Spelling suggestions: "subject:"computerbased"" "subject:"computerised""
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Programmering inkluderar vanligtvis användningen av en dator och en textredigerare, men ändå avslutas programmeringskurser vid högskolor och universitet ofta med traditionella skriftliga tentor för att bedöma studenternas förvärvade praktiska kunskaper. Denna traditionella examineringsmetod begränsar komplexiteten i programmeringsproblem och kan leda till oavsiktliga subjektiva bedömningar. Tidigare studier om datorbaserade programmeringstentor som efterliknar verkliga programmeringsförhållanden tyder på att bedömningen av studenternas förvärvade kunskaper kan effektiviseras samtidigt som både betygs- och administrationsprocesser förenklas. Vi använder Bunges generella vetenskapliga metod och fallstudiemetodik för att utveckla ett system för datorbaserade programmeringstentor som kan implementeras på KTH Kista. Våra resultat tyder på att programmeringstentor kan utföras säkert på studenternas egna datorer genom att starta datorn i en begränsad förkonfigurerad systemmiljö med blockerad internetåtkomst från ett USBminne. Parat med den öppna lärplattformen Moodle kan tentorna administreras elektroniskt och utformas med automatiska rättningssprocesser. För att hjälpa tentavakter utvecklade vi även ett observationsverktyg som kan upptäcka om den begränsade systemmiljön kringgås. Trots uteblivna verkliga tester av systemet på grund av omständigheterna orsakade av den pågående pandemin, drar vi, med stöd av tidigare studier, slutsatsen att vår föreslagna lösning för datorbaserade programmeringstentor kan förbättra kvaliteten och effektiviteten av programmeringskurser och deras examinationsprocesser. / Programming usually includes the use of a computer and a text editor, yet programming courses given at institutions of higher education often conclude with traditional written exams to assess the students’ acquired practical knowledge. This traditional examination method restricts the complexity of programming problems and may result in unintentional subjective assessments. Previous research on computer-based programming exams that mimic real programming conditions suggest that the assessment of the students’ acquired knowledge can be made more efficient while also simplifying both grading and administration processes. We use Bunge’s general scientific method and case study methodology to develop a system for computer-based programming exams that can be implemented at KTH Kista. Our results suggest that programming exams can be safely performed on the students’ own computers by booting the computer into a restricted preconfigured system environment with blocked Internet access from a usb flash drive. Paired with the open-source learning management system Moodle, the exams can be administered electronically and designed with automatic grading processes. To help exam invigilators we also developed an observation tool that can detect if the restricted system environment is circumvented. Despite the lack of real tests of the system due to the circumstances caused by the ongoing pandemic, we conclude, with the support of previous studies, that our proposed solution for computer-based programming exams can improve the quality and efficiency of programming courses and their examination processes.
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Toward Calculus via Real-time MeasurementsGolež, Tine 13 April 2012 (has links)
Several years of my experiences in the use of real-time experiments are now upgraded in order to enhance also the teaching of mathematics. The motion sensor device enables us to get real time x(t) and v(t) graphs of a moving object or person. We can productively use these graphs to introduce differentiation on visual level as well as to show the integration procedure. The students are fully involved in the teaching as they are invited to walk in front of the sensor. This approach motivates them by the realistic aspects of mathematical structures. The method could help to fulfill the credo of teaching: comprehension before computation. The steps of such an approach are explained and discussed in further detail below.
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Computer-Based Cognitive Training for Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive ImpairmentFortman, James Alexander 27 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effectiveness of Computer-Based Tutorials in Learning Computer-Aided Design Methods for Tool Design ProceduresHall, Andrew Moroni 23 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Throughout the past twenty-five years the process of designing and manufacturing a product has been revolutionized by the integration of Computer Aided Design (CAD). Although three-dimensional solid modeling, or 3-D CAD offers a better representation of the product in a virtual environment, it can be complicated and difficult to learn. Tutorials have been developed to assist manufacturing tool design student in the learning of 3-D CAD principles as they apply to tool design. This study seeks to test the effectiveness of those tutorials. A BYU tool design class was divided into two groups according to their assigned laboratory time. The experimental group used the tutorials in their lab assignments. The other group acted as the control group for the study and did not use the tutorial in their lab assignments. Both groups took a pre-evaluation quiz and three short quizzes throughout the semester to test how well they had learned the software. The short quizzes included ten written answers and a small design project. The answers to the quizzes were graded and the students recorded the time it took to complete the design project. This data was analyzed statistically using an ANCOVA model. The student who used the tutorials performed better on the written answer section of the quizzes. This was proven to be statistically significant. There was no significance difference, however, in the time it took students to complete the design projects on each quiz. It was concluded from this data that the tutorials were effective teaching 3-D CAD principles to tool design students.
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Using A Diglot Reader to Teach Kanji: The Effects of Audio and Romaji on the Acquisition of Kanji VocabularyAoyama, Kazumasa 06 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a computer-based Japanese/English diglot reader on the breadth and depth of the acquisition of kanji-words. On a diglot reader, L2 text is embedded in L1 text, thus allowing L2 learners to receive enough context to understand the L2 text and learn vocabulary in it. This study was also conducted to determine the effects of two methods of presenting pronunciation of kanji-words, audio recording and romaji, on the acquisition of the meaning and pronunciation of kanji-words as well as the overall effect of learning of pronunciation on the learning and retention of meaning. Eighty-one university students enrolled in first-year Japanese classes participated in this study. They were divided into four groups, and each group received a version of the diglot reader with different presentation of pronunciation for self-study. One group received the reader with audio recording and romaji, one with audio only, one with romaji only, and the other with neither of them. A 50-item kanji pretest, posttest, and a retention test were administered. The posttest was administered immediately after the experiment and the retention test one week later. Results show that overall, participants gained the meaning of 21 words and the pronunciation of 17 words through the diglot reader. Mostly they gained the depth of knowledge of kanji-words that allowed them to understand the meaning of the words, but not to write sentences with them. The retention rates for meaning and pronunciation were both .73 one week after the completion of reading. No significant effects of audio and romaji notation of pronunciation were found on the learning of meaning of kanji-words. However, those who learned both the meaning and the pronunciation of kanji-words had a higher retention rate of kanji meaning than those who learned the meaning only, thus suggesting a benefit of learning pronunciation along with meaning when learning kanji. Results also indicated that when participants received pronunciation information in one form while reading, either in audio or romaji, giving an additional form of pronunciation information did not have significant effects on their learning of pronunciation.
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Issues of technology adoption in 9–12 computer based instructionNuckols, Terri L. 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study was designed to examine computer based instruction in the 9-12 public high school. All high schools included in the study were part of the original Digital High School grants, and had a student population of over 1000 students. The purposes of the study were to examine factors affecting technology implementation, to explore how teacher attitudes, expertise, and cultural and pedagogical beliefs affected adoption, to determine how critical staff development and resources were in successful implementation, and to investigate organizational variables that were in place for successful adoption of computer based instruction. The study was conducted using Everett Rogers' five stages of the innovation-decision process. Nine technology coordinators were interviewed for this study. Following the interviews, 13 categories emerged and a grounded theory was formed. The study concluded with five recommendations for practitioners who would like to successfully implement technology on their school sites.
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ILeA plus Deutsch A: Psychometrische Güte eines digitalen Instruments zur Erfassung früher Literalität in der Jahrgangsstufe 1Gottlebe, Katrin, Latzko, Brigitte, Dietrich, Sandra, Liebers, Katrin 15 November 2023 (has links)
Frühe literale Kompetenzen gelten als wichtige Lernvoraussetzungen, auf denen der schulische Schriftspracherwerb aufbaut.
Mithilfe einer frühzeitigen Diagnostik kann Schwierigkeiten im Erwerbsprozess vorgebeugt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden die Gütekriterien
eines neu entwickelten, digitalen Instruments zur Erfassung früher literaler Kompetenzen für das erste Schuljahr vorgestellt. Das Verfahren
umfasst Aufgaben zu basalen Kompetenzen, phonologischer Bewusstheit, Buchstabenkenntnis und erstem Lesen. Es liegt für den
Beginn und die Mitte des Schuljahres in Parallelformen vor und wurde an zwei großen Stichproben (N = 1.042 bzw. 809) im Land Brandenburg
normiert. In Teilstichproben wurde die Konstruktvalidität anhand des IEL-1 und des CFT 1-R ermittelt. Die Itemkennwerte ebenso wie die Befunde
zu den Hauptgütekriterien weisen darauf hin, dass sich das Verfahren zur Routinediagnostik von Schulbereitschaft bzgl. früher literaler
Kompetenzen in der Jahrgangsstufe 1 eignet. Damit liegt ein Verfahren vor, welches aus psychometrischer Sicht einen Zugewinn für die pädagogische
Praxis liefert und in der schulischen Anwendung eine hohe Akzeptanz erfährt. / Early literacy skills are crucial for later reading achievements. Therefore, classroom assessment is essential for promoting reading
success. Low-threshold assessment by educational staff is presently not very common in German primary schools. This study examined the
validity and reliability of a digital assessment tool designed to measure early literacy skills in grade 1 of German primary school (ILeA plus
Deutsch A). Two cohorts of children (N = 1,042/809) completed the assessment for phonological awareness, alphabet, and reading skills using
a PC / laptop. The tool exhibited satisfying item properties (item-total correlation range = .87 to .98) and good internal consistency (all > .90).
Correlations between scores for the tool and paper-pencil control tests were high (IEL-1, r = .58 / .67). The psychometric properties suggest that
digital assessment of early literacy skills has the potential to improve assessment practices for classroom use. In addition, the easy application
and automated calculations of the children's results were well received by the teachers.
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Effect of a Computer-based Multimedia Educational Module on Knowledge of the Menstrual CycleMoon, Joan Lucille 02 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Explicit Phonological Awareness Instruction on the Prereading Skills of Preschool Children At Risk for Reading Failure: Comparing Single and Multiple Skill Instructional StrategiesLovelace, Temple Sharese, Ph.D., BCBA 10 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Die rheumatoide Arthritis / Entwicklung eines computergestützten, interaktiven, multimedialen Kompendiums für denEinsatz in der universitären und postgraduierten AusbildungHermann, Kay-Geert 13 November 2000 (has links)
Multimedia - Wort des Jahres 1995 - taucht als populärer Begriff in allen Bereichen unserer Gesellschaft auf. Auch an Universitäten erhofft man sich durch die Einführung von computerunterstützten Lernformen eine höhere Qualität der Lehre sowie Kosteneinsparungen. Nach ersten Versuchen in den 60er Jahren war das Neue in den 90ern die realitätsnahe, multimediale Simulation von Entscheidungssituationen. Auf dem Gebiet der Rheumatologie ist derzeit jedoch noch ein Mangel an deutschsprachigen Softwaretiteln zu erkennen. Ziel war die Erstellung eines multimedialen Kompendiums über die rheumatoide Arthritis für den Einsatz in der universitären und postgraduierten Lehre. Das System soll als elektronisches Nachschlagewerk und als Basis für interaktive Diashows geeignet sein. Mit Hilfe eines Apple Macintosh und der Autorensoftware Macromedia Director wurde eine CD-ROM entwickelt, die sowohl für Macintosh- als auch für Windows-Computer geeignet ist. Die Beschreibung der Symptome der rheumatoiden Arthritis und der erforderlichen Untersuchungstechniken nimmt mit 31% der Bildschirmseiten den größten Teil des vorliegenden Multimedia-Kompendiums ein. Weitere Schwerpunkte wurden auf Pathogenese (19%), bildgebende Verfahren (14%), Differentialdiagnosen (11%), Therapie (10%) und Laboruntersuchungen (7%) gelegt. Videos und Animationen dienen der Illustration zellulärer Vorgänge und der Zusammenfassung klinischer Untersuchungstechniken. Etablierte Kriterienkataloge für elektronische Medien dienten der Qualitätssicherung im Entwicklungsprozeß. Eine parallel durchgeführte formative Evaluation lieferte erste Erkenntnisse über Praxistauglichkeit und Stabilität des Programmes, ohne jedoch eine fundierte summative Evaluation ersetzen zu können. Multimedia-Lehrbücher wie das vorliegende Kompendium stellen für den konventionellen Unterricht eine ideale Ergänzung zum klassischen Lehrbuch dar und dienen für die problemorientierte Ausbildung als schnell zur Verfügung stehende Wissensbasis. Jedoch blieben bei der fakultativen Nutzung von computerbasierten Lernmöglichkeiten in Lernzentren die Ergebnisse bisher hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Es ist zu diskutieren, inwieweit die Vorteile der Multimedia-Technologie durch gezielte Integration in das Curriculum an deutschen Hochschulen zu Kosten- und Zeitersparnissen führen können. / Multimedia - word of the year 1995 in Germany - is a popular term cropping up in all areas of society. Universities, too, hope to improve the quality of teaching and to cut costs by introducing computer-based forms of learning. Following initial attempts in the sixties, a new aspect introduced in the nineties was the life-like multimedia simulation of decision-making situations. In medicine, there still is a lack of German-language software packages in rheumatology. The aim of the present project was to develop a multimedia compendium on rheumatoid arthritis for teaching at the university and postgraduate level. The system was intended to serve both as an electronic work of reference and as a basis for interactive slide presentations. Using the authoring tool Macromedia Director on an Apple Macintosh computer, a CD-ROM was developed that can be run on Macintosh and Windows computers alike. The largest part of the multimedia compendium now available (31% of the screen pages) is dedicated to the description of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and examination techniques. Other main areas are pathogenesis (19%), imaging modalities (14%), differential diagnoses (11%), therapy (10%), and laboratory tests (7%). Videos and animations serve to illustrate cellular processes and to summarize the clinical examination techniques. Catalogues of established criteria for electronic media were adhered to during development to assure quality. A simultaneously performed formative evaluation yielded initial results about the practicability and stability of the program but cannot replace a thorough summative evaluation. Multimedia textbooks such as the compendium presented here are ideal supplements to classical textbooks in conventional teaching, providing a rapidly accessible knowledge base for problem-oriented training. However, the results achieved with computer-based learning tools available for optional use at teaching centers have so far lagged behind expectations. It remains to be discussed to what extent the advantages of multimedia technology can save both cost and time by being selectively integrated into the curriculum at German universities.
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