Spelling suggestions: "subject:"companies"" "subject:"caompanies""
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Confusão patrimonial nas sociedades isoladas e nos grupos societários: caracterização, constatação e tutela dos credores / Commingling of assets in isolated companies and in groups of companies: caracteration, observation and creditorprotectionScalzilli, João Pedro de Souza 08 April 2014 (has links)
A presente tese versa sobre o fenômeno da confusão patrimonial nas sociedades isoladas e nos grupos societários. A tese propõe-se a: conceituar patrimônio social, examinando as suas principais características, funções e sua interatividade com o capital social; situar a pessoa jurídica como técnica de separação patrimonial; tentar alcançar um conceito de confusão patrimonial, diferenciando-a da confusão de esferas e apontando as insuficiências do estado atual da dogmática jurídica sobre a questão; examinar as principais características da confusão patrimonial, a saber a sua natureza, suas causas e seus efeitos (mais especificamente, os efeitos sobre os credores); caracterizar as diferentes formas pelas quais o fenômeno da confusão patrimonial se manifesta, bem como trabalhar com as exteriorizações desse fenômeno (indícios); apontar elementos que possam contribuir para a constatação judicial da confusão patrimonial; e apresentar e examinar algumas soluções para tutelar o interesse dos credores das sociedades que se encontram em situação de promiscuidade patrimonial. / This thesis discusses the phenomenon of commingling of assets in isolated companies and in groups of companies. It proposes to: define a concept of corporate asset, examining its main characteristics, roles and interaction with shareholders\' equity; assert the legal entity as a technique of separation of assets; attempt to reach a concept of commingling of assets, differentiating it from the mingling of spheres and pointing out current inefficiencies of the existing legal doctrine on the same issue; examine the leading characteristics of commingling of assets, namely its nature, causes and effects (more specifically, the effects on creditors); describe the different ways in which the phenomenon of commingling of assets is manifested, as well as discuss the materialization of this phenomenon (indicia); point out elements that may contribute to judicial analysis of issues related to commingling of assets; and, finally, propose and examine a number of solutions to safeguard creditors\' interests that find themselves in situations of asset promiscuity.
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Relevância do fator tecnológico no valor das empresas de tecnologia / Relevance of the technological factor in the value of technology companiesBelli, Márcio Marcelo 27 January 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é a investigação da relevância do fator tecnológico no valor das empresas de tecnologia. Espera-se que o fato de uma empresa ser considerada empresa de tecnologia tenha influencia positiva no valor medido pela relação entre o preço das ações e o seu valor patrimonial, medida conhecida como múltiplo preçopatrimônio líquido. Adicionalmente, foi testada a relevância das despesas com pesquisa e desenvolvimento no valor das empresas da amostra utilizada. Como plataforma teórica foi utilizada a literatura de value-relevance, estudada por vários autores que desenvolveram modelos para medir o relacionamento entre o valor das empresas e variáveis disponíveis nas demonstrações contábeis e no Mercado de Capitais. Com relação à empiria construiu-se uma proxy baseada no quociente preço-valor patrimonial das ações . A partir desta proxy , que se constitui de uma simplificação do conceito de valor de 607 (seiscentas e sete) companhias abertas que possuem ações cotadas nas bolsas americanas NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System) e NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) ao longo de doze anos, 1997 a 2008 , sendo que deste total de 607 (seiscentas e sete) companhias, 233 (duzentas e trinta e três) foram classificadas como empresas de tecnologia por serem empresas fabricantes de equipamentos, componentes eletrônicos e computadores hardwares, empresas fabricantes de programas e sistemas para computadores softwares - e empresas de processamento de dados e pesquisa. As outras 374(trezentas e setenta e quatro) empresas foram classificadas como empresas da velha economia por atuarem em ramos como petroquímica, têxtil, metalurgia, automobilístico, de alimentos, indústria de móveis, madeira, aeronáutica, indústria naval e mineração. Para o teste da hipótese formulada foi utilizado o seguinte modelo: (PPVt) = (TEC + PDt-1 + variáveis de controlet-1) que testou o relacionamento entre o valor das ações e o fato das empresas serem de tecnologia. Para a análise dos termos da regressão foram utilizadas duas técnicas, anacor (análise de correspondência) e regressão com dados em Painel. Os resultados demonstraram que existe uma relação positiva entre o valor das ações e o fato das empresas serem de tecnologia. Os testes também demonstraram existir evidências de relacionamento positivo entre as despesas com pesquisa e desenvolvimento e o valor das empresas. Embora os resultados obtidos possam ser considerados seguros para as condições do experimento, deve-se levar em consideração as limitações inerentes à metodologia e à amostra utilizada. / The objective of this research is to investigate the technologic factor on technology companies value. Additionally, the model tested the value-relevance of research and development expenses for the value of companies in the samples. It is expected that the fact of one company to be considered a technology company can be considered that have positive influence over its value measured by price-book value ratio. The valuerelevance theory between accounting data and market stock market value were used to base the research. In respect of empirical behavior, this research is based on the concept of price-book-value to construct a proxys of firm value. This proxy, was build based on 607 (six hundred and seven) companies with its stocks at NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System) and NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) over twelve years, 1997 to 2008, being these total of 607 (six hundred and seven) companies, 233 (two hundred and thirty three) was classified like technological companies because its produces softwares and hardwares. That others 374 (three hundred seventy and four) companies was classified like conventional companies because its produces traditional industrial products. By the hypothesis texts was used the model: (PPVt) = (TEC + PDt-1 + controll variablest-1) which tested the relationship betweem market value of stocks and the thecnological factor. We used correspondence analysis-anacor and panel data which exploratory and confirmatory methods. The results shows that exist a relationship between market value level and technological factor. The results also suggests that exists evidences of a positive relationship between research and development expenses and the market value of companies in the samples. This fact suggest that technological factor could be considered an positive element by valuation effects. Despite conclusions and the method could be considered secure, the limitations of this search need led in consideration, and this results are restrict of companies in the sample.
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Tecnologia e trajetória de internacionalização precoce na indústria brasileira. / Technology and precocious internationalization trajectory in brazilian industry.Francischini, Andresa Silva Neto 01 July 2009 (has links)
Este estudo analisa o processo de internacionalização de empresas nacionais dedicadas à produção de bens de maior densidade tecnológica que apresentam diferentes motivações para a internacionalização além das vantagens comerciais. No Brasil, desde a década de 70, as empresas passaram a desenvolver a dimensão comercial da internacionalização, através do aumento das exportações. A realização de investimentos diretos no exterior foi intensificada na década de 90, a partir da internacionalização da produção que teve como destino principal os países da América Latina. Em um cenário econômico marcado pela intensificação da concorrência, as empresas passaram a considerar a internacionalização como uma estratégia para a ampliação de suas vantagens competitivas e expansão de suas atividades. A pesquisa envolveu o estudo de três casos de empresas brasileiras que foram fundadas entre os anos de 80 e 90 e que se internacionalizaram precocemente, ou seja, em um período curto após a fundação e início das atividades. Elas reconhecem a tecnologia como elemento central para o crescimento e expansão de suas atividades e investem continuamente em atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Isso contribui para o registro de patentes e desenvolvimento de produtos mundiais, que podem ser adaptados de acordo com as necessidades de seus clientes nacionais e internacionais. Essas empresas reconhecem na internacionalização das atividades não apenas a importância comercial, mas também um fator essencial para o desenvolvimento contínuo de suas capacidades de criação e aplicação de novas tecnologias. As subsidiárias no exterior também contribuem para o acompanhamento de tendências nos setores em que atuam, no estabelecimento de parcerias em pesquisas e na seleção de fornecedores. Conclui-se que a internacionalização precoce das empresas estudadas é resultante dos investimentos em tecnologia desde o início de suas atividades. / The present study analyses the internationalization process of national companies dedicated to the production of higher technological density goods that present different motivations to the internationalization besides commercial advantages. In Brazil, since the seventies, the companies began to develop the commercial dimension of internationalization, through the export increase. The accomplishment of direct investment abroad was intensified in the nineties, arising from the production internationalization, which had as main target the Latin American countries. In economic scenery marked by the intensification of competition, the companies started to consider the internationalization as a strategy to the broadening of their competitive advantages and their activity expansion. The research involved the study of three Brazilian companies which were founded between the eighties and the nineties and which became internationalized precociously, that is, shortly after their foundation and the beginning of their activities. They recognize technology as the main element for the growth and expansion of their activities and invest continuously in development and research activities. This fact has contributed to the application for patents and global product development, which can be adapted according to the necessities of their national and international clients. These companies recognize in the internationalization of their activities, not only the commercial importance, but also an essential factor for the continuous development of their production capacity and the application of new technologies. The subsidiaries abroad also contribute to the accompaniment of tendencies in areas, which they operate in, to the establishment of partnerships in researches and to the selection of suppliers. It has been concluded that the precocious internationalization of the studied (analyzed) companies has been the result from investments in technology since the beginning of their activities.
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Internacionalização de empresas brasileiras: um estudo sobre a relação entre grau de internacionalização e desempenho financeiro / Internationalization of Brazilian companies: a study about the relationship between degree of internationalization and financial performanceBarcellos, Erika Penido 26 October 2010 (has links)
Esse estudo buscou avaliar de que forma a internacionalização tem contribuído para o desempenho financeiro das empresas brasileiras como um todo e para o desempenho financeiro das suas operações internacionais. Por meio de uma survey realizada no ano de 2006 em 51 empresas de capital nacional pertencentes a diversos setores, esta pesquisa nos permitiu refletir sobre a forma da relação entre grau de internacionalização (GI) e desempenho financeiro das empresas brasileiras. Os resultados sugerem, ao nível de significância de 5%, que o desempenho financeiro geral das multinacionais brasileiras está associado ao GI. Os grupos de empresas com menor GI e com maior GI na dimensão da porcentagem de ativos no exterior apresentaram melhores desempenhos financeiros gerais em relação ao grupo de empresas que estão em um grau intermediário nessa dimensão do GI. Quando analisamos a relação entre o GI (medido como o intervalo da porcentagem de empregados no exterior) e o desempenho financeiro das operações internacionais das empresas, testes não paramétricos indicaram uma curva em forma de U ao nível de significância de 5%. Esse formato de curva sugere um efeito negativo inicial da expansão internacional no desempenho financeiro, antes do alcance de resultados positivos com a internacionalização, o que contrasta com o formato de uma curva em S encontrada em estudos recentes sobre o tema. Modelos de regressão simples e múltipla desenvolvidos nesse estudo também revelaram a associação do GI com o desempenho financeiro das empresas. Dentre as variáveis utilizadas para a medição do grau de internacionalização, as seguintes se mostram relevantes para explicar o desempenho financeiro das empresas em um ou mais modelos de regressão: a porcentagem de empregados no exterior, a porcentagem de ativos no exterior, a atuação em mais de três regiões geográficas mundiais e a listagem em Bolsas de Valores. Também foi observada a relevância do setor de atuação como variável moderadora da relação GI-desempenho financeiro, já que empresas do setor de manufatura intensa em insumos básicos apresentaram maiores margens EBITDA do que as demais. Uma das implicações dessa pesquisa é que as empresas brasileiras não devem ser desencorajadas por efeitos negativos nos seus desempenhos financeiros nos estágios iniciais dos seus processos de internacionalização. Como os resultados sugerem, ao adquirir conhecimento e novas competências para atuar internacionalmente, as empresas obterão benefícios que, eventualmente, serão maiores do que os custos associados à internacionalização e o impacto no desempenho financeiro será positivo. / This study aimed to evaluate how internationalization has contributed to the general financial performance of Brazilian companies and to the performance of their international operations. Through a survey applied in 2006 to 51 companies with Brazilian ownership structure, from different industries, this research allowed us to reflect about the shape of the relationship between degree of internationalization (DOI) and financial performance of Brazilian companies. The results suggested, at a 5% significance level, that the general financial performance of the Brazilian multinationals is associated with their DOI. The groups of companies with lower DOI and higher DOI in the dimension of percentage of foreign assets presented better general financial performances than the group of companies that hold an intermediary level at this DOI dimension. When analyzing the relationship between DOI (measured by intervals of the percentage of foreign employees) and financial performance of the companies international operations, non-parametric tests indicated a U-shaped curve at a 5% significance level. This curve shape suggests an initially negative effect of international expansion on performance, before the positive returns of international expansion are realized, and contrasts with the S-shaped curve identified in recent studies about the subject. Simple and multiple regression models developed in this study also revealed the association between DOI and financial performance of the companies. Among the variables used to measure the DOI, the following emerged as relevant to explain the financial performance in one or more regression models: the percentage of foreign employees, the percentage of foreign assets, the presence in more than three geographical regions of the world and the listing on stock exchanges. It was also observed the relevance of the companies sector as a moderating variable of the DOI-financial performance relationship, since companies from sectors of intense manufacturing on raw materials presented higher EBITDA margins than the others. One implication of this research is that Brazilian companies should not be discouraged by negative effects of internationalization on their financial performances in the initial stages of their internationalization process. As the results suggest, after acquiring knowledge and new competences to operate abroad, the company will achieve benefits that, eventually, will overcome the internationalization costs, leading to a positive impact on the financial performance.
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A study of the deposit-taking companies and their relationship with the Hong Kong financial system.January 1984 (has links)
by Po Yee Wan, Anne , Wong Ming Tak. / Bibliography: leaves 80-83 / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1984
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A study of the capital structure of listed firms in Hong Kong.January 1993 (has links)
Pan Wing Wah. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-102). / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- Literature Review 一 Theory and Evidence / Chapter a. --- Theory Review --- p.7 / Chapter b. --- Empirical Review --- p.42 / Chapter 3. --- Empirical Study: Part I --- p.53 / Chapter 4. --- Empirical Study: Part II --- p.73 / Chapter 5. --- Conclusion --- p.94 / Reference --- p.97
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A survey of the financial structure determinants among listed companies in Hong Kong.January 1991 (has links)
by Ho Pui Sim, Charissa, Tsui Chi Kei, Libra. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Bibliography: leaves XI-XII. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgements --- p.vii / List of Exhibits --- p.viii / Chapter 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Financial Structure --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Hong Kong Listed Companies --- p.1 / Chapter 1.3 --- Rationale --- p.2 / Chapter 1.4 --- Financial Structure Theories --- p.3 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- Static Tradeoff Models / Chapter 1.4.2 --- Pecking Order Hypothesis / Chapter 1.4.3 --- Other Models / Chapter 1.5 --- Statement of the Problem --- p.5 / Chapter 2 --- METHODOLOGY AND PRESENTATION OF RESULTS --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1 --- Methodology --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Literature Review / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Survey / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Interviews / Chapter 2.2 --- Study Constraints --- p.7 / Chapter 2.3 --- Presentation of Results --- p.7 / Chapter 3 --- FINANCIAL STRUCTURE DECISION --- p.9 / Chapter 3.1 --- Background of Respondents --- p.9 / Chapter 3.2 --- Static Tradeoff vs. Pecking Order and Other Models --- p.9 / Chapter 3.3 --- Preference for Sources of Funds --- p.10 / Chapter 3.4 --- Term to Maturity of Debts --- p.13 / Chapter 3.5 --- Organization of Financing Decision --- p.14 / Chapter 4 --- SPECIFIC FINANCIAL STRUCTURE MODELS AND PLANNING PRINCIPLES --- p.14 / Chapter 4.1 --- Specific Financial Structure Models --- p.16 / Chapter 4.2 --- Financial Planning Principles --- p.19 / Chapter 4.3 --- Perception on Market Efficiency --- p.21 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Impact on Financing Choice / Chapter 4.4 --- Information Contents of New Stock Issues --- p.23 / Chapter 5 --- SECTORAL ANALYSIS --- p.24 / Chapter 5.1 --- Static Tradeoff vs. Pecking Order and Other Models --- p.24 / Chapter 5.2 --- Preference for Sources of Funds --- p.25 / Chapter 5.3 --- Term to Maturity of Debts --- p.27 / Chapter 5.4 --- Financial Planning Principles --- p.28 / Chapter 5.5 --- Financial Structure Models Inputs --- p.30 / Chapter 6 --- ASSET SIZE ANALYSIS --- p.33 / Chapter 6.1 --- Static Tradeoff vs. Pecking Order and Other Models --- p.33 / Chapter 6.2 --- Preference for Sources of Funds --- p.34 / Chapter 6.3 --- Term to Maturity of Debts --- p.35 / Chapter 6.4 --- Financial Planning Principles --- p.36 / Chapter 6.5 --- Financial -Structure Models Inputs --- p.38 / Chapter 7 --- FINANCING DECISIONS AND OTHER SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS --- p.42 / Chapter 7.1 --- An Overview of Findings --- p.42 / Chapter 7.2 --- Implications of Findings --- p.42 / Chapter 7.3 --- Contrast with the Findings of Pinegar and Wilbricht --- p.43 / Chapter 7.4 --- Impact of Business Nature --- p.43 / Chapter 7.5 --- Impact of Asset Size --- p.45 / Chapter 8 --- CONCLUSION --- p.47 / Chapter 8.1 --- Objectives of the study --- p.47 / Chapter 8.2 --- Summary of findings --- p.48 / Chapter 8.2.1 --- Sectoral Analysis / Chapter 8.2.2 --- Asset Size Analysis / Chapter 8.2.3 --- Comparison between the Findings in Hong Kong and US / Chapter 8.3 --- Implications and Assessment of Findings --- p.51 / APPENDICES --- p.I / Chapter Appendix 1 --- Cover Letter / Chapter Appendix 2 --- Financial Structure Questionnaire / Chapter Appendix 3 --- Business Nature of Respondents / Chapter Appendix 4 --- Asset Size of Respondents / Chapter Appendix 5 --- Financial Structure Models Used By Respondents / Chapter Appendix 6 --- Market Efficiency Perceptions / Chapter Appendix 7 --- Events of Mispricing / Chapter Appendix 8 --- Pearson's R Correlation Between Market Efficiency Perceptions and Importance Assigned to Inputs / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.XI
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A research of the appropriate reinsurance program for a typical small to medium size general insurance company in Hong Kong.January 1991 (has links)
by Chan Kwok-kwong Peter. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Bibliography: leaves 49-50. / Abstract --- p.ii / Table of Contents --- p.iii / preface --- p.iv / Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.1-4 / Chapter II. --- principles of Reinsurance --- p.5-19 / Chapter III. --- Property Insurance --- p.20-29 / Chapter IV. --- Marine Cargo Insurance --- p.30-37 / Chapter V. --- Motor Insurance --- p.38-43 / Chapter VI. --- Summary and Conclusions --- p.44-45 / Chapter VII. --- Recommendations --- p.46-48 / Bibliography --- p.49-50
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Case study on a distributed data processing approach used in a trading company.January 1989 (has links)
by Lam Hing-Chau, Leon, Yan Yau-Kon, Charles. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1989. / Bibliography: leaves 73-74.
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Current financial and investment practices of the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited.January 1988 (has links)
by Ko Chi-kwong, Tsang Man-ting. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1988. / Bibliography: leaves 84-87.
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