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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of Ukraine as an outsourcing destination for Nordic IT Companies

Protsyuk, Yevgeniy January 2012 (has links)
In the modern competive situation on globalized market it is extremely important to find a comparative advantage that could place the company on the edge of rivalry on the market, either internal or international. Many companies face the issue of the lack or unaccessibility of resources. In such circumstances companies can find appropriate solution in outsourcing or offshoring their processes. In addition, many companies not only adopt outsourcing into the working process, but also build their business around Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) as a core competency of the company. Outsourcing in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Industry becomes a leading trend in many areas of economy enabled by fast development of communication technologies.      In this paper we studied outsourcing in general, outsourcing in ICT sector as well as the modern  position of Ukraine on the global ITO market and its perspective of cooperation with Nordic companies.     Theoretical data were analyzed in static, reflecting modern state of affairs in this industry branch, and dynamic way, showing the outcomes of development of the industry in the country during the last few years. Empirical study was fulfilled through a case study. Ukrainian ITO industry was shown as an attractive outsourcing destination for companies from Nordic region, with some drawbacks.

台灣便利商店以品牌延伸作為核心能力之研究 / Research on the strategy of brand extension as core competency in Taiwan's CVS industry

蘇玟璇, Su, Wen Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內便利商店越開越大,也紛紛以品牌延伸策略推出包羅萬象的產品/服務,與過去將坪效奉為至上準則,且以民生用品販售為主的便利商店發展模式大相逕庭。然而,回顧國內外關於品牌延伸策略的理論研究卻少有針對零售業界的理論模型,更不用說以便利商店產業為研究對象的深入實務探討。因此,本研究希望透過深入訪談與個案分析,歸納出消費者用以評價便利商店品牌延伸活動的評價因子,與探究便利商店業者品牌延伸活動的發展與限制。 透過文獻回顧,本研究提出零售商的品牌延伸策略類型與消費者評價因素為研究架構,配合國內兩大便利商店業者的6個品牌延伸案例為分析對象,以質化研究的個案分析法為主,深度訪談為輔,解構業者在發展不同品牌延伸的背後動機與相關策略活動,並深入了解消費者對於便利商店業者不同品牌延伸策略的看法。 根據研究結果,本研究認為便利商店業者在品牌延伸策略的運用上,應以聚焦核心能力所及範圍為原則,若欲跨足新專業領域,則宜強打配合廠商的品牌,採專業分工方式進行。而消費者在面對便利商店品牌延伸時,則會先經過一涉入程度判定過程,高涉入度消費者在購買決策前會積極蒐集相關資訊,並會和現有產品/服務提供商進行比對,因而面對此類消費者,應以強化品牌概念一致性、透過體驗行銷提高使用轉換率、加強資訊與促銷策略曝光度提高使用誘因,並以強化與配合廠商間的連結來降低認知風險為主要推廣策略;面對以嚐鮮為主要購買決策驅動引擎,並容易隨著口碑起舞的低涉入度消費者,應朝善用數位媒體來增加品牌黏著度,及管理數位口碑來強化口碑影響力,兩大方向著手發展推廣策略。

上市櫃公司發言人核心能力之探討─以證券商為例 / The Core Competencies of Spokespersons of the Listed Companies in Taiwan: The Case of the Securities Companies

高政煌, Kao, Cheng Huang Unknown Date (has links)
本文係以證券商發言人作為研究對象,探討台灣上市櫃公司發言人的核心能力。有鑑於量化研究較難以發掘核心能力的真實面貌,因此本文是採用半結構式的深度訪談做質化研究,再輔以問卷調查進行交叉分析,進而歸納台灣上市櫃公司發言人所應具備的核心能力,並希望利用這項結果,提供研究者對於發言人核心能力及其職場生態的瞭解,以作為今後對相關領域內學術探討與企業實務的參考。 本研究在學術及實務上的目的有四項,分述如下: (一)探索上市櫃公司發言人核心能力的特質,作為比較依據; (二)了解上市櫃公司發言人從業歷程,彌補既有文獻之不足; (三)作為企業界任命及培訓發言人之參考; (四)提供主管機關未來修訂上市櫃公司發言人制度之參考。 儘管目前學術界缺乏企業發言人的相關文獻可供參考,但經過本文對現 有十家上市櫃證券商進行研究之後,大致可以歸納出以下結論: (一)「專業能力」、「溝通能力」及「情緒管理」是大部份受訪的發言人都擁有的核心能力,也是受訪者建議發言人必須具備的主要核心能力;而「掌握公司文化」與「企業倫理」則是另外發現的兩項非常重要的職能,雖然目前各界的定義或認知可能不同,但這兩項職能未來仍將列入核心能力的範疇之中。 (二)上市櫃證券商發言人通常是由位高權重的資深主管所兼任,他們接任之前的平均專業年資是九.七年,而每天真正花在發言人業務上的時間,大約只占辦公時間的十分之一。 (三)上市櫃證券商發言人希望參加正式的在職訓練課程,以學習法令新知,汲取實務案例經驗,並進行經驗交流。 (四)有關企業購併案的資訊揭露,主管機關應該訂定明確的標準作業程序,以免上市櫃公司必須夾在法令的灰色地帶,一方面要設法在保密過程中推動購併案,另一方面又要擔心資訊揭露太慢而遭受法令處罰。 關鍵字:發言人、核心能力、公司治理、公共關係 / This thesis takes the spokespersons of securities companies as an example to discuss the issue regarding core competencies of spokespersons of the listed companies in Taiwan. To have deeper understanding of the issue, this study conducts in-depth interviews as well as questionnaires on spokepersons of the ten listed securities companies. Quantitative and qualitative data were cross-examined to present the overall picture of the spokespersons of Taiwan’s listed securities companies. By conducting empirical research, this thesis aims to contribute to the academic and practical fields. The major findings of this study are: (1)There are three core competencies that most of the interviewed spokespersons own in this research. They are “Professional ability,” “Communication ability,” and “Emotion management.” These factors are also suggested as criteria for qualified spokespersons by the interviewees. In addition, “Grasping the corporate’s culture” and “Corporate ethics” are also two important abilities emphasized by the interviewees. (2)Generally speaking, the position of spokesperson is not a full-time job. It is only part of the senior managers’ concurrent responsibility. Before taking over the positions, these spokespersons have spent an average of 9.7 years in related professions. The senior managers would spend about one-tenth working hours on the spokespersons’ daily duties. (3)The spokespersons of the listed companies would like to participate in professional training programs to learn new regulations and to share practical experience from case studies. (4)For the listed companies in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the spokespersons have the obligation to disclose the material information to the public as soon as possible, but the M&A cases might be interrupted or fail due to the immature information disclosure. Therefore, the authorities should set up the standard M&A procedure so that the spokespersons could disclose information step by step, in order to take care of the benefit both for companies and investors. Keywords: Spokesperson, Core competency, Corporate governance, Public relations

我國政府資訊人員核心能力之建構 / Building Core Competencies for the Government IT/IS Professionals

楊琬婷, Yang, Wan-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
資訊通訊科技的進步為政府帶來變革性的影響,資訊人員照理應扮演重要角色,但卻同時因資源與技術的不足,而有資訊業務委外的需要,使得政府資訊人員必須面臨能力轉換的挑戰。據此,本研究認為應找出資訊人員的核心能力,以發展其競爭優勢並增進組織的績效。本研究是以政府的資訊人員為研究對象,主要目的在於了解目前政府正式編制與約聘僱的資訊人員目前所具備與未來應該具備的核心能力項目;其次是針對目前具備與未來應具備的能力作落差分析與訓練需求評估;最後則是對研究結果提出政策建議。 / 本論文首先透過文獻闡述核心能力的定義,其次檢閱目前與核心能力相關的文獻,藉以找出本研究的定位,並整理各類文獻,建構出政府資訊人員初步的核心能力模式,共五大構面三十七個項目,並以之為調查問卷的基礎;實證資料蒐集時先進行第一波訪談,後續為問卷調查與分析,接著進行第二波訪談,最後統整分析出研究結果。第一波訪談的受訪者有三類共有五人;問卷調查則分別選取中央及地方政府中不同性質單位的資訊人員為問卷發放229份問卷,回收有效問卷158份;第二波訪談的受訪者有三類共兩人。本研究彙整了以上的質化與量化資料,並據以提出相關的政策建議。 / 本研究發現,政府資訊人員在五大構面的能力上,共有十項能力特別重要:積極主動與自信心、人際溝通與表達能力、認知學習、資訊業務委外能力、資訊安全與稽核、業務知能、創新與創意思考、跨域協調與夥伴建立、倫理價值、責任與公共利益。此外,簡任、薦任與委任不同官等、是否為主管職、以及約聘僱人員不同年資等因素,皆會使得資訊人員未來應具備的核心能力有所不同。其他會影響政府資訊人員核心能力不同的因素尚包括:年齡、學歷、目前擔任的職務、過去擔任的職務、職等、績效表現等。 / 根據研究結果,本研究除了由訪談內容整理出政策建議之外,也針對政府資訊人員的核心能力,以及政府資訊人力運用上提出政策建議,以期未來政府資訊人員在遴選與升遷,或是績效考評等核心能力的運用上有所依據,並且提供政府資訊人員在訓練需求評估分析上,所需加強能力項目的參考。 / Information and communication technology advance with each passing day, bringing revolutionary influence for government functions. Government information technology/information system(IT/IS) professionals should have played the important role provided that the resources and techniques were not scarce. The current challenge of IT/IS outsourcing pushes government IT/IS professionals to transform their competencies. Accordingly, this study attempts to find out the core competencies of government IT/IS professionals to make them develop the competitive advantage and improve the organization performance. / The target group included government IT/IS professionals including formal officials and informal employees in the central and local governments in Taiwan. To build core competencies for the government IT/IS professionals, the study proposed 5 clusters including 37 competency items based on the literature, followed by data collection with two rounds of interviews and a questionnaire survey. Five people were selected in the first interview, providing experience about the core competencies of the government IT/IS professionals and opinions for revising the questionnaire. Analyzing the survey data of 158 valid questionnaires, the study dug out the competencies of the government T/IS professionals’ qualified and important degrees to build their core competencies and then undertook gap analysis to assess training needs. At last, two people were selected in the second interview, verifying the previous results and providing policy suggestions. / Aggregating the qualitative and quantitative results, the study concludes with ten core competencies for the government IT/IS professionals, including active and self-confident attitudes, interpersonal communication and articulate skill, perception for continuous learning, IT/IS outsourcing, information security, business function, innovation, inter-organizational coordination and partnership, ethic value, as well as accountability and public interest. Besides, the elements effecting the government IT/IS professionals’ core competencies include their current official rank, position, seniority, age, educational background, performance and so on. / According to the findings above, finally, this study offered suggestions about the information human resources application, the recruitment and promotion of IT/IS professionals, training needs, and performance evaluation.

IC設計服務業知識創新管理之研究—以S公司為例 / A Study on Knowledge Innovation Management of IC Design Service Industry — Using S Company as an Example

郭政炫, Kuo, Cheng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的,以S公司的IC設計服務專案問題解決方式為案例,運用Dorothy Leonard的基本架構為分析主軸,試圖對S公司IC設計服務部門(台灣工程中心)核心能力建構提出學術性的解釋。本研究採用非實驗性之質性個案研究法,以S公司的三個設計代工及一個內度專案為研究對象。本研究發現如下:   壹、技術知識特質對內部技術網路之影響   一、本研究發現S公司的IC設計服務專案所面臨的技術問題主要為與設計工具相關知識的改變所導引出來的模組式創新或突破式創新。   二、本研究發現面對的問題創新程度高的專案,其內部技術網路連結關係愈強。   貳、內部技術網路對知識流通之影響   一、本研究發現知識經驗的分享有助於組織知識在轉換過程中創造與蓄積。知識經驗透過師徒制、在職訓練及內部經驗分享,有助於知識在共同化過程中蓄積與傳播。知識經驗透過文件資料撰寫,有助於知識在外化過程中蓄積與傳播。知識經驗透過內部網路分享,有助於知識在結合過程中蓄積與傳播。   二、本研究發現組織擁有知識創造型團員有助於組織知識的流通。例如S公司的知識工程師將其內隱知識文件化,加上知識主管的鼓勵,透過共同化、外化的過程,促進了組織的知識流通。   三、本研究發現S公司在實驗與原型的活動中,有助於解決知識創造過程中的問題。   參、S公司的核心能力   一、本研究發現S公司台灣工程中心的核心競爭力如下:     1. 員工知識和技能-一群對設計工具相當熟悉的I型工程師     2. 實體技術系統-公司發展的設計工具     3. 管理系統-經理個人魅力鼓勵員工進行知識經驗的分享     4. 價值觀和規範-以客為尊,建立長期合作夥伴關係   二、本研究發現組織知識流通愈強的專案,有助於組織核心能力建置。 / The intend of study is trying to identify core competency of S Company IC Design Service Department, Taiwan Engineering Center, using the framework proposed by Dorothy Leonard-Barton in 1995. This study is a descriptive and exploratory case study for S company Taiwan engineering center handling three customers’ IC implementation project and one internal new design methodology development project. The major conclusions for this study as below:   1. The characteristics of technical knowledge affect internal networking including:    ● The technical knowledge challenge, which S company is faced, is mainly derived from module innovation and/or radical innovation when new design tools introduced.    ● When the problem project team encountered is lower dependency of organizational technical knowledge, then internal networking work closely is required to resolve the problem.   2. The internal networking affects knowledge flow process including:    ● Sharing of knowledge experiences is contributive to organizational knowledge creation and storage during conversion process. Making use of master and apprentice system and on-job training to share knowledge experiences is contributive to knowledge storage and spread during socialization process. Making use of writing documents to share knowledge experiences is contributive to knowledge storage and spread during externalization process. Making use of intranet to share knowledge experiences is contributive to knowledge storage and spread during combination process.    ● Having knowledge-creating crew is contributive to organizational knowledge flow process.    ● During problem solving stage, experimental and prototyping making is helpful for creating organizational knowledge.   3. S Company core competency analysis    ● S company Taiwan engineering center core competency is concluded as following:     1. Employee knowledge and skill — There is a group of I type engineers who are skillful in using design tools,     2. Technical system — Employees have early and un-limited access to S company’s well-developed design tools     3. Managerial system — Knowledge officer personal inference power     4. Value and norms — Company motto “Your Long Term Design Partner”    ● High throughput knowledge flow project helps S company creating core competency.

中國企業品牌國際化發展關鍵能力之研究─以L、H與Li公司個研究為例 / The competitive capability embraced by Chinese enterprises for developing international brands- case study for L.H and Li company

張麒鎔 Unknown Date (has links)
Tomas Friedman 的著作The World is Flat(世界是平的)中提及在21世紀是抹平的世界,無限商機的世界。從全球經濟發展的角度來看,全球企業面對的市場是一個無國界的平面,國際競爭更加劇烈。在這個全球市場競爭劇烈的環境中,中國企業要能在全球市場中立足與競爭的首要條件就是站穩中國市場,在國際競爭市場中發展獲利,最重要的就是打造中國企業品牌發展為國際化品牌。中國企業若想在國際市場上進行品牌行銷,中國製造的經營哲學及營運模式必須重新進行調整,才能在國際市場上建立自身的品牌(International Branding)。 2008年為中國改革開放的30週年,品牌國際化趨勢是21世紀全球市場競爭發展的趨勢,國家競爭力的強弱程度也在於中國企業擁有國際化品牌的多與少。面對不同國家和區域的競爭環境市場,探討中國企業要發展為國際化品牌的關鍵能力為相當重要之課題。 本研究是從全球化企業品牌國際化與中國企業品牌國際化著手,來探討個案公司品牌國際化。進而探討個案公司品牌國際化發展關鍵能力,包含企業品牌核心能力、持續創新力、環境適應力與組織內部能力,以及在品牌國際化管理流程的四個階段:分別為評估階段、市場進入策略規劃階段、品牌行銷策略規劃階段、和執行階段。本研究將個案公司結合這四力的現況與關連,然後提出有關未來發展的建議並將藉由中國企業的個案研究,結合中國企業國際化、國際行銷管理及品牌管理的理論與文獻,以管理的觀點,點出中國企業品牌國際化發展的關鍵能力,提供給中國企業在全球化市場下發展品牌國際化的參考,同時也希望能對相關學術研究有所助益。 / 21st century, as being described in the book “The World is Flat” written by Tomas Friedman, is a flat world with unlimited business opportunities generated by globalization whereas the competition within is also fierce. In order to be competitive in this context of global market environment, it is recognized by growing Chinese enterprises the importance to win in domestic China market first, where being identified as the next biggest consumption market after U.S, further to develop company competence for wining a place as an international brand. It is also being acknowledged that Chinese enterprises have to experience continuous business process as well as management philosophy evolvement in order to achieve this ultimate goal – building an International Brand in global market. The tendency of the local brand to be international is as well an index to observe the competitive ability of a country in global market. While year 2008 is the 30th anniversary for China's reformation, the potentials for current Chinese enterprises to develop International Brands also speak for China national competence. It is a focus to examine the competitive capability embraced by Chinese enterprises for developing international brands while reviewing current global commercial markets. This study aims to exploit the competitive capability within Chinese enterprises to develop international brands, which include Core Competency, Innovation Sustainability, Environment Adaption, and Organization Capability. In addition, four stages for Brand Management process are also reviewed: Brand Evaluation, Market Entry, Brand Marketing as well as Brand Execution. Case study is the methodology applied in the study, in which four Chinese enterprises – L company in 3C industry, H company in domestics appliances industry, Li company in sport retailing industry, are presented with in-depth interview conducted from L company, H company, Li company in year 2009.


劉宜靜, Liu, Yi-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採文獻分析,亦於理論中釐清組織層面的核心能力與個人層面的核心能力。多數學者認為組織的核心能力為替組織創造競爭優勢的特殊技能或科技,創造利益,也塑造企業文化與價值觀。核心能力的確為具體化組織願景的工具,其運用乃將具備適當技能的適當的人,置其於適當的職位。而落實至個人層次則涵括了個人的基本特質,包括知識、態度、技能和價值,於其工作情境中的超卓表現。而且有效工作表現的模型必須是個人能力、工作需求與組織環境三者的交集區間。然應用在公部高階行政人員的甄補與訓練中,則以美、加、英、澳、紐五國的實施作為探討的對象,依高階行政人員、實施背景、甄補過程、與核心能力內容等四個主要面向作介紹,於最後一章歸結為數種相同的能力,以及給予我國的啟示與建議。 / Fist part of this thesis is separated into two dimensions--organizational core competency and individual core competency. we have to clarify the difference between two, though core competency does realize the vision of organization. The significance of core competency is arrange the right person with right competencies on the right position. Only those in the range of individual competencies, job needs, and organizational environment are core competencies, and do make superior performance. And then introduce the application in the recruitment and training in senior service in 5 countries-United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. In these two chapters, we discuss them from the definitions, backgrounds, recruitment procedures, and contents. And the final of this thesis sum up those profiles, suggests to our government.

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