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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Påverkan av kommunikation och effektivitet i byggproduktion med hjälp av Dalux Field / Dalux Field's impact on communication and efficiency in construction

Fredriksson, Olivia, Persson, Olle January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Genom att förbättra kommunikationen och effektiviteten i produktionen på en arbetsplats kan stora besparingar göras. Målet med examensarbetet är därför att undersöka hur Dalux Field påverkar produktionen på en byggarbetsplats genom att besvara (1) Hur påverkar användningen av Dalux Field kommunkationen i produktionen på en byggarbetsplats? och (2) Hur påverkar användningen av Dalux Field effektiviteten i produktionen på en byggarbetsplats? Metod: Arbetet innefattar en litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie med intervjuer på NCC:s byggarbetsplats D1 Ryhov i Jönköping. Fyra Arbetsledare har intervjuats varav två använder programvaran och två inte gör det. Utöver dessa intervjuas tre ledande montörer som aktivt använder sig utav programvaran. Litteraturstudien används för att bekräfta eller motsäga den insamlade empirin. Resultat: Dalux Field minskar kommunikationen på byggarbetsplatsen då arbetsledaren och den ledande montören har tillgång till modellen ute på arbetsplatsen. Vid eventuella kollisioner kan beslut tas direkt eftersom att de kringliggande installationerna är synliga i modellen. Detta ökar i sin tur effektiviteten eftersom att mindre stopp förekommer i produktionen. Eftersom en byggnads olika objekt består av en stor del information används med fördel Dalux Field som ett komplement då all denna information inte kan redovisas på en 2D-ritning. Vidare anser respondenterna att Dalux Field med fördel även används som ett visuellt komplement för att ge en helhetsbild av slutprodukten. Konsekvenser: Vid bevarandet av frågeställningarna drogs slutsatserna att användandet av Dalux Field effektiviserar kommunikationen som i sin tur effektiviserar byggproduktionen. För att förbättra verktyget ytterligare rekommenderas funktioner som mätverktyg och höjdsättning att ses över. Om Dalux Field ska utnyttjas till sin fulla potential krävs även att samtliga parter på byggarbetsplatsen har tillgång till och använder programmet. Begränsningar: På referensprojektet användes i första hand en intern plattform som kommunikationsverktyg. Resultatets giltighet hade stärkts om Dalux Field används primärt på helt byggarbetsplatsen. Eftersom NCC är ett stort företag inom byggsektorn med stora projekt, resurser och tillgångar är en generalisering med hela byggbranschen vag. Resultatet går att generalisera med liknande stora byggföretag med liknande projektstorlek, resurser och tillgångar. Nyckelord: Byggnads Informations Modellering, Kommunikationsverktyg, Byggproduktion, Informationsöverföring, Kollisionshantering, Effektivitet, Kommunikation, Dalux Field. / Purpose: By improving the communication and the efficiency in construction site production large savings may emerge. The main intentions with this thesis are therefore to examine whether how Dalux Field affects the production phase in construction by answering (1) How the use of Dalux Field affects the communication in the production on a construction site? and (2) How the use of Dalux Field affects the efficiency in the production on a construction site? Method: The work includes a literature study and a case study with interviews on NCC:s construction site D1 Ryhov in Jönköping. Four foremen have been interviewed whereof two use the software and two did not. Beyond these, three leading installers who actively use the software have been interviewed. The literature study was used to either confirm or contradict the collected data. Findings: Dalux Field reduces the communication on a construction site since the foreman and the leading installer have access to the model on site. In the event of a collision, decisions can be made instantly because the surrounding installations are visible in the model. This increases the efficiency, since smaller stops occur in production. Since a building’s various objects consists of a great deal of information Dalux Field is advantageously used as a supplement since all this information cannot be reported on a 2D drawing. Furthermore, the respondents consider that Dalux Field is also advantageously used as a visual supplement to give a complete picture of the end product. Implications: When answering the questions at hand, the conclusions were that the use of Dalux Field makes the communication more effective, which in turn makes the production phase in construction more efficient. In order to further improve the tool, features such as the measuring tool and height recommended to be reviewed. If Dalux Field is to be utilized to its full potential, it is also required that all parties in the construction phase have access to and use the program. Limitations: On the reference project an internal platform for communication is used primarily. The validity of the result would be strengthened if Dalux Field was the primary communication tool. Since NCC is a big company in the sector with a big number of projects, resources and assets, a generalization with the whole sector is not possible. The result can be generalized with equal building companies with similar projects, resources and assets. Keywords: Building Information Modeling, Communication tool, Construction production, information transfer, collision, efficiency, communication, Dalux Field.

Sedimentary provenance and low-temperature thermochronology from northwestern Colombia: a record of the Neogene transition from Panama collision to Nazca subduction controlled tectonics / not available

Vasco, Santiago León 29 May 2017 (has links)
A ocorrência de uma grande reorganização de placas durante o Neógeno reflete a comlpexa interação entre as placas do Caribe, Farallon, e América do Sul, e o arco intra-oceânico de Panamá. Isto, tem influenciado o registro tectono-estratigráfico dos Andes nor-ocidentais da Colômbia, o qual tem sido escassamente estudado perto da sutura entre os domínios de Panamá o da América do Sul. Novos dados de petrografia de arenitos, análises de minerais densos, geocronologia detrítica em zircão, geoquímica de rocha total, e modelamento termal inverso de múltiplos termocronômetros, realizados em um transepto de 50 km com direção SE-NW, permitem reconstruir a história de deformação e exumação/erosão das rochas do Cretáceo Superior ao Plioceno do flanco ocidental da Cordilheira Ocidental. O início da exumação das rochas do Cretáceo Superior associadas com a margem continental Sul-americana, ocorreu entre 45 e 20 Ma, o qual é sugerido pelo resfriamento inicial desde temperaturas dentro da zona de retenção parcial do hélio em zircão (~180-200°C). Essas rochas, também sofreram um pulso de exumação considerável durante o Mioceno Médio, o qual caracteriza-se por taxas moderadamente rápidas entre 0.3 km/my e 0.7 km/my. Adicionalmente, um período de resfriamento rápido também é documentado com taxas máximas de exumação ~1.3 km/my. As rochas do Eoceno Médio do arco oceânico de Panamá, as quais estão separadas das rochas do Cretáceo Superior da Cordilheira Ocidental por uma faixa de deformação, registram um resfriamento inicial em ~15 Ma desde a zona de retenção parcial de hélio em apatita (APRZ, ~80-60°C, com taxas perto de 0.6 km/my. Termocronologia detrítica em secuências pós-colisionais e sedimentos modernos, também registram estes períodos de exumação. Os novos resultados podem ser relacionados com processos tectônicos de escala regional, que incluem: Convergência rápida e frontal no Oligoceno Superior, entre a recentemente formada placa de Nazca e a placa continental Sul-americana, depois da fragmentação da antiga placa de Farallon, a colisão do Arco de Panamá do Cretáceo Superior-Eoceneo durante o Mioceno Médio, o qual resultou exumação geral ao longo do segmento NW da placa Sul-americana, é o início da subducção da placa de Nazca é a instalação de um segmento plano ao norte durante o Mioceno Superior-Plioceno. Este é provavelmente o mecanismo responsável pelo soerguimento da superfície recente na Colômbia nor-oriental e a contínua deformação-soerguimento das serras costeiras ocidentais e das bacias orientais de foreland ao norte de 5°N. / The occurrence of major plate reorganization during the Neogene, reflects the complex interactions between the Caribbean, Farallon and South-American plates, and the Panama Arc. These, have influenceed the tectono-stratigraphic record of the northwestern Colombian Andes, which has been scarcely studied neart the suture between the Panama and South-American domains. New sandstone petrography, heavy minerals analyses, U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology, whole-rock geochemical data, and thermal inverse modeling of multiple thermochronometers, carried along a 50 km southeast-northwest transect, allow to reconstruct the deformation and exhumation/erosional history of the Late Cretaceous to Pliocene rocks from the western flank of the Western Cordillera. The onset of exhumation of Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, associated with the South-American margin, occurred between 45-20 Ma, as suggested by the initial cooling from temperatures within the zircon helium partial retention zone (ZPRZ, ~180-200°C). These rocks also experienced a substantial pulse of exhumation during the Middle Miocene, which is characterized by moderately rapid rates between ~0.3 km/my and 0.7 km/my. Moreover, a Pliocene period of rapid cooling is also documented with maximum exhumation rates of ~1.3 km/my. The Middle Eocene rocks from the intra-oceanic Panama Arc, which are separated by a highly-deformed zone from the Late Cretaceous rocks of the Western Cordillera, record an initial cooling at ca. 15 Ma from the apatite partial retention zone (APRZ, ~80-60°C) at rates around 0.6 km/my. Detrital thermochronology of post-collisional sequences and modern river sediments also record these exhumation events. The we results can be related to more regional-scale tectonic processes including: the Late Oligocene rapid and frontal convergence between the newly formed Nazca plate and the continental South-American plate following the fragmentation of the former Farallon plate, the Middle Miocene collision of the Cretaceous-Eocene Panama Arc that triggered generalized exhumation-deformation widespread in the upper NW South-American plate, and the Middle to Late Miocene initiation of the Nazca subduction and installation of a Late Miocene-Pliocene flat-slab to the north. The latter is likely to represent the mechanism that triggered surface uplift in eastern Colombia and ongoing uplift-deformation of western coastal ranges and eastern foreland basins north of 5°N

Estudo de taxas de perdas em sistemas heteronucleares / Trap loss in a two-species Rb-Cs magneto-optical trap

Silva, Wânius José Garcia da 09 March 2001 (has links)
Uma análise dos processos colisionais homonucleares e heteronucleares, responsáveis por perdas em uma armadilha magneto-óptica, foi realizada neste trabalho. Resultados experimentais inéditos para as taxas de perdas, no sistema Rb-Cs, foram obtidos. Os dados experimentais em conjunto com os resultados do modelo sugerem que o processo de escape radiativo é dominante. O modelo utilizado é muito sensível à profundidade da armadilha, a qual depende de outros parâmetros (intensidade, dessintonia, gradiente de campo magnético, etc.). A colaboração com pesquisadores italianos possibilitou uma análise mais detalhada das taxas de perdas heteronucleares em outras regiões de intensidade. Estudamos a dependência das taxas heteronucleares com a razão das massas do par atômico, e uma razoável concordância foi observada. O estudo de processos colisionais em armadilhas magneto-ópticas é importante na obtenção do condensado de BoseEinstein com duas espécies atômicas distintas, e também em experiências de espectroscopia fotoassociativa. / In this work, we had investigated the heteronuclear trap loss rate in a two-species Rb-Cs magneto-optical trap. The experimental results suggest that radiative escape is the main collisional process responsible for heteronuclear losses. An addapted Gallagher - Pritchard model is compared with the data. The model is very sensitive to the trap depth, which depends on the trap parameters (intensity, detuning, magnetic - field gradient, etc.) This observation is also supported by experimental results from a Pisa\' group. We have compared experimental of heteronuclear rates as a function of the masses ratio of the atomic pair with the model, and a reasonable agreement is observed. These studies are relevant for high resolution atomic / molecular spectroscopy, and for the production of mixed - species Bose-Einstein condensates.

Aspectos estatísticos em colisões de partículas relativísticas / Statistical Aspects of Relativistic Particle Collisions

Sena, Isaac 'Stevão de Andrade Oliveira 20 December 2011 (has links)
Várias propriedades das colisões de partículas hadrônicas são bem descritas pela teoria termodinâmica de Hagedorn para hádrons altamente excitados (em inglês, fireballs) [1]. Uma destas propriedades é a distribuição dos momentos das partículas decorrentes da colisão. O modelo estatístico desenvolvido por Hagedorn se mostra em concordância com dados experimentais produzidos em colisões cuja energia no centro de massa é relativamente baixa (sqrt(s) < 10 GeV ), mas começa a apresentar falhas descrições com o aumento de sqrt(s) [2]. Todavia, esta teoria foi generalizada usando um formalismo termodinâmico não-extensivo proposto por Tsallis [3] [4] [5] que tem se mostrado útil no ajuste dos dados experimentais. Essa generalização tem sido bem sucedida na descrição da distribuição dos momentos transversais obtidos para colisões de partículas ultra-relativísticas. Com o objetivo de melhor compreender os aspectos estatísticos envolvidos nas colisões de partículas em altas energias, este trabalho constituiu no estudo, do ponto de vista macroscópico, da produção e distribuição de partículas em colisões relativísticas, utilizando-se das ferramentas estatísticas desenvolvidas pela mecânica elaborada por Hagedorn e sua generalização. Ao analisar os resultados, que são apresentados logo a seguir, tornou-se um dos objetivos deste projeto denotar que as propriedades das teorias indicadas anteriormente (especialmente a generalização de Hagedorn) podem ser utilizadas como ferramentas na descrição e fornecimento de propriedades do meio em colisões de partículas em condições extremas. / Many properties of hadron particles collisions are well described by Hagedorn thermodynamical theory for highly excited hadrons or fireballs [1]. One of these properties is the momentum distribution of secondary particles produced. Hagedorns statistical model is in good agreement with experimental data for collision with sqrt(s) < 10 GeV [2], but it starts to show failed descriptions for higher sqrt(s) [2]. However, this theory was generalized by using a non-extensive thermodynamics formalism proposed by Tsallis [3] [4] [5], which has been useful to fit experimental data. Such generalization has been successful in describing transverse momentum distributions obtained in ultra-relativistic particles collisions. Within the purpose of comprehending the statistical aspects involved in collisions of particles in high energies, this work constitutes, in a macroscopic point of view, a study of production and distribution of particles in relativistic collisions, through the use of statistical tools developed by Hagedorns mechanics and its generalization. In analysing results (to be shown later), it became a purpose to denote that the proprieties of the previously indicated theories (especially Hagedorns generalization) may be used as appropriate tools in describing and providing environment properties in particles collisions in extreme conditions.

Ultraschnelle Dynamik in Flüssigkeiten

Laurent, Thomas 23 October 2000 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht ultraschnelle Rotations- und Translationsbewegungen in molekularen Flüssigkeiten. Dazu wurde deren Optischer Kerr-Effekt/Raman-Induzierter Kerr-Effekt (OKE/RIKE) zeitaufgelöst mithilfe der Pump/Probetechnik gemessen. Die erzielte Zeitauflösung betrug 30 fs. Langzeitschwankungen des Signals konnten zusätzlich mit einer Echtzeit-Meßtechnik eliminiert werden. In der transienten Doppelbrechung wurde so ein Signal/Rausch Verhältnis von 10^7 erreicht. Das Ziel war eine möglichst genaue Beschreibung der Responsfunktion für den Optischen Kerr-Effekt der Flüssigkeiten Chloroform, Acetonitril, Trichloracetonitril, Tetrachlorkohlenstoff, Methylchloroform und Fluoroform. Die Fourier-Transformation dieser Responsfunktion entspricht dem depolarisierten Raman Spektrum der Flüssigkeit. Die Responsfunktion wurde auf zwei Wegen aus dem gemessenen OKE Signal erhalten: a) in der Zeitdomäne durch Anpassung empirisch gewählter Terme und b) in der Frequenzdomäne durch Anpassung von Brownschen Oszillatormoden. Die Analyse bezieht den gesamten Datenumfang ein, ohne numerisch problematische Entfaltungsverfahren nutzen zu müssen. In den untersuchten Systemen erfolgt die elektronische Antwort instantan auf den anregenden Laserimpuls. Innerhalb der ersten halben Pikosekunde beobachtet man eine intermolekulare Dynamik, die auf Librationen und kollisionsinduzierte Translationsbewegungen zurückgeht. Diese nur schwer unterscheidbare Dynamik verschwindet typischerweise mit Zeitkonstanten bis 250 fs. Die Langzeitrelaxation in den isotropen Zustand wird der diffusiven Reorientierung zugeordnet. Es werden hierfür Zeitkonstanten tau zwischen 1.2 (Methylchloroform) und 3 ps (Chloroform) beobachtet. Durch die hohe Bandbreite des Laserimpulses werden außerdem niederfrequente Raman-Linien (bis ca. 750 cm^-1) angeregt. Diese äußern sich durch untergedämpfte Signaloszillationen (RIKE). Erstmals wird der OKE von flüssigem Fluoroform untersucht. Aufgrund seiner Eigenschaften kommt CHF3 der Modellvorstellung einer polaren harten Kugel sehr nahe. Das beobachtete Signal ist ca. 110 mal schwächer als in Chloroform. Die diffusive Reorientierung verläuft auß erdem deutlich schneller (tau = 0.8 ps). Der (intermolekulare) OKE wächst nun mit steigender Polarisierbarkeitsanisotropie, während der (intramolekulare) RIKE von der änderung der Polarisierbarkeitsanisotropie mit der Schwingungskoordinate des Moleküls abhängt. Durch vergleichende Messungen mit isotropen Tetrachlorkohlenstoff kann auch prinzipiell der Einfluß der kollisionsinduzierten Effekte (CI) in den untersuchten Flüssigkeiten abgeschätzt werden. Rotations- und Translationsbewegungen korrelieren allerdings miteinander. Die daraus resultierenden Kreuzterme sind dann aus den Responsfunktionen allein nicht mehr zu ermitteln. Sie sind nur aus weiterführenden moleküldynamischen Simulationen erhältlich. Für Acetonitril wird eine übereinstimmung zwischen experimenteller und theoretisch vorhergesagter OKE Responsfunktion gefunden. Die OKE Responsfunktionen sind mit den Relaxationsfunktionen der dielektrischen Relaxation und der Solvatation von polaren Sondenmolekülen verknüpft. Die Messungen des zeitaufgelösten Optischen Kerr-Effektes sollen hier künftig dazu dienen, die reinen Flüssigkeitsbeiträge zur polaren und nichtpolaren Solvatation zu erkennen. / Within this work the ultrafast rotational and translational motions of molecular liquids are investigated. Therefore their Optical Kerr effect/Raman induced Kerr effect (OKE/RIKE) was measured time-resolved with the pump/probe technique. Achieved time resolution was 30 fs. Long-time fluctuations of the signal might be eliminated by an additional realtime measurement technique. Hence a signal/noise ratio of ca. 10^7 in the transient birefringence was obtained. A detailed description of the response function derived from Optical Kerr effect was targeted for the liquids chloroform, acetonitrile, trichloroacetonitrile, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and fluoroform. The Fourier-Transformation of the response functions of the liquids is eqivalent to their depolarized Raman spectra. The response function is obtained from measured signals in two ways: a) by fitting empirical terms in time domain and b) fitting Brownian oscillator modes in frequency domain. Analysis includes complete data range without using numerical deconvolution techniques. In all investigated systems an electronical response follows to the stimulating laser pulse instantaneously. Within the first half pico second one observes intermolecular dynamics due to librational and collision-induced translational motions. These (hard to distinguish) dynamics disappear with typical time-constants of up to 250 fs. The long-time relaxation into an isotropic distribution of molecules is termed diffusive reorientation. Here time-constants tau between 1.2 (CCl3CH3) and 3 ps (CHCl3) are observed. Additionally low-frequent Raman lines (up to 750 cm^-1) may be stimulated due to the high pulse bandwidth, resulting in underdamped signal oscillations (RIKE). The OKE of liquid fluoroform is investigated for the first time. It comes closest to the Mean Spherical Approximation model for a fluid composed of polar, nonpolarizable hard spheres. The observed signal is ca. 110 times weaker than in chloroform. The diffusional reorientation occurs also faster (tau = 0.8 ps). Generally (intermolecular) OKE rises with growing polarizability anisotropy, while (intramolecular) RIKE depends from the change of polarizability anisotropy with the vibrational coordinate. Influence of collision-induced effects (CI) is derived in principle from compared measurements in isotropic carbon tetrachloride. However a correlation exists between rotational and translational motion. Resulting cross-terms cannot be obtained from response functions alone. These are only available in molecular-dynamic simulations in literature. In acetonitril one finds similar response functions derived from OKE measurements and predicted theoretical simulation. The OKE respons functions are related to relaxation functions of the dielectrical relaxation and the solvation of polar molecules. Time-resolved measurements of the OKE reveal here contributions of the pure liquid in polar and nonpolar solvation.

Reversão temporal na linguagem operacional da mecânica quântica e a evolução temporal de pacotes de ondas para espalhamento / Time reversal in the operational language of quantum theory and time evolution of wave packets for scattering

Morazotti, Nícolas André da Costa 23 November 2018 (has links)
A mecânica quântica apresenta assimetria por reversão temporal. Podemos entender que a origem de tal assimetria é a forma como a medida é feita na mecânica quântica descrita usualmente. Em 1964, Aharonov, Bergmann e Lebowitz propõem a pós-seleção, instrumento capaz de torná-la simétrica no tempo, bem como argumentam a validade física de tal. Aqui é discutida uma outra saída, utilizando Teorias Probabilístico-Operacionais. Encontra-se uma forma mais geral do Teorema de Wigner. Além disso, se aplica esse novo formalismo, que vale em espaços de Hilbert de dimensão finita, no experimento de medida fraca descrito por Aharonov, Albert e Vaidman em 1988, em que preparamos um estado térmico dentro de uma caixa, estudamos seu comportamento e realizamos a reversão temporal do mesmo, confirmando que a probabilidade se mantém invariante sob tal transformação de simetria. / Quantum mechanics presents a time-reversal asymmetry. We see the origin of such asymmetry is the way how we make measurements in the usually described quantum mechanics. In 1964, Aharonov, Bergmann and Lebowitz propose the post-selection, a tool able to make it time symmetric, as well as argues such physical validity of this tool. Here, we discuss another exit, using operational-probabilistic theories. We find a more general form of Wigner´s Theorem. Moreover, we apply this new formalism, true in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, in Aharonov, Albert and Vaidman 1988 weak measure described experiment, in which we prepare a thermal state inside a box, study its behaviour and perform the time reversal of it, confirming that the probability is invariant under such symmetry transformation.

Teoria dos princípios trabalhistas: a inserção do direito do trabalho no modelo metodológico pós-positivista

Molina, André Araújo 18 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andre Araujo Molina.pdf: 1153717 bytes, checksum: b02ef3ea4dada82db877e8aa75b72bf2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-18 / Law as a social phenomenon may be object of study in various knowledge fields, depending on the observer s view. Jurists have always tried to answer What are rights? (object of Juridical Science), as well as what the best methods for this study are. Two big groups were formed. On one side the jusnaturalists; on the other side those who deny the existence of rights besides the positive right, making the object of law science coincide with the law imposed at certain time and space. This second group is called the positivists. Recently, a third way has been built embedded in the idea that rights are not only based on rules, as positivists want, but on rules and principles. This is an intermediary methodological position which does not deny some of the positivist theses, but aims to resume moral in Law through principles. In Brazil, this position is called postpositivist. In our point of view, only the post-positivist method is appropriate to give concreteness to the constituent ideas, creating a mechanism for enforcement of fundamental rights, because they have a framework of principles. And the Labor Law, which is inserted in the frame of the Constitution, also seeks for a new method of interpretation and application that is the post-positivist, as it is lavish in ensuring fundamental rights and the conflict between social and liberal ideals. The objective of this work is to insert the Brazilian Labor Law in the postpositivist methodology model, mainly using the principle of proportionality to consider principles in cases of collision. Therefore we analyzed the formation of labor law, showing its social-marxist origin as well as that the positivist method employed by the near unanimity of the users of labor law no longer meets the complexities of postmodernity and the guidelines of the Constitution / O direito como fenômeno social pode ser objeto de estudo nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento, conforme o recorte dado pelo observador. Os juristas sempre tentaram responder o que é o direito? (objeto da Ciência Jurídica), bem como quais os métodos mais adequados para esse estudo. Dois grandes grupos se formaram. De um lado os jusnaturalistas; de outro lado, os que negam a existência de direitos além do direito positivo, fazendo coincidir o objeto da ciência do direito com a legislação posta em dado momento temporal e espacial. Esse último grupo é o positivista. Recentemente, uma terceira via vem sendo pavimentada, a partir da idéia de que o direito não é formado apenas de regras, como querem os positivistas, mas de regras e princípios. Trata-se de uma posição metodológica intermediária, que não nega algumas das teses do positivismo, mas busca a retomada da moral no direito, por intermédio dos princípios. Essa posição foi, no Brasil, batizada de pós-positivista. A nosso ver, apenas o método pós-positivista é o adequado a dar concretude ao ideário constituinte, criando um mecanismo de aplicação dos direitos fundamentais, os quais possuem a estrutura de princípios. E o Direito do Trabalho, inserido que está na moldura da Constituição, também reclama um novo método de interpretação e aplicação, qual seja o pós-positivista, na medida em que é pródigo na garantia de direitos fundamentais e no conflito entre ideais sociais e liberais. O objetivo da dissertação é inserir o Direito do Trabalho brasileiro no modelo metodológico pós-positivista, principalmente utilizando o princípio da proporcionalidade para ponderar princípios em casos de colisão. Para tanto analisamos a formação do direito do trabalho, demonstrando sua raiz social-marxista, bem como que o método positivista empregado pela quase unanimidade dos aplicadores do direito laboral não mais atende às complexidades da pós-modernidade e as diretrizes da Constituição


Nunes, Marina Zava de Faria 30 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARINA ZAVA DE FARIA NUNES.pdf: 891847 bytes, checksum: 721e7bfd66a50cac76da0f8e9086c684 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-30 / This work is linked to the research line "socio-economic relations", the Graduate Program in Law, International Relations and Development at the Catholic University of Goiás and analyzes the institution of compulsory licensing for drugs as a public health policy in the optics of the case analysis of "antiretroviral" Efavirenz. The dissertation discusses how problematic the apparent conflict between two fundamental rights when access to medicines through public health policies: the right to health and right to intellectual property. It points out, however, the relevance of the legal institution of compulsory or compulsory licensing as an instrument to achieve harmonization between the mentioned example of rights. Como defended, will be conducting a case study, aiming to demonstrate the consequence of compulsory licensing for the compound Efavirez Program against AIDS held in Brazil. As a theoretical framework dissertation includes a discussion of the social function of property, sung by Marques Medicine, collision and weighting of fundamental rights applied to the case in the teachings of Alexy, and finally the theory of fundamental rights Canotilho. / Este trabalho vincula-se à linha de pesquisa &#8213;Relações sócio-economicas&#8214;, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Relações Internacionais e Desenvolvimento da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás e analisa o instituto de licença compulsória para medicamentos como política pública de saúde sob a ótica da análise de caso do &#8213;anti-retroviral&#8214; Efavirenz. A dissertação aborda como problemática a aparente colisão entre dois direitos fundamentais quando do acesso a medicamentos através de políticas públicas de saúde: o direito à saúde e o direito à propriedade intelectual. Aponta-se, portanto, a relevância do instituto jurídico do licenciamento compulsório ou obrigatório como instrumento capaz de realizar a harmonização entre os mencionados direitos. Como exemplo do defendido, realizaremos um estudo de caso, buscando demonstrar as consequênicas do licenciamento obrigatório do composto Efavirez para o Programa de combate à AIDS realizado no Brasil. Como referencial teórico a dissertação abarca a discussão da função social da propriedade, entoada por Remédio Marques, a colisão e a ponderação de direitos fundamentais aplicados ao caso concreto nos ensinamentos de Alexy, e por fim a teoria dos direitos fundamentais de Canotilho.


Jorge Filho, Márcio Roberto 25 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCIO ROBERTO JORGE FILHO.pdf: 662481 bytes, checksum: 90991728737b3a8aab0dc77e2d933cd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-25 / In Brazil it is common find in the farms the presence of slave labor or same kind of very debasing conditions, that why the study of this question is actual and necessary. Of course we don t accept slave labor or same kind of very debasing conditions, because freedom is included in the core of the human rights, which represents the minimal conjunct of rights for a honorable live. With this ratiocination, the State must interfere in the society in order to guarantee the dignity and the liberty of the rural workers, whoever the instruments to active the objective should be used in harmony whit the fundamental property right. This is the way that this monograph develops, analyzing the effectiveness of the instruments of intervention in property, the collision of liberty and the property. / No Brasil é comum encontrar em imóveis rurais a utilização de mão de obra escrava ou em condições análogas à escravidão, por isso o estudo desta questão se mostra atual e necessário. É verdade que não se aceita a utilização de trabalho escravo ou em condições análogas em qualquer hipótese, pois a liberdade está inserida dentro do núcleo central de direitos humanos, que representa um conjunto mínimo de direitos para viver dignamente. Realmente, o Estado deve exercer um papel ativo como garantidor da efetividade da liberdade e dignidade dos trabalhadores, entretanto, é preciso esclarecer que os meios e instrumentos de intervenção na sociedade não podem ser utilizados de maneira arbitrária e em descompasso com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Nesse sentido o desenvolvimento desta dissertação se desenvolve, analisando a efetividade dos meios de intervenção do Estado na propriedade privada sob o ponto de vista da colisão do Direito Fundamental à Liberdade e o Direito Fundamental à Propriedade Privada.

Collision guided routing for ad hoc mobile wireless networks

Ba Surra, Shadi Saleh Ali January 2013 (has links)
Ad hoc mobile wireless networks are self-configuring infrastructureless networks of mobile devices connected via wireless links. Each device can send and receive data, but it should also forward traffic unrelated to its own use. All need to maintain their autonomy, and effectively preserve their resources (e.g. battery power). Moreover, they can leave the network at any time. Their intrinsic dynamicity and fault tolerance makes them suitable for applications, such as emergency response and disaster relief, when infrastructure is nonexistent or damaged due to natural disasters, such as earthquakes and flooding, as well as more mundane, day-to-day, uses where their flexibility would be advantageous. Routing is the fundamental research issue for such networks and refers to finding and maintaining routes between nodes. Moreover, it involves selecting the best route where many may be available. However, due to the freedom of movement of nodes, new routes need to be constantly recalculated. Most routing protocols use pure broadcasting to discover new routes, which takes up a substantial amount of bandwidth. Intelligent rebroadcasting reduces these overheads by calculating the usefulness of a rebroadcast, and the likelihood of message collisions. Unfortunately, this introduces latency and parts of the network may become unreachable. This dissertation presents a routing protocol that uses a new parallel and distributed guided broadcasting technique to reduce redundant broadcasting and to accelerate the path discovery process, while maintaining a high reachability ratio as well as keeping node energy consumption low. This broadcasting scheme is implemented in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) and a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). To reduce overheads further, a Zone based Routing with Parallel Collision Guided Broadcasting Protocol (ZCG) in MANET is introduced. This uses a one hop clustering algorithm that splits the network into zones led by reliable leaders that are mostly static and have plentiful battery resources. For WMN, a Social-aware Routing Protocol (SCG) is designed that draws upon social network theory to associate longstanding social ties between nodes, using their communication patterns to divide the network into conceptual social groups, which allows cluster members to protect each other from redundant broadcasts by using intelligent rebroadcasting. The performance characteristics of the new protocols are established through simulations that measure their behaviour and by comparing them to other well-known routing protocols, namely the: AODV, DSR, TORA and the OLSR, as appropriate, it emerges that two new protocols, the ZCG and SCG, perform better in certain conditions, with the latter doing consistently well under most circumstances.

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