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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Důsledky stárnutí populace na vývoj potřeb v oblasti zdravotní a sociální péče. / Consequences of population ageing on the development of its social and health needs.

PRYLOVÁ, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
The main factors which influence these social and health facilities during the planning of social and health services are a demographic prognosis, the social structure of its inhabitants, the informal support and solidarity within the family, and also the geographic profile of the region, urbanization, human settlement and the extent of municipality. The planning of social and health services has to follow modern principles in social services which are widely used in Western Europe. The goal of this thesis is to undertake research in the capacity and quality of health and social services and the use of these services by seniors in the region. The next goal is to see if modern European principles are applied in the social and health services in the region. This research was carried out though the analysis of documents and methods of questioning. This research has shown that there is a lack of institutional social and health services in the region. Also modern European principles have not been applied in the social and health services.


Vavrochová, Jaroslava January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyse provided social services and to evaluate their current level of the quality ,availability and structure in the Central Bohemian region. Special attention is devoted to the district of Kladno, which is one of the most populous districts of the region. The topic of social services is not only actual from the point of view of demographic trend of the population ageing, but nowadays it is also necessary to give an essential succour to other disadvantaged groups of the inhabitants. It is possible to say that social services have an influence on the quality of life and the current social system is based on the high level of social services and on the comprehension of specific needs of the individuals. The thesis devotes to the availability and structure of social services, which are provided for individual target groups of the inhabitants in the Central Bohemian region. The thesis concludes that social services are afforded in the desirable structure and mainly in bigger cities. The lower number of social services is given in smaller central and peripheral areas of the region. In the district of Kladno there is given the large number of social services of all sorts. They are available in the high quality. Nevertheless, the offer of social services for pensioners is not sufficient, the main reason is insufficient capacity of the long-stay services.

Možnosti realizace komunální rodinné politiky na území Prahy / The Ways and Means of The Communal Family Policy in Prague

Pašková, Miroslava January 2009 (has links)
Author deals with possibility of making communal family policy in Prague. Author shows the drafts, how such kind of policy can be developped. The first part of this study offers analysis of conteporary stage in the several levels - stakeholders analysis, where the key stakehlders, their attitudes, reciprocial relations and ways of communication are marked out. Another part of analysis is the comparison analysis - the specific characteristics of the city districts are analysed, as well as the characteristisc of the regions and the Capital of the Slovák Republic, Bratislava. The secondary data are ušed as well as the primary data derived from the author's research. The second part of the study deals with the designs of the communal family policy in Prague and the description of the policy tools, according to the findings another methods are ušed - e.g. construction of the problems and goals trees and the future scenarios. There are many supplements in the study, mainly the tabs, schemes and other materials in the appendix.

Integrace zdravotních a sociálních služeb / Integration health and social services

Slavíková, Martina January 2019 (has links)
In my thesis I deal with the integration of health and social services. I introduced the issue of two/double departmental service management and their financing, there. In addition, I described the various actors involved in the integration of services, mentioned strategic documents and legislation related to the provision of health and social care. In the case study, I mapped the health and social services provided in Louny, through street-level bureaucrats I gained information about the interconnection of services in Louny and about the factors that affect the implementation of integration of services in the town. For successful implementation of integration, it is necessary to specify the users of integrated health and social services, to create a home base for them, to provide a flexible range of services and at the same time to support the informally caring families. The lack of demand for integrated services is linked to other factors such as ignorance of citizens and low participation in caring for close relatives. Street.level bureaucrats in health and social services do not know the integration of services, they do not encounter it in practice, this factor has an impact on the motivation of street-level bureaucrats to make changes in the provision of care. An important factor is also the...

Plánování péče o klienty s Alzheimerovou nemocí v Královéhradeckém kraji / Planning care for clients with Alzheimer's disease in the Hradec Králové region

Hájková, Hana January 2019 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is the issue of planning social services for people affected by Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia in the territory of the Hradec Králové region. Alzheimer's disease is among the most common causes of dementia, and the number of patients with the disease continues to grow. It is the increase in the number of clients with the disease that creates a new challenge to ensure the availability of social services, so that an individual approach is maintained in view of the patients' specific needs. The thesis contains a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part briefly describes the clinical picture of Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, this section focuses on the incidence of dementia both globally and in the territory of Europe. Some organisations and strategic documents dedicated to supporting and caring for those with dementia in the territories of France, Sweden and Switzerland are listed in this section. There is also a chapter that gives an idea of individual types and forms of care for clients with dementia manifestations in the Czech Republic. It includes an explanation of basic concepts such as: social services, social services network, community planning. As the work deals with care planning in the Hradec Králové region, the Mid-Term Plan for...

¨Samhällsplanering är jätteviktigt för hälsan då det påverkar hur jag väljer att röra på mig¨ : en kvalitativ studie om hur samhällsplaneringen påverkar vuxnas fysiska aktivitet och trygghet i Trelleborgs kommun. / ¨Community planning is very important for my health as it affects how I choose to move¨ : a qualitative study of how community planning affects adults’ physical activity and safety in Trelleborg municipality.

Renfro, Stephanie January 2021 (has links)
Inledning: Samhällsplanering är i Sverige en stor anledning till att fysisk inaktivitet, övervikt och fetma har ökat i befolkningen. Den dagliga motionen har minskat avsevärt eftersom samhället är utformat så att individer inte ska behöva anstränga sig fysiskt. En hälsofrämjande och trygg samhällsplanering som möjliggör för fysisk aktivitet och aktiv transport är de viktigaste folkhälsoinsatserna för att kunna motivera individer till mer fysisk aktivitet. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur kommunala och ideella aktörer upplevde att samhällsplaneringen påverkade vuxnas fysiska aktivitet och trygghet i Trelleborgs kommun.  Metod: Studien var av kvalitativ ansats med ett tvåstegsurval. Det genomfördes nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt 10 intervjudeltagare. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom tre kategorier som besvarade hur samhällsplaneringen upplevdes påverka vuxnas fysiska aktivitet och trygghet i Trelleborgs kommun, nämligen: 1) Fysiska påverkansfaktorer såsom möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet och aktiv transport i närmiljö; 2) Sociala påverkansfaktorer såsom upplevd trygghet; och 3) Insatser för ökad trygghet och fysisk aktivitet som belyser kommunens pågående hälsoarbete samt behov och efterfrågan gällande en ökad trygghet och fysisk aktivitet. Slutsats: En samhällsplanering som främjar möjligheter till trygg aktiv transport och fysisk aktivitet i hela kommunen kan sannolikt öka vuxnas fysiska aktivitet. Aktiv transport framkom som den motionsform som är lättast för individer att anamma och vidmakthålla samt lyftes även fram som en viktig del att främja för att nå ökad fysisk aktivitet och en hälsosammare viktutveckling i kommunen. / Introduction: Community planning is a major reason why physical inactivity, overweight and obesity have increased in the population. Over decades, societal changes have dramatically created ubiquitous barriers to physical activity in daily life. A health-promoting and safe community planning promoting physical activity and active travel are important public health initiatives that can motivate individuals to increase physical activity. Aim: To investigate how actors in municipal authorities and non-profit organizations perceivedhow community planning affected adults’ physical activity and safety in Trelleborgmunicipality. Method: The study employed a qualitative approach with a two-step selection. Nine semi structured interviews were conducted with a total of 10 participants. The empirical material was analyzed with manifest content analysis.  Results: The way adults perceived how community planning affects physical activity and safety in Trelleborg municipality fell into three categories. The identified categories were: 1) Physicalinfluencing factors such as opportunities for physical activity and active travel in the local environment; 2) Social influencing factors such as perceived safety; and 3) Efforts for increased safety and physical activity that shed light on the municipality´s ongoing health work as well as needs and demand regarding increased safety and physical activity. Conclusion: A community planning promoting opportunities for safe active transport and physical activity throughout the municipality can ably increase adults’ physical activity. Active travel emerged as the easiest form of exercise for individuals to embrace and maintain. This was highlighted as an important part of promoting increased physical activity and a healthier weight development in Trelleborg municipality

Trafikutveckling i mälarparken : En studie med hållbara förbättringsförslag till trafikplaneringen i Öster Mälarstrand i Västerås

Fadhilsson, Marwan, Hallström, Boel January 2021 (has links)
Arbetet kom till av att det genom samtal med boende uppmärksammats problem i form av en sämre fungerande trafik i området Öster Mälarstrand i Västerås. Eftersom dessa problem kan anses ha en koppling till miljömässig hållbarhet, vore det intressant att undersöka hur lösningar kan bidra till en mer hållbar samhällsutveckling för detta område. Syftet är att finna lösningar på de problem som hittades, och att dessa lösningar ska bidra till att skapa ett mer miljömässigt hållbart bostadsområde.  Som metod för detta arbete genomförs ett antal intervjuer, studiebesök och en enkätundersökning. Dessa utförs dels för att höra inblandade planerares åsikter, boendes åsikter och för att med egna ögon se området. En litteraturstudie genomförs också, främst för att undersöka hur andra arbetat med hållbarhetsfrågor i trafikplaneringen och för att se hur utvecklingen av hållbara transportlösningar i dagsläget ser ut. Resultatet visar vad respondenterna tycker om området och vilka önskemål de har gällande förändringar i trafiken. Här visade det sig att delen flest boende var missnöjda med var kollektivtrafiken. Många av de tillfrågade ansåg att kollektivtrafikens planering hade hamnat i skymundan och att busslinjen i området hade för låg turtäthet. En annan del som några av de boende var missnöjda med var parkeringssituationen i området. Av de tillfrågade i intervjuerna hade alla respondenter egen parkering, men några hade svårigheter att förse sina besökare med parkering. Som en del i arbetet presenteras även lösningarna här. Dessa lösningar består av förändringar i trafiken i delar som gång- och cykeltrafik, kollektivtrafik, biltrafik och parkeringar. Lösningarna som presenteras är bland annat uppdelade gång-/cykelbanor, insättningar av kortare elbussar i området, ett större utbud av bilpool, samt fler elbilsparkeringar och cykelparkeringar. I diskussionen tas bland annat faktorer som osäkerhet i studien upp, samt skillnader i utveckling av hållbara transportlösningar mellan Sverige och andra länder. Även framtida problem i form av ökad elförbrukning vid större användning av elbilar, och högre trafikflöde i området då den nya skolan byggts klart tas upp här. Slutsatsen blir att åsikter gällande hur ett område planerats kan skilja sig åt beroende på om frågan ställs till planerare eller boende. Enligt intervjuer och enkäter är de flesta som bor i Öster Mälarstrand nöjda med sitt boende, men många har någon synpunkt på hur trafiken planerats. Fortsatta studier kunde visa om liknande problem även finns i andra städer och hur dessa städer arbetat med frågorna. / Purpose: The purpose of this degree project is finding sustainable solutions to problems regarding the traffic planning in a residential area called Öster Mälarstrand, in Västerås. These solutions are meant to help with sustainable societal development by presenting changes that favour environmentally friendly modes of transport. Method: For making this study interviews and a survey was made to perceive problems that was experienced within the area. These were made with a planner involved in the area, and with people living in the area. Study visits were also conducted as part of the study. For creating solutions, a literature study about how to develop sustainable traffic alternatives has also been performed. Results: The results show a summary of what the respondents think about Öster Mälarstrand and their wishes of things that could be changed within the area, regarding traffic. Residents are mainly dissatisfied with the planning and performance of public transport in the area. Regarding their dissatisfaction with public transport the reasons are low frequencies and long distances to bus stops. Solutions to problems that was experienced is also presented, with emphasis on making these solutions more environmentally sustainable alternatives. These solutions show changes in the planning of walking and cycling, public transport, motor traffic and parking spaces. Conclusions: The conclusion of this study is that the opinions of planners of a residential area and of the people living there can be quite different. When creating a new area for people to live it’s not easy to make everyone satisfied, but regarding traffic planning, some parts, like public transport, are essential to make the infrastructure work in the best way possible. Further studies in other cities could show if similar problems exist elsewhere and what could be made there to improve them.

Analýza komunitního plánování sociálních služeb v Praze a jeho dopad na rozpočet sociálních služeb / Analysis of community planning of social services in Prague and his impact on budget of social services

Vokurka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Name of diploma thesis: Analysis of community planning of social services in Prague and his impact on budget of social services Name and surname of author: Michal Vokurka Study branch: social work Head of diploma thesis: Doc. PhDr. Oldřich Matoušek, CSc. Opponent of diploma thesis: Prof. JUDr. Igor Tomeš, CSc. Regions have to process medium-term plan of social services development in cooperation with municipalities, representatives of social services providers and representatives of people, whom are social services provided by the law 108/2006 about social services, while municipalities can. This in case of Prague as a compact structure brings lot of questions. Method of formation plan of social services development in partnership of all interested parties is named community planning of social services. Diploma thesis is focused on answering question, if the method of community planning is in Prague used and is in conformity with Criterions of quality of social services planning on the level of Prague as region on the one side and Prague as complex municipalities on the other side. And also if community planning of social services is reflected in budgets of Prague as region and individual Prague municipalities, which introduced community planning and have plans of social services approved by local...

Sociální služby pro seniory na Rakovnicku a trend deinstitucionalizace / Social services for the elderly people in the region Rakovnicko in the context of deinstitutionalization

Pokorná, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Social services for the elderly in Rakovnicko and the trend of de- institutionalization" is trying to describe an effort to keep the elderly people as one of the largest groups of beneficiaries of local social services as long as possible at home. Its main objective is to determine the range of social services for the elderly in Rakovnicko district and based on the research of the key stakeholders (providers and local authorities) to assess whether the offer of social services is consistent with the trend of deinstitutionalization. The work is closely related to Rakovnik district and its municipality with extended powers The theoretical part of the work is based on a theory of public policy regulators in society , the principle of subsidiarity in social services and deinstitutionalization trend in social services. The resource background includes research covering the wishes ofseniors to remain in their homes as long as possible and documents that support this trend . The chapter on social services defines several legal terms based in Code No. 108/2006 Sb. on social services and describes the situation in recent years in the field of social services in the Czech Republic in relation to the target group of seniors. An important chapter is the chapter on social planning in the Czech...

Konstrukce prostorů participace: Zapojování občanů do procesu tvorby rozvojových plánů měst z pohledu jejich tvůrců / Constructing Participatory Spaces: Involving Citizens into the Urban Development Planning from the View of Planners

Beránková, Petra Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with constructing of participatory spaces in the process of urban development planning. The topic of involving citizens into planning is viewed from the point of planners. A concept of participation in this text is conceived in the sense of invented spaces built from above. The research perspective is an interpretative one, anchored in the constructivist epistemology. Therefore the main question is: How do planners reflect involving citizens in the planning? Firstly, the authoress demonstrates the importance of her topic by putting it into the context of wider social dynamics related to the crises of representative democracy and emerging of sub-politics. She reveals that the trend of building participatory opportunities is strengthening. The important question is formulated: How is the role of public in the strategic planning constructed? On the base of analytical induction of semi-structured interviews with planners, the authoress creates her own typology of ideal-type approaches to participation. These types of approaches came out from a distinction of the extent and the aim of spaces of participation. The involvement of citizens can be seen either as building of community, activation of elites, mapping of public preferences or as consultation with local experts.

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