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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colonisation épistémique : industrialisation, savoirs écologiques traditionnels innus et caribou

Girard English, Maïté 08 November 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour but de se questionner sur l'impact de la diminution du caribou sur les savoirs écologiques traditionnels chez les communautés innues de la péninsule Québec-Labrador. Il est à noter que, depuis des milliers d'années, la chasse au caribou structure la réalité de ce peuple de chasseurs et façonne leur conception du monde et les savoirs qui en découlent. L'hypothèse soutenue est que la destruction de l'habitat du caribou est une forme de colonisation épistémique. Suivant la théorie de l'accumulation primitive, j'expose les outils juridiques qui ont permis aux États et aux capitalistes de s'approprier légalement les terres innues pour y exploiter les ressources. L'intention ici est de soulever la fonction duale dont est investie la terre, soit, d'un côté, comprise comme assise de la domination coloniale, donc vitale à la formation de l'État canadien et au développement colonial-capitaliste, et, d'un autre côté, permettant la subsistance matérielle et spirituelle des sociétés innues, tel qu'au moyen de la chasse au caribou. Le territoire en tant que médium des savoirs sera alors remplacé par une nouvelle conception du territoire synonyme d'accumulation de capital et d'exploitation des écosystèmes. On comprendra alors que la conquête coloniale passe d'abord et continue de se nourrir par un assujettissement ontologique et que l'imposition de cette réalité ontologique empêche les savoirs écologiques traditionnels de subsister dans un contexte qui nourrit leur existence et leur réalité.

A Māori Perspective of Whānau and Childrearing in the 21st Century Case Study

Morehu, Colleen January 2005 (has links)
Ngā Kupu Whakataki: Abstract The study focuses on identifying how the reconstruction of the whānau and its approach to childrearing through the colonisation of Māori society can be perceived within the experiences of the case study of four generations of one whānau. A kaupapa Māori approach to research provided a framework for members of our whānau to socially construct their realities regarding the dynamics of our four generation whānau collaboratively. Socio-cultural theoretical frameworks were used to analyse approaches to whānau and childrearing.

Aboriginal Dreaming Tracks or Trading Paths: The Common Ways

Kerwin, Dale Wayne, n/a January 2006 (has links)
This thesis recognises the great significance of 'walkabout' as a major trading tradition whereby the Dreaming paths and songlines formed major ceremonial routes along which goods and knowledge flowed. These became the trade routes that criss-crossed Australia and transported religion and cultural values. The thesis also highlights the valuable contribution Aboriginal people made in assisting the European explorers, surveyors, and stockmen to open the country for colonisation, and it explores the interface between Aboriginal possession of the Australian continent and European colonisation and appropriation. Instead of positing a radical disjunction between cultural competencies 'before' and 'after', the thesis considers how European colonisation of Australia (as with other colonial settings) appropriated Aboriginal competence in terms of the landscape: by tapping into culinary and medicinal knowledge, water and resource knowledge, hunting, food collecting and path-finding. As a consequence of this assistance, Aboriginal Dreaming tracks and trading paths also became the routes and roads of colonisers. This dissertation seeks to reinstate Aboriginal people into the historical landscape of Australia. From its beginnings as a footnote in Australian history, Aboriginal society, culture, and history has moved into the preamble, but it is now time to inscribe Aboriginal people firmly in the body of Australian history.

The Indigenous right of self-determination and 'the state' in the Northern Territory of Australia

Edgar, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the prolonged denial and eventual recognition of the rights of the Indigenous peoples of Australia following the British assertion of sovereignty. The analysis considers the manner in which the denial and subsequent recognition of Indigenous rights has affected the system of government of the dominant society (the Commonwealth of Australia) in terms of the establishment and evolution of the constitutional framework and associated processes of institutional change in the principles, structures and procedures of the system of government. The primary jurisdiction in which this topic is explored is the Northern Territory of Australia; the primary contexts are the recognition of Indigenous land rights (defined broadly to include associated natural and cultural heritage and resource rights) and the Indigenous right to self government within ‘the state’ (the internationally constituted and recognised polity of the Commonwealth of Australia). / The thesis draws on analogous developments in Canada and New Zealand to demonstrate that, while significant progress has been made in the recognition of Indigenous rights since the 1960s, many forms of recognition remain conceptually and procedurally limited. In particular, associated regimes have almost invariably been devised and implemented within a fundamentally monocultural context in which Indigenous rights remain subject to unilateral abrogation or extinguishment by Commonwealth governments. In addition, the legal basis of and requirements for recognition of Indigenous rights according to Commonwealth law result in extremely variable levels of recognition in different areas and contexts, and principles and procedures for the mutual recognition and co-existence of Indigenous and Commonwealth law and systems of government are only partially apparent in the Federal and Northern Territory systems of government. In addition to extending and deepening the recognition of Indigenous rights throughout all relevant institutions of the system of government, to address these deficiencies the thesis argues that constitutional recognition and protection of Indigenous rights and the negotiation of treaties are essential if the Indigenous right of self-determination is to be respected and accommodated by the dominant society.

Géodynamique, colonisation végétale et phytodiversité des talus d'éboulis dans le massif de la Grande Chartreuse (Préalpes françaises du Nord). Caractéristiques géo-écologiques et sensibilité aux changements environnementaux.

Arques, Sylvie 13 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Les talus d'éboulis du massif de la Grande Chartreuse retenus par la Directive « Habitats, faune et flore » comme des sites d'intérêt communautaire, abritent de nombreuses espèces rupicoles considérées comme prioritaires. La diversité spécifique de ces talus d'éboulis semble inféodée à leur structure paysagère en mosaïque, dont la dynamique est régie par l'interaction de facteurs topo-climatiques, édaphiques, géomorphologiques, géodynamiques et biologiques, agissant à plusieurs échelles spatio-temporelles. La colonisation végétale constatée, sur certains talus d'éboulis au cours des trente dernières années, pourrait être à l'origine d'une modification de la phytodiversité. Sur des talus d'éboulis sujets dans le passé, à une pression anthropique réduite, ce phénomène semble être une conséquence du ralentissement de la fréquence et de l'intensité des processus nivéo-périglaciaires, lié au réchauffement climatique. Cette étude repose sur une approche géo-écologique des talus d'éboulis. La méthodologie mise en œuvre permet de caractériser la structure et le fonctionnement des mosaïques mais aussi de cerner leur évolution depuis le début du siècle dernier. De plus, elle révèle la richesse de ces habitats qui pourraient constituer des observatoires privilégiés, pour le suivi à long terme de la phytodiversité sous l'effet des changements environnementaux en cours.

Dynamique des paysages végétaux depuis la fin du Petit Âge Glaciaire au Spitsberg (79°N). Analyse intégrée de la reconquête végétale des marges proglaciaires.

Moreau, Myrtille 07 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Sous l'effet du réchauffement climatique postérieur au Petit Âge Glaciaire, la fonte des glaciers arctiques a libéré de nouveaux espaces conquis ensuite par la végétation. Le phénomène est bien marqué au Spitsberg où la présente étude est conduite. Celle-ci concerne les marges de cinq glaciers, localisées sur la façade nord occidentale et dans le centre de l'île. Une première analyse a été conduite par relevés floristiques systématiques permettant de mettre en relation les phases successives de retrait glaciaire et de colonisation végétale. Le temps gouverne l'évolution de la végétation tant dans sa physionomie que dans sa composition. Ainsi, la séquence temporelle des cortèges floristiques s'ordonne partout de la même façon, depuis les stades pionniers jusqu'à des stades plus évolués. Cependant, la dynamique végétale n'est pas uniforme et n'opère pas sous la seule commande temporelle. Les configurations environnementales jouent aussi un rôle important qui se décline selon les échelles. C'est ce qui ressort de notre étude où les contextes environnementaux de chaque site sont mis en évidence comme facteur de différenciation de la végétation entre les cinq marges. Une deuxième approche a été conduite à échelle fine, à l'intérieur d'une marge proglaciaire pour préciser les termes de différenciation locale des milieux. Sur ce secteur, nous disposons d'un modèle numérique de terrain (MNT, 2 mètres de résolution) autorisant une étude intégrée de nombreux paramètres stationnels associés à la microtopographie. Cette approche a permis de relier les changements floristiques aux changements de contexte environnemental et d'identifier les conditions locales structurant le couvert végétal. Enfin, cette étude a débouché sur la mise en place d'une nomenclature de faciès paysagers dont la cartographie précise a été réalisée grâce à l'utilisation d'un modèle de probabilités conditionnelles.

The role of Jose Nepomuceno in the Philippine society : What language did his silent films speak?

Tofighian, Nadi January 2006 (has links)
<p>This paper examines the role of the pioneer Filipino filmmaker Jose Nepomuceno and his films in the Philippine quest for independence and in the process of nation-building. As all of Nepomuceno's films are lost, most of the information was gathered from old newspaper articles on microfilm in different archives in Manila. Many of these articles were hitherto undiscovered. Nepomuceno made silent films at a time when the influence of the new coloniser, United States, was growing, and the Spanish language was what unified the intellectual opposition. Previous research on Nepomuceno has focused on the Hispanic influences on his filmmaking, as well as his connections to the stage drama. This paper argues that Nepomuceno created a national consciousness by making films showing native lives and environments, adapting important Filipino novels and plays to the screen and covering important political topics and thereby creating public opinion. Many reviews in the newspapers connected his films to nation-building and independence, as the creation of a national consciousness is a cornerstone in the process of building a nation and defining "Filipino". Furthermore, the films of Nepomuceno helped spreading the Tagalog culture and language to other parts of the Philippines, hence making Tagalog the foundation of the national Filipino language.</p>

The ecological significance of sexual reproduction in peat mosses (Sphagnum)

Sundberg, Sebastian January 2000 (has links)
<p>Peat mosses (<i>Sphagnum</i>) are widely distributed and are a major component of mire vegetation and peat throughout the boreal and temperate regions. Most boreal <i>Sphagnum</i> species regularly produce sporophytes, but the ecological role of the spore has been questioned. This study shows that the spores can form a spore bank and have the ability to germinate and contribute to moss establishment whenever suitable conditions occur. The results suggest that spore production is important for explaining the wide distribution and omnipresence of <i>Sphagnum</i> in nutrient-poor wetlands. The results further imply that initial recruitment from spores predominates in <i>Sphagnum</i> after disturbance or formation of suitable habitats.</p><p> A series of experiments showed that addition of phosphorus-containing substrates, such as fresh plant litter or moose dung, resulted in spore establishment on bare, moist peat. A field experiment indicated establishment rates of about 1% of sown, germinable spores on peat with added substrates. Plant litter on moist soil, without a closed cover of bryophytes, is an important safe site for the establishment of <i>Sphagnum</i> spores. The results fit the observed pattern of colonisation by <i>Sphagnum</i> beneath <i>Eriophorum vaginatum</i> tussocks in mires severely disturbed by peat extraction. Successful long-distance dispersal was indicated by the occurrence of several regionally new or rare <i>Sphagnum</i> species in disturbed mires.</p><p>Spore number per sporophyte ranged among <i>Sphagnum</i> species from 18 500 to 240 000, with a trade-off between spore number and spore size. Annual spore production was estimated at 15 million spores per square metre on two investigated mires. Sporophyte production showed a large interannual variation. Sporophyte production was positively related to the amount of precipitation the preceding summer. This was probably because a high water level promoted gametangium formation. Spore dispersal occurred in July and August. The earlier timing of spore dispersal in the more drought-sensitive, hollow-inhabiting sphagna should reduce the risk of sporophytes drying out prematurely during summer droughts.</p><p>Spores kept refrigerated up to 13 years retained high germinability. A field experiment showed that <i>Sphagnum</i> can form a persistent spore bank, with a potential longevity of several decades.</p>

From borderlands to bordered lands: the plains metis and the 49th parallel, 1869-1885

Pollock, Katie 11 1900 (has links)
The following study is an attempt to comprehend the impact that the Canadian-United States border along the forty-ninth parallel had on the Plains Metis between 1869 and 1885, and how members of this community continued to manipulate the border to meet their own objectives. From the 1860s to 1880s, state definitions of Metis status, as well as government recognition and non-recognition of Metis identity, had a profound impact on the Plains Metis. Imposed state classifications and statuses limited the choices of many to enter treaty, be recognised as a citizen, or reside in a partiuclar country. The implementation of these status definitions began after 1875 when the enforcement of the international boundary began in earnest, and it was this endforcement that represented the beginnings of the colonisation of the Plains Metis. / History

The ecological significance of sexual reproduction in peat mosses (Sphagnum)

Sundberg, Sebastian January 2000 (has links)
Peat mosses (Sphagnum) are widely distributed and are a major component of mire vegetation and peat throughout the boreal and temperate regions. Most boreal Sphagnum species regularly produce sporophytes, but the ecological role of the spore has been questioned. This study shows that the spores can form a spore bank and have the ability to germinate and contribute to moss establishment whenever suitable conditions occur. The results suggest that spore production is important for explaining the wide distribution and omnipresence of Sphagnum in nutrient-poor wetlands. The results further imply that initial recruitment from spores predominates in Sphagnum after disturbance or formation of suitable habitats. A series of experiments showed that addition of phosphorus-containing substrates, such as fresh plant litter or moose dung, resulted in spore establishment on bare, moist peat. A field experiment indicated establishment rates of about 1% of sown, germinable spores on peat with added substrates. Plant litter on moist soil, without a closed cover of bryophytes, is an important safe site for the establishment of Sphagnum spores. The results fit the observed pattern of colonisation by Sphagnum beneath Eriophorum vaginatum tussocks in mires severely disturbed by peat extraction. Successful long-distance dispersal was indicated by the occurrence of several regionally new or rare Sphagnum species in disturbed mires. Spore number per sporophyte ranged among Sphagnum species from 18 500 to 240 000, with a trade-off between spore number and spore size. Annual spore production was estimated at 15 million spores per square metre on two investigated mires. Sporophyte production showed a large interannual variation. Sporophyte production was positively related to the amount of precipitation the preceding summer. This was probably because a high water level promoted gametangium formation. Spore dispersal occurred in July and August. The earlier timing of spore dispersal in the more drought-sensitive, hollow-inhabiting sphagna should reduce the risk of sporophytes drying out prematurely during summer droughts. Spores kept refrigerated up to 13 years retained high germinability. A field experiment showed that Sphagnum can form a persistent spore bank, with a potential longevity of several decades.

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