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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Colour a Symbol : Autentisering för smartphones

Engvall, Markus, Teljing, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har den mobila tekniken i stort sett helt gått över till smartphones. Smartphones är i princip mer datorer än telefoner, som vi alltid bär med oss och som innehåller allt mer känslig information. Detta medför att kraven på säkerheten kring enheten ökar. Detta arbete undersöker om det är möjligt att finna en ny metod att låta användaren autentisera sig på, som är säkrare än de som är vedertagna idag, men samtidigt har liknande nivå av användbarhet. Vår idé, som vi arbetar med under namnet Colour a Symbol, baseras på att kombinera symboler och färger i par. För att utveckla idén skapade vi en funktionell prototyp, som sedan utvärderadesmed hjälp av en mindre testgrupp. Empirin visar på att Colour a Symbol har en god användbarhet, om än något för lång inloggningstid. Idéer för att förbättra inloggningstiden presenteras. Teoretiskt sett så är Colour a Symbol säkrare än exempelvis pinkod, men testgruppen var inte tillräckligt stor för att kunna bedöma den praktiska lösenordsrymden. Utformning av symboltema påverkar även förmodligen i hög grad den praktiska lösenordsrymden. Vår slutsats är att idén har en klar potential, men att det behövs ytterligare studier för att finslipa den. / During the past years mobile technology has moved almost entirely to smartphones. Smartphones are in essence more computers than phones, which we always carry with us and that contain ever more sensitive information. This requires that the level of security around the device increases. This study strives to find a new method of authenticating users, that is more secure than those that are established today, but at the same time has a similar level of usability. Our idea, which we work with under the name Colour a Symbol, is based upon making combinations of symbols and colours in pairs. In order to develop the idea we created a functional prototype, that was evaluated by a smaller test group. The empirical data implies that Colour a Symbol has good usability, if only a little too long login time. Ideas as to shorten the login time are suggested. Theoretically, Colour a Symbol is more secure than for an example pincode, but the test group was not large enough to estimate the practical password space. Design of the symbol theme probably also affects the practical password space to a high degree. Our conclusion is that the idea has clear potential, but that further studies are needed to fine-tune it.

Prvky teorie grafů v učivu matematiky na 1.stupni základní školy / Concepts from graph theory in primary school mathematics curriculum

Mutinová, Tatiana January 2014 (has links)
Concepts from graph theory in primary school mathematic curriculum Ing. Tatiana Mutinová, 2014 Abstract This diploma thesis is focused on graph theory, especially on the concepts that are used in primary school mathematic curriculum. Furthermore it shows the reasons why it is necessary to include these graph concepts in young pupil's education. In the theoretical part, basic terms and definitions from chosen parts of graph theory are mentioned and few examples demonstrate how the applications of graph theory can help with solving real-life situations. The practical part summarized the current use of some graph theory concepts in primary school mathematic curriculum. This part also includes the demonstration of the graded series of problems and the sheets of exercises that could be usable in introducing and practising of some graph concepts. The experiment with mosaics, that was carried out within this diploma thesis, is an illustration how to connect mathematical and non-mathematical world and how to integrate research activities in young pupil's education. Key words: mathematics, graph theory, graph vertex, degree of graph vertex, edge of graph, problem of two colours, child of primary school

Analyse des caramels liquides : développement et validation de nouvelles méthodes basées sur la chromatographie en phase liquide bidimensionnelle (LC-LC) / Analysis of liquid caramels : development and validation of new methods by two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC-LC)

Moretton, Cédric 11 December 2009 (has links)
Le caramel liquide, obtenu par le traitement thermique des sucres, est couramment utilisé pour modifier le goût ou la couleur des produits agroalimentaires.Parmi les promoteurs de caramélisation autorisés, l’ammoniaque (pour les caramels colorants de classe III) et les sels d’ammonium (pour ceux de classe IV) sont source de composés néoformés indésirables (CNI) comme le 2-acétyl-4-(1,2,3,4-tétrahydroxybutyl)imidazole (THI), immunosuppresseur, et le 4-méthylimidazole (4MeI), agent convulsif. Ces molécules ont des teneurs limitées par la réglementation Européenne à 10 et 250 ppm respectivement. Pour améliorer la connaissance de la chimie du caramel et la qualité des caramels colorants en contrôlant la formation des CNI, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes analytiques fiables, rapides et faciles à mettre en œuvre. Ce travail de thèse présente le développement de nouvelles méthodes basées sur la chromatographie en phase liquide à deux-dimensions (LC-LC). Ces méthodes très sélectives permettent de minimiser le temps d’analyse puisque la préparation de l’échantillon se réduit à une simple dilution dans l’eau et les deux séparations chromatographiques en cascade sont réalisées sur un système totalement automatisé. La validation des méthodes par les profils d’exactitude a permis d’assurer que 90 % des résultats sont à moins de 20 % de la valeur vraie dans le domaine de concentration 10 à 50 ppm pour le THI, 20 à 500 ppm pour le 4MeI, 200 à 2500 ppm pour le fructose, saccharose, lactose, maltose et maltotriose et 500 à 2500 ppm pour le glucose.Ces méthodes sont enfin appliquées au suivi de la réaction de caramélisation et au contrôle qualité des produits finis. / Caramel liquid, obtained by heat treatment of sugars, is commonly used to alter the taste or colour of food products.Among promoters of caramelization allowed, ammonia (for caramel colours of class III) and ammonium salts (for those of class IV) are a source of neoformed contaminants (NFC) such as 2-acetyl-4-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxybutyl)imidazole (THI), immunosuppressive agent, and 4-methylimidazole (4MeI), convulsive agent. These molecules have contents limited by the European regulations to 10 and 250 ppm, respectively.To improve knowledge of the chemistry of caramel and quality of caramel colours by controlling the formation of NFC, it is necessary to develop analytical methods that are both reliable, fast and easy to implement. This thesis presents the development and validation of new methods based on two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC-LC). These very selective methods can minimize analysis time since sample preparation is reduced to a simple dilution with water and the two consecutive chromatographic separations are performed on a fully automated system. The method validation by the accuracy profiles allowed to show that 90 % of obtained results correspond to the agreement value more or less 20 %, in the field of concentration 10 to 50 ppm for THI, 20 to 500 ppm for 4MeI, 200 to 2500 ppm for fructose, sucrose, lactose, maltose and maltotriose and 500 to 2500 ppm for glucose.These methods are finally applied to monitor the reaction of caramelization and to control the quality of finished products.

Secreção epidérmica de Alouatta guariba clamitans (Primates: Atelidae) / Epidermic Secretion of Alouatta guariba clamitans (Primates, Atelidae)

Hirano, Zelinda Maria Braga 30 January 2004 (has links)
Primatas da subespécie A. g. clamitans, popular bugio, possuem um dimorfismo sexual evidenciado na fase adulta com machos de cor ruiva e fêmeas de cor castanho com nuanças avermelhadas. Em estudos de cativeiro com esta subespécie descobriu-se uma secreção epidérmica avermelhada, semelhante à cor da pelagem dos MA. A partir desta constatação diferentes hipóteses têm sido levantadas sobre a função e a origem desta secreção. Assim, o presente estudo objetivou: 1- Analisar se esta secreção é responsável pela coloração do pêlo dos animais e se a água é capaz de descolorir os pêlos 2- Verificar se a liberação de secreção sofre influencia das temperaturas corpórea e ambiente; 3- Identificar através de microscopia óptica e eletrônica as características morfológicas das glândulas produtoras de secreção, 4- Mapear as regiões do corpo dos animais que possuem tal glândula, 5- Definir qual sexo e faixa etária possui a glândula; 6- Determinar se a secreção é capaz de corar o pêlo mesmo após estocada a -4C; 7- Avaliar a cor dos campos cromatogênicos, durante um ano em animais adultos, sub adultos e juvenis; 8- Analisar a composição da secreção; 9- Dosar o hormônio testosterona em animais de diferentes sexo e faixas etárias e 10- Verificar uma possível relação entre comportamento social em bugios silvestres e a cor observada. Constatou-se que MA, MSA, MJ , FA e FSA liberam secreção. A liberação em quase todas as regiões do corpo sofre influência da temperatura corpórea, diferindo apenas na região do hióide em MA e da mandíbula em MSA, regiões que a temperatura corpórea possuem maior influência. Verificou-se que pêlos de MSA quando mantidos em estufa, com a secreção fresca liberada por este animal, muda de cor, de escuro para ruivo, igualando a cor do pêlo de MA; uma vez pigmentado a água não muda a cor do pêlo,. A secreção estocada muda apenas à cor da região central do pêlo. Identificou-se a GPP (glândula produtora de secreção colorida), na região do osso hióide e mandíbula, em MA e MSA. Em FA e FSA identificou-se estrutura glandular menos desenvolvida, denominada de GPPi (glândula produtora de pigmento em fase intermediária) nas regiões do hióide, mandíbula, esterno e região inguinal. As GPPi estão também presentes na região inguinal e nuca de MA e MSA. Os animais juvenis e infantes apresentam somente glândulas sudoríparas normais em todas as regiões do corpo. Na secreção colorida não existem carotenóides. As secreções de MA, FA, MAS e MJ possuem diferentes concentrações de ferro. A secreção de MA apresentou maior concentração de ferro quando comparada às secreções dos animais de outro sexo e/ou idade. A microscopia eletrônica confirmou a característica secretora da GPP e evidenciou estruturas cristalinas dentro das células do ácino semelhantes as inclusões de ferro observadas no citoplasma de células de outros organismos. Os animais que sofreram maior variação de cor nos campos cromatogênicos foram os MSA, e foram os animais que tiveram maiores índices de esfregação, sugerindo um mecanismo de espalhamento da secreção Os níveis de testosterona, foram proporcionais ao sexo e idade dos animais, sendo os maiores valores encontrados em MA. O estudo do comportamento social mostrou que os MA ruivos possuem um elevado status hierárquico e desempenham um papel de guardião do grupo. Os resultados indicam que a secreção colorida, liberada na epiderme de A. g. clamitans, são as responsáveis pela coloração do pêlo de MA devido à concentração de ferro. Um cromóforo que contém ferro seria um dos agentes responsáveis pela coloração. A diferença de cor nesta subespécie é uma característica sexual secundária, e parece ocorrer por um mecanismo ativacional do hormônio testosterona, ativando o desenvolvimento das glândulas GPP. O nível de testosterona, a presença de GPP e a coloração ruiva intensa possuem uma forte correlação com o status hierárquico de MA. / Adult brown howler monkeys, Alouatta guariba clamitans, have a clear sexual dimorphism, with red-haired males and chestnut females with red nuances. Captivity studies with this subspecies revealed an epidermic secretion of red coloration, similar to the coat color of adult males. Different hypotheses have been proposed on the function and origin of this secretion. The present work aimed to: 1 analyze if fresh secretion is responsible for hair coloration in this animals and if water is capable to decolorize hair; 2 verify if secretion release is affected by body and atmospheric temperatures; 3 identify by optic and electronic microscopy the morphologic characteristics of the secretion-producing glands; 4 map the areas of the animal body that have such glands; 5 define which sex-age categories have this gland; 6 determine if secretion is able to color hair after stored at -4º C; 7 evaluate during one year the coloration of cromatogenic fields in adult, subadults and juvenile animals; 8 analyze the secretion composition; 9 measure testosterone levels in animals of different sex-age categories; 10 verify the possible relationship between the social behavior of wild animals and the observed coloration. It was found that adult, subadult and juvenile males and adult and subadult females release secretion. The release in almost all body areas is under influence of the corporal temperature that is greater in adult male hyoid and subadult male jaw areas. The hair of subadult males of A. g. clamitans maintained in a stove treated with fresh secretion changes from dark to reddish color, similar to the adult males hair color. The water does not change the color of the hair, once pigmented. The stored secretion changes only the color of the central area of hair. The gland producing colored secretion (GPP) was identified in the area of the hyoid bone and jaw in adult and subadult males. In adult and subadult females a less developed glandular structure was found, denominated GPPi in the hyoid, jaw, breastbone and inguinal areas. GPPi are also present in the inguinal area and nape of adult and subadult males. The juvenile and infant animals presented only normal sweat glands in all body areas. There are no carotenoids in the colored secretion. The secretions of adult, subadult and juvenile males and adult females have different concentrations of iron and adult males presented larger concentration of iron in their secretions when compared to other sex and age categories. The electronic microscopy confirmed the secretory features of GPP and evidenced crystalline structures inside the acinus cells that resemble iron-containing structures evidenced in other cellular structures. Subadult males suffered the greater degree in color variation in cromatogenic fields, and they were also the animals that presented larger rubbing index, suggesting that this would be the mechanism of secretion dispersal. The testosterone levels were proportional to the sex and age categories of the animals, with the largest values found in adult males. The study of the social behavior showed that the reddish adult males have a superior hierarchic status and play the role of group guardians. Our results indicate that the colored secretions, released in the epidermis of A. g. clamitans, are responsible for the hair coloration in adult males due to iron concentration. An iron-containing chromophore would be one of the agents promoting the coloration. The color difference in this subspecies is a secondary sexual trait that seems to occur through a testosterone-activated mechanism, promoting the development of GPP glands. Testosterone levels, the presences of GPP and the intense red-haired coloration have a strong correlation with the hierarchical status of adult males.

Secreção epidérmica de Alouatta guariba clamitans (Primates: Atelidae) / Epidermic Secretion of Alouatta guariba clamitans (Primates, Atelidae)

Zelinda Maria Braga Hirano 30 January 2004 (has links)
Primatas da subespécie A. g. clamitans, popular bugio, possuem um dimorfismo sexual evidenciado na fase adulta com machos de cor ruiva e fêmeas de cor castanho com nuanças avermelhadas. Em estudos de cativeiro com esta subespécie descobriu-se uma secreção epidérmica avermelhada, semelhante à cor da pelagem dos MA. A partir desta constatação diferentes hipóteses têm sido levantadas sobre a função e a origem desta secreção. Assim, o presente estudo objetivou: 1- Analisar se esta secreção é responsável pela coloração do pêlo dos animais e se a água é capaz de descolorir os pêlos 2- Verificar se a liberação de secreção sofre influencia das temperaturas corpórea e ambiente; 3- Identificar através de microscopia óptica e eletrônica as características morfológicas das glândulas produtoras de secreção, 4- Mapear as regiões do corpo dos animais que possuem tal glândula, 5- Definir qual sexo e faixa etária possui a glândula; 6- Determinar se a secreção é capaz de corar o pêlo mesmo após estocada a -4C; 7- Avaliar a cor dos campos cromatogênicos, durante um ano em animais adultos, sub adultos e juvenis; 8- Analisar a composição da secreção; 9- Dosar o hormônio testosterona em animais de diferentes sexo e faixas etárias e 10- Verificar uma possível relação entre comportamento social em bugios silvestres e a cor observada. Constatou-se que MA, MSA, MJ , FA e FSA liberam secreção. A liberação em quase todas as regiões do corpo sofre influência da temperatura corpórea, diferindo apenas na região do hióide em MA e da mandíbula em MSA, regiões que a temperatura corpórea possuem maior influência. Verificou-se que pêlos de MSA quando mantidos em estufa, com a secreção fresca liberada por este animal, muda de cor, de escuro para ruivo, igualando a cor do pêlo de MA; uma vez pigmentado a água não muda a cor do pêlo,. A secreção estocada muda apenas à cor da região central do pêlo. Identificou-se a GPP (glândula produtora de secreção colorida), na região do osso hióide e mandíbula, em MA e MSA. Em FA e FSA identificou-se estrutura glandular menos desenvolvida, denominada de GPPi (glândula produtora de pigmento em fase intermediária) nas regiões do hióide, mandíbula, esterno e região inguinal. As GPPi estão também presentes na região inguinal e nuca de MA e MSA. Os animais juvenis e infantes apresentam somente glândulas sudoríparas normais em todas as regiões do corpo. Na secreção colorida não existem carotenóides. As secreções de MA, FA, MAS e MJ possuem diferentes concentrações de ferro. A secreção de MA apresentou maior concentração de ferro quando comparada às secreções dos animais de outro sexo e/ou idade. A microscopia eletrônica confirmou a característica secretora da GPP e evidenciou estruturas cristalinas dentro das células do ácino semelhantes as inclusões de ferro observadas no citoplasma de células de outros organismos. Os animais que sofreram maior variação de cor nos campos cromatogênicos foram os MSA, e foram os animais que tiveram maiores índices de esfregação, sugerindo um mecanismo de espalhamento da secreção Os níveis de testosterona, foram proporcionais ao sexo e idade dos animais, sendo os maiores valores encontrados em MA. O estudo do comportamento social mostrou que os MA ruivos possuem um elevado status hierárquico e desempenham um papel de guardião do grupo. Os resultados indicam que a secreção colorida, liberada na epiderme de A. g. clamitans, são as responsáveis pela coloração do pêlo de MA devido à concentração de ferro. Um cromóforo que contém ferro seria um dos agentes responsáveis pela coloração. A diferença de cor nesta subespécie é uma característica sexual secundária, e parece ocorrer por um mecanismo ativacional do hormônio testosterona, ativando o desenvolvimento das glândulas GPP. O nível de testosterona, a presença de GPP e a coloração ruiva intensa possuem uma forte correlação com o status hierárquico de MA. / Adult brown howler monkeys, Alouatta guariba clamitans, have a clear sexual dimorphism, with red-haired males and chestnut females with red nuances. Captivity studies with this subspecies revealed an epidermic secretion of red coloration, similar to the coat color of adult males. Different hypotheses have been proposed on the function and origin of this secretion. The present work aimed to: 1 analyze if fresh secretion is responsible for hair coloration in this animals and if water is capable to decolorize hair; 2 verify if secretion release is affected by body and atmospheric temperatures; 3 identify by optic and electronic microscopy the morphologic characteristics of the secretion-producing glands; 4 map the areas of the animal body that have such glands; 5 define which sex-age categories have this gland; 6 determine if secretion is able to color hair after stored at -4º C; 7 evaluate during one year the coloration of cromatogenic fields in adult, subadults and juvenile animals; 8 analyze the secretion composition; 9 measure testosterone levels in animals of different sex-age categories; 10 verify the possible relationship between the social behavior of wild animals and the observed coloration. It was found that adult, subadult and juvenile males and adult and subadult females release secretion. The release in almost all body areas is under influence of the corporal temperature that is greater in adult male hyoid and subadult male jaw areas. The hair of subadult males of A. g. clamitans maintained in a stove treated with fresh secretion changes from dark to reddish color, similar to the adult males hair color. The water does not change the color of the hair, once pigmented. The stored secretion changes only the color of the central area of hair. The gland producing colored secretion (GPP) was identified in the area of the hyoid bone and jaw in adult and subadult males. In adult and subadult females a less developed glandular structure was found, denominated GPPi in the hyoid, jaw, breastbone and inguinal areas. GPPi are also present in the inguinal area and nape of adult and subadult males. The juvenile and infant animals presented only normal sweat glands in all body areas. There are no carotenoids in the colored secretion. The secretions of adult, subadult and juvenile males and adult females have different concentrations of iron and adult males presented larger concentration of iron in their secretions when compared to other sex and age categories. The electronic microscopy confirmed the secretory features of GPP and evidenced crystalline structures inside the acinus cells that resemble iron-containing structures evidenced in other cellular structures. Subadult males suffered the greater degree in color variation in cromatogenic fields, and they were also the animals that presented larger rubbing index, suggesting that this would be the mechanism of secretion dispersal. The testosterone levels were proportional to the sex and age categories of the animals, with the largest values found in adult males. The study of the social behavior showed that the reddish adult males have a superior hierarchic status and play the role of group guardians. Our results indicate that the colored secretions, released in the epidermis of A. g. clamitans, are responsible for the hair coloration in adult males due to iron concentration. An iron-containing chromophore would be one of the agents promoting the coloration. The color difference in this subspecies is a secondary sexual trait that seems to occur through a testosterone-activated mechanism, promoting the development of GPP glands. Testosterone levels, the presences of GPP and the intense red-haired coloration have a strong correlation with the hierarchical status of adult males.

Corporate design na příkladě konkrétní společnosti / Corporate Design and its application on the real company

Hubka, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is Corporate Design (company style), integrated visual style, one of the basic elements of Corporate Identity and its application on the real company. The goal of the theoretical part is to explain the meaning and importance of Corporate Design, one of the main means of visual communication. Within this context, thesis is elucidating connections and relationships between different concepts of integrated visual style. Thesis is describing basic constants and evolved parts of Corporate Design and clarifying principles of its creation and reasons leading to change. The practical part is concentrating on the creation of new company style for real company. The goal here is to offer integrated visual style for company ASV Nachod, Ltd. and to create graphical manual, which contains definitions of different company style's applications. The main benefit of the thesis is comprehensive view on integrated visual style, explanation of Corporate Design importance with his constituents and contexts of Corporate Identity. Other benefit lies in the proposal of new integrated visual style for company ASV Nachod, Ltd. and creation of graphical manual. Principles and processes stated are very important not only for small and middle range businesses interested in integrated visual presentation.

Speciální pomůcky pro žáky postižené specifickou poruchou učení pro výuku německého jazyka na 2. stupni základní školy. / Special tools for teaching German for pupils with specific of learning in secondary schools.

SEDLÁŘOVÁ, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
The theoretical part of the dissertation describes some specific learning disabilities (next SLD) - especially dyslexia, pays attention to causes of the defects, diagnosis and reeducation. Its aim is to describe the personality of these children or their perception of colours. Further, some possibilities how to work with a child with a learning disability in foreign language lessons at basic schools are discussed. The practical part is aimed at teaching aids production. It means a textbook, a CD, sheets with appendices, etc. Each aid is described and its benefit for both, the pupil and the teacher, are mentioned and also teaching methods are explained.

Jälleenrakennuskauden kodin väritys:arki ja arkkitehtuuri

Herneoja, A. (Aulikki) 07 November 2007 (has links)
Abstract In my study of architecture, I have surveyed the interior of the apartment from the perspective of colouration, in Finland from 1948 to 1955. My study comprised traditionally considered high-cultured architecture — legitimate architecture — and architecture representing the everyday, which does not have the status of legitimate architecture. My research into this subject adopted a material based approach, with qualitative research methods and applied with a theory-guided content analysis. The periodicals Arkkitehti and Kaunis Koti formed the central content of my study, representing legitimate and popular architecture from the post-war reconstruction period. On the basis of this material, I compiled a depiction of the colouration of the home during the postwar reconstruction period. In addition, I studied the use of colours in legitimate and popular architecture during that period. There has been no previous systematic depiction of the interiors of the home in Finland. The presupposition of my study was that during the post-war reconstruction period, the colour preferences of architects and the general public neared. During the post-war reconstruction period, the attention of most architects was directed towards the living conditions and needs of the general public. The primary focus of architects was in housing. This was due to the large number of homeless people requiring housing after the war. From the basis of functionalism, the discourse on the social content of architecture created the foundation for building planning during the post-war reconstruction period. In the material examined in this study, colour was identified with happiness. Nature connected the Finnish people. Even in the urban setting, the experience of nature was considered important. The multihued greenery of the window shelf present in almost every living room was one display of "the living spirit" of nature brought into the urban apartment. During the post-war reconstruction period, colouration of interiors was not homogenous. The composition of the colouration, and the ways in which colour were used, changed according to the room type. The over-arching concept in the colouration of the rooms was that of a purposeful aesthetic. The changes were connected with the development phase of the room type, its contents, as well as the importance of the space in comparison to the entirety of spaces in the apartment. In addition to the colouration change between room types, some of the apartment furnishings and their colouration changed noticeably during the post-war reconstruction period. The importance of good taste was also emphasised in different ways in different room types. In the colouration of older, established room types issues of good taste were often raised, and the interior was constructed on the basis of critique of previous interior design colourations. In connection with newer room types, such as the kitchen and the children's room, a purposeful aesthetic was at the forefront and good taste was hardly talked about, since colouration was not given as a value in relation to what had come before. Dissymmetry of colouration was common for all home interiors. The dissymmetry was derived from the modernity principle of embracing the new and forbidding the traditional. Personal observations in the use of associative and dissociative names for colours, displays Bourdieu's conception of good taste, represented in the formation of legitimate taste and popular taste. However, the criticism of Shusterman displays well, that this is a definition derived from high-culture, which is already value-ridden. The romantic period during the post-war reconstruction period, the content of which is understandable also from a popular viewpoint, showed clearly in the works of the architects. For many architects, the period remained short. From the perspective of Bourdieu, it can be thought that legitimate taste had for a moment neared popular taste. The "blue flower of romantic thought" did not blossom for long and the taste representing legitimate, rational thought regained its position. According to my supposition, the taste of popular and high-culture had nonetheless, momentarily neared. / Tiivistelmä Arkkitehtuurin alaan kuuluvassa tutkimuksessani, tarkastelen asunnon sisustusta värityksen näkökulmasta Suomessa vuosina 1948—1955. Tarkastelussani rinnakkain ovat perinteisesti korkeakulttuurina pidetty rakennustaide, legitiimi arkkitehtuuri, ja arjen käytäntöjä edustava arkkitehtuuri, jolla ei ole legitiimin arkkitehtuurin statusta. Tarkastelen tutkimusaihettani aineistolähtöisesti laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin teoriasidonnaisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Arkkitehti-lehti ja Kaunis koti -lehti muodostavat tutkimukseni keskeisen aineiston jälleenrakennuskauden legitiimin ja populaarin arkkitehtuurin ilmentäjinä. Tutkimuksessani kokoan aineistoon perustuvan kuvauksen jälleenrakennuskauden kodin värityksestä sekä tutkin tuon ajan legitiimin ja populaarin arkkitehtuurin värinkäyttöä. Kodin tilojen värityksestä ei ole aiemmin laadittu systemaattista kuvausta Suomessa. Tutkimukseni esioletuksena oli, että jälleenrakennuskaudella arkkitehtien ja suuren yleisön kodin värinkäyttöön liittyvät mieltymykset olivat lähellä toisiaan. Jälleenrakennuskaudella arkkitehtikunnan huomio oli kohdentunut suuren yleisön elinoloihin ja tarpeisiin. Arkkitehtikunnan suunnittelutehtävän painopiste oli asuntotuotannossa, sillä suuri määrä sodan jälkeen kodittomiksi jääneitä oli asutettava. Funktionalismin pohjalta käyty keskustelu arkkitehtuurin sosiaalisesta sisällöstä loi pohjaa jälleenrakennuskauden asuntosuunnittelulle. Aineistossani väri vertautui iloisuuteen. Luonto yhdisti suomalaisia. Kaupunkiympäristössäkin luontokokemusta pidettiin tärkeänä. Kodin sisustuksessa lähes poikkeuksetta esiintynyt olohuoneen kukkaikkuna oli yksi osoitus kaupunkiasuntoon tuodusta luonnon "elävästä hengestä". Jälleenrakennuskauden kodin sisustuksen väritys oli epäyhtenäinen. Värityksen sisällöt ja tavat käyttää väriä vaihtelivat huonetyypeittäin. Yhdistävänä yläkäsitteenä huonetilojen värityksessä oli tarkoituksenmukaisuuden estetiikka. Vaihtelut liittyivät huonetyypin kehitysvaiheeseen ja sisältöihin sekä tilalle annettuun painoarvoon asunnon huonetilojen kokonaisuudessa. Huonetyypin värityksen keskinäisen vaihtelun lisäksi osa kodin tilojen sisustuksista ja niiden värityksistä muuttui selvästi jälleenrakennuskauden kuluessa. Myös hyvän maun merkitystä korostettiin eri tavoin eri huonetyypeissä. Vanhempien, jo vakiintuneiden huonetyyppien sisustuksen värityksessä hyvä maku otettiin usein esiin ja hyvän maun mukainen sisutus rakentui aiempien sisustustyylien värityksen kritiikin kautta. Uudempien huonetyyppien, kuten keittiön ja lastenhuoneen, yhteydessä tarkoituksenmukaisuuden estetiikka oli etusijalla eikä hyvästä mausta puhuttu juuri lainkaan, sillä väritystä ei arvotettu suhteessa aiempaan. Värityksen epäsymmetrisyys oli yhteistä kaikille tarkastelemilleni kodin tilojen värityksille. Epäsymmetria ilmensi moderniteettiin sisältyvää ajatusta uudesta ja tradition kieltämisestä. Havaintoni assosiatiivisten ja ei-assosiatiivisten värinnimitysten käytöstä havainnollistaa Bourdieun ajatusta hyvää makua edustavan legitiimin maun ja populaarin maun muodostumisesta. Shustermanin kritiikki tuo kuitenkin hyvin esiin korkeakulttuurin piiristä lähtevän määritelmän, joka jo lähtökohtaisesti on arvovarautunut. Jälleenrakennuskauden romanttinen ajanjakso, jonka sisällöt olivat ymmärrettäviä myös populaarin näkökulmasta, näkyi selvästi arkkitehtien tuotannossa. Jakso jäi monen arkkitehdin kohdalla lyhytaikaiseksi. Bourdieu'n näkökulmasta voi ajatella, että legitiimi maku oli hetkellisesti lähentynyt populaaria makua. Jälkikäteen katsottuna arkkitehdit ovat tulkinneet maun rämettyneen väliaikaisesti. "Romantiikan sininen kukka" ei kovin pitkään ehtinyt kukkia, ja legitiimiä rationaalia linjaa edustanut maku valtasi asemansa takaisin. Esioletukseni mukaisesti populaarin ja korkeakulttuurin maku olivat silti hetkellisesti lähentyneet toisiaan.

Konstnärsförbundets förnyelse av måleriet : Skolundervisning med influenser från Delacroix / The Swedish Artists´ Associations´s Renewal of Painting : School Teaching with Influences from Delacroix

Derefeldt, Gunilla January 2024 (has links)
En av 1800-talets främsta franska konstnärer Eugène Delacroix fick stor betydelse för de nya konstriktningarna under senare hälften av 1800-talet. I Frankrike står han som symbol för konstnärlig frigörelse, för sin långa och envetna kamp mot den franska konstakademin där "les Artistes Indépendants" fortsatte kampen efter honom, vilket ledde till en brytning med akademin år 1884. I samtida internationell forskning har Delacroix betydelse för den moderna konstens utveckling betonats. Syftet med denna magisteruppsats har varit att med formal stilanalys studera influenser från Delacroix måleri i verk med anknytning till det svenska Konstnärsförbundet, som bildades år 1886 i opposition mot och brytning med den svenska konstakademin. Konstnärsförbundet  kom att få stor betydelse för den unga svenska modernismen. Konstnären Richard Bergh var i det svenska kulturlivet tongivande för den svenska konstens förnyelse med den franska unga konsten som förebild. Som konstnärlig ledare för Konstnärsförbundets skolor åren 1890-1908 införde han individuell frihet för eleverna, ljus-och färgstudier inspirerat av Delacroix och neoimpressionismen. Teoretiska utgångspunkter för uppsatsen har varit M.E. Chevreuls lagar om simultan färgkontrast och Paul Signacs analys av Delacroix betydelse för impressionismen till neoimpressionismen. Fantasins roll för att skapa ett själsligt berörande måleri har diskuterats utifrån Charles Baudelaires konstkritik, Delacroix Dagbok och Gauguins symbolism från 1884. För den formala analysen har konstbilder av Richard Bergh, Olof Sager-Nelson, Ivan Aguéli och Isaac Grünewald analyserats med avseende på komplementära färgkompositioner, ljusreflexioner, färger och ljus i belysning och skuggor. Dessa konstnärer har valts ut då de alla på olika sätt representerar ett personligt och nydanande måleri och en konst som fortfarande berör. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att alla konstnärerna praktiserat komplementära färgkompositioner, effekter av simultan färgkontrast och att ljuset haft central betydelse för dem alla. Ljuset har artikulerats såväl i ljus inomhus som utomhus i himmelsljuset, i speglingar, skarpa och diffusa ljusreflexioner, varmare färger i solbelysta delar och kallare i skuggor. Den formala analysen visar att Delacroix måleri med komplementära färgkompositioner otvetydigt kan spåras i de verk som analyserats i uppsatsen. Alla konstnärerna har också strävat efter och lyckats att skapa ett själsligt berörande måleri. Delacroix tankar och måleri kan därför sägas ha bidragit till det svenska måleriets förnyelse genom Konstnärsförbundet. / One of the foremost French artists of the 19th century, Eugène Delacroix stands as a symbol of liberation, for his long and determined struggle against the French Academy of Arts, where the continued struggle of the "Artistes Indépendants" led to a break in 1884. The Swedish Artists´Association was formed in 1886 in opposition to the Swedish Academy of Arts. In Sweden, the artist Richard Bergh set the tone for the renewal of Swedish art. As artistic director of the Artists´Association´s schools in the years 1890-1908, he introduced individual freedom for the students, light and colour studies inspired by Delacroix and the neo-impressionism. In contemporary art history, Delacroix´s importance for the development of modern art has been emphasized. The aim of this master thesis is to use formal style analysis to study influences from Delacroix´s painting in some works of Swedish artists connected to the Swedish Artists´Association´s schools. Art images by Richard Bergh, Olof Sager-Nelson, Ivan Aguéli, and Isaac Grünewald have been analysed for complementary colour compositions, light reflections, colours and light in lighting and in shadows.  Theoretical starting points have been M.E. Chevreul´s Law of Light Reflections and Simultaneous Colour Contrast and Paul Signac´s analysis of the importance of Delacroix painting in relation to the neo-impressionism. To highlight the artist´s desire to touch the viewer, Baudelaire´s art criticism, Delacroix´s Diary, and Gauguins´s symbolism from 1884 have been considered. The results show that all the artists practiced complementary colour compositions, effects of simultaneous colour contrast, and that light was of central importance to all of them. The light has been articulated both in light indoors and outdoors in the sky, in reflections, sharp and diffuse light refelctions, warmer colours in sunlit parts and colder in shadows. All the artists have also strived for and succeeding in creating a soul-touching painting. Delacroix´s thoughts and painting can therefore be said to have unequivocally contributed to the renewal of Swedish painting through the Swedish Artists´ Association.

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