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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La construction interactionnelle de l'identité d'expert : une étude d'un débat télévisé

Fortin, Israël January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La construction interactionnelle de l'identité d'expert : une étude d'un débat télévisé

Fortin, Israël January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Le métalangage grammatical du français dans les classes tunisiennes : le cas de la notion de complément / The grammatical metalanguage of French in the Tunisian classes : the case of the notion Complement

Fadhlaoui, Najet 30 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse sur le métalangage de la grammaire du français s’inscrit dans un cadre élargi qui concerne les champs de la linguistique (morphosyntaxique), de l’acquisition, de la didactique et de la pédagogie. Du point de vue didactique, nous choisissons une perspective socioconstructiviste adaptée à un travail sur la métacognition. Au niveau pédagogique, notre objet consiste, d’une part, à analyser les verbalisations métalangagières des élèves du collège tunisien dans leur analyse de la fonction complément. Notre option de recherche, étant moins les opérations d’étayage avec les élèves que les interactions de la classe de grammaire et la dynamique de coconstruction et de négociation métalangagières, se veut une étude des problèmes que pose l’articulation complexe des métalangages issus des grammaires scolaires (de référence) et pédagogiques (des manuels et de l’enseignant) avec ceux de la grammaire interne, inconsciente et hétérogène de l’élève tunisien. Autrement, l’articulation entre la grammaire de sa première langue de scolarisation, en l’occurrence, l’arabe L1- sujet aux mêmes problèmes- et la grammaire du français langue2, conséquemment, son interlangue.Au final, notre travail qui vise la construction de concepts grammaticaux négociés avec les élèves pour une verbalisation (biméta)langagière efficace et effective procède de la manière suivante : partir d’un corpus qui s’appuie sur des questionnaires et des observations de classe qui portent sur l’exploitation, par les enseignants, des séquences de grammaire insérées dans les modules d’apprentissage qui font office de grammaire pédagogique ; une phase diagnostique envisage de déceler, ensuite, les traces d’une grammaire en construction, notamment, en partant des erreurs des élèves à travers des tests préparés à cet effet et des échanges entre pairs et avec l’enseignante qui visent à déterminer les profils métalangagier et métacognitif des élèves.Une seconde phase met en place le dispositif de négociation du concept de complément en termes d’évolution des stratégies utilisées. L’analyse repose sur une comparaison de la complémentation en arabe et en français à travers laquelle sont analysées les interactions bimétalangagières et la négociation des termes et des règles. / The present thesis about the metalanguage of the grammar of French falls into a wide framework which concerns the fields of morphosyntactic linguistics, acquisition, didactics and pedagogy. From the didactic point of view, we selected a socioconstructive perspective which is then adapted to a work on metacognition. As for the pedagogical level, our objective is to analyse the metalinguistic verbalizations of the pupils of Tunisian middle school in their analysis of the function Complement. Our research option being mainly the interactions in a class of grammar and the dynamics of coconstruction and metalinguistic negotiations rather than the operations of propping up with pupils, aims to be a study of the problems generated by the complex articulation of metalanguages which stem from schools of grammar of reference and educational grammar from textbooks and instructors and those of the internal, unconscious and heterogenous grammar of the Tunisian pupil. Otherwise, the articulation overlaps between the grammar ofhis first language of schooling, in this particular case Arabic Lg 1 (subject to the same problems) and the grammar of French Lg 2, consistently his interlanguage. In the end, our work which aims at the construction of grammatical concepts negotiated with pupils for an effective and efficient linguistic verbalization (biméta) proceeds in the following way: we use a corpus which is based on questionnaires and class observation in which teachers use sequences of grammar inserted into learning modules and which contain educational gramma A diagnostic phase intends to reveal, then, the tracks of a grammar under construction mainly by focussing on pupils' mistakes through tests prepared for that purpose and peer and teacher exchanges which aim at determining the metalinguistic and metacognitive profiles of pupils. A second phase sets up the device of negotiation of the concept of complement in terms of evolution of the used strategies. The analysis is based on a comparison of the complementation in Arabic and in French through which the interactions bimétalanguagieres and the negotiation of the terms and the rules are analysed.

Radio communautaire : enjeux d'appropriation d'un espace public médiatique par des « communautés imaginées »

Koulete, Kodjo Atassé Dovénè 25 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 30 novembre 2023) / Au début des années 1990, le modèle participatif et inclusif que promeut le concept de radio communautaire retient l'attention et l'intérêt des organisations de développement international, qui voient, dans cette « petite » structure médiatique et technologique, l'outil parfait pour assurer un rattrapage technologique en Afrique et pour impulser le développement local. Nourries par les théories technico-développementalistes, dans une ère encore marquée par ce paradigme dominant, plusieurs institutions internationales financent l'installation et le développement des radios communautaires sur le continent africain entre les années 1990 et 2000. On y dénombrerait, à ce jour, plus de 2 000 radios communautaires. Malheureusement, dépouillée de sa dimension participative et inclusive, la radio communautaire africaine est abordée, très largement, dans la littérature scientifique et dans la majorité des rapports et documents internationaux comme l'outil médiatique exclusif de développement. En tirant parti des travaux de réception, nous prônons, dans cette thèse, une relative distance avec les travaux développementalistes, non pas parce qu'ils ne rendent pas compte des données empiriques et théoriques réelles de la radio communautaire africaine, mais parce qu'ils occultent, non sans le vouloir, le public des radios communautaires, que les praticiens et les théoriciens appellent communautés. Cet engagement, à la visibilisation de la communauté, à ne pas parler au nom de la communauté, mais à la laisser s'exprimer nous conduit à la formulation de la question principale de notre recherche. Comment et à quel niveau se joue l'implication et la participation de la « communauté imaginée » dans la production des discours médiatiques au sein des radios communautaires conçues pour être une agora de réflexion et de prise de décision ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous convoquons le concept de « communauté imaginée » inspiré des travaux de Bénédict Anderson (1983) pour caractériser les publics de la radio communautaire, nous nous inspirons des résultats des études de réception et nous recourons à une étude de cas de trois radios communautaires du Togo. Il s'agit de la radio carré-jeunes, de la radio rurale fraternité novissi et de la radio la paix. Pour chacune de ces radios, nous avons procédé à une analyse de contenu de certaines de leurs émissions interactives, à une observation participante et organisé des entretiens non directifs. Dans certains cas, nous avons élargi notre analyse pour prendre en compte les tentatives embryonnaires de numérisation de la diffusion constatée au sein de ces radios communautaires afin de comprendre les changements que ces situations engendrent dans le rapport que la radio communautaire entretient avec « sa » communauté. Il apparaît, au terme de cette recherche, que les radios communautaires africaines, du moins celles qui ont fait l'objet d'une analyse dans le cadre de cette recherche, sont des « radios à la carte », des radios en permanente construction, avec un espace médiatique profondément productiviste dans une visée économico-politico-développementaliste et un faible espace participatif principalement culturel, qui est malgré tout le fruit d'un braconnage. / In the early 1990s, the participatory and inclusive model promoted by the concept of community radio caught the attention and the interest of international development organizations, which saw in this « small » media and technological structure the perfect tool to ensure technological catch-up in Africa and to stimulate local development. Nourished by technical-developmentalist theories, in an era still marked by this dominant paradigm, several international institutions financed the installation and development of community radios on the African continent between the years 1990 and 2000. It is estimated that there are more than 2,000 community radios. Unfortunately, stripped of its participatory and inclusive dimension, African community radio is addressed, very widely, in the scientific literature and in the majority of international reports and documents as the exclusive media for development. Drawing on reception studies, we advocate, in this thesis, a relative distance from developmental works, not because they do not account for the real empirical and theoretical data of African community radio, but because they unintentionally obscure the public of community radios, which practitioners and theorists call communities. This commitment to the visibility of the community, not to speak on behalf of the community, but to let it express itself, takes us to the formulation of the main question of our research. Designed to be an agora of reflection and decision-making, how and at what level is the involvement and the participation of the "imagined community" in the production of media discourses within community radios played out? To answer this question, we use the concept of "imagined community" that we lend by Benedict Anderson (1983) to characterize community radio audiences and we use the case study of three community radio stations in Togo. These are radio carré-jeunes, the rural radio fraternité novissi and the radio la paix. For each of these radio stations, we conducted a content analysis, among other things, of certain interactive programs that we considered to be a radio speech, conducted a participant observation and non-directive interviews. The mobilized data have been presented and interpreted taking into account the theoretical models we have mobilized. It appears, at the end of this research, that African community radios, at least those that have been the subject of an analysis as part of this research, are customized radios, in permanent construction, with a strong deeply productivist space in an economic, political, and developmentalist perspective, and a weak participatory space, essentially cultural, which is the result of poaching.

Coconstruction avec des étudiantes et des formatrices d’une intervention pédagogique pour l’apprentissage du leadership clinique infirmier tôt dans la formation initiale

Ha, Laurence 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Pour une meilleure protection juridique de l’environnement en Nouvelle-Calédonie Innover par la construction participative du droit / For a better legal protection of the environment in New Caledonia Innovation through participatory construction of the law

David, Victor 05 January 2018 (has links)
Quel droit de l’environnement pour quelle société ? Avec une méthode qui conjoint un examen socio-anthropologique et un examen juridique, cette thèse pose la question pour la Nouvelle-Calédonie, par une analyse du passé récent, des difficultés contemporaines et d’une refondation rendue possible par une évolution de la pensée juridique et au moyen d’outils élaborés récemment ailleurs et qui ont permis par exemple de reconnaître la personnalité juridique à des éléments de la nature.Reconnue comme hotspot mondial de la biodiversité, avec la menace environnementale que constitue l’exploitation des immenses ressources minières de nickel, comment la Nouvelle-Calédonie, près de 150 ans après son annexion par la France et son engagement depuis une trentaine d’années sur le chemin de la décolonisation, s’y prend-elle pour protéger son environnement naturel ? La réponse que nous obtenons par l’étude du droit positif, des institutions, du droit comparé, des discours et du travail de terrain, est claire : le droit applicable aujourd’hui en Nouvelle-Calédonie est issu d’une rationalisation exogène des relations sociales. Il est de fait inadapté au contexte culturel du Pacifique. Les relations Homme Nature, équilibrées, ont été « désenchantées » par la christianisation, la colonisation et la rationalisation scientifique. Comme dans beaucoup d’endroits, en Nouvelle-Calédonie, le sacré qui caractérisait ces relations a été écarté au profit de ce que nous avons choisi d’appeler le « complexe de Noé » et qui est devenu le fondement de toute politique environnementale. Notre diagnostic sur les limites du droit de l’environnement actuel, révèle en détail les carences de l’ingénierie institutionnelle contemporaine, fondée sur des préoccupations politiques de gestion pacifiée d’une société plurielle et de rééquilibrages entre communautés et territoires pour compenser des retards de développement dus aux erreurs du passé.Il existe toutefois un contexte favorable depuis quelques années pour réenchanter la protection juridique de la nature et de ses éléments. Des gouvernements ou des juges sous d’autres latitudes reconnaissent la personnalité juridique à des éléments de la nature. Il est désormais possible de dépasser une conception restrictive du pluralisme juridique comme cohabitation étanche d’ordres juridiques irréconciliables et d’avancer vers un métissage du droit endogène et d’un ordre juridique associé aux formes de l’Etat moderne. Nous suivrons de près la co-construction, avec les populations et les autorités coutumières, par la Province des Iles Loyauté, d’un droit de l’environnement négocié et de principes innovants qui permettent enfin de prendre en compte pleinement dans le droit positif la vision Kanak de la nature. Grâce à une méthode participative d’élaboration du droit, il apparaît que l’on peut concilier, les pluralismes (culturels, sociaux, politiques et juridiques) de la Nouvelle-Calédonie du 21ème siècle, dans le cadre d’un droit négocié, seul garant de l’effectivité du droit pour protéger l’environnement naturel dans un contexte global de changements environnementaux. / What environmental law for which society? With a method that combines a socio-anthropological examination and a legal examination, this thesis raises the question for New Caledonia, through an analysis of the recent past, contemporary difficulties and a re-foundation made possible by an evolution of legal thought and by means of tools developed recently elsewhere, which have made it possible, for example, to recognize the legal personality of elements of nature.Recognized as a global hotspot of biodiversity, with the exploitation of its huge nickel resources being a major environmental threat, how does New Caledonia, nearly 150 years after its annexation by France and its commitment for thirty years on the path of decolonization, fare in protecting its natural environment? The answer we get from the study of positive law, institutions, comparative law, speeches and field work is clear: the law applicable today in New Caledonia is the result of an exogenous rationalization of social relations. It is in fact unsuited to the cultural context of the Pacific. Balanced Man-Nature relations have been "disenchanted" by Christianization, colonization and scientific rationalization. As in many places, in New Caledonia, the sacredness that characterized these relationships has been sidelined in favor of what we have chosen to call "Noah’s complex" and which has become the foundation of any environmental policy. Our diagnosis on the limits of the current environmental law, reveals in detail the shortcomings of contemporary institutional engineering, based on political concerns for a peaceful management of a plural society and for rebalancing between communities and territories to compensate for underdevelopment due to past mistakes.However, there is a favorable context in recent years to re-enchant the legal protection of nature and its elements. Governments or judges in other latitudes recognize the legal personality of elements of nature. It is now possible to go beyond a restrictive conception of legal pluralism as the tight coexistence of irreconcilable legal orders and to advance towards a hybridization of the endogenous right and a legal order associated with the forms of the modern state. We will closely follow the co-construction, with the populations and the customary authorities, by the Loyalty Islands Province, of a negotiated environmental law and innovative principles that finally allow to fully take into account within positive law the Kanak vision of nature. Thanks to a participative method of elaboration of the law, it appears that we can reconcile the pluralisms (cultural, social, political and legal) of New Caledonia in the 21st century, within the framework of a negotiated law that is the only guarantee for the effectiveness of the law to protect the natural environment in a context of global environmental change.


ADRIANA BAPTISTA DE SOUZA 16 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo principal analisar a interação escolar de um aluno surdo em um contexto praticamente inexplorado no Brasil: as aulas de Inglês como língua estrangeira do primeiro segmento do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública inclusiva. De forma específica, procura-se investigar: (i) como o aluno surdo coconstrói conhecimentos em um contexto multilíngue com três línguas em contato (Inglês, Português e Libras), acrescidas dos sinais caseiros trazidos pelo aluno surdo e da linguagem não verbal que compõe o cenário interacional; (ii) de que forma a interação do aluno surdo com os outros participantes – a professora de Inglês, os colegas ouvintes e a intérprete educacional – impacta a coconstrução de conhecimentos. A abordagem teórico-metodológica é da Linguística Aplicada no âmbito da Microetnografia de sala de aula, com um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativo-interpretativista, realizado em uma turma de primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal inclusiva do Rio de Janeiro denominada escola de educação bilíngue (LibrasPortuguês). A geração de dados foi feita em 2018. Nos primeiros meses, houve a ambientação da pesquisadora na escola, com observações da rotina escolar e das aulas de Inglês da turma-alvo, registradas em notas de campo. Nesse período, foram também realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com a coordenadora pedagógica da escola, a professora de Inglês da turma-alvo, o aluno surdo incluído e sua responsável legal, para o mapeamento do contexto escolar, das características dos participantes da pesquisa e das suas perspectivas acerca do objeto de investigação. Após os meses de ambientação, foram feitos registros audiovisuais de aulas de Inglês na turma-alvo, das quais foram selecionadas duas para análise: uma aula sem a presença da intérprete educacional e a outra com a sua presença, o que possibilitou uma comparação entre as estruturas de participação em cada situação para fins de identificar possíveis impactos dessas diferentes configurações na coconstrução de conhecimentos do aluno surdo. Os dados foram transcritos mediante convenções da análise da conversa e de estudos sobre a Libras. A análise de dados indica que, na interação com a professora de Inglês, seus colegas ouvintes e a intérprete, o aluno surdo constrói afetividades e demonstra conhecimentos acerca dos padrões interacionais de sala de aula. Com a intérprete educacional, em especial, apesar da grande resistência travada pelo aluno, há coconstrução de conhecimentos em Libras e sobre a Libras. Não há evidências, no entanto, de coconstrução de conhecimentos em Inglês ou sobre o Inglês, o que pode ser resultante da abordagem metodológica utilizada, que é baseada na oralidade, não contemplando, portanto, as especificidades do aluno surdo. Há, assim, muitos desafios enfrentados por todos os participantes da pesquisa e, principalmente, pelo aluno surdo no que tange à coconstrução de conhecimentos. Os resultados do estudo podem contribuir para reflexões acerca do processo de inclusão do aluno surdo e da necessidade de adequação metodológica no que tange ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras de modalidade oral-auditiva para surdos do primeiro segmento do ensino fundamental em contexto inclusivo, o que carece de pesquisas atualmente e torna este estudo pioneiro na área. / [en] The main objective of this research is to analyze the school interaction of a deaf student in a context that is practically unexplored in Brazil: the classes of English as a foreign language in the first segment of elementary school in an inclusive public school. Specifically, we seek to investigate: (i) how the deaf student co-constructs knowledge in a multilingual context with three languages in contact (English, Portuguese and Libras), plus the home signs brought by the deaf student and non-verbal language that composes the interactional scenario; (ii) how the deaf student s interaction with the other participants – the English teacher, the hearing peers, and the educational interpreter – impacts the co-construction of knowledge. The theoretical-methodological approach is Applied Linguistics in the scope of Classroom Microetnography, with a qualitative-interpretative-naturebased case study, carried out in a first-year class of elementary school in an inclusive municipal school in Rio de Janeiro called Bilingual education school (Libras-Portuguese). The data was generated in 2018. In the first months, the researcher set the scene in the school, with observations of the school routine and the target English classes, recorded in fieldnotes. During this period, semistructured interviews were also carried out with the pedagogical coordinator of the school, the English teacher of the target group, the deaf student and the person who is legally in charge of him, in order to map the school context, the characteristics of the participants and their perspectives about the research object. After these months, audio-visual records of English classes were taken in the target group, from which two were selected for analysis: one class without the presence of the educational interpreter and the other with her presence, which made possible a comparison among the structures of participation in each situation in order to identify possible impacts of these different settings in the co-construction of knowledge by the deaf student. Data were transcribed through conventions of conversation analysis and studies on Libras. Data analysis indicates that in the interaction with the English teacher, his hearing peers, and the interpreter, the deaf student builds affectivities and demonstrates knowledge about classroom interactional patterns. With the educational interpreter, in particular, despite the great resistance waged by the student, there is co-construction of knowledge in Libras and about Libras. There is no evidence, however, of co-construction of knowledge in English or about English, which may be the result of the methodological approach used, which is based on orality, and therefore does not contemplate the specificities of the deaf student. There are, thus, many challenges faced by all the participants of the research and, mainly, by the deaf student in which concerns the construction of knowledge. The results of the study may contribute to reflections on the process of inclusion of the deaf student and the need for methodological appropriateness regarding the teaching of oral-auditory foreign languages for the deaf of the first segment of elementary school in an inclusive context, which lacks research and makes this study a pioneer in the field.


MARIA PAULA GUIMARAES DE BARROS 16 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem por objetivo compreender, através da análise da mediação da fonoaudióloga, o processo de coconstrução e re(con)textualização da narrativa de uma adolescente surda em Oficina Fonoaudiológica de Língua Escrita Mediada pela Libras, no Ambulatório de Surdez da UFRJ. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa, mediante um estudo de caso, com foco teórico e metodológico na Linguística das Profissões. As categorias analíticas foram estabelecidas a partir da Análise da Conversa em contexto institucional, da Narrativa Conversacional e de sua re(con)textualização, e da Sociolinguística Interacional. A geração dos dados foi feita com gravação em vídeo. Para a transcrição, foram utilizadas convenções da interação e de estudos sobre a Libras. A análise indica que a mediação foi fundamental para o desenvolvimento do processo interacional de coconstrução da narrativa e de sua re(con)textualização, da Libras para o Português escrito. A fonoaudióloga, em sua participação, utilizou perguntas, reformulações, repetições, avaliações e explicações, e buscou coconstruir a narrativa em sinais, além de suscitar reflexão sobre o discurso narrativo escrito. A adolescente tem participação ativa na interação, mas necessita de mediação, no que tange aos elementos narrativos, ao longo de todo o processo, que envolve as etapas de contação, escrita e reescrita. O estudo contribui para a reflexão sobre a ordem interacional da prática profissional fonoaudiológica visando à autonomia do surdo no desenvolvimento de seu discurso narrativo em Libras e Português escrito, que se mostrou ainda relativa no contexto institucional. / [en] The present study aims to understand, through the analisys of mediation of the speech therapist, the process of the coconstruction and re(con)textualization of the narrative of a deaf teenager in a workshop called Oficina Fonoaudiológica de Língua Escrita Mediada pela Libras, in the Ambulatório de Surdez of UFRJ. This research has a qualitative and interpretative nature, through a case study, with theoretical and methodological focus in the Linguistics of Professions. The analitycal categories were established from the Conversational Analysis in institutional context, from the Conversational Narrative and its re(con)textualization, and from the Interactional Sociolinguistics. Data generation was done with video recording. For transcription, interaction conventions, as well as studies on Brazilian Sign Language, were used. The analysis indicates that the mediation was fundamental for the development of the interactional process of coconstruction of the narrative and its re(con)textualization, from Brazilian Sign Language to written Portuguese. In her participation, the speech therapist used questions, reformulations, repetitions, evaluations and explanations, and tried to coconstruct the narrative in signs, besides evoking reflection on the written narrative speech. The teenager has an active participation in the interaction, but she needs the mediation concerning the narrative elements, throughout the process, which involves the stages of telling, writing and rewriting. This study contributes to the reflection on the interactional order of the speech therapist professional practice aiming at the deaf s autonomy in the development of her narrative discourse in Brazilian Sign Language and written portuguese, which is still relative in the institutional context.

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