Spelling suggestions: "subject:"collaborative fashion consumption"" "subject:"collaborative fashion deconsumption""
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Collaborative fashion consumption : A study on implementation barriers for rental services faced by Swedish fashion companiesSvensson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
The overarching purpose of this study is to explore what perceived barriers that prevent Swedish fashion companies from implementing rental services to their current business model. A qualitative approach was adopted, where a single case study on the phenomenon of rental services, in the context of collaborative fashion consumption, CFC, was executed. CFC referrers to an alternative way of consumption where consumers have access to already existing garments. The focus of this study, rental services, is the action of providing and consuming products without any transfer of ownership. Multiple sources of data collection were used, consisting of semi-structured interviews with eight company executives representing Swedish fashion companies in three product segments; everyday fashion, performance wear and outdoor wear. The findings showed that six significant barriers were perceived as preventing implementation of rental services; economic, social, lack of information and technological know-how, supply chain, organizational and environmental impact. Moreover, the findings showed interrelated relationships between barriers. For instance, the perception of the social barrier affected the perception of the economic barrier, and the organizational barrier impacted companies’ perception of the informational and technological barrier. By exploring what perceived implementation barriers prevent Swedish fashion companies from adding rental services to their business model, this paper contributes with relevant knowledge to academia as well as to the fashion industry.
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Examining the Post-purchase Behaviour of Second-hand Clothing : Extending Expectation Confirmation TheoryHjerpe, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Amongst production industries, the fashion industry is one of those with the most negative impact on the environment. Globalization has driven consumption of contemporary fashion products, such as clothes, to the highest quantities ever recorded in history. Where, to globally maintain a lifestyle based on the Swedish population alone, at least four earths would have been needed. Post-purchase behaviour is an influencer on future consumer decision-making and therefore a potential driver of collaborative consumption, yet little research has focused on this field in the second-hand clothing setting. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the post-purchase behaviour of the Swedish second-hand clothing consumer. The research extends expectation confirmation theory into the new scope of double hybrid business models, where consumers make second-hand clothing purchases within a mesh of both online and offline services, from a mixture of C2C and B2C transactions. The study utilizes a qualitative method, and the result is collected from eight in-depth one-on-one interviews with Swedish consumers. The findings show that expectations, when purchasing second-hand clothes, may differ between online and offline platforms. Subsequently the concepts of post-purchase behaviour are also experienced differently depending on the purchase having been made in a physical store or from an online seller. Practical implications are connected to the risk minimizing strategies that consumers adopt when trying to avoid disappointing and regretful purchases. The study provides new information about the differences in expectations and post-purchase behaviour between online and in store purchases of second-hand clothing and examines the Swedish consumer from a collaborative fashion consumption perspective.
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Kläduthyrning - framtidens textila konsumtionssätt? : En undersökning av möjligheter för prenumerationsbaserad uthyrning av textila friluftsprodukter i Sverige / Clothing rental - the textile consumption of the future? : A research of possibilities of renting outdoor clothing through a subscription service.Lind, Amelia, Hageström, Anneli January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker möjligheter för utveckling av prenumerationsbaserad uthyrning av friluftskläder med utgångspunkt i pilotprojektet lanserat av företag X. Detta genom att besvara om det finns intresse och en potentiell marknad för uthyrning via prenumeration av friluftskläder, vad som krävs av en uthyrningstjänst för att konsumenter ska övergå till att prenumerera på att hyra sina kläder istället för att köpa nya, samt hur ett koncept kan utformas där utbudet upplevs som tillräckligt och personligt för varje kund. Studien drivs genom blandad metod och en abduktiv metodansats. Resultatet visar att det finns en potentiell marknad för prenumerationsbaserad uthyrning av friluftskläder men att många konsumenter inte känner behov att byta ut plaggen lika ofta som om det hade varit vardagskläder. Studiens respondenter är främst intresserade av paketerbjudande baserat på aktivitet. Bland de som inte är intresserade av att hyra alls svarar majoriteten att det är på grund av att de vill ha sina kläder tillgängliga hela tiden. För att locka konsumenter att hyra istället för att köpa krävs ett mervärde som inte fås vid köp. Detta skulle kunna skapas genom en gemenskap där användarna kan dela historier och bilder, men också genom prisfördelar, tillgänglighet och anpassningsbarhet. Utbudet bör vara personligt anpassat utifrån användarens intressen och planerade aktiviteter, men med möjlighet för viss valfrihet. Säsongsbaserad uthyrning är ett intressant alternativ då många respondenter gärna behåller plaggen en längre tid. Vidare diskuteras logistiklösningar med representanter som anordnar bytestillfällen i mindre städer där det inte finns möjlighet att ha en butik, samt vikten av att nischa sig mot en smalare kundgrupp snarare än gemene man. Det konstateras även att det krävs en större attitydförändring för att ändra konsumenters vanor och beteende från att köpa till att hyra istället. / This study investigates possibilities for the development of subscription based rental of outdoor clothing, with a base in a test project launched by company X. The study examines if there is a potential market for subscription-based outdoor clothing rental, what is required from such a service for consumers to switch from buying to renting their clothes and how such a concept can be designed to make the product range feel sufficient and personal for every customer. The study is implemented with a mixed method. The result is proving that there is a potential market for subscription based outdoor-clothing rental, but that many consumers don’t have the same need to update their outdoor clothes as often as their everyday clothes. The respondents are most interested in a package-offer based on their activities. Among the ones not interested in subscription based rental, the majority answered it’s because they want their clothes available at all times. Added value is needed to attract consumers to rent instead of buy, which could be gained by creating a community among the users. Other important aspects to gain value is through price advantages, availability and flexibility. The product range should be personally adjusted but with freedom of choice. Seasonal based subscription is an interesting option since many of the respondents want to use the product for a longer time. Logistic solutions are also discussed in the study and one option is to use agents who arranges swaps in smaller cities where there are no stores. The importance of focusing on a niched consumer are displayed, as well as the need of a great change in consumer attitude to be able to change habits and consumer behaviour.
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Kollaborativ Klädkonsumtion : En studie med inriktning på klädkonsumenters inställning till klädbibliotek / Collaborative Fashion Consumption : A study focusing on clothing consumers attitude towards clothing librariesAndréasson, Caroline, Letica, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Klädkonsumenter spelar en aktiv roll i konsumtionsutvecklingen och besitter en kraft att förändra klädkonsumtionen. Över tid har olika motreaktioner till dagens klädkonsumtion etablerats och Product-Service Systems (PSS) erbjuder alternativa konsumtionsmöjligheter. Under PSS faller kollaborativ klädkonsumtion och klädbibliotek, som syftar på byte av ägarskap eller delat ägarskap av modeprodukter. I studien presenteras Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) som riktar sig mot dynamiken i kulturella och sociala synpunkter. CCT används som teori för att identifiera kopplingar till PSS-perspektiv och huruvida klädbibliotek kan utvecklas till en bredare konsumtionskultur. Syftet med studien är att undersöka inställningen hos yngre kvinnliga klädkonsumenter till att använda klädbibliotek, genom att titta på kulturella påverkande faktorer. Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer visar resultat på att interna och externa kulturella faktorer bidrar till ökad medvetenhet inom hållbarhet. Allt fler klädkonsumenter förespråkar hållbara konsumtionsalternativ, vilket innebär att klädbibliotek kan få en ökad spridning. / Clothing consumers play an active role in the consumption development and have the power to change clothing consumption. Over time, various counter reactions towards today's clothing consumption have been established and Product Service Systems (PSS) offer alternative consumption opportunities. PSS includes collaborative fashion consumption and clothing libraries, which refer to an exchange of ownership or shared ownership of fashion products. The study presents Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) that aims towards the dynamics of cultura land social perspectives. CCT is used as a theory to identify connections to the PSS perspectiveand whether clothing libraries can evolve into a wider consumer culture. The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude of younger female clothing consumers to use clothing libraries, by looking at cultural influencing factors. Through qualitative semistructured interviews, the results show that internal and external cultural factors contribute to an increased awareness of sustainability. More and more clothing consumers advocate sustainable consumption options, which means that clothing libraries can increase its spread.
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Hyrkläder - yay eller nay? : En kvantitativ studie om sociodemografiska faktorer, attityd till hållbarhet och vilja att hyra kläder / Rental Fashion - yay or nay? : A quantitative study on socio-demographic factors, attitudes to sustainability and willingness to rent clothes.Svensson, Isabell, Brage, Frida, Tibblin, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Modeindustrin är en stor miljöbov som genererar utsläpp från fabriker, långa transporter och från en påtaglig överkonsumtion. I ett modesamhälle med trender i fokus kommer behovet av nyproducerade plagg alltid att finnas kvar. Men cirkulära affärsstrategier, såsom olika typer av delningsekonomier, kommer att spela en avgörande roll för modebranschens framtidaöverlevnad. Om ett plagg används under tre gånger så lång tid som de används idag kan det minska plaggets klimatavtryck med hela 65%, vilket påvisar vikten av cirkulära strategier, där konceptet hyrkläder är en av dessa. Denna studie syftar att kartlägga vilka sociodemografiska faktorer som påverkarkonsumenters hållbara attityd samt viljan att hyra kläder. Vidare undersöks sambandet mellankonsumenters hållbara attityd samt dennes vilja att hyra kläder och ingå i delningsekonomi. Detta för att komma närmare lösningen på problemet om vem den potentiella hyrkunden är och bana väg för företags anpassning av hyrkonceptet. För att besvara frågeställningarna har data samlats in via en kvantitativ online-enkät där en sluten grupp på Facebook fått besvarafrågor kring deras sociodemografiska status, attityd till miljö och hållbarhet samt frågor om benägenheten att hyra. Svaren har sedan sammanställts och ligger till grund förhypotesprövningar som genomförs. Resultatet av studien påvisar inga samband mellan sociodemografiska faktorer gällande varken hållbar attityd eller viljan att hyra kläder med undantag för svag korrelation mellangeografisk plats och viljan att hyra kläder. Däremot visas ett samband mellan konsumenters hållbar attityd och deras vilja att hyra. / The fashion industry has a big impact on our environment and generates emissions from transports, factories, and a significant overconsumption. Studies show that by extending the life of a garment three times longer than its average lifetime today, its climate impact can be reduced by 65%. For this reason, circular business models have grown in importance since they can have a major positive impact on our challenge to decrease our emissions. One answer to this is sharing economy and collaborative fashion consumption, which aims to lengthen the life of a product and ensure a more frequent use. Previous studies have identified both drivers and barriers for consumers to take part in collaborative fashion consumption but not yet described the customer who rents. In this study, attention is therefore paid to collaborative fashion consumption and the customer who wishes to take part. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of socio-demographic factors on the consumer's attitude to environmental sustainability and on the willingness to rent clothes. Further, the study aims to investigate whether there is a connection between an environmentally sustainable attitude and the willingness to rent clothes. Data were collected via a quantitative online survey where members in a closed group on Facebook were able to answer questions about their socio-demographic status, attitude to sustainability as well as questions about the propensity to rent. The results of the study show no correlations between socio-demographic factors regarding neither environmentally sustainable attitude nor the willingness to rent clothes. However, a connection is shown between geographic location and willingness to rent as well as between consumers' environmentally sustainable attitude and their willingness to rent. This study is written in Swedish.
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Kollaborativ modekonsumtion : Vilken inverkan har fast fashion på konsumentens inställning till kläduthyrning? / Collaborative fashion consumption : What influence does fast fashion have on consumer attitudes towards fashion rental services?Jernqvist, Agnes, Lundgren, Linn January 2023 (has links)
Idag konsumeras en betydligt större mängd kläder än för ett decennium sedan, samtidigt som de inte används i samma utsträckning. Detta beteendemönster i samband med fast fashion-industrins upptakt resulterar i överkonsumtion, vilket fått omfattande konsekvenser för miljön. För att motarbeta fast fashion-konsumtion har alternativa konsumtionsmetoder utvecklats, såsom kollaborativ konsumtion i form av uthyrning. Under branschens utveckling har ett flertal modeuthyrningstjänster för vardagsbruk försökt etablera sig på svenska marknaden med varierande resultat. Under en ettårsperiod från 2022 till 2023 ansökte fyra av Sveriges största aktörer inom modeuthyrning på onlinemarknaden om likvidering, vilket har lämnat den svenska marknaden utan uthyrningsalternativ för vardagskläder. Ett ämne som kan beaktas är om fast fashion-konsumtionens tillgänglighet och slagkraft bidragit till uthyrningstjänsternas nuvarande position. Studien syftar till att undersöka fast fashion-konsumtionens påverkan av kläduthyrning för vardagsbruk. Genom att studera zillennials attityder till fast fashion kontra kläduthyrning är avsikten att skapa en ökad förståelse kring om fast fashion bidrar till minskad kollaborativ modekonsumtion. Detta undersöks med hjälp av en litteraturstudie samt utvalda respondenter genom att kvalitativa data samlas i form av fokusgruppsintervjuer. Studien har funnit att fast fashion delvis skapar utmaningar för kläduthyrning men att det även finns andra faktorer oberoende av fast fashions existens som skapar ogynnsamma förhållanden. Ett avsaknat behov till följd av fast fashions tillgänglighet, okunskap om innebörden av uthyrningstjänster och orosmoment kring konceptet ligger till grund för konsumenternas inställning till kollaborativ modekonsumtion. / Today, a considerable volume of clothing is consumed compared to a decade ago. Simultaneously, they are not used to the same extent. This behavioral pattern in connection with the fast fashion industry’s growth results in over consumption, which has extensive consequences for the environment. To counteract fast fashion consumption, alternative consumption methods have been developed, like collaborative fashion consumption as fashion rental. During the development of the industry, there have been multiple fashion rental services for everyday apparel. These have tried to establish themselves on the Swedish market with varied results. During a one-year-period from 2022 to 2023, four of Sweden’s biggest actors within fashion rental online applied for liquidation. This has left the Swedish market without rental options for everyday apparel. Thus, the subject to consider is if the availability and pulling power of fast fashion consumption has contributed to the fashion rental services current position. The study aims to investigate the impact fast fashion consumption has on fashion rental services for everyday apparel. By studying zillennials’ attitudes towards fast fashion versus fashion rental services, the intention is to create an increased understanding of whether fast fashion contributes to decreased collaborative fashion consumption. This will be investigated using a literature study, as well as collecting qualitative data through focus group interviews with selected respondents. The study has found that fast fashion partly creates challenges for clothing rental, but that there are other factors independent of fast fashion's existence that creates a disadvantage. The lack of need as a result of fast fashion's accessibility, lack of knowledge of the meaning of rental services and concerns about the concept lays the foundation for consumer attitudes towards collaborative fashion consumption.
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