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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informationsarkitektur för användarbehov : en användarcentrerad analys av Oatly.com / Information Architecture for User Needs : a usercenteredanalysis of Oatly.com

Olin, Paulina January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the usabilityof Oatly.com, using qualitative as well as quantitative methodswithin usercentereddesign and information architecture, inorder to propose ways of developing and improving it. Byanalyzing the content of the website’s home page, andcomparing it to the home pages of similar websites usingcompetitive benchmarking, suggestions are made on how toimprove the home page of the website, along with results fromcontextual inquiries carried out using participants representingthe company’s target group. The methods used are followedout from a usability perspective, and are focused on the needsand preferences of the target group. The conclusion reached inthis thesis suggests that the overall quality of Oatly.com iswell thought out and adjusted to appeal to the desired targetgroup. However suggestions are made on how the website canbe adjusted and improved in order to appeal to the targetaudience, as well as ways for Oatly to continue the assessmentand analysis of how to continually evolve and improve thewebsite. The suggestions for development of the websiteinclude adding a search function, adding significant content tothe productandcontact pages, adding content which explainsto the user how the company’s products can be utilized, aswell as changing the current utilization of the slider on thehome page.

Användarupplevelsen på en hälsowebbplats : En user experience studie av Närhälsans webbplats

Greim, Lea, Sauvolainen, Catharina January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the user experience of Narhalsan.se, the website of the regional public primary healthcare organisation, as well as forward suggestions on how different aspects on the website can be developed to improve the user experience. To evaluate the user experience on Närhälsans website we’re using both quantitative and qualitative methods, such as a survey as well as Contextual Inquiry in combination with think-aloud. The methods used are followed out from a usability perspective, and are focused on the needs, preferences and user experience of the target group. The suggestions for development of the website include simplifying the structure, reducing information on the contact page and further development of the searchresults.

Användarupplevelse vid bostadsköp på webben : En utvärdering av Derome Mark & Bostads webbplats / User experience during purchase of residence on the web

Billqvist Ung, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to find aspects for improvement of the user experience on the website of the company Derome Mark & Bostad, a company that builds and sells houses and apartments. Before this study no such evaluation had been done on the website, and the company did not know their customer very well. For the evaluation the methods Contextual Inquiry (CI) and survey were used. For the CI:s the participants performed a number of tasks on the website, while giving feedback on the website. The survey was designed to involve the aspects that came up in the CI:s, and it was sent out to former customers. The most important aspect on the website for the participants was the information. This included information on price and size, and pictures. Overall the participants wanted a bit more information and more complete information. The second most important aspect was the information architecture. The menu was an important feature here, one that needed to be improved. Long pages with text were also a problem. Third came the design of the website. This was important both for the feel of the site, which in this case was nice and modern, and to help make important information clearer. What the website lacked a bit in this aspect was a more consistent and neat layout. Last in the study, suggestions were made on how these aspects on the website can be improved, based on the results of the CI:s and survey.

Complexity of Engineering Identity: A Study of Freshmen Engineering Students

Trammell, Melanie Kaye 15 July 2019 (has links)
The General Engineering Program exists at Virginia Tech to provide curriculums that engage, challenge and support entry-level engineers. One important part of this initiative is helping students identify with a specific engineering branch, and overtime develop an identity within it. Yet, there exists little research on what entry-level engineers believe it means to be an engineer, especially during these stages of early formation and continual shifting. In order to generate insight on this topic we developed a contextual inquiry method to help inquire into engineering identity. Two participants were placed in an online chatroom and allowed to talk for ten minutes, with one trying to answer the question 'Am I talking to an engineer or not?' and asked to give their reasoning. Comparisons allow entry-level engineering students to articulate their beliefs on what characteristics, behaviors and personalities make up their cohort -- thus exposing their ideas about identity. Moreover, this methodology also provides opportunities for participants to critique their own bias and further develop and expose their opinions on identity. Additionally, our findings showcase the complexity around student's perceptions of engineers. For example, participants' responses pointed to: many sources that inform identity, the difficulty of identifying what is uniquely engineering, how identity is impacted by the ideal image of an engineer, that identity is a spectrum, and that identity varies with respect to associations and time. As a result, through our inquiry and representation of results we demonstrate the validity of our methodology as a HCI research tool along with the power of narrative forms of representation. / Master of Science / The General Engineering Program exists at Virginia Tech to provide curriculums that engage, challenge and support entry-level engineers. One important part of this initiative is helping students identify with a specific type of engineering, and overtime develop an identity within it. Yet, there exists little research on what entry-level engineers believe it means to be an engineer, especially during their freshmen year of college when they are still forming and changing their ideas about engineering identity. In order to generate insight on this topic we developed a methodology to help inquire into engineering identity. Two participants at a time were placed in an online chatroom and allowed to talk for ten minutes, with one trying to answer the question ‘Am I talking to an engineer or not?’ and asked to give their reasoning. Comparisons allow entry-level engineering students to articulate their beliefs on what characteristics, behaviors and personalities make up their cohort -- thus exposing their ideas about identity. Moreover, this methodology also provides opportunities for participants to critique their own assumptions about engineering identity and further develop and expose their opinions on identity. Additionally, our findings showcase the complexity around student’s perceptions of engineers. For example, participants’ responses pointed to: many sources that inform identity, the difficulty of identifying what is uniquely engineering, how identity is impacted by the ideal image of an engineer, that identity is a spectrum, and that identity varies with respect to associations and time. As a result, through our inquiry and representation of results we demonstrate the validity of our methodology as a Human Computer Interaction research tool along with the power of using written stories to represent results.

Hur placering och utformning av innehåll kanpåverka användares upplevelse på stora webbplatser : En användarstudie / How placement and design of content can affect the userexperience on large websites

Svensson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to investigate if users find the informationthey are looking for on the IKEA web site. To examine this,both quantitative and qualitative methods are used. Themethods used in this study is heuristic evaluation, survey,contextual inquery and web analysis. The result shows thatusers has hard to find categories that are hidden in a dropdownmenu and find it hard to notice elements that areseparated from the content itself.

Kan inställningen till en IT-artefakt förändras genom användarmedverkan i designprocessens tidigaste stadium?

Karlsson, Doris January 2001 (has links)
Ansatsen; Deltagande design inom MDI förespråkar att användare är med under hela designprocessen, även under det tidigaste skedet, före det har skissats på någon prototyp över huvudtaget. Medverkan innebär då att användarna får klargöra sina behov, åsikter och önskemål om en produkt. En speciell deltagarteknik har utvecklats för att göra detta möjligt och heter Contextual inquiry. I detta arbete har tekniken tillämpats på hyresgäster inom Skövdebostäder och har gällt produkten elektronisk anslagstavla. Hypotesen har varit att inställningen till en produkt är mer positiv när användare har deltagit i det tidigaste stadiet i designprocessen och skulle då förklaras med hjälp av ett psykologiskt "fenomen" som kallas Hawthorne-effekten. Resultatet från studien kunde inte ge stöd för hypotesen, det fanns med andra ord ingen signifikant skillnad mellan experimentgrupp och kontrollgrupp.

Kontextuell Design : Hur man kan förbättra arbetsprocessen samt skapa underlag för framtida designbeslut genom att använda en kontextuell designmetod / Contextual Design : How to improve the work process and create basis for future design desicions by using a contextual design method

Åberg, Sabina January 2012 (has links)
Annonseringstjänster på nätet finns idag för alla möjliga ändamål. På grund av detta ökar även bedrägerier och annonser med tvivelaktigt innehåll, för att undvika att sådana annonser publiceras är det viktigt att annonseringsföretagen granskar sina annonser innan dem publiceras. Detta examensarbete har utförts på ett annonseringsföretag som behandlar jobbannonser. Företaget är stationerat någonstans i Europa. Eftersom annonserna granskas av ett externt företag vars tjänster annonseringsföretaget hyr in så är tanken med examensarbetet att skapa en förståelse för hur arbetsprocessen fungerar på granskningsföretaget samt identifiera vad som kan förbättras med det granskningsverktyg som används för att granska annonser idag. Detta har utförts genom kontextuella intervjuer på plats hos granskningsföretaget. Resultatet av dessa har sedan visualiserats i fem olika arbetsmodeller: (flödesmodellen), (sekvensmodellen), (artefaktmodellen), (den kulturella modellen) samt (den fysiska modellen) Beyer och Holtzblatt (1998). Tanken med dessa modeller är att de ska agera som en grund när nya designbeslut fattas och bidra med en förståelse för hur arbetet fungerar hos granskningsföretaget. Rapporten kommer för övrigt presentera en del designförslag som framkommit av de fakta som finns i arbetsmodellerna vilka kan förbättra den nuvarande lösningen. All information i denna rapport är tänkt att fungera som ett stöd för annonseringsföretaget när dem designar nya lösningar som rör granskningen av jobbannonser. / Advertising Services on the Internet today are available for all kinds of purposes. Because of this it also increases fraud and ads with questionable content, to avoid that such advertisements are published, it is important that the advertising companies review their ads before they are published. This thesis has been carried out in an advertising company, dealing with job offers. The company is stationed somewhere in Europe. The ads are scrutinized by an external company whose the services advertising firm hires, the idea of the thesis is to create an understanding of how the work works on the audit firm, and to identify what can be improved with the assessment tools used to examine the ads today. This has been done through contextual interviews on-site at the audit firm. The results of these has then been visualized in five different work models: (flow model), (sequence model), (artifact model), (the cultural model) and (the physical model), Beyer and Holtzblatt (1998). The idea behind these models is that they should act as a basis for new design decisions and contribute to an understanding of how the work of the audit firm is done. The report will also present some design proposals that emerged from the facts found in the work models, which can improve the current solution. All information in this report is intended to act as a support for the advertising company when they are designing new solutions related to the review of job announcements.

Translating Field Research Through Contextual Inquiry: A Case Study in Retail Workspace Design

Quick, Jason 14 July 2006 (has links)
An effective process for translating contextual inquiry data into usable design concepts is described. A literature survey, field observations and laboratory simulations preceded contextual inquiry sessions with seven cashiers working in retail checkstands. Data from this field research was communicated with a graduate student design team during interpretation sessions. Diagrams and pictures from the physical workspace were introduced, work behaviors and breakdowns were discussed and design ideas and insights were recorded during these sessions. The final communication tool is a wall-sized affinity diagram created by members of the design team. The affinity diagram tells the story of peoples experiences working in retail front end work environments by incorporating patterns of cashiers behavior and concerns, while maintaining details of each participants comments. It translates the applied research from basic contextual inquiry data to a sustainable communication tool for contextual researchers, workspace designers and other project stakeholders. The design research method presented yields valuable qualitative results for physical workspace design that can be communicated to people who are not involved in data collection.

Kan inställningen till en IT-artefakt förändras genom användarmedverkan i designprocessens tidigaste stadium?

Karlsson, Doris January 2001 (has links)
<p>Ansatsen; Deltagande design inom MDI förespråkar att användare är med under hela designprocessen, även under det tidigaste skedet, före det har skissats på någon prototyp över huvudtaget. Medverkan innebär då att användarna får klargöra sina behov, åsikter och önskemål om en produkt. En speciell deltagarteknik har utvecklats för att göra detta möjligt och heter Contextual inquiry. I detta arbete har tekniken tillämpats på hyresgäster inom Skövdebostäder och har gällt produkten elektronisk anslagstavla. Hypotesen har varit att inställningen till en produkt är mer positiv när användare har deltagit i det tidigaste stadiet i designprocessen och skulle då förklaras med hjälp av ett psykologiskt "fenomen" som kallas Hawthorne-effekten. Resultatet från studien kunde inte ge stöd för hypotesen, det fanns med andra ord ingen signifikant skillnad mellan experimentgrupp och kontrollgrupp.</p>

Användarcentrerad utveckling av dynamiska moduler : En studie baserad på agil utveckling / User-centered development of dynamic modules : A study based on agile development

Haji Karimian, Josef, Eriksson, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
This report describes the process and steps in detail that needed to be taken in order to meet the end users’ needs. The purpose of this study is to develop a dynamic module based on user-centered design (UCD) for Pulsen’s (pulsen.se) new website using the con-tent management system (CMS) SiteVision. UCD integrated with agile development methodologies is an effective combination to increase the focus of a development project on the end users’ needs. In this study we show the pervasiveness of the two methods combined in a development project. The module’s functionality is to allow the end user to quickly - and without effort - sort and filter news articles, events and job postings into lists that will be embedded and reusable on their new website. Manual adaptation of custom modules was configured directly through JavaScript code which made them error prone, causing the modules not to function properly. To combat this problem, we used contextual inquiry (CI) along with usability testing as data gathering methods with both Pulsen’s editors and external participants. The usability tests were used to plan and evaluate the functionality of the prototype in order to make it as user-friendly as possible. The study resulted in an interface with user defined variables derived from a JavaScript module.

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