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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Why even bother? : Exploring consumer perceived risks and benefits of online personalized advertisements

Adolfsson, Henrik, Davidsson, Elias January 2017 (has links)
The use of online personalized advertisements has drawn attention among firms, in efforts of acquiring and maintaining competitive advantage. By collecting individual consumer information, firms are able to personalize advertisements to specific individuals in online contexts. The collection and use of individuals’ personal information have given rise to privacy concerns among consumers. However, contemporary research displays disparate conclusions regarding the extent to which these privacy concerns influence the effectiveness of online personalized advertisements. In order to provide insights regarding this discrepancy, this study explored the theoretical foundations of consumer perceived benefits and risks, upon which contemporary research was based. Two focus groups were conducted to explore how consumers perceive benefits and risks of online personalized advertisements. Using pattern matching, the interpretation of the empirically gathered material implied that consumer perceived benefits, in form of perceived relevance, appears to be insufficient in appealing to the interests and preferences of consumers. Instead, consumers’ perceptions of relevance appear to be dependent on several elements. Furthermore, the findings imply that consumers are aware of the risks through personal information disclosure, yet appear to be unconcerned by them. Instead, consumers seem to possess a sense of hopelessness in online environments, that attempts to restrict the availability of their personal information are pointless.

Marknadsföring med branschen som insats : En studie om svenska spelbolags marknadsföring - ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Helin, Klas, Hernegran, Helmer January 2019 (has links)
I följande uppsats undersöks den svenska spelbolagsmarknaden och dess marknadsföring. Tyngdpunkten ligger på att undersöka hur konsumenternas attityd till de svenska spelbolagens marknadsföring ser ut och vad som ligger till grund för denna attityd. I uppsatsen används tre olika metoder för att ge en så tydlig bild av ämnet som möjligt. Metoderna som används är enkäter och intervjuer med konsumenter, samt systematisk observation av de sex spelbolag med högst marknadsföringskostnader 2018. Enkäten genomfördes digitalt med syftet att skapa en bild av konsumenternas åsikter kring ämnet och gav 104 svar. Tre stycken intervjuer med konsumenter gjordes via telefon för att skapa en djupare förståelse kring konsumenternas åsikter och observationer genomfördes av de utvalda spelbolagens marknadsföring via TV och digitala kanaler, såsom sociala medier och deras egna hemsidor, för att skapa en mer objektiv bild av hur spelbolagen faktiskt arbetar med sin marknadsföring. Ett teoretiskt ramverk används i studien baserat på teorier inom marknadsföring, konsumentbeteende samt konsumentupplevelse. Teorierna används för att forma enkät- och intervjufrågor, skapa observationsscheman samt för att kunna genomföra grundliga analyser av empirin. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultatet av studien att det går att se differentiering mellan spelbolagen, främst mellan betting- och casinobolag, samt att bland annat mängden marknadsföring som konsumenter utsätts för påverkar bilden av spelbolagens marknadsföring till det negativa. / In the following study the Swedish betting- and gambling industry and the companies’ marketing is being investigated. The main focus is exploring how the customers attitude is towards the Swedish betting- and gambling companies and their marketing, and what the foundation of the customers attitude is based on. For the study three different methods were used to give the best picture possible of the subject. The methods that were used were surveys and interviews with the customers and systematic observations of the six companies with the highest marketing costs for 2018. The survey was done digitally, and received 104 answers, with the purpose of creating a view of the customers’ opinions. Three interviews with customers were made by phone to create a deeper understanding for the customers’ opinions, and observations of the selected betting- and gambling companies’ marketing by TV and digital channels, like social medias and their own internet pages, were made to create a more objective image of how the companies actually work with their marketing. A theoretical framework is being used in the study, based on theories in marketing, customer behavior and customer experience. The theories were used to create questions for the survey and interviews, to create observation schemes, and to be able to make a thorough analysis of the gathered empirical data. To summarize, the result of the study shows that there is some differentiation through the marketing between the companies, primarily between betting and casino companies, and that the amount of marketing that the consumers are exposed to, amongst other factors, affects their attitude against the betting- and gambling companies to the negative.

Femvertising: feminism i syfte att sälja : en undersökning om konsumenters perspektiv på konceptet femvertising

Hallencreutz, Tilda, Jacobson, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
Femvertising is a relatively new concept that describe the use of feminism in advertising. Femvertising aims to both strengthen the image of women and overrule stereotypical representations of women in advertising, whilst at the same time aims to sell products. This highlights a conflict within the concept, which is what makes femvertising an interesting subject to study. This study investigates the representation of women in contemporary fashion commercials withfemvertising messages. Further, it examines how young Swedish women create meaning in relation to these messages, and finally, how they interpret the conflict within the concept of femvertising.The main material consists of semi-structured interviews with ten young women, the secondary material consists of advertisements from three Swedish fashion brands; H&M, Gina Tricot and Monki. The theoretical framework consists of Stuart Hallsrepresentation theoryand encoding/decoding theory, as well as parts from the consumer cultural framework, a critical view on identity and fashionand finally, two critical theories on feminist messagesin advertisement. Through these theoretical perspectives the study has demonstrated that young female consumers care relatively little about feminist messages in advertising. Instead, consumers want companies to work with feminist values internally and throughout. Further, the results points to that young female consumers want a more including representation of female bodies in advertising and that consumers react in a positive way towards advertising that represents bodies which they can relate to. In conclusion the results suggests that it is not enough for companies to use feminist messages and values in their advertisement, if these messages are not reflected in the company itself.

Mobilbetalning : en studie om konsumenters förmåga att acceptera nya betalningsformer

Örnebro, Camilla January 2015 (has links)
Aim: Banks’ settlement of handling cash and the technological developments of our payment services, leaves us guessing at the outlooks of consumers’ payment systems. One of the new payment options arising from this development is mobile payment. With access to internet, mobile payment can take over the role as the primary method of payment, as it can be used on any occasion. Questions are raised about which factors that are affecting the future users’ attitude to use mobile payment, and if the service can be a threat to the traditional card payments. Method: This study is based on a quantitative method by the means of a survey design. Questionnaires are used in order to collect a considerable amount of data. A deductive approach is used to formulate hypotheses from existing theory, which is tested with various statistic methods. Result & Conclusions: The study results display a significant relationship between the users’ attitude to start using mobile payment and compatibility and usefulness. The variable that showed no significant relationship was ease of use. The results also showed that the method of card payment is accepted and is therefore main competitor for mobile payment. Suggestions for future research: To investigate which factors future users value between the variables compatibility and usefulness is a possible suggestion for future research. When these two were found to have a relationship with attitude, it can affect the future users’ acceptance to mobile payment. It would also be interesting to examine a merchant’s perspective to identify who intends to offer such services. This is an important aspect, as the study results showed that the respondents had lower response rates regarding whether mobile payment could be associated with the availability for use in the market. Contribution of the thesis: The study highlights future users’ acceptance of mobile payment and which factors that can be driving for increased spread. The result can provide ideas on what incentives are neccessary to be focused on, to get more of the younger generation to develop a positive attitude towards this service and then apply it. The study results also provide an insight for card companies, as they seek knowledge whether the mobile payment is a threat in the current situation.

TV-reklamens utveckling i en föränderlig tid : En studie i hur digitaliseringen i form av sociala medier och streaming har påverkat TV-reklamens betydelse / The Development of TV-commercials in a Changing Time : A Study of How Digitalization in Terms of Social Media and Streaming Has Influenced The Importance of TV-advertising

Morina, Donika, Nilsson, Sabina January 2017 (has links)
Forskningsfråga och syften Studiens forskningsfråga är följande:   Hur har reklam på sociala medier och på streamingsajter förändrat den traditionella TV-reklamens betydelse ur ett kundperspektiv?   Utifrån forskningsfrågan har studiens tre delsyften utformats, vilka är att: undersöka TV-reklamens relevans idag, analysera och klargöra fördelar och nackdelar med TV-reklam jämfört med reklam på sociala medier och streamingsajter, redogöra för hur streamings utveckling påverkat konsumenternas TV-tittande. Metod Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod som grund. Den vetenskapliga ansatsen är ett växelspel mellan deduktion och induktion. Empirin i studien utgörs av diskussioner som skett i fem fokusgrupper med fem individer i respektive grupp. Vidare har fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med företag genomförts.   Slutsatser Studien påvisar att TV-reklam är av relevans än idag, trots att TV-tittandet har minskat. Reklamen undviks dock aktivt av tittarna. Däremot framhäver studien att reklamen fortfarande har effekt på konsumenten då den lägger sig på deras minne. Det verkar även som att vissa reklamtyper är mer effektiva än andra, som exempelvis emotionella eller humoristiska reklamfilmer. Vidare framgår det att fördelarna och nackdelarna för reklam på TV, sociala medier och streamingsajter inte enbart är plattformsspecifika. Dessa styrs istället i stort av konsumenternas uppfattning om reklam i allmänhet. Konsumenternas känsla av frihet att välja sitt eget innehåll har bidragit till ökad popularitet hos streamingsajter. Det tydliggörs utifrån studien att TV-tittandet har förändrats då allt fler individer engagerar sig i multiskärmbeteende. Slutligen lyfts det i studien fram att det inte enbart är sociala medier och streamingsajter som påverkat TV-reklamen. Det framgår även att konsumenternas inställning till TV-reklam i sin tur har påverkat deras inställning till reklam på sociala medier och streamingsajter. / Research Question and Purpose The research question of this study is:   How has advertising on social media and streaming sites changed the meaning of traditional TV-advertisements from a consumer perspective?   Based on the research question above, the three purposes of this study are to:   examine the relevance of TV-advertising today, analyze and clarify the advantages and disadvantages of TV-commercials in comparison to commercials on social media and on streaming sites, account for the impact that the development of streaming has had on consumer television viewing.   Method The study has a qualitative research method as a basis. The scientific approach is an interplay of deduction and induction. The empiric data in the study consists of discussions that took place in five focus groups with five individuals in each group. In addition, four semi-structured interviews with companies have been conducted.   Conclusions The study shows that TV-advertising is still of relevance today, even though TV-viewing has decreased. However, it appears as though the commercials are being actively avoided by the viewers. On the other hand, the study emphasizes that commercials still have an impact on the consumer since the advertisements imprint on their memory. It also seems as if some types of advertising are more effective than others, such as emotional or humorous commercials. Furthermore, it appears that the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on television, social media and streaming sites are not only specific to the platform. These are instead largely governed by the consumer’s perception of advertising in general. The consumer’s sense of freedom to choose their own content has contributed to the increased popularity of streaming sites. It is clear from the study that TV-viewing has changed as more individuals engage in multi-screen behavior while watching TV. Finally, it is stated in the study that it is not only social media and streaming sites that affect the importance of TV-commercials. It also appears as though the consumers’ attitude to TV-advertising in turn has influenced their attitude towards advertising on social media and streaming sites.

"A company is never better than its latest mistake" : A consumer perspective on crisis communication

Jonsson, Hanna, Davidsson, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
The existing literature has discussed crisis communication as a tool to minimise reputational damage to a company in the event of a crisis. The Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) provide guidelines for managers in times of crises on how to protect their reputational assets and their corporate image in specific crisis situations with a set of communication strategies. The theory emphasise the importance of stakeholders in a crisis since they could oppose as a threat to companies´ reputation. Despite the realisation of stakeholders’ role in crisis communication, explorative studies aiming at understanding the consumer's perspective and how they prefer to be communicated are limited.   The purpose of this thesis is to understand, from consumers’ perspective, how companies should communicate in a time of crisis. This was done through using the existing Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) as a basis. The purpose was accomplished by conducting focus groups were crisis scenarios and strategies based on the SCCT played a fundamental role in generating results. The findings from the research suggest that there is a cycle explaining preferred crisis communication from consumers’ perspective. The suggested cycle includes three influencers that is: responsibility, communication, and reputation. This cycle suggest how consumers prefer to be communicated, what influences them to making that choice, and how it reflects back on the corporate image. The main finding of the research was the preferred communication in specific situations. The study showed that there is a set of generally applicable strategies, which consumers prefer in all crisis situations whereas additional preferences are added based on attributed responsibility.

What Does Sustainability Mean? : A Study of Young Consumers’ Associations With, and Understanding of the Term Sustainability, Within the Fashion Industry

Berghe, Henrik, Sanchez Adolfsson, Malcolm January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate how young consumers understand sustainability in the fashion industry: how they define it and if they consider both environmental and social sustainability. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative method was used. The 14 semi- structured video-call interviews were carried out with interviewees between the ages of 20 and 30 years old, chosen based on their age and accessibility to the researchers. Further, all the interviewees live in Sweden. Findings – The collected data show that young consumers have a fairly broad understanding of sustainability in the fashion industry, even if parts of that understanding seem to be subconscious. All the interviewees are aware of the fashion industry’s negative impact on global sustainability, and show awareness of transparency and Greenwashing issues. Many also agree that aspects of high quality, timeless design and second-hand clothing are crucial for sustainability in the fashion industry. All interviewees connect sustainability in the fashion industry to environmental sustainability first and foremost, while issues with social sustainability come second. The interviewees were generally more concerned with environmental issues like emissions and materials. However, all but one showed awareness of the social implications as well, addressing social issues like working conditions. Originality/value – The thesis is a response to the lack of research on young consumer’s understanding and perceptions of sustainability within the fashion industry. It’s an interesting subject, since the fashion industry has many sustainability issues, and young consumers have a great spending power, and also care a lot about sustainability. The research is a mean for future research regarding young consumers and the fashion industry and will provide further understanding towards the subject.

What Happens When the Cookies Crumble? : A mixed-method approach to investigate Internet users’ perceptions towards the Cookieless Future

Ács, Anikó, Agiden, Jelia January 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and understand the consumer perspective and intentions toward the prospect of a future without third-party cookies.Design/Methodology/Approach: This thesis utilized a combination of exploratory and confirmatory research design. A mixed-method approach was used for the data collection. The qualitative stage included focus groups. This was followed by a quantitative stage, conducted by means of an online survey.Findings: The finding from the focus groups indicated that Internet users have a negative opinion of the prospect of a world without third-party cookies, with positive expectations like improved user experience. Furthermore, results from both the survey and focus groups reveal a glaring lack of information when it comes to the subject of the gradual elimination of third-party cookies. The survey findings show the existence of a connection between user intention and distrust as well as user intention and privacy concerns.Theoretical Implications: Novel contributions have been made in several fields of business administration, specifically, the domains of digital marketing, consumer behavior, and consumer psychology. Contributions have also been provided by blending the theories from the above domains. Furthermore, this study established the addition of the Technology Acceptance Model, and Communication Privacy Management Theory to research the cookieless future, offering new useful insights on the underresearched topic of the cookieless future.Practical/Societal Implications: In the absence of cookies, organizations must improve their communication with online users. Furthermore, organizations and institutions are both responsible for educating everyday online users on topics such as online policies, data collection procedures, and data protection regulations. Moreover, organizations will have to focus on improving the online user experience in the absence of third-party cookies.Limitations/Future Research: Having a larger sample size would have allowed for better generalizability. Furthermore, participants were mostly Millennials (i.e., born between 1981 and 1996) and Gen Z (i.e., born between 1997 and 2012) in the case of both the qualitative and quantitative parts of the study. An even wider distribution in age within the sample could have resulted in a different statistical analysis. Additionally, the survey and the focus groups were conducted exclusively in English, limiting the study to English speakers. Future research could investigate the users’ perceptions and behavior after Google has fully removed third-party cookies. Future research can also take an in-depth look into how the removal of cookies will affect personalized advertisements. Moreover, further studies could also investigate bigger populations. Different populations could be investigated as well: different generations, or different countries. Lastly, a longitudinal study of this thesis after the completed removal of third-party cookies could be a fruitful research direction.Originality: This is the first study that examines consumer perceptions and intentions in the context of the cookieless future, to the authors' knowledge. It is also the first to academically examine the cookieless future using a mixed-method approach, to the authors' knowledge.

Value Co-creation in Slow Fashion : Exploring opportunities in new product development

Pétursdóttir, Gunnhildur, Lehtonen, Liisi January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to advance the knowledge on value co-creation in new product development (NPD) in the context of slow fashion, with specific emphasis on investigating the interest of slow fashion consumers to engage in the NPD process and brands' perspective regarding this. Via exploring the value co-creation phenomena in the slow fashion industry context, this study also intends to apply and discuss the suitability of currently available value co-creation theories for the slow fashion context. Methodology: This research employed an explanatory design with an deductive approach. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were applied using a self-administered online questionnaire for slow fashion consumers and semi structured interviews with two slow fashion companies. The questionnaire and interview questions were designed according to the subjects that emerged from a theoretical background constructed for the study. Findings: The consumers of slow fashion indicated a large interest for participation in value co-creation (VCC) activities in new product development (NPD), however on a low level of customer empowerment, mainly just giving suggestions and voting on design ideas by the brand. This wasn’t much affected by the customer typology or perceived relationship to the brand, however, the internalised extrinsic motivation lifted the contribution interest slightly. The two interviewed companies indicated to be interested to empower the customers to the same extent as the customers were mainly willing to. The companies saw the possibility to cater better for the customer needs as the main benefit, however, simultaneously they were concerned of the customers’ awareness regarding the garment quality factors or the lead times of the industry. Practical implications: The paper presents the current interest of the slow fashion consumers to participate in in VCC in NPD revealing their customer typology and perceived relationship to a brand as well as their motivations and barriers, which can be utilised by slow fashion brands when considering implementation of VCC in NPD. Originality/Value: The study represents an unexplored area of VCC in NPD research expanding knowledge by investigating the interest of slow fashion consumers to engage in the NPD process and the brands' perspective regarding this.

”Din anledning att resa är vår anledning att flyga mer hållbart” : Ett konsumentperspektiv på SAS hållbarhetsarbete i en miljömässigt ohållbar bransch / ”Your reason to travel is our reason to fly more sustainable” : SAS's sustainability work in a non sustainable industry from a consumer perspective

Härnälv, Julia, Lingsarve, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Flygindustrin står för en stor del av världens totala koldioxidutsläpp som påverkar vårt klimat negativt. Forskning visar att antalet flygresor kommer att öka och bidra till 22% ökat koldioxidutsläpp till år 2050. När 194 länder signerade Parisavtalet åtog de sig att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser samt arbeta med att stötta de utsatta av klimatförändringarna. Parisavtalet trädde i kraft hösten 2016 och är en global överenskommelse som handlar om att minska och förhindra klimatförändringarna. Den viktigaste punkten är att hålla den globala uppvärmningen under två grader och Parisavtalet ligger till grund för klimatstrategier som ska bidra till långsiktig hållbarhet. Flygindustrin och hållbarhet kan ses som en oxymoron, men i och med Parisavtalet blir hållbarhet ett viktigt och centralt begrepp inom flygindustrin. För att minska mängden koldioxidutsläpp och förhindra klimatförändringarna krävsbeteende förändring och ansträngning från involverade parter. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en förståelse för hur SAS arbetar med hållbarhet, dess arbete mot ett mer hållbart flygande samt belysa SAS hållbarhetsarbete ur en konsuments perspektiv. Genomförande: Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på en litteraturstudie där begrepp och teorier förklaras för att sedan användas i en analys av det empiriska materialet. Undersökningen bygger på en fallstudie där en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod tillämpas. I empirin sammanställs utvalda hållbarhetsrapporter från SAS samt en kompletterande intervju i syfte att få fördjupad kunskap om hållbart flygande. En enkätundersökning genomförs för att få kunskap om konsumenters syn på SAS hållbarhetsarbete. Slutsats: Den hållbara utvecklingen för flygindustrin går långsamt framåt där begränsade resurser gör utbudet av biobränsle litet och dyrt. För att påskynda utvecklingen krävs förändring i teknologi, konsumenters beteende men också i samhällsstrukturen som idag möjliggör för flygbolag att ta ett mindre miljömässigt ansvar än vad som krävs för att nå uppsatta klimatmål. SAS hållbarhetsrapportering beskriver vad flygbolaget gör för att arbeta hållbart. Att agera individuellt är inte tillräckligt, det krävs globalt samarbete där flygindustrin kan behöva komma regleras. / Background: The aviation industry cause a large part of the world’s total carbon dioxide emissions and affect our climate negative. Research shows that the amount of flights will increase and contribute to 22% more carbon dioxide emissions by the year of 2050. When 194 countries signed the Paris Agreement they undertook to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and support those who got affected by the climate changes. The Paris Agreement came into force in the fall of 2016 and it’s a global agreement aiming to reduce and prevent climate changes. The most important goal is to keep the global warming below two degrees Celsius, and the Paris Agreement is the foundation for climate strategies that will contribute to longterm sustainability. The aviation industry and sustainability can be seen as a oxymoron, but with the Paris Agreement, sustainability becomes an important and a central concept in the industry. To reduce the carbon dioxide emissions and prevent the climate changes, all involved parties must change habits and put in a lot of effort. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand how SAS works with sustainability, their work towards more sustainable flying. The study also highlights SAS sustainability work from a consumer perspective. Implementation: The theoretical framework draws on a literature study where concepts and theories are explained to be used in an analysis of the empirical material. The study is based ona case study where a combination of qualitative and quantitative study is applied. In the empirical study the selected sustainability reports from SAS are compiled and an additional interview was made to get more knowledge about sustainable flying. A survey was also made to gain an understanding of the customer's view of SAS's sustainability work. Conclusion: The sustainable development in the aviation industry is progressing slowly with limited resources making the supply of biofuels small and expensive. In order to accelerate the development it requires changes in technology, consumers flight behavior but also of the structure that today enables airlines to take less environmental responsibility than is required to reach the climate goals. SAS sustainability reports describe what the airline does to workwith sustainability. However, acting individually is not enough, it requires cooperation globally where the aviation industry may need to be regulated.

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