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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulátor provozu stanic s kmitočtovým skákáním a vyhýbáním se kolizí / Simulator of stations with frequency hopping and collision avoidance

Akkizová, Dinara January 2011 (has links)
The master's thesis aims to introduce and study the issue of frequency hopping with collsion avoidance (FH/CA). On this basis, design a computer program for simulating the operation of a radio systém FHCA, who works in the band used by other systems FH/CA . This simulation programm using MATLAB software to implement verify the correctness of programs. Use simulator to obtain date about the intensity of interference systems FH/CA for the chosen scenario. This work consists of five parts: the first part consists of describing the queuing system, the second part of the description of the radio frequency system with collision avoidence FH / CA, the third part of the description of the simulation model. The fourth part includes verification of the model in the fifth and last section inspects results are shown.

Zpracování vybrané terminologie při analýze silničních nehod / Processing of selected terminology at road accident analysis

Tokař, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the terminology used in forensic engineering practice at the analysis of road accidents. It means defining the concepts describing specific expert research in the area of car accident analysis such as the option of evasive action and the possibility of preventing collision. Further on, the thesis focuses on the terminology used in areas closely related to analysis of road accidents namely dealing with cases of criminal activities in the field of motor vehicle insurance from an expert point of view. In this area, terms such as extent of the damage, character of the damage, correspondence of the damage and the technical acceptability of accident, are solved. These terms constitute a formal process that can serve as a tool for experts when dealing with such cases. In addition, selected terms from the technical-legal area, which the experts often encounter, are processed here. At the same time, there is no uniform approach to their evaluation from a technical perspective. Here, there is a possibility of setting the limits of a sudden change of speed and a sudden change of direction.

Vizualizace a uživatelské rozhraní pro řídicí systém divadelního jeviště / Visualization and User Interface for Theatre Stage Control System

Kobza, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions of modelling and 3D visualization. Also, it involves an overview of technical equipment on a theatre stage and control systems of this machinery with accent on user interface and all the interaction with staff. Afterwards, the main topic is the investigation of 3D visualization utilization technology in the field of theatre stage control systems and then the proposal and implementation of the theatre stage 3D visualization application follows in order to increase a clearness and safety of operation with the theatre control system.

Autoškola - pravidla silničního provozu / Driving School - Rules of the Road

Porč, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on a traffic simulator design. The matter of simulation methods is described here as well as a project of a town model, road system and its usage in an implementation in a traffic simulator. The work further explains the principles and techniques for creation of the town model in an editor and it analyzes traffic rules that are necessary for the creation of the simulator of this type. The created simulator uses various engines for its functioning. It would not be possible to continue in further work without their proper adjustment. That is why the installation of the used engines is described in the thesis. Principles of 3D model and texture usage are also explained.

Detekce kolize objektů v 3D prostoru / Collision detection in 3D space

Grulich, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Práce se zabývá detekcí kolizí v 3D simulačním prostoru. V první části jsou popsány nejpoužívanější algoritmy pro detekci, stejně jako některé knihovny hotových řešení. Druhá část práce obsahuje popis testovacího softwaru vytvořeného na základě knihovny OpenGL, včetně popisu důležitých částí. V poslední části práce jsou také prezentovány výsledky testování a porovnání vybraných algoritmů na vytvořených testovacích úlohách.

Warning Design for Connected Cars: A Psychological Analysis of the Potential of Augmented Reality

Schwarz, Felix 11 May 2017 (has links)
Future connected vehicles will be able to warn about hidden dangers already before they are visible for the driver. With sight obstructions as one of the most common factors of accident causation, there is a huge potential to improve traffic safety. However, it is unclear how to design the human-machine-interface of such systems to effectively warn drivers about invisible dangers. Especially the expectation that such warnings will be comparably unreliable lead to conflicting demands on amount and coding of warning information. Earlier work shows that warnings that contain more specific information about a hazard can improve drivers understanding of and responses to warnings but they can also raise processing costs and delay reactions or even distract drivers. Psychological theories as well as related research indicates that augmented reality (AR) has the potential to improve warning effectiveness through optimized coding of additional information. AR warnings can inherently transmit the location of a hazard and – due to the corresponding approach of the referenced display towards the driver – could increases the salience of a warning. The general aim of this work is to understand the human factors of future communication-based collision warnings. Based on a theoretical analysis revealing the most relevant questions within that context, we conducted three driving simulator studies to understand the impact of AR warning design on the effectiveness of unreliable warnings about sight obstructed dangers. To consider not only short-term effectiveness, all studies contained several necessary as well as unnecessary warnings that were analyzed in detail. The first study with 88 participants investigated the benefit of prototypical AR warnings over unspecific warnings of different modalities (visual vs. auditory). Visual AR warnings showed advantages over the other warning designs in gaze and brake reaction times, passing speeds, collision rates and subjective evaluation. Auditory AR warnings did not reveal comparable effects. The second test with 80 participants examined the contribution of different design aspects of visual AR warnings. Adding specific warning symbols or scaling animations to the warnings showed some positive but rather inconsistent effects. In contrast, spatial referencing even of an unspecific warning symbol with AR consistently improved driver’s reactions and evaluations. A third experiment with 36 participants observed the differential effects of the spatial information per se and the coding of the information with AR. The warnings had either no spatial information, symbolically encrypted spatial information or AR encrypted spatial information. A higher amount of information consistently led to stronger brake reactions, higher trust and better subjective evaluation. Additionally, with AR encryption we observed faster fixations as well as brake reactions. The present research emphasizes the importance of specificity for warnings about hidden hazards and the potential of AR especially for in-vehicle warnings of future collision avoidance systems. The systematic analysis of psychological factors of warning design and the corresponding findings on their relative contribution to driver’s behavior might also be transferred to other domains and applications of warning and information design. / In naher Zukunft werden vernetzte Fahrzeuge bereits vor sichtverdeckten Gefahren warnen können, noch bevor diese für den Fahrer sichtbar sind. Da Sichtverdeckungen bei einem Großteil schwerer Verkehrsunfälle eine Rolle spielen, stellt dies ein großes Potenzial zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit dar. Unklar ist jedoch, wie die Mensch-Maschine- Schnittstelle solcher Systeme gestaltet werden sollte, um Autofahrer möglichst effektiv vor noch nicht sichtbaren Gefahren zu warnen. Insbesondere die Vorhersage, dass solche Systeme nur eine begrenzte Zuverlässigkeit haben werden, führt zu teilweise widersprüchlichen Anforderungen an Informationsmenge und Kodierung der Warnungen. Frühere Arbeiten haben gezeigt, dass Warnungen mit spezifischen Informationen über eine Gefahr einerseits Verständnis und Reaktionen der Fahrer auf die Warnungen verbessern, andererseits aber auch kognitiven Verarbeitungsaufwand und Reaktionszeiten erhöhen und ablenken können. Sowohl kognitionspsychologische Theorien als auch Studien aus unserem Forschungsgebiet deuten darauf hin, dass die Darstellungsprinzipien der erweiterten Realität (AR, für engl. augmented reality) das Potenzial bieten, die Effizienz solcher Warnungen durch eine optimierte Kodierung von Zusatzinformationen zu steigern. AR-Warnungen können inhärent die Position einer Gefahr übermitteln, ohne dass der Fahrer dazu eine abstrakte Repräsentation der Information auf die reale Umwelt übertragen muss. Das grundlegende Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, die psychologischen Faktoren zukünftiger vernetzter Kollisionswarnungen zu verstehen. Ausgehend von der theoretischen Analyse relevanter psychologischer Theorien wurden wesentliche Implikationen und offene Fragestellungen abgeleitet. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen wurden drei Fahrsimulator- Studien durchgeführt, in denen der Einfluss von AR als Darstellungsprinzip auf die Effizienz begrenzt zuverlässiger Warnungen über sichtverdeckte Gefahren untersucht wurden. Um valide Aussagen über die längerfristige Wirksamkeit treffen zu können, wurden in den Versuchen sowohl notwendige als auch unnötige Warnungen betrachtet. Eine erste Studie mit 88 Teilnehmern untersuchte den Mehrwert prototypischer AR-Warnungen unterschiedlicher Modalität (visuell vs. auditiv) gegenüber unspezifischen Warnungen. Visuelle AR-Warnungen zeigten klare Vorteile bezüglich Blick- und Bremsreaktionen, Geschwindigkeiten, Kollisionszahlen und subjektiven Bewertungen. Auditive AR-Warnungen hingegen führten zu einzelnen positiven, jedoch auch einigen negativen Effekten. In der zweiten Studie mit 80 Teilnehmern wurden die Auswirkungen gestalterischer Teilaspekte visueller AR-Warnungen verglichen. Das Hinzufügen von spezifischen Warnsymbolen über Bewegungsrichtung und Typ der Gefahr oder einer Vergrößerungs-Animation mit gleicher zeitlicher Veränderung wie bei der AR-Warnung führte zu einzelnen positiven aber nicht konsistenten Effekten. Im Gegensatz dazu führten räumlich verortete AR-Warnungen erneut sowohl zu schnelleren und stärkeren Fahrerreaktionen als auch zu besseren subjektiven Bewertungen. In der dritten Studie mit 36 Teilnehmern wurden schließlich die individuellen Effekte der räumlichen Information an sich und der Codierung dieser Information mittels AR analysiert. Dazu wurden Warnungen ohne Information über die Position der Gefahr, mit symbolisch kodierter Information, sowie mit AR-kodierter Information verglichen. Der höhere Informationsgehalt führte zu durchgehend stärkeren Bremsungen, höherem Systemvertrauen und besseren subjektiven Bewertungen. Darüber hinaus ermöglichte die AR-Kodierung desselben Informationsgehalts der Warnungen sowohl schnellere Gefahrenentdeckung als auch kürzere Bremsreaktionszeiten. Insgesamt bestätigen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit einen deutlichen Mehrwert von spezifischen Informationen bei Warnungen vor sichtverdeckten Gefahren sowie das hohe Potenzial von AR als Darstellungsprinzip, insbesondere für Warnungen zukünftiger Kollisionsvermeidungssysteme. Die systematische Analyse der bei der Gestaltung von Warnungen relevanten psychologischen Faktoren sowie unsere empirischen Erkenntnisse zu deren relativen Einfluss auf das Nutzerverhalten können zudem auf Warnungen anderer Anwendungen und Domänen übertragen werden, und somit einen generellen Beitrag zur Vermeidung von Unfällen in Mensch-Maschine-Systemen liefern.

Warum Bewegungsdesign wichtig ist

Nolte, Rainer 02 July 2018 (has links)
In der mechanischen Konstruktion wissen die Maschinenentwickler seit Jahrzehnten, dass Maschinen schneller, ruhiger und verlässlicher laufen, wenn man sich mit der Gestaltung der Bewegungen Mühe gibt und im Hinblick auf die Dynamik optimiert. Seit etlichen Jahren ersetzen mehr und mehr Servoantriebe die mechanischen Kurven, und die Verantwortung für die Bewegungsgestaltung geht auf SPS-Programmierer bzw. E-Techniker über. An Hand von Beispielen wird aufgezeigt, warum es auch bei flexiblen Antriebskonzepten mit Servomotoren wichtig ist, sich mit Bewegungsdesign jenseits des beliebten Polynoms 5. Grades zu beschäftigen, und was man durch Bewegungsdesign für die Maschinen erreichen kann.

Developing Population-Specific Brain Atlases and Monitoring Repetitive Head Impacts for Early-to-Middle Adolescent Collision-Sport Athletes

Yukai Zou (6237179) 31 July 2020 (has links)
<div>Adolescent collision-sport athletes may be exposed to repetitive head impacts over years of practices and competitions without immediately observable symptoms. Despite the growing concerns, these athletes often continue play while at risk. Concrete objective measurements are desired to inform prompt and effective preventative strategies for this vulnerable population. However, adolescent brains are rapidly developing and the accrual of brain injury is often subtle. Prospective screening with sensitive biomarkers is challenging and requires advanced technologies, rigorous data processing, and the interdisciplinary expertise of engineering, neurobiology, and cognitive sciences.</div><div><br></div><div>To address the challenge, we first developed population-specific brain atlases to facilitate reproducible and meaningful statistical analyses. The atlases better characterized the neuroanatomy of early-to-middle adolescent (ages 13-19) collision-sport athletes, reduced deformation introduced during spatial normalization, and exhibited higher sensitivity in image analysis compared to standardized adult or age-appropriate brain templates. The atlases can be further applied to monitor the neuroanatomical trajectory and can serve as a coordinate reference system to retrospectively harmonize data collected from different sites and imaging acquisition parameters, facilitating group analysis at large scale.</div><div><br></div><div>Next, to assess whether the changes of white matter microstructure can be attributed to repetitive head impacts and are reflected by cognitive performance, we analysed the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data of high school men’s football and women's soccer across a single season, with accompanying data from head impact sensors and neurocognitive assessments. Within multiple brain regions, we observed significantly altered DTI metrics, both transiently over a season and chronically with more years of high school experience. For the football players, hits with peak translational acceleration over 37 <i>g</i> were sufficient to alter the distributions of DTI changes, and deficits in white matter microstructure correlated with poorer performance of anti-saccade task at one month post-season, suggesting increased vulnerability for inhibitory control. Monitoring repetitive head impacts thus provides a temporal profile for identifying at-risk individuals during the competitive season, informing prompt interventional strategies, therefore protecting the brain and cognitive health of early-to-middle adolescent collision-sport athletes in the long run.</div>

Lastkapacitet hos murar byggda med C3Cblocksystem® : Påkörningslaster och oavsiktlig stöt / Load Capacity of Walls Built with C3Cblocksystem® : Collision Loads and Unintentional Impact

Cederqvist, Wilma, Linhatte, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
Världen har de senaste åren upplevt flera terrorattentat där fordon har använts som vapen för att orsaka skador i folkmassor. Fotgängare kan vara i en utsatt miljö på gångstråk och skydd i form av betonghinder kan användas för att stoppa oönskad trafik på gågator. C3C Engineering AB tillverkar betongblock som antingen kan användas som enskilda element eller byggas ihop likt lego för att skapa murar och barriärer. Betongblocken kan således även användas som skyddsbarriärer vid pågående vägarbeten, för tillfälliga konstruktioner på exempelvis återvinningscentraler eller som stödmurar. C3C tillverkar i så stor utsträckning som möjligt betongblocken av restbetong som blivit över vid gjutning av andra typer av element. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka betongblocks lastkapacitet med avseende på påkörningslaster från personbilar, lastbilar och gaffeltruckar. Betongblocket var av typen C3Cblock® 1688 med dimensionerna 800 mm x 800 mm x 1600 mm och tillverkades i betongkvalité C20/25. Arbetet undersökte hur olika förstärkningar såsom ingjutna gängstänger samt kontreforer kunde öka blockens kapacitet. Även hur blockens underlag påverkar lastkapaciteten med avseende på glidning undersöktes. Påkörningslaster är dynamiska laster. I detta arbete behandlades samtliga dynamiska laster med hjälp av statiskt ekvivalenta laster. Lastkapaciteten hos blocken med avseende på stjälpning, glidning, dymlingsverkan, skjuvkapacitet i styrkonsoler och moment- och tvärkraftskapacitet jämfördes med rekommenderade värden för påkörningslaster från Eurokod 1 och EKS6. För exceptionella lastfall kan blocken tillåtas att gå sönder, glida eller stjälpa eftersom deras huvudsakliga syfte är att stoppa trafik och skydda människor på gator eller arbetsplatser utmed trafikerade vägar. Beräkningar utfördes med hjälp av MathCad och Excel för att ta fram ett beräkningsdokument samt en tabell med lastkapacitet för samtliga lastfall som undersökts. Resultat från beräkningar för stjälpning och glidning jämfördes med underlag som C3C tillhandahöll. Beräkningar gjordes för enskilda block samt för olika murar med olika utföranden där bland annat höjden på muren och vilken sida av blocken som lasten angrep var parametrar som varierade. Resultatet visade att lastens angreppshöjd hade stor inverkan på murens kapacitet. Lastbilar och gaffeltruckar har högre angreppshöjd än personbilar. För de höga angreppshöjderna kommer stjälpning av muren att bli dimensionerande, jämfört med låga angreppshöjder där glidning inträffar först. Blocken kan tillåtas att gå sönder och därmed är moment- och tvärkraftskapacitet av sekundär betydelse. Styrkonsolernas skjuvkapacitet var stor och kommer därför inte vara dimensionerande. På grund av avgränsningar studerades endast en typ av betongblock. Ingen hänsyn togs till andra laster såsom vind eller snö som även de kommer att påverka en murs kapacitet. Det krävs därför vidare studier för att undersöka hur dessa laster samt hur olika dimensioner påverkar lastkapaciteten hos enskilda block eller murar. Försök kan med fördel utföras för att validera de teoretiska lasterna som beräknats i detta arbete. / Due to an increasing number of acts of terror where vehicles are used as a form of weapon a need to protect pedestrians has arisen. In this study the load capacity of interlocking concrete blocks with a rectangular cross section was examined based on various deformations and collapses. The concrete blocks could be used as protection against collisions such as terrorist attacks with vehicles as well as a barrier between work zones and close by traffic. The purpose of the study was to determine the load capacity in the event of a collision with a car, truck or forklift for different types of walls as well as for single blocks. The concrete blocks in the walls have both been built as Lego as well as stacked parallel on top of each other. The work is based on calculations. The results have been checked against existing documents from C3C Engineering AB. Using MathCad and Excel a document for calculations has been designed. The result from the calculations shows that walls will slide when a load acts at a low height in relation to the ground. The wall will overturn when the load acts at a higher distance from the ground.

Robust and distributed model predictive control with application to cooperative marine vehicles

Wei, Henglai 29 April 2022 (has links)
Distributed coordination of multi-agent systems (MASs) has been widely studied in various emerging engineering applications, including connected vehicles, wireless networks, smart grids, and cyber-physical systems. In these contexts, agents make the decision locally, relying on the interaction with their immediate neighbors over the connected communication networks. The study of distributed coordination for the multi-agent system (MAS) with constraints is significant yet challenging, especially in terms of ubiquitous uncertainties, the heavy communication burden, and communication delays, to name a few. Hence, it is desirable to develop distributed algorithms for the constrained MAS with these practical issues. In this dissertation, we develop the theoretical results on robust distributed model predictive control (DMPC) algorithms for two types of control problems (i.e., formation stabilization problem and consensus problem) of the constrained and uncertain MAS and apply robust DMPC algorithms in applications of cooperative marine vehicles. More precisely, Chapter 1 provides a systematic literature review, where the state-of-the-art DMPC for formation stabilization and consensus, robust MPC, and MPC for motion control of marine vehicles are introduced. Chapter 2 introduces some notations, necessary definitions, and some preliminaries. In Chapter 3, we study the formation stabilization problem of the nonlinear constrained MAS with un- certainties and bounded time-varying communication delays. We develop a min-max DMPC algorithm with the self-triggered mechanism, which significantly reduces the communication burden while ensuring closed-loop stability and robustness. Chapter 4 investigates the consensus problem of the general linear MAS with input constraints and bounded time-varying delays. We design a robust DMPC-based consensus protocol that integrates a predesigned consensus protocol with online DMPC optimization techniques. Under mild technical assumptions, the estimation errors propagated over prediction due to delay-induced inaccurate neighboring information are proved bounded, based on which a robust DMPC strategy is deliberately designed to achieve robust consensus while satisfying control input constraints. Chapter 5 proposes a Lyapunov-based DMPC approach for the formation tracking control problem of co-operative autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) subject to environmental disturbances. A stability constraint leveraging the extended state observer-based auxiliary control law and the associated Lyapunov function is incorporated into the optimization problem to enforce the stability and enhance formation tracking performance. A collision-avoidance cost is designed and employed in the DMPC optimization problem to further guarantee the safety of AUVs. Chapter 6 presents a tube-based DMPC approach for the platoon control problem of a group of heterogeneous autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) with input constraints and disturbances. In particular, a coupled inter-vehicle safety constraint is added to the DMPC optimization problem; it ensures that neighboring ASVs maintain the safe distance and avoid inter-vehicle collision. Finally, we summarize the main results of this dissertation and discuss some potential directions for future research in Chapter 7. / Graduate / 2023-04-19

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