Spelling suggestions: "subject:"constitutive"" "subject:"konstitutive""
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Thermomechanical fatigue of Mar-M247: extension of a unified constitutive and life model to higher temperaturesBrindley, Kyle A. 22 May 2014 (has links)
The goal of this work is to establish a life prediction methodology for thermomechanical loading of the Ni-base superalloy Mar-M247 over a larger temperature range than previous work. The work presented in this thesis extends the predictive capability of the Sehitoglu-Boismier unified thermo-viscoplasticity constitutive model and thermomechanical life model from a maximum temperature of 871C to a maximum temperature of 1038C. The constitutive model, which is suitable for predicting stress-strain history under thermomechanical loading, is adapted and calibrated using the response from isothermal cyclic experiments conducted at temperatures from 500C to 1038C at different strain rates with and without dwells. In the constitutive model, the flow rule function and parameters as well as the temperature dependence of the evolution equation for kinematic hardening are established. In the elevated temperature regime, creep and stress relaxation are critical behaviors captured by the constitutive model. The life model accounts for fatigue, creep, and environmental-fatigue damage under both isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue. At elevated temperatures, the damage terms must be calibrated to account for thermally activated damage mechanisms which change with increasing temperature. At lower temperatures and higher strain rates, fatigue damage dominates life prediction, while at higher temperatures and slower strain rates, environmental-fatigue and creep damage dominate life prediction. Under thermomechanical loading, both environmental-fatigue and creep damage depend strongly on the relative phasing of the thermal and mechanical strain rates, with environmental-fatigue damage dominating during out-of-phase thermomechanical loading and creep damage dominating in-phase thermomechanical loading. The coarse-grained polycrystalline microstructure of the alloy studied causes a significant variation in the elastic response, which can be linked to the crystallographic orientation of the large grains. This variation in the elastic response presents difficulties for both the constitutive and life models, which depend upon the assumption of an isotropic material. The extreme effects of a large grained microstructure on the life predictions is demonstrated, and a suitable modeling framework is proposed to account for these effects in future work.
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Identification des déterminants moléculaires de la liaison et de l'activation du récepteur AT[indice inférieur 1] de l'angiotensine IIClément, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (GPCR) sont formés de sept domaines transmembranaires. Cette famille de récepteur fait l'objet d'études qui visent à comprendre leurs fonctions, leurs interactions avec leurs ligands, les changements de conformations produits suite à cette liaison ainsi que leur mécanisme d'activation. Notre hypothèse est que le récepteur humain de l'angiotensine II de type 1 (hAT1 ) possède des déterminants moléculaires responsables de sa liaison à l'angiotensine II (AngII). Nos objectifs sont d'identifier des déterminants moléculaires responsables de sa liaison à AngII, ainsi que d'identifier des changements de conformations générés suite à cette liaison. Dans un premier temps, les déterminants de la liaison de la position C-terminale de l'AngII ont été identifiés directement grâce à des études de photomarquage par affinité sur le récepteur hAT 1. Ces études nous ont permis d'observer que l'acide aminé photoactivable utilisé, le para -benzoyl- L -phénylalanine (Bpa), présentait une sélectivité prononcée pour la méthionine. Nous avons exploité cette sélectivité du Bpa pour mettre au point une nouvelle approche : l'essai de proximité aux méthionines (MPA). Afin de déterminer l'environnement tridimensionnel de la position C-terminale de l'AngII dans le récepteur hATI, nous avons dans un premier temps étudié les domaines transmembranaires (TMD) III, VI et VII en mutant individuellement chacune des positions par une méthionine. Cette étude a permis de déterminer l'orientation relative des résidus identifiés de chaque TMD formant la pochette de liaison. Nous avons fait une étude MPA comparative avec le mutant constitutivement actif N111G-hAT 1 , afin de pouvoir déterminer des changements de hAT1 qui surviennent lors de l'activation, sur les TMD III, VI et VII et avons trouvé qu'une seule différence. La conclusion de l'étude impliquait un mouvement du TMD VI lors de l'activation. Dans une autre étude, les 4 derniers TMD (I, II, IV, V) ont été étudiés à la fois à l'état basal et actif. Cette étude permit d'identifier que les TMD II et V participent à la formation de la pochette de liaison de l'AngII dans la forme active uniquement, impliquant des mouvements dans ces 2 TMD aussi. Suite à l'identification des résidus des TMD participant à la structure de la pochette de liaison, dans la forme active ou inactive, nous avons construit des modèles du récepteur hATI ligandé dans la forme inactive et de la forme constitutivement active et les avons comparés. L'ultime but de ce projet est de présenter un modèle d'activation général des GPCR mais plus concrètement une meilleure compréhension des bases moléculaires de la liaison, de l'activation et des changements conformationnels d'un GPCR.
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Dimérisation du récepteur de chimiokine CXCR4Berchiche, Yamina A. January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Sustainable Implementation of Electrified Roads : Structural and Material AnalysesChen, Feng January 2016 (has links)
Given the promise of the Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) technology for eRoad applications, the potential challenges for a successful integration of dynamic IPT technology into the physical road structure are explored extensively in this research work. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is selected for studying the structural performance of an eRoad under operational conditions. In this, an energy-based finite strain constitutive model for asphalt materials is developed and calibrated, to enable the detailed investigation of the structural response and optimization of the considered eRoad. In the context of enabling both dynamic charging and autonomous driving for future electric vehicles, the influences to the pavement (rutting) performance by the changed vehicle behaviour are investigated as well. Moreover, to study the effect on the IPT system by the integration, the potential power loss caused within eRoad pavement materials is further examined by a combined analytic and experimental analysis. The direct research goal of this Thesis is therefore to enhance the possibility of a sustainable implementation of the eRoad solutions into the real society. At the same time, it aims to demonstrate that the road structure itself is an important part of smart infrastructure systems that can either become a bottleneck or a vessel of opportunities, supporting the successful integration of these complex systems. / Givet de förutsättningar som induktiv energiöverföring (IPT Inductive Power Transfer) har för eRoad applikationerna, utforskas möjligheterna för en framgångsrik integration av dynamisk IPT i den fysiska vägkonstruktionen på en djupgående nivå i detta forskningsarbete. Speciellt har finita elementmetoden använts för att studera det strukturella beteendet hos en e-väg under driftsmässiga förhållanden. Inom detta har en energibaserad konstitutiv model för stora töjningar utvecklats och kalibrerats för att möjliggöra detaljerade undersökningar av strukturell respons och optimering av de föreslagna e-vägarna. I samband med att möjliggöra både dynamisk laddning och autonom körning för framtida elektriska fordon, har beläggningars (spårbildnings)egenskaper studerats utifrån de laddande fordonen beteende. Dessutom för att studera effekten av IPT-systemet har den potentiella energiförlusten inom e-vägars beläggningsmaterial undersökts genom en kombinerad analytisk och experimentell undersökning. Som sådant är det direkta forskningsmålet med denna avhandling att utöka möjligheterna för en hållbar implementering av eRoad systemet inom det verkliga samhället. Samtidigt är målet att visa att vägkonstruktionen i sig själv är en viktig del av det smarta infrastruktursystemet som antingen kan bli en flaskhals eller en bärare av möjligheter, stödjande en framgångsrik implementering av dessa komplexa system. / <p>QC 20161108</p>
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Numerical and artificial neural network modelling of friction stir weldingWang, Hua January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is based on the PhD work of investigating the Friction Stir Welding process (FSW) with numerical and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modelling methods. FSW was developed at TWI in 1991. As a relatively new technology it has great advantages in welding aluminium alloys which are difficult to weld with traditional welding processes. The aim of this thesis was the development of new modelling techniques to predict the thermal and deformation behaviour. To achieve this aim, a group of Gleeble experiments was conducted on 6082 and 7449 aluminium alloys, to investigate the material constitutive behaviour under high strainrate, near solidus conditions, which are similar to what the material experiences during the FSW process. By numerically processing the experimental data, new material constitutive constants were found for both alloys and used for the subsequent FSW modelling work. Importantly no significant softening was observed prior to the solidus temperature. One of the main problems with numerical modelling is determining the values of adjustable parameters in the model. Two common adjustable parameters are the heat input and the coefficients that describe the heat loss to the backing bar. To predict these coefficients more efficiently a hybrid model was created which involved linking a conventional numerical model to an ANN model. The ANN was trained using data from the numerical model. Then thermal profiles were abstracted (summarised) and used as inputs; and the adjustable parameters were used as outputs. The trained ANN could then use abstracted thermal profiles from welding experiments to predict the adjustable parameters in the model. The first stage involved developing a simplified FE thermal model which represents a typical welding process. It was used to find the coefficients that describe the heat loss to the backing bar, and the amount of power applied in the model. Five different thermal boundary conditions were studied, including both convective and ones that included the backing bar with a contact gap conductance. Three approaches for abstracting the thermal curves and using as inputs to the ANN were compared. In the study, the characteristics of the ANN model, such as the ANN topology and gradient descent method, were evaluated for each boundary condition for understanding of their influences to the prediction. The outcomes of the study showed that the hybrid model technique was able to determine the adjustable parameters in the model effectively, although the accuracy depended on several factors. One of the most significant effects was the complexity of the boundary condition. While a single factor boundary condition (e.g. constant convective heat loss) could be predicted easily, the boundary condition with two factors proved more difficult. The method for inputting the data into the ANN had a significant effect on the hybrid model performance. A small number of inputs could be used for the single factor boundary condition, while two factors boundary conditions needed more inputs. The influences from the characteristics of the ANN model were smaller, but again thermal model with simpler boundary condition required a less complex ANN model to achieve an accurate prediction, while models with more complex boundary conditions would need a more sophisticated ANN model. In the next chapter, the hybrid method was applied to a FSW process model developed for the Flexi-stir FSW machine. This machine has been used to analyse the complex phase changes that occur during FSW with synchrotron radiation. This unique machine had a complex backing bar system involving heat transfer from the aluminium alloy workpiece to the copper and steel backing bars. A temperature dependent contact gap conductance which also depends on the material interface type was used. During the investigation, the ANN model topologies (i.e. GFF and MFF) were studied to find the most effective one. Different abstracting methods for the thermal curves were also compared to explore which factors (e.g. the peak temperature in the curve, cooling slope of a curve) were more important to be used as an input. According to close matching between the simulation and experimental thermal profiles, the hybrid model can predict both the power and thermal boundary condition between the workpiece and backing bar. The hybrid model was applied to six different travel speeds, hence six sets of heat input and boundary condition factors were found. A universal set was calculated from the six outcomes and a link was discovered between the accuracy of the temperature predictions and the plunge depth for the welds. Finally a model with a slip contact condition between the tool and workpiece was used to investigate how the material flow behaviour was affected by the slip boundary condition. This work involved aluminium alloys 6082-T6 and 7449-T7, which have very different mechanical properties. The application of slip boundary condition was found to significantly reduce the strain-rate, compared to a stick condition. The slip condition was applied to the Flexi-stir FSW experiments, and the results indicated that a larger deformation region may form with the slip boundary condition. The thesis successfully demonstrates a new methodology for determining the adjustable parameters in a process model; improved understanding of the effect of slip boundary conditions on the flow behaviour during FSW and insight in to the behaviour of aluminium alloys at temperatures approaching the solidus and high strain-rates.
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Caractérisation et modélisation de l'état mécanique et microstructural des sous-couches affectées par l'usinage de finition du cuivre Cu-c2 et impact sur la résistance à la corrosion. / Characterizing and modeling surface integrity induced by finishing machining of OFHC copper and its impact on corrosion resistanceDenguir, Lamice 08 December 2016 (has links)
La durabilité des composants mécaniques en général et leur résistance à la corrosion en particulier ont une importance primordiale dans l’industrie moderne, qu’elle concerne la production d’énergie, les produits chimiques, le transport, les machines, les matériels médicaux, ou même les composants électroniques. Pour des pièces obtenues par usinage, il est donc nécessaire d’améliorer leur durée de vie et de réduire le risque de défaillance prématurée en améliorant leur intégrité de surface. Ainsi, une compréhension de l’effet du procédé sur l’intégrité de surface induite par usinage et ses conséquences au niveau de sa résistance à la corrosion sont les clés pour relever ces défis.Cette thèse traite le cas particulier de l’usinage de finition du cuivre Cu-c2 et son impact sur la résistance à la corrosion. D’abord, une étude expérimentale comparative du tournage et de la coupe orthogonale est effectuée. Ensuite, vu sa simplicité, la coupe orthogonale fait l’objet de la suite de l’étude. Un modèle numérique est développé pour la prédiction de l’intégrité de surface induite par la coupe. Il utilise une nouvelle loi constitutive du Cu-c2 tenant en compte les transformations microstructurales et l’état des contraintes dans le matériau. Enfin, les résultats issus des études expérimentales ainsi que des simulations numériques concernant l’intégrité de surface sont statistiquement traités dans une analyse multi-physique, dans la perspective d’établir le lien entre la résistance à la corrosion, l’intégrité des surfaces et la physique de la coupe. / The functional performance and life of mechanical components in general and their corrosion resistance in particular are of prime importance in the modern industry, as far as energy production, transportation, machines, medical and even electronic components are concerned. In the case of machined components, it is essential to improve their life and to reduce the premature failure by improving their surface integrity. So, a comprehension of the effect of the machining process mechanics on surface integrity and its consequences on corrosion resistance are essential.This thesis deals with the particular case of finishing machining of oxygen free high conductivity copper (OFHC) and its impact on the surface integrity and corrosion resistance. Firstly, a comparative experimental study between turning and orthogonal cutting is performed. Then, due to its simplicity, orthogonal cutting makes the object of the pursuit of the study. A numerical model is developed to predict the surface integrity induced by the cutting process. It uses a new constitutive model for OFHC copper taking into account microstructural transformations and the state of stress in the work material. Finally, the results issued from experimental studies and the numerical simulations are statistically treated in a multi-physical analysis with the objective of establishing the relationship between corrosion resistance, surface integrity and cutting physics.
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Contribution à la fiabilisation de la modélisation numérique de l’usinage de pièces en titane / Contribution to more reliable numerical modeling of the machining of titanium workpiecesYaich, Mariem 28 November 2017 (has links)
L’usinage des pièces en alliages de titane, notamment en Ti6Al4V qui a une faible usinabilité, a été toujours parmi les préoccupations majeures des entreprises du secteur de l’aéronautique. Toutefois, il est difficile, en se basant seulement à des essais expérimentaux, de bien comprendre les mécanismes participants à la formation du copeau. Il est alors nécessaire d’avoir recours à des modélisations numériques fiables permettant d’avoir accès à des grandeurs physiques instantanées et très localisées. Le travail présenté porte sur la fiabilisation de la modélisation de la coupe. Des simulations numériques 2D et 3D ont été mises en place. Le modèle de comportement de Johnson-Cook et le critère énergétique d’évolution d’endommagement ont été utilisés. L’étude préliminaire 2D de l’effet du maillage, notamment la taille, le type et la fonction d’interpolation des éléments finis, a souligné l’importance d’une discrétisation convenable du modèle qui tient compte du coût de calculs. De plus, il a été montré qu’un choix convenable du type de la formulation est crucial. L’effet des coefficients rhéologiques et d’endommagement (initiation et évolution) sur la formation du copeau (morphologie, champ de déformation et de température) a été déterminé. Des essais expérimentaux de la coupe orthogonale du Ti6Al4V à différentes conditions de coupe ont été effectués. La dépendance de la géométrie du copeau et des efforts à la vitesse de coupe et à l’avance a été étudiée. Les résultats expérimentaux ont été utilisés pour la validation des modèles numériques 3D qui permettent une étude fine de la formation du copeau. Cette approche a permis de reproduire fidèlement les phénomènes physiques se produisant au niveau du plan médian de la pièce tout en tenant compte de l’écoulement de la matière sur les bords. Les résultats prédits ont mis en évidence que, même dans le cas d’une coupe orthogonale, la formation du copeau est bien un phénomène 3D. Afin d’augmenter la fiabilité des modèles numériques 3D, une nouvelle loi thermo-viscoplastique a été proposée. Cette loi, identifiée et implémentée dans le logiciel Abaqus® à travers la routine VUMAT©, a été utilisée pour la simulation de l’usinage du Ti6Al4V. Elle a conduit à une amélioration notable des résultats numériques. / Machining of titanium alloys workpieces, especially in Ti6Al4V which has a low machinability, has always been among the major preoccupations of the companies in the aeronautics sector. However, it is difficult, basing only on experimental tests, to well understand the mechanisms involved during the chip formation. In fact, the use of reliable numerical models that allow the access to instantaneous and very localized physical quantities is required. The presented work consists on the increase of the cutting modeling reliability. 2D and 3D numerical simulations have been performed. The Johnson-Cook constitutive model and the damage evolution criterion have been used. The preliminary 2D study focused on the mesh effect, especially the size of the finite element, its type and its interpolation function, has highlighted the importance of a convenient discretization of the model that takes into account the machining computing cost. In addition, it has been shown that a suitable choice of the formulation type is crucial. The effect of the rheological and damage (initiation and evolution) coefficients on the chip formation (morphology, strain and temperature field) has been determined. Experimental orthogonal cutting tests of the Ti6Al4V at different cutting conditions have been performed. The dependency of the chip geometry and the efforts to the cutting speed and the feed rate has been studied. Experimental results have been used in the validation of the 3D numerical models, which allow a deep study of the chip formation process. This approach has allowed an accurately reproduction of the physical phenomena that occurs in the median plan of the workpiece as well as in its sides. The predicted results have highlighted that, even in the case of orthogonal cutting process, the chip formation is a 3D phenomenon. In order to increase the reliability of 3D numerical models, a new thermo-visco-plastic law has been proposed. This law, identified and implemented in the software Abqus® through the subroutine VUMAT©, has been used to model machining process of the Ti6Al4V. It has resulted in a notable improvement of numerical results.
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Caracterização do perfil de expressão de actina em Aedes aegypti. / Characterization of actin expression profile in Aedes aegypti.Azevedo, Diego Soares 04 June 2014 (has links)
Nosso estudo se caracterizou em descrever o perfil de expressão de nove genes de actina presentes no genoma do Aedes aegypti ao longo do ciclo de vida do mosquito. Experimentos de qRT-PCR confirmaram a expressão estágio-espécifico de dois genes já caracterizados anteriormente como genes com picos de indução em pupas macho (AeAct-3) e pupas fêmeas (AeAct-4). Outros 2 genes já caracterizados também tiveram seus perfis de expressão confirmados. AeAct-1 se mostrou em baixa expressão e AeAct-2 apresentou picos de indução em larvas de quarto instar. Os demais genes de actina se mostraram expressos em todos os intervalos analisados. Os picos de indução para todos os genes se encontravam ou em pupas ou em larvas de quarto instar. Essa característica se deve ao fato da actina ser uma proteína estrutural, justificando a alta transcrição em larvas tardias e principalmente pupas, fase onde ocorre a metamorfose completa do inseto. / Our study was characterized to describe the expression profile of nine actin genes present in the genome of Aedes aegypti throughout the mosquito\'s life cycle. QRT-PCR experiments confirmed the stage-specific expression of two genes as already previously characterized genes with induction peaks of male pupae (AeAct-3) and female pupae (AeAct-4). Two other genes already characterized, also had their expression profiles confirmed. The AeAct-1 showed in low expression and AeAct-2 showed induction peaks in larvae of fourth instar. The remaining actin genes showed expressed in all the analyzed intervals. The induction peaks for all genes were found in pupae or larvae of fourth instar. This characteristic is due to the fact that actin is a structural protein, justifying the high transcription in late larvae and mainly in pupae, stage where the complete metamorphosis of the insect occurs.
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Modelagem numérica de escavações de túneis em maciços evaporíticos / Numerical modeling of tunnel excavation in solid evaporiteCavalcante, Alberto Douglas Silva 28 September 2012 (has links)
A precaução com a ruína em um material geológico submetido a altas tensões é um problema bastante comum na Geotecnia. Em um túnel, por exemplo, durante a escavação, é possível gerar uma perda de equilíbrio que pode levar à ruptura, fechamento e perda do mesmo. Quando a perfuração é feita em um maciço com características de deformabilidade dependentes do tempo, a redistribuição de tensões pode levar à ocorrência de grandes deformações em longo prazo. Esse fato se deve ao comportamento de fluência (Creep) do mesmo, que se caracteriza por uma deformação lenta e contínua sobtensão e temperaturas constantes. Tendo como fundamento a modelagem para melhor compreensão e controle desses problemas, este trabalho teve inicialmente por objetivo realizar simulações da interação de maciços evaporíticos com a estrutura de suporte, durante e após a escavação de um túnel. Ao longo do trabalho, vislumbrou-se a oportunidade de ampliar seu escopo para problemas mais gerais de interação maciço-suporte, detalhando-se também a interação entre camadas primária e secundária da estrutura de concreto. Assim, incorporaram-se resultados de análises com atrito limitado entre estruturas de suporte e o maciço, e de interação através da interface de uma membrana para impermeabilização aderente às duas camadas. Essas simulações foram realizadas utilizando o programa de elementos finitos Abaqus® e, em alguns casos, levou em conta a utilização de elementos de suporte no contorno do túnel. / Geotechnical engineers have been faced with difficult problems due to failure of geological materials caused by stresses exceeding the strength. The strain around a circular tunnel during and after excavation, for example, may lead to failure due to stresses redistribution. Particularly in rock masses with time-dependent deformation properties, the new stress field can lead to large strains in the long term or even to the closure of the tunnel due to creep behavior under constant stress and temperature. This work aimed originally at simulating the interaction of concrete support structures with evaporites identifying the effects of creep phenomenon in underground excavations. During the development of the work, it was decided to extend the scope to include other phenomena related to the interaction between the first and second layers of tunnel support structures. These include partial friction or the mechanical interface of a waterproofing sprayed membrane. For the development of the present study, numerical simulation of the time-dependent interaction between support and rock masses, during and after excavation of a tunnel were carried out with the commercial FEM software Abaqus®, chosen due to its versatility for the solution of non-linear problems.
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Modelagem do comportamento eletromecânico de músculos esqueléticosLagemann, Frederico January 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese é proposto um modelo fenomenológico eletromecânico com relação constitutiva variacional para representar numericamente a resposta ativa/passiva do tecido muscular esquelético, a fadiga muscular de diferentes tipos de fibras e a combinação de contrações. Na literatura não são encontrados modelos que representem esses comportamentos combinados. Para atingir este objetivo são definidos conjuntos de variáveis auxiliares e variáveis internas para desencadear e mapear a evolução das principais características do tecido muscular esquelético. É considerado que o tecido se contrai localmente, através da propagação de um potencial de ação elétrico advindo do sistema nervoso através de uma ou mais unidades motoras. A proposta de propagação do potencial de ação é construída com a criação de critérios de malha e discretização temporal, eliminando o erro dentro desses limites. Com a propagação do potencial de ação é informado ao modelo constitutivo se localmente o tecido está ativo, através de uma variável de acoplamento binária. A relação constitutiva mecânica utiliza este parâmetro para iniciar a contração muscular, que depende da evolução de uma variável interna. A evolução dessa variável substitui a função de ativação encontrada em outros modelos. Também é utilizado um segundo potencial dissipativo para representar a eficiência metabólica do tecido resultando na representação da fadiga muscular. Um conjunto de potenciais elásticos e dissipativos são utilizados para representar diferentes níveis de forças após combinações de contração do tipo isométrica-concêntrica-isométrica e isométrica-excêntrica-isométrica para diferentes velocidades e alterações de comprimento. A proposta é verificada frente ao ajuste de parâmetros de experimentos reais, obtendo boa representação. Através da implementação no método de elementos finitos é possível observar o comportamento do modelo proposto em geometrias tridimensionais. / In this thesis an electromechanical phenomenological model with variational constitutive relation is proposed to numerically represent the active/passive response of skeletal muscle tissue, muscle fatigue of different types of fibers and contraction combination. In the literature there are no models that represent these combined behaviors. To achieve this goal, sets of auxiliary variables and internal variables are defined to trigger and map the evolution of the main characteristics of skeletal muscle tissue. The tissue is considered to contract locally by propagating an electrical action potential from the nervous system through one or more motor units. The proposed propagation of the action potential is defined with the creation of mesh criteria and temporal discretization, eliminating the error within these limits. With the propagation of the action potential it is informed to the constitutive model if the tissue is locally active, through a binary coupling variable. The mechanical constitutive relation uses this parameter to initiate muscle contraction, which depends on the evolution of an internal variable. The evolution of this variable replaces the activation function found in other models. A second dissipative potential is also used to represent the metabolic efficiency of the tissue resulting in the representation of muscle fatigue. A set of elastic and dissipative potentials are used to represent different levels of forces after isometric-concentric-isometric and isometric-eccentric-isometric contraction combinations for different velocities and length changes. The proposed model capabilities are verified with the parameters adjustment to reproduce real experiments, obtaining good representation. The implementation in the finite element method allows to observe the behavior of the proposed model in three-dimensional geometries.
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