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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rôle des acteurs tiers dans le management des relations inter-organisationnelles : le cas du prêt-à-porter français / The role of the third party stakeholders in the management of inter-organizational relationships : the case of the ready-to-wear industry

Dari, Laetitia 20 September 2010 (has links)
L’environnement économique des entreprises devient de plus en plus instable (mondialisation, volatilité de la demande, renouvellement rapide des produits, arrivée de nouveaux acteurs…). Penser les relations inter-organisationnelles fait généralement référence à des rapports concurrentiels et conflictuels. L’environnement dans lequel les entreprises évoluent constitue un ensemble de contraintes pour lesquelles elles devront apporter des solutions afin de pouvoir survivre. Au-delà des comportements concurrentiels les acteurs d’un même secteur d’activité reconnaissent cependant l’importance de la coopération souvent nécessaire à leur survie. Ces relations évoluent donc au même niveau que les relations concurrentielles. L’interdépendance entre les entreprises est désormais inévitable. Dans ces conditions, nous pouvons nous demander quelles sont les stratégies appropriées pour faire face à un environnement instable ? Les entreprises ont-elles intérêt à coopérer pour faire face aux instabilités de leur marché, voire les supprimer grâce à des actions concertées ?En prenant le cas du secteur du prêt-à-porter, notre recherche souhaite montrer que les relations inter-organisationnelles sont beaucoup plus complexes et ne se limitent pas qu’à du conflit pur ou de la coopération. Ainsi, les stratégies collectives ne s’inscrivent pas seulement dans une démarche globale, la coopération s’exerçant à tous les niveaux de la filière, mais peut se limiter à quelques processus organisationnels. L’étude de la filière nous montre qu’il existe une situation de coopétition : des stratégies à la fois individuelles et collectives existent au sein d’un même secteur. Autrement dit, la compétition et la coopération sont des modèles relationnels qui coexistent, parfois même à des niveaux différents que ceux observés dans d’autres secteurs. La thèse met notamment en avant le rôle tenu par des acteurs tiers, tels que les syndicats et bureaux de style, pouvant être perçus comme des chefs d’orchestre, dans la mise en place d’actions collectives en environnement fortement concurrentiel. / The economic environment of enterprises becomes more and more unstable (globalization, volatility of the demand, rapid product renewal, new actors...). Think of the enterprises relationship made generally reference to competitive and conflicting reports. The environment in which enterprises evolve constitutes a set of constraints for which they will have to bring solutions to be able to survive. Beyond competitive behavior enterprises of the same sector recognize however the importance of the cooperation often necessary for their survival. These relations evolve in the same level as the competitive relations. The interdependence between companies is henceforth inevitable. Under these conditions, which strategies are appropriate for face an unstable environment? Are enterprises interested in cooperating in order to cope with market instability?Taking the case of the ready-to-wear sector, our research shows that relationships between enterprises are more complex and can’t be reduce to conflict or cooperation. Thus, collective strategies don’t make part of a global approach in a given sector, with cooperation at every level of the industry, but can be limited to just a few organisational processes. A study of the industry shows the existence of a coopetition situation: both individual and collective strategies that exist within a single industry. In other words, competition and cooperation are relationship models that coexist, sometimes at levels that differ from those observed in other sectors. The thesis highlights in particular the role played by third party stakeholders such as syndicates and style agencies, which may be viewed as orchestrators of the implementation of collective action in a highly competitive environment

Risco, desastre e prevenção: um estudo sobre estratégias coletivas na ótica de adolescentes moradores do bairro do Jaçanã São Paulo/SP / Disaster and prevention: a study about collective strategies in the perpective of teenagers who live at Jaçanã neighborhood São Paulo/SP

Tavanti, Roberth Miniguine 18 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roberth Miniguine Tavanti.pdf: 2192052 bytes, checksum: b878fbff78906e9364523b9da07bc196 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research aims to understand how teenagers who live in Jaçanã, a neighborhood in the North of São Paulo city, coexist with disaster risks associated with rainfall (floods, flash floods and landslides). Generally speaking, by focusing on the language of risks grounded on the perspective developed at the Center of Discursive Practices and Production of Senses in Daily Life - PUC/SP, it tries to contribute to the construction of models of observing the social phenomena that have focus on the tension between universality and particularity, between consensus and diversity, aiming to produce an useful theoretical-methodological tool to promote social change. To achieve our goals, we have performed the following procedures: 1) systematic survey of files and records concerning the official history of Jaçanã neighborhood; 2) analysis of documents relating to the mapping of risk areas and the preventive plan of Civil Defence; 3) daily records on field journals; and 4) the realization of activities (workshops about risks) with groups of teenagers inhabitants of this territory. The workshops are spaces for trading meanings, with high potential of collective significance, allowing the visibility of arguments, offsets, construction and contrast of versions and therefore privileged occasions for discursive practices analysis. As a result, an insufficient local structure and organization of institutions and services related to civil defense was identified, as well as an absence of a kind of prevention which rely on the support and participation of groups and/or vulnerable populations. In relation to the linguistic repertoires, it is important to point out the multifaceted character of senses of risk in everyday life, as well as the recurrent use of terms associated with the risks in various contexts (health, traffic accidents and household, education, sports and games, social and urban insecurity and environment). About the disaster risk prevention in the groups of teenagers, it was showed the importance of developing local alternatives focused on disaster risk management, on the basis of the following thematic axes: 1) political participation and popular mobilization of residents considered members of the various decision-making processes, in particular with regard to public policies and control mechanisms to disaster risk management; and 2) the approach of collective (associations) between the performers, groups, institutions and/or organizations related to these questions, as one of the relevant alternatives for the development of collective strategies arising from the proceedings of local disaster risk management. In short, this research, produced through the sharing of information, technologies and knowledge (managers, specialists and citizens) and purposely held in a specific context (vulnerable area), contributes to the development of instruments of control and management of risks, as well as for the construction of local alternatives (collective strategies) with emphasis in public debate around disaster risk prevention related to rainfall in urban areas / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender como os adolescentes que moram no bairro do Jaçanã, região norte da cidade de São Paulo, convivem com os riscos de desastres associados às chuvas (inundações, alagamentos e deslizamentos). De modo geral, ao enfocar a linguagem dos riscos na perspectiva desenvolvida no Núcleo de Pesquisa em Práticas Discursivas e Produção de Sentidos no Cotidiano da PUC/SP, tenta-se contribuir para a construção de modos de observação dos fenômenos sociais que tenham como foco a tensão entre a universalidade e a particularidade, entre o consenso e a diversidade, com vistas a produzir uma ferramenta útil para promover transformações sociais. Para alcançar os objetivos desta pesquisa, efetuamos os seguintes procedimentos: 1) levantamento sistemático de arquivos e registros referentes ao histórico oficial do bairro do Jaçanã; 2) análise de documentos referente ao mapeamento das áreas de risco e ao Plano Preventivo de Defesa Civil; 3) registros em diários de campo; e 4) realização de atividades (oficinas de risco) com grupos de adolescentes moradores deste território. As oficinas de risco são espaços de negociação de sentidos, com alto potencial de significação coletiva, permitindo a visibilidade de argumentos, deslocamentos, construção e contraste de versões e, portanto, ocasiões privilegiadas para análise de práticas discursivas. Como resultado, constatamos a insuficiência estrutural e organizacional das instituições e serviços locais vinculados à defesa civil, assim como a inexistência de ações de prevenção que contam com o apoio e a participação dos grupos e/ou populações vulneráveis. Em relação aos repertórios linguísticos, importante assinalar o caráter polissêmico dos sentidos de risco no cotidiano, assim como o uso recorrente de termos associados aos riscos em contextos variados (saúde, acidentes de trânsito e domésticos, escolares, os esportes e jogos, insegurança urbana e ambientais). Ao discutirmos sobre a prevenção de riscos de desastres com os grupos de adolescentes, evidenciamos a importância do desenvolvimento de alternativas locais voltadas à gestão dos riscos de desastres, tendo como base os seguintes eixos temáticos: 1) participação política e mobilização popular dos moradores considerados integrantes dos diversos processos decisórios, em especial, no tocante às políticas públicas e aos mecanismos de controle e gerenciamento dos riscos de desastres; e 2) a aproximação dos coletivos (associações) entre os atores, grupos, instituições e/ou organizações envolvidas com as questões em debate, como uma dentre as alternativas pertinentes ao desenvolvimento de estratégias coletivas decorrentes dos processos de gestão local dos riscos de desastres. Em suma, esta pesquisa, produzida por meio do compartilhamento de informações, tecnologias e saberes (gestores, especialistas e cidadãos) e propositalmente realizada em um contexto específico (área vulnerável), contribui para o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de controle e gerenciamento dos riscos, assim como para a construção de alternativas locais (estratégias coletivas) com ênfase no debate público e em prol das ações de prevenção dos riscos de desastres associados às chuvas em áreas urbanas

Les méta-organisations rendent-elles performatif le développement durable ? Stratégies collectives dans le secteur pétrolier / Do meta-organizations make sustainable development performative?COllective strategies in the oil and gas sector

Berkowitz, Héloïse 07 October 2016 (has links)
Située à l’intersection de la recherche en stratégie et de la théorie des organisations, la thèse s’intéresse à la manière dont une idée, émise par des instances internationales sous la forme d’une doctrine imprécise, le développement durable, a transformé en profondeur la stratégie, le fonctionnement et la nature même des entreprises. Pour comprendre ce phénomène, la recherche mobilise la notion de performativité, c’est-à-dire la capacité d’une théorie à créer la réalité qu’elle décrit. Mais toutes les théories ou doctrines ne performent pas les comportements des acteurs et trois conditions de performativité ont été identifiées. Lorsque ces conditions sont réunies, deux processus de performativité peuvent intervenir, par cadrage et par débordement. Le développement durable peut donc performer les pratiques si cette doctrine est transformée en principes opérationnalisables (première condition), incorporés dans des dispositifs à différents niveaux, de la méta-organisation au dispositif micro-local dans les firmes (deuxième) et que ces dispositifs sont performants ou deviennent incontournables (troisième). Parmi les dispositifs étudiés au niveau de la deuxième condition, l’accent a été mis sur le rôle joué par les méta-organisations (des organisations dont les membres sont des organisations). La thèse constitue la première recherche empirique sur le rôle de ces dispositifs d’action collective dans un secteur industriel, le secteur pétrolier. La méthodologie est compréhensive, s’appuyant sur 80 entretiens semi-directifs, sur la construction d’une base de données de 100 méta-organisations et la mise en place d’un dispositif de recherche intervention sur le problème émergent du bruit marin. La thèse a mis en évidence des formes nouvelles de méta-organisations, thématiques et multi-parties prenantes, opérant comme un espace de négociation interorganisationnelle, comme dispositif stratégique de légitimation des firmes et comme dispositif normalisateur participant d’une gouvernance distribuée. La notion de performativité a été précisée par la mise en évidence de ses conditions de réalisation et les deux types de processus qu’elle peut emprunter. La théorie des méta-organisations a été prolongée par l’identification des types jusque-là peu étudiés. La thèse a ainsi des implications managériales pour l’élaboration de stratégies collectives par les firmes. / Drawing on research in strategy and organization theory, this thesis focuses on the way an idea that was formulated by international instances as an imprecise doctrine – sustainable development, still managed to deeply change firms’ strategy, practices and even nature. This research uses the concept of performativity, i.e. the capacity of a theory to create the reality that it describes. However, all theories or doctrines do not necessarily succeed to perform behaviors and the thesis identifies three conditions of performativity. When the conditions are met, two performativity processes can occur, a framing and an overflowing process. Sustainable development can perform practices if it becomes operationalisable principles (first condition), if these principles are incorporated in devices at different levels, from meta-organizations to micro-local instruments in firms (second) and if these devices are efficient or irremediable (troisième). Among the studied devices, the accent was put on the role of meta-organizations, organizations which members are themselves organizations. The thesis constitutes the first empirical survey of this collective action device’s role in an industrial sector, the oil and gas. Using a comprehensive methodology, data collection consisted in 80 semi-structured interviews, constructing a database of about 100 meta-organizations and setting up an intervention-research device on the emerging issue of marine sound. The thesis highlights new forms, thematic and multi-stakeholder, that act like an inter-organizational negotiation space, as a strategic device for the legitimization of firms’ activities, and as a normalizing device participating to a distributed governance of business conduct and society. The thesis clarifies the concept of performativity by identifying its conditions of success and the two processes it can follow. The thesis also contributes to the literature on meta-organizations by showing its empirical diversity and by identifying types that we knew little about before. As such, the thesis has managerial implications for collective strategies of firms.

A influência do pluralismo relacional nas estratégias coletivas de responsabilidade social corporativa de uma rede de pequenas empresas do setor hoteleiro

Silva, Paula Maines da 30 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-06-28T17:05:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Paula Maines da Silva_.pdf: 2013358 bytes, checksum: 6acd0d4a4b15ddd24dff6732d3312d74 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-28T17:05:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paula Maines da Silva_.pdf: 2013358 bytes, checksum: 6acd0d4a4b15ddd24dff6732d3312d74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O pluralismo relacional ocorre quando empresas derivam o seu significado e suas ações a partir das relações com vários tipos de entidades. Nesse sentido, as pequenas empresas que atuam de forma conjunta, por meio de redes, podem ser influenciadas pelas múltiplas relações no desenvolvimento de estratégias coletivas de responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC), buscando, assim, sanar problemas socioambientais em seu entorno. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral compreender como o pluralismo relacional influenciava pequenas empresas em suas estratégias coletivas de responsabilidade social corporativa. O estudo focou em pequenas empresas do setor hoteleiro que eram associadas de uma rede. Em relação aos aspectos metodológicos, esta pesquisa teve caráter qualitativo e combinou o uso da análise qualitativa comparativa (QCA) e análise do discurso. Como resultados de pesquisa, concluiu-se que o pluralismo relacional influencia pequenas empresas em suas estratégias coletivas de responsabilidade social corporativa. Esse fato se instala em razão do relacionamento com distintos atores que se detectam dentro da rede, entre todos os associados e também com os que se encontram fora da rede, como Sindicatos de Hotéis, Bares e Restaurantes, entre outros. Outro resultado encontrado refere-se ao fato de que o pluralismo relacional da rede mais a intensidade da relação ou o pluralismo relacional da rede mais a longevidade da relação são potenciais influenciadores das estratégias coletivas da responsabilidade social corporativa. Além da contribuição central, focada no fato de que o pluralismo relacional influencia as estratégias coletivas de pequenas empresas, a tese possibilitou apresentar os aspectos que podem exercer essa influência nas estratégias de RSC das pequenas empresas, que compreendem o pluralismo relacional com diferentes stakeholders, os diferentes tipos de pluralismo relacional, intensidade da relação com os stakeholders e a longevidade da relação com os stakeholders. / The relational pluralism occurs when enterprises derive their meaning and actions from the relationships with various types of entities. In this sense, small companies that work together through networks can be influenced by the multiple relationships in oder to develop of collective strategies of corporate social responsibility (CSR), seeking to solve social and environmental problems in their environment. This way, the present work carried out a review on national and international studies on sustainability, corporate social responsibility, collective strategies, networks and relational pluralism. Then, theoretical relations were established that allowed to test hypotheses whose variables emanated from the literature. Therefore, the general objective of this research was to understand how relational pluralism influenced small companies in their collective strategies of corporate social responsibility. The study focused on small enterprises in the hospitality industry that were associated with a network. Regarding methodological aspects, this research had a qualitative character and combined the use of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) and discourse analysis. As research results, it was concluded that relational pluralism influences small companies in their collective strategies of corporate social responsibility. This is due to the relationship with different actors that are detected within the network, among all associates and also with those outside the network, such as hotel, restaurant and restaurant unions, among others. Another finding is that network relational pluralism plus network intensity or network relational pluralism plus relationship longevity are potential influencers of collective corporate social responsibility strategies. In addition to the central contribution, focused on the fact that relational pluralism influences the collective strategies of small companies, the thesis made it possible to present the aspects that can exert this influence in the CSR strategies of small companies, which include relational pluralism with different stakeholders, Different types of relational pluralism, intensity of the relationship with stakeholders and longevity of the relationship with stakeholders.

Towards a tripartite partnership for sustainable development in the Rustenburg platinum region / Michelle Boehme

Boehme, Michelle January 2006 (has links)
Development has always been problematic especially in the mining sector where it often takes place at a rapid pace. Not only is the physical environment influenced but other aspects such as legislation and the relationship between role players are also influenced. The focus of this thesis is tripartite partnership formation between business, local government and the community for sustainable development in the Rustenburg platinum region. In essence the study was about answering the broad question of "how can one improve the chances of setting up a sound foundation, that in turn can lead to a successful, integrated, cooperative and unified partnership in the Rustenburg platinum region?" In an attempt to answer the above, both a theoretical and practical approach was used. Functionalism and the exchange theory were used to set up practical guidelines for successful partnership formation. The thesis also investigated how appropriate these two theories are for the mining industry in South Africa today, i.e. they were validated against the data obtained from the study. In addition, other existing case studies in the mining industry were studied in order to validate the guidelines formulated from the two theories. At a methodological level, expanded qualitative data analyses were applied in a comprehensive manner to ensure a close relationship between empirical data and theory. The empirical data was gathered both by desk research and by in-depth personal interviews. The results of the study produced some models of how a partnership could be structured to function optimally. As part of the results an "ideal" model for the partnership in the Rustenburg platinum region was created and the set of guidelines was ranked according to its importance in the Rustenburg platinum region. Should these guidelines and this model be used the chances of setting up a successful, integrated, cooperative and unified partnership in the Rustenburg platinum region could be significantly increased. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Towards a tripartite partnership for sustainable development in the Rustenburg platinum region / Michelle Boehme

Boehme, Michelle January 2006 (has links)
Development has always been problematic especially in the mining sector where it often takes place at a rapid pace. Not only is the physical environment influenced but other aspects such as legislation and the relationship between role players are also influenced. The focus of this thesis is tripartite partnership formation between business, local government and the community for sustainable development in the Rustenburg platinum region. In essence the study was about answering the broad question of "how can one improve the chances of setting up a sound foundation, that in turn can lead to a successful, integrated, cooperative and unified partnership in the Rustenburg platinum region?" In an attempt to answer the above, both a theoretical and practical approach was used. Functionalism and the exchange theory were used to set up practical guidelines for successful partnership formation. The thesis also investigated how appropriate these two theories are for the mining industry in South Africa today, i.e. they were validated against the data obtained from the study. In addition, other existing case studies in the mining industry were studied in order to validate the guidelines formulated from the two theories. At a methodological level, expanded qualitative data analyses were applied in a comprehensive manner to ensure a close relationship between empirical data and theory. The empirical data was gathered both by desk research and by in-depth personal interviews. The results of the study produced some models of how a partnership could be structured to function optimally. As part of the results an "ideal" model for the partnership in the Rustenburg platinum region was created and the set of guidelines was ranked according to its importance in the Rustenburg platinum region. Should these guidelines and this model be used the chances of setting up a successful, integrated, cooperative and unified partnership in the Rustenburg platinum region could be significantly increased. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

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