Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contaminant"" "subject:"kontaminant""
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Föroreningsspridning runt en deponi i Uppsala : Dataanalys och modelleringBjälkefur Seroka, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Deponering är globalt sett det vanligaste sättet att hantera avfall, men i Sverige får sedan 2001 enbart avfall som inte kan återanvändas deponeras. Innan deponiförordningen trädde i kraft 2001 deponerades många olika typer av avfall. En deponi används idag som ett slutförvar för avfall och för att minimera infiltration av regnvatten och eventuell föroreningsspridning sluttäcks gamla deponier. Sluttäckningen består av flera skikt som tillsammans ska täta deponin och leda bort vatten. Att förvara avfall i en sluttäckt deponi är miljöfarlig verksamhet och det är därför av intresse att kontrollera omgivningarna under och efter sluttäckning för att säkerställa att eventuell föroreningsspridning minskar. På Hovgårdens avfallsanläggning i Uppsala kommun har en deponi som använts sedan 1971 sluttäckts under hösten 2018. I två provtagningsrör vid deponin, i vilka provtagning och analys skett regelbundet sedan 1991, har förhöjda halter av vissa ämnen kunnat uppmätas efter att arbetet med sluttäckningen påbörjades. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att få ökad förståelse för trender i ämneshalter samt att utreda hur sluttäckning påverkar grundvattennivåer och ämneskoncentrationer runt deponin. Uppmätta halter i provtagningsrören sammanställdes och trender analyserades med statistiska verktyg i mjukvaran R. Dessutom konstruerades en grundvattenmodell över avfallsanläggningen i MODFLOW och MT3DMS. Stationära flödessimuleringar och transportsimuleringar med klorid utfördes. Tolv av 33 analyserade ämnen och parametrar uppvisar statistiskt signifikanta ökningar i antingen ett av provtagningsrören, båda eller båda analyserade tillsammans. Dessa är alkalinitet, elektrisk konduktivitet, sulfat, klorid, kalcium, natrium, svavel, kalium, magnesium, strontium, barium, och nitratkväve. Sex av dem minskar statistiskt signifikant och dessa är pH-värdet, kadmium, zink, kvicksilver, bly och arsenik. Grundvattenmodellen visar att grundvattnet under etapp 1 flödar mot resten av anläggningen men att flöden ut från deponin finns i de sydvästra och sydöstra hörnen. Sluttäckningen leder till lägre nivåer och en förändrad grundvattendelare vilket kommer minska läckaget, främst i den sydvästra delen. Modellsimuleringar med olika grundvattenbildningsmängder och kloridkoncentrationer visade att ökningar av kloridhalter inte kan förklaras med minskad grundvattenbildning i kombination med förhöjda koncentrationer. Förklaringen bör därmed vara andra fysikaliska och eventuellt kemiska processer som skett samtidigt som sluttäckningen. De parametrar som påverkade simulerade ämneshalter mest var konduktansen i diken och dränering samt moränens hydrauliska konduktivitet. / Landfills are globally the most common waste treatment method but in Sweden the method is since 2001 used only for waste that cannot be reused in any way. Before 2001, almost any type of waste could be landfilled. Today a landfill is used as a final storage and old landfills are capped to minimize infiltration and contaminant transport. A capping consists of several layers which together seal and drain the landfill surface. Storing waste in a capped landfill is considered an environmentally hazardous activity, therefore it is of great interest to monitor the surrounding groundwater during and after capping to make sure that any contaminant concentrations decreases. At Hovgården waste treatment plant in Uppsala, Sweden, a landfill used since 1971 was capped during 2018. Elevated contaminant concentrations have been measured in two monitoring wells close to the landfill after the capping procedure started. The aim of this master thesis was to increase the understanding of trends in contaminant concentrations and to investigate how capping affects groundwater levels and concentrations. Concentration data were compiled and statistical tools in R were used to analyze trends. Additionally, a groundwater model of the area was created in MODFLOW and MT3DMS. The model was used to simulate different steady state scenarios with and without chloride transport. Twelve of 33 analyzed substances and parameters show a statistically significant increase. These are alkalinity, electrical conductance, sulphate, chloride, calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, strontium, barium and nitrate. Six show a decrease, these are pH, cadmium, zinc, mercury, lead and arsenic. The groundwater model indicates that the groundwater flow in the landfill is directed towards the rest of the waste treatment plant except for two places where leakage occurs: the southwest and southeast corners of the landfill. The capping results in lower groundwater levels and an altered groundwater divide, which will reduce the contaminant leakage, particularly in the southwest part. Model simulations with varying recharge and chloride concentrations showed that the increase in chloride levels cannot be explained with only decreased infiltration combined with increased concentrations. Therefore, the explanation is assumed to be other physical processes and possibly chemical reactions due to or at the same time as the capping. The model parameters that effected the simulated concentrations to the greatest extent are the conductances in drains, and the hydraulic conductivity of the till soil.
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Eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato aplicada à avaliação da qualidade de biocombustíveis (biodiesel e etanol) e ao estudo sobre os processos de oxidação do biodiesel / Capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection applied to evaluating the quality of biofuels (biodiesel and ethanol) and the study of the oxidation processes of biodieselNogueira, Thiago 09 September 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, métodos analíticos empregando a eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato CE - C4D foram desenvolvidos para a determinação de diversas espécies no biodiesel e etanol combustível. A concentração das espécies inorgânicas (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2- e PO4 3-) e glicerol no biodiesel são de interesse das agências reguladoras devido à capacidade dessas espécies em formar compostos indesejáveis no motor. A separação dos cátions foi realizada utilizando eletrólito de corrida (BGE) contendo 30 mmol L-1 de Ácido 2-N-morfolino-etanosulfônico (MES) / L-histidina, pH 6. A separação das espécies aniônicas foi realizada em BGE semelhante contendo 0,2 mmol L-1 brometo de cetiltrimetilamônio. Para a determinação do glicerol, que é uma espécie neutra, foi empregada uma etapa de oxidação utilizando periodato. Esta reação é específica para polióis e tem como um dos produtos o iodato. A quantidade de iodato produzida pela reação foi determinada por CE. A separação foi realizada em aproximadamente 1 min, utilizando BGE contendo 30 mmol L-1 de ácido acético, pH 3. Este trabalho também apresenta estudos sobre a formação de ácidos orgânicos de baixo PM durante a etapa de auto-oxidação do biodiesel, uma vez que esta etapa acarreta no aumento da viscosidade e acidez, ocasionando a formação de gomas e sedimentos e, conseqüentemente, o entupimento de filtros de combustíveis. As amostras foram oxidadas utilizando equipamento para teste de oxidação acelerada (Método Rancimat) e CE - C4D foi utilizada para a análise dos produtos iônicos formados. As principais espécies ácidas encontradas foram os ácidos acético e fórmico. Porém, outras espécies são formadas durante esta etapa, tais como os ácidos acrílico, glicólico, glioxílico, láctico e propiônico. Em particular, o ácido glicólico se mostrou uma espécie de grande importância prática, atuando como um marcador do estágio de oxidação do biodiesel, uma vez que este ácido somente é formado após o desencadeamento da auto-oxidação e, além do mais, esta espécie foi observada em amostras de biodiesel de diferentes origens (algodão, soja, palma e sebo bovido). Adicionalmente, métodos para a determinação de Cl-, SO4 2-, formiato, acetato, formaldeído e acetaldeído em etanol combustível são descritos. A separação foi realizada em BGE contendo 20 mmol L-1 de MES / L-histidina e 0,1 mmol L-1 hidróxido de cetiltrimetilamônio, pH 6. Para a separação dos aldeídos por CE, foi realizada a derivatização com bissulfito. O presente trabalho também apresenta um método alternativo para a determinação do teor de água e de álcool em amostras de etanol combustível. A estratégia descrita é baseada na formação de monoalquil carbonatos (MAC) produzidos pela reação de um álcool e o bicarbonato em meio aquoso. / In this work, methods employing capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE - C4D) are introduced for the determination of several species in biodiesel and ethanol fuel. The concentrations of inorganic species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2-, and PO43-) and glycerol are of interest for the regulatory authorities due to their ability to form undesirable compounds in the engines. The separation of the cations was done in BGE composed of 30 mmol L-1 of 2-N-morpholino-ethanesulfonic acid (MES)/L-histidine, pH 6. The separation of anionic species was carried out in similar BGE including cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (0.2 mmol L-1). For glycerol, a neutral species, its oxidation with periodate was employed. This well-known reaction is specific to polyols and generates iodate. The amount of iodate produced by the reaction was determined by CE. The separation was carried out in ca. 1 min using BGE composed of 30 mmol L-1 of acetic acid, pH 3. This work also presents studies on the formation of low molecular organic acids during the biodiesel autoxidation step. Since the implications of the biodiesel oxidation are the increased viscosity and acidity, causing formation of insoluble gums and sediments that induce the clogging of the fuel filters. The samples were oxidized using equipment for accelerated oxidation test (Rancimat Method) and CE-C4D was used to analyze the ionic products. The main acid species were acetic and formic acids. However, acrylic, glyoxylic, glycolic, lactic, and propionic acids were also observed only after the oxidation step. Thus, these species are candidates for quality markers for biodiesel. In particular, glycolic acid seems to be a good marker, because it is produced only after auto-oxidation started. Moreover, it was found out in biodiesel of different origins (cotton, soy, palm, and animal fat). In addition, alternative methods to determination of Cl-, SO42-, formate, acetate, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in ethanol fuel are described. The separation was done in BGE composed of 20 mmol L-1 of MES / L-histidine, and 0.1 mmol L-1 cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide, pH 6. For aldehydes, a neutral species, a derivatization step with bisulfite was employed. The present work also shows an alternative method for analysis of alcohol and water percentage in fuel samples employing CE - C4D in order to achieve the limits established by regulatory authorities. The strategy is based on the formation of monoalkyl carbonates (MAC) produced by the reaction of an alcohol and bicarbonate in aqueous medium.
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Estudo do desgaste e atrito de um par metálico sob deslizamento lubrificado. / Study on the wear and the friction of a metallic pair under lubricated sliding.Marcia Marie Maru 28 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de um estudo experimental das respostas de desgaste e de atrito encontradas em um sistema deslizante lubrificado. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios de deslizamento em um equipamento para ensaios de desgaste, adotando-se o dispositivo pino-contra-disco, para ensaios com movimento relativo rotativo contínuo entre as amostras, e o dispositivo pino-contra-placa, para ensaios com movimento relativo alternado, ou oscilatório, entre as amostras. Os materiais metálicos ensaiados foram pinos de aço AISI 52100 e contra-corpos de aço AISI 8640. O óleo lubrificante foi o mineral de base parafínico, IV 100. Foram variadas as condições de aditivação e de contaminação do óleo lubrificante e foram utilizados dois níveis de carregamento mecânico, determinada pela relação velocidade/carga. O desgaste foi estudado por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, medição da área afetada pelo desgaste, perfilometria das superfícies desgastadas e análise de óleo. O atrito e o potencial de contato foram monitorados ao longo dos ensaios. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o desgaste dos corpos metálicos foi sensível ao carregamento mecânico, à aditivação e à contaminação do óleo. Diferenças foram notadas nas morfologias superficiais entre os resultados de desgaste dos ensaios rotativos e oscilatórios. / This work concerns with experimental study of wear and friction responses of lubricated sliding system. Sliding tests were carried out using pin-on-disk wear testing machine for tests with continuous rotating movement, and the pin-on-plate device, for reciprocating tests between specimens. The metallic test coupons were AISI 52100 steel pins and AISI 8640 steel counter-faces. The used lubricant was paraffinic mineral oil, VI 100. The presence of additives and contamination in the lubricant oil were investigated under two mechanical loading levels, determined by the velocity/load relation. The wear was studied by means of optic and scanning electronic microscopes, perfilometry and dimensional analysis of the worn surfaces and oil analysis. The friction and the contact potential were monitored through out the sliding tests. The results showed that the wear of the metallic materials was susceptible to the mechanical loading, the additive and the contamination existence in the oil. It was observed differences among the wear results of the rotating and the reciprocating tests in terms of surface morphologies.
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Avaliação da qualidade das águas subterrâneas e do solo em áreas de disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos em municípios de pequeno porte: aterro sanitário em valas / Assessment of the quality of groundwater and soil in areas of final disposal of municipal solid waste in small cities: landfills in ditchesCristiano Kenji Iwai 27 March 2012 (has links)
O gerenciamento adequado dos resíduos sólidos contribui de forma inequívoca com a sustentabilidade urbana e com a saúde ambiental e humana. São conhecidas as dificuldades na destinação final adequada dos resíduos sólidos urbanos em todo o Brasil, principalmente em municípios de pequeno porte, nos quais estão 98% dos 2.906 lixões existentes no país (MMA, 2011). Assim, alguns Estados vêm adotando soluções simplificadas e economicamente viáveis à realidade destes municípios. Destaca-se, no Estado de São Paulo, um programa de governo, que, desde 1999, fomentou a implantação dos denominados Aterros em Valas. Ressalta-se, porém, que estes sistemas simplificados não dispõem de todos os dispositivos de proteção ambiental utilizados em aterros sanitários convencionais, como impermeabilização e sistemas de drenagem de gases e lixiviados. Os principais critérios à utilização destes aterros estão relacionados à escolha de áreas adequadas em relação ao meio físico. Esta simplificação é questionada no meio técnico, principalmente quanto à eventual contaminação ambiental. Assim, esta pesquisa objetivou efetuar a avaliação de aterros sanitários de pequeno porte em valas, quanto ao potencial de alteração da qualidade das águas subterrâneas e do solo. Para tanto, foram selecionados três aterros em valas do Estado de São Paulo, situados nos municípios de Angatuba, Jaci e Luiz Antônio, os quais são considerados adequados, segundo o Inventário Estadual de Resíduos Sólidos (CETESB, 2011). Os resultados indicam que, para as taxas de aplicação de resíduos nessas áreas, variando de 8.000 a 15.000 t/ha, os solos locais têm sido capazes de promover a atenuação natural dos contaminantes. Não foram verificadas alterações significativas na qualidade do solo e das águas subterrâneas, corroborando, até o momento, a adequação da concepção proposta para os aterros sanitários de pequeno porte em valas. Esta tecnologia mostra-se viável como alternativa transitória, considerando-se um processo de melhoria contínua, que visa inicialmente à erradicação dos lixões. Assim, podem ser consideradas boas as perspectivas de se alcançar o objetivo da disposição final ambientalmente adequada dos resíduos sólidos gerados nos municípios de pequeno porte, por meio da utilização desses sistemas / The proper management of solid waste contributes in an unequivocal form with urban sustainability as well as with environmental and human health and well being. The adequate final disposal of solid waste throughout Brazil is recognized as being a problem, especially in the smaller municipalities, which account for 98% of the 2,906 existing waste dumps in the country (MMA, 2011). Therefore, some states are adopting simplified and economically viable solutions for those municipalities. In the State of São Paulo, stands out a government program that has been implemented since 1999, supporting the implantation of so-called landfills in ditches. However, must be pointed out that these simplified systems do not provide all the devices used for environmental protection, as in the conventional landfills, such as adequate liners and drainage systems of gas and leachate. The main criteria for employment of these landfills are related to the appropriate characteristics of the site, mainly with respect to soil type and depth of the groundwater. This simplification is questionable on technical merits, especially regarding possible environmental pollution. Therefore, this study seeks to make an assessment on landfill in ditches, with respect to their potential for altering the quality of both soil and underground water. For this, it was selected three landfill in ditches in the State of São Paulo, located in the municipalities of Angatuba, Jaci and Luiz Antônio, which are considered \"suitable\", according to the State Inventory for Solid Wastes (CETESB, 2011). The results indicate that for the applied loading rates of 8,000 to 15,000 tons per hectare of waste in these areas, the local soil was capable of providing natural attenuation for contaminants. Until now, no significant changes were observed in the soil and groundwater quality, sustaining the proposed concept to small landfills in ditches. The technology shows itself to be viable as a transitional alternative and can be considered as the first step of the continuous improvement processes of waste management and disposal, aimed in short terms the eradication of dumps. Therefore, it was conclude that can be considered good the prospects of achieving the goal of an environmentally acceptable waste disposal, without burdening the small municipalities, within the principles of a required sustainability
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Avaliação da qualidade das águas subterrâneas e do solo em áreas de disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos em municípios de pequeno porte: aterro sanitário em valas / Assessment of the quality of groundwater and soil in areas of final disposal of municipal solid waste in small cities: landfills in ditchesIwai, Cristiano Kenji 27 March 2012 (has links)
O gerenciamento adequado dos resíduos sólidos contribui de forma inequívoca com a sustentabilidade urbana e com a saúde ambiental e humana. São conhecidas as dificuldades na destinação final adequada dos resíduos sólidos urbanos em todo o Brasil, principalmente em municípios de pequeno porte, nos quais estão 98% dos 2.906 lixões existentes no país (MMA, 2011). Assim, alguns Estados vêm adotando soluções simplificadas e economicamente viáveis à realidade destes municípios. Destaca-se, no Estado de São Paulo, um programa de governo, que, desde 1999, fomentou a implantação dos denominados Aterros em Valas. Ressalta-se, porém, que estes sistemas simplificados não dispõem de todos os dispositivos de proteção ambiental utilizados em aterros sanitários convencionais, como impermeabilização e sistemas de drenagem de gases e lixiviados. Os principais critérios à utilização destes aterros estão relacionados à escolha de áreas adequadas em relação ao meio físico. Esta simplificação é questionada no meio técnico, principalmente quanto à eventual contaminação ambiental. Assim, esta pesquisa objetivou efetuar a avaliação de aterros sanitários de pequeno porte em valas, quanto ao potencial de alteração da qualidade das águas subterrâneas e do solo. Para tanto, foram selecionados três aterros em valas do Estado de São Paulo, situados nos municípios de Angatuba, Jaci e Luiz Antônio, os quais são considerados adequados, segundo o Inventário Estadual de Resíduos Sólidos (CETESB, 2011). Os resultados indicam que, para as taxas de aplicação de resíduos nessas áreas, variando de 8.000 a 15.000 t/ha, os solos locais têm sido capazes de promover a atenuação natural dos contaminantes. Não foram verificadas alterações significativas na qualidade do solo e das águas subterrâneas, corroborando, até o momento, a adequação da concepção proposta para os aterros sanitários de pequeno porte em valas. Esta tecnologia mostra-se viável como alternativa transitória, considerando-se um processo de melhoria contínua, que visa inicialmente à erradicação dos lixões. Assim, podem ser consideradas boas as perspectivas de se alcançar o objetivo da disposição final ambientalmente adequada dos resíduos sólidos gerados nos municípios de pequeno porte, por meio da utilização desses sistemas / The proper management of solid waste contributes in an unequivocal form with urban sustainability as well as with environmental and human health and well being. The adequate final disposal of solid waste throughout Brazil is recognized as being a problem, especially in the smaller municipalities, which account for 98% of the 2,906 existing waste dumps in the country (MMA, 2011). Therefore, some states are adopting simplified and economically viable solutions for those municipalities. In the State of São Paulo, stands out a government program that has been implemented since 1999, supporting the implantation of so-called landfills in ditches. However, must be pointed out that these simplified systems do not provide all the devices used for environmental protection, as in the conventional landfills, such as adequate liners and drainage systems of gas and leachate. The main criteria for employment of these landfills are related to the appropriate characteristics of the site, mainly with respect to soil type and depth of the groundwater. This simplification is questionable on technical merits, especially regarding possible environmental pollution. Therefore, this study seeks to make an assessment on landfill in ditches, with respect to their potential for altering the quality of both soil and underground water. For this, it was selected three landfill in ditches in the State of São Paulo, located in the municipalities of Angatuba, Jaci and Luiz Antônio, which are considered \"suitable\", according to the State Inventory for Solid Wastes (CETESB, 2011). The results indicate that for the applied loading rates of 8,000 to 15,000 tons per hectare of waste in these areas, the local soil was capable of providing natural attenuation for contaminants. Until now, no significant changes were observed in the soil and groundwater quality, sustaining the proposed concept to small landfills in ditches. The technology shows itself to be viable as a transitional alternative and can be considered as the first step of the continuous improvement processes of waste management and disposal, aimed in short terms the eradication of dumps. Therefore, it was conclude that can be considered good the prospects of achieving the goal of an environmentally acceptable waste disposal, without burdening the small municipalities, within the principles of a required sustainability
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La tomographie de résistivité électrique (ERT) est une méthode courante géophysique de terrain, souvent utilisée pour détecter et l'évolution suivre les panaches de polluants en zone saturée. L'ERT est cependant une méthode intégratrice dont la fiabilité des modèles est confrontée aux problèmes de non-unicité des solutions du problème inverse. Ces contraintes limitent l'interprétation des modèles à un aspect qualitatif de la distribution des contrastes de résistivité modélisés en 2D ou 3D, résultant du choix des paramètres d'inversion et de l'association de paramètres du milieu non identifiables à l'échelle du volume poreux. Cette thèse propose de tester la faisabilité de la méthode pour quantifier les paramètres de transport de polluants et de solutés miscibles au contact des eaux souterraines, ainsi que la sensibilité des paramètres d'inversion les plus influents sur la modélisation. Les tests expérimentaux sont réalisés en laboratoire sur des empillements 2D de billes de verre sphériques (de l'ordre de la 100ène de μm) dans un réservoir en plexiglas transparent. Deux réseaux verticaux de 21 électrodes sont disposés sur les bords latéraux du réservoir pour effectuer le suivi ERT du traceur salé (NaCl dissout) à partir de 210 points de mesures en dipôle-dipôle transverse acquis toutes les 5 minutes afin d'optimiser la résolution temporelle. Le dispositif est également disposé face à un panneau lumineux permettant de réalisé un suivi vidéo simultané du colorant. L'analyse vidéo révèle une propagation plus rapide du colorant sur les bords latéraux qui reste somme toute négligeable pour les débits à la pompe les plus faibles. En revanche les mesures ERT sont fortement perturbées par les effets résistant de la cellule plexiglas qui se répercutent sur les modèles. La normalisation des mesures de résistivité apparente à partir d'une série acquise à l'état initial permet de les atténuer fortement. La modélisation est particulièrement sensible au choix du maillage, aux normes appliqués (L1 ou L2) sur les données et les paramètres, et au facteur d'amortissement. Des valeurs trop élevées du facteur d'acceptance tendent à lisser les contrastes au niveau du front de dispersion et augmentent l'impact des effets des bords horizontaux sur D et . A l'inverse, une modélisation contrainte par de faibles valeurs du facteur d'acceptance donnent des résultats plus proches de l'analyse vidéo, mais produit des effets de bosses à l'avant et à l'arrière du front. La vitesse interstitielle u est indépendante du choix des paramètres d'inversion pour l'ERT. Pour les deux méthodes u est toujours inférieure au débit imposé par la pompe, dont le décalage est exprimé par le facteur retard Rf . Les effets de retard résultent de l'adsorption du Na+ sur les surfaces des billes de verre chargées négativement qui retarde le front de dispersion du suivi ERT. Pour le suivi vidéo, la taille importante de la molécule du colorant favorise son piégeage dans les zones où la perméabilité est plus faible, en plus d'une éventuelle affinité avec la surface solide. Les contrastes de conductivité et la stabilité de l'interface créent par la différence de densité entre les fluides testés ici n'ont pas d'influences significatives sur la dispersion qui est dominée par le débit imposé à la pompe. Les estimations du coefficient de dispersion D en fonction du nombre de Péclet sont cohérentes avec la courbe théorique de Bachmat (1968). Cependant la dispersivité augmente pour les vitesses d'écoulement les plus élevées. Les premières expérimentations de terrain réalisées en 2D sur des sables de Fontainebleau présentent l'avantage de s'affranchir des effets de bords inhérents au laboratoire. En revanche la recalibration des données normalisée par la loi de Archie est plus complexe puisqu'il est nécessaire de tenir compte de l'état de saturation de la résistivité des fluides initialement présents. De plus l'erreur importante sur les modèles ne permet pas de déduire une estimation fiable des paramatères de transport u, (ou D), et Rf .
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Etude paléoenvironnementale du cycle du mercure à travers sa composante élémentaire gazeuse Hg0 : De la réactivité de surface à la reconstruction des atmosphères passées grâce aux archives glaciairesCourteaud, Julien 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le mercure est un métal toxique émis dans l'environnement par des sources naturelles et anthropiques. Le cycle naturel de ce polluant, a fortiori la réponse des écosystèmes à ces perturbations par l'Homme, est encore mal quantifié. L'air des névés polaires constitue une archive de la composition passée de l'atmosphère qui permet d'améliorer la connaissance du cycle du mercure. En juillet 2009, à NEEM, Groenland du Nord, nous avons mesuré les concentrations en mercure élémentaire gazeux dans l'air du névé entre 30 et 76 mètres de profondeur, et, grâce à des travaux de modélisation des processus de diffusion, reconstruit les concentrations atmosphériques en Hg° depuis les années 1950, à une échelle spatiale représentative de l'Arctique. Le signal reconstruit présente des concentrations maximales dans les années 1970, synchrones avec le maximum d'émissions anthropiques supposé, puis une décroissance très peu marquée, suggérant une persistance de cette contamination dans l'Arctique. Le plateau antarctique revêt également un intérêt paléoenvironnemental dans la perspective de caractériser l'impact des perturbations anthropiques aux hautes latitudes sud. Néanmoins, la réactivité du mercure dans cette région est méconnue, et sa caractérisation est nécessaire. Nous avons mené une campagne de mesure en janvier 2009 sur le site de Dôme C, Antarctique de l'Est et observé une réactivité marquée du mercure dans la basse troposphère et dans l'air interstitiel du manteau neigeux, mettant en évidence l'existence de processus d'oxydation puissants dans ces deux matrices. De fortes concentrations en mercure ont aussi été mesurées dans la neige de surface.
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Interactions of Dietary Antioxidants and Methylmercury on Health Outcomes and Toxicodynamics: Evidence from Developmental Rat Model Studies and Human EpidemiologyBlack, Paleah 18 April 2011 (has links)
The contamination of seafood with methylmercury (MeHg) is a global health issue, as MeHg is a well known neurotoxin. Since dietary nutrients may interact with MeHg toxicity, and oxidative stress is one of the primary mechanisms underlying MeHg neurotoxicity, we characterized dietary antioxidant-MeHg interactions. Firstly, we used an ethnobotanical study to confirm the antioxidant activity of Northern Labrador Tea, Rhododendron tomentosum ssp. subarcticum (Tea), for the Canadian Inuit, a population with elevated MeHg exposure. Secondly, we determined the ability of Tea to ameliorate MeHg-induced toxicity in a rat perinatal exposure study. MeHg exposure (2 mg/KgBW/d) was associated with perturbed development and behaviour, elevated brain N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, and serum lipid peroxidation. Surprisingly, Tea co-exposure (100 mg/KgBW/d) modulated MeHg’s effects on brain NMDA-R levels and lipid peroxidation, but also increased mercury serum concentrations. Thirdly, using a toxicogenomics approach we determined that MeHg exposure caused the down-regulation of Nr4a2 and its protein product Nurr1. These novel MeHg targets are implicated in developmental learning functions and were corrected with MeHg + Tea co-exposure. Lastly, we conducted a risk assessment survey and cross-sectional dietary epidemiology study in Costa Rica to further investigate dietary nutrient-MeHg interactions. Costa Rica is a Central American country with multiple sources of Hg and a high per capital fish consumption. Here, 5 of the 14 populations we studied exceeded the recommended MeHg provisional tolerable daily intake (pTDI) of 0.2 µg/KgBW/d. In Heredia the pTDI was exceeded by 34% of woman participants, primarily associated with canned tuna consumption. Interestingly, we detected that Hg body burden was significantly reduced by the consumption of antioxidant-rich dietary items. Considering our collective results, we hypothesized that MeHg toxicokinetics may be altered by dietary nutrients at the site of intestinal absorption from the disruption of gut flora, or at the site of cellular demethylation in tissues from the improvement of cellular redox state. The interaction of dietary nutrients on MeHg outcomes has a large impact on risk assessment and may provide a public health approach for managing the risk associated with MeHg exposure without reducing local fish consumption.
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Interactions of Dietary Antioxidants and Methylmercury on Health Outcomes and Toxicodynamics: Evidence from Developmental Rat Model Studies and Human EpidemiologyBlack, Paleah 18 April 2011 (has links)
The contamination of seafood with methylmercury (MeHg) is a global health issue, as MeHg is a well known neurotoxin. Since dietary nutrients may interact with MeHg toxicity, and oxidative stress is one of the primary mechanisms underlying MeHg neurotoxicity, we characterized dietary antioxidant-MeHg interactions. Firstly, we used an ethnobotanical study to confirm the antioxidant activity of Northern Labrador Tea, Rhododendron tomentosum ssp. subarcticum (Tea), for the Canadian Inuit, a population with elevated MeHg exposure. Secondly, we determined the ability of Tea to ameliorate MeHg-induced toxicity in a rat perinatal exposure study. MeHg exposure (2 mg/KgBW/d) was associated with perturbed development and behaviour, elevated brain N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, and serum lipid peroxidation. Surprisingly, Tea co-exposure (100 mg/KgBW/d) modulated MeHg’s effects on brain NMDA-R levels and lipid peroxidation, but also increased mercury serum concentrations. Thirdly, using a toxicogenomics approach we determined that MeHg exposure caused the down-regulation of Nr4a2 and its protein product Nurr1. These novel MeHg targets are implicated in developmental learning functions and were corrected with MeHg + Tea co-exposure. Lastly, we conducted a risk assessment survey and cross-sectional dietary epidemiology study in Costa Rica to further investigate dietary nutrient-MeHg interactions. Costa Rica is a Central American country with multiple sources of Hg and a high per capital fish consumption. Here, 5 of the 14 populations we studied exceeded the recommended MeHg provisional tolerable daily intake (pTDI) of 0.2 µg/KgBW/d. In Heredia the pTDI was exceeded by 34% of woman participants, primarily associated with canned tuna consumption. Interestingly, we detected that Hg body burden was significantly reduced by the consumption of antioxidant-rich dietary items. Considering our collective results, we hypothesized that MeHg toxicokinetics may be altered by dietary nutrients at the site of intestinal absorption from the disruption of gut flora, or at the site of cellular demethylation in tissues from the improvement of cellular redox state. The interaction of dietary nutrients on MeHg outcomes has a large impact on risk assessment and may provide a public health approach for managing the risk associated with MeHg exposure without reducing local fish consumption.
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Μελέτη της τρωτότητας των αντλητικών γεωτρήσεων στον υδροφορέα του Γλαύκου (περιοχή Πατρών) με αριθμητικά μοντέλαΚαρυοφύλλη, Βιολέτα 12 June 2015 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας εργασίας είναι ο κίνδυνος ρύπανσης των αντλητικών γεωτρήσεων της ΔΕΥΑ Πάτρας από ρύπους που μεταφέρονται μέσα στο υδροφόρο στρώμα,
τόσο μέσω του νερού που εμπλουτίζει τον υδροφορέα, όσο και από τοπικές ρυπάνσεις που
προέρχονται από ανθρώπινες δραστηριότητες. Σημειώνεται ότι ο υδροφορέας του Γλαύκου
ποταμού είναι ένας σημαντικός ταμιευτήρας γλυκού νερού για την πόλη των Πατρών. Εξετάστηκε η εξάπλωση ρυπάνσεων που μπορούν να προέρχονται (i) από τον ποταμό Γλαύκο,
(ii) από την περιοχή των χειμάρρων Διακονιάρη–Ελεκίστρας, (iii) από την περιοχή Σαραβαλίου–Κρήνης, όπου ο υδροφορέας του Γλαύκου εμπλουτίζεται πλευρικά με σημαντικές
ποσότητες νερού που προέρχονται από τους ανάντη καρστικούς σχηματισμούς, (iv) από το
νερό της βροχής που κατεισδύει στη μη αστικοποιημένη περιοχή του υδροφορέα και (v) από
σημειακές ρυπάνσεις που μπορεί να προκύψουν σε περιοχές με έντονες ανθρωπογενείς δραστηριότητες. Μια τέτοια περιοχή είναι η περιοχή της δημοτικής Λαχαναγοράς.
Η διερεύνηση έγινε με το αριθμητικό μοντέλο MT3DMS (Zheng and Wang, 1999). Οι
μηχανισμοί μεταφοράς που ελήφθησαν υπόψη είναι η μεταγωγή και η υδροδυναμική διασπορά. Θεωρήθηκε ότι οι ρύποι διαλύονται στο νερό χωρίς να επηρεάζουν την πυκνότητα
και το ιξώδες του. Η διείσδυση του θαλασσινού νερού στην παράκτια ζώνη, η οποία επηρεάζει την ροή του γλυκού νερού προς τη θάλασσα, ελήφθη προσεγγιστικά υπόψη (βλέπε
Κεφάλαιο 4). Τα υδραυλικά χαρακτηριστικά καθώς επίσης και τα μεγέθη του υδρολογικού
ισοζυγίου του υδροφορέα ελήφθησαν από την διδακτορική διατριβή του Ζιώγα (2013). / In this Master’s Thesis, the numerical simulation of groundwater contaminant transport
in the coastal aquifer of Glafkos river is studied. The study region is located southwest of the
city of Patras in Greece.
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