Spelling suggestions: "subject:"competitiveness."" "subject:"ompetitiveness.""
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Klaipėdos miesto smulkiųjų įmonių investicijų konkurencingumui stiprinti galimybės / Klaipėda city small companies investment opportunities enhance competitivenessBalsienė, Vilma 23 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe tiriama Klaipėdos miesto smulkiojo verslo būklė, jo patrauklumo konkurencingumui stiprinti galimybės ir konkurencingumo įvertinimas. Pateikiami šio verslo konkurencingumo stiprinimo būdai ir priemonės. Tyrimo tikslas – numatyti Klaipėdos miesto smulkiojo verslo konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybes, kuriomis būtų galima pritraukti investicijas. Darbe apibūdinti investicijų į smulkųjį verslą principai ir ypatumai; ištirtas Klaipėdos miesto smulkiųjų įmonių investicinis patrauklumas ir konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybės, numatytos priemonės Klaipėdos miesto smulkiųjų įmonių konkurenciniam pranašumui įgyti ir stiprinti; pateiktas patobulintas modelis skirtas SVV įmonėms, kuris padėtų efektyviau pritraukti investicijas didinant konkurencingumą. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, metodologinė dalis, tiriamasis analitinis skyrius, projektinis taikomasis skyrius, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 80 p. teksto be priedų, 41 pav., 2 lent., 54 bibliograf. / This final Master‘s thesis investigated Klaipeda small business status, strengthen the competitiveness of its attractiveness and competitiveness of the possibility of evaluation. Shown in this business competitiveness ways and means. The purpose of research - to provide for the city of Klaipeda competitiveness of small business opportunities that could attract investment. The work described in investments in small business principles and characteristics; investigated Klaipeda small business investment attractiveness and competitiveness opportunities, the measures provided for in Klaipeda city of small businesses to gain competitive advantage and enhancement of the improved model for SMB, which contribute more effectively to attract investment for competitiveness. Structure: introduction, methodological part, analytical research department, applied design department, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consist of: 80 p. text without appendixes, 41 pictures, 2 tables, 54 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.
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Verslo investicijų galimybės ir valstybės rėmimas / Business investment opportunities and public supportPielikytė, Rima 05 August 2013 (has links)
Nuo investicinės veiklоs apimčių ir aktyvumo priklauso įmonių veiklos vystymasis ir įmonės konkurencingumas. Šalies ekonomikos augimas daugiausia priklauso nuo investicijų šalies ūkio plėtrai pritraukimo galimybių. Šiame procese didelis dėmesys tenka valstybės investicijų politikai, kurią sudaro kompleksas teisinių, ekonominių ir administracinių priemonių.
Vilnius sukuria daugiau kaip 30 proc. viso šalies bendrojo vidaus produkto, apie 60 proc. visų užsienio investicijų į šalį ateina per Vilnių. Dėl šios priežasties galima teigti, jog Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė ženkliai prisideda per investicinių projektų įgyvendinimą prie valstybės konkurencingumo didinimo. Šiame darbe iškeliamos šios hipotezės: Lietuvoje yra nepalanki aplinka verslo investicijoms, valstybės prioritetai verslo investicijų skatinimo srityje nepilnai atitinka verslo lūkesčius ir kuo daugiau valstybė siūlo investicijų paramos priemonių, tuo verslo investicijų galimybės didėja.
Šio darbo tikslas – remiantis šiuolaikinėmis investicijų teorijomis ir investicijų politika šalyje, atskleisti verslo investavimo galimybių plėtros veiksnius ir šaltinius, išnagrinėti valstybės paramą investicijoms, politiką ir praktiką, ir išanalizuoti savivaldybės investicijų paramos galimybes bei vaidmenį, teikti pasiūlymus ir išvadas. Tikslui įgyvendinti keliami šie uždaviniai: atskleisti verslо investavimo galimybių plėtros veiksnius ir šaltinius, išnagrinėti valstybės paramą, skatinančias investicijas, politiką ir praktiką ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The development and competitiveness of a company depends on the range and levels of its investment activities. The economic growth of a country is largely dependent on the opportunities for the investment attraction for the economic development of the country. Therefore, in this process particular attention is given to the state investment policy, which consists of a complex of legal, economic and administrative measures.
Vilnius generates not only more than 30 per cent of the country's total gross domestic product, but also about 60 per cent of all foreign investments into the country comes through Vilnius. For this reason, it can be said that the Vilnius city municipality significantly contributes to the state's competitiveness through the implementation of investment projects.
This work brings up this hypothesis: in Lithuania there is a less favorable environment for business investment, public investment priorities for business promotion does not fully meet the expectations of business and the more of the investment support measures state offers, the more opportunities for business investment are coming up.
The aim of the work, which is based on modern theories of investment and the investment policy of the country, is to expose the sources and factors for the development of business investment opportunities, to present a study of the state support for investments as well as its policies and practices in this field, and to analyze the opportunities and role of the... [to full text]
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E - verslo panaudojimas viešbučių konkurencingumui didinti / The usage of e – business to improve hotels competitivenessJakas, Remigijus 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas: e – verslo panaudojimas viešbučių sektoriuje.
Darbo tikslas: ištirti e – verslo panaudojimą viešbučių konkurencingumui didinti.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti konkurencingumo ir e – verslo sampratas.
2. Išnagrinėti, konkurencingumą lemiančius veiksnius.
3. Apžvelgti e – verslo teikiamą naudą ir jo trūkumus viešbučių sektoriui.
4. Atlikti e – verslo panaudojimo viešbučių konkurencingumui didinti ekspertinį vertinimą.
Šiandien e – verslas klientui suteikia galimybę lengvai ir greitai internetu įsigyti norimą prekę ar paslaugą. Ne išimtis yra ir viešbučių sektorius, kadangi dabar iš daugybės pasirinkimo variantų, jis gali pasirinkti tinkamiausią. Jis gali susirasti daugybę informacijos apie patį viešbutį, kambarių nuotraukų ir tikriausiai svarbiausias – palyginti kainas. Tačiau dar yra žmonių, kurie bijo atsiskaitinėti internetu, nes nežino kokią gaus paslaugą ar prekę ir mano, kad tai – nesaugu.
Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, jog viešbučiai norintys būti konkurencingais privalo išnaudoti e – verslo privalumus savo veikloje, kadangi:
• E – verslas labai įtakoja viešbučių konkurencingumą. Šį faktą patvirtina tai, jog ekspertai visiškai sutinka, jog tai padeda plėsti rinką ir suteikia galimybę reklamuotis ne tik vietinėje rinkoje, tačiau ir užsienio. Tai taip pat svarbu, kadangi tai didina vardo žinomumą, padeda pritraukti naujus klientus ir stebėti konkurentų veiksmus.
• E – verslas teikia daug naudos. Šiandien klientams jis suteikia kur kas paprastesnę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The target of the research: the usage of e – business in hotel sector.
The object of investigation: perform the usageo of e – business in hotel sector expert evaluation.
1. Describe competitiveness and e - business concepts.
2. Examine, the factors influence of competitiveness.
3. Review benefits and disadvantages of e – business in hotel sector.
4. Perform the usage of e – business, which increase hotels competitiveness expert evaluation.
Today, e - business provide a possibility for customer easy and fast purchase online the desired product or service. Is not an exception and hotel sectors, as now many options, it can choose the most suitable one. It can find a wealth of information about the same hotel, room photos and probably the most important - to compare prices. However, there are people who are afraid to be accountable on the Internet, they do not know what will get a service or product, and considers that it is - unsafe.
The investigation revealed that the hotels, who want to be competitive must use e - business benefits of their activities as:
• e - business highly influence the competitiveness of hotels. This fact is confirmed by the fact that the experts completely agree that it helps to expand the market and provide the opportunity to advertise not only in domestic market but also overseas. This is also important because it increases name awareness, help to attract new customers and track competitors' actions.
• e - business... [to full text]
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Pereinamojo laikotarpio tiesioginių išmokų įtaka lietuvos pieno ūkių konkurencingumui / Impact of direct payments on the competitiveness of Lithuanian dairy farms during transition periodLukošiutė, Ingrida 27 May 2005 (has links)
The object of research – Lithuanian dairy farms. The aim of research – to analyze the impact of direct payments on the competitiveness of dairy farms in Lithuania. The main tasks are: to clear up the role of Agrarian policy in competitiveness of agriculture; to establish the factors of competitiveness; to analyze the direction and instrumentality of the support of dairy sector in Lithuania; to estimate the direct payment support of dairy sector in Lithuania and the influence of direct payment on dairy farms, by their size. Ways to study – logical analysis and synthesis of literature sources and information, grouping, diagrammatic representation, modelling. In the way of studies of Lithuanian and foreign literature, statutes of Republic of Lithuania and the other documents about the support policy, in this MA thesis are analyzed the meaning of competitiveness, the factors of competitiveness, direct payments support of dairy sector in Lithuania and the influence of direct payments on dairy farms competitiveness.
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Policy development framework for aviation strategic planning in developing countriesItani, Nadine M. 02 1900 (has links)
There exists no predefined framework for aviation policy making and
development. While aviation policy planning in most developed countries comes
as a result of institutional and industry coordination and is embedded within
other national policies addressing the welfare and growth of the country, it is
found that in many cases in less developed countries (LDCs), aviation policy
planning is often influenced by political pressures and the interests of fund
donors. The complexity of this situation in the developing countries results in
aviation plans that represent stand alone studies and attempt to find solutions to
specific problems rather than comprehensive aviation plans which fit well the
country‘s competitiveness profile and are properly coordinated with other
national policies for achieving medium and long-term objectives. This study
provides a three-stage policy development framework for aviation strategic
planning based on situational analysis and performance benchmarking
practices in order to assemble policy elements and produce a best-fit aviation
The framework builds on study results that indicate an association between air
transport sector performance and aviation policy strategies, arguing that it is not
sufficient to simply describe performance but also to be able to assess it and
understand how policymakers can use strategic planning tools to affect the air
transport industry efficiency levels. This can be achieved by recognizing the
level of the country‘s stage of development and working on enhancing the policy
elements that produce better output and induce more contributions by aviation
to the national economic development and connectivity levels.
The proposed aviation policy development framework is systematic and
continuous. It helps policymakers in LDC to manage uncertainty in complex
situations by allowing them to defend, correct and re-examine the policy actions
based on a forward thinking approach which incorporates the contingency
elements of the policy and tracks the developments that can affect the odds of
its success. The framework‘s elements and its flow of process are explained by
providing an illustrative example applied to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
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Fjärrvärmens konkurrenskraft : En analys av olika uppvärmningsteknikers kostnadseffektivitet och kunders beslutsfattande / The competitiveness of district heating : An analysis of the cost efficiency of a number of heating technologies and customer’s decision makingAngren, Jimmy, Arnoldsson, Joel January 2014 (has links)
Historiskt sett har den Svenska värmemarknaden dominerats av fjärrvärmen som i princip varit det enda kostnadseffektiva alternativet där det funnits tillgängligt. På senare tid har dock spelreglerna börjat på att förändras, bland annat på grund av värmepumparnas intåg, en förändrad energipolitik och ökade kundkrav – vilket har lett till en mer konkurrensutsatt marknad. Denna studie syftar till att både kvantitativt och kvalitativt analysera fjärrvärmens konkurrenskraft jämfört med alternativa uppvärmningstekniker, med fokus på segmenten flerbostadshus, övriga- samt offentliga lokaler. Efter en inledande marknadsundersökning bedömdes värmepumpar i kombination med el eller fjärrvärme, samt pellets i kombination med RME, kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga med fjärrvärme. Därefter beräknades livscykelkostnaden för dessa värmesystem för en generell fastighet som en funktion av dess energibehov och utnyttjningstid, samt för ett antal typanvändare. Dessa typanvändare identifierades genom att analysera förbrukningsstatistik från Vattenfall. Vidare genomfördes flera intervjuer med branschexperter parallellt med att en enkät sammanställdes som riktade sig till energi- och klimatrådgivare i Sverige. Enkäten syftade till att få en nulägesbeskrivning av fastighetsägares syn på värmemarknaden och på så sätt bidra till den kvalitativa analysdelen. Resultatet visar att det rent kostnadsmässigt är små skillnader mellan fjärrvärme och övriga alternativ givet de antaganden som författarna anser är rimliga. För ett typiskt flerbostadshus är fjärrvärme mer fördelaktigt men för en typisk övrig eller offentlig lokal är bergvärme ett marginellt bättre alternativ. Frånluftsvärmepump med fjärrvärme är i båda fallen en billig lösning. Dock visar känslighetsanalysen att det kan skilja med mer än en faktor 2,5 i livscykelkostnad för samtliga alternativ beroende på vilka antaganden som görs. Således är valet av värmesystem ur fastighetsägarens perspektiv nära kopplat till riskbedömning, vad denne tror om framtiden och vilken relation de har till nuvarande värmeleverantör. För alla fastighetsägare är säker och problemfri drift den viktigaste parametern utöver kostnaden. Det finns även en ovisshet kring framtida prishöjningar av både el- och fjärrvärme, vilket leder till osäkra kalkyler. Därför kan förtroendet och relationen med nuvarande värmeleverantör vara avgörande vid en beslutssituation. En hög investeringskostnad är också en tydlig barriär - parallellt som investeringen ofta konkurrerar med andra energi- och fastighetsåtgärder om samma budget. Miljöfrågan är viktig för offentliga lokaler och kan vara det även för övriga lokaler, men är sällan av stor betydelse för flerbostadshus. Sammanfattningsvis är det svårt att avgöra vilket alternativ som är mest konkurrenskraftigt i dagsläget. Flera faktorer spelar in och livscykelkostnaden kan variera kraftigt mellan bästa och sämsta fall för uppvärmningsalternativen. Emellertid indikerar denna studie att en effektbaserad prismodell leder till att fjärrvärmen stärker sin konkurrenssituation bland flerbostadshus men blir mer utsatt i segmenten offentliga respektive övriga lokaler. Särskilt i det senare är bergvärmepumpar ett växande hot. För att bibehålla sin konkurrenskraft är det viktigt att fjärrvärmeleverantörerna är transparenta och tydliga i kommunikationen mot sina kunder, framförallt när det gäller prisutvecklingen. På sikt kan affärsmodellen och erbjudandet behöva innafatta mer än bara värmeleveransen, exempelvis stöd vid energieffektivisering, miljöcertifierad värme samt ett komforterbjudande. / Historically, the Swedish heat market has been dominated by district heating, which basically has been the only cost effective option where it’s available. Lately, however, the situation has begun to change, partly because of the increased efficiency of heat pumps, but also due to changes in energy policies and increased customer demands - which has led to a more competitive heating market. This study aims to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the competitiveness of district heating compared to alternative heating technologies, focusing on three segments; apartment buildings, public facilities and other premises. After an initial market analysis, heat pumps in combination with electricity or district heating as peak load, as well as pellets in combination with RME, were identified as the most competitive alternatives to district heating. The estimated life cycle cost of the heating systems was then calculated for a number of facilities, as a function of its energy needs and utilization time. These facilities were chosen based on consumption statistics from Vattenfall. Furthermore, several interviews with industry experts were conducted, in parallel with an inquiry that was addressed to energy and climate advisers in Sweden. The survey aimed to get an up-to-date status report of property owners' views on the heat market and thus contribute to the qualitative analysis. The result shows, given the assumptions that the authors find reasonable, that there are minor differences between district heating and its competition if viewed from a cost perspective only. For a typical apartment building, district heating is slightly more beneficial, but for a typical public facility/other premise geothermal heat is a marginally cheaper option. Exhaust air heat pump with district heating as peak load is in both cases a cost effective option. However, the sensitivity analysis shows that the life cycle cost can differ by more than a factor of 2,5 for all heating systems depending on what assumptions are made. Hence, the choice of heating system is from the property owner's perspective closely related to perceived risk and the extent to which trust towards the heat supplier exists. Effortless and reliable operations appear to be the most important factor besides costs for all customer types. Also, there is uncertainity about future price development among all segments, which can lead to impaired calculations. Thus, the customers’ trust for the existing heat distributor, as well as the relationship between them, may fundamentally affect the choice of heating system. A high investment cost is a crucial barrier since it carries a higher risk while also competing with other efficiency measures about the same budget. Public facility owners are keen about the environmental aspects while this question is of less importance for apartment buildings owners. It may be of importance for other premise owners depending on the owner. In summary, it’s difficult to determine the most competitive heating system since the cost effectiveness for all heating systems can vary a lot depending on the assumptions. However, this study indicates that a power based price model will strengthen the competitiveness for district heating among apartment buildings. Among public facilities and other premises it will become more vulnerable to other heating technologies, especially to geological heat pumps. To stay competitive it’s important for district heating distributors to be transparent and clear in the communication with their customers, particularly in regards of price development. In the long term it may be necessary to include more than district heating in their offer, for example support in energy efficiency measures, an environmentally certified heat supply or an offer of guaranteed indoor- comfort.
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The integration of the South African floriculture industry into the global market / M. van der WaltMatthee, Marianne January 2004 (has links)
As a result of globalisation, firms across both developed and developing countries are
experiencing increased competition. Globalisation has both positive and negative consequences
for firms, and the net effect may depend on the manner in which the country where a firm is
located participates in the global market. Both the global commodity chain (GCC) and global
value chain (GVC) approaches assess countries' integration (either successfully or
unsuccessfully) into the global market.
The international floriculture industry is one that is constantly changing and has a highly
competitive environment. These challenges require that its participants be successfully integrated
into the market and constantly improve their competitive positions. The South African
floriculture industry has become more integrated into the global market since it opened up its
economy in 1994. Both revenue and employment in this industry have increased since then.
However, South Africa remains fairly uncompetitive compared with its African counterparts.
The overall aim of this study was to assess the impact of the global floriculture industry on both
the competitiveness of the South African floriculture industry and its integration into the global
market. The GCC and GVC approaches were used in this assessment. The literature study
provided background to these approaches in the context of globalisation. A detailed description
was further given to the attributes and challenges of the global floriculture arena, together with a
delineation of the South African floriculture industry.
The empirical study was conducted through a mail-based questionnaire, which was mailed to the
members of the South African Flower Export Council. The response rate of the survey was 59
per cent and can be considered high for a mail-based questionnaire. The responses were analysed
according to the elements of the GVC and GCC approaches. This enabled an analysis of the
global chains that the exporters form part of. Hence, it identified the role players and variables
within these chains that influence the ultimate income of the floriculture industry.
From the empirical findings it was possible to determine the South African export floriculture
industry's strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion drawn was that the South African
floriculture industry functions successful internationally, according to the elements of the GCC
and GVC approaches. However, the industry does not participate to its full potential in the global
market and lacks competitiveness. These findings supported the assumptions in the literature
study. Once the South African floriculture exporters become more export-oriented (i.e. shift their
focus from the domestic to the international market), the industry's competitiveness will
enhance. Becoming further integrated into the global market by increasing both the volumes and
values of their exports can do this. Ultimately the exporters will be able to move into better and
more competitive global chains (i.e. export more directly). / Thesis (M.Com. (International Commerce))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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The validation of an assessment battery for sales representatives in a telecommunication company / Antoinette Charlene SmithSmith, Antoinette Charlene January 2006 (has links)
Globalisation yields numerous challenges and continuous changes in the economic
environment, rapid technological advancements, and an increased emphasis on organisational
competitiveness. The existing practice in the Telecommunications company relied on
conventional recruitment-on-vacancy and training. In 1997, a customer contact research
programme was launched to review the specific competencies underlying the full range of
customer contact roles, in order to understand the constructs which would underlie effective
assessment of people for the role of sales and marketing.
The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of an assessment battery in a
telecommunications company. The assessment battery measures the participants' essential
skills, behaviour and performance to bring about critical development action. The Work
Profiling System (WPS) and Subject Matter Experts in the Sales Division identified the
fifteen competencies. The assessment battery consisted of Ability Tests: Verbal Evaluation
(VCC3) and Numerical Evaluation (NCC4), and a personality questionnaire: Customer
Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ7.2). The Customer Contact Competency Inventory
(CCCI) was electronically administered to the sales representatives' respective managers in
2006, to give objective 360" feedback. The study population (n=97) consisted of sales
representatives working in a Telecommunication company.
The objectives for this research were to validate the chosen selection battery for the sales
representatives, and determine its relation to manager-rated performance. Descriptive and
inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Stepwise multiple regression analyses
were carried out to determine whether the independent variables (CCSQ7.2 and Ability
Tests) hold any predictive value regarding the dependent variable (CCCI).
The results of the regression analyses showed that Verbal Evaluation (VCC3) was a
significant predictor of: Convincing, Communicating Orally, Results Driven. Problem
Solving and Organisation. Modest (R4) was a significant predictor of Convincing.
Participative (R5) was a significant predictor of Problem Solving and Organisation.
Overall, it can be stated that there is a significant relationship between the test battery and job
performance. The results in this study reflect that correlations between personality, ability
and performance were small to moderate. This is lower than expected and what is found in
similar international research. This is probably due to the flawed criterion. The results should
be used with caution to prevent making a Type I1 error.
Recommendations for future research are made.
vii / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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The role of corporate social responsibility in retrenchment / Ryk Ludolph CroukampCroukamp, Ryk Ludolph January 2007 (has links)
Personeelvermindering as gevolg van operasionele redes word gelykgestel aan 'n ekonomiese doodstraf, aangesien geaffekteerde werknemers weinig, indien enige skuld het aan hierdie traumatiese ervaring. Die toenemende bekommernis oor hierdie verskynsel en die totstandkoming van mense-en arbeidsregte het dan ook veroorsaak dat hierdie verskynsel op 'n internasionale vlak omsigtig en deeglik benader word deur beide wetgewers en arbeidsorganisasies. Verandering in die wêreld geskied teen 'n snelle pas en vind op alle terreine van die samelewing plaas. Suid-Afrika is onlosmaakbaar deelgemaak van hierdie wêreld en word dus ook blootgestel aan honger internasionale maatskappye wat almal veg vir oorlewing en groter markaandele in 'n globaliserende wêreldekonomie. Dit laat Suid - Afrika
met 'n dringende behoefte om meer mededingend te word. Om dit te kan bereik, moet aan die knellende behoefte aan opleiding aandag geskenk word, sowel as aan die skepping van aantreklike internasionale beleggingsgeleenthede. Internasionale beleggers raak gou afgeskrik deur hoë werkloosheid en misdaad, en hier is Suid -Afrika ver agter die Ooste. Die tendens van globalisering en die uitwerking van sekere aspekte daarvan op werkloosheid noodsaak dus dringende fokus op kwellende kwessies, soos: Hoe om werkloosheid te verminder, teenoor die behoefte aan verhoogde produktiwiteit en verbeterde internasionale mededingingsvermoë. Hierdie veranderinge het ook meegebring dat verbruikers, werknemers en die gemeenskap waarin maatskappye besigheid bedryf, uiters sensitief begin word het vir onverantwoordelike optrede van maatskappye teenoor die gemeenskap, die werknemers en die omgewing. Hierdie veranderinge en die gevolge daarvan lei tot 'n groeiende bewustheid van en ernstige behoefte aan korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid. Die waarde hiervan word in 'n al hoe groter mate besef en maatskappye aanvaar hierdie verantwoordelikheid toenemend in alle dimensies van die gemeenskap. Die manier waarop maatskappye met mense omgaan, word direk beïnvloed deur werkspraktyke en korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid het dus 'n fundamentele uitwerking op hoe potensiële hoëgehalte kennis-werkers die maatskappy beskou. Dit word derhalwe al hoe belangriker dat werkgewers die menings van hulle eksterne en interne belangegroepe ernstig opneem, aangesien globalisering besig is om die magsbasis tot voordeel van die werknemers te verskuif. Intussen sal personeelvermindering voortgaan ten spyte van duidelike bewyse dat die langtermynvoordele daarvan verdag is, en dit plaas 'n enorme sosiale verantwoordelikheid op werkgewers. Die goed nagevorste verband tussen misdaad en werkloosheid dui duidelik op die onderprestering van die regering teenoor beloftes wat gemaak is. Dit is juis om dié rede dat die rol van maatskappye in die gemeenskap al hoe meer onlosmaaklik deel van die besigheid word. Die uiteindelike gevolg hiervan is 'n onaanvaarbare hoë misdaadsyfer, wat weer lei tot 'n gebrek aan beleggingsvertroue, wat op sy beurt weer lei tot personeelvermindering. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Sociology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2008.
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Turizmo klasterio formavimo prielaidos Kuršių nerijoje / Tourism cluster formation in the Curonian SpitDagilytė, Aušra 27 January 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: turizmo klasterio formavimas Kuršių nerijoje.
Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti turizmo klasterio formavimo prielaidas Kuršių nerijoje.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti turizmo svarbą regiono plėtrai.
2. Pateikti klasterių formavimosi prielaidas.
3. Atskleisti klasterių vaidmenį regiono konkurencingumui.
4. Įvertinti turizmo klasterio formavimo(si) Kuršių nerijoje galimybes.
5. Sukurti Kuršių nerijos turizmo klasterio modelį.
Tiriamasis klausimas: kokios yra turizmo klasterio formavimo prielaidos Kuršių nerijoje?
Hipotezė: rekreacijos plėtros procesai Kuršių nerijoje suformuoja prielaidas atsirasti turizmo klasteriui šiame regione.
Svarbiausios išvados:
• Siekis tapti produktyvesne ir pelningesne įmone bei turėti ilgalaikę veiklos perspektyvą yra svarbiausia priežastis, kodėl įmonės stengiasi tapti klasterio narėmis. Glaudūs klasterio narių tarpusavio ryšiai padidina atskirų narių veiklos efektyvumą, todėl ir galutinis bendras rezultatas yra didesnis nei tas, kuris būtų, jei kiekvienas narys veiktų atskirai. Klasteriai įvairiais aspektais padeda spręsti kvalifikuotų ir motyvuotų darbuotojų stygiaus ar kitų specializuotų išteklių problemą, sukuria prielaidas koncentruoti narių finansinius išteklius bendriesiems projektams, be to, klasterizuotuose regionuose formuojasi informaciniai tinklai, kuriais sklinda visa įmonėms aktuali tiek formalaus, tiek neformalaus pobūdžio informacija, specializuotos žinios.
• Klasteriai regionų konkurencingumą veikia padidindami... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the study: tourism cluster in the Curonian Spit.
The aim of the study: analyze assumptions of tourism cluster in the Curonian Spit.
The objectives of the study:
1. To analyze the importance of tourism to the region's development.
2. To present assumptions of cluster formation.
3. To reveal the role of clusters to regional competitiveness.
4. To rate tourism cluster formation opportunities in Curonian spit.
5. To create tourism cluster model of Curonian spit.
Research question: what are the preconditions for the emergence of the tourism cluster in Curonian spit?
Hypothesis: recreation development processes in Curonian spit forms the preconditions for the emergence of a tourism cluster in the region.
Main conclusions:
Desire to become more productive and more profitable company and have a long term business perspective is the main reason why companies are trying to become cluster members. The close ties between members of the cluster increases the efficiency of the individual members, so the final total result is greater than that which would be provided by each member alone. Clustering helps to deal with various aspects of qualified and motivated staff shortages or other specialized resources problem. It creates preconditions for members to concentrate financial resources for common projects, by the way in addition to clustered regions forming of the information networks, which is spreading all relevant enterprises in both the formal and informal information... [to full text]
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