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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centra of Quiver Algebras

Gawell, Elin January 2014 (has links)
A partly (anti-)commutative quiver algebra is a quiver algebra bound by an (anti-)commutativity ideal, that is, a quadratic ideal generated by monomials and (anti-)commutativity relations. We give a combinatorial description of the ideals and the associated generator graphs, from which one can quickly determine if the ideal is admissible or not. We describe the center of a partly (anti-)commutative quiveralgebra and state necessary and sufficient conditions for the center to be finitely genteratedas a K-algebra.Examples are provided of partly (anti-)commutative quiver algebras that are Koszul algebras. Necessary and sufficient conditions for finite generation of the Hochschild cohomology ring modulo nilpotent elements for a partly (anti-)commutative Koszul quiver algebra are given.

Autour de la conjecture de Zilber-Pink pour les Variétés de Shimura / Around the Zilber-Pink Conjecture for Shimura Varieties

Ren, Jinbo 06 July 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l'étude de l'arithmétique et de la géométrie des variétés de Shimura. Cette thèse s'est essentiellement organisée autour de trois volets. Dans la première partie, on étudie certaines applications de la théorie des modèles en théorie des nombres. En 2014, Pila et Tsimerman ont donné une preuve de la conjecture d'Ax-Schanuel pour la fonction j et, avec Mok, ont récemment annoncé une preuve de sa généralisation à toute variété de Shimura. Nous nous référons à cette généralisation comme à la conjecture d'Ax-Schanuel hyperbolique. Dans ce projet, nous cherchons à généraliser les idées de Habegger et Pila pour montrer que, sous un certain nombre d'hypothèses arithmétiques, la conjecture d'Ax-Schanuel hyperbolique implique, par une extension de la stratégie de Pila-Zannier, la conjecture de Zilber-Pink pour les variétés de Shimura. Nous concluons en vérifiant toutes ces hypothèses arithmétiques à l'exception d'une seule dans le cas d'un produit de courbes modulaires, en admettant la conjecture dite des grandes orbites de Galois. Il s'agit d'un travail en commun avec Christopher Daw. La seconde partie est consacrée à un résultat cohomologique en direction de la conjecture de Zilber-Pink. Étant donné un groupe algébrique semi-simple sur un corps de nombres F contenu dans ℝ, nous démontrons que deux sous-groupes algébriques semi-simples définis sur F sont conjugués sur F, si et seulement s'il le sont sur une extension réelle finie de F de degré majoré indépendamment des sous-groupes choisis. Il s'agit d'un travail en commun avec Mikhail Borovoi et Christopher Daw. La troisième partie étudie la distribution des variétés de Shimura compactes. On rappelle qu'une variété de Shimura S de dimension 1 est toujours compacte sauf si S est une courbe modulaire. Nous généralisons cette observation en définissant une fonction de hauteur dans l'espace des variétés de Shimura associée à un groupe réductif réel donné. Dans le cas des groupes unitaires, on prouve que la densité des variétés de Shimura non-compactes est nulle. / In this thesis, we study some arithmetic and geometric problems for Shimura varieties. This thesis consists of three parts. In the first part, we study some applications of model theory to number theory. In 2014, Pila and Tsimerman gave a proof of the Ax-Schanuel conjecture for the j-function and, with Mok, have recently announced a proof of its generalization to any (pure) Shimura variety. We refer to this generalization as the hyperbolic Ax-Schanuel conjecture. In this article, we show that the hyperbolic Ax-Schanuel conjecture can be used to reduce the Zilber-Pink conjecture for Shimura varieties to a problem of point counting. We further show that this point counting problem can be tackled in a number of cases using the Pila-Wilkie counting theorem and several arithmetic conjectures. Our methods are inspired by previous applications of the Pila-Zannier method and, in particular, the recent proof by Habegger and Pila of the Zilber-Pink conjecture for curves in abelian varieties. This is joint work with Christopher Daw. The second part is devoted to a Galois cohomological result towards the proof of the Zilber-Pink conjecture. Let G be a linear algebraic group over a field k of characteristic 0. We show that any two connected semisimple k-subgroups of G that are conjugate over an algebraic closure of kare actually conjugate over a finite field extension of k of degree bounded independently of the subgroups. Moreover, if k is a real number field, we show that any two connected semisimple k-subgroups of G that are conjugate over the field of real numbers ℝ are actually conjugate over a finite real extension of k of degree bounded independently of the subgroups. This is joint work with Mikhail Borovoi and Christopher Daw. Finally, in the third part, we consider the distribution of compact Shimura varieties. We recall that a Shimura variety S of dimension 1 is always compact unless S is a modular curve. We generalize this observation by defining a height function in the space of Shimura varieties attached to a fixed real reductive group. In the case of unitary groups, we prove that the density of non-compact Shimura varieties is zero.

Abelianization and Floer homology of Lagrangians in clean intersection

Schmäschke, Felix 10 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is split up into two parts each revolving around Floer homology and quantum cohomology of closed monotone symplectic manifolds. In the first part we consider symplectic manifolds obtained by symplectic reduction. Our main result is that a quantum version of an abelianization formula of Martin holds, which relates the quantum cohomologies of symplectic quotients by a group and by its maximal torus. Also we show a quantum version of the Leray-Hirsch theorem for Floer homology of Lagrangian intersections in the quotient. The second part is devoted to Floer homology of a pair of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds in clean intersection. Under these assumptions the symplectic action functional is degenerated. Nevertheless Frauenfelder defines a version of Floer homology, which is in a certain sense an infinite dimensional analogon of Morse-Bott homology. Via natural filtrations on the chain level we were able to define two spectral sequences which serve as a tool to compute Floer homology. We show how these are used to obtain new intersection results for simply connected Lagrangians in the product of two complex projective spaces. The link between both parts is that in the background the same technical methods are applied; namely the theory of holomorphic strips with boundary on Lagrangians in clean intersection. Since all our constructions rely heavily on these methods we also give a detailed account of this theory although in principle many results are not new or require only straight forward generalizations.

Le théorème de Borel-Weil-Bott

Ascah-Coallier, Isabelle January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Cohomologie de fibrés en droite sur le fibré cotangent de variétés grassmanniennes généralisées

Ascah-Coallier, Isabelle 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la cohomologie de fibrés en droite sur le fibré cotangent de variétés projectives. Plus précisément, pour $G$ un groupe algébrique simple, connexe et simplement connexe, $P$ un sous-groupe maximal de $G$ et $\omega$ un générateur dominant du groupe de caractères de $P$, on cherche à comprendre les groupes de cohomologie $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ où $\mathcal{L}$ est le faisceau des sections d'un fibré en droite sur $T^*(G/P)$. Sous certaines conditions, nous allons montrer qu'il existe un isomorphisme, à graduation près, entre $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ et $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L}^{\vee})$ Après avoir travaillé dans un contexte théorique, nous nous intéresserons à certains sous-groupes paraboliques en lien avec les orbites nilpotentes. Dans ce cas, l'algèbre de Lie du radical unipotent de $P$, que nous noterons $\nLie$, a une structure d'espace vectoriel préhomogène. Nous pourrons alors déterminer quels cas vérifient les hypothèses nécessaires à la preuve de l'isomorphisme en montrant l'existence d'un $P$-covariant $f$ dans $\comp[\nLie]$ et en étudiant ses propriétés. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite aux singularités de la variété affine $V(f)$. Nous serons en mesure de montrer que sa normalisation est à singularités rationnelles. / In this thesis, we study the cohomology of line bundles on cotangent bundle of projective varieties. To be more precise, let $G$ be an semisimple algebraic group which is simply connected, $P$ a maximal subgroup and $\omega$ a dominant weight that generates the character group of $P$. Our goal is to understand the cohomology groups $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ where $\mathcal{L}$ is the sheaf of sections of a line bundle on $T^*(G/P)$. Under some conditions, we will show that there exists an isomorphism, up to grading, between $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ and $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L}^{\vee})$. After we worked in a theoretical setting, we will focus on maximal parabolic subgroups related to nilpotent varieties. In this case, the Lie algebra of the unipotent radical of $P$ has a structure of prehomogeneous vector spaces. We will be able to determine which cases verify the hypothesis of the isomorphism by showing the existence of a $P$-covariant $f$ in $\comp[\nLie]$ and by studying its properties. We will be interested by the singularities of the affine variety $V(f)$. We will show that the normalisation of $V(f)$ has rational singularities.

Déformation des extensions peu ramifiées en P / Deformation extensions slightly branched P

Blondeau, Julien 17 June 2011 (has links)
Déformation des extensions peu ramifiées en P / Deformation extensions slightly branched P

Etude et Classification des algèbres Hom-associatives / Study and Classification of Hom-associative algebras

Abdou Damdji, Ahmed Zahari 24 May 2017 (has links)
La thèse comporte six chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, on rappelle les bases de la théorie et on étudie la structure des algèbres Hom-associatives ainsi que les différentes constructions comme la composition avec des endomorphismes qui nous permet de construire de nouveaux objets et d’établir certaines nouvelles propriétés. Parmi les résultats originaux, on peut signaler l’étude des algèbres Hom-associatives simples ainsi que leurs constructions. On a montré que toutes les algèbres Hom-associatives multiplicatives simples s’obtiennent par composition d’algèbres simples et d’automorphismes. Dans le deuxième chapitre, on commence par étudier les propriétés des changements de base dans ces structures algébriques. On a calculé la base de Gröbner de l’idéal engendrant la variété algébrique des algèbres Hom-associatives de dimension 2 où la multiplication µ et l’application linéaire α sont identifiées à leurs constantes de structure relativement à une base donnée. La classification, à isomorphisme près, des algèbres Hom-associatives unitaires et non unitaires est établie en dimension 2 et 3. On a aussi décrit les algèbres de type associatif en se basant sur le théorème de twist de Yau. Dans le troisième chapitre, on étudie certaines propriétés et invariants comme les dérivations, αk-dérivations où k est un entier positif. Dans le quatrième chapitre, on établit la cohomologie de ces algèbres. On a pu lister les algèbres rigides grâce à leur classe de cohomologie puis on s'est 'intéressé aux déformations infinitésimales et dégénérations. D’une part, la cohomologie et déformation de ces algèbres nous a permis d’identifier les algèbres rigides dont le deuxième groupe de cohomologie est nulle, et d’autre part de caractérisation de composante irréductible. Dans le cinquième chapitre, on s’intéresse aux structures Rota-Baxter de poids λ ϵK de ces algèbres. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre, on a travaillé sur les structures Hom-bialgèbres et leurs invariants. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the structure of Hom-associative algebras and provide classifications. Among the results obtained in this thesis, we provide 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Hom-associative algebras and give a characterization of multiplicative simple Hom-associative algebras. Moreover we compute some invariants and discuss irreducible components of the corresponding algebraic varieties. The thesis is organized as follows. In the first chapter we give the basics about Hom-associative algebras and provide some new properties. Moreover, we discuss unital Hom-associative algebras. Chapter 2 deals with simple multiplicative Hom-associative algebras. We present one of the main results of this paper, that is a characterization of simple multiplicative Hom-associative algebras. Indeed, we show that they are all obtained by twistings of simple associative algebras. Chapter 3 is dedicated to describe algebraic varieties of Hom-associative algebras and provide classifications, up to isomorphism, of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Hom-associative algebras. In chapter 4, we compute their derivations and twisted derivations, whereas in chapter 5, we compute their Hom-Type Hochschild cohomology. In the last section of this chapter, we consider the geometric classification problem using one-parameter formel deformations, and describe the irreducible components. In chapter 6, we compute Rota-Baxter structures of weight k of Hom-associative algebras appearing in our classification. In chapter 7, We work out Hom-bialgebras structures as well as their invariants. Properties and classifications, as well as the calculation of certain invariants such as the first and second cohomology groups, were studied.

Aproximações da diagonal e anéis de cohomologia dos grupos fundamentais das superfícies, de fibrados do toro e de certos grupos virtualmente cíclicos / Diagonal approximations and cohomology rings for the fundamental groups of surfaces, torus bundles and some virtually cyclic groups

Martins, Sergio Tadao 28 November 2012 (has links)
Dado um grupo G, a definição dos grupos de cohomologia com coeficientes em um ZG-módulo M podem ser dadas usando as técnicas usuais da Álgebra Homológica, que garantem a existência de resoluções projetivas P de Z como um ZG-módulo trivial, a equivalência entre resoluções distintas etc. Podemos também construir o produto cup em cohomologia, cuja definição depende de uma aproximação da diagonal para a resolução projetiva P. Entretanto, o cálculo explicito de tais resoluções e dos grupos de cohomologia pode ser bastante difícil na prática, e ainda mais difícil a obtenção de uma aproximação da diagonal. Nesta tese, obteremos resoluções livres e aproximações da diagonal para os grupos fundamentais das superfícies que são espaços K(G,1) e também para o grupo fundamental de fibrados do toro com base S^1, bem como a estrutura de anel de cohomologia de tais grupos. Ainda, para certos grupos virtualmente cíclicos G, obteremos o anel de cohomologia calculando diretamente uma resolução livre e uma aproximação da diagonal, ou então usando a sequência espectral de Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre. A motivação para o estudo da primeira família de grupos vem do fato de representarem variedades de dimensão 2 e 3, e da segunda família por ser constituída de grupos que atuam em esferas de homotopia. / Given a group G, a definition for its cohomology groups with coefficients in a given ZG-module M can be given using the standard techniques of Homological Algebra, that ensure the existence of projective resolutions P of Z as a trivial ZG-module, the equivalence between two such resolutions etc . We can also construct the cup product, whose definition depends on a diagonal approximation for a given projective resolution P. However, the explicit computation of such resolutions and of the cohomology groups may be very hard in practice, and even worse may be the task of constructing a diagonal approximation. In this thesis, we obtain free resolutions and diagonal approximations for the fundamental groups of surfaces that are K(G,1) spaces and for the fundamental group of the torus bundle with the circle as the base space, as well as the structure of the cohomology ring of these groups. Also, for some virtually cyclic groups, we obtain the cohomology ring by an explicit computation of a free resolution and a diagonal approximation, or by the Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence. The motivation for the study of the first family of groups comes from the fact that such groups represent manifolds of dimension 2 and 3, and the groups of the second family act on homotopy spheres.

Bott\'s periodicity theorem from the algebraic topology viewpoint / O teorema da periodicidade de Bott sob o olhar da topologia algébrica

Bonatto, Luciana Basualdo 23 August 2017 (has links)
In 1970, Raoul Bott published The Periodicity Theorem for the Classical Groups and Some of Its Applications, in which he uses this famous result as a guideline to present some important areas and tools of Algebraic Topology. This dissertation aims to use the path Bott presented in his article as a guideline to address certain topics on Algebraic Topology. We start this incursion developing important tools used in Homotopy Theory such as spectral sequences and Eilenberg-MacLane spaces, exploring how they can be combined to aid in computation of homotopy groups. We then study important results of Morse Theory, a tool which was in the centre of Botts proof of the Periodicity Theorem. We also develop two extensions: Morse-Bott Theory, and the applications of such results to the loopspace of a manifold. We end by giving an introduction to generalised cohomology theories and K-Theory. / Em 1970, Raoul Bott publicou o artigo The Periodicity Theorem for the Classical Groups and Some of Its Applications no qual usava esse famoso resultado como um guia para apresentar importantes áreas e ferramentas da Topologia Algébrica. O presente trabalho usa o mesmo caminho traçado por Bott em seu artigo como roteiro para explorar tópicos importantes da Topologia Algébrica. Começamos esta incursão desenvolvendo ferramentas importantes da Teoria de Homotopia como sequências espectrais e espaços de Eilenberg-MacLane, explorando como estes podem ser combinados para auxiliar em cálculos de grupos de homotopia. Passamos então a estudar resultados importantes de Teoria de Morse, uma ferramenta que estava no centro da demonstração de Bott do Teorema da Periodicidade. Desenvolvemos ainda, duas extensões: Teoria de Morse-Bott e aplicações destes resultados ao espaço de laços de uma variedade. Terminamos com uma introdução a teorias de cohomologia generalizadas e K-Teoria.

Local rigid cohomology of weighted homogeneous hypersurface singularities

Ouwehand, David 16 March 2017 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die Erforschung einer gewissen Invariante von Singularitäten über einem Grundkörper k von positiver Charakteristik. Sei x \in X ein singulärer Punkt auf einem k-Schema. Dann ist die lokale rigide Kohomologie im Grad i definiert als H^i_{rig, {x}}(X), also als die rigide Kohomologie von X mit Träger in der Teilmenge {x}. In Kapitel 2 zeigen wir, dass die lokale rigide Kohomologie tatsächlich eine Invariante ist. Das heißt: Sind x'' \in X'' und x \in X kontaktäquivalente singuläre Punkte auf k-Schemata, dann sind die Vektorräume H_{rig, {x}}(X) und H_{rig, {x''}}(X'') zueinander isomorph. Dieser Isomorphismus ist kompatibel mit der Wirkung des Frobenius auf der rigiden Kohomologie. In den Kapiteln 3 und 4 beschäftigen wir uns mit gewichtet homogenen Singularitäten von Hyperflächen. Der Hauptsatz des dritten Kapitels besagt, dass die lokale rigide Kohomologie einer solchen Singularität isomorph ist zu dem G-invarianten Teil von H_{rig}(\Proj^{n-1}_k \setminus \widetilde{S}_{\infty}). Hier bezeichnet \widetilde{S}_{\infty} \subset \Proj^{n-1}_k eine gewisse glatte projektive Hyperfläche und G ist eine endliche Gruppe, die auf der rigiden Kohomologie des Komplements wirkt. Dank einem Algorithmus von Abbott, Kedlaya und Roe ist es möglich, den Frobenius-Automorphismus auf H_{rig}(\Proj^{n-1}_k \setminus \widetilde{S}_{\infty}) annähernd zu berechnen. In Kapitel 4 formulieren wir eine Anpassung dieses Algorithmus, mithilfe derer Berechnungen auf dem G-invarianten Teil gemacht werden können. Der angepasste Algorithmus kann vollständig mithilfe gewichtet homogener Polynome formuliert werden, was für unsere Anwendungen sehr natürlich scheint. In Kapitel 5 formulieren wir einige Vermutungen und offene Probleme, die mit den Ergebnissen der früheren Kapitel zusammenhängen. / The goal of this thesis is to study a certain invariant of isolated singularities over a base field k of positive characteristic. This invariant is called the local rigid cohomology. For a singular point x \in X on a k-scheme, the i-th local rigid cohomology is defined as H^i_{rig, {x}}(X), the i-th rigid cohomology of X with supports in the subset {x}. In chapter 2 we show that the local rigid cohomology is indeed an invariant. That is: if x'' \in X'' and x \in X are contact-equivalent singularities on k-schemes, then the local rigid cohomology spaces H_{rig, {x}}(X) and H_{rig, {x''}}(X'') are isomorphic. The isomorphism that we construct is moreover compatible with the Frobenius action on rigid cohomology. In chapters 3 and 4 we focus our attention on weighted homogeneous hypersurface singularities. Our goal in chapter 3 is to show that for such a singularity, the local rigid cohomology may be identified with the G-invariants of a certain rigid cohomology space $H_{rig}(\Proj^{n-1}_k \setminus \widetilde{S}_{\infty}). Here \widetilde{S}_{\infty} \subset \Proj^{n-1}_k is a smooth projective hypersurface, and G is a certain finite group acting on the rigid cohomology of its complement. It is known that the rigid cohomology of a smooth projective hypersurface is amenable to direct computation. Indeed, an algorithm by Abbott, Kedlaya and Roe allows one to approximate the Frobenius on such a rigid cohomology space. In chapter 4 we will modify this algorithm to deal with the G-invariant part of cohomology. The modified algorithm can be formulated entirely in terms of weighted homogeneous polynomials, which seems natural for our applications. Chapter 5 is a collection of conjectures and open problems that are related to the earlier chapters.

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