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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chorvatsko 1989-1990: mezi Jugoslávií a nacionalismem / Croatia 1989-1990: between Yugoslavia and nationalism

Moskovič, Boris January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with political developments in Croatia since the beginning of 1989 to the first multiparty elections in the spring of 1990. It analyzes the evolution of attitudes of Croatian communists to the Yugoslav crisis and activity of opposition groups during this period. The main emphasis is on the attitudes of Croatian ruling and alternative political elites against national and constitutional questions. Attention is paid to the development of so-called Serbian Question in Croatia. The thesis analyses the development of political pluralism in the territory of Croatia and the activities of the Croatian Democratic Union and Croatian Social Liberal Party. The thesis is based on a detailed analysis of the contemporary press and memoir and secondary literature. Keywords: Yugoslavia, Croatia, Communist Party, nationalism, election

Vznik a vývoj Komunistické strany Československa ve 20. letech 20. století. / The emergence and development of the Communist party of Czechoslovakia in the 20.years 20.century.

Adamcová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and its development in the 1920s. The first part is devoted to the historical roots of the socialist movement in Austria-Hungary and the Czech lands and maps the birth of the Communist Party from the left wing of the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Workers' Party. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the policy and internal development of the Communist Party in the 1920s in connection with its relationship to the Communist International. It also describes the most important events that influenced the party, individual congresses of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, their conclusions and in the context there is explained the strategic-tactical direction of the party. The thesis also monitors the development of communist agitation before the parliamentary elections of 1925 and 1929 and the results of these elections. The work uses specialized literature, protocols of individual congresses of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and articles from the period press. KEYWORDS Czechoslovakia, political party, communism, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, bolshevization

Reflexe Edvarda Beneše v československém tisku ve vybraných obdobích let 1948-1988 / The Reflection of Edvard Beneš in The Czechoslovakian Press in the Selected Periods of 1948-1988

Svatoš, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I came to the conclusion that the frequency of mentions about Edvard Beneš fluctuated in the monitored media. From the examined periods, Rudé právo, Lidová demokracie and Svobodné slovo most often wrote about him in 1968 (a total of 37 mentions), in 1958 there were 32 mentions and in 1978 and 1988 there were 25 mentions. On the contrary, in sum of all the examined periods, there were only a few mentions in some years - for example, in 1983 there were 4 mentions, in 1948 there were 8 mentions and in 1973 there were 10 mentions. Rudé právo most often wrote about Edvard Beneš (96 references in all), in Svobodné slovo 47 and in Lidová demokracie 37. This can be explained by the fact that during the Communist regime Rudé právo had more pages than the other two newspapers and it also paid more attention to politics. In the researched media, Edvard Beneš was most often mentioned in connection with the February coup d'état anniversaries. In the qualitative analysis, I came to the conclusion that the studied newspapers mostly wrote about Edvard Beneš neutrally (57 percent of all mentions), negative references were 35 percent, and 8 percent were positive. During the 1950s, the analysed media was mostly critical to Edvard Beneš. However, in 1963 I noticed 50 percent of neutral references....

Patterns and trends in survival: Kazakhstan and post-communist countries confronted with low mortality populations

Mukhtarova, Zhanyl January 2011 (has links)
This research primarily addresses mortality patterns and trends by main causes of death in the post-communist countries of Central Asia, Central Europe and the Baltic region together with low mortality populations such as those of France, Spain and the USA. The aim of this study is to analyze the changes in the mortality levels and its structure by the main causes of death by sex and age, and confronted with low mortality populations between the period of 1985 and 2005, respectively. The first (and main) part of the work therefore focuses on cause-specific mortality levels and its relative structure by main causes of death in the selected countries. Moreover, the different patterns of excess male mortality were also observed. The second part is concentrated at the age-standardized mortality levels by main causes of death. The research identified several important issues encasing the field of mortality, especially in the cause-specific mortality situation in Central Asian republics.

Le PCF et les usages du passé résistant (1944-1974) / The FCP and the political usages of the past (1944-1974)

Campo, Silvina 03 December 2014 (has links)
Les usages politiques du passé de la Résistance sont au cœur de cette thèse. Cette recherche n’entend donc pas se centrer sur la Résistance au sens strict, mais sur les formes d’instrumentalisation de ce passé, au sein d’un groupe : le Parti Communiste Français. Parmi les passés choisis par le PCF, la Résistance occupe une place déterminante, en raison du réel engagement communiste dans l’armée des ombres, ainsi qu’en raison du brevet de patriotisme qu’elle offrait à une formation créditée d’une fidélité aveugle à Moscou. La participation des communistes à l’épopée résistante leur a permis de reconquérir de la crédibilité et de consolider leur position dans un espace public où ils risquaient d’être disqualifiés en raison des positions adoptées par le parti en 1939-1941. La pluralité des significations attachées à ce passé et la fluidité des interprétations attribuées ont permis l’adaptation à la réalité dans laquelle agissaient les communistes. Ainsi, il a été possible de répondre aux objectifs divers que s’assignait le PCF. La période étudiée s’ouvre en 1944, avec la libération d’une grande partie du territoire français, même si la guerre n’est alors pas finie. L’étude s’achève avec l’année 1974, date significative que signale le XXXème anniversaire de la Libération dans le contexte national de la fin des Trente Glorieuses. / The political exploitation of its involvement in the resistance movement is the subject of this thesis. The objective of this study is not the Resistance per se but how it was used for political purposes by the French Communist Party. The Resistance is an essential period for the FCP not only because of its real involvement in the Resistance movement but also because this involvement was used to hide its blind alliance to Moscow. The involvement of the FCP in the Resistance allowed it to regain credibility and to strengthen its position in despite the errors committed between 1939 and 1941. The multiple interpretations and exploitations of its involvement in the Resistance were adapted by the party according to its political objectives and needs in any given moment. The historical period of this research begin in 1944 with the Liberation and ends in 1974, the 30th Anniversary of this date.

Psychiatrie, psychanalyse et communisme : essai de sociobiographie des psychiatres communistes (1924 – 1985) / Psychiatry, psychoanalysis and communism : socio-biography essay of the communist psychiatrists (1924-1985)

Papiau, Danielle 16 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se donne pour objet les relations entre psychiatrie, psychanalyse et communisme durant la période 1934-1985, du Front populaire au déclin du PCF dans les années 1980. Elle étudie cette histoire dans sa relation au courant réformateur de l’ordre psychiatrique institué par la loi sur les aliénés du 30 juin 1838 qui émerge dans le champ médical dans les années trente, jusqu’à la normalisation du sous-champ de la psychiatrie publique à la fin des années 80, courant conforté par l’introduction en France de la psychanalyse. A partir de l’analyse des trajectoires biographiques des psychiatres communistes et de la biographie collective du groupe qu’ils constituent en 1945, il s’agit d’articuler l’analyse compréhensive des raisons d’agir avancées par les acteurs et l’objectivation des positions occupées, tant au plan professionnel qu’au plan politique, dans la perspective d’un engagement partisan rapporté à son insertion dans l’histoire sociale du groupe des psychiatres publics. Articulant sociologie des mobilisations et sociologie des professions, l’étude se centre sur les formes d’hybridation sociale pratique et intellectuelle qui se nouent dans l’action entre pratiques militantes et activité professionnelle vécue comme un engagement.Après avoir mis au jour les dispositions des acteurs et les événements qui créent les prémisses d’une identité de psychiatre communiste, seront étudiées l’action conjointe des mécanismes d’homogénéisation et d’encadrement mis en place par le PCF et les appropriations réalisées par les acteurs, en relation avec les différentes configurations de l’entreprise militante et les reconfigurations de l’espace professionnel. On montre en quoi le capital acquis dans l’espace professionnel est mis au service des objectifs de l’entreprise politique, et en quoi le capital militant est une ressource dans les luttes de reconnaissance de la psychiatrie dans le champ médical. Dans le jeu de ces interactions se construit une identité de psychiatre communiste appelée à se rénover suite à la crise internationale du communisme de 1956 et à l’autonomisation de la psychiatrie qui se réalise en 1968.A la différence d’autres espaces médicaux spécialisés, la nature de l’objet de la psychiatrie, la maladie mentale, met en jeu des conceptions indissociablement médicales et philosophiques quant à la nature de l’individu, à son rapport au monde social et aux normes qui définissent le normal et le pathologique. A ce titre les débats qui traversent la psychiatrie ne sont pas indépendants des controverses philosophiques et du développement des sciences sociales. L’étude s’inscrit donc aussi dans une sociologie historique des intellectuels et dans la problématique du rapport des professions intellectuelles avec le politique. Sont aussi interrogées, les relations entre professions intellectuelles et cadres ouvriers devenus des intellectuels d’institution au sein de l’intellectuel collectif communiste, le lien entre discours savant et discours politique, et les tensions entre définition identitaire et clôture du groupe, et vocation messianique impliquant une ouverture aux évolutions du monde social. En modulant l’image d’un affrontement irréconciliable entre marxisme et psychanalyse, la thèse met au jour un lien fort, fait d’alliances et de concurrences entre le marxisme et la psychanalyse, contre les conceptions biologiques du psychisme. / This thesis focuses on the relationship between psychiatry, psychoanalysis and communism during the period 1934-1985, from the Popular Front period to the years of decline of the French Communist Party (FCP) in the 1980s. It investigates this history regarding its relation with the reformist trend in the psychiatric environment organized under the law on the insane dated June 30, 1838 which emerges out of the medical field in the thirties until the normalization of the public psychiatry subfield at the end of the eighties, reinforced by the introduction in France of the psychoanalysis.Based on the analysis of the biographical career of the communist psychiatrists and the collective biography of the group they constitute in 1945, the purpose is to articulate the comprehensive analysis of the cases for action put forward by the actors with the objectification of their held positions, in their career as well as politically, in the context of a political commitment considered in relation with the shared history of the public psychoanalysts group. Articulating the sociology of political mobilizations and the sociology of careers, the investigation focuses on the various kinds of social, practical and intellectual hybridization that are formed in the action between militant practices and professional activity experienced as a political commitmentAfter having brought to light the players’ capacities and the events that create the premises of a communist psychiatrist identity, we will investigate, the joint action of the mechanisms of homogenization and supervision put in place by the FCP and the appropriations realized by the considered psychiatrists, in relation with the different configurations of the activist undertaking and the reconfigurations of the professional field.We show how the know how gained in the professional field is brought at the service of the political undertaking targets and how the acquired militant know how is used as a resource in the struggles for recognition of psychiatry in the medical field. In the course of these interactions, an identity of communist psychiatry is built up and required to be updated after both the international crisis of communism in 1956 and the fact that psychiatry becomes a self- sustaining part of psychiatry in the years near to1968. As opposed to other specialized medical fields, the nature of the object of psychiatry, mental illness, involves profound logical interrelationships, medical and philosophical conceptions as to the nature of the individual, his relation to the society and the norms which segregate the normal from the pathological. In this respect, the debates that go through psychiatry are not independent of the philosophical controversies and the development of the social sciences. This essay is thus part of a historiological sociology of intellectuals including the issue of the relations between the intellectual professions and politics. Are also discussed,the relationsips between intellectual professions and workers' leaders reaching the position of political institution’s intellectuals within the communist collective intellectual, the link between scholarly and political discourses, and the tensions between assertion of identity and the lock of the group and messianic vocation implying to be opened to the social world evolutions. Modulating the image of an irreconcilable confrontation between Marxism and psychoanalysis, the thesis reveals a strong link, made of alliances and competitions between Marxism and psychoanalysis against the biological conceptions of the psyche.

Um partido, duas táticas: uma história organizativa e política do Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), de 1922 a 1935 / A party, two tactics: an organizational and political history of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), from 1922 to 1935

Cosenza, Apoena Canuto 13 March 2013 (has links)
Nessa dissertação, realizou-se um estudo sobre a história organizativa e política do Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), de 1922 a 1935. Durante o período analisado, o Partido passou por duas mudanças no conjunto tático adotado. No entanto, passou por quatro linhas estratégicas diferentes. De 1922 a 1929, adotou um conjunto tático de estilo subcultural. Buscou se tornar o representante máximo do proletariado e das massas trabalhadoras, adotando formas de lutas pacíficas. De 1930 a 1934, o PCB passou por um período de luta interna acirrado, abandonando o estilo subcultural. Ao final de 1934 e até o início de 1936, foi adotado pela organização o estilo da luta direta pelo poder. No entanto, de 1922 a 1925, o PCB teve como linha estratégica a autoconstrução como ferramenta de luta. Era mais importante organizar o Partido do que combater um inimigo específico. De 1926 a 1929, foi adotada a linha estratégica de Frente Única, mas negando-se a realização de coalisões. De 1930 a 1933, foi adotada a linha denominada classe contra classe, que negava a possibilidade de qualquer aliança com a pequena burguesia radicalizada. De 1934 a 1935, foi adotada a linha da Frente Popular, que significou a atuação através da Aliança Nacional Libertadora (ANL). Durante os treze anos que vão de 1922 a 1935, houve debilidade na capacidade organizativa. Os membros do partido eram frequentemente presos e as direções nacionais sempre tiveram dificuldades em manter contatos com as direções regionais e essas com os órgãos de base. Na prática, tratou-se de uma organização que não possuía quadros revolucionários formados. A ausência de quadros é o que explica a incapacidade de formular táticas eficazes. E mesmo as táticas formuladas eram, em geral, mal aplicadas, como observavam os próprios militantes à época. / In this dissertation, it was carried out a study on the organizational and political history of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), 1922-1935. During the analyzed period, the Party went through two tactical changes. However, it went through four different strategic lines. From 1922 to 1929, it adopted the subcultural tactical style. It sought to become the highest representative of the proletariat and the working masses, adopting forms of peaceful struggle. From 1930 to 1934, the PCB has gone through a period of internal fighting, abandoning the subcultural style. At the end of 1934 and by early 1936, it adopted the style of direct struggle. However, from 1922 to 1925, the PCB had as a strategic line the self-construction. It was more important to organize the party then to fight a specific enemy. From 1926 to 1929, it adopted the strategic line of the United Front, but denying the realization of coalitions. From 1930 to 1933, it adopted the line \"class against class\", which denied the possibility of any alliance with the radicalized small bourgeoisie. From 1934 to 1935, it adopted the line of the Popular Front, which meant acting through the Aliança Nacional Libertadora (ANL). During the thirteen years from 1922 to 1935, there were problems at its leaderships have always had difficulty maintaining contact with regional leaderships and militants. In practice, it was an organization that had no revolutionary cadres formed. The absence of revolutionary cadres is what explains the inability to build effective tactics. And even if the tactics were formulated, it was generally misapplied.

Partido Operário Comunista (POC): história e memória de uma organização marxista-leninista (1968-1971) / Communist Workers Party (POC): history and memory of a Marxist-Leninist organization (1968-1971)

Figueiredo Filho, Celso Ramos 19 May 2016 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objeto o Partido Operário Comunista (POC). Trata-se de uma organização da esquerda radical brasileira, atuante durante os chamados anos de chumbo da ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1968-1971) sobre a qual não há nenhum estudo acadêmico mais pormenorizado. O POC foi oficialmente fundado em um Congresso realizado em abril de 1968, na cidade de São Paulo, com a fusão de duas organizações anteriormente existentes, a Organização Revolucionária Marxista-Política Operária (POLOP) e a Dissidência Leninista do Partido Comunista Brasileiro do Rio Grande do Sul (DI-RS). A linha política adotada pelo novo partido foi estabelecida pelo Programa Socialista para o Brasil, para o qual a revolução brasileira deveria ser socialista, e conduzida por um partido de vanguarda da classe operária, que estaria à frente de uma aliança operário-camponesa, engrossada por elementos revolucionários da pequena-burguesia. Inicialmente resistente ao engajamento nas ações de guerrilha urbana, o POC procurou canalizar seus esforços para os movimentos de massa que estavam ascensão quando da sua fundação. Neste sentido, dirigiu a militância para o movimento operário de Contagem (MG) e Osasco (SP), onde ocorreram importantes mobilizações nesse período. A organização também procurou influenciar o movimento estudantil e, para isso criou o Movimento Universidade Crítica, MUC, também em 1968. No início de 1969, com o descenso desses movimentos devido também ao AI-5, o POC reconheceu ter colhido poucos frutos desses esforços, sobretudo no movimento operário, onde sua presença continuou esparsa. Neste ínterim, várias organizações da esquerda já estavam francamente engajadas em ações armadas, o que motivava uma dupla crítica no interior do POC: ineficácia nas ações de massa, e inexistência de ações de guerrilha. Ácidos debates internos passaram a ocorrer no seu interior, corroendo sua coesão. Este processo de luta política interna se prolongou por todo o ano de 1969, polarizando os militaristas contra os massistas. Trocas mútuas de acusações levaram este grupo a romper com o POC em março de 1970 e a recriar a antiga POLOP. Dentre os militantes remanescentes do POC ainda se manteve um caloroso debate em torno das duas idéias-força: militarismo versus massismo. Há de se dizer que, de forma esparsa, e sempre em associação a outras organizações, o POC já havia praticado algumas ações armadas, dirigidas para a obtenção de recursos financeiros. a partir de meados de 1970, na sequência de prisões de militantes das organizações militaristas, a polícia política atingiria em cheio o POC, levando ao seu desmantelamento no Brasil em junho de 1971. Nesta tese procurei compreender os pormenores internos de uma organização leninista, bem como a rotina da militância em meio a um contexto repressivo, apoiando na noção de cultura política de Serge Bernstein. Por essa razão busquei os relatos de ex-membros do partido, através dos quais pude conhecer suas memórias sobre esse período. / This thesis is engaged in the Communist Workers Party (POC). It is an organization of the Brazilian radical left active during the so-called \"years of lead\" the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship (1968-1971) on which there is no more detailed academic study. The POC was officially founded at a congress held in April 1968 in São Paulo, with the merger of two previously existing organizations, the Organization Revolutionary Workers Marxist-Policy (POLOP) and the Brazilian Communist Party\'s Leninist Dissent Rio Grande South (DI-RS). The political line adopted by the new party was established by the \"Socialist Program for Brazil\", for which the Brazilian revolution should be socialist, and led by a vanguard party of the working class, who would be the head of a worker-peasant alliance, thickened by revolutionary elements of the petty bourgeoisie. Initially resistant engagement in urban guerrilla actions, the POC sought to channel their efforts to the mass movements that were rising at the time of its foundation. In this sense, he directed militancy to the labor movement of Contagem (MG) and Osasco (SP), where there were important mobilizations that period. The organization also sought to influence the student movement and to this end has created the \"Movement University Critical,\" MUC, also in 1968. In early 1969, with the decline of these movements also due to AI-5, POC acknowledged harvested little fruit of these efforts, especially in the labor movement, where his presence remained sparse. Meanwhile, several organizations of the left were already openly engaged in armed actions, which motivated a double criticism within the POC: ineffectiveness in mass actions, and lack of guerrilla actions. Acids internal discussions began to take place inside, eroding its cohesion. This political infighting process lasted throughout the year 1969, polarizing the \"militarists\" against \"massistas\". mutual exchange of accusations led this group to break with the POC in March 1970 and re-create the old POLOP. Among the remaining militants POC still remained a heated debate around the two key ideas: militarism \"versus\" massismo. One has to say that, sparsely, and always in association with other organizations, the POC had practiced some armed actions aimed at obtaining financial resources. from the mid-1970s, following arrests of militants from militarist organizations, the political police would reach full POC, leading to their being dismantled in Brazil in June 1971. This thesis tried to understand the internal details of a Leninist organization, as well as the routine of militancy amid a repressive environment, supporting the political culture\'s notion of Serge Bernstein. Therefore sought the reports of former party members, through which I got to know his memories of that period.

Comunismo contra o racismo: autodeterminação e vieses de integação de classe no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos (1919-1939) / Communism against racism: self-determination and paths of class integration in Brazil and in the United States (1919-1939)

Lima, Aruã Silva de 23 July 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho é resultado de uma investigação a respeito da relação estabelecida entre comunistas e organizações negras nos Estados Unidos e Brasil entre as décadas de 20 e 30 do século XX. Foi estudado o percurso duplo por onde trafegaram ideias comunistas no sentido das organizações negras e como estas mesmas organizações influenciaram a agenda política dos comunistas no que tange às questões raciais. Foi possível concluir que as mudanças nas políticas da Internacional Comunista em relação à questão negra obedeceram tanto a critérios internos dos Partidos Comunistas nacionais como às flutuações políticas da União Soviética. / This work is result of an investigation about the relationship established between communists and black organizations in the United States and Brazil between 20s and 30s of the 20th century. It was studied the double path on which communists ideas transited towards black organizations and how these very organizations influenced the communist political agenda regarding racial issues. It was possible to conclude that the political shifts in the Communist International with regard to the black question obeyed to internal criterias within national Communist Parties as well as to the political fluctuations in the Soviet Union.

Jacob Gorender, um militante comunista: estudo de uma trajetória política e intelectual no marxismo brasileiro (1923-1970) / Jacob Gorender, a Communist militant: study of a political and intellectual trajectory in the Brazilian marxist (1923-1970)

Quadros, Carlos Fernando de 03 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a trajetória política e intelectual do marxista brasileiro Jacob Gorender (1923-2013). O recorte temporal adotado detém-se no ano de sua prisão, em 1970, por motivo de suas atividades políticas, não obstante Gorender tenha uma rica militância e, especialmente, uma produção teórica muito vasta nos anos posteriores à sua experiência prisional. Esta escolha analítica decorre do fato deste período permitir acompanhar o seu itinerário militante em duas organizações políticas, o Partido Comunista do Brasil, renomeado em 1961 Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), e o Partido Comunista Brasileiro Revolucionário (PCBR). Por meio deste procedimento o objetivo foi compreender o processo de desenvolvimento do marxismo no Brasil, com as continuidades e rupturas que o caracterizaram, entre as décadas de 1940 e 1970, a partir de uma abordagem biográfica. / This thesis is on the political and intellectual trajectory of the Brazilian Marxist Jacob Gorender (1923-2013). The adopted time frame is held until his prison, in 1970, due to his political activities, regardless Gorender had a rich militancy and, specially, theoretical production in the years after his prison experience. This analytical choice results that this period allows to follow his militant itinerary in two political organizations, Communist Party of Brazil, renamed in 1961 Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), and Brazilian Revolutionary Communist Party (PCBR). Through this procedure the goal was to understand the development process of Marxism in Brazil, with the continuities and raptures that characterized it, between the 1940s and the 1970s, from a biographical approach.

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