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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gouvernance et leadership des écologies favorables à l'innovation dans le secteur des services à la personne / Governance and Leadership of ecologies capable of promoting innovations, in home care services industry.

Gimet, Paul 19 December 2014 (has links)
Dans un environnement contraint lié aux injonctions des politiques publiques, notre recherche porte sur la capacité d'une méta-organisation à organiser une écologie capable de favoriser des innovations organisationnelles, en mobilisant deux leviers la gouvernance et le leadership. Nous montrons que le premier levier est représenté par une gouvernance duale (formelle et informelle), ouverte et faiblement stratifiée ; tandis que le leadership prend une forme mixte, verticale-hiérarchique et horizontale-partagée. Un second résultat est de montrer que c'est par la combinaison entre gouvernance et leadership que le Pôle des Services à la Personne parvient à développer les trois pratiques qui soutiennent les innovations (la gouvernance permet d'orchestrer les savoirs et de strategizer alors que le leadership participe à l'évolution des politiques publiques). Dans un troisième résultat, nous montrons combien gouvernance et leadership soutiennent également une quatrième pratique (ou méta-pratique), qui consiste en un travail de théorisation (Munir, 2005) pour justifier les fusions acquisitions et mobiliser un réseau d'alliés (experts, acteurs publics, opérateurs, leaders d'opinion...) en faveur de ces innovations. Ce travail de théorisation est d'autant plus nécessaire que ce secteur est particulièrement marqué par des tensions fortement ancrées dans des logiques institutionnelles opposées. Notre quatrième contribution est d'analyser le rôle de l'éthique comme objet frontière (Grenier, 2006) permettant la discussion et certaines formes de réconciliation autour de la fusion-acquisition comme solution au devenir de ce secteur. / In a constrained environment related to regulations of public policies (diverse and potentially contradictory), our research focuses on the ability of a meta-organization to organize an ecology capable of promoting organizational innovations, by mobilizing two levers governance and leadership. We show that the first lever is represented by a dual governance (formal and informal), open and low-stratified; while the leadership takes a mixed form: vertical-hierarchical and horizontal-shared. A second result is to show that it is through the combination of governance and leadership that the PSP (Home Care Services Association, "Pôle de Services à la Personne") Pole manages to develop the three practices that support innovations (governance helps to orchestrate knowledge capabilities and to strategize while the leadership participates in the development of public policies). In a third result, we show how governance and leadership also foster a fourth practice (or meta-practice), which is a theoretical work (Munir, 2005) to justify mergers and acquisitions, and mobilize a network of allies (experts, services providers, operators, opinion leaders...) for these innovations. This theoretical work is all the more necessary that this sector is particularly marked by tensions deeply rooted in opposing institutional logics. Our fourth contribution is to analyze the role of ethics as a boundary-object (Grenier, 2006) for discussion and some forms of reconciliation around the merger-acquisition as a solution to the future of this sector.

Padrões de organização em comunidades de plantas herbáceas

Joner, Fernando January 2012 (has links)
A emergência da ordem e de padrões não-aleatórios na estrutura das comunidades biológicas é um dos tópicos mais complexos e controversos da ecologia de comunidades. Diferentes fatores atuam na forma como as espécies se associam formando distintos padrões de organização na estrutura das comunidades biológicas. Em uma abordagem funcional, esta estrutura é avaliada através dos atributos das espécies que compõem estas comunidades. Filtros ambientais, interações entre espécies e distúrbios afetam a colonização e exclusão das espécies de acordo com seus atributos funcionais, afetando a dispersão destes dentro e entre comunidades, gerando padrões de convergência e divergência de atributos. Em comunidades de plantas herbáceas estes padrões são facilmente acessados, variam localmente e ao longo de diversos gradientes ambientais e, além disso, respondem rapidamente aos distúrbios. Esta tese trata de como espécies de plantas herbáceas estão organizadas em comunidades gerando padrões não-aleatórios na dispersão de atributos funcionais e da inferência dos processos que geram estes padrões. As comunidades locais podem estar espacialmente arranjadas, conectadas entre si pela dispersão das espécies, formando uma metacomunidade. Os padrões de organização das comunidades locais são qualitativamente distintos dos padrões de organização no nível da metacomunidade. Neste contexto, as estruturas internas das comunidades locais são arranjadas espacialmente gerando a estrutura da própria metacomunidade. Este padrão de organização da organização interna é gerado por um processo de metaorganização, responsável pela emergência de ordem em um nível superior às comunidades locais. A dispersão dos atributos das espécies apresenta variação dentro e entre comunidades, produzindo padrões de α-convergência e α-divergência, β-convergência e β-divergência e gradientes de α-convergência-divergência e β-convergência-divergência ao longo da estrutura da metacomunidade. A metodologia empregada nesta tese possibilita a avaliação dos padrões de dispersão de atributos estritamente relacionados e orientados ao longo de gradientes ambientais. Em comunidades do estrato herbáceo de uma floresta temperada (situada na Reserva ecológica Wolf Lake, Ontário - Canadá) foram avaliados padrões de dispersão de atributos ao longo do gradiente de cobertura do dossel. Em uma das três áreas avaliadas observou-se padrões claros tanto de convergência quanto de divergência de atributos. Em locais onde o dossel era mais fechado as comunidades de plantas herbáceas eram constituídas por espécies semelhantes em termos de SLA e forma da folha. Em locais mais abertos as espécies apresentaram maior discrepância em seus valores de SLA, área e forma da folha, demonstrando padrões significativos de divergência de atributos ao longo deste gradiente ambiental. As outras áreas do estudo não apresentaram padrões significativos, ainda que uma delas tenha apresentado um subconjunto ótimo de atributos semelhantes à primeira área. Analisando as áreas em conjunto averiguou-se um padrão significativo de convergência para a inclinação da planta. Em um experimento de queima controlada (conduzido na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul- Brasil), as parcelas submetidas à queima apresentaram um incremento da diversidade causada pelo fogo afetou a estrutura funcional das comunidades de plantas produzindo ao mesmo tempo convergência e divergência de atributos. Parcelas queimadas apresentaram maior dissimilaridade de espécies quanto à altura da planta, largura da folha, área da folha e área foliar específica, revelando padrões de divergência. As parcelas mantidas como controle apresentaram espécies de maior porte e folhas mais estreitas e uma similaridade funcional maior dentre as espécies para estes atributos, revelando um padrão de convergência. Padrões significativos de dispersão de atributos também foram obtidos relacionados a outros fatores ambientais mensurados como biomassa área, variáveis do solo, taxa de decomposição e abundância de invertebrados. Observou-se que o fogo também afetou os padrões de organização relacionados a alguns destes gradientes. O fogo afeta estrutura de atributos das plantas de ecossistemas campestres de forma antagônica, promovendo simultaneamente padrões de convergência e divergência de atributos. As comunidades biológicas não são meras “associações fortuitas”, mas também não são organizadas de forma a apresentar padrões tão simplistas quanto muitas vezes se supõe. / The emergence of order and non-random patterns on the structure of biological communities is one of the most complex and controversial topics of community ecology. Different factors role in how species are associated forming distinct patterns of organization in the structure of biological communities. In a functional approach, this structure is evaluated through the traits of the species that comprise these communities. Environmental filters, species interactions and disturbances affect colonization and exclusion of species according to their functional traits, affecting the dispersion within and between communities, generating patterns of trait convergence and divergence. In herbaceous plant communities these patterns are easily accessed, present local variation over several environmental gradients and moreover, respond rapidly to disturbances. This thesis is about how species of herbaceous plants are organized into communities generating non-random trait dispersion patterns and about the processes that generate these patterns. Local communities may be spatially arranged, interconnected by dispersal of species, forming a metacommunity. The assembly patterns of local communities may be qualitatively distinct from assembly patterns of the metacommunity level. In this context, the internal structures of local communities are spatially arranged generating the metacommunity structure. This pattern of organization of internal organization is generated by a meta-organization process, responsible for the emergence of order in a higher level than local communities. The dispersion of traits of species presents variation within and between communities, producing patterns of α-convergence and α-divergence, β-convergence and β-divergence and gradients of α-convergence-divergence and β-convergence-divergence along the metacommunity structure. The methodology used in this thesis enables the evaluation of trait dispersion patterns closely related to environmental gradients. In the herbaceous communities of a temperate forest (situated on the Wolf Lake Reserve, Ontario - Canada) trait dispersion patterns were evaluated along the gradient of the canopy closure. In one of the three sites surveyed we found clear patterns of both trait-convergence and trait-divergence. Along the canopy closure gradient we observed communities formed by species with large SLA and long and narrow leaves being replaced by communities formed by species with smaller SLA and rounded leaves, which we interpret as environmental filtering producing such a trait-convergence. Further, communities located in more open sites contained more distinct species in terms of SLA, leaf area and leaf shape, i.e., indicating a divergence pattern along the canopy closure gradient. The other study sites showed no significant patterns when analyzed alone. When the three sites were analyzed jointly, a significant pattern of convergence for plant inclination was found. In a controlled burning experiment (conducted at the Agricultural Experimental Station of UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), the plots subjected to burning showed an increase in functional diversity in relation to plots left untreated. The heterogeneity caused by fire affected the functional structure of plant communities while producing convergence and divergence of traits. Burned plots showed greater dissimilarity, revealing patterns of divergence for plant height, leaf width, leaf area and specific leaf area. The plots maintained as control showed taller species and narrower leaves and a greater functional similarity among species for these traits, revealing a pattern of convergence. Significant patterns of dispersal traits were also obtained related to other environmental factors measured as aboveground biomass, soil variables, decomposition rate and abundance of invertebrates. It was observed that fire also affected dispersion trait patterns related to some of these gradients. The fire affects the structure of plant traits of grassland ecosystems antagonistically, while promoting patterns of convergence and divergence of traits. The biological communities are not merely "fortuitous associations", but they are not assembled as simplistic as frequently supposed.

Padrões de organização em comunidades de plantas herbáceas

Joner, Fernando January 2012 (has links)
A emergência da ordem e de padrões não-aleatórios na estrutura das comunidades biológicas é um dos tópicos mais complexos e controversos da ecologia de comunidades. Diferentes fatores atuam na forma como as espécies se associam formando distintos padrões de organização na estrutura das comunidades biológicas. Em uma abordagem funcional, esta estrutura é avaliada através dos atributos das espécies que compõem estas comunidades. Filtros ambientais, interações entre espécies e distúrbios afetam a colonização e exclusão das espécies de acordo com seus atributos funcionais, afetando a dispersão destes dentro e entre comunidades, gerando padrões de convergência e divergência de atributos. Em comunidades de plantas herbáceas estes padrões são facilmente acessados, variam localmente e ao longo de diversos gradientes ambientais e, além disso, respondem rapidamente aos distúrbios. Esta tese trata de como espécies de plantas herbáceas estão organizadas em comunidades gerando padrões não-aleatórios na dispersão de atributos funcionais e da inferência dos processos que geram estes padrões. As comunidades locais podem estar espacialmente arranjadas, conectadas entre si pela dispersão das espécies, formando uma metacomunidade. Os padrões de organização das comunidades locais são qualitativamente distintos dos padrões de organização no nível da metacomunidade. Neste contexto, as estruturas internas das comunidades locais são arranjadas espacialmente gerando a estrutura da própria metacomunidade. Este padrão de organização da organização interna é gerado por um processo de metaorganização, responsável pela emergência de ordem em um nível superior às comunidades locais. A dispersão dos atributos das espécies apresenta variação dentro e entre comunidades, produzindo padrões de α-convergência e α-divergência, β-convergência e β-divergência e gradientes de α-convergência-divergência e β-convergência-divergência ao longo da estrutura da metacomunidade. A metodologia empregada nesta tese possibilita a avaliação dos padrões de dispersão de atributos estritamente relacionados e orientados ao longo de gradientes ambientais. Em comunidades do estrato herbáceo de uma floresta temperada (situada na Reserva ecológica Wolf Lake, Ontário - Canadá) foram avaliados padrões de dispersão de atributos ao longo do gradiente de cobertura do dossel. Em uma das três áreas avaliadas observou-se padrões claros tanto de convergência quanto de divergência de atributos. Em locais onde o dossel era mais fechado as comunidades de plantas herbáceas eram constituídas por espécies semelhantes em termos de SLA e forma da folha. Em locais mais abertos as espécies apresentaram maior discrepância em seus valores de SLA, área e forma da folha, demonstrando padrões significativos de divergência de atributos ao longo deste gradiente ambiental. As outras áreas do estudo não apresentaram padrões significativos, ainda que uma delas tenha apresentado um subconjunto ótimo de atributos semelhantes à primeira área. Analisando as áreas em conjunto averiguou-se um padrão significativo de convergência para a inclinação da planta. Em um experimento de queima controlada (conduzido na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul- Brasil), as parcelas submetidas à queima apresentaram um incremento da diversidade causada pelo fogo afetou a estrutura funcional das comunidades de plantas produzindo ao mesmo tempo convergência e divergência de atributos. Parcelas queimadas apresentaram maior dissimilaridade de espécies quanto à altura da planta, largura da folha, área da folha e área foliar específica, revelando padrões de divergência. As parcelas mantidas como controle apresentaram espécies de maior porte e folhas mais estreitas e uma similaridade funcional maior dentre as espécies para estes atributos, revelando um padrão de convergência. Padrões significativos de dispersão de atributos também foram obtidos relacionados a outros fatores ambientais mensurados como biomassa área, variáveis do solo, taxa de decomposição e abundância de invertebrados. Observou-se que o fogo também afetou os padrões de organização relacionados a alguns destes gradientes. O fogo afeta estrutura de atributos das plantas de ecossistemas campestres de forma antagônica, promovendo simultaneamente padrões de convergência e divergência de atributos. As comunidades biológicas não são meras “associações fortuitas”, mas também não são organizadas de forma a apresentar padrões tão simplistas quanto muitas vezes se supõe. / The emergence of order and non-random patterns on the structure of biological communities is one of the most complex and controversial topics of community ecology. Different factors role in how species are associated forming distinct patterns of organization in the structure of biological communities. In a functional approach, this structure is evaluated through the traits of the species that comprise these communities. Environmental filters, species interactions and disturbances affect colonization and exclusion of species according to their functional traits, affecting the dispersion within and between communities, generating patterns of trait convergence and divergence. In herbaceous plant communities these patterns are easily accessed, present local variation over several environmental gradients and moreover, respond rapidly to disturbances. This thesis is about how species of herbaceous plants are organized into communities generating non-random trait dispersion patterns and about the processes that generate these patterns. Local communities may be spatially arranged, interconnected by dispersal of species, forming a metacommunity. The assembly patterns of local communities may be qualitatively distinct from assembly patterns of the metacommunity level. In this context, the internal structures of local communities are spatially arranged generating the metacommunity structure. This pattern of organization of internal organization is generated by a meta-organization process, responsible for the emergence of order in a higher level than local communities. The dispersion of traits of species presents variation within and between communities, producing patterns of α-convergence and α-divergence, β-convergence and β-divergence and gradients of α-convergence-divergence and β-convergence-divergence along the metacommunity structure. The methodology used in this thesis enables the evaluation of trait dispersion patterns closely related to environmental gradients. In the herbaceous communities of a temperate forest (situated on the Wolf Lake Reserve, Ontario - Canada) trait dispersion patterns were evaluated along the gradient of the canopy closure. In one of the three sites surveyed we found clear patterns of both trait-convergence and trait-divergence. Along the canopy closure gradient we observed communities formed by species with large SLA and long and narrow leaves being replaced by communities formed by species with smaller SLA and rounded leaves, which we interpret as environmental filtering producing such a trait-convergence. Further, communities located in more open sites contained more distinct species in terms of SLA, leaf area and leaf shape, i.e., indicating a divergence pattern along the canopy closure gradient. The other study sites showed no significant patterns when analyzed alone. When the three sites were analyzed jointly, a significant pattern of convergence for plant inclination was found. In a controlled burning experiment (conducted at the Agricultural Experimental Station of UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), the plots subjected to burning showed an increase in functional diversity in relation to plots left untreated. The heterogeneity caused by fire affected the functional structure of plant communities while producing convergence and divergence of traits. Burned plots showed greater dissimilarity, revealing patterns of divergence for plant height, leaf width, leaf area and specific leaf area. The plots maintained as control showed taller species and narrower leaves and a greater functional similarity among species for these traits, revealing a pattern of convergence. Significant patterns of dispersal traits were also obtained related to other environmental factors measured as aboveground biomass, soil variables, decomposition rate and abundance of invertebrates. It was observed that fire also affected dispersion trait patterns related to some of these gradients. The fire affects the structure of plant traits of grassland ecosystems antagonistically, while promoting patterns of convergence and divergence of traits. The biological communities are not merely "fortuitous associations", but they are not assembled as simplistic as frequently supposed.

Padrões de organização em comunidades de plantas herbáceas

Joner, Fernando January 2012 (has links)
A emergência da ordem e de padrões não-aleatórios na estrutura das comunidades biológicas é um dos tópicos mais complexos e controversos da ecologia de comunidades. Diferentes fatores atuam na forma como as espécies se associam formando distintos padrões de organização na estrutura das comunidades biológicas. Em uma abordagem funcional, esta estrutura é avaliada através dos atributos das espécies que compõem estas comunidades. Filtros ambientais, interações entre espécies e distúrbios afetam a colonização e exclusão das espécies de acordo com seus atributos funcionais, afetando a dispersão destes dentro e entre comunidades, gerando padrões de convergência e divergência de atributos. Em comunidades de plantas herbáceas estes padrões são facilmente acessados, variam localmente e ao longo de diversos gradientes ambientais e, além disso, respondem rapidamente aos distúrbios. Esta tese trata de como espécies de plantas herbáceas estão organizadas em comunidades gerando padrões não-aleatórios na dispersão de atributos funcionais e da inferência dos processos que geram estes padrões. As comunidades locais podem estar espacialmente arranjadas, conectadas entre si pela dispersão das espécies, formando uma metacomunidade. Os padrões de organização das comunidades locais são qualitativamente distintos dos padrões de organização no nível da metacomunidade. Neste contexto, as estruturas internas das comunidades locais são arranjadas espacialmente gerando a estrutura da própria metacomunidade. Este padrão de organização da organização interna é gerado por um processo de metaorganização, responsável pela emergência de ordem em um nível superior às comunidades locais. A dispersão dos atributos das espécies apresenta variação dentro e entre comunidades, produzindo padrões de α-convergência e α-divergência, β-convergência e β-divergência e gradientes de α-convergência-divergência e β-convergência-divergência ao longo da estrutura da metacomunidade. A metodologia empregada nesta tese possibilita a avaliação dos padrões de dispersão de atributos estritamente relacionados e orientados ao longo de gradientes ambientais. Em comunidades do estrato herbáceo de uma floresta temperada (situada na Reserva ecológica Wolf Lake, Ontário - Canadá) foram avaliados padrões de dispersão de atributos ao longo do gradiente de cobertura do dossel. Em uma das três áreas avaliadas observou-se padrões claros tanto de convergência quanto de divergência de atributos. Em locais onde o dossel era mais fechado as comunidades de plantas herbáceas eram constituídas por espécies semelhantes em termos de SLA e forma da folha. Em locais mais abertos as espécies apresentaram maior discrepância em seus valores de SLA, área e forma da folha, demonstrando padrões significativos de divergência de atributos ao longo deste gradiente ambiental. As outras áreas do estudo não apresentaram padrões significativos, ainda que uma delas tenha apresentado um subconjunto ótimo de atributos semelhantes à primeira área. Analisando as áreas em conjunto averiguou-se um padrão significativo de convergência para a inclinação da planta. Em um experimento de queima controlada (conduzido na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul- Brasil), as parcelas submetidas à queima apresentaram um incremento da diversidade causada pelo fogo afetou a estrutura funcional das comunidades de plantas produzindo ao mesmo tempo convergência e divergência de atributos. Parcelas queimadas apresentaram maior dissimilaridade de espécies quanto à altura da planta, largura da folha, área da folha e área foliar específica, revelando padrões de divergência. As parcelas mantidas como controle apresentaram espécies de maior porte e folhas mais estreitas e uma similaridade funcional maior dentre as espécies para estes atributos, revelando um padrão de convergência. Padrões significativos de dispersão de atributos também foram obtidos relacionados a outros fatores ambientais mensurados como biomassa área, variáveis do solo, taxa de decomposição e abundância de invertebrados. Observou-se que o fogo também afetou os padrões de organização relacionados a alguns destes gradientes. O fogo afeta estrutura de atributos das plantas de ecossistemas campestres de forma antagônica, promovendo simultaneamente padrões de convergência e divergência de atributos. As comunidades biológicas não são meras “associações fortuitas”, mas também não são organizadas de forma a apresentar padrões tão simplistas quanto muitas vezes se supõe. / The emergence of order and non-random patterns on the structure of biological communities is one of the most complex and controversial topics of community ecology. Different factors role in how species are associated forming distinct patterns of organization in the structure of biological communities. In a functional approach, this structure is evaluated through the traits of the species that comprise these communities. Environmental filters, species interactions and disturbances affect colonization and exclusion of species according to their functional traits, affecting the dispersion within and between communities, generating patterns of trait convergence and divergence. In herbaceous plant communities these patterns are easily accessed, present local variation over several environmental gradients and moreover, respond rapidly to disturbances. This thesis is about how species of herbaceous plants are organized into communities generating non-random trait dispersion patterns and about the processes that generate these patterns. Local communities may be spatially arranged, interconnected by dispersal of species, forming a metacommunity. The assembly patterns of local communities may be qualitatively distinct from assembly patterns of the metacommunity level. In this context, the internal structures of local communities are spatially arranged generating the metacommunity structure. This pattern of organization of internal organization is generated by a meta-organization process, responsible for the emergence of order in a higher level than local communities. The dispersion of traits of species presents variation within and between communities, producing patterns of α-convergence and α-divergence, β-convergence and β-divergence and gradients of α-convergence-divergence and β-convergence-divergence along the metacommunity structure. The methodology used in this thesis enables the evaluation of trait dispersion patterns closely related to environmental gradients. In the herbaceous communities of a temperate forest (situated on the Wolf Lake Reserve, Ontario - Canada) trait dispersion patterns were evaluated along the gradient of the canopy closure. In one of the three sites surveyed we found clear patterns of both trait-convergence and trait-divergence. Along the canopy closure gradient we observed communities formed by species with large SLA and long and narrow leaves being replaced by communities formed by species with smaller SLA and rounded leaves, which we interpret as environmental filtering producing such a trait-convergence. Further, communities located in more open sites contained more distinct species in terms of SLA, leaf area and leaf shape, i.e., indicating a divergence pattern along the canopy closure gradient. The other study sites showed no significant patterns when analyzed alone. When the three sites were analyzed jointly, a significant pattern of convergence for plant inclination was found. In a controlled burning experiment (conducted at the Agricultural Experimental Station of UFRGS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), the plots subjected to burning showed an increase in functional diversity in relation to plots left untreated. The heterogeneity caused by fire affected the functional structure of plant communities while producing convergence and divergence of traits. Burned plots showed greater dissimilarity, revealing patterns of divergence for plant height, leaf width, leaf area and specific leaf area. The plots maintained as control showed taller species and narrower leaves and a greater functional similarity among species for these traits, revealing a pattern of convergence. Significant patterns of dispersal traits were also obtained related to other environmental factors measured as aboveground biomass, soil variables, decomposition rate and abundance of invertebrates. It was observed that fire also affected dispersion trait patterns related to some of these gradients. The fire affects the structure of plant traits of grassland ecosystems antagonistically, while promoting patterns of convergence and divergence of traits. The biological communities are not merely "fortuitous associations", but they are not assembled as simplistic as frequently supposed.

Les méta-organisations rendent-elles performatif le développement durable ? Stratégies collectives dans le secteur pétrolier / Do meta-organizations make sustainable development performative?COllective strategies in the oil and gas sector

Berkowitz, Héloïse 07 October 2016 (has links)
Située à l’intersection de la recherche en stratégie et de la théorie des organisations, la thèse s’intéresse à la manière dont une idée, émise par des instances internationales sous la forme d’une doctrine imprécise, le développement durable, a transformé en profondeur la stratégie, le fonctionnement et la nature même des entreprises. Pour comprendre ce phénomène, la recherche mobilise la notion de performativité, c’est-à-dire la capacité d’une théorie à créer la réalité qu’elle décrit. Mais toutes les théories ou doctrines ne performent pas les comportements des acteurs et trois conditions de performativité ont été identifiées. Lorsque ces conditions sont réunies, deux processus de performativité peuvent intervenir, par cadrage et par débordement. Le développement durable peut donc performer les pratiques si cette doctrine est transformée en principes opérationnalisables (première condition), incorporés dans des dispositifs à différents niveaux, de la méta-organisation au dispositif micro-local dans les firmes (deuxième) et que ces dispositifs sont performants ou deviennent incontournables (troisième). Parmi les dispositifs étudiés au niveau de la deuxième condition, l’accent a été mis sur le rôle joué par les méta-organisations (des organisations dont les membres sont des organisations). La thèse constitue la première recherche empirique sur le rôle de ces dispositifs d’action collective dans un secteur industriel, le secteur pétrolier. La méthodologie est compréhensive, s’appuyant sur 80 entretiens semi-directifs, sur la construction d’une base de données de 100 méta-organisations et la mise en place d’un dispositif de recherche intervention sur le problème émergent du bruit marin. La thèse a mis en évidence des formes nouvelles de méta-organisations, thématiques et multi-parties prenantes, opérant comme un espace de négociation interorganisationnelle, comme dispositif stratégique de légitimation des firmes et comme dispositif normalisateur participant d’une gouvernance distribuée. La notion de performativité a été précisée par la mise en évidence de ses conditions de réalisation et les deux types de processus qu’elle peut emprunter. La théorie des méta-organisations a été prolongée par l’identification des types jusque-là peu étudiés. La thèse a ainsi des implications managériales pour l’élaboration de stratégies collectives par les firmes. / Drawing on research in strategy and organization theory, this thesis focuses on the way an idea that was formulated by international instances as an imprecise doctrine – sustainable development, still managed to deeply change firms’ strategy, practices and even nature. This research uses the concept of performativity, i.e. the capacity of a theory to create the reality that it describes. However, all theories or doctrines do not necessarily succeed to perform behaviors and the thesis identifies three conditions of performativity. When the conditions are met, two performativity processes can occur, a framing and an overflowing process. Sustainable development can perform practices if it becomes operationalisable principles (first condition), if these principles are incorporated in devices at different levels, from meta-organizations to micro-local instruments in firms (second) and if these devices are efficient or irremediable (troisième). Among the studied devices, the accent was put on the role of meta-organizations, organizations which members are themselves organizations. The thesis constitutes the first empirical survey of this collective action device’s role in an industrial sector, the oil and gas. Using a comprehensive methodology, data collection consisted in 80 semi-structured interviews, constructing a database of about 100 meta-organizations and setting up an intervention-research device on the emerging issue of marine sound. The thesis highlights new forms, thematic and multi-stakeholder, that act like an inter-organizational negotiation space, as a strategic device for the legitimization of firms’ activities, and as a normalizing device participating to a distributed governance of business conduct and society. The thesis clarifies the concept of performativity by identifying its conditions of success and the two processes it can follow. The thesis also contributes to the literature on meta-organizations by showing its empirical diversity and by identifying types that we knew little about before. As such, the thesis has managerial implications for collective strategies of firms.

La théorisation des innovations au sein de la méta-organisation expérimentale et créative (MOEC) : étude de cas dans le champ de la santé / Theorizing innovations in a creative and experimental meta-organization : case study in the field of health

Jolly, Charlotte 15 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années le système de santé connait des changements importants, notamment dans la manière de « prendre soin ». L’originalité de la recherche est d’analyser le processus de théorisation par le prisme des innovations sociales au sein d’un espace favorable aux innovations, lequel est une forme organisée spécifique : la Méta-organisation expérimentale et créative (MOEC). Le processus de théorisation est peu étudié au sein d’une forme organisée spécifique et l’objectif de la recherche vise à enrichir la littérature par des contributions théoriques et empiriques. En ce sens, ce travail de recherche consiste à montrer l’importance de la théorisation lors de l’institutionnalisation d’une innovation ainsi que le rôle de la MOEC à initier et soutenir les innovations. La recherche s’intéresse aux innovations élaborées par une pluralité d’acteurs issus du champ de la santé (sanitaire, médico-social et social), lesquels se rassemblent au sein d’un espace ouvert (Espace partagé de santé publique), initié par le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice / For several years the health system experiencing significant changes, including how to "take care". The originality of the research is to analyze the theory of processes through the prism of social innovation in a favorable space to innovation, which is a specific organized form: the Meta-Organization Experimental and Creative (MOEC). The theorizing process is few studied and the research objectives are to enrich the literature of theoretical and empirical contributions. In this sense, this research work is to show the importance of theorizing in the institutionalization of innovation and the role of MOEC to initiate and support innovation. The research focuses on innovations developed by a plurality of actors from the field of health (health and medico-social), which gather in an open space (Shared space of public health), initiated by University Hospital of Nice. The research work is divided into four parts. The first part presents theoretical framework and links the three research subjects, "theorizing", "social innovation" and a "space for innovation : Meta-organization". They are well structured : how theorizing initiates and supports innovations in an experimental meta-organization and creative ? The second part presents the search field and the methodology used, including the epistemological choices. Given the research question, the focus is placed on three innovations developed by the EPSP : the project "Health sports seniors Saint-Roch" (4S), the "30 recommendations for retirements homes of the 21st century” and the “Center support social health (C3S)”. The third part presents the analysis of results from our different observations

Invävdhet, medlemskap och aktivering : En teoriutveckling av Carnegieskolan och en studie om hur invävdhet i metaorganisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattande

Berg Niemelä, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte är att utveckla Carnegieskolans organisationsteori med en kompletterande teoretisering om hur organisationer hanterar sin invävdhet i meta-organisationer när de fattar beslut och handlar. För att möta syftet fokuserar uppsatsen vid att integrera Carnegieskolans teoribildning med Ahrne & Brunssons teori om metaorganisationer för att utveckla en teori om medlemskap i metaorganisationer som en särskild typ av invävdhet och beskriva hur organisationer relaterar till sitt medlemskap i beslutsfattande och handling. Uppsatsens empiriska del består i en jämförande fallstudie över hur regeringskansliet agerat i samband med medlemskapen i Schengensamarbetet respektive FN:s hållbarhetsagenda, Agenda 2030. Resultaten visar att regeringskansliet svarar mot invävdheten genom aktivering och riktning av enskilda delar av sin organisation mot meta-organisationen för att hantera sådana krav och förväntningar som medlemskapet medför. Resultaten visar därtill på hur invävdheten inverkat på regeringskansliets strukturer för beslutsfattande genom att organisationen integrerade element ur metaorganisationen i sina interna beslutsstrukturer för att underlätta beslutsfattande och konflikthantering. Studien visar även på hur medlemskap i meta-organisationen på ett avsiktligt rationellt sätt används som en extern referenspunkt att rikta regeringskansliets arbete mot. Uppsatsen bidrar till organisationsteorin med begreppet aktivering från ett inomorganisatoriskt perspektiv, en beskrivning av hur medlemskap i internationella meta-organisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattande och handling, liksom med grunder för en fördjupad teoretisk förståelse av vilken roll medlemskap tilldelas inom en medlemsorganisation och varför organisationer aktivt väljer att väva in sina beslutsstrukturer i sin omgivning. / The purpose of this thesis is to further develop the organizational theory of the Carnegie school by contributing a theorization of how organizations handle being embedded in meta-organizations when making decisions and acting. To meet this purpose, the thesis focuses on integrating the theory of the Carnegie school with Ahrne & Brunssons theory of meta-organizations to develop a theory of membership in metaorganizations as a certain type of embeddedness and describe how organizations relate to their membership in decision-making and action. The empirical part of the thesis consists of a comparative cross-case study concerning how the government offices of Sweden responded to becoming members in the Schengen Area and the UN:s Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The thesis’ results shows that the government offices responded to their embeddedness by activating and directing certain parts of its organization towards the meta-organization in order to handle the demands and expectations the membership entailed. The results further show that the embeddedness has affected the government offices’ structures for decision-making as the organization has integrated elements from the meta-organization into its own decision-structures to facilitate decision-making and handling conflicts. The thesis also show how membership in a meta-organization is used as an external point of reference for the organization’s operations in an intendedly rational way. The thesis thereby contributes to organizational theory with the concept of activation from a within-organizational perspective, a description of how membership in meta-organizations affect decision-making and action within the government offices, as well as foundations for a further theoretical understanding of the role membership is assigned within a member-organization and why organizations actively choose to embed their decision-structures in their environment.

La contribution des biens communs à la performation des méta-organisations : le cas des corridors logistico-portuaires / The contribution of the commons to the performation of meta-organizations : the case of gateway corridors.

Kauffmann, Antoine 22 November 2018 (has links)
Les structures en réseau, hybrides entre marché et hiérarchie, se développent de plus en plus, notamment sous l'effet de la mondialisation et des manoeuvres de décentralisation. Parmi les différentes formes de réseaux, la méta-organisation territorialisée est une forme à la fois peu abordée et hautement spécifique. Une méta-organisation est une organisation constituée d'organisations mais sans pouvoir hiérarchique. Ce travail de thèse enrichit la théorie des méta-organisations en recourant à la théorie des biens communs et à la théorie de l'acteur-réseau dans le cas des corridors logistico-portuaires, qui sont des groupements de partenariat entre des ports maritimes et fluviaux d'un même axe géographique. Ainsi, cette thèse montre que la méta-organisation du corridor logistico-portuaire est performée grâce à un ensemble de biens communs et que les différences de perception de l'action de ces biens communs freine le processus de performation du fait organisationnel. / As hybrids between markets and hierachy, network structures have spread a lot due to globalization and de centralization. Among the varions types of networks, territory-anchored meta-organizations appear both as les studied and specific kinds of networks. A meta-organization is defined as an organization which is composed by organizations without having a real hierarchical power on its members, such as employment or property. This thesis enriches mate-organization theory by mobilizing both the theory of commons and actor-network theory in the case of gateway corridors. Gateway corridors are groupings created between seaports and inland ports from a sanie geographical axis. Within that scope, this thesis shows that the mets-organizations of gateway corridors are performed through the mobilization of différent kinds of common goods ant that differences in the perception of their action brakes the process of organizational performation.

La structure de la réalité sociale abstraite inhérente aux sociétés prescrites : La quiddité des liens et des structures de coopérations intra-organisationnels issus de l’activité réelle, dans le cas du processus de co-construction de sens découlant des décisions stratégiques / The structure of abstract social reality inherent to prescribed societies : the quiddity of intraorganizational cooperation links and structures resulting from the actual activity, in the case of the sensemaking process deriving from strategic decisions

Dandelot, Damien 15 May 2012 (has links)
Partant de l’idée que des filiales d’une entreprise sont en mesure de remettre en cause les décisions de la direction générale (maison-mère), l’approche holistique développée dans ce travail part du principe qu’une organisation peut être un « être », laissant entendre ainsi que les informations dont elle dispose seraient extérieures aux individus qui la composent. Ce qui conduit à s'interroger s’il est concevable d’ignorer l’individu dans une telle relation de domination. Cette thèse propose justement un modèle autour de résultats qui montrent la difficile exclusion de l’individu dans un contexte méta-organisationnel (dans lequel les membres seraient des organisations et non des individus). Dans cette veine, ce sont les dynamiques humaines de l’organisation qui sont au cœur de ce travail : il existe par et au travers de l’individu une dynamique issue de l’activité réelle qui permet de faire vivre l’organisation par elle-même, mais également qui permet au prescrit de cette dernière d’évoluer. Bien que les résultats obtenus montrent que l’organisation n’est pas un objet mort et sans force et qu’elle a bien la possibilité de vivre par elle-même, ce sont les individus qui — par leurs engagements conditionnels — permettent cette existence propre de l’organisation comme structure intra-consciente qui impose des droits et des obligations. Dans cette perspective, le modèle proposé vise à dessiner les structures de la réalité sociale abstraite (dénommé dans la recherche menée, l’Entité X) en montrant les forces et les contraintes organisationnelles qui pèsent sur les individus-membres, tout en relevant les capacités humaines à sortir des structures prescrites par la co-construction de liens et de structures transversales de coopérations issus de l’activité réelle. / Based on the idea that the subsidiaries of a company are able to call into question the decisions of senior management (the parent company), the holistic approach developed in this study assumes that an organization can be a “being”, implying thereby that the information in its possession is external to the individuals who compose it. This raises the question of whether it is conceivable to ignore the individual in such a relationship of domination. This thesis proposes a model based on the results which show the difficult exclusion of the individual in a meta-organizational context (in which members would be organizations and not individuals). Along these same lines, the organization’s human dynamics are at the heart of this research: there exists by and through the individual a dynamic resulting from actual activity that allows the organization to live by itself, while also allowing prescribe to evolve. Although the results show that the organization is not a dead and strengthless object, and it has the opportunity to live by itself, it is the individuals who —through their conditional commitments— allow the separate existence of an organizational structure’s intra-consciousness, which imposes rights and obligations. In this perspective, the proposed model aims to draw the structures of abstract social reality (referred as Entity X in this study) by showing the strengths and organizational constraints that weigh on individual members, while raising the human capacity to emerge from the structures prescribed by the sensemaking of links and transversal structures for cooperation that originate from the actual activity.

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