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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Koučink trenéra v utkání fotbalu / Coaching in the game in football

Mička, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
Name: Coaching the coach in the game football The aim of the thesis: The aim of this thesis is to analyse the coaching activity of coach in two competitive matches of youth category. During the observation i would like to focus on the types of coach behaviour and his postural activity. Methodology: To achieve the goals I used the method of observation, the method of teaching interaction (ADI) and the method of audio and video recording. Results: The result of this thesis was reached and fulfilled, the research questions were answered. Thanks to this observation i can recommend some advice to another coaches. Key words: coaching, coach, instruction, feedback information, correction 69

Entraîneur de football : histoire d’une profession de 1890 à nos jours / Football’s coach : history of an occupation from 1890 till nowadays

Grün, Laurent 11 January 2011 (has links)
Dès 1890, les footballeurs français de haut niveau ont suscité l’intérêt de publics toujours plus nombreux. Mais s’ils ont été les premiers à attirer l'attention de l'opinion, il s'avère que les entraîneurs, qui sont demeurés longtemps méconnus, ont joué un rôle primordial dans l'évolution et les progrès du football français. A partir des années 1920, ils investissent le champ du ballon rond et tentent d'imposer leur vision de la pratique et de l'entraînement. Mais ils se heurtent à divers obstacles qui entraveront leur influence durant des décennies. L'ensemble des entraîneurs professionnels ne se constitue en véritable profession qu'à partir des années 1950, en s'appuyant sur une « Amicale », une organisation déterminante dans la structuration de leur identité, ainsi que sur une formation performante. Les entraîneurs deviennent plus visibles aux yeux du grand public depuis les années 1980. Mais en fait cette exposition médiatique est à double tranchant : si elle permet de souligner leur rôle dans les progrès du football français, elle met davantage encore en péril une stabilité professionnelle qui leur a toujours été contestée. L'histoire de la profession des entraîneurs s'organise autour de l'action d'individualités déterminantes comme Gabriel Hanot ou Georges Boulogne, mais également d'actions collectives souvent initiées par leur syndicat, mais aussi par leur hiérarchie représentée par la Direction Technique Nationale. Ces hommes et ces organisations ont pris conscience que l'action des entraîneurs ne se limite pas au terrain, ni à l'entraînement et à la compétition et que leur profession présente de nombreuses caractéristiques du travail des cadres. / Since 1890, élite French footballers have become the centre of interest for an ever increasing number of people. But although players were the first to attract attention, it is taken for granted that coaches played the most prominent role in the evolution and improvement of French soccer. However, they remained largely unknown for many years. As early as the 1920s, they invested the area of French soccer and tried to teach their own perception of how to train for an play the game. But they faced some difficulties, which would slow their influence for several decades. Coaching did not become a real occupation till the 1950s, when they created an organization called “Amicale”, which played a decisive part in establishing their own identity as well as creating an efficient academy process. Coaches have become better known by the general public since the 1980s, but this new media coverage is a two-edged sword: on the one hand, it gives them credit for their action in improving French football, but on the other hand it threatens more and more their professional stability, which they have always been denied. The history of professional coaching suggests we take a look at the action of decisive individuals like Gabriel Hanot or Georges Boulogne, but also at collective actions which were often driven by their own union, or by their hierarchy through the D.T.N. (National Technical Direction). These men and organizations have become aware of the fact that coaching does not amount to the practice pitch alone, nor to training and competition, and that their occupation shows many similarities to managerial work.

Možnosti ovlivnění vybraných kondičních předpokladů u mladých volejbalistů / Options affecting the fitness of selected assumptions for young volleyball players

Jankech, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Title: Options affecting the physical assumptions in Youth Volleyball Aim: To gather relevant information on fitness training volleyball at the age of 16 to 18 years, which would help novice coaches to basic knowledge in this direction. In the questionnaire, I found out how much time is spent conditioning coaches youth trainings, and what they experience in this area. Methods: Data acquisition of high quality and trusted sources of literature and web sitxes relating to fitness training in different sports, general knowledge about physical abilities and basic information about volleyball and it all efficiently directed to the general fitness training volleyball. The practical part has the task of evaluating questionnaires collected. The evaluation used descriptive statistics. The relative frequency of this statistic is expressed in the graph for easy understanding. Using the questionnaire were addressed only coaches youth volleyball components. Assessment I conducted myself using Microsoft Excel, Power point and calculators. Result: Due to the fact that I was in the theoretical part focused on affordable quality literature, so I think that the work is made of high quality and proven resources, full of important and useful information, which concerned the final mainly physical abilities and their...

Srovnání atletických přípravek v Neratovicích, Staré Boleslavi a Nymburce / Comparison of kids athletics in clubs in Neratovice, Stará Boleslav and Nymburk

Kašparová, Alena January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis The comparison of kids athletics clubs in Neratovice, Stara Boleslav and Nymburk presents a comparison of three athletic clubs working with the youngest categories of athletes. The aim of this work is to find out the way of leadership, organisation, basic informations about coaches and sports equipment and facilities. The thesis is relevant to school year 2011/2012. Key words Children, athletics, movement, games, versatility, organisation, motivation, coach.

Koučink fotbalového trenéra v utkání / Coaching the football coach in the game

Vlk, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Title: Coaching of the football coach in the game Objectives: The main goal of this thesis was to explore how players perceive their coach during the length of a season, and his/her strengths and weaknesses. Another objective was to compare the results of male and female squads in the selected areas. Because the players' individual preferences and expectations can vary, the study aims to compare differences between players who evaluated their season as successful, and players who did not have a successful season. At the end the results were fed back to the players to evaluate whether the CBAS system can be used as a form of feedback, and whether the coach can use this tool to work collectively with the team, as well with individuals according to their specific needs. Methods: A structured questionnaire was used as the research method as well as individual interviews with players during their season. The main part of this research, identifying 12 assessing categories of a coach, was obtained by using a structured questionnaire. Interviews with individual players were conducted to clarify opinions of these players towards the evaluated coach. Results: After the interpretation of the results it was found that the differences between male and female players are apparent in area General encouragement....

Florbal-příručka pro učitele základních škol a začínající trenéry / Floorball - Manual for teachers at grammar schools and beginnig coaches

Míka, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Title: Floorball - Manual for teachers at grammar schools and beginnig coaches Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to describe individual player skills including field players and goalkeepers and to describe the very basics of offensive and defensive plays. This thesis is strongly aimed on floorball basics, that appear during all age groups of students at grammar school. Every single piece of information within this thesis is usable for everyone inside floorball training process, but designated for very beginners. Methods: In our thesis we used methods of theoretic knowing and information processing.Last but not least analysis,comparisob and research of Czech and international literature. Results: It was created transparent handbook for teachers of primary schools and coaches. The goal of master thesis was fulfilled and partial goals as well. Keywords: Floorball, coach, teacher, player, goalkeeper, student (pupil), manual, handbook

Role trenéra v přípravě mládeže / The role of the coach in preparation of youth players

Ostaš, Radek January 2016 (has links)
Title: The role of the coach in preparation of youth players Objective: The aim of my work was to observe 3 coaches of football players in age 11-13, their usage of teaching styles used during training units and success of coaches idea's communication towards to their youth players. Hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: I suppose , that coaches will mostly use the direct teaching style Hypothesis 2: I suppose, that most of the ideas will not be told so precisely towards to the players to be able understand them immediately Methods: In my work I used direct and indirect method, structured and opened observation of every single coach and player's reaction to the coaches instruction Results: The aim of my work was reached, I successfully collected and evaluated all needed data Hypothesis 2 => confirmed Hypothesis 2 => unconfirmed Keywords: Coach, teaching style, accurate idea, inaccurate idea

The coach-athlete relationship in the Middle East : cultural considerations

Ahmad, Hasan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Olikheter i en likvärdig uttagning? : En analys av hur NIU-skolor förhåller sig till relativ ålderseffekt vid uttagningsprocessen / Differences in an equal tryout? : An analysis of how elite academy schools relate to relative age effect during the tryout process

Holmqvist, Fernando, Desport, Samuel January 2017 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka fem lärares syn på talangidentifikation, hur de realiserar uttagningsprocessen till NIU samt hur de förhåller sig till relativ ålderseffekt (RAE) i uttagningsprocessen. Frågeställningarna vi ämnar att besvara är: Hur ser lärarna på talangidentifikation? Hur realiseras uttagningsprocessen vid NIU och vilka utmaningar ser lärarna med uttagningsprocessen? Vilken kunskap har, och hur förhåller sig lärarna till RAE vid uttagningsprocessen? Metod 
 Metoden som använts är kvalitativ och genomförs med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Målet med våra intervjuer att ta reda på hur lärarna upplever uttagningsprocessen samt deras förhållningssätt i arbetet med RAE. Anledningen till den kvalitativa karaktären är att vi har ett område vi vill kartlägga samt samla djupare information om, i detta fall RAE i samband med uttagning till NIU. Urvalet bestod av fem lärare; lärare 1, lärare 2, lärare 3, lärare 4 och lärare 5 som alla hade olika erfarenheter av läraryrket och arbetet med NIU Resultat
 Studiens resultat visar att det finns skillnader mellan de lärare som är involverade i individuella idrotter kontra lagidrotter i vad man anser att en talang bör besitta för egenskaper. För de lärare, lärare 3 och 4 som representerade individuella idrotter framgick det att den idrottsspecifika kunskapen vägde tyngst vid identifiering av en talang och att denna identifiering redan kan göras vid en tidig ålder. Lärare 1,2 och 5 som representerade lagidrotter lade en stor vikt vid att en talang måste besitta psykologiska färdigheter för att kunna identifieras som talang. Vidare visar resultatet att uttagningen är en rättsosäker process där uttagningarna ser olika ut beroende på idrott och i vissa fall skola. Gällande svårigheter med uttagningsprocessen och vad de värderade kom likartade svar fram i form av att de var rädda för att välja bort någon som senare skulle utvecklas. Vid frågan om värdering kom ord som drivkraft och målmedvetenhet fram. Samtliga av de intervjuade lärarna nämner inte att de aktivt tar hänsyn till relativ ålderseffekt i uttagningsprocessen. Lärare 2 och 5 är de lärare som lyfter att de tar hänsyn till den fysiska mognaden i uttagningen men inte vilken tid på året de elever som ansöker till NIU är födda på. Slutsats Studiens resultat belyser ett problem som finns i och med den rättsosäkerhet som råder vid uttagningsprocessen till NIU. Studien visar även att lärarna har olika uppfattning om vad talang är och hur talang identifieras. Resultatet visade att RAE är utbrett fenomen men något som inte tas hänsyn till i uttagningsprocessen till NIU. / Aim The aim of this study is to examine how five teachers view talentidentification, how they execute the tryout process to elite academy schools and also how they relate to relative age effect(RAE) in the tryout process. The questions being answered in this study are: 1. How do the teachers view talentidentification? 2. How is the tryout process being performed and what difficulties do the teachers experience with the tryout process? 3. What knowledge do the teachers have in regards to RAE and how do they relate to RAE during the tryout process? Method The method being used is qualitative and is executed by performing semi-structured interviews. The purpose of our interviews is to examine how the teachers experience the tryout process and their approach when working with RAE. The reason for the explorative nature is because we have an area to survey and also gather deeper information about, in this case, RAE in relationship to the tryout process to elite academy schools. The selection consisted of five teachers (teacher 1, teacher 2, teacher 3, teacher 4 and teacher 5) that all had different experiences of working as a teacher and with elite academy school. Results The result showed that there are differences among teachers involved in individual sports in relation to teachers working with team sports, in regards to what kind of attributes a talent should possess. For the teachers, teacher 3 and teacher 4, which represented individual sports it appeared that sport specific knowledge was most important when identifying a talent. This identification can be performed at an early age. Teacher 1, 2 and 5 which represented team sports stressed the importance of the psychological skills that a talent must possess, in order to be identified as a talent. The result also showed that the tryouts is an equivocal process where the tryouts is executed differently depending on the sport and in some cases which school. In regards to difficulties with the tryout process and what the teachers valued similar responses were received. All teachers described the fear of eliminating someone who could possibly develop late and they all valued attributes as drive and dedication. All teachers also mention that they do not take RAE in consideration during the tryout process. Teachers 2 and 5 mention taking the physical development into consideration during the tryout process, however not which month a student applying is born. Conclusions This study brings up a problem that is very current due to the equivocality which is present during the tryout process to elite academy schools. The study also showed that the teachers had different opinions in regards to what talent is and how to identify it. The result showed that RAE is a rife phenomenon however it is not being taking into consideration during the tryout process to elite academy schools.

Chefskap och ledarskap. : Vilka förutsättningar behöver chefer i sitt ledarskap?

Andersson, Oliva, Ottosson, Kajsa January 2019 (has links)
Balansgången mellan chefskap och ledarskap kan vara en utmaning för många chefer. Organisationer klarar sig inte utan chefskapet och dess tillhörande arbetsuppgifter, men det kan samtidigt vara avgörande att kunna inspirera och skapa engagemang. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka förutsättningar chefer behöver i sitt ledarskap. Frågeställningar som användes för att besvara syftet gällde chefers behov av ledarutveckling, chefers behov av stöd i ledarskapet, samt vilka förbättringar chefer upplever att de behöver för att få bättre förutsättningar i sitt ledarskap. Kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod användes. En enkät sammanställd av Region Västerbotten analyserades vilket var den kvantitativa delen i studien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med avdelningschefer vilket var den kvalitativa delen i studien. Centrala resultat i studien är att stöd, tydlighet och tidsbrist bör tas hänsyn till vid organisationers arbete med chefers behov i ledarutveckling för att kunna ge chefer rätt förutsättningar i ledarskapet. Chefers erfarenhet kan påverka behovet av coach, mentor och handledning. Resultatet visar också att en ökad grad av återkoppling, planering av kompetensutveckling och uppföljning kan minska behovet av coach, mentor och handledning. Det är nödvändigt att se över system, orsaker till tidsbrist,lönesättning samt hur man skapar en attraktiv arbetsplats för chefer. Det är svårt att arbeta enbart med chefskap eller enbart med ledarskap då dessa två delar är beroende av varandra. Det är därför av vikt att se över stödet både i vardagliga arbetsuppgifter men också gällande chefers egna utveckling, något som författarna hoppas denna studie har gett insyn i.

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