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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental law perspectives on the regulation of ecotourism in South Africa's transition to a green economy / Rozanne Elizabeth Lubbe

Lubbe, Rozanne Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
South Africa and the rest of the world currently face an exacerbating threat of environmental degradation, which can be partly ascribed to the fact that some parts of society still place economic growth as a priority over environmental conservation. This study shows that such an approach is only profitable over the short term and actually causes more harm than good. On the other hand, the world is still recovering from the major 2008 global financial crisis. To tip the scale back into balance, it is crucial that economic -, social -, and environmental development be sustainable; from now and into the future. This study recognises that, to achieve sustainable development at all three levels, a transition to a green economy is needed. In essence a green economy requires investment in the environment for the benefit of both society and the economy. This study then goes on to show that ecotourism can be used as a manner to invest in the environment, whilst at the same time uplifting society and improving the economy. Subsequently it is identified as a key driver of a green economy. However, a daunting reality is that ecotourism developments and - activities also threaten the environment. This study therefore argues that ecotourism has to be regulated effectively; otherwise it will not live up to its purpose and may, as a result, curtail South Africa’s efforts of a transition to a green economy, instead of positively contributing to it. This study asks the question: Does South Africa’s environmental legislation provide for the effective regulation of ecotourism? This question is answered by considering whether various relevant pieces of national environmental legislation measure up to certain criteria that is inherent to the effective regulation of ecotourism. Finally this study serves to show that; from an environmental law perspective, and to the extent that this study investigated the ecotourism environment, ecotourism as a phenomenon is regulated effectively in South Africa. However, it appears that there still remains tremendous scope for improvement. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Investigating the influence of pre-calculus mathematics refreshment module to first year engineering students in an Ethiopian university

Asnake Muluye Bekele 03 1900 (has links)
The quality of mathematics knowledge attained by students entering university in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields has been decreasing. There is a need to enhance students’ mathematical knowledge in order to maintain the standards of STEM curriculum at university. The rationale of this study was to investigate the influence of Pre-Calculus Mathematics Refreshment module taught using Meta-cognitive skills and Co-operative Learning (MCL), or Co-operative Learning (CL) only, or Traditional lecture (T) intervention method to First Year pre-engineering Students on their Applied Calculus 1 in an Ethiopian university. The study further investigated the influence of Pre-Calculus Mathematics Refreshment module for MCL, or CL, or T intervention method on male and female students’ achievement. The refreshment module and Applied Calculus 1 scores were measured through posttest and normal class room score of Applied Calculus 1 result. The dependent variables were student achievement in pre-calculus refreshment Module and Applied Calculus 1. Out of 29 universities in Ethiopia only four were selected to participate in this study. Population of this study was all pre-engineering first year students in those universities in 2016/2017. The sample consisted of 200 pre-engineering university students who studied in four of Ethiopian universities and one class was randomly selected by lottery method from existing pre-engineering classes in each university. Two experimental groups which were taught MCL and the other CL intervention method and two of them were control groups upon whom the control novice with traditional lecture method and control without intervention was applied. In each group 50 students of 25 males and 25 females were purposely selected from sampled class. A pre-calculus mathematics Pre-test was administered first, where the average scores of all students Pre-test result was below 33%. Then, first MCL and CL intervention methods were discussed and exercised for one week before implementing the study. For the study, selected pre-calculus mathematics topics was taught in all classrooms for 32 periods i.e. 50min x32= 26.7hrs at the beginning of the first semester parallel with Applied Calculus 1 for the academic year 2016 / 2017. The statistical tools used under this procedure include descriptive statistics percentage, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics, T-test, and one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA). The results show statistically significant differences (Sig 0.00) at the significance level (0.05) between students that learnt pre-calculus refreshment module and control group which did not. Among the students those learned pre-calculus refreshment module through MCL, CL and T method students in the MCL and CL groups’ posttest scores significantly different from T group in pre-calculus results both with Sig of 0.00. But there was no significant difference between MCL & CL groups were Sig is 0.97. Additionally, the female students in the MCL group was not significant different from CL and T group, on an impact of refreshment module, in Applied Calculus 1 mathematics where Sig is 0.994 and 0.237 respectively, and CL female group scores significantly different from T group in Applied Calculus 1 results with Sig 0.042. The male students in the MCL and CL groups were significantly different from T group in Applied Calculus 1with Sig of 0.07 and 0.012 respectively. Also, there was a positive correlation between Pre-Calculus refreshment module and Applied Calculus 1 with correlation coefficient of 0.835. Lastly, the result of pre-calculus mathematics posttest scores with the female students in MCL relatively increased than male students, than in CL and T groups, which indicated that MCL benefit more female students than male students. The differences were more in favor of pre-calculus mathematics refreshment with MCL intervention method. To improve success in engineering participation of all students, recommended that a pre-calculus module should be offered by all universities for first year engineering students, structured co-operative learning with purpose has significant gains for effective instruction, and to increase the success rate of female students this study has proven that they are trainable and therefore, meta-cognition skills have to be nurtured for female students. / Mathematics Education / D. Phil (Mathematics Education in Science and Technology)

Environmental law perspectives on the regulation of ecotourism in South Africa's transition to a green economy / Rozanne Elizabeth Lubbe

Lubbe, Rozanne Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
South Africa and the rest of the world currently face an exacerbating threat of environmental degradation, which can be partly ascribed to the fact that some parts of society still place economic growth as a priority over environmental conservation. This study shows that such an approach is only profitable over the short term and actually causes more harm than good. On the other hand, the world is still recovering from the major 2008 global financial crisis. To tip the scale back into balance, it is crucial that economic -, social -, and environmental development be sustainable; from now and into the future. This study recognises that, to achieve sustainable development at all three levels, a transition to a green economy is needed. In essence a green economy requires investment in the environment for the benefit of both society and the economy. This study then goes on to show that ecotourism can be used as a manner to invest in the environment, whilst at the same time uplifting society and improving the economy. Subsequently it is identified as a key driver of a green economy. However, a daunting reality is that ecotourism developments and - activities also threaten the environment. This study therefore argues that ecotourism has to be regulated effectively; otherwise it will not live up to its purpose and may, as a result, curtail South Africa’s efforts of a transition to a green economy, instead of positively contributing to it. This study asks the question: Does South Africa’s environmental legislation provide for the effective regulation of ecotourism? This question is answered by considering whether various relevant pieces of national environmental legislation measure up to certain criteria that is inherent to the effective regulation of ecotourism. Finally this study serves to show that; from an environmental law perspective, and to the extent that this study investigated the ecotourism environment, ecotourism as a phenomenon is regulated effectively in South Africa. However, it appears that there still remains tremendous scope for improvement. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Barn med astma og deres foreldre : læring, deltakelse og samarbeid

Trollvik, Anne January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrunn og hensikt: Astma er den hyppigste kroniske sykdommen i barnealderen, den påfører barn og familierpersonlige og sosiale påkjenninger samtutgjør et betydelig folkehelseproblem. For å handtere hverdagen trenger barna og foreldrene kunnskap. Det overgripende målet med avhandlingen er å utvikle læringstilbud til barn og foreldre der den pedagogiske tilnærmingen tar utgangspunkt i barns, foreldres og helsepersonells vurderinger om hva som er viktig å lære. Metode: Avhandlingen inkluderer 5 studier (I–V) ut fra 2 prosjekter som forgikk på en barneavdeling i Norge, i 1995–1998 og 2004–2007. I studie I og IIble hermeneutisk fenomenologi brukt der 9 foreldre deltok i dypintervju. I studie IIIble innholdsanalyse brukt i et aksjonsforsknings prosjekt, handlings-orientert forskningssamarbeid, der 90 personer deltok. I studie IV ble hermeneutisk fenomenologi brukt der 15 barn i alderen 7–10 år tegnet og deltok i dypintervju. I studie V ble innholdsanalyse brukt der samhandlingen mellom 3 barn og 2 helsepersonellble observerti et læringstilbud. Resultateneviser at både barn med astma og foreldrene erfarte engstelse og redsel i hverdagen (I,IV). Foreldrene uttrykte følelser av usikkerhet,hjelpeløshet og skyld (I). Barna var redde for forverrelser av astmaenog hvordan sykdommenpåvirket kroppen. De brukte mange forskjellige ord når de beskrev astma.De kjente astma i hele kroppenogsituasjonenkunne endre seg raskt fra vanliglek til at all energi var borte. Barna var redde for å bli utestengt fra lek og aktivitet, og opplevde det som et dilemma om de skulle fortelle om astmaen til andre eller holde det hemmelig(V). Både barn og foreldre erfarte det å dele erfaringer i gruppe som betydningsfullt (II, V). Barnas perspektiv og deltakelse ble ivaretatt gjennom intervensjonsfasen, mens barneperspektivet ble ivaretatt av voksne gjennom hele prosjekt 2 (III). I læringstilbudet kjente barna seg trygge, var aktive, lærte av hverandre og satte ord på egne følelser(IV). Fortellinger og bilder fungerte godt i pedagogisk tilnærming til barn. Barnas egne tegninger var et godt redskap for å kommunisere med barn og for å få tilgang til deres livsverden(V). Konklusjon: Denne avhandlingen viser at for å støtte barn og foreldre til å handtere astma i hverdagen, er det viktig at helsepersonell legger tilrette for læring ved å utforme læringstilbud som tar utgangspunkt i deres perspektiver. Det at barna selv er aktive, at deres egne erfaringer brukes og verdsettes i dialogen, viser et nedenfraperspektiv som er en god kilde til empowerment-prosesser. Slike prosesser styrker barna i troen på egne krefter og gir dem handlekompetanse. Læringsprosessene som er beskrevet i meningsfull læringvil styrke barnas begripelighet, handterbarhet og meningsfullhet og derved styrke barnas Sense of Coherence (SOC). Ved styrket SOC vil barna i større grad mestre utfordringer i livet og derved oppnå bedre helse og livskvalitet / Background and aim: Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease,many children and families are personally and socially affected which makes asthma a public health problem. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop an asthma education programme for children with asthma and their parents, where the pedagogic approach takeschildren’s, parents’and health care personnel’s experiences and views as a starting point. Methods: This thesis includes 5 studies (I–V) from 2 projects performed in a paediatric ward in Norway in 1995–1998 and 2004–2007. In studies I and IIa hermeneutic phenomenological approach was used, in which 9 parents participated in qualitative research interviews. In study III, 90 persons participated in a co-operative inquiry. Data were analysed by content analysis. Study IV used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach: 15 children (7–10 years of age) participated in qualitative research interviews. In study V, 3 children and 2 health care personnel participated in an observational study. Content analysis was used in the analysis. The results showed that both the children and the parents experienced fear in their experiences of asthma in everyday life (I, IV). The parents expressed feelings of uncertainty, helplessness and guilt (I). The children experienced fear of exacerbations and how the asthma affected their bodies. They used many different words when they described how asthma affected them. They felt asthma in their whole body,and the condition could change quickly. The fear of being ostracised concerned all aspects of the children’s livesand they related a dilemma of keeping the asthma secret or being open about it (V). Sharing experiences in group settings was experienced as meaningful to both children and parents (II, V). The adult’s child perspectives were taken into account throughout the project, while the children’sown perspectives were taken into account during the period of intervention (III). During the asthma education programmethe children actively participated and learned from each other. As the pictures and stories were related to their experiences made it easier for them to express their own feelings. Drawings were a good way toinitiate a dialogue with the children and to get access to their lifeworld (V). Conclusion: This thesis shows that in order to support children and parents to cope with asthma, it is crucial to build on their perspectives in learning processes. Active involvement of the children shows a bottom-up perspective that can lead to confidence in their own strength and empowerment. Overall, this approach corresponds to an educational approach and learning theory that takes meaningful learning into account. Meaningful learning strengthens children’s comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness and their Sense of Coherence (SOC). A strong SOC leads to better health and a better quality of life

The training of school governing bodies in the Free State Province: an education management perspective

Tsotetsi, Stephen Morena 30 November 2005 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the training of school governing bodies in the Free State Province from an education management point of view. Since 1994 the South African government has adopted a number of policy documents aimed at democratizing education in the country. The transformation of education in the new South African context encompasses the idea of partnership in which participants - such as parents, educators, learners (in secondary schools) play an active role in taking decisions on behalf of the school. The State alone cannot control schools, but has to share its power with other stakeholders. However, this can only happen if participants in school governance are trained to have power and the capacity to decide on matters affecting their schools. Hence, training is the cornerstone of affirming governors in the execution of their roles and responsibilities. Since school governing bodies are composed of a cross section of people with different ideologies, expectations and levels of education - training is necessary to prepare then for co-operative governance. Without adequate and on-going in-service training, it is unlikely that school governing body members can make informed decisions. The empirical method, namely qualitative research, was successful in obtaining information from participants about the training offered to them. It also established how participants felt and thought about their experiences and perceptions about the training they received, whether it built capacity or not. A number of recommendations were made with regard to the research findings for stakeholders to note. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)

Organisasievernuwing : 'n penologiese perspektief

Bruyns, Hennie, 1959- 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die tradisionele benadering tot bestuur het die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe sisteem sedert sy ontstaan gedomineer. Die vraag wat ontstaan, is of daar enige praktiese, werkbare altematiewe is, veral omdat die huidige strategiese ingesteldheid, argitektuur en menslike hulpbronne onder verdenking is. Hierdie navorsing bevestig die vermoede dat 'n nuwe benadering tot strategie, struktuur, kultuur, bestuursfilosofie, werkspraktyke en mense te voorskyn kom en dat dit alleenlik gemobiliseer kan word deur organisasievernuwing. 'n Penologiese sisteem wat 'n deelnemende bestuursbenadering aanvaar, sal as 'n wereldleier geklassifiseer word. / The traditional approach to management has dominated the South African correctional system since its conception. The question arises whether there are any practical workable alternatives, especially as the present strategic intent, architecture and human resources are under suspicion. This research confirms the supposition that a new approach to strategy, structure, culture, management philosophy, work methods and people is emerging and that this approach can be enabled only by organisational renewal. A penological system that adopts a participative management approach would be classified as a world leader. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)

Creating authentic learning environments in a grade 10 Economics classroom via a progressive teaching design / Creating authentic learning environments in a grade ten Economics classroom via a progressive teaching design

Flanagan, Wayne Gary Theo 11 1900 (has links)
The researcher wants to create a learning environment where learners are much more involved in their own learning. The progressive teaching design implies that the contribution of the learner to the development of knowledge is recognised. The educator also acknowledges the learner as a social being reliant on interaction with others to generate meaning. The problem statement for this study is based on the researcher’s opinion that In South African schools rote learning and memorisation are still the main methods of learning. The reason for this is because the majority of educators have been schooled in the traditional educational paradigm where the teaching process essentially revolves around the educator. In such a system learners who can recall facts best and obtain the best grades are regarded as having learnt well. The researcher contests the assertion that the learners learnt authentically. The progressive teaching approach is proffered by the educator as an alternative for the attainment of authentic learning in a grade 10 Economics classroom. In an authentic learning environment learners are prepared to face challenges in the real world through the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Learners collaborate and cooperate as members of a group to unravel problems. The researcher makes use of a qualitative research design for this study. The grade 10 Economics class of the researcher is used a case study to ascertain whether a progressive teaching approach can enhance authentic learning. Twelve learners out 26 that indicated that they would participate eventually took part in the study. The research instruments used were the video recorded lessons, teacher observation sheets and learner focused-group interviews. One of the findings from the study was that authentic learning skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking can be developed through the educator using the progressive teaching approach. This is in line with the principles of the CAPS for Economics. Another finding is that although more learner involvement is required for the progressive approach, the role of the educator remains crucial as a knowledge expert and a facilitator in the classroom. A further finding was that learners embraced the co-operative learning strategy which is one of the fundamentals of authentic learning. They enjoyed teaching to and learning from one another in group work. Finally, learners appreciated the use of cartoons and team-games by the progressive educator as additional strategies to further authenticate and enhance the learning experience. In summary the researcher wants to contend that from the literature study, the findings of the empirical research and the recommendation of this study that by working within the parameters of the CAPS for Economics, authentic learning can be achieved via a progressive teaching design. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue maintained by a central office for authority control

Marais, Hester, 1961- 31 March 2004 (has links)
Authority control is the backbone of the library catalogue and therefore a critical library activity. Experienced staff create authority records to assist users in their quest for information. The focus of this study is on authority control as a means of co-operation in academic library consortia using a union catalogue maintained by a Central Office for Authority Control. Literature studies were conducted on three sub-problems: the development of academic library consortia in South Africa, and various forms, characteristics and functions of academic library consortia in general; the characteristics, principals and objectives of authority control; and the functions of union catalogues with special reference to the role of Z39.50 within virtual union catalogues. The conclusion was that existing and new authority records should be made available as widely as possible within consortia through a union catalogue. It is however a partial solution, because not all the libraries within the consortium have the expertise to create new authority records. Two empirical studies were conducted. A cost analysis was done to determine the cost of creating and changing authority records within academic library consortia in South Africa, in order to choose a system within which authority control can be performed effectively and speedily. Secondly, a questionnaire was sent to libraries in the United States to gather information on their experiences with regard to authority control, library co-operation in general, and virtual union catalogues. The United States was the natural choice because it could be regarded as the birthplace of modern library consortia. Inferences drawn from the information received was used to develop the structure and functions for a Central Office for Authority Control in academic library consortia in South Africa. It was found that authority control within an academic library consortium using a union catalogue could be conducted most cost-effectively and timeously through such a Central Office for Authority Control. The purpose of the Central Office would be to co-ordinate authority control within the consortium. Pooling available resources within the consortium would keep the cost of authority control as low as possible. Libraries with the required infrastructure and expertise would have the opportunity to create authority records on behalf of other libraries and be compensated for their services. Through such a Central Office more authority records created according to mutually accepted standards would be available for sharing within the consortium. / Information Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Jigsaw co-operative learning strategy integrated with Geogebra : a tool for content knowledge development of intermediate Calculus for first year undergraduate learners of two public universities in Ethiopia

Sirak Tsegaye Yimer 08 1900 (has links)
Intermediate calculus bridges secondary school and advanced university mathematics courses. Most mathematics education research literatures indicated that the conceptual knowledge in intermediate calculus has challenged first year undergraduate mathematics and science learners to a great extent through the lecture method. The content knowledge attained by them has been tremendously decreasing. Negative attitude exhibited by students toward calculus was highly influenced by the lecture method used. Generally, students have not looked at the learning of all mathematics courses offered in universities as normal as other courses. Due to this lack of background conceptual knowledge in learners, they have been highly frustrated by the learning of advanced mathematics courses. Taking the understanding of teaching and learning challenge of conceptual knowledge of calculus into consideration, Ethiopian public universities have been encouraging instructors to devise and implement active learning methods through any professional development training opportunity. The training was aimed to enhance learners’ content knowledge and attitude towards calculus. This is one of the main reasons for the motivation of this study that experimental group learners were allowed to be nurtured by the lecture method in their mainstream class, and then also the active learning intervention method integrated with GeoGebra in the mathematics laboratory class. Only conventional lecture method was used to teach the comparison group in both the mainstream and mathematics laboratory class. The purpose of the study was to explore the Gambari and Yusuf (2016) stimulus of the jigsaw co-operative learning method combined with GeoGebra (JCLGS) on statistics and chemistry learners’ content knowledge improvement and change of their attitude towards calculus. The post-positivism mixed methods tactic was used in a non-equivalent pre- and post-test comparison group quasi-experimental design. The population of the study was the whole freshman mathematics and science degree program learners of two public universities in Ethiopia in 2017. Samples of the size 150 in both the experimental and comparison groups were drawn utilizing two-stage random sampling technique. A questionnaire using a Likert-scale on attitudes and an achievement test were sources used for data collection. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics conducting an independent samples t-test and a Two Way ANOVA for repeated measures using SPSS23. Each of the findings on content knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and procedural knowledge development produced through the TWO-Way ANOVA, respectively as F(1,148)=80.917; 𝜂2=.353; p<.01, F(1,148)=106.913; 𝜂2=.419; p<.01, and F(1,148)=7.328; 𝜂2=.047; p<.01, revealed a statistically significant difference between the treatment and comparison groups from pre-test to post-test. These findings show that the experimental group participants were highly beneficial in developing their content knowledge and conceptual knowledge through the active learning approach and technology-based learning strategy using Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory. The JCLGS learning environment representing Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory modestly influenced the procedural knowledge learning of the experimental group learners’. Although the lecture method affected the comparison group students’ knowledge development in calculus during the academic semester, the impact was not comparable to that of the active learning approach and technology-based learning strategy. The major reason for this was the attention and care given to the active learning intervention integrated with GeoGebra by the researcher, data collectors, and research participants. Overall findings showed that the active learning intervention allowed the experimental group students to considerably enhance their conceptual knowledge and content knowledge in calculus. Learners also positively changed their opinion towards calculus and GeoGebra. The intervention was a group interactive environment that allowed students’ to be reflective, share prior experience and knowledge, and independent learners. As a matter of fact, educators are advised to model such a combination of active learning approach and technology-based learning strategy in their classroom instructional setting and practices. Consequently, their learners will adequately benefit to understand the subject matter and positively change their opinion towards university mathematics. / Mathematics Education / Ph. D. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)

Koöperasie as mededingingstrategie vir graanprodusente, 1995

Olivier, Pieter Gerhardus 06 1900 (has links)
Kooperasies, as werktuie ter doelwitbereiking vir graanprodusente, het sedert hul totstandkoming onderskeibare ontwikkelingsfases deurgegaan. Die toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie deur graanprodusente is grootliks bei"nvloed deur die veranderings wat tydens die ontwikkelingsfases voorgekom het. Aksies wat in die loop van hierdie ontwikkellngsfases ingestel was, het mettertyd onduidelikhede oor die bestaansgrondslag van die kooperasies laat ontstaan. Die klJmaat van politieke veranderings wat tans in die land heers, kan ook belangrike veranderings meebring ten opsigte van die grondslag waarop kooperasies funksioneer. Pie uitwerking van die verwagte veranderings kan kooperasies forseer om strategiese aanpassings in hul strukture te maak ten einde steeds suksesvol te kan bly voortbestaan. · Graanprodusente verkeer in 'n posisie wat vereis dat daar besin moet word oor strategiee wat gevolg kan word ten einde steeds suksesvol in die onsekere markomstandighede mee te ding. Die toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie waarvolgens graanprodusente deur lidmaatskap van die kooperasies in die mark deelgeneem het, kom nou ook onder die loep. Die hoofprobleem waarop daar dus in hierdie studie gefokus word, is om te bepaal of kooperasie as mededingingstrategie geskik is om die individuele en kollektiewe belange van graanprodusente te bevorder. Van die belangrikste bevindings van die studie is: Graanprodusente voorsien dat kooperasie individuele graanprodusente se markoptrede kan versterk. Graanprodusente is van mening dat hulle deur middel van kooperasie wat manifesteer in selfstandige besigheidsondernemings, genaamd ''kooperasies", 'n positiewe invloed vir graanprodusente op die mark kan uitoefen. Daar kcan nie 'n beduidende negatiewe, of positiewe persepsie oor onderlinge mededinging en die invloed wat die vryemarkbedeling daarop uitoefen, by graanprodusente gei"dentifiseer word nie. Dit blyk egter dat sommige graanprodusente die vryemarkbedeling as 'n belangrike markfaktor bejeen. Ander graanprodusente huldig 'n meer buigsame benadering jeens die vryemarkbedeling. Graanprodusente is, met enkele klemverskille, van mening dat die kooperasies nie daarin slaag om die tradisionele kooperasiebeginsels in die wyse waarop kooperasies hul besigheid bedryf, volledig toe te pas nie. Graanprodusente het oor die algemeen gesien duidelike menings oor die noodsaaklikheid daa.rvan dat die staat nie by die graanbedryf meet inmeng nie. Ander tipes ondersteuningstrategiee, soos die oprigting van beslote korporasies of maatskappye, geniet wisselende steun. 'n Beduidende groep graanprodusente is onseker oor moontlikhede om maatskappye met kapitaalgroei as basis te skep, om sodoende in geheel met kooperasies weg te doen. / Co-operatives have experienced distinguishable changes. The application of co-operation as a competitive strategy by g~in producers was largely influenced by the changes. The prevailing political changes can also instigate important changes with regard to co-operatives. Grain producers must revise strategies to maintain successful competition in the market. The study investigates co-operation as a competitive strategy to advance the individual and collective interests of grain producers, Findings are: Grain producers are convinced that co-operation enhances the market related actions of individual grain producers. Grain producers can, through co-operation, exercise a positive influence in the market. No definite negative or positive perception concerning the influence of the free market system upon mutual competition could be identified. Grain producers are convinced that the state should not interfere with the grain industry. / Business Management / M. Admin. (Business Management)

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