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Aproximação de fragmentos capturados : uma poética em desenho e colagemPolidoro, Marina Bortoluz January 2014 (has links)
La recherche intitulée Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem (L’assemblage de fragments capturés: une poétique en dessin et collage) se centre sur une investigation poétique fondée sur le dessin et qui débute par la capture d’éléments qui sont collectionnés pour être ultérieurement mis en rapport. Le dessin est vu comme un langage propice à des contaminations, par son histoire, ses matériaux et par les qualités d’enregistrement, intimité et inachevé qui se lient à lui. Dessiner c’est une manière de connaître et comprendre visuellement le monde, mais aussi de garder ces perceptions – possibilité qui est ici renforcée par l’utilisation du collage. La rencontre qui a lieu entre les fragments qui constituent le travail est vue comme un potentiel de construction poétique des images et la thèse se développe autour de l’hypothèse du sens construit plus dans les relations établies entre les composants d’un travail ou une série que dans ses unités. Cela implique que les efforts de rapprochement entrepris par le collage préservent quelque chose de fragmenté. Moyennant la pratique artistique, l’observation et analyse réflexive du processus de travail lui-même et ses relations avec le champ de l’art, la recherche a déclenché des réflexions au sujet des fondements du dessin et du collage; des documents de travail, la collection et le bricolage; des stratégies d’appropriation et opérations de transports d’images. Pour finir, tout en considérant que la rencontre implique aussi une distance, dans le contexte de cette recherche, on raffermit la quête de la non-dissimulation des renforcements, par l’évidence de la coupe et sa cicatrice. On a la bordure comme métaphore de la discontinuité et de la fragmentation caractéristiques de travaux élaborés moyennant le montage. / A pesquisa intitulada Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem centra-se em uma investigação poética fundada no desenho e que se inicia pela captura de elementos que são colecionados para posteriormente serem colocados em relação. O desenho é visto como uma linguagem propícia a contaminações, pela sua história, seus materiais e pelas qualidades de registro, intimidade e inacabado que se ligam a ele. Desenhar é uma maneira de conhecer e entender visualmente o mundo, mas também de guardar essas percepções – possibilidade que é aqui reforçada pelo uso da colagem. O encontro que acontece entre os fragmentos que constituem o trabalho é visto como um potencial de construção poética das imagens e a tese desenvolve-se em torno da hipótese de que o sentido é construído mais nas relações estabelecidas entre os componentes de um trabalho ou série, do que nas suas unidades. Isso implica que os esforços de aproximação empreendidos pela colagem preservam algo de fragmentado. Por meio da prática artística, da observação e análise reflexiva do próprio processo de trabalho e suas relações com o campo da arte, a pesquisa desencadeou reflexões acerca dos fundamentos do desenho e da colagem; dos documentos de trabalho, a coleção e a bricolagem; das estratégias de apropriação e operações de transportes de imagens. Por fim, considerando que o encontro também implica em uma distância, no contexto desta pesquisa reforça-se a busca pela não dissimulação das emendas, pela evidência do corte e da sua cicatriz. Tem-se a borda como metáfora da descontinuidade e da fragmentação características de trabalhos elaborados por meio da montagem. / The research named Aproximação de fragmentos capturados: uma poética em desenho e colagem (Approximation of captured fragments: a poetic in drawing and collage) is a poetic study based in drawing, which begins by collecting captured elements in order to later correlate them. Drawing is seen as a language vulnerable to contamination, which can be due to its history, its materials and the quality of its records, the intimacy and the unfinished that connect to it. To draw is a way to visually recognize and understand the world, but also to keep these perceptions – a possibility that is reinforced in this study using collage. The encounter of the fragments in this study is seen as a potential image poetic construction, in which this thesis is developed around the hypothesis that meaning is built in established relationship among the components of a work or series rather than in its units. This implies that the approximation efforts of the collage preserve a fragment trace. Through the practice of art, the observation and the reflexive analysis of the work process and its relationship to the art field, this research initiated reflections on the drawing and collage fundamentals; work documents; the collection and bricolage; appropriation strategies and operations of image transportation. Finally, considering that the encounter also implies distance, this research reinforces the search for a non-dissimulation of the seam, evidencing the cut and its scar. The border is a metaphor of discontinuity and fragmentation, which are characteristics of works elaborated through montage.
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Painel colado e rebitado como alternativa ao painel soldado / Agglutinated and riveted panel as an alternative of the welded panelCazetta, Jose Roberto 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Itamar Ferreira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T09:06:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Cazetta_JoseRoberto.pdf: 4497773 bytes, checksum: b712ca165319b331601bb3ff49914861 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Ao longo da história dos elevadores as suas respectivas portas passaram por muitas fases de desenvolvimento, desde a sua não utilização até modelos que poderiam acarretar perigo ao usuário. Atualmente os modelos de painéis de portas são seguros, porém de maneira geral, ainda utilizam processos produtivos tradicionais para efetuar a união mecânica entre os componentes, fazendo uso da soldagem. Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um conjunto painel metálico aplicando os processos de colagem e rebitagem em concomitância na união dos seus componentes, e demonstrar também a sua viabilidade em ser uma alternativa ao conjunto painel soldado. Para isso foram manufaturados dois conjuntos de painéis e seus componentes tiveram as mesmas dimensões e geometrias, diferenciando somente no processo produtivo, pois um teve os seus componentes unidos por meio da soldagem MIG e no outro painel aplicou-se fita adesiva VHB e rebites de aço inoxidável na união de seus componentes. A legitimação da alternativa entre processos se fez por meio da análise comparativa dos dados obtidos em dois diferentes ensaios executados nos painéis, sendo um deles de flexão, ou seja, consiste em aplicar uma carga de 300N perpendicular à face frontal do painel e em seu ponto mais vulnerável. O outro ensaio foi submeter os painéis a esforços de torção, por meio da aplicação de uma carga de 500N durante cinco minutos. Os resultados dos ensaios demonstraram que o conjunto painel soldado tem a melhor rigidez comparativamente ao painel colado e rebitado, porém o painel colado e rebitado teve o melhor desempenho, em termo dos dois ensaios utilizados. / Abstract: Along the elevators' history its door has passed through many development phases since its no using of the doors by the ones which could cause injuries to the user. Nowadays the models of the doors panels are safe, however they still have used traditional productive processes (welding) to make the mechanical union among the components. The objective of this work is to develop a metallic panel applying the agglutinated and riveting processes in concomitance in the union of their components and also to demonstrate the viability as an alternative of the welded panel, so that two panels were manufactured and their components had the same dimensions and geometries, differing only on the productive process. One of them their components were jointed by welding MIG and the other one was applied VHB adhesive tape and stainless steel rivets for joining of their components. The legitimation of the alternative among processes was made by using the comparative analysis of the results obtained from two different tests executed on the panels. One of them consists to apply 300N perpendicular to the panel front face, in the more vulnerable point. It is the flexure test. The other test was to submit the panels to torsion efforts, by using the load application of 500N for five minutes. The results of the tests demonstrated that the welded panel has the best rigidity and the agglutinated and riveted panel had the best performance in terms of the used tests. / Universidade Estadual de Campi / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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A construção de uma paisagem / The construction of a landscapeMoreira Junior, Mario Fiore 11 May 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Luise Weiss / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T23:16:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MoreiraJunior_MarioFiore_D.pdf: 2416648 bytes, checksum: ed4ce7827abc95cc8126dd19e16ccaa6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O projeto artístico "A Construção de uma Paisagem" se constitui de dois núcleos importantes: Locus Amoenus e Mapas Imaginários. Seu fio condutor é a pintura. O desenho, a gravura, a colagem, e a fotografia enriqueceram o corpo do trabalho com a expressividade específica de suas linguagens. O texto descreve quais foram os antecedentes e as experiências com a imagem que contribuíram para o processo criativo e as características relativas à linguagem pictórica que se esdobraram em obras recentes. Reflete sobre a adoção de estratégias visuais e seu rebatimento poético na criação pictórica. / Abstract: There are two important nuclei in the art project "The construction of a Landscape": Locus Amoenus and Imaginary Maps. Painting is their guideline. Drawing, engraving, collage and photography have enriched the body of work with the expressiveness of their specific languages. The text describes which were the former elements and image experiences that have contributed to the creative process and it also describes the procedures related to painterly that have unfolded in recent works. It is a reflection on the adoption of visual strategies and their poetic influence on painterly. / Doutorado / Doutor em Artes
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Reticulados obtidos por colagem / Lattices obtained by collageMaria de FÃtima Cruz Tavares 06 May 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / O objetivo principal desse trabalho à a obtenÃÃo de novos reticulados atravÃs de uma tÃcnica elementar por colagem. Para reticulados quaisquer A e B de dimensÃes n e m
respectivamente, esta tÃcnica nos permite a obtenÃÃo de um outro reticulado (n + m − 1) -dimensional. Dado dois reticulados A e B de dimensÃes n ≥ 2 e m ≥ 2 respectivamente, contendo o reticulado Λ2, nos permite a obtenÃÃo de um novo reticulado (n + m − 2) -dimensional. Em particular, dado um reticulado n - dimensional H , com densidade de centro δ , nos permite explicitamente a obtenÃÃo de um novo reticulado (n+1) - dimensional H ′,
com densidade de centro δ /√3. AtravÃs deste mÃtodo, novos reticulados sÃo encontrados e analisaremos alguns de seus parÃmetros principais, como o volume, a distÃncia mÃnima, a quantidade de vetores de comprimento mÃnimo e a densidade de centro. / The main objective of this work is to obtain new lattices through an elementary technique of collage. For any lattices A and B of dimension n and m respectively, this technique allows us to obtain a other lattice (n+m−1) - dimensional. Given two lattices A and B of dimension
n ≥ 2 and m ≥ 2 respectively, with an a lattice Λ2, this technique allows us to obtain a new lattice (n+m−2) - dimensional. In particular, given one lattice n - dimensional H , with center density δ , this technique allows us to explicitly obtain a new lattice (n+1) - dimensional H′, with center density δ/√3. Through this method, new lattices are found and will review
some of its key parameters such as volume, the minimum distance, the number of vectors of minimum length and center the density.
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Alerta contra a violência: narratividade e personagens em Uma semana de Bondade de Max Ernst / Alert against violence: narrativity and characters in A Week of Kindness by Max ErnstThiago Gonçalves Tartaro 25 April 2017 (has links)
No ano de 1934, o artista alemão Max Ernst lança em Paris um peculiar conjunto de fascículos intitulado Uma Semana de Bondade ou os Sete Elementos Capitais. Trata-se, segundo o próprio artista, de um romance de colagens. A obra, que fora pensada e produzida por Ernst durante férias na Itália, consiste de 182 colagens feitas a partir da combinação de figuras provenientes de romances folhetinescos do século XIX e de enciclopédias do mesmo período. Em cada uma dessas colagens, há cenas de violência e horror, praticadas por seres estranhos, meio humanos, meio animais. Fora a estranheza já naturalmente causada pelas colagens, é curioso notar o fato de que a obra se apresenta como um romance, tanto na denominação dada pelo autor, quanto pela forma na qual foi lançado, inicialmente por meio de cadernos periódicos, à moda dos folhetins, e posteriormente na forma de um grande volume. Este trabalho procura analisar como duas características caras ao romance se configuram nesta obra de Ernst. São elas a narratividade e os personagens. Para tanto, o trabalho faz uma revisão do movimento surrealista, apresentando a colagem de Max Ernst e a análise da narratividade e dos personagens em Uma Semana de Bondade. / In 1934, the German artist Max Ernst launches in Paris a peculiar set of fascicles entitled A Week of Kindness or the Seven Deadly Elements. It is, according to the artist himself, a \"collage-novel\". The work, which was conceived and produced by Ernst during a holiday in Italy, is consisted of 182 collages made from the combination of pictures from nineteenth-century kitsch novels and encyclopedias of the same period. In each of these collages, there are scenes of violence and horror, practiced by strange beings, half human, half animals. Apart from the strangeness already caused by the collages themselves, it is curious to note the fact that the work presents itself as a novel, in the denomination given by the author and also in the form in which it was launched, initially by means of periodical fascicles, in the style of serial novels, and later in the form of a large volume. This work tries to analyze how two characteristics of the novel are configured in this Ernst\'s work: narrativity and characters. In order to do this, the surrealist movement is reviewed, presenting the collage of Max Ernst and the analysis of narrativity and characters in A Week of Kindness.
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Sen v českém umění první poloviny 20. století a téma snu ve výtvarné výchově / Dream in Czech art of the first half of the 20th century and the dream theme in art educationKurucová, Nina January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is concerned with dream as an inspirational source and as specific state of mind. Theoretical part describes dream from psychological point of view but also dream ramifications on the art in the first half of the 20th century. The thesis describes not only an introduction of surrealism as a new art style in French and Czech countries, but also birth of new art techniques. The work also maps dream reports of Jindřich Štyrský and their depictions as an author's primary source of imagination. Didactic part includes a survey aimed at sixth grader's dreams and didactic project consists of four painting tasks. Each task thematically follows specific parts of theoretical chapter. Practical part naturally results from dream-theme's ideas and is composed of two objects based on inspirations from dream. KEYWORDS Dream, dream diary, surrealism, Frottage, college, Jindřich Štyrský
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Durabilité d’un assemblage mixte bois-béton collé sous chargement hydrique / Durability of glued wood-concrete composite assemblies under hygrometric loadingLoulou, Louisa 06 September 2013 (has links)
La mixité bois-béton est une solution intéressante dans le domaine des ouvrages d'art pour la réalisation de ponts, et dans le domaine du bâtiment dans la confection de planchers mixtes bois-béton. Le laboratoire Navier travaille depuis plusieurs années au développement du procédé par collage appliqué aux structures mixtes bois-béton. En effet, cette technique d'assemblage permet d'assurer une connexion quasi-parfaite entre le bois et le béton, contrairement aux techniques d'assemblage usuelles (connecteurs métalliques). Des travaux antérieurs ont montré la bonne performance de structures mixtes collées bois-béton du point de vue de leur tenue mécanique en fatigue. Cependant la connexion par collage nécessite une étude complémentaire concernant la durabilité de l'assemblage collé bois-béton, en particulier lorsque la structure mixte est soumise à des conditions hygrométriques variables. Les travaux menés pendant la thèse ont pour objectifs de déterminer les facteurs qui influent sur la tenue de ces assemblages collés sous chargement hydrique ; ils se divisent en 3 parties :-Deux parties expérimentales :(1)Des tests de cisaillement « Push-Out », en collaboration avec le Laboratoire Départemental d'Autun, ont permis d'évaluer l'effet des propriétés élastiques de l'adhésif sur la tenue en cisaillement de l'assemblage. L'objet de cette étude expérimentale est de valider un choix de colle pour ce type d'assemblage, prenant en compte un vieillissement hydrique, en se basant sur la capacité maximale atteinte en cisaillement, et le mode de rupture de l'assemblage. (2)Parallèlement aux tests de cisaillement, l'effet de chargements hydriques sur la tenue d'assemblages collés bois-béton a été étudié. L'analyse du comportement hydrique de la structure a été réalisée par la technique de corrélation d'image (DIC) sur des assemblages bois-béton collé de petite taille. Ces mesures de déformations locales ont permis de localiser des zones d'endommagement liées notamment aux déformations hydriques du bois empêchées par l'interface collée. Les effets des propriétés élastiques de l'adhésif, de la géométrie du bois (notamment sa structure et le sens des cernes par rapport au plan de collage) ainsi que du comportement mécanique du matériau cimentaire ont été étudiés.- Une partie numérique :(3) Un modèle numérique par éléments finis a été validé en comparant les résultats numériques aux cartes de déformation obtenues expérimentalement. L'analyse numérique a permis de quantifier les contraintes induites au niveau de l'interface en relation avec les déformations hydriques empêchées par l'interface collée et de prévoir le comportement à l'échelle 1 de structures mixtes. Ces différentes investigations ont permis de proposer des solutions optimisant ce type de connexion et de définir des conditions de mise en œuvre et d'utilisation de ces assemblages / The wood-concrete composite is an interesting solution in the field of Civil Engineering to create high performance bending elements for bridge, as well as in the building construction for the design of wood-concrete floor systems. The Navier laboratory has been working for many years on the development of the bonding process as applied to wood-concrete composite structures. Contrary to conventional joining connectors (metal connectors), this assembling technique does ensure an almost perfect connection between wood and concrete. Previous work has already shown good performances of glued wood-concrete composite structures in terms of mechanical fatigue. However, the bonding connection requires additional research on the long-term behaviour of glued wood-concrete composites, especially when this structure is subjected to variable hygrometric conditions. The work undertaken during this thesis aims at determining the factors which induce damages on these glued wood-concrete assemblies under hygrometric loading; the research is divided into 3 parts:-Two experimental parts:(1)"Push-Out" shear tests conducted in collaboration with the Departmental Laboratory of Autun, were used to assess the effect of the elastic properties of the resin on the shear strength of the assembly. This experimental study aims at validating the adhesive of choice for this kind of connection, taking into account ageing under variable hygrometric conditions. Analysis is based on maximum shear capacity and on the failure mode of the assembly. (2)In addition to shear tests, the effect of hygrometric loading on the durability of glued wood concrete assemblies was examined. The analysis of the hydric behaviour of the structure was carried out by the digital image correlation (DIC) technique on small-sized glued wood-concrete assemblies. The measurements of the local deformations allowed us to locate areas of damage, particularly due to the hydric deformations of the wood prevented by the glued connection The effects of the elastic properties of the resin, the microstructure of the wood (including its structure and the direction of the annual rings) as well as the mechanical behaviour of the concrete material were examined.- A numerical part:(3) A numerical finite element model was validated by comparing the numerical results to the deformation maps experimentally obtained. Numerical analysis was used to quantify the stresses induced to the structure, in relation to hydric deformations prevented by glued connection. Moreover investigations at the full scale were conducted to evaluate the long-term behaviour under variable hygrometric conditions. These investigations were conducted in order to offer solutions aiming at optimizing this type of connection, and to define conditions for use of these glued assemblies
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Evaluation ultrasonore des réparations de structures métalliques par collage de patchs compositesLe Crom, Bénédicte 10 May 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s’est déroulée dans le contexte de l’évaluation non destructive du collage de patches composites employés pour la réparation de structures aéronautiques. Le besoin a été exprimé par la DGA Techniques Aéronautiques (Toulouse). Le travail effectué a consisté en l’exploitation des ondes guidées, de type SH puis Lamb, pour mesurer des caractéristiques mécaniques d'un joint de colle et tenter d’évaluer, de manière non destructive, la qualité du collage. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés viscoélastiques des matériaux assemblés sont déterminées. Elles servent alors de données d’entrée à des modèles, basés sur la méthode SAFE (Semi Analytical Finite Element method), permettant d’obtenir les courbes de dispersion ainsi que les champs des différents modes guidés se propageant le long de l’assemblage collé. Ces simulations numériques permettent alors d’évaluer le potentiel des ondes guidées à caractériser un adhésif. Des mesures expérimentales sont ensuite menées pour confirmer les prédictions numériques. Finalement la résolution d’un problème inverse, qui consiste à évaluer les modules de rigidité de la couche de colle se situant entre une plaque d’aluminium et un patch, est proposée pour établir des pistes d’évaluation non destructive d’un collage répondant au besoin industriel. Cette étude a été financée par la DGA, France. / Repairing of metallic structures using composite patches bonded with an adhesive layer is more and more common in the aeronautic field, and particularly at DGA Techniques Aéronautiques. In order to guarantee the quality of this bond, the sensitivity of ultrasonic guided waves is investigated. Shear-horizontally polarized (SH) waves, and Lamb waves are investigated to infer the stiffness of the adhesive layer. The SAFE method is used to predict the dispersion curves and mode shapes of the different wave modes propagating along the three-layer assembly. Numerical simulations are run for selecting the most appropriate wave modes, i.e. with higher sensitivity to the stiffness of the bond than to other components properties. Experiments are also made for generating-detecting pre-selected SH or Lamb wave modes in order to confirm the numerical predictions. Finally the resolution of an inverse problem, consisting in the evaluation of the stiffness modulus of the bond layer between an aluminium plate and a carbon-epoxy composite patch, at different curing time, is proposed as a contribution to the establishment of possible strategies for bonds testing. This work was supported by DGA, France.
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Développement par voie Sol-Gel de méthodes d'assemblage de cristaux à optique non linéaire pour applications laser / Sol-Gel method for non-linear optical cristals bondingSraïki, Guillaume 23 January 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse CIFRE nous avons élaboré une solution originale d’assemblage de cristaux optiques pour applications lasers avec les sociétés Cristal Laser et Oxxius. Nous avons ensuite optimisé notre composition de colle ainsi que le procédé d’encollage des cristaux avec la réalisation d’un robot par nos partenaires industriels. De nombreux tests d’assemblage ont été effectués avec des homo-assemblages de paires de cristaux de SiO2, Quartz, YAG, KTP, LBO, BBO et RTP. Ces homo-assemblages sont ensuite traités thermiquement pour stabiliser notre interface de colle et nos résultats sont satisfaisants. Nous avons également réalisé des hétéro-assemblages avec des paires de cristaux de nature différente parmi les cristaux précédemment étudiés comme YAG/Quartz ou SiO2/KTP. Les résultats que nous obtenons avec ces hétéro-composites semblent indiquer que le différentiel de CTE entre les pièces assemblée limite fortement le bon déroulement des traitements thermiques. Nous avons donc étudié le CTE ainsi que le comportement de notre interface de colle en fonction de la température afin de proposer une composition et un traitement adapté à la réalisation de ces hétéro-composites. / In this CIFRE thesis we elaborate a bonding solution, with Cristal Laser and Oxxius companies, for non-linear optical crystals for laser applications. We had to optimize solution’s composition and the bonding process, this resulted in the creation of a bonding robot by our industrial partners. Numerous homo-assemblies bonding tests has been realized with the following crystal pairs of SiO2, Quartz, YAG, KTP, LBO, BBO and RTP. Those homo-assemblies have been thermally treated to stabilize our bonding solution interface and we obtained relatively good results. We also bonded hetero-assemblies with different crystal pairs like YAG/Quartz or SiO2/KTP. The results we get with these hetero-composites suggest that the difference in CTE between the assembled parts greatly limits the smooth heat treatments. We therefore investigated the CTE and the behavior of our adhesive interface depending on the temperature to provide adapted composition and treatment to the realization of these hetero-composites.
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Sběratel krystalů / The Crystal CollectorKlicnarová, Dita Unknown Date (has links)
This dissertation entitled Crystals Collector is concerned with the phenomenon of collecting, and more specifically with crystals as objectes in an imaginary collection. The objects are selected based on a personal fascination of the author. However, the collection always has, similarly as a crystal, a predetermined internal structure. The meaning of individual parts only become apparent when they are viewed as a whole. The main artefacts of the collection are paintings on canvas - with the painting becoming a similar 'fetish' as a collected crystal. Mineral it the key artefact and as such it is subjected to deeper examination (experiments with growth of crystals, studies of crystals, artefacts having a close relationship to crystals...).
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