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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude volcano-structurale du volcan Nemrut (Anatolie de l'Est, Turquie) et risques naturels associés

Ulusoy, Inan 18 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le volcan actif Mont Nemrut, situé à l'ouest du lac Van, est l'un des volcans les plus importants d'Anatolie orientale. Il possède une caldeira sommitale de 8.5 x 7 km de diamètres. L'activité volcanique du Nemrut a commencé il y a ~ 1Ma et s'est poursuivie jusque dans les périodes historiques. Les éruptions les plus récentes ont été signalées en 1441, 1597 et 1692 A.D. Parmi les volcans anatoliens orientaux, le Nemrut est le volcan le plus dangereux, compte tenu de sa proximité avec des sites urbanisés environnants ; il menace directement 135 000 habitants. Les manifestations actuelles de l'activité volcanique sont représentées par une activité hydrothermale et fumerollienne au sein de la caldeira. L'évolution structurale du volcan se subdivise en deux stades principaux ( pré-caldeira et post-caldeira) séparés par l'effondrement catastrophique de la caldeira. Les produits de l'activité anté-caldeira sont majoritairement représentés par des écoulements et des dômes de lave felsiques. Les séries ignimbritiques du Nemrut et de Kantasi, manifestations majeures de l'activité de la caldeira, sont constituées d'unités pliniennes et d'écoulements ignimbritiques. L'activité post-caldeira est représentée par une activité phréatomagmatique explosive et une activité effusive basaltique-rhyolitique bimodale, concentrées au sein de la caldeira et au niveau de la zone de rift récent du Nemrut, sur le flanc nord. L'analyse des données multisources (études de polarisation spontanée, modèles numériques de terrain et bathymétrie ainsi que de leurs produits dérivés, images Landsat et ASTER) a permis de caractériser la structure de la caldeira du Nemrut et les circulations hydrothermales associées. La synthèse de ces approches pluri-thématiques et des interprétations correspondantes permet de proposer que la caldeira est constituée de 3 blocs principaux, conséquence des processus de fragmentation générés lors des phases d'effondrement. Les frontières délimitant ces blocs et la frontière structurale principale de la caldeira contrôlent les principales activités hydrothermales intra-caldeira. Le régime tectonique régional de compression-extension existant au Pliocène est structuralement enraciné et est responsable du déclenchement du volcanisme du Mont Nemrut. Le jeu de systèmes décrochants surimposés aux structures pré-existantes a provoqué l'apparition d'une zone de faiblesse localisée au sein de laquelle le système volcanique du Nemrut s'est préférentiellement mis en place. La surveillance de l'activité du volcan a été initiée par l'installation d'un ensemble de 3 sismomètres, ce qui constitue le 1er réseau de surveillance sismo-volcanique sur un volcan en Turquie. Les données temps réel sont acquises, traitées et archivées depuis octobre 2003. L'interprétation des signaux volcaniques acquis dans le cadre de cette surveillance sismologique, couplée aux résultats de l'étude du système hydrothermal, confortent clairement l'existence d'une chambre magmatique active localisée aux environs de 4-5 km de profondeur. La surveillance à long terme de ce volcan potentiellement actif est essentielle pour la prévention des risques associés et fournira de plus une base de données essentielle pour une meilleure connaissance et compréhension du mode de fonctionnement de ce volcan.

Ant colony optimization based simulation of 3d automatic hose/pipe routing

Thantulage, Gishantha I. F. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on applying one of the rapidly growing non-deterministic optimization algorithms, the ant colony algorithm, for simulating automatic hose/pipe routing with several conflicting objectives. Within the thesis, methods have been developed and applied to single objective hose routing, multi-objective hose routing and multi-hose routing. The use of simulation and optimization in engineering design has been widely applied in all fields of engineering as the computational capabilities of computers has increased and improved. As a result of this, the application of non-deterministic optimization techniques such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing algorithms, ant colony algorithms, etc. has increased dramatically resulting in vast improvements in the design process. Initially, two versions of ant colony algorithms have been developed based on, respectively, a random network and a grid network for a single objective (minimizing the length of the hoses) and avoiding obstacles in the CAD model. While applying ant colony algorithms for the simulation of hose routing, two modifications have been proposed for reducing the size of the search space and avoiding the stagnation problem. Hose routing problems often consist of several conflicting or trade-off objectives. In classical approaches, in many cases, multiple objectives are aggregated into one single objective function and optimization is then treated as a single-objective optimization problem. In this thesis two versions of ant colony algorithms are presented for multihose routing with two conflicting objectives: minimizing the total length of the hoses and maximizing the total shared length (bundle length). In this case the two objectives are aggregated into a single objective. The current state-of-the-art approach for handling multi-objective design problems is to employ the concept of Pareto optimality. Within this thesis a new Pareto-based general purpose ant colony algorithm (PSACO) is proposed and applied to a multi-objective hose routing problem that consists of the following objectives: total length of the hoses between the start and the end locations, number of bends, and angles of bends. The proposed method is capable of handling any number of objectives and uses a single pheromone matrix for all the objectives. The domination concept is used for updating the pheromone matrix. Among the currently available multi-objective ant colony optimization (MOACO) algorithms, P-ACO generates very good solutions in the central part of the Pareto front and hence the proposed algorithm is compared with P-ACO. A new term is added to the random proportional rule of both of the algorithms (PSACO and P-ACO) to attract ants towards edges that make angles close to the pre-specified angles of bends. A refinement algorithm is also suggested for searching an acceptable solution after the completion of searching the entire search space. For all of the simulations, the STL format (tessellated format) for the obstacles is used in the algorithm instead of the original shapes of the obstacles. This STL format is passed to the C++ library RAPID for collision detection. As a result of using this format, the algorithms can handle freeform obstacles and the algorithms are not restricted to a particular software package.

Active tectonics of the Doruneh Fault : seismogenic behavior and geodynamic role / Tectonique active de la faille de Doruneh : comportement sismogénique et rôle géodynamique

Farbod, Yassaman 12 June 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la tectonique active du système de faille de Doruneh (DFS) situé au NE de l'Iran. Une approche combinée de géologie structurale, morpho-tectonique, géomorphologie quantitative et datation par des nucléides cosmogéniques 36Cl et 10Be nous a permis de décrire la cinématique ainsi que le rôle géodynamique du DFS dans le contexte de la collision Arabie-Eurasie.Le DFS comprend trois zones avec des caractéristiques structurales, géomorphologiques et cinématiques distinctes, (a) inverse-senestre pour la WFZ (Ouest) (b) purement senestre pour la CFZ (Centre) et (c) inverse pour l'EFZ (Est). Les âges d'abandon de trois générations de cônes alluviaux quaternaires ont été déterminés à ~12, ~36 et ~100 ka. Ces âges, combinés avec les décalages mesurés, indiquent une vitesse maximum de déplacement horizontal senestre de ~5,3 mm/an pour l'Holocène. Notre analyse d'aléa sismique indique que la longueur maximale d'un segment sismogène varie de 70 à 100 km, ce qui pourrait produire des séismes caractéristiques de magnitude 7.2 à 7.4 avec des intervalles de récurrence de ~750 ans.Nous proposons un nouveau modèle géodynamique dans lequel l'EFZ est impliquée dans une zone de cisaillement dextre d'orientation NNW entre Iran central et Eurasie. Le mouvement vers le nord de l'Iran central est accommodé dans cette zone de relais en transpression par du raccourcissement sur des failles inverses d'orientation NW, et transféré vers le Nord par des faille dextres d'orientation NNW. / This study focuses on the active tectonics of the Doruneh Fault System (DFS) in the north-eastern part of central Iran. A combined approach of geological and morphotectonic mapping, fault kinematic analysis, as well as in situ-produced cosmogenic dating (36Cl and 10Be) allowed us to characterize the active kinematics and geodynamic role of the DFS in the context of the Arabia-Eurasia collision.The DFS comprises Western, Central and Eastern fault zones (WFZ, CFZ, EFZ) with distinct structural, geomorphic and kinematic characteristics. The WFZ is oblique reverse-left-lateral, the CFZ is pure left-lateral and the EFZ is reverse. Exposure ages of ~12, ~36 and ~100 ka have been determined for three generations of alluvial fan abandonment surfaces along the DFS. Combining geomorphic offsets and their related ages yields a maximum left-lateral slip rate of ~5.3 mm/yr for the CFZ during Holocene. The maximum length of independent seismogenic fault segments varies from ~70 to ~100 km that could produce a characteristic earthquake with a magnitude of Mw =7.2 to 7.4 and recurrence interval of ~750 years.We propose a geodynamic model in which the EFZ is involved in a NNW-trending dextral shear zone between Central Iran and Eurasia. This implies that the EFZ forms a complex right-lateral transpressional relay zone between the eastern and northeastern Arabia-Eurasia convergence boundaries. The northward motion of Central Iran relative to Eurasia is accommodated by shortening on NW-trending reverse faults, and is transferred northward via NNW-trending dextral faults.


Bertilsson, Erik, Latifi, Egzon January 2019 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet går ut på att jämföra EKS 11 och SS-EN 1991-1-7 olika beräkningsmodeller för olyckslaster. Ifall en byggnad endast har ett trapphus som enda nödutgång krävs det att den dimensioneras för olyckslaster. Dessa olyckslaster delas upp i två olika grupper, kända- och okända olyckslaster. Kända olyckslaster är exempelvis påkörning när byggnaden ligger nära en väg och explosion ifall det finns exempelvis gasledningar i byggnaden. Okända olyckslaster är de laster där man inte kan dimensionera för ett exakt värde. Istället dimensionerar man för att minska konsekvenserna av lasten där främsta alternativet är att använda de krav som ställs på väsentliga bärverksdelar och applicera dem på de bärande konstruktionsdelarna. Alternativt när byggnaden inte har gasledningar så kan man beräkna för okända laster genom att dimensionera via värdet som uppkommer från en gasexplosion, 34 kN/m2. Dimensioneringen anpassas efter ett verkligt projekt konstruerat av Structor. Tidigare problem har uppstått vid tolkning av eurokodens beräkningsgång och därför har eks 11 kommit med förtydliganden och med mer triviala lösningar kring olyckslaster. Beräkningsgången för de olika olyckslasterna ser olika ut beroende på om man följer eks 11:s metod eller eurokodens metod. Målet med arbetet är att förtydliga skillnaderna mellan de olika beräkningsgångarna och se vad som ligger till grund för dom. För att kunna skapa en bredare förståelse kring olyckslaster har eurokoden, EKS 11, litteratur och Structor varit till stor hjälp. Examensarbetet är avgränsat till olyckslaster när det bara finns ett trapphus som enda utrymningsväg där det sker en jämförelse mellan EKS 11 och SS-EN 19911-7. Resultatet visar att de två olika beräkningsgångarna ger två olika svar vid beräkning av både kända- och okända laster. Ekvationerna för att räkna fram olyckslaster i de olika standarderna tar hänsyn till olika saker vilket leder till olika resultat. Slutsatsen som går att dra är att det alltid finns olika förutsättningar för varje projekt. Därför bör det göras en riskanalys i projekteringsskedet för att avgöra vilken standard som ska användas för det aktuella projektet. / This dissertation is based on a comparison between the two different procedures on accidental actions in the Swedish norm EKS 11 and SS-EN 1991-1-7. If a construction only has a stairwell as the only emergency exit it requires that accidental actions determines. These accidental actions are categorized mainly to known and unknown accidental actions. Known accidental actions are for example collision by a vehicle or a gas leak from a gas pipe in the building. Unknown accidental actions are those loads that cannot be completely determined. Instead an analyze how to decrease the damage by accidental actions are used. The main approach is to value members as key elements, in effect making them strong enough to withstand a prescribed hazard loading. An alternative if the construction does not have any gas pipes is to use the pressure of 34 kN/m2 to represent the static equivalent from a notional gas explosion. The values in the work are based from a project constructed by the Swedish company Structor. Previously difficulties have occurred while comprehending the Eurocode’s calculation procedures therefore the new Swedish norm EKS have clarified a lot about accidental actions. The calculation procedures results in two different answers between the Eurocode and the Swedish norm EKS. The aim with this dissertation is too clarify the differences between them and perceive the reasons behind it. To be able to have a wider understanding of the subject accidental actions a screening has occurred of the Eurocode, the Swedish norm EKS and literature. The Swedish company Structor has also shared a lot of knowledge on the subject. The dissertation has been limited to accidental actions on stairwells as the only emergency exit and a comparison between the Swedish norm EKS 11 and SS-EN1-7. The outcome of the two different calculations shows two different results of the known and unknown accidental actions. The equations for calculating accidental action in the different standards considerate different things which leads to different results. The conclusion is that there always are different conditions in every project. Therefor a risk assessment should be done before the construction begins to determine which standard is the most suitable for the project.


DIOGO SOARES ABDULMASSIH 29 June 2004 (has links)
[pt] Apresentam-se nesta dissertação os principais modelos para análise e simulação de colisões e reconstituição de acidentes, desenvolvidos especialmente para reproduzir a dinâmica de uma colisão de forma adequada. Esse tipo de tratamento está se tornando uma indispensável ferramenta de auxílio nas perícias judiciais e para uma melhor interpretação de problemas de colisão em geral. Os programas desenvolvidos em MATLAB são baseados na implementação das equações relacionadas à interação entre os veículos, supostos rígidos, que ocorre durante uma colisão e são aplicáveis aos casos de colisões centrais e oblíquas, gerando resultados válidos e compatíveis aqueles obtidos através da teoria de conservação da quantidade de movimento, e com as medições realizadas após os acidentes. / [en] It is shown in this dissertation the main models for collisions analysis and simulation and accidents reconstruction, developed specially to reproduce the collision dynamics by an appropriated approach. This approach are becoming an indispensable tool of help for a better interpretation of collision and forensic problems. The MATLAB programs developed are based on implementation of equations related to rigid vehicles interaction in a collision, and are applicable for the central and oblique collisions, supplying valid and compatible results to those obtained by momentum conservation theory, and accidents experimental data.

Collisions of low-energy antiprotons and protons with atoms and molecules

Lühr, Armin 05 March 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird eine, zeitabhängige, nicht störungstheoretische numerische Methode entwickelt, welche Ionisation und Anregung von Atomen oder Molekülen in Stößen mit entweder PB oder P beschreibt und auf der impact-parameter Methode basiert. Es wird eine spektrale close-coupling Methode verwendet, um die zeitabhängige Schrödinger-Gleichung zu lösen, in welcher die Wellenfunktion in (effektive) Ein- oder Zwei-Elektronen-Eigenzustände des Targets entwickelt wird. Dies beinhaltet auch eine erstmalige volle Zwei-Elektronen-Beschreibung von H2 in PB-Stößen. Rechnungen werden für PB-Stöße mit H, H2+ und H2 sowie He und den Alkaliatomen Li, Na, K und Rb durchgeführt. Daten für P-Stöße werden für H2 und die Alkaliatomen Li, Na und K erzielt. Die Methode wird durch einen detaillierten Vergleich der erhaltenen Ergebnisse für P-Stöße und für PB + He mit Literaturdaten verifiziert. Andererseits ergänzen die totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte für Ionisation und Anregung der Targets in PB-Stößen die spärliche Literatur. Sowohl die Resultate für verschiedene Targets als auch für PB- und P-Stöße werden miteinander verglichen. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Untersuchung von PB + H2, welche die Abhängigkeit der Wirkungsquerschnitte vom Kernabstand und von der relativen Ausrichtung der molekularen Achse beinhaltet. Weiterhin werden Ergebnisse mit Ein-Elektronen-Modellpotentialen erzielt und mit der vollen Zwei-Elektronen-Beschreibung von H2 verglichen. Außerdem werden Energieverluste in PB-Stößen bestimmt. / In this work a nonperturbative, time-dependent numerical approach is developed which describes ionization and excitation of atoms or molecules by either PB or P impact based on the impact-parameter method. A spectral close-coupling method is employed for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in which the scattering wave function is expanded in (effective) one- or two-electron eigenstates of the target. This includes for the first time a full two-electron, two-center description of the H2 molecule in PB collisions. The radial part of the one-electron eigenstates is expanded in B splines while the two-electron basis is obtained with a configuration-interaction approach. Calculations are performed for PB collisions with H, H2+, and H2 as well as with He and alkali-metal atoms Li, Na, K, and Rb. Additionally, data are obtained for P collisions with H2, Li, Na, and K. The developed method is tested and validated by detailed comparison of the present findings for P impacts and for PB + He collisions with literature data. On the other hand, total and differential cross sections for ionization and excitation of the targets by PB impact complement the sparse literature data of this kind. Results gained from different targets as well as from PB and P impact are compared with each other and assessed. Furthermore, results obtained with one-electron model potentials are compared to the full two-electron description of H2. Finally, stopping powers for PB impacts are determined.

Rozvodový proces a jeho vliv na socioemocionální vývoj dětí / Divorce process and its influence on the socioemotional development of children.

TOLAROVÁ, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the divorce process, whose problem course has a negative influence on the development of children. The aim of the thesis is to clarify whether the divorce process influences the socioemotional development of children, to describe the issue of divorce in contemporary society, and persue source of undesirable phenomena that bring long-term conflicts between parents. Complicated cases of children who find themselves in the middle of relationship between parents are still increasing.


[pt] É apresentado um procedimento para simulação de colisões de veículos terrestres deformáveis, cuja entrada são as condições imediatamente anteriores ao choque, produzindo como saída a evolução das variáveis ao longo do tempo de duração do impacto. Foram feitas simulações de casos semelhantes aos apresentados na literatura, e os resultados obtidos validaram os modelos criados. O procedimento foi implementado em Simulink/MatLab, seguindo a mesma estrutura dos demais programas em desenvolvimento nesta linha de pesquisa, de modo a futuramente integrá-lo aos pré- processadores e pós-processadores gráficos do programa SVDV - Simulação e Visualização da Dinâmica de Veículos. / [en] A procedure for the simulation of flexible ground vehicles collisions is presented, which uses the conditions at the instant just before the impact as input variables and the evolution of the dynamic variables during the collision as output. Various simulations are presented and compared to similar cases found in the literature, what validates the proposed models. The algorithm was implemented using Simulink/Matlab software and used the same structure of the other programs under development in this area, in order to integrate it to graphic pre-processors and post-processors available in SVDV program - Simulation and Visualization of Vehicle Dynamics.

O direito fundamental à não-autoincriminação e a influência do silêncio do acusado no convencimento do juiz penal

Trois Neto, Paulo Mário Canabarro January 2009 (has links)
O direito fundamental à não-autoincriminação encontra seu fundamento jurídicoconstitucional na conexão dos princípios constitucionais da dignidade humana, do procedimento correto, da ampla defesa e da presunção de inocência. Todas as condutas passivas cuja adoção diga respeito a uma opção tomada pelo acusado na condição de sujeito processual – dentre as quais o exercício passivo da autodefesa no interrogatório judicial – estão prima facie protegidas pelo direito de não se autoincriminar. O problema da influência do silêncio do acusado no interrogatório judicial apresenta uma colisão do direito à nãoautoincriminação com o bem coletivo da eficiência da justiça penal e exige, consequentemente, soluções de acordo com os critérios da teoria dos princípios e da argumentação jusfundamental. A busca da concordância prática dos princípios colidentes exige a consideração de que, embora o comportamento processual do acusado não esteja sujeito a valorações, a omissão do acusado em responder ao interrogatório pode privar a defesa de uma oportunidade para contribuir à refutação ou ao enfraquecimento do grau de confirmação da hipótese acusatória. / The fundamental right against self-incrimination has its legal-constitutional basis in the connection of the constitutional principles of human dignity, fair trial, ample defense against criminal charges and presumption of innocence. All the passive conducts of which adoption refers to a choice of the accused in the condition of subject of the process – such as the passive exercise of self-defense at the examination – are prima facie protected by the right against self incrimination. The issue of the charged’s silence influence in the judicial examination presents a collision of the right against self incrimination with the collective good of the criminal justice efficiency and demands, therefore, solutions according to the criteria of principles theory and fundamental-legal arguing. The search for practical compliance of the colliding principles requires considering that although the processual behavior of the charged is not submitted to judgments of value, the omission of the accused in answering the examination may deprive defense the opportunity to contribute in denying or minimizing the confirmation degree of the accusatory hypothesis.

Propriedade industrial e defesa da concorrência: experiências estrangeira e brasileira e análise principiológica

Falcone, Bruno 26 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Falcone.pdf: 2322508 bytes, checksum: aa7fd42a85ac89e83485953407c2ac71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-26 / In the era of knowledge, by triggering a real technology race by the various economic agents, the industrial property, more than an exclusive right, consists in a powerful instrument of competition. Unfortunately, such a facet of industrial property has never been exploited and disseminated either by the local legal community or national companies. The first one preferred to adopt a position characterized by a strong social appeal (not always technically grounded) and the second ones did not do so because they simply lacked a culture of protection of their intangible assets. A simplistic and perfunctory judgment of the matter may suggest that industrial property and competition law are two areas of Law completely antagonistic and irreconcilable with each other. Such a construction could jeopardize the legal safety that economic agents need to invest in scientific development and technology research. This study therefore aims at examining, in a scientific fashion, the relationship between industrial property law and competition law. First and foremost, an assessment of both foreign and Brazilian experiences will be conducted as a preparatory field for a principiologic analysis of both areas of Law. Once the relevant principles are identified in both foreign and Brazilian experiences according to the deductive method, it will be investigated which principles are either coincident or harmonic and the theoretical formulation of Robert Alexy will be applied to cases of conflict, in order to demonstrate that the relationship between both legal areas is actually harmonic and complementary / entre os vários agentes econômicos, a propriedade industrial, antes de um direito de exclusiva, consiste num poderoso instrumento de concorrência. Esta faceta da propriedade industrial infelizmente não foi, até o momento, explorada e difundida tanto entre a comunidade jurídica local quanto pelo empresariado brasileiro. A primeira preferiu um discurso pautado em forte apelo social (e nem sempre tecnicamente fundamentado); e o segundo não o fez simplesmente porque lhe faltava a cultura da proteção de seu capital imaterial. Uma análise simplista e perfunctória da questão poderia levar ao entendimento de que a propriedade industrial e o direito da concorrência seriam duas áreas da ciência jurídica completamente antagônicas e inconciliáveis, interpretação esta que poderia colocar em risco a segurança jurídica de que os agentes econômicos necessitam para investir em desenvolvimento científico e pesquisa tecnológica. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste, pois, em discorrer, de forma científica, sobre as relações entre direito de propriedade industrial e defesa da concorrência. Proceder-se-á, por primeiro, a um estudo da experiência estrangeira e brasileira como campo preparatório para a análise principiológica. Uma vez identificados os princípios atinentes aos dois campos do direito, extraídos da experiência estrangeira e brasileira segundo método dedutivo, investigar-se-ão quais são coincidentes ou harmônicos e aplicar-se-á a formulação teórica de Robert Alexy aos casos de colisão, a fim de demonstrar que a relação existente entre ambos é, em verdade, de harmonia e complementaridade

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