejecución del contrato. Ello conlleva, además, que ya no se tenga que recurrir a conceptospoliciales extraños o a teorías como la del ius variandi que únicamente añaden elementos autoritarios en el marco del contrato.
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Dopad zákona o obchodních korporacích do účetnictví a podnikových financí / Impact on Business Corporations Act in accounting and corporate financeEIBLOVÁ, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of this contribution is to assess the impact of changes in legislation in 2014 to accounting and corporate finance of business corporations. Partial objective are then create a draft chart of accounts, exemplars (which point out effect of a change in accounting legislation) and analysis of selected charters of two types of business corporations (joint-stock company, limited liability company) represented by each of five specific companies. Yet another objective is to quantification of the estimated cost to amend the charters / social contracts / incorporation documents.
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Bastidores da lei republicana : grupos, posições e divergências nas discussões da Comissão Especial do Congresso acerca do Código Civil (1900-02)Santos, Fagner dos January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho visa discutir o papel do Legislativo Federal no governo Campos Sales através das discussões ocorridas entre 1900 e 1902 nas reuniões da Comissão Especial da Câmara dos Deputados responsável pela análise do Código Civil de 1917. Esse processo polêmico, intentado desde a Independência, foi considerado como uma das metas mais importantes do governo. Em tempos de inauguração da “Política dos Governadores”, este recorte visa perceber os movimentos de parlamentares em torno de polos, procurando problematizar a relação de controle do Legislativo aventada pela bibliografia clássica do período. Através de ferramentas da prosopografia, algumas definições da análise de redes e considerando as intenções dos autores em seus discursos favoráveis ou contrários ao projeto apresentado, esta dissertação relaciona os Deputados em torno de ideias e demonstra a pluralidade de posições divergentes apresentadas, buscando demonstrar que a lógica que demarcava a tônica era ditada pelo uso dos repertórios, como conceituados por Tilly. Finalmente, expõe o papel desses agentes no processo de aprovação buscando mostrar a centralidade que alguns assumem durante os trabalhos. / This work intent discusses the legislative role in the Campos Sales’ government by the meetings occurred between 1900 and 1902 in the Congress’ Special Commission for the analysis of the Brazilian Civil Code of 1917. This polemical process, wanted since the independence, was thought as one of the most important tasks for the executive. In the beginning of the “Politica dos Governadores”, this approach intent perceive the movements of the parliamentarians around deferments points of view, searching for questioning the control from the Legislative by the Executive, suggested by the classical works on this period. Using some prosopographical tools, some definitions on the network analysis and considering the actors intentions in theirs speeches for or against the Project, this work groups the parliamentarians on some different ideas and shows the range of divergences in positioning, showing that the logical for these was the same as the Repertoir, as conceived by Charles Tilly. In the end, expose the role of these actors in the aprovation process to show the centrality assumed by some parliamentarians during this works.
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Ekonomicko-právní aspekty přijetí eura v ČR / Economic and legal aspects of euro adoption in Czech republicZEDNÍK, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The aim is to identify the impact of adopting the euro in the context of selected legislative changes and to analyze the macroeconomic consequences on the national economy, including regional interpretations for South Bohemia in the comparative use of macroeconomic data from Slovakia and region of Banská Bystrica like the economy as close demographically, culturally and economically.
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Aquisição social onerosa e privada da propriedade: artigo 1228, 4 e 5 do código civil / Costly private social acquisition of property: article 1228, 4 and 5 of the civil codeBruno Magalhães de Mattos 29 August 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa proposta pretende esclarecer os pontos obscuros e controvertidos do artigo 1228, 4 e 5 do Código Civil, tendo por finalidade a busca da efetividade de tal dispositivo legal, que possui, na sua essência, o reconhecimento do direito fundamental de moradia e, ainda, tutela o direito ao trabalho. O dispositivo em questão rompe com o paradigma da posse como mera sentinela avançada do direito de propriedade e reconhece a defesa da posse autônoma exercida por aqueles que realmente cumprem com a sua função social. A partir do preenchimento dos requisitos previstos na lei, concede-se a legitimação da posse aos possuidores e, com o pagamento da indenização ao proprietário, converte-se a posse em direito de propriedade. Dessa forma, o instituto visa não apenas à regularização fundiária de áreas urbanas ou rurais, mas, principalmente, à efetividade dos direitos fundamentais de moradia e trabalho, que dão substância ao principio norteador de qualquer sociedade civilizada: o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Assim sendo, na busca pela efetividade do dispositivo, o estudo tem ainda como finalidade desenvolver a natureza jurídica específica do instituto, reconhecendo-o como um modo autônomo de aquisição onerosa do direito de propriedade, não se equiparando a formas de desapropriação ou de usucapião do direito de propriedade. / The proposed research aims to clarify the obscure and controversial points presented in the article 1228, 4 and 5 of the Civil Code, aiming at the effectiveness of this legal device which has at its core the acknowledgment of the fundamental right to housing and even guards the right to work. The device in question breaks the paradigm of possession as a mere advanced outpost of law of property and recognizes the defense of autonomous possession made by those who actually fulfill their social role. After the fulfillment of the requirements foreseen by law, it is granted the legitimacy of the possession to the possessors, and as compensation, pay the possession to the proprietor is turned into ownership right. Thus, the institute aims not only the regularization of urban and rural areas, but mostly the effectiveness of the fundamental rights of dwelling and work, which strengthen the mainstream principle of any civilized society, that is, the principle of human dignity. Thus, in the pursuit of the effectiveness of the advice, the study also aims to develop the specific legal nature of the institute, recognizing it as an autonomous way of costly acquisition of property law, not being equated with ways of dispossession or prescription of real property right.
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