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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní a zdravotně sociální aspekty činnosti OSPOD jako ustanovených opatrovníků v zámu nezletilých dětí

BORSKÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The Czech Republic as a signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child has vested the practice of state administration in the field of care for minor children to municipalities with extended powers, where the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minor children is safeguarded by state authorities of social and legal protection of children (ASLPC hereinafter). These authorities are incorporated to the extent laid down by the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children (Act No 359/1999 Coll., as amended). The position and roles of ASLPC and their competence and jurisdiction are also regulated by the same act. The position of workers of these authorities and its legal embodiment is equally important. Regarding professionality, there are high demands on these workers. In the Czech Republic, significant changes in legislature have been made over the past three years. These amendments have led to the strengthening of the rights of minor children and to the establishing of new tools for their protection. In connection with the adoption of new substantive regulation of family law, which is now exhaustively dealt with by the Act No 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, new procedural rules have been established regarding protection of rights of minor children. Such procedural legislation includes (apart from the long-existent Act No. 99/1963, the Code of Civil Procedure) the Act No 292/2013 Coll., on Special Civil Proceedings. The decision-making regarding minor children has been vested mainly by the state into the competence of courts. The courts appoint the locally relevant ASLPC as a guardian who then represents the interests of minor children. The purpose, interwoven with and derived from the first one, was to explore the opinions of selected social workers of ASLPC and of district court judges regarding the defined problems occurring during the work of ASLPCs and courts while protecting the interests of minor children. These particularly include: the use of the tool of precautionary measure; problems of different territorial jurisdiction of courts and ASLPCs; processing of complaints regarding bias in various phases of the proceedings; professional training of workers of ASLPC It is evident from the proposals of both judges and ASLPC workers that it is necessary to unify territorial jurisdiction. The courts are suggesting the priority criterion of the address where the child mainly resides. ASLPC workers suggest the official permanent residence as the prime criterion. Bias causes problems in all phases of proceedings. It is obvious that courts take differing approaches towards the solution of this problem (some courts solve the problem of bias complaints filed by the parties while other courts do not) and for ASLPC workers it is difficult to assess how to act when such complaint is raised against them. The training of ASLPC workers - workers are obliged to educate themselves and their employer is obliged to finance such training. Not all ASLPCs are able to provide training in the required extent - due to financial reasons (the average costs of education of one employee pose from 9,169 to 13,400 CZK annually and they cover approximately 6 days of training). The heavy work-load caused by insufficient numbers of ASLPC employees prevents them from completing such compulsory training. As part of the examination of the "participation of a collision guardian in court proceedings" it has been found out that irregular participation of the worker in the proceedings (absence from participation in appeals proceedings); incomplete reports (directed to courts) from surveys in families. Based on comprehensive examination of the problems of territorial jurisdiction, it was recommended that requests are independently recorded and financial compensation is provided for ASLPCs who are requested to represent minors in front of courts, to draft proposals for precautionary measures.

Člověk, zaměstnanec v oblasti sociální práce, jako morální bytost dostávající se do rozporu s povinnostmi zadanými zaměstnavatelem. / Man as a moral being getting into conflict with the obligations given by the employer

LAJPERTOVÁ, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation, named "A person, an employee in social work, as a moral being coming into contradiciton with duties assigned by an employer", deals with a theme of a person as an autonomous moral being in a position of an employee in the sphere of social work, who comes into conflict with duties assigned by an employer. The aim of this dissertation is to possess a complex analysis of the causes of these conflicts and inner preconditions of a person as a moral human being who is involved in these conflicts, and the ability for ethical reflection and questioning, which the author addresses in the processing of this theme. The study of special native and foreign literature was chosen as a way of gathering the base information for the final ethical reflection.

Estimation of driver awareness of pedestrian for an augmented reality advanced driving assistance system / Estimation de l’inattention du conducteur vis-à-vis d’un piéton pour un système d’aide à la conduite avancé utilisant la réalité augmentée

Phan, Minh Tien 27 June 2016 (has links)
La réalité augmentée (Augmented Reality ou AR) peut potentiellement changer significativement l’expérience utilisateur. Au contraire les applications sur Smartphone ou tablette, les technologies d’affichage tête haute (Head Up Display ouHUD) aujourd’hui sont capables de projeter localement sur une zone du pare-brise ou globalement sur tout le pare-brise. Le conducteur peut alors percevoir l’information directement dans son champ de vision. Ce ne sont pas que les informations basiques comme vitesse ou navigation, le système peut aussi afficher des aides, des indicateurs qui guident l’attention du conducteur vers les dangers possibles. Il existe alors un chalenge scientifique qui est de concevoir des visualisations d’interactions qui s’adaptent en fonction de l’observation de la scène mais aussi en fonction de l’observation du conducteur. Dans le contexte des systèmes d’alerte de collision avec les piétons (Pedestrian Collision Warning System ou PCWS), l’efficacité de la détection du piéton a atteint un niveau élevé grâce à la technologie de vision. Pourtant, les systèmes d’alerte ne s’adaptent pas au conducteur et à la situation, ils deviennent alors une source de distraction et sont souvent négligés par le conducteur. Pour ces raisons, ce travail de thèse consiste à proposer un nouveau concept de PCWS avec l’AR (nommé the AR-PCW system). Premièrement, nous nous concentrons sur l’étude de la conscience de la situation (Situation Awareness ou SA) du conducteur lorsqu’il y a un piéton présent devant le véhicule. Nous proposons une approche expérimentale pour collecter les données qui représentent l’attention du conducteur vis-à-vis du piéton (Driver Awareness of Pedestrian ou DAP) et l’inattention du conducteur vis-à-vis de celui-ci (Driver Unawareness of Pedestrian ou DUP). Ensuite, les algorithmes basées sur les charactéristiques, les modèles d’apprentissage basés sur les modèles discriminants (ex, Support Vector Machine ou SVM) ou génératifs (Hidden Markov Model ou HMM) sont proposés pour estimer le DUP et le DAP. La décision de notre AR-PCW system est effectivement basée sur ce modèle. Deuxièmement, nous proposons les aides ARs pour améliorer le DAP après une étude de l’état de l’art sur les ARs dans le contexte de la conduite automobile. La boite englobante autour du piéton et le panneau d’alerte de danger sont utilisés. Finalement, nous étudions expérimentalement notre système AR-PCW en analysant les effets des aides AR sur le conducteur. Un simulateur de conduite est utilisé et la simulation d’une zone HUD dans la scène virtuelle sont proposés. Vingt-cinq conducteurs de 2 ans de permis de conduite ont participé à l’expérimentation. Les situations ambigües sont créées dans le scénario de conduite afin d’analyser le DAP. Le conducteur doit suivre un véhicule et les piétons apparaissent à différents moments. L’effet des aides AR sur le conducteur est analysé à travers ses performances à réaliser la tâche de poursuite et ses réactions qui engendrent le DAP. Les résultats objectifs et subjectifs montrent que les aides AR sont capables d’améliorer le DAP défini en trois niveaux : perception, vigilance et anticipation. Ce travail de thèse a été financé sur une bourse ministère et a été réalisé dans le cadre des projets FUI18 SERA et Labex MS2T qui sont financé par le Gouvernement Français, à travers le programme « Investissement pour l’avenir » géré par le ANR (Référence ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02). / Augmented reality (AR) can potentially change the driver’s user experience in significant ways. In contrast of the AR applications on smart phones or tablets, the Head-Up-Displays (HUD) technology based on a part or all wind-shield project information directly into the field of vision, so the driver does not have to look down at the instrument which maybe causes to the time-critical event misses. Until now, the HUD designers try to show not only basic information such as speed and navigation commands but also the aids and the annotations that help the driver to see potential dangers. However, what should be displayed and when it has to be displayed are still always the questions in critical driving context. In another context, the pedestrian safety becomes a serious society problem when half of traffic accidents around the world are among pedestrians and cyclists. Several advanced Pedestrian Collision Warning Systems (PCWS) have been proposed to detect pedestrians using the on-board sensors and to inform the driver of their presences. However, most of these systems do not adapt to the driver’s state and can become extremely distracting and annoying when they detect pedestrian. For those reasons, this thesis focuses on proposing a new concept for the PCWS using AR (so called the AR-PCW system). Firstly, for the «When» question, the display decision has to take into account the driver’s states and the critical situations. Therefore, we investigate the modelisation of the driver’s awareness of a pedestrian (DAP) and the driver’s unawareness of a pedestrian (DUP). In order to do that, an experimental approach is proposed to observe and to collect the driving data that present the DAP and the DUP. Then, the feature-based algorithms, the data-driven models based on the discriminative models (e.g. Support Vector Machine) or the generative models (e.g. Hidden Markov Model) are proposed to recognize the DAP and the DUP. Secondly, for the «What» question, our proposition is inspired by the state-of-the-art on the AR in the driving context. The dynamic bounding-box surrounding the pedestrian and the static danger panel are used as the visual aids. Finally, in this thesis, we study experimentally the benefits and the costs of the proposed AR-PCW system and the effects of the aids on the driver. A fixed-based driving simulator is used. A limited display zone on screen is proposed to simulate the HUD. Twenty five healthy middle-aged licensed drivers in ambiguous driving scenarios are explored. Indeed, the heading-car following is used as the main driving task whereas twenty three pedestrians appear in the circuit at different moment and with different behaviors. The car-follow task performance and the awareness of pedestrian are then accessed through the driver actions. The objective results as well as the subjective results show that the visual aids can enhance the driver’s awareness of a pedestrian which is defined with three levels: perception, vigilance and anticipation. This work has been funded by a Ministry scholarship and was carried out in the framework of the FUI18 SERA project, and the Labex MS2T which is funded by the French Government, through the program ”Investments for the future” managed by the National Agency for Research (Reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02).

O direito fundamental à não-autoincriminação e a influência do silêncio do acusado no convencimento do juiz penal

Trois Neto, Paulo Mário Canabarro January 2009 (has links)
O direito fundamental à não-autoincriminação encontra seu fundamento jurídicoconstitucional na conexão dos princípios constitucionais da dignidade humana, do procedimento correto, da ampla defesa e da presunção de inocência. Todas as condutas passivas cuja adoção diga respeito a uma opção tomada pelo acusado na condição de sujeito processual – dentre as quais o exercício passivo da autodefesa no interrogatório judicial – estão prima facie protegidas pelo direito de não se autoincriminar. O problema da influência do silêncio do acusado no interrogatório judicial apresenta uma colisão do direito à nãoautoincriminação com o bem coletivo da eficiência da justiça penal e exige, consequentemente, soluções de acordo com os critérios da teoria dos princípios e da argumentação jusfundamental. A busca da concordância prática dos princípios colidentes exige a consideração de que, embora o comportamento processual do acusado não esteja sujeito a valorações, a omissão do acusado em responder ao interrogatório pode privar a defesa de uma oportunidade para contribuir à refutação ou ao enfraquecimento do grau de confirmação da hipótese acusatória. / The fundamental right against self-incrimination has its legal-constitutional basis in the connection of the constitutional principles of human dignity, fair trial, ample defense against criminal charges and presumption of innocence. All the passive conducts of which adoption refers to a choice of the accused in the condition of subject of the process – such as the passive exercise of self-defense at the examination – are prima facie protected by the right against self incrimination. The issue of the charged’s silence influence in the judicial examination presents a collision of the right against self incrimination with the collective good of the criminal justice efficiency and demands, therefore, solutions according to the criteria of principles theory and fundamental-legal arguing. The search for practical compliance of the colliding principles requires considering that although the processual behavior of the charged is not submitted to judgments of value, the omission of the accused in answering the examination may deprive defense the opportunity to contribute in denying or minimizing the confirmation degree of the accusatory hypothesis.

Colisão de direitos fundamentais, argumentação e ponderação

Gavião Filho, Anizio Pires January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo central desta investigação é demonstrar que a ponderação é racional. A proposição normativa particular concreta resultante de um caso de colisão de direitos fundamentais resolvido pela ponderação pode ser justificada racionalmente. O que se pretende sustentar é que o problema não está na ponderação, mas como ela é realizada para solucionar os casos de colisão de direitos fundamentais. A ponderação somente pode pretender racionalidade quando sustentada por razões dadas conforme regras. A proposição decisiva desta investigação é a de que a ponderação, como atividade argumentativa, deve observar as regras da argumentação racional. Essas regras são as regras da argumentação prática geral e da argumentação jurídica, formuladas pela teoria do discurso prático geral e do discurso jurídico. Elas configuram a base das regras próprias da ponderação racional. / The goal of this research is to show that balancing is rational. The particular concrete normative statement resulting from a collision of constitutional rights resolved by balancing can be justified rationally. The aim is to sustain that the problem is not balancing itself, but how it is used to solve the cases of collision of constitutional rights.The balancing can be rational only if supported by reasons given under rules. A crucial proposition of this research is that the balancing, as argumentative activity, must observe the rules of rational legal reasoning. These rules are the rules of the general practice argumentation and the rules of the legal reasoning, raised by the theory of general practical discourse and legal discourse. They make the basis of its own rules of rational balancing.

Problemas inversos em processos difusivos com retenção / Inverse problems in diffusive process with retention

Luciano Gonçalves da Silva 21 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Um Estudo para a solução numérica do modelo de difusão com retenção, proposta por Bevilacqua et al. (2011), é apresentado, bem como uma formulação implícita para o problema inverso para a estimativa dos parâmetros envolvidos na formulação matemática do modelo. Através de um estudo minucioso da análise de sensibilidade e do cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, são identificadas as chances de se obter sucesso na solução do problema inverso através do método determinístico de Levenberg-Marquardt e dos métodos estocásticos Algoritmo de Colisão de Partículas (Particle Collision Algorithm - PCA) e Evolução Diferencial (Differential Evolution - DE). São apresentados os resultados obtidos através destes três métodos de otimização para três casos de conjunto de parâmetros. Foi observada uma forte correlação entre dois destes três parâmetros, o que dificultou a estimativa simultânea dos mesmos. Porém, foi obtido sucesso nas estimativas individuais de cada parâmetro. Foram obtidos bons resultados para os fatores que multiplicam os termos diferenciais da equação que modela o fenômeno de difusão com retenção. / A Study for the numerical solution of the diffusion model with retention, proposed by Bevilacqua et al.(2011), using the finite difference method is presented, as well as an implicit formulation for the inverse problem to estimate the parameters involved in the formulation of the mathematical model. Through of a thorougth study of sensitivity analysis and calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient, are identified the chances of success in solving the inverse problem using the deterministic method of Levenberg-Marquardt and stochastic methods Particle Collision Algorithm - PCA and Differential Evolution - DE. Presents the results obtained from these three methods of optimization for three cases of parameter set. We observed a strong correlation between two of these three parameters, making it difficult to estimate simultaneously the same. However, success was obtained in the individual estimates for each parameter. Good results were obtained for the factors that increase the terms of the differential equation that models the phenomenon of diffusion with retention.

Energia de interação cátion-ânion de líquidos iônicos dicatiônicos em fase gasosa / Interaction energy of cation-anion in dicationic ionic liquids in the gas phase

Hennemann, Bruno Luís 05 August 2016 (has links)
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) with induced collision energy was used to carry out a comprehensive study on the interaction energies between cations and anions of dicationic ionic liquids. The influence of the anion ([Br]-, [NO3]-, [BF4]-, [SCN]- and [Cl]-) and the size of alkyl chain (n = 4,6,8 and 10) in the interaction energy of ionic liquids derived from the 1, n-bis (3-methylimidazolyl-1-yl) alkane with n = 4,6,8 and 10, in the gas phase was investigated. Three experiments were carried out to determine the cation-anion interaction energy: (i) ESI-MS of binary (1:1) mixtures of ionic liquids with different anions or cations; (Ii) ESI-MS of ionic liquid individually with variation of the applied collision energy and determination of the center of mass energy (Ecm) using the relation between the intensity of the precursor ion and the sum of the ions; (iii) the rate of variation of the intensity of the precursor ion as a function of collision energy at different concentrations of all ionic liquids was obtained. From this correlation, the cation-anion dissociation constant of the dicationic ionic liquids was obtained. The results showed the appearance of mixed species (example: [Bis-C8(MIM)22XY]- and [C8(MIM)XY]-) in the binary mixtures. The application of the induced collision energy in the mixtures allowed estimating which anion interacts more effectively with the cation. Also for this experiments, the dicationic ionic liquids with the anions [Cl]-, [Br]- and [NO3]- presented higher cation-anion interaction energy. The increasing order of interaction energy was [BF4]- <[SCN]- <[NO3]- <[Br]- <[Cl]-. The Ecm values for ionic liquids with different anions did not indicate trends in the interaction energy in relation to structural factors such as ionic radius and molecular volume. Thus, for the anions, it was found that the interaction increases in the following order: [SCN]- <[Cl]- <[NO3]- <[Br]- <[BF4]-. On the other hand, increasing the size of the spacer alkyl chain caused an increase in cation-anion interaction energy. As the concentration of the ionic liquid increased, an increase in the precursor ion intensity was observed. / A espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray (ESI-MS) com energia de colisão induzida foi utilizada para realizar um estudo compreensivo sobre as energias de interação entre cátions e ânions de líquidos iônicos dicatiônicos. Foi avaliada a influência do ânion ([Br]-, [NO3]-, [BF4]-, [SCN]- e [Cl]-) e o tamanho da cadeia alquílica espaçadora (n=4,6,8 e 10) na energia de interação dos líquidos iônicos dicatiônicos, derivados do 1,n-bis(3-metilimidazolil-1-íneo)alcano em fase gasosa. Três experimentos foram realizados para a determinação da energia de interação cátion-ânion: (i) ESI-MS de misturas binárias (1:1) de líquidos iônicos com diferentes ânions ou cátions; (ii) ESI-MS de cada líquido iônico individualmente com variação da energia de colisão aplicada e determinação da energia de centro de massa (Ecm) usando a relação entre intensidade do íon precursor e somatório dos íons. (iii) Por fim, foi obtida a taxa de variação da intensidade do íon precursor em função energia de colisão de todos os líquidos iônicos. A partir desta correlação, foi obtida a constante de dissociação cátion-ânion dos líquidos iônicos dicatiônicos. Os resultados mostraram o aparecimento de espécies mistas (exemplo: [Bis-C8(MIM)22XY]- e [C8(MIM)XY]-) nos experimentos das misturas. A aplicação da energia de colisão induzida nas misturas também permitiu estimar qual ânion interage mais efetivamente com o cátion. Ainda para este experimentos, os líquidos iônicos dicatiônicos com os ânions [Cl]-, [Br]- e [NO3]- apresentaram maior energia de interação cátion-ânion. A escala em ordem crescente de energia de interação foi [BF4]-< [SCN]- < [NO3]- < [Br]- < [Cl]-. Os valores de Ecm para os líquidos iônicos com diferentes ânions não indicou tendências na energia de interação em relação fatores estruturais tais como raio iônico e volume molecular. Dessa forma, para os ânions, foi encontrado que a interação aumenta na seguinte ordem: [SCN]-<[Cl]-<[NO3]-<[Br]-<[BF4]-. Por outro lado, o aumento do tamanho da cadeia alquílica espaçadora causou um aumento na energia de interação cátion-ânion. Com o aumento da concentração do líquido iônico, foi observado um aumento na intensidade do íon precursor.

Kommunikationens betydelse vid haverier till sjöss : En analys baserad på haverirapporter / The importance of communication in the case of accidents at sea : An analysis based on marine reports

Roos, Andreas, Stålmarck, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Antalet haverier som är orsakade av den mänskliga faktorn minskar inte. En del av den mänskliga faktorn ligger i kommunikation mellan olika parter inom sjöfarten, både sjö- och landbaserade. Denna studie är en litteraturstudie vars syfte är att undersöka hur den verbala kommunikationen har praktiserats och vilken betydelse den haft vid kollisioner och grundstötningar. Studien är baserad på haverirapporter från Statens Haveri-kommission som har analyserats med hjälp av ett verktyg specifikt framtaget för denna studie. Resultatet visar på en kommunikationsbrist i en betydande majoritet av de analyserade haverierna. Ofta brister det i kommunikationen mellan VTS och fartyg samt mellan lots och befälhavare. Vanligt förekommande är även språkförbistring där inte alla parter förstått det språket som använts vid kommunikationen.  Med hjälp av ett mer utbrett utövande av redan kända kommunikationstekniker skulle antalet olyckor och tillbud kunna minskas. / The number of marine accidents caused by the human error does not decrease. A part of the human error is in the communication between different agents within the maritime cluster, at sea and also in the landbased sector. This study is a literature study whose purpose is to investigate how the verbal communication has been practiced and what significance it has had in collisions and groundings. The study is based on reports from the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority with a tool specifically developed for this particular study. The result shows a communication gap in a decisive majority of the analyzed accidents. There is often a lack of communication between VTS and vessels as well as between pilots and commanders. Common prevalence is also language problem where not all parties understand the language used in the communication. With the help of a more widespread practice of already known communication technologies, the number of accidents could be reduced.

Problemas inversos em processos difusivos com retenção / Inverse problems in diffusive process with retention

Luciano Gonçalves da Silva 21 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Um Estudo para a solução numérica do modelo de difusão com retenção, proposta por Bevilacqua et al. (2011), é apresentado, bem como uma formulação implícita para o problema inverso para a estimativa dos parâmetros envolvidos na formulação matemática do modelo. Através de um estudo minucioso da análise de sensibilidade e do cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, são identificadas as chances de se obter sucesso na solução do problema inverso através do método determinístico de Levenberg-Marquardt e dos métodos estocásticos Algoritmo de Colisão de Partículas (Particle Collision Algorithm - PCA) e Evolução Diferencial (Differential Evolution - DE). São apresentados os resultados obtidos através destes três métodos de otimização para três casos de conjunto de parâmetros. Foi observada uma forte correlação entre dois destes três parâmetros, o que dificultou a estimativa simultânea dos mesmos. Porém, foi obtido sucesso nas estimativas individuais de cada parâmetro. Foram obtidos bons resultados para os fatores que multiplicam os termos diferenciais da equação que modela o fenômeno de difusão com retenção. / A Study for the numerical solution of the diffusion model with retention, proposed by Bevilacqua et al.(2011), using the finite difference method is presented, as well as an implicit formulation for the inverse problem to estimate the parameters involved in the formulation of the mathematical model. Through of a thorougth study of sensitivity analysis and calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient, are identified the chances of success in solving the inverse problem using the deterministic method of Levenberg-Marquardt and stochastic methods Particle Collision Algorithm - PCA and Differential Evolution - DE. Presents the results obtained from these three methods of optimization for three cases of parameter set. We observed a strong correlation between two of these three parameters, making it difficult to estimate simultaneously the same. However, success was obtained in the individual estimates for each parameter. Good results were obtained for the factors that increase the terms of the differential equation that models the phenomenon of diffusion with retention.

Colisão de direitos fundamentais, argumentação e ponderação

Gavião Filho, Anizio Pires January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo central desta investigação é demonstrar que a ponderação é racional. A proposição normativa particular concreta resultante de um caso de colisão de direitos fundamentais resolvido pela ponderação pode ser justificada racionalmente. O que se pretende sustentar é que o problema não está na ponderação, mas como ela é realizada para solucionar os casos de colisão de direitos fundamentais. A ponderação somente pode pretender racionalidade quando sustentada por razões dadas conforme regras. A proposição decisiva desta investigação é a de que a ponderação, como atividade argumentativa, deve observar as regras da argumentação racional. Essas regras são as regras da argumentação prática geral e da argumentação jurídica, formuladas pela teoria do discurso prático geral e do discurso jurídico. Elas configuram a base das regras próprias da ponderação racional. / The goal of this research is to show that balancing is rational. The particular concrete normative statement resulting from a collision of constitutional rights resolved by balancing can be justified rationally. The aim is to sustain that the problem is not balancing itself, but how it is used to solve the cases of collision of constitutional rights.The balancing can be rational only if supported by reasons given under rules. A crucial proposition of this research is that the balancing, as argumentative activity, must observe the rules of rational legal reasoning. These rules are the rules of the general practice argumentation and the rules of the legal reasoning, raised by the theory of general practical discourse and legal discourse. They make the basis of its own rules of rational balancing.

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