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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Investigation of Reactions of Atomic Metal Anions with Small Hydrocarbons and Alcohols in the Gas Phase

Halvachizadeh, Jaleh January 2014 (has links)
Hydrocarbons are an abundant resource of carbon and hydrogen. For example, fossil can be used to produce useful organic compounds. However hydrocarbons seem to be inert. Thus, the activation of the C-H bond is a popular research area. Metals play the main role in most catalysts that convert hydrocarbons to starting materials in industry. The study of metals is important because the properties of the metal core greatly influences the reactivity of a catalyst.1 The study of the chemistry of metals in the gas phase provides valuable information about the properties of metals. This information can be expanded to the chemistry of metals in the condensed phase. Furthermore, it is often both more accurate and more manageable to study the profile of a reaction in the gas phase than in the condensed phase.2,3 There are many studies about metal cations in the gas phase due to ease of their production. However metals have low electronegativity, limiting the study of gas phase metal anions. Recently, a simple and efficient method to generate atomic metal anions was developed at the University of Ottawa in Dr. Mayer's research laboratory.4-6 Atomic metal anions of Fe-, Co-, Cu-, Ag-, Cs- and K- were generated in an electrospray ionization (ESI) source of a mass spectrometer (MS). In this thesis study generated metal anions were reacted with small hydrocarbons of pentane, 1-pentene, 2-pentene and 1-pentyne to investigate the role of different metal anions in the activation of the C-H bond. Also metal anions were reacted with small alcohols of 1-butanol, 2-butanol and 2-methyl-2-propanol to compare the results. Metal anions showed a variety of reactions with these hydrocarbons and alcohols. Fe- was the only metal anion to show the electron transfer reaction, indicating that alcohols are more electronegative than Fe- and less electronegative than other metal anions. Fe-, Co- and Ag- showed the complex formation reaction. All metal anions showed the deprotonation reaction. A deprotonation reaction follows the harpoon mechanism, the long range proton abstraction7, and depends on the gas phase acidity of fragments. The most informative reaction observed was the dehydrogenation reaction because a metal-containing fragment is observed as a product in the spectrum of this reaction. The observation of a metal-containing fragment in the spectrum is significant because it emphasizes the important role that metal anions play in this reaction. This suggests that a dehydrogenation reaction involves metal insertion into a C-H bond. Among the transition metal anions, it was observed that Fe- and Cu- are more reactive than Co- and Ag- with regards to the dehydrogenation reaction, probably because Fe- and Cu- have a greater hydrogen affinity than Co- and Ag- that facilitates the hydrogen abstraction reaction. Another reason could be that Fe- and Cu- have a greater gas phase acidity that leads to a more stable intermediate in the course of the reaction. The results of this thesis study revealed that Cs- and K- could not abstract H from these substrates, probably due to the absence of occupied d orbitals that would facilitate insertion into a C-H bond. Some metal anions not only can insert into a C-H bond of alcohols but also can insert into a C-O bond of alcohols to form metal hydroxide anions. Alcohols are more reactive than hydrocarbons with regards to reactions with metal anions because they contain a functional group. This thesis study shows that some atomic metal anions are able to activate the C-H bond and abstract two hydrogens to form a double bond in hydrocarbons. It is probable that the electronic configuration, gas phase acidity and hydrogen affinity of the metal anions governs their reactivity.

From Copper to Gold: Identification and Characterization of Coinage-Metal Ate Complexes by ESI Mass Spectrometry and Gas-Phase Fragmentation Experiments

Weske, Sebastian 30 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium

Vieluf, Maik 03 June 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund. Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden. Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements, hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden. Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface. For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure could be routinely ensured. At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated. This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.

Scalable Reinforcement Learning for Formation Control with Collision Avoidance : Localized policy gradient algorithm with continuous state and action space / Skalbar Förstärkande Inlärning för Formationskontroll med Kollisionsundvikande : Lokaliserad policygradientalgoritm med kontinuerligt tillstånds och handlingsutrymme

Matoses Gimenez, Andreu January 2023 (has links)
In the last decades, significant theoretical advances have been made on the field of distributed mulit-agent control theory. One of the most common systems that can be modelled as multi-agent systems are the so called formation control problems, in which a network of mobile agents is controlled to move towards a desired final formation. These problems additionally pose practical challenges, namely limited access to information about the global state of the system, which justify the use distributed and localized approaches for solving the control problem. The problem is further complicated if partial or no information is known about the dynamic model of the system. A widely used fundamental challenge of this approach in this setting is that the state-action space size scales exponentially with the number of agents, rendering the problem intractable for a large networks. This thesis presents a scalable and localized reinforcement learning approach to a traditional multi-agent formation control problem, with collision avoidance. A scalable reinforcement learning advantage actor critic algorithm is presented, based on previous work in the literature. Sub-optimal bounds are calculated for the accumulated reward and policy gradient localized approximations. The algorithm is tested on a two dimensional setting, with a network of mobile agents following simple integrator dynamics and stochastic localized policies. Neural networks are used to approximate the continuous value functions and policies. The formation control with collisions avoidance formulation and the algorithm presented show good scalability properties, with a polynomial increase in the number of function approximations parameters with number of agents. The reduced number of parameters decreases learning time for bigger networks, although the efficiency of computation is decreased compared to state of the art machine learning implementations. The policies obtained achieve probably safe trajectories although the lack of dynamic model makes it impossible to guarantee safety. / Under de senaste decennierna har betydande framsteg gjorts inom området för distribuerad mulit-agent reglerteori. Ett av de vanligaste systemen som kan modelleras som multiagentsystem är de så kallade formationskontrollproblemen, där ett nätverk av mobila agenter styrs för att röra sig mot en önskad slutlig formation. om systemets globala tillstånd, vilket motiverar användningen av distribuerade och lokaliserade tillvägagångssätt för att lösa det reglertekniska problemet. Problemet kompliceras ytterligare om delvis eller ingen information är känd om systemets dynamiska modell. Ett allmänt använt tillvägagångssätt för modellfri kontroll är reinforcement learning (RL). En grundläggande utmaning med detta tillvägagångssätt i den här miljön är att storleken på state-action utrymmet skalas exponentiellt med antalet agenter, vilket gör problemet svårlöst för ett stort nätverk. Detta examensarbete presenterar en skalbar och lokaliserad reinforcement learning metod på ett traditionellt reglertekniskt problem med flera agenter, med kollisionsundvikande. En reinforcement learning advantage actor critic algoritm presenteras, baserad på tidigare arbete i litteraturen. Suboptimala gränser beräknas för den ackumulerade belönings- och policygradientens lokaliserade approximationer. Algoritmen testas i en tvådimensionell miljö, med ett nätverk av mobila agenter som följer enkel integratordynamik och stokastiska lokaliserade policyer. Neurala nätverk används för att approximera de kontinuerliga värdefunktionerna och policyerna. Den presenterade formationsstyrningen med kollisionsundvikande formulering och algoritmen visar goda skalbarhetsegenskaper, med en polynomisk ökning av antalet funktionsapproximationsparametrar med antalet agenter. Det minskade antalet parametrar minskar inlärningstiden för större nätverk, även om effektiviteten i beräkningen minskar jämfört med avancerade maskininlärningsimplementeringar. De erhållna policyerna uppnår troligen säkra banor även om avsaknaden av dynamisk modell gör det omöjligt att garantera säkerheten. / En las últimas décadas, se han realizado importantes avances teóricos en el campo de la teoría del control multiagente distribuido. Uno de los sistemas más comunes que se pueden modelar como sistemas multiagente son los llamados problemas de control de formación, en los que se controla una red de agentes móviles para alcanzar una formación final deseada. Estos problemas plantean desafíos prácticos como el acceso limitado a la información del estado global del sistema, que justifican el uso de algoritmos distribuidos y locales para resolver el problema de control. El problema se complica aún más si solo se conoce información parcial o nada sobre el modelo dinámico del sistema. Un enfoque ampliamente utilizado para el control sin conocimiento del modelo dinámico es el reinforcement learning (RL). Un desafío fundamental de este método en este entorno es que el tamaño de la acción y el estado aumenta exponencialmente con la cantidad de agentes, lo que hace que el problema sea intratable para una red grande. Esta tesis presenta un algoritmo de RL escalable y local para un problema tradicional de control de formación con múltiples agentes, con prevención de colisiones. Se presenta un algoritmo “advantage actor-”critic, basado en trabajos previos en la literatura. Los límites subóptimos se calculan para las aproximaciones locales de la función Q y gradiente de la política. El algoritmo se prueba en un entorno bidimensional, con una red de agentes móviles que siguen una dinámica de integrador simple y políticas estocásticas localizadas. Redes neuronales se utilizan para aproximar las funciones y políticas de valor continuo. La formulación de del problema de formación con prevención de colisiones y el algoritmo presentado muestran buenas propiedades de escalabilidad, con un aumento polinómico en el número de parámetros con el número de agentes. El número reducido de parámetros disminuye el tiempo de aprendizaje para redes más grandes, aunque la eficiencia de la computación disminuye en comparación con las implementaciones de ML de última generación. Las politicas obtenidas alcanzan trayectorias probablemente seguras, aunque la falta de un modelo dinámico hace imposible garantizar la completa prevención de colisiones. / A les darreres dècades, s'han realitzat importants avenços teòrics en el camp de la teoria del control multiagent distribuït. Un dels sistemes més comuns que es poden modelar com a sistemes multiagent són els anomenats problemes de control de formació, en els què es controla una xarxa d'agents mòbils per assolir una formació final desitjada. Aquests problemes plantegen reptes pràctics com l'accés limitat a la informació de l'estat global del sistema, que justifiquen l'ús d'algorismes distribuïts i locals per resoldre el problema de control. El problema es complica encara més si només es coneix informació parcial sobre el model dinàmic del sistema. Un mètode àmpliament utilitzat per al control sense coneixement del model dinàmic és el reinforcement learning (RL). Un repte fonamental d'aquest mètode en aquest entorn és que la mida de l'acció i l'estat augmenta exponencialment amb la quantitat d'agents, cosa que fa que el problema sigui intractable per a una xarxa gran. Aquesta tesi presenta un algorisme de RL escalable i local per a un problema tradicional de control de formació amb múltiples agents, amb prevenció de col·lisions. Es presenta un algorisme “advantage actor-”critic, basat en treballs previs a la literatura. Els límits subòptims es calculen per a les aproximacions locals de la funció Q i gradient de la política.’ Lalgoritme es prova en un entorn bidimensional, amb una xarxa ’dagents mòbils que segueixen una dinàmica ’dintegrador simple i polítiques estocàstiques localitzades. Xarxes neuronals s'utilitzen per aproximar les funcions i les polítiques de valor continu. La formulació del problema de formació amb prevenció de col·lisions i l'algorisme presentat mostren bones propietats d'escalabilitat, amb un augment polinòmic en el nombre de paràmetres amb el nombre d'agents. El nombre reduït de paràmetres disminueix el temps d'aprenentatge per a les xarxes més grans, encara que l'eficiència de la computació disminueix en comparació amb les implementacions de ML d'última generació. Les polítiques obtingudes aconsegueixen trajectòries probablement segures, tot i que la manca d'un model dinàmic fa impossible garantir la prevenció completa de col·lisions.

Active Lightweight – End effector (ALE) for the collaborative Robotics

Chen, Liang 09 December 2022 (has links)
This thesis provides a systematic guideline for evaluating, integrating and designing the collaborative end effector system associated with commercially available collaborative robots (cobots). On the basis of ISO/TS 15066:2016, customers’ demands are categorised as a macro demand framework and micro demand variables, which are parameterised and hierarchised. By analysing these parameters, the collaborative degree is determined to correlate the hazards with protection measures, which can demonstrate the collaborative safety level transparently. After that, the safety protection measures are specifically proposed corresponding to the potential risks. Finally, an industrial application is evaluated, a novel adapter utilised on the UR5 cobot is illustrated, and its characteristics for the collaborative operation are described.:1 Introduction 2 Robotic end effector in Assembly and Handling 3 Concept and Definition of Collaboration 4 Statement of the academic purpose and methodology 5 Guideline and Methodology for designing the Active Lightweight End-effector (ALE) for collaborative robots 6 Performance demand d4): multiplicity and versatility of end effector 7 A safety monitoring end effector (Adapter) for collaborative operations 8 A practical study of collaborative integration based on collaborative degree 9 Conclusion Appendix / Diese Arbeit liefert einen systematischen Leitfaden für die Bewertung, Integration und Gestaltung des kollaborierenden Endeffektorsystems in Verbindung mit kommerziell verfügbaren kollaborativen Robotern (Kobots). Auf der Grundlage der ISO/TS 15066:2016 werden die Anforderungen der Kunden in einen Makro-Bedarfsrahmen und Mikro-Bedarfsvariablen kategorisiert, die parametrisiert und hierarchisiert werden. Durch die Analyse dieser Parameter wird der Kollaborationsgrad ermittelt, um die Gefährdungen mit Schutzmaßnahmen zu korrelieren, die die kollaborierende Sicherheitsstufe transparent darstellen können. Danach werden die Schutzmaßnahmen entsprechend den potenziellen Risiken vorgeschlagen. Schließlich wird ein industrieller Anwendungsfall bewertet, ein neuartiger Adapter für den Einsatz an einem Roboter UR5 erläutert und dessen Kenndaten für den kollaborierenden Betrieb beschrieben.:1 Introduction 2 Robotic end effector in Assembly and Handling 3 Concept and Definition of Collaboration 4 Statement of the academic purpose and methodology 5 Guideline and Methodology for designing the Active Lightweight End-effector (ALE) for collaborative robots 6 Performance demand d4): multiplicity and versatility of end effector 7 A safety monitoring end effector (Adapter) for collaborative operations 8 A practical study of collaborative integration based on collaborative degree 9 Conclusion Appendix

Aufbau und Anwendung einer Methode zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von Giften und deren Metaboliten in Blut und Haaren in der Systematischen Toxikologischen Analyse mittels Flüssigchromatographie-Quadrupol-Flugzeitmassenspektrometrie-Kopplung (LC-QTOF-MS)

Broecker, Sebastian 15 February 2012 (has links)
Die Systematische Toxikologische Analyse (STA) stellt auf Grund der großen Vielfalt und der ständigen Zunahme an toxikologisch relevanten Substanzen eine der größten Herausforderungen in der chemischen Analyse dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher die Eignung der Flüssigchromatographie in Kombination mit der Hybrid-Quadrupol-Flugzeitmassenspektrometrie (LC-QTOF-MS) für diesen Zweck untersucht. Dazu wurden eine Datenbank mit über 7360 und eine CID-Spektrenbibliothek mit mehr als 2720 toxikologisch relevanten Substanzen erstellt und geeignete Probenvorbereitungsmethoden entwickelt. Die Erprobung der Methoden erfolgte an dotierten Blut- und Haarproben. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die Analyse im Auto-MS/MS-Modus (Messzyklen von MS- und MS/MS-Spektren) eine Identifizierung basischer Substanzen mittels CID-Spektren zwischen 0,5 und 2 ng/ml im Blut ermöglichte. Die Nachweisgrenzen der für 24 Wirkstoffe validierten Methode in Haaren lagen bei 3 bis 15 pg/mg. Die Eignung der LC-QTOF-MS zur STA von Haarproben wurde an 30 Drogentodesfällen und 60 Todesfällen mit bekannter chronischer Medikamenteneinnahme zu Lebzeiten sowie an 77 Blutproben nachgewiesen. Für die Suche nach Metaboliten wurde ein Metaboliten-Tool entwickelt. In der praktischen Anwendung auf Datenfiles von Blut- und Haarproben erwies sich das Tool als wertvolles Hilfsmittel zur Identifizierung unbekannter Peaks und zur Bestätigung von Suchergebnissen in der Datenbank. Zur automatischen Konzentrationsabschätzung identifizierter Substanzen wurde ein Tool „Estimate Concentration“ geschaffen. Die Überprüfung des Verfahrens an realen Blut- und Haarproben durch Vergleich mit HPLC-DAD- und GC-MS-Ergebnissen wies eine gute Übereinstimmung der Konzentrationen auf. Insgesamt zeigten die Untersuchungen, dass die LC-QTOF-MS zurzeit die am besten geeignete Methode für die STA darstellt. Auch bei einem erst später aufkommenden Verdacht kann eine gezielte Suche in dem bereits gemessenen Datenfile durchgeführt werden. / Due to the large variety and the steady increase of toxicologically relevant substances, systematic toxicological analysis (STA) is one of the most difficult tasks in analytical chemistry and, therefore, a steady topic of research and methodical improvement. For this reason, the suitability of liquid chromatography in combination with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) for STA was investigated. For this purpose, a database of more than 7360 and a CID spectra library of more than 2720 toxicologically relevant substances and suitable methods for sample preparation were developed. The application was evaluated at spiked blood and hair samples. It was found that the analysis in Auto-MS/MS mode (alternating measurement cycles of MS and MS/MS spectra) allowed substance identification in blood using CID spectra between 0.5 and 2 ng/ml for basic substances. The detection limits of the validated method in hair ranged from 3 to 15 pg/mg for 24 drugs. The suitability of LC-QTOF-MS for STA was tested for hair samples from 30 drug-related death cases and from 60 death cases with known chronic medication as well as for 77 blood samples. For the search of metabolites, a metabolite tool was developed. In the practical application to data files from blood and hair samples, the tool proved to be very helpful for identification of unknown peaks and for confirmation of results obtained only from the database without CID spectra. A tool "Estimate Concentration" was created for automatic estimation of concentrations of identified substances. The application to real blood and hair samples and the comparison of the concentrations with results from HPLC-DAD and GC-MS showed good agreement. Overall, these investigations showed that LC-QTOF-MS is currently the most favorable method for STA. Because of the comprehensive registration of all substances in a sample, the data files can be checked for the presence of certain poisons even later without new measurements.

Grafické intro 64kB s použitím OpenGL / Graphics Intro 64kB Using OpenGL

Milet, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the creation of the intro with limited size. This work describes methods for reducing the size of the final application. The main part describes methods for generating graphic content and methods for its animation. It deals with creation of textures and geometry. Another part is aimed on the physical simulation of particle and elastic systems.

Lutherans and Pentecostals in mission amongst the Vhavenda: a comparative study in missionary methods

Khorommbi, Ndwambi Lawrence 31 October 2003 (has links)
The thesis of this study is that both Pentecostal and non-Pentecostal churches can grow at a time when only the Pentecostal churches have grown. The stagnation that has occurred in many ''mainline" churches.need not be allowed to increase or continue. In Venda (Northern Province) both the Lutherans and the Pentecostals have enjoyed visible growth. Chapter 1 introduces the thesis, the choice of the study area, the objectives of the study, and the typology, methodology and relevance of the study. Chapter 2 looks at the history and socio-economic backgrowtd of the Vhavenda. Chapter 3 describes traditional Vhavenda beliefs and rituals. The Vhavenda world-view is different from that of the West but closer to that of the East and the Bible. Chapter 4 concentrates on missionary Christianity in Venda and briefly discusses the missionary methods adopted by the Berlin Missionary Society. Chapter 5 discusses the coming of Pentecostalism to South Africa and Venda. Chapter 6 examines how the Lutherans and the Apostolic Faith Mission church conducted their mission during the "maturation of Apartheid'' in Venda. Major events in the collision between apartheid and the Vhavenda are highlighted. Chapter 7 discusses the unfinished work of the church in Venda. Chapter 8 examines the challenge for Christian mission in the twenty-first century. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th (Missiology)

Lutherans and Pentecostals in mission amongst the Vhavenda: a comparative study in missionary methods

Khorommbi, Ndwambi Lawrence 31 October 2003 (has links)
The thesis of this study is that both Pentecostal and non-Pentecostal churches can grow at a time when only the Pentecostal churches have grown. The stagnation that has occurred in many ''mainline" churches.need not be allowed to increase or continue. In Venda (Northern Province) both the Lutherans and the Pentecostals have enjoyed visible growth. Chapter 1 introduces the thesis, the choice of the study area, the objectives of the study, and the typology, methodology and relevance of the study. Chapter 2 looks at the history and socio-economic backgrowtd of the Vhavenda. Chapter 3 describes traditional Vhavenda beliefs and rituals. The Vhavenda world-view is different from that of the West but closer to that of the East and the Bible. Chapter 4 concentrates on missionary Christianity in Venda and briefly discusses the missionary methods adopted by the Berlin Missionary Society. Chapter 5 discusses the coming of Pentecostalism to South Africa and Venda. Chapter 6 examines how the Lutherans and the Apostolic Faith Mission church conducted their mission during the "maturation of Apartheid'' in Venda. Major events in the collision between apartheid and the Vhavenda are highlighted. Chapter 7 discusses the unfinished work of the church in Venda. Chapter 8 examines the challenge for Christian mission in the twenty-first century. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th (Missiology)

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