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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rastreamento cognitivo por instrumento baseado no MEEM em idosos não institucionalizados residentes em Batatais-SP / “Cognitive screening by instrument based on MMMSE in non institutionalized elderly living in Batatais.”

Maria Beatriz Ferreira Gurian 23 January 2003 (has links)
O transtorno cognitivo no idoso acarreta repercussões na sua vida, na família e na relação com a sociedade. Um instrumento de avaliação cognitiva amplamente utilizado é o MEEM - Mini Exame do Estado Mental - que é um teste de rastreamento com o objetivo de selecionar pessoas com provável déficit cognitivo. Uma amostra representativa da população de 394 idosos do município de Batatais SP foi avaliada através de inquérito domiciliar em relação às condições socioeconômicas e de saúde, e foi feito rastreamento dos sintomas depressivos e do desempenho cognitivo através de um instrumento baseado no MEEM. A maioria dos entrevistados era do sexo feminino (66%), sendo que 75,4% dos idosos pertenciam a uma faixa etária de 60-74 anos, chamada idoso jovem. Com relação à escolaridade a grande maioria (62.2%) cursou o primeiro grau. Com relação aos analfabetos 77,1% eram mulheres e 22,9% eram homens. Para o estado conjugal a diferença foi na proporção da viuvez 80.2% para o sexo feminino e 19.8% para o masculino. Quanto à renda familiar, 43.7% da população recebiam menos de 2,5 salários mínimos. Para avaliação do desempenho cognitivo usou um ponto de corte ? a 23 para o MEEM. Observou-se que 81.7% ficaram acima deste ponto e 18.3% ficaram abaixo. Os idosos que tiveram os escores mais elevados foram associados aos fatores como idade (60-69 anos), maior nível escolaridade, ter hábito de leitura, ter boa relação social principalmente com parentes, não ter hipertensão arterial, diabete, incontinência urinária, catarata e ausência de sintomas depressivos. / The cognitive impairment in the old has its effects on their lives, families and relationships with society. A widely used instrument of cognitive assessment is the MMSE- Mini Mental State - that is a screening test whose aim is to select people with probable cognitive deficiency. A significant sample of the population of 394 old people from Batatais - SP, was evaluated through a home survey considering the socioeconomic and health conditions and a screening of depressive symptoms and cognitive performance was done through an instrument based on MMSE. The great majority of people who were interviewed were female (66%) and 75.4% of the old belonged to an age group from 60 to 74 years old, being considered \"younger old\". Regarding scholarship, most of them had attended primary school (62.2%). Considering the illiterate 77.1% were women and 22.9% were men. Concerning marital status a huge difference between the proportion of widows (80.2%) and widowers (19.8%) was found. With reference to familiar income 43.7% of the population earned less than 2.5 minimum wages. To evaluate the cognitive performance a cut off ? 23 for MMSE was used. It was observed that 81.7% of the old were above and 18.3% were under this point. The old who achieved the highest scores had factors such as age (60-69 years old), better scholarship level, reading habits, a good social relationship (mainly with relatives), no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no urinary incontinence, no cataract and absence of depressive symptoms.

Análise dos correlatos neurais associados ao uso de estratégias de memória no comprometimento cognitivo leve: avaliação por ressonância magnética funcional / Functional neural correlates of strategic memory processes in Mild Cognitive Impairment: an fMRI study

Joana Bisol Balardin 11 October 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Déficits de memória episódica constituem o marcador cognitivo mais frequente em pacientes com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve (CCL).Estudos prévios mostram que déficits de memória episódica podem ser minimizados nestes pacientes por intervenções comportamentais. Entretanto, os mecanismos cerebrais envolvidos nos efeitos do treino cognitivo ainda são pouco explorados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o correlato neural por ressonância magnética funcional de um treino breve de memória em pacientes com CCL e compará-los com os achados em idosos saudáveis. Foram avaliados 18 pacientes com CCL e 19 idosos controles com a utilização de ressonância magnética funcional (RMf) em uma tarefa de codificação de listas de palavras com diferentes graus de relação semântica antes e após uma sessão de treino de estratégias de memória. Na sessão pré-treino, os participantes foram instruídos a memorizar as palavras durante a sessão de RMf sem qualquer orientação sobre o uso de estratégias de codificação. Após um treino breve no qual estratégias específicas de organização e agrupamento semântico foram exercitadas, os sujeitos foram reconduzidos ao aparelho de ressonância magnética e realizaram a sessão pós-treino, na qual foram instruídos a utilizar a estratégia treinada durante o paradigma de codificação de palavras. Os resultados dos exames de ressonância magnética funcional foram processados e analisados com o programa FSL versão 4.1. Ambos os grupos apresentaram aumento no número de palavras evocadas associado ao uso da estratégia treinada. Em ambos os grupos foi observado um aumento do sinal BOLD após o treino em regiões do córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral esquerdo e do córtex parietal bilateral. No grupo de idosos controles, entretanto, foi observada também uma redução da ativação em regiões do córtex parietal posterior esquerdo e cíngulo posterior bilateral, do córtex pré-frontal medial e cíngulo anterior direitos, do lóbulo parietal inferior e do córtex temporal superior direitos, do córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral direiro e do córtex óribito-frontal bilateral. A interação grupo x tempo foi significativa em áreas do córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral e ventromedial direitos. Estes resultado indicam que existem diferenças no recrutamento de regiões pré-frontais em resposta ao uso de estratégias de codificação em paradigmas de codificação de palavras entre pacientes com CCL e idosos cognitivamente saudáveis / The present studyinvestigated the effects of different applicationsof verbal learning strategies duringepisodicmemory encoding in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) (n=18) and normal controls (n=17) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).The main goal of this study was to verify whether externally guided increases in verbal learning strategy application during episodic memory encoding modulate brain activity in memory-related networks in the same level in MCI as in controls. Participantswerescanned twice, using a word-list encoding fMRI paradigm.In the first session, self-initiated encoding strategies were used to intentionally memorize words during encoding. In the second session, participants received an explicit instruction to apply a semantic organization strategy (i.e. semantic clustering)to perform the task. The fMRI word list learning paradigm consisted of alternating blocks of encoding and resting baseline conditions. To perform the spontaneous fMRI session, participants were not instructed about the semantic organization of the words in the lists beforehand or given any practice with related lists. Therefore, any grouping by category observed in the subsequent free recall at the end of this fMRI acquisition was presumed to be self-initiated by the subject. At the end of the spontaneous session, each subject received a brief period of guidance or instructions to apply semantic strategies and organize words in terms of semantic categories during encoding, using a new set of word lists. Immediately after practicing the application of the strategy, participants were scanned again using the same type of paradigm as in the first session, except for the use of new set of word lists and the explicit instruction to apply semantic clustering.Free recall and strategic index scores were assessedafter each session. fMRI brain activation and deactivation during encoding of word lists in memory-related networks were examined across sessions. Results from the fMRI analysis revealed that after the explicit orientation to apply the verbal learning strategy, greater recruitment of frontoparietal network regions were observed in both MCI and control groups in relation to the unconstrained encoding condition. Group-differences in functional deactivations, however, were observed in the medial prefrontal (mPFC) cortex and in the right superior frontal gyrus, two critical nodes of the default mode network, related to the absence of modulation in the activity of the mPFC, along with a lack of suppression of the right superior frontal gyrus in MCI, in response to the increased use of the encoding strategy. A different association between improvement in strategy use and session-related changes in activation of the medial orbitalfrontal cortex between groups was also confirmed. That is, improvements in strategy use in controls contribute to a great extent in the amount of deactivation in OFC, whereas in patients, only a small portion of the increase in activation in this region was predicted by increases in strategy application

Espectro do comprometimento cognitivo na neurocisticercose: diferenças de acordo com a fase da doença / The spectrum of cognitive impairment in neurocysticercosis - differences according to disease phase

Cleonisio Leite Rodrigues 15 August 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O declínio cognitivo relacionado à neurocisticercose (NC) ainda permanece mal caracterizado e pouco diagnosticado. Recentemente, nosso grupo mostrou que uma significativa parcela de pacientes com NC na fase cística ativa apresenta-se com declínio cognitivo e comprometimento funcional (Ciampi de Andrade et al., 2010). Não existem estudos controlados que avaliem essas alterações em pacientes com NC na fase calcificada na literatura até presente momento. Objetivos: Avaliar o desempenho cognitivo do maior subgrupo de NC, constituído de pacientes com NC na fase estritamente calcificada (C-NC). Verificar a presença de demência e comprometimento cognitivo sem demência (CCSD) nesses pacientes e tentar correlacionar os resultados obtidos a achados de neuroimagem. Investigar se existe presença de um espectro de anormalidade cognitiva na NC conforme a fase da doença. Metódos e Casuística: Quarenta pacientes (média de idade = 37,6+ 11,3 anos e escolaridade média= 7,0+ 3,5 anos), com critérios diagnósticos absolutos de C-NC foram submetidos à avaliação cognitiva e funcional, sendo comparados a 40 pacientes controles saudáveis (CS) e 40 pacientes com NC ativa (A-NC), emparelhados por idade e nível educacional. Todos os pacientes do grupo C-NC foram submetidos a estudo de RM de encéfalo, a fim de excluir outras causas de epilepsia e sinais de atividade inflamatória. Resultados: Os doentes C-NC apresentaram uma média de 9,40 ± 3,13 testes alterados dos 30 da bateria de avaliação cognitiva quando comparados aos CS. Nenhum paciente C-NC mostrou critérios para demência e 10 (25%) tiveram critérios para CCSD. O grupo ANC tinha 5 pacientes (12,5%) com demência e 11 (27,5%) com CCSD. Mais de 50% dos doentes C-NC apresentaram desempenho inferior em memória verbal, atenção e função executiva em comparação aos CS. Não se encontrou correlação entre as alterações nos testes cognitivos nos pacientes C-NC e A-NC e os achados de neuroimagem e a frequência de crises epilépticas. Dos 4 pacientes reavaliados com demência do grupo A-NC após 2 anos, 3 deles ainda mantinham critérios de demência e na reavaliação por neuroimagem ainda apresentavam cistos. O único que não mais preenchia critérios para demência ou CCSD, exibia apenas calcificações na neuroimagem controle. Conclusões: Os resultados do presente estudo controlado indicaram que a NC independente de sua fase leva a um espectro de alterações cognitivas que varia de comprometimento em um simples domínio, CCSD até, ocasionalmente, demência. Estes achados parecem ser mais intensos durante a fase ativa cística da doença e menos proeminentes no estágio calcificado / Introduction: Cognitive decline related to neurocysticercosis (NC) remains poorly characterized and underdiagnosed. We have previously shown that a significant proportion of active NC patients (A-NC) present cognitive and functional impairment. Until now, there is no control study that have evaluated cognitive abnormalities in patients in the calcified phase of NC. Objective: To evaluate the cognitive performance of the largest subgroup of NC, the strict calcified patients (C-NC). Check the presence of dementia and cognitive impairment no-dementia (CIND) and correlate the results with neuroimaging findings. To investigate whether there is a spectrum of cognitive abnormalities in the disease according to disease phase. Methods and participants: Forty treatment-naive patients with C-NC aged 37.6 ± 11.3 years and fulfilling absolute criteria for definitive C-NC were submitted to a comprehensive cognitive and functional evaluation and were compared with 40 active NC patients (A-NC) and 40 healthy controls (HC) matched for age and education. All patients of C-NC group underwent brain MRI study in order to exclude other causes of epilepsy and signs of inflammatory activity. Results: Patients with C-NC presented 9.4 ± 3.1 altered test scores out of the 30 from the cognitive battery when compared to HC. No C-NC patient had dementia and 10 patients (25%) presented CIND. The A-NCYST group had five patients (12.5%) with dementia and 11 patients (27.5%) with CIND. More than 50% of C-NC patients had low performance in verbal memory, attention and executive functions in comparison to CS. No significant correlation was found between cognitive performance and the number of lesions and seizure frequency. On follow-up, three out of five previously demented A-NCYST patients still presented cystic lesions with scolex on MRI and were still demented. One patient died and the remaining patient no longer fulfilled criteria for neither dementia nor CIND, presenting exclusively calcified lesions on neuroimaging. Conclusion: The results of our controlled study shows that NC, independently of its phase, leads to a spectrum of cognitive abnormalities, ranging from impairment in a single domain, to CIND and, occasionally, to dementia. These findings are more conspicuous during active vesicular phase and less prominent in calcified stages

Dlouhodobé sledování pacientů po první atace schizofrenie z hlediska kognitivní výkonnosti a jejího vztahu k psychosociálnímu fungování / Long-term monitoring of patients after the first episode of schizophrenia in terms of cognitive performance and its relationship to psychosocial functioning

Pešková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Cognitive deficit is now considered to be a core feature of schizophrenia, which significantly influences psychosocial functioning in individuals with this illness. The aim of this study is to analyze the cognitive performance during the first year after the first episode of the illness and cognition related to psychosocial functioning. A total of 28 people hospitalized after the first psychotic episode of schizophrenia F20 according to ICD-10 participated in our study and underwent measurements of cognitive functions by the international MCCB battery. They were also evaluated by the PANSS (Scale of positive and negative symptoms) and PSP (range of personal and social performance). After one year from the first measurement for re-examination, 20 patients made an appearance. In 75% of the sample (n = 28), a cognitive deficit below 1.5 standard deviations below the normative average, i.e. below 35 T-score, was detected, at least in one of the measured domains. Speed of processing was the most impaired domain (T < 35), Reasoning and problem solving was the least attenuated domain (T > 40). The resulting analysis (paired t-test) showed a significant improvement one year after first-episode schizophrenia in domains Speed of processing (p = 0,018) and Reasoning and problem solving (p = 0,023). The...

Evaluation of Early Pathogenic Mechanisms of Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease

Shaw, Eisha January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating, progressive neurodegenerative disorder in the elderly, characterized by severe loss of memory and higher cognitive functions. In the hundred years since its discovery, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has traversed from the status of a ‘rare neurological oddity’ to one of the greatest challenges faced by healthcare and medicine in this millennium. A reported 44 million people currently suffer from AD but only 1 in 4 people have been diagnosed. Although AD has been an area of intense research for almost 50 years now, most studies have focused on the end stage disease. Years of study on the pathological cause underlying AD; have conclusively shown that the accumulation of the sticky peptide, Aβ, is one of the major triggers of AD pathogenesis. However, after the initial Aβ trigger, multiple processes contribute to disease progression, so that by the time a patient is diagnosed on the basis of overt behavioral phenotypes, it is difficult to understand and differentiate between the causative mechanisms and the consequential effects of the disease. It is, perhaps, because of this, that we are still struggling to find therapies for AD which will stop or at the very least slow the course of the disease. In the 2015 report on AD, issued by the Alzheimer’s association, much emphasis has been placed on the early diagnosis of AD and the revision of the diagnostic criteria for AD. According to the new guidelines proposed in 2011, AD has been divided into three stages where the first stage occurs before the appearance of overt behavioral symptoms such as memory loss, whereas by the 1984 guidelines, cognitive disabilities must have already occurred for diagnoses of AD. This proposed preclinical stage of AD has been defined, reflecting the current belief that AD pathogenesis begins almost 20 years before the occurrence of behavioral dysfunction. However, no diagnostic criteria are currently available to establish this stage. Hence, there is a need to understand the early pathogenic mechanisms of AD, which will yield early therapeutic targets as well as early diagnostic markers of AD. One of the earliest documented events in AD pathogenesis is synaptic dysfunction, which is later manifested as loss of dendritic spines. Deficits in long term potentiation (LTP) has been demonstrated in Aβ exposed hippocampal slices as well as in mouse models of AD, much before the appearance of pathological hallmarks such as plaques and tangles as well as overt behavioral phenotypes. While these and other studies indicate clearly that elevated levels of soluble Aβ peptide leads to impairment of synaptic function, the underlying molecular mechanisms are yet to be elucidated. One of the purported mediators of Aβ induced dysfunction is oxidative stress. The Aβ peptide, especially the Aβ42, is a self aggregating peptide with a propensity to form peptidyl radicals. Interaction of the peptidyl radicals with biomolecules leads to the generation of more free radical species via cascading chain reactions. Additionally, Aβ peptide has also been demonstrated to have synaptotoxic effects via its effect on NMDA receptors and calcium influx leading to deregulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production as well as excitotoxicity. Hence, with a view to understanding Aβ mediated early synaptic dysfunction in AD, we studied early signaling changes in the synaptosomes derived from the cortex of APP/PS1 mice model of AD at various ages. The APP/PS1 model contains a mouse/human chimeric APP gene bearing the KM670/671NL Swedish mutation and the human PS1 gene with an exon 9 deletion. These mice exhibit behavioral deficits from 7 months of age while plaque deposition and gliosis become apparent by 9 months of age. We chose to study both pre-symptomatic ages (1 and 3 months old) as well as post symptomatic (9 months old) mice. Post nuclear supernatant (PNS) as well as synaptosomes were isolated from the cortex of APP/PS1 and age matched control mice. We assayed the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the PNS and the synaptosomes of post symptomatic 9 months old APP/PS1 mice and age matched controls. In contrast to reports of enhanced oxidative stress markers in the brains of AD patients, we did not find any increase in the levels of ROS in the PNS of post symptomatic APP/PS1 mice compared to age matched controls. However, synaptosomes from the cortex of these animals exhibited a significant increase in ROS levels in APP/PS1 mice compared to controls. We further found that there was significant increase in the ROS levels in synaptosomes, but not PNS, of very young asymptomatic 1 and 3 months old APP/PS1 mice. This is a first demonstration of synapse specific increase in oxidative stress in AD mice, as young as 1 month of age, indicating that disease specific mechanisms operate at the synapse much before the appearance of any overt cellular or behavioral symptoms. The increase in synaptic ROS levels correlated with a small but significant increase in the levels of Aβ42 in the brains of APP/PS1 mice compared to controls. We also found a concurrent change in the redox status of the cytoskeletal protein, actin, at the synapse. As early as 1 month of age, there was a significant decrease in the protein level of reduced actin indicating that there is an increase in the level of oxidized actin at the synapse. This loss of reduced actin was specific to the fibrillar pool of actin while no significant change was observed in the redox status of the monomeric globular pool of actin. Oxidation of actin has been demonstrated to lead to its depolymerization. Concurrently, we found a significant loss of fibrillar actin in the synaptosomes of APP/PS1 mice. Actin is the major cytoskeletal protein at the synapse. Changes in the globular to fibrillar actin ratio at the synapse at early pre-symptomatic ages in APP/PS1 mice will likely lead to structural and consequent functional changes at the synapse. This could potentially be one of the triggers of synaptic dysfunction in AD. Furthermore, changes in the Akt-mTOR signaling pathway was also observed in the synaptosomes of 1 month old APP/PS1 mice, which is sustained at 9 months. There was a significant loss of the mTOR-pS6K-4EBP1 axis in the synaptosomes, but not PNS, of APP/PS1 mice. We found that loss of Akt signaling, as evinced by loss of Akt phosphorylation, Akt kinase activity as well as loss of phosphorylation of downstream effector GSK3β, potentially underlies the loss of mTOR signaling. Further, the loss of Akt signaling is mediated by synapse specific redox modification of Akt and consequent interaction with the protein phosphatase PP2a. Loss of the Akt-mTOR signaling at the synapse is indicative of deficits in local protein translation. Loss of this essential synaptic function, which plays critical roles in synapse maintenance as well as synaptic plasticity during learning and memory, at an early age, will have long ranging impact on synaptic function such as long term potentiation (LTP) in APP/PS1 mice. Our study is the first demonstration of oxidative stress and consequent signaling changes which occur specifically at the synapse of very young 1 month old APP/PS1 mice. These changes occur much before the appearance of overt phenotype such as plaque deposition and behavioral dysfunction but sustain till the appearance of classical pathological hallmarks. Hence, the study demonstrates that disease progression starts much before previously thought and provides us a critical time window during which therapeutic strategies designed to delay or stop these changes might change the course of AD.

The Effects of Chemotherapy on Cognition in Women with Breast Cancer

O'Farrell, Erin January 2017 (has links)
Advances in cancer treatment have led to increasing numbers of survivors left to struggle with the long-term adverse effects of disease and treatment. Many possible effects have been described including anxiety, depression, as well as physical side effects and consequences of cancer treatment. One particular adverse effect that is frequently reported but often overlooked in clinical practice is disturbances of cognitive functioning. Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is a growing area of research with important clinical implications for current patients and survivors. Despite a huge increase in this research endeavour in the last 20 years, many important questions remain unanswered due, in large part, to methodological limitations of many of the studies. The overall goal of this dissertation is to critically examine previous CRCI research from a methodological perspective. It will explore limitations and confounds in this research and provide suggestions for improving future work. This dissertation is comprised of three manuscripts, a critical literature review and two original papers, addressing specific research questions. The first original paper addresses the disparity between the results of objective (performance-based) and subjective (self-report) measures of cognition that is typically observed in samples of cancer patients, using multilevel modeling to explore the hypothesis that this is due to failure to address measures of change over time. Despite negative findings, the methodological approach taken to this research question provided greater evidence for this subjective-objective disparity as well as methodological suggestions for future studies. The second original paper explores the sensitivity and validity of a computerized cognitive test for measuring CRCI to determine if it might be an appropriate alternative to traditional, resource-intensive neuropsychological testing. This study found that, although the computerized measure of cognitive functioning was not sensitive enough to detect changes at the individual level or within specific domains, it was sensitive to changes in cognitive functioning at the group level suggesting its usefulness as a screening tool in research settings. By addressing methodological limitations of research to date and, specifically, the two issues identified above, this dissertation aims to a) make recommendations to help improve the quality of future research, b) validate the cognitive complaints of cancer patients, and c) improve access to cognitive assessments leading to increased detection and treatment of cognitive side effects and improvement in quality of life of cancer survivors.

Effects of Chemotherapy on Neural Processes During Cognitive Functioning in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients: An fMRI Study

Wallis, Nancy J. January 2013 (has links)
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) was used to examine brain activity in women with early stage Breast Cancer (BC) and to compare their neural profiles to a matched control group. This was accomplished as participants performed two working memory tasks, before and at two time points following the chemotherapy intervention of the BC group. Nineteen BC patients between the ages of 18 and 65 years were recruited from the Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre. The nineteen control participants were matched on sex, language, age and education. The results, from whole brain analyses, show significant differences in neural activity between BC patients and matched control participants during both verbal and visuospatial working memory tasks, before and right after chemotherapy. However, these differences were no longer observed one year post chemotherapy for verbal WM processing. Performance results were not significantly different between groups until the third imaging sessions when patients made significantly more errors of omission than controls for both tasks. Importantly, mood, anxiety and fatigue all played significant roles in the observed findings demonstrating the multifaceted nature of the impact of both cancer and chemotherapy on neural function during working memory. This is one of the first fMRI studies to measure neural activations during cognitive performance both before and after chemotherapy in BC patients and a control group while controlling for many potentially confounding variables. While BC patients should be made aware of the potential cognitive challenges they might face before, during and shortly after treatment, they can also feel reassured that these impairments may not be long lasting.

Reabilitação neuropsicológica e terapia cognitivo-comportamental : direcionadas à indivíduos com comprometimento cognitivo leve amnésico e demência leve devido a doença de Alzheimer / Neuropsychological rehabilitation and behavioral-cognitive therapy : are directed to individual with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer disease

Dainez, Elisangela Cordts Longo, 1974- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Benito Pereira Damasceno / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T09:20:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dainez_ElisangelaCordtsLongo_M.pdf: 10128952 bytes, checksum: 5fac09888d865514f18ba1aad9694863 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve amnésico (CCLa) é um déficit cognitivo de pequena intensidade enquadrado no estágio de transição entre o envelhecimento normal e fases iniciais da doença de Alzheimer (DA). Por sua ez, a DA leve caracteriza-se como uma morbidade neurodegenerativa progressiva, na qual há perda moderada da memória para eventos recentes, dificuldade nas orientações visuo-espaciais, comprometimento para resolução de problemas e no desempenho de atividades da vida diária (AVD¿s). Diante dessas morbidades, a intervenção clínica da pesquisa foi pautada na reabilitação neuropsicológica (RN) e na terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC). A finalidade da RN é reduzir do comprometimento cognitivo, como também capacitar o sujeito nas diversas áreas de sua vida. Por outro lado, o foco da TCC é direcionado para o tratamento de sintomas cognitivos, emocionais e comportamentais. O objetivo do projeto foi intervir cognitiva-afetiva-comportamentalmente em indivíduos que apresentam CCLa e Demência Leve devido a DA, de modo a aperfeiçoar a cognição do sujeito, ou reduzir, ou ainda estacionar as suas deficiências cognitivas, bem como melhorar seus estados emocionais e comportamentos. O estudo caracteriza-se como experimental (ensaio clínico) de abordagem quantitativa, com duração de 12 meses, 6 meses para RN e 6 meses para TCC. A população estudada refere-se aos pacientes do Ambulatório de Neurologia do Hospital das Clínicas UNICAMP. A amostragem classifica-se como aleatória simples, composta de 15 indivíduos distribuídos de forma randomizada em amostra experimental, composta de 10 sujeitos (grupo A = 6 e grupo B = 4), e amostra controle composta de 5 participantes. Os grupos A e B da amostra experimental passaram pelo processo de cross-over de abordagem (TCC e RN) após 6 meses de intervenção. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram submetidos a uma bateriade testes neuropsicológicos e psicológicos antes da intervenção (pré-teste), após 6 meses (pós-teste 1) e após 12 meses (pós-teste 2) de intervenção. Os instrumentos selecionados foram para avaliação cognitiva, psicológica e funcional. Desse modo, obteve-se como resultados desempenhos positivos, estáveis, bem como houve evolução da doença, pórem ritmo mais lento do que o esperado da amostra experimental comparada com a amostra controle. Ademais, a pesquisa sugere iniciar a TCC com os indivíduos CCLa seguindo com aplicação da RN. Por sua vez, os pacientes DA o estudo propõe iniciar com a RN após esta intervir com a TCC / Abstract: The amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) is a cognitive deficit of low intensity is framed in the boundaries of normal aging and early stage of Alzheimer disease (mild AD). On the other hand, mild AD characterizes as a progressive neurodegenerative illness, in which there is moderate loss of memory for recent events, difficult in visuospacial orientation, impairment to problems resolution and decreases of the performance in the activities of daily life (ADL¿s). Given these morbidities, the clinical intervention of the present research was based on neuropsychological rehabilitation (NR) and behavioral-cognitive therapy (BCT). The purpose of NR is decreasing the cognitive impairment, but also capacitating the subject in several areas of his life. Whereas the focus of BCT is directed to treatment of cognitive, emotion and behavioral symptoms. The objective of project was intervened behaviorally-affective-cognitive in individuals how show aMCI and mild AD in order to improve the cognition of the subject, or to decrease, or still to stop the cognitive disabilities, as also to better the emotion statusand behavior. The study is experimental (clinical analysis) of the quantitative approach, lasting 12 months, 6 months to 6 months NR and psychotherapy BCT 6 months to TCC and 6 months to NR. The sample of population was composed of the patients of Neurology Ambulatory of the UNICAMP Clinics Hospital. The sample is described how simple random made up of 15 subjects who were randomized in the experimental sample, which was composed for 10 individual (who were shared to group A = 6 subjects and group B = 4 subjects) and 5 individual were randomized to control sample. The groups A and B of the experimental sample were changed cross-over to approach (BCT and BCT) after 6 months. The subjects were submitted to neuropsychology and psychology tests batteries before the intervention (pre-test), after 6 months (post-test 1) and after 12 months (post-test 2) intervention. The instruments were selected to evaluate cognitive, psychology and functional evaluation. Thus, it obtained positive and stable performances as results, as well as evolution of the disease, but the disease¿s evolution of the experimental sample was slower than of the control sample. Furthermore, the research suggests starting the BCT with aMCI individual, after this to apply to the NR. On the other hand, first to apply the NR after this to follow to BCT for the mild AD patients / Mestrado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Mestra em Ciências Médicas

The Associations of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep with Cognitive Function in Adults without Cognitive Impairment

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: This body of research sought to explore relationships between cognitive function and physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior (SB), and sleep, independently and in conjunction, in mid-life to older adults with no known cognitive impairment. Aging is associated with cognitive decline, and lifestyle behaviors such as PA, SB, and sleep, may mitigate this decline. First, a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to examine the effect of aerobic PA interventions on memory and executive function in sedentary adults. Second, a longitudinal study was conducted to examine the association between SB and odds of incident cognitive impairment, and SB and cognitive decline in older adults. Last, a cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the joint associations between different levels of sleep with levels of PA, and sleep with levels of sedentary time on memory and executive function. This body of research provided evidence to support the association between aerobic PA and improved cognitive function, SB and incident cognitive impairment and cognitive function declines, and the joint association of sleep and different levels of PA and ST on cognitive function by hypertension status. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Healthcare Innovation 2020

Conhecimentos e atitudes do estudante de medicina e dos médicos dos programas de residência de geriatria, neurologia, psiquiatria e clínica médica da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Unesp em relação aos quadros de demência em idosos

Leite, Ananda Ghelfi Raza January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo José Fortes Villas Boas / Resumo: Introdução: As demências são comuns nos idosos e sua prevalência aumentou nas últimas décadas. Em 2025, o Brasil estará na sexta posição mundial em número absoluto de idosos. No país, a grade curricular do curso de graduação em Medicina, de acordo com as Diretrizes Curriculares para este curso, contempla o ensino de demência e seu manejo, havendo poucos relatos na literatura cientifica sobre a qualidade do ensino oferecido ou sobre o conhecimento e a capacidade de identificação da demência. Diante disso, propõe-se estudo sobre os conhecimentos e atitudes a respeito de questões relacionadas ao declínio cognitivo em idosos por parte de estudantes e residentes de Medicina. Objetivo: Avaliar os conhecimentos e atitudes em demências por parte de estudantes de medicina e dos médicos residentes das áreas que mais atuam com demência em idosos. Métodos: Estudo transversal no qual foi realizada a aplicação aos estudantes e residentes de um questionário contendo itens sobre o aprendizado em demências durante a graduação médica e um instrumento britânico, adaptado transculturalmente ao Brasil, sobre conhecimentos e atitudes em demências em idosos. Os resultados de conhecimento e atitudes sobre demência foram comparados entre especialistas e generalistas e entre os momentos de suas carreiras. Resultados: Dos participantes deste estudo, 57% eram do sexo feminino, 60,3% relataram ter tido base em alterações cognitivas durante a graduação, e destes, 57% relataram ter tido base teórica e prát... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction: Dementias are common in the elderly and its prevalence has increased in the recent decades. By 2025, Brazil will rank sixth among countries with the highest numbers of elderly persons. In Brazil, the curriculum of the undergraduate course in Medicine, according to the Curricular Guidelines for this course, include dementia education and its management, but there are few reports in the scientific literature about the quality of education offered. Therefore, we propose a study on the knowledge and attitudes about issues related to cognitive decline in the elderly by students and medical residents. Objective: To assess the knowledge and attitudes about dementia by medical students and medical residents of the areas that the most act with dementia in the elderly. Methods: Crosssectional study; questionnaires containing topics about dementia education during medical graduation and knowledge and attitudes about dementia were used. The results of the knowledge and attitudes about dementia were compared between: students and residents, residents of the different programs and residents in different moments of their residency. Results: Of the participants of this study, 57% were female, 60.3% reported having basis on dementia during graduation, and of these, 57% reported having both theoretical and practical basis; 89.8% of the subjects attended extracurricular courses on dementia during graduation in which the topic was addressed Regarding the knowledge questionnaire, me... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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