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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantified characteristics of easy-to-read Finnish news texts

Walle, Spencer Benjamin January 2020 (has links)
I denna studie analyseras nyheter på lättläst finska för att ta reda på hur texterna kvantitativt präglas av riktlinjer kring lättläst finska. Korpusarna samlades av nyhetsartiklar skrivna på standardfinska respektive lättläst finska och den komparativa analysen syftade till att fastställa vissa kvantitativa parametrar, bl.a. genomsnittlig meningslängd och genomsnittlig ordlängd samt lexikal densitet, som tillsammans med lexikala särdrag kan karakterisera lättläst skrivning. Analysen av materialet visade att både meningslängden och längden på själva texterna i enlighet med tidigare forskning var betydlig kortare i lättlästa texter än i texter på standardfinska, men meningslängden också var ännu kortare än den övre gränsen som angetts i riktlinjerna om lättläst finska. Ett överraskande resultat var att båda korpusarna hade ungefär den samma genomsnittliga ordlängden. Även lexikal densitet låg på ungefär samma nivå mellan korpusarna. Denna studies resultat stödjer tidigare slutsatser om meningslängd men avslöjar oväntade likheter angående ordlängd och lexikon. / In this study, news in easy-to-read Finnish is analyzed to find out how the texts are quantitatively characterized by guidelines for easy-to-read Finnish. The corpora were collected from news articles written in standard Finnish and easy-to-read Finnish, and the comparative analysis was aimed at establishing certain quantitative parameters, including average sentence length and average word length as well as lexical density, which together with lexical features can characterize easy-to-read writing. The analysis of the material showed that both the sentence length and the length of the texts themselves, consistent with previous research, were considerably shorter in easy-to- read texts than in standard Finnish texts, but the sentence length was also shorter than the upper limit specified in the guidelines for easy-to-read Finnish. A surprising result was that both corpora had about the same average word length. Also, lexical density was at approximately the same level between the corpora. The results of this study support previous conclusions on sentence length but reveal unexpected similarities regarding word length and lexicons.

Elements of musically conveyed emotion: Insights from musical and perceptual analyses of historic preludes

Anderson, Cameron J. January 2021 (has links)
This thesis comprises two manuscripts prepared for scholarly journals. Chapter 2 comprises an article entitled “Exploring Historic Changes in Musical Communication: Deconstructing Emotional Cues in Preludes by Bach and Chopin.”, which examines emotion perception in historic prelude sets by J.S. Bach and F. Chopin. This work connects psychological research on perceived musical emotion to musicological research describing changes in music structure. Using a technique called commonality analysis to deconstruct cues’ individual and joint roles in predicting participants’ perceived emotions, the chapter clarifies how music’s conveyed emotion can differ in compositions from different eras. Chapter 3 comprises an article entitled “Parsing Musical Patterns in Prelude Sets: Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Epistemologies in Historical Music Research”. This chapter bridges gaps between qualitative and quantitative research on music history through an analytical approach engaging with both fields. Specifically, cluster analyses of Bach and Chopin’s preludes reveal notable differences in the composers’ expressive toolkits, consistent with work from historical and empirical music research. Through a novel analytical framework, the chapter illustrates a method for detecting groups of pieces demarcated by salient musical differences, assessing cues’ importance within these groups, and determining the most influential cue values for each group. Together, these articles provide new insight into the subtle sonic relationships influencing musical meaning and emotion perception. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Music’s capacity to express emotion has received considerable attention in psychological and musicological research. Whereas efforts from psychology clarify the musical cues for emotion through perceptual experiments, efforts from musicology track changes in compositional practice over time—finding changing relationships between music’s cues for emotion in historically diverse compositions. To date, the implications of these changing musical relationships for emotion perception remain unclear. This thesis analyzes musical scores and listeners’ emotion ratings to gain insight into music’s structural changes throughout history and their implications for perceived emotion. By applying statistical techniques to (i) detect musical patterns in prelude sets by J.S. Bach and F. Chopin and (ii) clarify how cue relationships influence emotion perception, this thesis sheds light on the relationship between music’s historic context and its emotional meaning.

Adjectives as Elements of Style in the Prose and Verse of the <i>Izumi Shikibu nikki</i>

Stirek, Lindsey 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

MCFlow: A Digital Corpus of Rap Flow

Condit-Schultz, Nathaniel 28 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

L’emploi de a devant l’objet accusatif dans la Primera Crónica General / Use of the prepositional accusative in the Primera Crónica General

De Pontevès, Emmanuelle 21 November 2009 (has links)
Ce travail vise à proposer une hypothèse rendant compte de l’alternance entre les objets accusatifs précédés de la préposition a et les objets accusatifs sans préposition dans un texte espagnol du XIIIe siècle, la Primera crónica general, et à mettre au point une méthodologie permettant d’évaluer la validité de cette hypothèse et éventuellement de la faire évoluer. La première partie explique comment a été constitué le corpus, c’est-à-dire comment ont été sélectionnés et classés les cas à étudier. La deuxième partie évoque les principaux travaux de la bibliographie qui ont inspiré l’hypothèse de travail. La troisième partie présente cette dernière ainsi que la méthodologie d’analyse du corpus. L’hypothèse de travail repose sur les notions de topicalité et de thématisme. La topicalité d’un participant est définie ici comme l’aptitude de ce dernier à constituer aux yeux du locuteur un thème du discours. Elle dépend du degré auquel le locuteur peut s’identifier à ce participant, et on peut l’évaluer théoriquement en fonction de quatre hiérarchies : personne, animation, identification, agentivité. Des facteurs contextuels peuvent modifier la topicalité relative réelle du participant par rapport à sa topicalité relative théorique. Le thématisme est défini ici comme la propriété possédée par un participant qui est aux yeux du locuteur le thème d’un énoncé donné. L’hypothèse relie la présence de a à un objet dont le référent a une topicalité et un thématisme égaux ou supérieurs à ceux du sujet. La méthodologie d’analyse du corpus repose sur la constitution de groupes homogènes quant à la topicalité théorique relative du référent de l’objet, puis sur l’observation détaillée de la topicalité relative réelle et du thématisme relatif des référents des objets de chaque groupe. La quatrième partie décrit l’analyse du corpus selon cette méthodologie, analyse qui permet de valider l’hypothèse tout en l’enrichissant de plusieurs hypothèses complémentaires. / This research aims to formulate a theory accounting for the alternation between prepositional accusatives and non-prepositional accusatives in a Spanish text from the XIIIth century, the Primera crónica general, and also to propose a method assessing the validity of this theory and allowing for potential improvements. The first part describes the elaboration of the corpus, the selection and classification of occurrences. The second part gives an overview of the major research works amongst the bibliographical references which inspired the working theory. The third part presents this working theory and the method for corpus analysis. The theory rests upon the discourse functions of topicality and 'thematism'. Topicality of a participant can be defined as the aptitude of the participant in the eyes of the speaker to become a theme of discourse. It relies on the speaker's degree of identification with the participant, and one can theoretically evaluate this in terms of four criteria : person, animacy, identification, agency. Contextual factors can modify the actual topicality of a participant compared to its theoretical topicality. 'Thematism' is defined here as the property of a participant perceived by the speaker as the theme of an utterance. The theory associates a-marking with an object whose referent's topicality and 'thematism' is equal or superior to the referent of the subject. The method for corpus analysis relies upon the classification into groups of objects whose referents have the same relative theoretical topicality, followed by a detailed observation of the relative actual topicality and the relative 'thematism' of referents within each group. The fourth part is devoted to describing the results of the corpus analysis, allowing for the verification of the theory whilst enriching it with additional theoretical points.

Étude du lexique de l’agriculture dans des textes documentaires français du treizième siècle / Lexicological analysis of the vocabulary related to agriculture in thirteenth-century French non-literary texts

Alletsgruber, Julia 29 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, qui fait partie du projet des « Plus anciens documents linguistiques de la France », s’inscrit à la fois dans le domaine de la linguistique et dans celui de la philologie. L’étude lexicologique qu’elle propose est basée sur des documents d’archives du XIIIe siècle et s’accompagne de la transcription de deux corpus de chartes inédites. L’analyse détaillée de cinquante mots liés au champ lexical de l’agriculture, présentée sous forme de dossiers lexicologiques, constitue le noyau du travail. Les apports nouveaux que les dossiers permettent d’obtenir en matière de sens et de formes nouveaux, de réseau sémantique et d’étymologies corrigées sont présentés à la suite des dossiers. La méthode d’analyse intensive qu’ils adoptent fournit un complément indispensable à la lexicographie existante et sa méthode extensive. L’étude comporte en outre une réflexion sur le rôle des chartes vernaculaires dans l’élaboration et le changement linguistiques, à travers notamment le lexique. / This doctoral thesis studying the words related to agriculture in medieval charters is situated in the fields of historical linguistics and philology. It is part of the research project “The most ancient linguistic documents of France” and provides a transcription of two corpuses of charters as well as a lexicological study of 50 words related to agriculture. Each word is treated separately in an article including the word’s etymology, the different writings appearing in the charters, a semantic description, a short context of each occurrence, the information from the most important Old French dictionaries as well as a critique of the latter. The articles, forming the main part of the thesis, are followed by a chapter that sums up their results concerning new words or meanings, etymology, hyperonyms and (co)hyponyms. The words are thus studied in an intensive manner forming a complement to the extensive description provided by the dictionaries. The study also includes a reflection on the role the charters play in language elaboration through their vocabulary.

Konfrontace českých a německých valenčních slovníků / Confrontation of Czech and German valency lexicons

Dušek, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with a comparison of the most common German and Czech valency lexicons, focusing on the dictionaries E-VALBU and VALLEX in particular. It employs two different methods: a confrontation of selected verbal translation pairs using corpus analysis and taking the introspective valency tests of the individual dictionaries into account, as well as qualitative research among the linguists - the authors and users of valency dictionaries. The thesis proves the usability of corpus analysis for this kind of research and shows that most differences in dictionary entries are not caused by a different behavior of the respective verbs in both languages, but rather by divergent theoretical bases of the dictionaries. The interviews with selected linguists confirm the theoretical discrepancies, but also show many similar opinions and experiences, in particular those regarding practical work with the dictionaries: a stress on the user-friendliness of the dictionaries and the use of real language data from the corpora.

Přiřazování gramatického rodu u nových slov a přejímek v současné španělštině / Assigning grammatical gender to new words and loanwords in modern Spanish

Hutová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
(in English): This thesis focuses on describing the process of assigning grammatical gender to new words and loanwords in contemporary Spanish using corpus analysis. After introducing the area of study, the second chapter sums up the theoretical foundations of grammatical gender, its definition and function in language, and sets out basic rules for its assigning. The third chapter presents a summary of historical development of the perception of grammatical gender in Spanish, from its roots in Latin to main authors of the 20th century. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the transformation of Latin gender system into Spanish. The fifth chapter sums up basic information about neology, its processes and categorisation. These theoretical foundations are drawn upon in the sixth chapter, the corpus analysis, where the thesis presents the results of the research of a sample of neologisms drawn from Banco de Neologismos and analysed using the corpus Araneum Hispanicum Maius. The thesis focuses on the relationship between the grammatical gender used by speakers using neologisms, and the natural gender, the form of neologisms, the type of neology and the etymological gender of loanwords.

L'acquisition de l’expression de la spatialité en mandarin langue étrangère par des apprenants francophones

Hung, Pi-Hsia 24 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre des travaux sur l'acquisition des langues étrangères. L'objectif principal est de déterminer les structurations linguistiques transitoires employées par les apprenants francophones pour exprimer l'espace en mandarin langue étrangère. La procédure utilisée est l'analyse d'un corpus de productions orales issues d'une étude expérimentale de vingt mois menée auprès d'apprenants adultes francophones du mandarin de niveau débutant, intermédiaire et avancé. Pour atteindre l'objectif fixé, nous nous penchons d'abord sur l'acquisition des verbes directionnels en mandarin, puis sur les calculs des coordonnées spatiales qui impliquent l'« habitual thought » du mandarin concernant les verbes lái (venir) et qù (aller). L'analyse des expressions spatiales par les apprenants nous permettra ensuite de détailler le processus d'acquisition des ensembles spécifiques de la relation forme/fonction du mandarin et, plus précisément, la façon dont les options linguistiques façonnent la production des apprenants à chaque niveau de l'apprentissage. L'étude de l'acquisition des verbes de repérage ainsi que du calcul des coordonnées spatiales, quant à elles, nous dévoileront le processus cognitif de la conceptualisation du domaine spatial. / This thesis intervenes in the field of foreign language acquisition. The main objective is to determine the transient language structuring used by French-speaking learners to express space in Mandarin. The procedure used is the analysis of an oral corpus from an experimental study during twenty months with French-speaking adult learners of three different Mandarin levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced. To achieve our goal, we focus primarily on the acquisition of directional verbs in Mandarin, then on the calculation of spatial coordinates that involve the "habitual thought" about Mandarin verbs lái (come) and qù (go). The analysis of spatial expressions by French learners will detail the process of acquiring specific sets of the form/function relationship in Mandarin; to be more precise, we will show how the language options shape the learners production at each level of learning. The acquisition of the verbs lái (come) and qù (go) and of the calculation of spatial coordinates, in turn, will reveal the cognitive process of space conceptualization by the French learners.

L'injonction dans le Français parlé d'une approche en langue à une analyse de corpus / The imperative in spoken french From a linguistic aproach to an analysis of corpus

Nguyễn Minh, Chính 22 February 2013 (has links)
Les grammairiens considèrent que l’impératif est le moyen normal pour formuler une injonction. Cependant d’autres moyens tels que l’assertion, l’interrogation, les expressions averbales sont possibles. Notre thèse se propose d’étudier les caractéristiques syntaxiques, sémantiques et pragmatiques ainsi que la répartition de ces moyens en fonction des activités linguistiques pratiquées par les locuteurs. Nous avons retenu cinq situations (entretien, petit commerce, didactique – institutionnelle et didactique – amicale).Après avoir défini sur une base pragmatique, nous avons essayé de dégager les configurations très fréquentes et celles qui restent exceptionnelles, de voir comment les compétences linguistiques sont mobilisées par les locuteurs pour satisfaire les attentes normatives dans les différentes situations sociales qui constituent notre corpus. / The grammar considers that the imperative form is the normal means to formulate imperative utterances. However, other means like assertives, interrogatives and non-verbal expressions are possible. Our thesis studies the syntactical, semantic and pragmatic caracteristics of these structures and their distributions according to the linguistic activities. We have taken five situations (interview, small commerce, didactical – institutionnal, didactical – friendly).Adopting a pragmatic definition of the imperative, we tryed to figure out the frequent and exeptionnel configurations, to see how linguistic skills are mobilized by speakers to satisfy the normative expectations in these different social situations.

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