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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Who Cares? : A Comparison of Consumer Perceptions of CSR Between Western and Eastern Europe

Celik, Rozelin, Persson, Josefine, Tkáč, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a topic that has been widely researched and is still a progressing and important subject to study. Many researchers have focused on the importance and risks of CSR but have been unsuccessful in conducting research that brings forth managerial implications regarding the challenges and complexity that comes from contextual differences. Furthermore, little attention has been assigned to consumer awareness, perception of CSR as well as analysing differences in related markets such as developed Western European countries (WECs) and emerging Post-Communist countries (PCCs) of Eastern Europe. This research is essential as theoretical ground and for managers to be able to successfully adapt and implement their CSR strategies to various markets, something that is beneficial for gaining a long-term competitive advantage. This study wishes to fill the existing research gap by gaining an insight into the differences in perceptions of CSR between consumers from WECs and PCCs. The outcomeof this study contributes to the existing frame of research regarding consumers’ perceptionson CSR and the importance of adapting a firm's CSR strategies to differentiating perceptions when operating in various international markets. The research was executed by using a qualitative method, carrying out three focus groups with participants originating from the two different regions respectively, and later mixed in a third group. The outcome from these focus groups was analysed using relatedtheoretical frameworks such as Carroll’s pyramid for corporate social responsibility (1991)and Dhanapal, Vashu, and Subramaniam (2015), who explores influencers affecting consumer perception. The findings conclude that CSR is gaining awareness among consumers across both regions, who agree that companies should be engaged in CSR, whereas members from PCCs desires a higher commitment than is currently done. Consumers are willing to pay a higher price when they know that the companies implement philanthropic projects. However, for WECs, this depends on the price of the product, and for PCCs, on whether the activities are locally implemented or not. Finally, this study concluded that companies can gain a competitive advantage by concentrating on social CSR in the PCC region and environmental CSR in the WEC region since the findings indicate that these are the most prioritised issues in each region. Furthermore, managers should adapt their CSR strategies based on these findings in order to relate to the consumer, create legitimacy, and gain trust.

Comércio eletrônico: variáveis que influenciam a propensão à compra

Rios, Lícia Cláudia Lopes January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T19:01:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Licia-Rios.pdf: 436670 bytes, checksum: c571e18c2289fd9b46b9f90f3f105395 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Este estudo objetivou verificar a percepção do consumidor sobre a relação entre as variáveis independentes: uso de dados secundários não autorizados, percepção de invasão de privacidade, percepção de proteção de privacidade, percepção de confidencialidade, percepção de autenticação, percepção de erro, comportamento intencional de uso e a variável dependente propensão à compra on line. Realizou-se um levantamento com aplicação de questionários em uma amostra de 451 usuários de Internet, alunos de graduação e de pós-graduação das Instituições de Ensino Superior de São Luís, Maranhão. A análise estatística englobou Análise Descritiva e Regressão Múltipla. Concluiu-se que apenas uma variável, comportamento intencional de uso, está correlacionada à variável dependente. Algumas limitações, implicações e sugestões de pesquisa futura foram analisadas neste estudo. / The goal of this essay was verify consumer perception about the relationship among independents variables: unauthorized data use perception, privacy invasion perception, protection privacy perception, confidentiality perception, intentional use behavior, error, authenticity perception, and the dependent variable willingness to buy on line. A Survey was used in 451 undergraduate and postgraduate students, Internet user‘s in Universities in São Luís, Maranhão. Statistics Analyses used was Descriptive and Multiple Regression. In conclusion, only one variable, intentional use behavior was correlated to the dependent variable. Some limitations, implications and suggestions to future research were analyzed in this study.

Analýza komunikačního mixu společnosti L'ORÉAL / Analysis of the communication mix of L'ORÉAL

Příhodová, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the communication mix of Garnier, one of the most famous global brands of the cosmetic company L'Oréal. The goals are to analyze brand's communication , especially TV advertisments and their effects. The main goal is to find out more about consumer perception of the ads and brand as such. The thesis also contains my own marketing research on the main topics mensioned above, which basically means revealing the communication effects of the TV ads.

Factores de venta de alimentos orgánicos en restaurantes, analizando las preferencias del consumidor / Selling factors of organic food in restaurants, analyzing consumer preferences

Acosta Morey, Nathaly Adela, Nieto Castro, Ivana Daniela 02 December 2020 (has links)
La investigación tuvo como finalidad percibir los factores de venta de alimentos orgánicos en restaurantes, analizando las preferencias del consumidor y los beneficios que ofrece al mismo. Para el desarrollo de este estudio, se aplicó como metodología de investigación la revisión bibliográfica descriptiva partiendo de la exploración de artículos académicos, tesis, papers y libros electrónicos. La presente investigación fue basada en estudios realizados a los restaurantes que analizan los beneficios del consumo y venta de este tipo de alimentos basados en el perfil y percepción del consumidor. Se observó que, en continentes como Norteamérica y Europa, presentaron una amplia bibliografía la cual aborda las razones por las cuales los consumidores van incrementando cada vez más su interés por la comida orgánica. Se analizaron distintos factores que están relacionados al consumo de comida orgánica tales como el interés por la salud, el cuidado del medio ambiente y el poder adquisitivo de los consumidores. Esta investigación nos permitió identificar cuales son las motivaciones del consumidor para asistir a restaurantes y las principales razones por las cuales los restaurantes ofrecen este tipo de productos. El consumo de alimentos saludables se torna cada vez más importante en la mente de los consumidores, esto se debe a las últimas tendencias que se han manifestado en los últimos años teniendo también un efecto en la operación de servicios de alimentos, generando una ventaja competitiva y de diferenciación en los restaurantes. En conclusión, es importante conocer las preferencias de los consumidores al asistir a restaurantes y a su vez comprender los beneficios por los que consumen alimentos orgánicos, para que de esta manera se pueda contribuir con los restaurantes que desean incursionar en este sector. / The purpose of the research was to perceive the considerations of restaurants that venture into organic food, taking into account the benefits it offers to the restaurant and the preferences of the consumer. For the development of this study, a descriptive bibliographic review was applied as a research methodology based on the exploration of academic articles, theses, papers and electronic books. This research was based on studies carried out in restaurants that analyze the benefits of the consumption and sale of this type of food based on the profile and perception of the consumer. It was observed that, in continents such as North America and Europe, they presented an extensive bibliography which addresses the reasons why consumers are increasing their interest in organic food. Different factors related to the consumption of organic food were analyzed, such as interest in health, caring for the environment and the purchasing power of consumers. This research allowed us to identify the consumer's motivations for attending restaurants and the main reasons why restaurants offer this type of product. The consumption of healthy food is becoming increasingly important in the minds of consumers, this is due to the latest trends that have manifested in recent years also having an effect on the operation of food services, generating a competitive advantage and of differentiation in restaurants. In conclusion, it is important to know the preferences of consumers when attending restaurants and in turn understand the benefits for those who consume organic food, so that in this way they can contribute to restaurants that wish to enter this sector. / Trabajo de investigación

Consumer perception of machine-generated advertisement / Konsumenters uppfattning av maskin-genererade reklamkampanjer

Csoré Suhonen, Christoffer, Hjelm, Tommy January 2021 (has links)
Research in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing mainly consists of increasing value for retailers or ethical issues related to consumers, in contrast, academic research regarding consumers perception of AI in marketing is vague at best. This research explores the perception of machine-generated advertising campaigns and how these campaigns are experienced by consumers. This research aims to explore the uncharted phenomenon of consumer perception related to receiving and evaluating advertisements through short message services and emails. An exploratory research question was used and formulated as: What are the perceptions of machine-generated advertisements among consumers. In order to answer the research question, two sub-questions were used as follows; what themes constitute the consumers’ perception of machine-generated advertisements and what is the consumers’ discernment ability of machine-generated advertisements. Using a mixed-method approach, this research gathered data conducting interviews that resulted in themes describing consumers' perception and an online questionnaire that was used in a univariate analysis, showing the consumer's discernment ability. Additionally, z-tests were conducted to increase the coverage of the discernment ability between different sample groups. The study concludes a descriptive theory for consumer perception of intelligent marketing campaigns and shows that consumers have a low distinguishing ability between machine and human made advertisements. This research concludes that further research is needed as the result of this study merely scratches the surface of a complex phenomenon. The results can however, be used as a springboard for further research on the topic as more comprehensive understanding is still achievable. / Forskning om AI i marknadsföring består huvudsakligen av att öka värdet för återförsäljare eller etiska frågor relaterade till konsumenter, däremot är akademisk forskning om konsumenternas uppfattning om AI i marknadsföring i bästa fall vag. I denna uppsats utforskas uppfattningen om maskin genererade reklamkampanjer och hur konsumenterna upplever dessa kampanjer. Denna forskning syftar till att börja utforska det okända fenomenet konsument uppfattning relaterat till att ta emot och utvärdera annonser genom sms-tjänster och e-postmeddelanden. En utforskande forskningsfråga användes och formulerades enligt följande; Vilka uppfattningar har konsumenter om maskin-genererade reklamkampanjer. För att besvara forskningsfrågan användes två delfrågor enligt följande; vilka teman bygger upp konsumentens uppfattning av maskin genererade reklamkampanjer och vilken särskiljningsförmåga har konsumenter mot maskin genererade reklamkampanjer. Med hjälp av en mixad metod samlade denna forskning in data genom intervjuer som resulterade i teman som beskriver konsumenternas uppfattning och en enkät som underlag för en univariat analys som visar konsumentens urskiljningsförmåga. Ytterligare genomfördes z-tester för att belysa täckningen av särskiljningsförmågan mellan olika provgrupper. Studien avslutas med en beskrivande teori för konsumenternas uppfattning om intelligenta marknadsföringskampanjer och visar att konsumenterna har låg urskiljningsförmåga mellan maskin och mänskligt skapade annonser. Denna forskning drar slutsatsen att ytterligare forskning behövs eftersom resultatet av denna studie bara skrapar på ytan av ett komplext fenomen. Resultaten kan användas som en språngbräda för vidare forskning om ämnet eftersom mer omfattande förståelse fortfarande kan uppnås.

Análisis de los elementos gráficos dentro del diseño de información que facilitan la comprensión del consumidor en los empaques alimenticios / Analysis of the graphic elements within the design of information that facilitate consumer understanding of food packaging

Gallardo Vargas, María José 07 July 2020 (has links)
El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es analizar los elementos gráficos del diseño de información que facilitan la comprensión del consumidor en los empaques alimenticios. Así mismo, se busca analizar el impacto del diseño de información en los usuarios. Para ello se realizaron entrevistas con expertos en los campos detallados y posteriores encuestas a consumidores. La población total estuvo conformada por adultos de entre 30 a 55 años, se analizó este rango de edad ya que comprende a personas que suelen fijarse más en los datos y beneficios de un producto al momento de realizar una compra, además son los principales responsables de las compras del hogar. Se evaluó a aquellos que suelen comprar en supermercados ubicados en Lima moderna, en distritos como; San Miguel, San Isidro, Miraflores, Surco, San Borja, La Molina, Pueblo Libre, Jesús María y Magdalena del Mar. Se determinó que, según los resultados del trabajo de campo, los elementos dentro del diseño de información que facilitan la comprensión de los usuarios son: el uso de figuras, diagramas, iconografía, tipografías adecuadas y la correcta síntesis y organización de la información. Estos elementos deben ser tomados en cuenta y respetados por los diseñadores con la finalidad de garantizar el entendimiento de los usuarios. / The main objective of this research is to analyze the graphic elements of the information design that facilitate consumer understanding of food packaging. Likewise, it seeks to analyze the impact of information design on users. For this, interviews with experts in the detailed fields and subsequent consumer surveys were performed. The total population of this project were adults between 30 to 55 years old, it was decided to analyzed this age range because it includes people who tend to look more at the data and benefits of a product when making a purchase. It evaluates those who usually buy in affected supermarkets in modern Lima in districts like; San Miguel, San Isidro, Miraflores, Surco, San Borja, La Molina, Pueblo Libre, Jesús María and Magdalena del Mar. It was determined that, according to the results of the field work, the elements within the design of information that facilitate the understanding of the users are: the use of figures, diagrams, iconography, adequate typefaces and the correct synthesis and organization of information. These elements must be taken into account and respected by the designers with the intention to guarantee the understanding of the users. / Trabajo de investigación

Tu marca defiende lo que yo creo: Activismo, percepciones y valor de marca / Your brand stands for what I believe: Activism, perceptions and brand equity

García Gonzales, Massiel Yahaira 06 August 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación analiza tanto las percepciones hacia el activismo de marca como su aporte al valor de marca desde la perspectiva del consumidor. Siendo el activismo de marca una estrategia publicitaria emergente donde la marca toma una postura social y/o política para hacerle frente a los problemas de la sociedad. El estudio es de naturaleza cualitativa y su diseño es el estudio de caso, en donde se analizó la campaña “Tigres de la honestidad” de la marca Mibanco. Se realizaron 18 entrevistas semiestructuradas a hombres y mujeres millennials emprendedores de Lima Oeste de entre 26 a 40 años con negocios formales. Como resultado se encontró que el activismo de marca es percibido por los millennials emprendedores de Lima Oeste como necesario e importante para visibilizar los problemas, hacerles frente y aportar a la lucha de la ciudadanía. Asimismo, este activismo aporta al valor de marca basado en el consumidor a través de la identificación con la lucha social y/o política. / This research analyzes both the perceptions towards brand activism, one emerging advertising strategy in which the brand adopts a social or political posture to face social issues, and the contribution of the mentioned strategy to brand value from the consumer perspective. The nature of this study is qualitative whose design is the case study called "Tigres de la honestidad" campaign of Mibanco (2019). There were 18 semi-structured interviews conducted with formal businesses of entrepreneurial millennial men and women from West Lima, between 26 to 40 years old. As a result, the study revealed that brand activism contributes to brand value throughout the identification with social or political struggles of the entrepreneurial millennials of West Lima, who consider brand activism necessary and determining to draw attention to social issues, address them, and contribute to society. / Tesis

Consumers’ perception of Femvertising as a Digital Marketing Strategy in the Beauty- and Apparel Industry : A Qualitative Study of Swedish Gen Z Consumers

Borssén Myrén, Lovisa, Danås, Annie January 2022 (has links)
This paper is about femvertising which is used as a strategy within marketing to attract female consumers. This strategy is done by companies by pushing for gender equality and female empowerment in their ads. There is a lack of research regarding how femvertising affects consumers' purchase intentions and buying behavior. Further research also needs to be done examining female portrayals on digital platforms. The study is done with a qualitative method and inductive approach. In this paper, 20 respondents have participated in in-depth interviews and the respondents are all born between 1995 to 1998, which is called Gen Z, and are also all women. The paper is based on finding codes and converting them into categories which results in themes based on the different interviews. The conclusion of the paper is that social media are leading to purchases due to the possibility of targeting its consumers. Although, consumers easily tend to feel monitored when companies use them for targeting. Influencers can be successful for companies to use if the fit is good so it generates trust for the consumer. Another conclusion is that companies need to use different female portrayals, showing women in all of their uniqueness for them to be more relatable. Social media is an important part when it comes to if consumers will make purchases as it makes information and products easily accessible. Femvertising needs to shine through all of the company, not only the advertising. Companies should also monitor which type of WOM is out there about them as the point of view of other consumers is weighing heavily in affecting purchase intentions.

El uso de la identidad cultural en los anuncios publicitarios para afianzar la relación consumidor - marca. Campaña Tenemos Barrio, Tenemos Mundial de cerveza Cristal / The use of cultural identity in advertisements to strengthen the consumer-brand relationship. Campaign Tenemos Barrio, Tenemos Mundial of Cristal beer

Sheen Moreno, Maria Jose 09 December 2020 (has links)
Usualmente, con el fin de atraer a consumidores y generar sentimientos de pertenencia, los anuncios publicitarios recurren al imaginario colectivo que identifica a un país o región para construir un mensaje eficiente que vincule los valores de dicha cultura con determinadas marcas. En este aspecto, la publicidad de bebidas alcohólicas ha destacado por su constante creación de universos simbólicos y experienciales que aluden al lugar de procedencia del producto, con el fin de construir narrativas de identidad y motivar sentimientos de pertenencia en sus consumidores. Se ha podido apreciar que los anuncios publicitarios de las marcas peruanas de cerveza no han sido ajenos a esta tendencia, y constantemente han recurrido a estereotipos culturales materializados en anuncios que descansan en una base de significación orientada a construir una perspectiva de representación cultural. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar, mediante entrevistas focalizadas, cómo los estudiantes universitarios peruanos interpretan las referencias culturales mostradas en los spots publicitarios como estímulos para incentivar la identidad cultural. Se ha podido distinguir cómo en los participantes de esta investigación se manifiesta una relación estrecha entre el reconocimiento de elementos culturales en los mensajes publicitarios y el bienestar subjetivo. Este fenómeno es modulado por diversos factores del individuo, específicamente su necesidad de pertenencia, la cual se forma desde su entorno social y adopta los mensajes comerciales como un conducto hacia sus vínculos grupales. / Usually, in order to attract consumers and generate feelings of belonging, advertisements use the collective imagination that identifies a country or region to build an efficient message that links the values of that culture with certain brands. In this regard, the advertising of alcoholic beverages has stood out for its constant creation of symbolic and experiential universes that allude to the place of origin of the product, in order to build identity narratives and motivate feelings of belonging in its consumers. It has been seen that the advertisements of Peruvian beer brands have not been immune to this trend, and have constantly resorted to cultural stereotypes materialized in advertisements that rest on a basis of significance aimed at building a perspective of cultural representation. The objective of this study has been to analyze, through focused interviews, how Peruvian university students interpret the cultural references shown in advertising spots as stimuli to encourage cultural identity. It has been possible to distinguish how in the participants of this research a close relationship is manifested between the recognition of cultural elements in advertising messages and subjective well-being. This phenomenon is modulated by various individual factors, specifically their need for belonging, which is formed from their social environment and adopts commercial messages as a conduit to their group ties. / Tesis

La estrategia de co-branding y la nueva imagen visual de las marcas Puma y Barbie / The co-branding strategy and the new visual image of Puma and Barbie brands

Alva del Solar, Daniela Ximena 21 November 2021 (has links)
El propósito de este estudio es analizar la percepción de las madres de Lima Oeste entre 21 a 35 años frente a las características de la estrategia de co-branding y la imagen visual de las marcas Puma y Barbie. Por dicho motivo, se adoptó una metodología cualitativa y el estudio de caso seleccionado para realizar el estudio fue la campaña entre Puma y Barbie, especialmete la colección de ropa y zapatillas inspirada en los 60 años de la muñeca. A través de la técnica de muestreo de bola de nieve, fueron contactadas 20 madres de familia. Las entrevistas se analizaron mediante un análisis temático para identificar categorías y conceptos. En vista de los hallazgos, para las usuarias la unión de ambas marcas cumplen con la percepción y valores que tenían de cada una por separado. Al ser dos marcas con trayectoria, están más dispuestas a utilizar algo de la colección. Al mismo tiempo, esta nueva imagen visual de la campaña les revive o trae recuerdos sobre su niñez. Consideran que sí vestirían igual que sus hijas porque es algo que esta muy de moda y en un futuro les quedará como recuerdo a ambas. / The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of West Lima mothers between 21 and 35 years of age regarding the characteristics of the co-branding strategy and the visual image of Puma and Barbie brands. For this reason, a qualitative methodology was adopted and the case of study selected to carry out the study was the campaign between Puma and Barbie, especially the collection of clothes and shoes inspired by the 60 years of the doll. Through the snowball sampling technique, 20 mothers were contacted. The interviews were analyzed using a thematic analysis to identify categories and concepts. In view of the findings, for the users, the union of both brands meets the perception and values they had of each one separately. Being two brands with a long history, they are more willing to use something from the collection. At the same time, this new visual image of the campaign brings them back to life or brings back memories of their childhood. They consider that they would dress the same as their daughters because it is something that is very fashionable and in the future it will remain as a memory to both. / Tesis

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