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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Nozzle and Comparison of Oxidation Performance of Bond Coats for Aerospace Thermal Barrier Coatings at Temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C

Roy, Jean-Michel L. 08 February 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research work was to develop a nozzle capable of depositing dense CoNiCrAlY coatings via cold gas dynamic spray (CGDS) as well as compare the oxidation performance of bond coats manufactured by CGDS, high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) and air plasma spray (APS) at temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C. The work was divided in two sections, the design and manufacturing of a CGDS nozzle with an optimal profile for the deposition of CoNiCrAlY powders and the comparison of the oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY bond coats. Throughout this work, it was shown that the quality of coatings deposited via CGDS can be increased by the use of a nozzle of optimal profile and that early formation of protective α-Al2O3 due to an oxidation temperature of 1100°C as opposed to 1000°C is beneficial to the overall oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY coatings.

Development of Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Nozzle and Comparison of Oxidation Performance of Bond Coats for Aerospace Thermal Barrier Coatings at Temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C

Roy, Jean-Michel L. January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research work was to develop a nozzle capable of depositing dense CoNiCrAlY coatings via cold gas dynamic spray (CGDS) as well as compare the oxidation performance of bond coats manufactured by CGDS, high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) and air plasma spray (APS) at temperatures of 1000°C and 1100°C. The work was divided in two sections, the design and manufacturing of a CGDS nozzle with an optimal profile for the deposition of CoNiCrAlY powders and the comparison of the oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY bond coats. Throughout this work, it was shown that the quality of coatings deposited via CGDS can be increased by the use of a nozzle of optimal profile and that early formation of protective α-Al2O3 due to an oxidation temperature of 1100°C as opposed to 1000°C is beneficial to the overall oxidation performance of CoNiCrAlY coatings.

Corrosion protection concepts for aluminium and magnesium alloys coated with silica films prepared by water-based sol-gel process

Darwich, Samer 12 July 2012 (has links)
The present work provides an insight in the development of silica films prepared by water-based sol-gel process. The weaknesses of the coating technology are identified, also solutions are discussed. The silica film is applied on aluminium alloy 6082-T6 and magnesium alloy AZ31. The development of the coating properties such as cost-efficiency, crack-free, self-healing and long-term corrosion protection is the main topic of this work. Cracking is the major drawback of silica films; the cracks are generated due to shrinkage of the film during the heat treatment, nanoparticles-doped silica film is successfully reduced the shrinkage which leads to crack-free silica films. The self-healing of the coated aluminium and magnesium samples is generated by corrosion inhibitors-doped silica film. When a defect appears in the film, the corrosion inhibitors leach out of the silica film to the defect area to heal the corroded surface. The long-term corrosion protection is realized by means of a mixture of corrosion inhibitors-doped silica film. / Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Einblick in die Entwicklung von Silikafilmen, die mittels Sol-Gel-Prozess auf Wasserbasis hergestellt wurden. Die Schwächen der Beschichtungstechnologie werden dargestellt und Lösungen diskutiert. Der Silikafilm wird auf Aluminiumlegierung 6082-T6 und Magnesium-legierung AZ31 aufgebracht. Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung der Schichteigenschaften, wie Kosteneffizienz, Rissfreiheit, Selbstheilung so wie langfristiger Korrosionsschutz. Rissbildung ist ein wesentlicher Nachteil von Silikafilmen; rissfreie Filme wurden mittels nanopartikeldotierter Silikafilme hergestellt. Die Selbstheilung von Aluminium-und Magnesiumsubstraten mit Silikafilm wird durch den Effekt der wasserlöslichen Korrosionsinhibitoren generiert. Die Experimente haben gezeigt, dass die Proben mit inhibitordotierter Beschichtung selbst gegen Korrosion geschützt sind. Ein langfristiger Korrosionsschutz wird durch eine Mischung aus Korrosionsinhibitor-dotierten Silika-Film realisiert.

Corrosion and protections of Somaloy® components

Yu, Zhao January 2016 (has links)
Corrosion protection is very significant for metals in modern society from the view of industrial development. This thesis work project involves a research study that is aimed to investigate the effect of corrosion on the mechanical strength and magnetic properties of four no treated or treated Somaloy® component samples (Somaloy®700 1P,  Somaloy®700 3P, Somaloy®700HR 5P and Somaloy®110i 5P) provided by Höganäs AB and laminated steel sheets by salt spray test. The coatings for protection are phosphoric acid coating, sodium silicate coating, DCA-Modified silicone conformal coating and water-borne single coat paint respectively. Then the protective properties are evaluated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution after 7 days exposure.   From transverse rupture strength (TRS) and hysteresis loop measurements by salt spray test, although the bar samples are treated coating, the corrosion decreases the mechanical strength to a certain extent more or less over time. For the magnetic properties, the corrosive environments hardly influence the magnetic parameters of the no treated or four types of coatings treated Somaloy® components. But the all kinds of magnetic parameters for laminated ring samples have a great variation after salt spray test.   In the EIS measurements, for the no treated samples, the initial corrosion resistance is only several hundred ohms and decreases after 1 hour, 8 hours and 1day exposure, then increases to a certain extent with time due to the corrosion products formed on the surface. For the sodium silicate coating, the initial corrosion resistance is approximately several ten thousands ohms and decreases rapidly only after 1 day exposure to several hundred ohms due to the sodium silicate film dissolves in the electrolyte solution and has no effective protective property. Then the following corrosion process is almost same as the no treated samples. For the water-borne single coat paint, the initial corrosion resistance can reach to several Giga-ohms and decreases over time, but can still stay at  level, indicating that this coating has a very good and effective protective properties.   EIS experiments indicate that water-borne single coat paint has a more effective protection than sodium silicate coating and can apply a better corrosion protection for the Somaloy® components   Key words: corrosion protection, soft magnetic composites, phosphoric acid coating, sodium silicate coating, DCA-Modified silicone conformal coating , water-borne single coat paint, salt spray test, TRS, hysteresis loop, EIS

Korrosionsschutz von Eisenwerkstoffen durch intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere

Nguyen, Phuong Tuyen 06 February 2003 (has links)
The corrosion protection of intrinsically conducting polymers (ICP) for mild steel is studied with polymethylthiophene films (PMT). Homogeneous and very adherent PMT films are formed on mild steel if the surface is pretreated with 2(3-thienyl)ethylphosphono acid used as adhesion promoter (AP). The corrosion protection properties of such films are investigated with and without topcoats in some corrosive media. Possible protection mechanisms of ICP could be discussed. / Korrosionsschutz von Baustahl durch intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere (ILP) mit dem Polymethylthiophen-Film (PMT) wurde untersucht. Homogene, kompakte und haftfeste PMT-Filme auf Baustahlsubstrat nach einer speziellen Vorbehandlung mit 2(3-Thienyl)-ethylphosphonosäure als Haftvermittler können elektrochemisch abgeschieden werden. Die weiteren Untersuchungen betreffen die Wirkung von PMT ohne und mit Topcoat für den Korrosionsschutz auf Baustahl. Mögliche Korrosionsschutzmechanismen von ILP werden diskutiert.

Understoppning av bergbultsbricka : En undersökning om möjlig uteslutning av arbetsmomentet / Underfilling of rock bolt plates

Blomster, Elin, Litton Fredriksson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Vid byggnation av tunnlar och bergrum används bergförstärkning för att exempelvis säkra mot nedfallande lösa block och uppsprickning av berg. En vanlig förekommande förstärkning är bergbultar i kombination med sprutbetong. Vid installation av bultar borras hål i bergväggen som sedan fylls med cementbruk. Bultar som redan är försedd med bricka, halvkula, och mutter trycks sedan in i borrhålen av manuell kraft. Understoppningen görs i samband med att den sista biten av bulten trycks in i borrhålet. Då förses brickans undersida med cementbruk innan den skruvas åt med mutter mot den sprutbetongtäckta bergväggen. Denna rapport syftar till att ta reda på om momentet understoppning av bergbultsbricka vid montering av kamstålsbultar vid konventionell tunneldrivning är möjlig att utesluta. Idag råder det delade meningar mellan beställare, entreprenörer och specialister kring momentets betydelse för bergförstärkningen av tunnlar då vissa menar att det är nödvändigt och andra menar att det kan uteslutas. Däremot är det ofta angett i tekniska beskrivningar att momentet ska utföras då det står med i AMA Anläggning 20, vilket innebär att momentet inte kan uteslutas vid installation av kamstålsbultar. Med denna bakgrund ämnar föreliggande studie till att ta reda på grunderna till varför och när kravet på understoppning av bergbultsbrickor lades till, samt huruvida det fortfarande finns belägg för att ha kvar kravet. I denna studie har ingen tidigare forskning hittats om själva syftet med understoppning som kan visa på anledningar till varför man utför momentet samt varför det har lagts till som ett krav. Metoden har därför utförts genom att inhämta information och sökta svar från litteraturstudier inom ämnet samt via intervju- och enkätstudier. En teoretisk livslängdsberäkning för rostskyddssystemet har utförts för att få svar på om det uppfyller Trafikverkets krav på en teknisk livslängd på 120 år. Att utföra experimentella tester för att svara på studiens syfte diskuterades under studiens gång men var inte möjligt att genomföra med tillhandahållen tidsram och resurser. Resultatet visade att understoppningens huvudsakliga syfte är för att skydda bergbulten mot korrosion och mot genomstansning av brickan i sprutbetongen. Studien visade dock att det saknas bakgrund och konkreta bevis som säkerställer att understoppning motverkar detta. Litteraturstudien visade att varmförzinkade och epoxilackerade bultar har hög beständighet mot korrosion men att tunnelmiljön troligtvis har en betydande faktor för bultens livslängd. Litteraturstudien visade även att brickans betydelse för bärsystemet är odefinierad. Detta då vissa studier fastställer att brickan endast har en liten inverkan och andra visar att brickans styvhet har betydelse för genomstansning. Resultatet visade även att momentet innebär en ogynnsam arbetsmiljö för yrkesarbetare samt att en eventuell uteslutning skulle innebära förmodade vinster för inblandade parter. En annan fråga som belysts är huruvida den omfattning av bergsförstärkning som utförs idag verkligen är nödvändig. Om bergförstärkningen skulle kunna ske mer sparsamt skulle det möjliggöra en besparing av statliga medel och naturresurser. Denna studie har inte gett svar på om kravet på bärighet och beständighet uppfylls utan understoppning. Förslag på vidare studier för att besvara den frågan har därför redovisats. / When building tunnels, rock reinforcement is used. E.g., to secure against falling loose blocks and cracking of rock. A common reinforcement is rock bolts in combination with shotcrete. When installing bolts, holes are drilled into the rock wall, which are then filled with cement mortar. Bolts already provided with plate, hemisphere, and nut are then pushed into the boreholes by manual force. The underfilling of the plate is done in connection with the last part of the bolt being pushed into the borehole. Then the underside of the plate is provided with cement mortar before it is screwed on against the shotcrete-covered rock wall with a nut. The purpose of this report is to evaluate whether it is possible to exclude underfilling of rock bolt plates when installing rebar bolts during conventional tunnelling. Today, there are divided opinions between customers, contractors and specialists about the importance of underfilling for the rock reinforcement. I.e., there is a lack of consensus if underfilling of rock bolt plates is necessary or can be excluded. On the other hand, it is often stated in the technical descriptions that the task must be fulfilled then it is included in AMA Anläggning 20, which means that it cannot be excluded when installing rebar bolts. With this background, this study aims to find out the reasons why and when the requirement for underfilling of rock bolt plates was added, and whether there is still evidence to maintain the requirement. No previous research has investigated applicable reasons of why it is performed and why it has been added as a requirement. The method has therefore been performed by obtaining information from literature studies in the subject as well as via interview and survey studies. A theoretical lifetime calculation for the corrosion protection system has been performed to answer whether it achieves the requirement of a technical lifetime of 120 years issued by the Swedish Transport Administration. Performing experimental tests to answer the purpose of this study was discussed but was not possible to perform with the resources provided. The result showed that the main purpose of underfilling is to protect the rock bolt against corrosion and punching of the plate into the shotcrete. However, the study showed that there is a lack of background and actual evidence that proves that underfilling counteracts this. The literature study showed that hot galvanized and epoxy-painted bolts have high resistance against corrosion, but that the tunnel environment probably is a significant factor for the bolt's lifetime. The literature study also showed that the importance of the plate for the support system is undefined. Some studies demonstrate that the plate only has a small impact and others shows that the stiffness of the plate has a high impact for shear punching. The results also showed that the task causes an unfavourable working environment for professional workers and that a possible exclusion would mean presumed profits for involved parties. Another question that is highlighted is whether the extent of rock reinforcement that is carried out today is really necessary. If the rock reinforcement could be done more sparingly, it would make it possible to save state funds and natural resources. This study has not been able to answer whether the requirement for bearing capacity and durability is achieved without underfilling of rock bolt plates. Suggestions for further studies to answer this question have therefore been presented.

The Effect Of Vapor Grown Carbon Nanofiber-Modified Alkyd Paint Coatings On The Corrosion Behavior Of Mild Steel

Atwa, Sahar Mohamed Hassan 01 May 2010 (has links)
Organic coatings are extensively used as protective coatings in several industries including the automotive and aircraft industries. The last few years have witnessed an increased interest in improving not only the mechanical properties but also the corrosion protection properties of organic coatings. Among the currently investigated methods of improving the performance of organic coatings is the incorporation of additives in the organic paint matrix. Vapor grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNFs) are a class of carbon fibers that are produced by catalytic dehydrogenation of a hydrocarbon at high temperatures. Depending on the method of synthesis and the post-treatment processes, the diameter of the VGCNFs is normally in the 10-300 nm range. The small size, light weight, high aspect ratio, and unique physical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties of VGCNF make it an ideal reinforcing filler in polymer matrix nanocomposites to enhance the mechanical properties of the pure polymeric material in high performance applications in several industries such as the automotive, aircraft, battery, sensors, catalysis, electronics, and sports industries. The main objective of the current investigation was to study the corrosion protection offered by the incorporation of VGCNFs into a commercial alkyd paint matrix applied to the surface of mild steel coupons. The corrosion protection was investigated by immersing samples in air saturated 3% NaCl solution (artificial seawater). The samples were studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) along with other measurements, including electrochemical (open circuit potential, cyclic voltammetry), chemical (salt spray test), electrical conductivity, and surface analysis (SEM, AFM, optical profilometry, and nanoindentation). The study involved the investigation of the effect of the weight percent (wt %) of the VGCNF as well as the coating film thickness on the corrosion protection performance of the coated steel samples when exposed to the corrosive electrolyte. By way of contrast, the EIS behavior of steel coupons coated with a paint coating incorporating different weight percents of powdered silicon carbide (SiC) particles was also studied. The EIS spectra were used to calculated and graph several corrosion parameters for the investigated systems. At the end, the studied coatings were ranked in order of their anticorrosive properties.

Etude de la fissuration assistée par l'environnement des aciers peu alliés en situation de stockage géologique des déchets radioactifs / Study of environmental assisted cracking of carbon steels in radioactive wastes disposal conditions

Bulidon, Nicolas 15 July 2019 (has links)
Le travail mené dans le cadre de cette thèse porte sur l’évaluation de la sensibilité à la fissuration assistée par l’environnement (FAE) d’aciers mis en œuvre pour le stockage géologique profond des déchets radioactifs selon un concept multi-barrières. On s’intéresse ici aux aciers faiblement alliés du conteneur et du chemisage qui seront placés dans des micro-tunnels creusés dans la roche à 500 mètres de profondeur. Le concept actuel prévoit un matériau de remplissage cimentaire entre l’argile et le chemisage afin de neutraliser l’acidité potentielle issue de la re-saturation en eau de la roche après le forage. Malgré la présence d’un milieu peu agressif (pH proche de la neutralité, faible teneur en carbonate), le choix des aciers a été dicté par leur sensibilité à la corrosion et à la FAE, qui est caractérisée dans ce travail. Les microstructures ferrito-perlitiques en bande ont ainsi été éliminées au profit de structures plus homogènes et deux aciers de référence ont été définis : l’API 5L X65 (ferrite-bainite) pour le chemisage et le P285NH (ferrite-perlite) pour le conteneur. Ces études ont également montré la formation de couches de produits de corrosion principalement composées de sidérite et de magnétite conférant une pseudo-passivité. Le caractère protecteur de ces couches vis-à-vis de la fissuration a été étudié et validé, sur la base d’une élaboration de couches représentatives par voie électrochimique. Enfin, les aciers de référence ont été caractérisés du point de vue de leur sensibilité à la corrosion et à la FAE en milieu cimentaire. Ils n’ont alors pas montré de sensibilité particulière du point de vue de la fissuration dans ces conditions, où la corrosion sous dépôt semble être la forme la plus présente en milieu aéré. Néanmoins, l’influence de la présence de faibles teneurs en oxygène dans le concept de stockage doit encore être explorée. / The aim of the work is to assess the susceptibility to environmental assisted cracking (EAC) of steels used for the deep geological storage of radioactive waste. The storage concept is based on the encapsulation of the waste in a carbon steel containers then placed in micro-tunnels drilled 500 meter deep in Clay. These micro-tunnels are built with a micro-alloyed casing steel. Recently, the storage concept has evolved with the injection of a cementitious bentonite grout between the clay and the casing to balance the potential acidity resulting from the excavation of the micro-tunnels and the gradual saturation of rock with water. Effect of this grout on the risk of corrosion and EAC is also evaluated in the PhD work. In the mild disposal environment considered (pH close to neutrality, low carbonate content), formation of a corrosion product scale composed of siderite and magnetite has been identified. This scale leads to a pseudo-passive state of both steel grades with thus a possible risk of EAC. The risk of EAC was thus first studied and a material selection for the disposal concept was thus first made accordingly. The protective nature of the siderite/magnetite corrosion scale was then studied and reproduced in laboratory using electrochemical techniques. This work allowed for the evaluation of the resistance of each selected steel with respect to general corrosion and EAC. The results did not underlined significant cracking susceptibility of the considered steel grades. Under deposit corrosion seems to be the main form of attack in aerated waste disposal environments but the influence of the presence of low oxygen levels has to be further explored.

Corrosion Protection Performance and Spectroscopic Investigations of Soluble Conducting Polyaniline-Dodecylbenzenesulfonate Synthesized via Inverse Emulsion Procedure

Shreepathi, Subrahmanya, Hoang, Hung Van, Holze, Rudolf 09 May 2009 (has links)
Corrosion protection performance of a completely soluble polyaniline-dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid salt (PANI-DBSA) on C45 steel has been studied with electrochemical impedance and potentiodynamic measurements. Chloroform is the most suitable solvent to process the pristine PANI-DBSA because of negligible interaction of the solvent with the polyaniline (PANI) backbone. An anodic shift in the corrosion potential (<img src="http://scitation.aip.org/stockgif3/Dgr.gif" alt="Delta" align="bottom" border="0"><i>E</i>=~70&nbsp;&nbsp;mV), a decrease in the corrosion current and a significant increase in the charge transfer resistance indicate a significant anti-corrosion performance of the soluble PANI deposited on the protected steel surface. Corrosion protection follows the mechanism of formation of a passive oxide layer on the surface of C45 steel. In situ UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to investigate the differences in permeability of aqueous anions into PANI-DBSA. Preliminary results of electron diffraction studies show that PANI-DBSA possesses an orthorhombic type of crystal structure. An increase in the feed ratio of DBSA to aniline increases the tendency of aggregation of spherical particles of PANI obvious in transmission electron microscopy. PANI-DBSA slowly loses its electrochemical activity in acid free electrolyte without undergoing degradation.

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