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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phenomenological investigation into the decentralisation of primary health care services in Bophirima District, Northwest Province

Taole, Elias Khethisa 05 1900 (has links)
Since 1994 a number of health reforms took place in furthering democracy. These changes included the decentralisation of Primary Health Care Services. This study is a phenomenological research that chronicles the Primary Health Care decentralisation experiences in the Bophirima District of the North-West Province. Using a descriptive phenomenological orientation, the purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of participants associated with decentralisation in the Bophirima District. Also, to illustrate how the participants perceive these experiences in relation to Primary Health Care services. Furthermore, to provide scientific evidence regarding factors related to the decentralisation of PHC services in the Bophirima District. These and other issues remain of paramount importance given the current state of health care in the South Africa. This study took place in the outskirts of the semi-rural area of Bophirima and Central District in the North-West Province. The investigation followed qualitative research design that was descriptive, exploratory, contextual and phenomenological in nature. The sampling procedure involved non-probability purposive, sampling technique with a sample size of five participants. Data was collected by using an unstructured interview technique. The modified Giorgi method of analysis was used for qualitative data analysis. These are contained in Burns and Grove (2001:596) and Polit and Beck (2004:394) are fully explicated in Chapter Four. Guba model (in Babbie & Mouton, 2001:180) was utilised to ensure the trustworthiness of the study. Ethical requirements were considered throughout and these are reflected in chapter four of the thesis.Three forms of decentralisation: deconcentration, delegation and devolution were identified in the findings. The investigation further indicated that the integration of primary health care services was also underway at the time of decentralisation. This integration triggered different psychological and emotional states amongst research participants. Most importantly, the research revealed that the interest of leadership across three spheres of government played a key role in the decentralisation of PHCs and integration of PHCs, while highlighting the importance of community participation in health service delivery (CP). In conclusion, the decentralisation process was generally perceived as empowering although, nationally, leadership needs to be strengthened to support provinces and districts regarding major policy issues such decentralisation. Key recommendations were made and further research was suggested. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Aard en bydrae van maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering aan die dwelmafhanklike adolessent

Keith, Lucille Elaine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Drug dependent adolescents do not display a clear understanding regarding the value of social work intervention during the process of rehabilation, causing them to not utilize the profession of social work effectively during drug rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore and describe the nature and contribution of social work service delivery to drug dependent adolescents from their own perspective. A qualitative research approach, an explorative research design, and a snowball sampling technique were implemented. The sample consisted of drug dependent adolescents from the Western Cape. Semi-structured interviews were executed determining the participant’s perception of the nature and contribution of social work service delivery. Amongst others, the findings indicate that: • social workers are not sufficiently prepared, trained or committed to render effective, professional services to drug dependent adolescents; • social workers need to continuously revisit their knowledge, skill and attitude regarding this specialised field of service rendering. / Social Work / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

Follow-up study of once-off interviews with social work clients

Omar, Shaheda Bibi 11 1900 (has links)
A death in research exacerbates the lack of knowledge and information in respect of the needs and life view of the aged. Two studies were conducted in this population group with specific reference to the 'once-off interview'. Information was gathered using interview schedules focusing on therapeutic skills of social workers working within the system which cares for the aged. Results of a pilot study and an expanded study were compared in order to establish the inter-relationship between the. needs of the elderly, their elemental experiences in line with Bloom's theory (1984), and the role of the social worker. Findings revealed that the majority of "discontinuances" after the first interview were because the needs of the elderly clients had in fact been met. The need for day care services, transport and the expansion of the 'home help' facility was highlighted to enable the elderly to retain their independence in the community / Social Science / M.A. (Social Science: Mental Health)

Knowledge of tuberculosis patients about their disease in Tshwane, South Africa

Adekanmbi, Motunrayo Helen 07 September 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the knowledge of TB patients receiving TB treatment at a clinic in Tshwane regarding the condition and their treatment. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted. Data was collected using a self-designed structured questionnaire administered by the researcher and nurses. The population consisted of diagnosed TB patients. The total sample consisted of 74 respondents. The respondents were described in terms of inter alia their demographics, aspects of their health and TB and aspects related to clinic visits. For the knowledge about TB a competency indicator was set at 70% which means that those that achieved this were regarded as knowledgeable. Those that were found to be not knowledgeable were 41.9% of the sample. The mean score achieved by the group was 61% with a standard deviation of 25. Recommendations were made to amend knowledge deficits of TB patients and for further research / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Post-mortem lessons : community-based model for preventing maternal mortality and newborn death in Ethiopia

Guta, Yonas Regassa 09 1900 (has links)
Ethiopia is one of the five nations that bear the global burden of nearly 50% maternal mortalities and newborn deaths. Cause-specific maternal mortality and newborn death information are vitally important for prevention, but little is known about the causes of deaths. Many maternal mortalities and newborn deaths occur at home, outside the formal health sector, and few are attended by qualified medical professionals. Despite the fact that, non-medical factors are often more important in determining whether a woman/newborn lives or dies than the medical cause of death itself. This study determines and explores factors contributing to maternal mortalities and newborn deaths in Ethiopia with the aim of developing a community-based model for averting maternal mortalities and newborn deaths in Ethiopia. The study was organised in three phases. In Phase 1, a community-based-retrospective approach using explorative, descriptive and contextual study design, combining both qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed methods) were used to make an in-depth investigation and analysis of the circumstances and events surrounding individual cases of maternal mortality and newborn deaths. The result of the study revealed various direct and indirect as well as possible contributing factors to maternal mortalities and newborn deaths which outlined bases for forwarding Phase 2 of the study called concept analysis. In Phase 3, a prototype model was developed according to Chinn and Kramer’s approach to theory generation: initially, based on the empirical perspectives of the study, concept analysis was conducted. The structure and process of a model to avert maternal mortality and newborn death were described; and, six survey list; namely, agent, recipient, context, procedure, dynamic and terminus of Dickoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968) form the basis for development and description of a model for averting maternal mortality and newborn deaths in Ethiopia. Impediment in receiving prompt, adequate and appropriate care were common problems encountered even after reaching an appropriate medical facility. For any attempt to attain a significant reduction in maternal mortality and newborn death, the health care system in Ethiopia must assume its tasks to institute critical changes in both the structure and process of health care delivery services. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Análise da demanda e forma de utilização do ambulatório multiprofissional de um serviço de atenção primária á saude de Porto Alegre, Brasil

Fernandes, Carmen Luiza Correa January 2013 (has links)
O sistema de saúde vem se transformando pressionado por mudanças sociodemográficas, políticas e econômicas. Essas modificações impõem aos gestores a necessidade de conhecer de maneira particularizada o perfil de demandas da população usuária. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar o padrão e as características de utilização de um serviço de atenção primária à saúde a nível ambulatorial. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se traçar o perfil sociodemográfico dos usuários de unidades de APS, avaliar os motivos das consultas, identificar o tipo de atendimento utilizado e a categoria profissional responsável pelo atendimento, avaliar a relação das consultas com as ações programáticas desenvolvidas nos serviços de saúde e identificar a associação entre a vulnerabilidade da área de moradia e os motivos de consulta. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com dados retrospectivos do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (SSC-GHC). A fonte primária foi o Boletim de Atendimento(BA), emitido para cada consulta efetuada no período de 1/01/2011 a 31/12/2011. O total de consultas avaliadas foi de 34.014 realizadas em duas unidades da Zona Norte de Porto Alegre por profissionais de nível superior de diferentes categorias profissionais. . A fonte primária do banco de dados foi o BA, emitido para cada atendimento ambulatorial. A análise dos dados foi feita com o programa estatístico SPSS versão 18.0. A análise descritiva respeitou as características e a distribuição das variáveis. As variáveis contínuas e com distribuição normal foram descritas por meio da média e desvio padrão e as variáveis contínuas e sem distribuição normal foram apresentadas como mediana (intervalo interquartil). As variáveis categóricas foram descritas como números absolutos. O número total de consultas efetivadas foi de 34.014, realizadas por 5.033 pessoas com cadastro nas unidades. A participação de moradores de área de risco foi de 31,3%. O número de pessoas consideradas hiperutilizadores - com mais de 6 consultas/ano - foi de 2.216 (44%). Os hiperutilizadores realizaram 78% das consultas. Estavam presentes hiperutilizadores em 53,7% das famílias. Os hiperutilizadores tinham como característica predominante ser mulher (67,8%), pertencer à faixa etária dos 20 aos 49 anos ou de mais de 60 anos. Os problemas relacionados à saúde mental e comportamental têm um percentual mais elevado entre os usuários hiperutilizadores, (6,9% vs 3,5%). O profissional mais procurado foi o médico (59,3%) seguido pelo odontólogo (27,5%). Os motivos de consulta encontrados são semelhantes no grupo de hiperutilizadores e não hiperutilizadores e distribuídos dentro do esperado para as faixas etárias. / The health system has been undergoing transformation due to sociodemographic, political and economic changes. These alterations impose to managers the need to individually know the demand profile of the user population. In this context, the present study aims to identify the use pattern and characteristics in primary health care service at ambulatorial level. As for specific objectives, this research intended to develop the sociodemographic profile of Primary Health Care (PHC) units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. A cross-sectional study was conducted with retrospective data from the Community Health Service of the Conceição Hospital Group (SSC-GHC). The primary source was the outpatients' charts issued for each consultation in the period between 1/1/2011 and 12/31/2011. The study comprised a total of 34,014 consultations performed in two units of the North Region of Porto Alegre by professionals with tertiary education from different occupational categories. The main objective of this study was to identify use pattern and characteristics of primary health care services at ambulatorial level. The specific objectives were to develop the sociodemographic profile of PHC units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health care services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. The primary source of the database was the chart issued for each outpatient’s ambulatory care. The data analysis was realized with the SPSS statistics software version 18.0. The descriptive analysis considered the characteristics and distribution of variables. The continuous variables with normal distribution were described through averages and standard deviation whilst the continuous variables without normal distribution were presented as median (interquartile range). Categorical variables were described as absolute numbers. The total number of consultations was 34,014 referring to 5,033 people registered in the units. The participation of risk area residents was 31.3%. The number of people considered frequent users - with more than 6 consultations per year - amounted to 2,216 (44%). The frequent users accounted for 78% of the consultations. They were present in 53.7% of households. Frequent users were predominantly women (67.8%), belonging to the age group ranging from 20 to 49 years old or over 60. Mental and behavioral health related issues have a higher percentage among frequent users (6.9% vs. 3.5%). The most requested professional was the physician (59.3%) followed by the odontologist (27.5%). The reasons for consultation found are similar in both frequent and non-frequent users and distributed within the expected for the age groups.

Satisfação e mudança percebida por familiares de usuários de centros de atenção psicossocial em álcool e outras drogas / Satisfaction and Perceived Change of family users from Psychosocial Care Centers Alcohol and other Drugs

Thaís Fernandes Rojas 17 June 2016 (has links)
Apesar das substâncias psicoativas serem consumidas há milhares de anos, nas últimas décadas a questão de seu consumo abusivo e dependência tem se configurado como uma demanda de saúde pública, diante de um cenário marcado pela acelerada transição socioeconômica que está ocorrendo em vários países. Este estudo tem como objetivo a avaliação das práticas oferecidas nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial para Usuários de Álcool e Outras Drogas (CAPSad) do ponto de vista dos familiares dos usuários. Métodos: pesquisa avaliativa transversal, com análise quantitativa de dados coletados em CAPSad do município de São Paulo, utilizando a Escala de Satisfação (Satis-BR) e a Escala de Mudança Percebida (EMP), já validadas e utilizadas anteriormente em estudos avaliativos. Além das escalas, dados acerca da estrutura do serviço, dados sociodemográficos, de acesso, e de caracterização da participação do familiar no tratamento do usuário, foram analisados, com condução de modelo de regressão linear múltipla, no qual evidenciou-se a mudança percebida como variável preditiva de melhor nível de satisfação com os serviços, bem como a correlação negativa das seguintes variáveis com índices de mudança percebida: residir nas zonas leste e norte da cidade e ter renda familiar mensal entre 2 e 4 salários mínimos. O fato de ter parentesco não nuclear, como ser tio ou sobrinho, com o usuário, já teve associação positiva com a mudança percebida. São necessários mais estudos com este tipo de serviço para melhor explorar essas dimensões relacionadas à qualidade da atenção nesta temática, contribuindo para avaliar o impacto das novas políticas e da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial. / Despite psychoactive substances have been consumed for thousands of years, in recent decades, the issue of their abuse and dependence has been configured as a public health demand, against a backdrop marked by rapid socioeconomic transition that has been occurring in several countries. The object of this study is the evaluation of practices offered at Psychosocial Care Centers for Users of Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAPSad) based on the point of view of the families of their users. Methods: evaluative research, by quantitative method, to analyze data collected at CAPSad located in the city of São Paulo, using the Satisfaction Scale (Satis-BR) and the Perceived Change Scale (EMP), already validated and previously used in evaluation studies, will guide the focus of analysis. In addition to the scales, data on the service structure, sociodemographic data, access, and characterization of the family\'s participation in the user´s treatment, were analyzed, with the lead of the multiple linear regression model, in which it revealed a change perceived as a predictive variable higher level of satisfaction with the services and the negative correlation of these variables with perceived change in rates: living in the eastern and northern areas of the city and considering a monthly income between 2 and 4 minimum salaries. The fact that no nuclear kinship, as being an uncle or nephew, with the user, has had a positive association with the perceived change. Further studies are needed with this type of service to better explore these dimensions related to quality of care in this theme, helping to assess the impact of new policies and Psychosocial Care Network.

Análise da demanda e forma de utilização do ambulatório multiprofissional de um serviço de atenção primária á saude de Porto Alegre, Brasil

Fernandes, Carmen Luiza Correa January 2013 (has links)
O sistema de saúde vem se transformando pressionado por mudanças sociodemográficas, políticas e econômicas. Essas modificações impõem aos gestores a necessidade de conhecer de maneira particularizada o perfil de demandas da população usuária. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar o padrão e as características de utilização de um serviço de atenção primária à saúde a nível ambulatorial. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se traçar o perfil sociodemográfico dos usuários de unidades de APS, avaliar os motivos das consultas, identificar o tipo de atendimento utilizado e a categoria profissional responsável pelo atendimento, avaliar a relação das consultas com as ações programáticas desenvolvidas nos serviços de saúde e identificar a associação entre a vulnerabilidade da área de moradia e os motivos de consulta. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com dados retrospectivos do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (SSC-GHC). A fonte primária foi o Boletim de Atendimento(BA), emitido para cada consulta efetuada no período de 1/01/2011 a 31/12/2011. O total de consultas avaliadas foi de 34.014 realizadas em duas unidades da Zona Norte de Porto Alegre por profissionais de nível superior de diferentes categorias profissionais. . A fonte primária do banco de dados foi o BA, emitido para cada atendimento ambulatorial. A análise dos dados foi feita com o programa estatístico SPSS versão 18.0. A análise descritiva respeitou as características e a distribuição das variáveis. As variáveis contínuas e com distribuição normal foram descritas por meio da média e desvio padrão e as variáveis contínuas e sem distribuição normal foram apresentadas como mediana (intervalo interquartil). As variáveis categóricas foram descritas como números absolutos. O número total de consultas efetivadas foi de 34.014, realizadas por 5.033 pessoas com cadastro nas unidades. A participação de moradores de área de risco foi de 31,3%. O número de pessoas consideradas hiperutilizadores - com mais de 6 consultas/ano - foi de 2.216 (44%). Os hiperutilizadores realizaram 78% das consultas. Estavam presentes hiperutilizadores em 53,7% das famílias. Os hiperutilizadores tinham como característica predominante ser mulher (67,8%), pertencer à faixa etária dos 20 aos 49 anos ou de mais de 60 anos. Os problemas relacionados à saúde mental e comportamental têm um percentual mais elevado entre os usuários hiperutilizadores, (6,9% vs 3,5%). O profissional mais procurado foi o médico (59,3%) seguido pelo odontólogo (27,5%). Os motivos de consulta encontrados são semelhantes no grupo de hiperutilizadores e não hiperutilizadores e distribuídos dentro do esperado para as faixas etárias. / The health system has been undergoing transformation due to sociodemographic, political and economic changes. These alterations impose to managers the need to individually know the demand profile of the user population. In this context, the present study aims to identify the use pattern and characteristics in primary health care service at ambulatorial level. As for specific objectives, this research intended to develop the sociodemographic profile of Primary Health Care (PHC) units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. A cross-sectional study was conducted with retrospective data from the Community Health Service of the Conceição Hospital Group (SSC-GHC). The primary source was the outpatients' charts issued for each consultation in the period between 1/1/2011 and 12/31/2011. The study comprised a total of 34,014 consultations performed in two units of the North Region of Porto Alegre by professionals with tertiary education from different occupational categories. The main objective of this study was to identify use pattern and characteristics of primary health care services at ambulatorial level. The specific objectives were to develop the sociodemographic profile of PHC units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health care services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. The primary source of the database was the chart issued for each outpatient’s ambulatory care. The data analysis was realized with the SPSS statistics software version 18.0. The descriptive analysis considered the characteristics and distribution of variables. The continuous variables with normal distribution were described through averages and standard deviation whilst the continuous variables without normal distribution were presented as median (interquartile range). Categorical variables were described as absolute numbers. The total number of consultations was 34,014 referring to 5,033 people registered in the units. The participation of risk area residents was 31.3%. The number of people considered frequent users - with more than 6 consultations per year - amounted to 2,216 (44%). The frequent users accounted for 78% of the consultations. They were present in 53.7% of households. Frequent users were predominantly women (67.8%), belonging to the age group ranging from 20 to 49 years old or over 60. Mental and behavioral health related issues have a higher percentage among frequent users (6.9% vs. 3.5%). The most requested professional was the physician (59.3%) followed by the odontologist (27.5%). The reasons for consultation found are similar in both frequent and non-frequent users and distributed within the expected for the age groups.

Análise da demanda e forma de utilização do ambulatório multiprofissional de um serviço de atenção primária á saude de Porto Alegre, Brasil

Fernandes, Carmen Luiza Correa January 2013 (has links)
O sistema de saúde vem se transformando pressionado por mudanças sociodemográficas, políticas e econômicas. Essas modificações impõem aos gestores a necessidade de conhecer de maneira particularizada o perfil de demandas da população usuária. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar o padrão e as características de utilização de um serviço de atenção primária à saúde a nível ambulatorial. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se traçar o perfil sociodemográfico dos usuários de unidades de APS, avaliar os motivos das consultas, identificar o tipo de atendimento utilizado e a categoria profissional responsável pelo atendimento, avaliar a relação das consultas com as ações programáticas desenvolvidas nos serviços de saúde e identificar a associação entre a vulnerabilidade da área de moradia e os motivos de consulta. Foi realizado um estudo transversal com dados retrospectivos do Serviço de Saúde Comunitária do Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (SSC-GHC). A fonte primária foi o Boletim de Atendimento(BA), emitido para cada consulta efetuada no período de 1/01/2011 a 31/12/2011. O total de consultas avaliadas foi de 34.014 realizadas em duas unidades da Zona Norte de Porto Alegre por profissionais de nível superior de diferentes categorias profissionais. . A fonte primária do banco de dados foi o BA, emitido para cada atendimento ambulatorial. A análise dos dados foi feita com o programa estatístico SPSS versão 18.0. A análise descritiva respeitou as características e a distribuição das variáveis. As variáveis contínuas e com distribuição normal foram descritas por meio da média e desvio padrão e as variáveis contínuas e sem distribuição normal foram apresentadas como mediana (intervalo interquartil). As variáveis categóricas foram descritas como números absolutos. O número total de consultas efetivadas foi de 34.014, realizadas por 5.033 pessoas com cadastro nas unidades. A participação de moradores de área de risco foi de 31,3%. O número de pessoas consideradas hiperutilizadores - com mais de 6 consultas/ano - foi de 2.216 (44%). Os hiperutilizadores realizaram 78% das consultas. Estavam presentes hiperutilizadores em 53,7% das famílias. Os hiperutilizadores tinham como característica predominante ser mulher (67,8%), pertencer à faixa etária dos 20 aos 49 anos ou de mais de 60 anos. Os problemas relacionados à saúde mental e comportamental têm um percentual mais elevado entre os usuários hiperutilizadores, (6,9% vs 3,5%). O profissional mais procurado foi o médico (59,3%) seguido pelo odontólogo (27,5%). Os motivos de consulta encontrados são semelhantes no grupo de hiperutilizadores e não hiperutilizadores e distribuídos dentro do esperado para as faixas etárias. / The health system has been undergoing transformation due to sociodemographic, political and economic changes. These alterations impose to managers the need to individually know the demand profile of the user population. In this context, the present study aims to identify the use pattern and characteristics in primary health care service at ambulatorial level. As for specific objectives, this research intended to develop the sociodemographic profile of Primary Health Care (PHC) units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. A cross-sectional study was conducted with retrospective data from the Community Health Service of the Conceição Hospital Group (SSC-GHC). The primary source was the outpatients' charts issued for each consultation in the period between 1/1/2011 and 12/31/2011. The study comprised a total of 34,014 consultations performed in two units of the North Region of Porto Alegre by professionals with tertiary education from different occupational categories. The main objective of this study was to identify use pattern and characteristics of primary health care services at ambulatorial level. The specific objectives were to develop the sociodemographic profile of PHC units users, evaluate the reasons for consultations, identify the type of service utilized and the professional category responsible for providing the service, assess the relationship between consultations and the programmatic actions performed by health care services as well as to identify the association between the vulnerability of the housing area and the reasons for consultation. The primary source of the database was the chart issued for each outpatient’s ambulatory care. The data analysis was realized with the SPSS statistics software version 18.0. The descriptive analysis considered the characteristics and distribution of variables. The continuous variables with normal distribution were described through averages and standard deviation whilst the continuous variables without normal distribution were presented as median (interquartile range). Categorical variables were described as absolute numbers. The total number of consultations was 34,014 referring to 5,033 people registered in the units. The participation of risk area residents was 31.3%. The number of people considered frequent users - with more than 6 consultations per year - amounted to 2,216 (44%). The frequent users accounted for 78% of the consultations. They were present in 53.7% of households. Frequent users were predominantly women (67.8%), belonging to the age group ranging from 20 to 49 years old or over 60. Mental and behavioral health related issues have a higher percentage among frequent users (6.9% vs. 3.5%). The most requested professional was the physician (59.3%) followed by the odontologist (27.5%). The reasons for consultation found are similar in both frequent and non-frequent users and distributed within the expected for the age groups.

Hoitoon pääsyn moniulotteisuus erikoissairaanhoidossa

Valtokari, M. (Maria) 29 September 2015 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to describe and analyse access to care and factors relating to access to care theoretically and empirically. Access to care is a theoretical concept, analysed through waiting list lengths categorised by field of special health care. Public health services and related factors, access to care and the disparity between demand and supply are analysed within a theoretical framework. The study is divided into a theoretical and an empirical section. Access to care was studied through a mixed methods approach, based on a two-phase empiric material. The first phase is composed of focus group interviews (N=4). Interviewees were hospital district administrators and medical directors as well as chairpersons of the board and council or their representatives. The interviews were analysed by phenomenographic methods. The second phase is composed of waiting list data collected by THL (N=79) as well as population and prevalence data acquired from SOTKAnet (N=12) for 2008–2010. For 2009–2010, hospital district documents include financial statements (N=16), annual reports (N=23), annual statistics (N=6), personnel reports (N=21) and balance sheet books (N=6). The second phase were statistically analyzed. Results of the study on factors affecting access to care are divided into two themes: 1. challenges related to access to care from the hospital district’s perspective and 2. component factors of the realisation of access to care. Macro-level challenges related to access to care are legislation, politics, regulatory bodies, uniform grounds for non-urgent treatment, Current Care Guidelines recommendations and the connection between access to care, Current Care Guidelines recommendations, uniform grounds for non-urgent treatment, prioritisation and regulations. Meso-level challenges are operative decision-making and organisational operations models, resources, supply-based demand and the chain of treatment. Component factors of the realisation of access to care are the variance in waiting list lengths between different fields; the connection between waiting lists, the population and the hospital district; population size and its prevalence as well as resources and financial factors. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja analysoida hoitoon pääsyä ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä teoreettisesti ja empiirisesti. Hoitoon pääsy on teoreettinen käsite, jota analysoidaan erikoisaloittaisten jonojen pituutena. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tarkastellaan julkisen terveydenhuollon palveluja ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä, hoitoon pääsyä sekä kysynnän ja tarjonnan epäsuhtaa. Tutkimus jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Hoitoon pääsyä tutkittiin mixed methods -menetelmällä kaksivaiheisen empiirisen aineiston pohjalta. Ensimmäinen vaihe koostui fokusryhmähaastatteluista (N=4). Haastateltavina olivat SHP:n johtajat ja johtajaylilääkärit sekä SHP:n ky:n valtuuston ja hallituksen puheenjohtajat tai heidän edustajansa. Haastattelut analysoitiin fenomenografisen menetelmän mukaisesti. Toinen vaihe koostui THL:n erikoisaloittaisista jonotiedoista (N=79) ja SOTKAnetistä saaduista väestö- ja sairastavuustiedoista (N=12) vuosilta 2008–2010. Aineistona vuosilta 2009–2010 käytettiin myös SHP:n dokumentteja, joita olivat tilinpäätökset (N=16), vuosi-/toimintakertomukset (N=23), vuositilastot (N=6), henkilöstökertomukset (N=21) ja tasekirjat (N=6). Toinen vaihe analysoitiin tilastollisesti. Tutkimustulokset hoitoon pääsyyn vaikuttavista tekijöistä jakaantuivat kahteen teemaan: 1. hoitoon pääsyn haasteisiin SHP:n näkökulmasta sekä 2. hoitoon pääsyn toteutumisen osatekijöihin. Hoitoon pääsyn haasteita makrotasolla olivat lainsäädäntö, politiikka, STM, THL ja EOA merkityksellisinä tahoina, yhtenäiset kiireettömän hoidon perusteet, Käypä hoito -suositukset sekä hoitoon pääsyn, Käypä hoito -suositusten, yhtenäisten kiireettömän hoidon perusteiden sekä priorisoinnin ja sääntelyn yhteys. Mesotason haasteita olivat operatiivinen päätöksenteko ja organisatoriset toimintamallit, resurssit, tarjontalähtöinen kysyntä ja hoitoketju. Hoitoon pääsyn toteutumisen osatekijöitä ovat erikoisaloittaisten jonojen pituuden vaihtelu, jonojen yhteys väestöön ja SHP:iin, väestön määrä ja sen sairastavuus sekä resurssit ja taloudelliset tekijät.

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