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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mehrebenen-Evaluation von Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung

Fritz, Sigrun 18 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation beschreibt am Beispiel einer Längsschnittstudie in der Papierindustrie, wie Effekte von Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung in geschätzten ökonomischen Nutzen übertragen werden können. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist das Variablen-Modell nach Locke und Latham (1990). Darauf aufbauend wurden geeignete Indikatoren und Messinstrumente ausgewählt und in mehreren Voruntersuchungen überprüft. Hauptinstrument ist ein Fragebogen, der im quasiexperimentellen Design zur Ist-Analyse und nach Umsetzung der Maßnahmen eingesetzt wurde. An der ersten Befragung im Oktober 2000 nahmen 320 Gewerbliche und Angestellte des Unternehmens (Rücklauf 89%), an der zweiten drei Jahre später 402 Mitarbeiter (Rücklauf 91%) teil. Für den Längsschnitt standen die Fragebögen von 118 Mitarbeitern zur Verfügung. Neben den Fragebogendaten wurden personbezogene Daten zum Krankenstand erhoben, die auf freiwilliger Basis mit den Fragebogendaten verknüpft wurden, worauf sich 71% der im Jahr 2000 Befragten und 80% der im Jahr 2003 Befragten einlassen konnten. Zur Absicherung der Validität kamen weitere Untersuchungsmethoden zum Einsatz: für 19 Tätigkeiten wurde eine objektive arbeitspsychologische Tätigkeitsanalyse (Pohlandt, Schulze, Jordan & Richter, 2002) durchgeführt, die beteiligten Bereiche wurden in einem Rankingverfahren durch betriebliche Experten eingeschätzt, die organisationale Einbindung der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung wurde zu beiden Untersuchungszeitpunkten mit Hilfe des Fragebogens von Breucker (Prävention online, 2000) erfasst, es fanden 22 strukturierte Interviews mit den Beschäftigten zur Einschätzung der durchgeführten Maßnahmen statt. Die Ergebnisse der ersten Mitarbeiterbefragung wurden zurückgemeldet, diskutiert und zu 12 Maßnahmen verdichtet. Diese 12 Maßnahmen wurden in die Zweitbefragung mit aufgenommen, wobei die aktive Beteiligung an ihnen und die Zufriedenheit mit ihrer Umsetzung eingeschätzt werden sollten. Zur Ermittlung der Effizienz wurden eine erweiterte Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse (nach Schmidt, Hunter & Pearlman, 1982) und eine Kosten-Nutzwert-Analyse (nach Rinza & Schmitz, 1992) durchgeführt. Fast alle im Fragebogen erfassten Variablen hatten sich zwischen der ersten und zweiten Befragung signifikant verbessert (Arbeitsintensität, Tätigkeitsspielraum, Motivationspotenzial der Tätigkeit, soziale Unterstützung, sozialen Stressoren, Commitment, Arbeitszufriedenheit, allgemeines Befinden, psychosomatische Beschwerden). Nicht signifikant waren die Änderungen beim (multimodal beeinflussten) Krankenstand, sowie bei der Einschätzung der Führung. Bezüglich der Effektstärke konnte bei 9 der 12 Maßnahmen mindestens ein positiver Unterscheidungseffekt aufgezeigt werden. Bei der Ermittlung des (subjektiv erlebten) Nutzwertes der Maßnahmen kamen alle 12 Maßnahmen in den positiven Bereich. Mit der Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse wurde ein positives Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis für 6 der 9 verbleibenden Maßnahmen (zwischen 1:71 und 1:1,5) ermittelt. Diese Ergebnisse wurden kritisch hinterfragt und durch Einbeziehung von Diskontierung, spezifischen Effizienzkriterien, Sensitivitätsanalysen und Worst-Case-Berechnung relativiert (vgl. Anforderungen nach Drummond, O´Brien, Stoddart & Torrance, 1987/1997). Im Vergleich zur Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse wurden bei der Kosten-Nutzwert-Analyse deutlich andere Rangreihen ermittelt. Die kritische Gesamtschau der Ergebnisse ermöglicht spezifische Empfehlungen für fünf Maßnahmengruppen. Es zeigte sich, dass die gemeinsame Erörterung von Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse und Nutzwert zusätzliche und bisher nicht erfasste Aspekte beim Umgang mit den Maßnahmen eröffnet. / The thesis illustrates a longitudinal study in the paper industry. It shows how effects resulting from measures of occupational health promotion may be translated into an estimated economic advantage. The starting point of the study is the high performance cycle (Locke & Latham: 1990). Proceeding from that, appropriate indicators and measuring instruments were selected and tested in several pre-studies. The main instrument is a questionnaire, used in a comparative design before and after the translation of the measures into practice. 320 white- and blue-collar workers took part in the first survey in October 2000 (response rate 89%), whereas 402 workers participated in the second survey which was conducted three years later (response rate 91%). After all, complete data sets for the longitudinal analysis were available from 118 participants. Apart from that personal data concerning absenteeism were used, which were then connected to the questionnaire data on a voluntary basis. Whereas in 2000, in the first survey, 71% of the participants agreed to the connection of their personal data with the questionnaire, 80% agreed to it in the second survey, in 2003. To guarantee the questionnaire?s validity an array of additional methods was used: an objective occupational job analysis (Pohlandt, Schulze, Jordan & Richter, 2002) of 19 different occupations was carried out and the company?s experts evaluated the branches involved by ranking. Furthermore the organizational embedding of occupational health promotion measures was investigated in both surveys with the help of Breucker?s questionnaire (Prevention online, 2000) and additionally 22 structured interviews with the employees took place in order to evaluate the acceptance of the measures conducted. The results of the first employee survey were reported back, discussed and condensed into 12 measures. These 12 measures were then included in the second survey when the employees? active participation in the measures? implementation and their satisfaction with the measures? effects should be evaluated. To determine the measures? actual efficiency an extended cost-benefit-analysis (with reference to Schmidt, Hunter & Pearlman: 1982) and a cost-utility-analysis (with reference to Rinza & Schmitz: 1992) were conducted. Nearly all variables investigated in the questionnaire had significantly improved between the first and the second survey (indicators of job demands, occupational scope, motivational potential of occupation, social support, social stressors, commitment, job satisfaction, well-being, psychosomatic complaints). Changes in (multi-modally influenced) absenteeism and in the evaluation of the management?s style of leadership were not significant. Referring to the effects? impact 9 out of 12 measures proved to be positively significant in at least one criterion, whereas referring to (subjectively felt) utility all 12 measures turned out to be positively significant. In six of the remaining nine measures the cost-benefit-analysis resulted in a positive cost-benefit-relation (between 1:71 and 1:1,5). These results were critically discussed and taking into account discounting, specific result-criteria, sensitivity analyses and worst case assessment (see quality principles by Drummond, O´Brien, Stoddart & Torrance, 1987/1997) finally adjusted. Comparing the cost-benefit and cost-utility analyses resulted in significantly different rankings. The critical overall view allows for specific recommendations for five measure-groups. Finally, the joint discussion of the cost-benefit analysis and utility turned out to open up additional aspects of how to conduct the measures in future, which have not been described so far.

EXPLORING MARKET FORCES FOR TRANSMISSION EXPANSION AND GRID STORAGE INTEGRATION : A technical-economic thesis about variation moderators for intermittent renewable power generation in the developed country of Sweden and the developing country of China

Eriksson, Pernilla, Sundell, Martin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

An Application of Multidisciplinary Water Resources Planning and Management for the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation: Gila River Case

Novelle, M. E., Percious, D. J., Wright, N. G. 16 April 1977 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1977 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 15-16, 1977, Las Vegas, Nevada / The Laboratory of Native Development, Systems Analysis and Applied Technology (NADSAT) was established to provide technical assistance to southwestern Indian Tribes as an aid in the development and use of their natural resources according to their goals and objectives. NADSAT 's role is assistance and technology transfer, with an emphasis on alternative formulation and performance analysis and communicating the technological approach to tribal decision makers. The cost-effectiveness methodology provides a coherent framework and affords a mechanism for technology transfer, which makes it a useful tool in achieving tribal goals. This method was applied to the formulation of possible alternatives for use of the land and water resources of the Gila River Basin within the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. Criteria for devising various alternative utilization schemes are discussed, and the advantages of the cost effectiveness methodology.

Land Treatment for Primary Sewage Effluent: Water and Energy Conservation

Rice, R. C., Gilbert, R. G. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Land treatment of secondary municipal wastewater is an economical and aesthetic method of upgrading water quality, if hydrologic and geologic conditions are favorable. Costly conventional secondary treatment, which requires large quantities of electrical energy, can be bypassed by applying the primary effluent directly to the land. Soil- denitrifying bacteria use the organic carbon in the primary effluent as an energy source for biodenitrification and nitrogen removal. Laboratory and field studies indicated the quality of renovated wastewater meets standards for unrestricted irrigation and recreational uses. Considerable savings, both in capital and energy costs, can be realized by land treatment of primary effluent.

Rising Energy Prices, Water Demand by Peri-Urban Agriculture, and Implications for Urban Water Supply: The Tucson Case

Ayer, H. W., Gapp, D. W. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / The city of Tucson, Arizona, the largest city in the U.S. to meet its water needs entirely from diminishing underground sources, is presently experiencing increasing water rates and the political turmoil associated with those increases. With focus upon this increasingly serious problem, production function analysis and static linear programming are used here to estimate the impact of rising energy prices on farm profits, cropping patterns and irrigation water used in the Avra Valley, a periurban irrigated region adjacent to Tucson, in an effort to evaluate the impact of this community upon Tucson 's municipal water demand. It is concluded that as energy prices increase and land is removed from agricultural production within the Avra Valley, Tucson 's economic position will be bolstered in at least three ways: (1) there will be more water available, (2) the price which the city must pay for farmland in order to gain control of the underlying water should be diminished and the quantity of farmland for sale increased, and (3) with fewer people involved in irrigated agriculture, legal conflicts between competing users will be diminished.

Mykotoxine und Kindergesundheit / Elterliche Risikowahrnehmung und neue Ansätze für das Risikomanagement / Mycotoxins and child health / Parental risk perception and new risk management options

Niens, Christine 05 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Recherche économique en santé cardiovasculaire

Guertin, Jason R. 02 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies médicales contribuent aux dépenses en santé qui ne cessent de croître, alors que les budgets se trouvent limités. L’évaluation économique des technologies devraient permettre d’identifier quelles sont celles qui sont les plus rentables. Malgré cela, plusieurs technologies dont le rapport coût-efficacité reste plutôt limite ou défavorable sont utilisées en médecine moderne et remboursées par notre système public de santé. Ce mémoire se concentre sur deux technologies en santé cardiovasculaire dont le rapport coût-efficacité est plutôt limite mais qui sont fréquemment utilisées au Canada; les tuteurs médicamentés ou pharmaco-actifs et les défibrillateurs cardiaques implantables (DCI). Nous avons fait une évaluation contingente de ces technologies dans le but d’examiner si ce type d’évaluation économique complémentaire pouvait procurer un point de vue nouveau sur la valeur économique et sociétaire des ces technologies. Les résultats de ces deux évaluations indiquent que les patients accordent une grande importance aux bénéfices que procurent ces deux technologies. Nos résultats soutiennent les politiques de santé actuelles de rembourser de façon libérale ces deux technologies. / Technological innovations have greatly contributed to the rising costs in healthcare, while budgets have remained limited. Economic evaluations of technologies should identify which technologies are cost-effective. However, several technologies used in modern medicine are either borderline cost-effective or even not cost-effective according to many studies. This thesis focuses on two technologies in cardiovascular medicine which are considered borderline cost-effective; drug-eluting stents and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. We conducted a contingent valuation of these technologies in hopes of determining if this alternative type of economic evaluation could give a novel point of view on the economic and societal value of these technologies. Results indicated that patients greatly valued benefits provided by these two technologies. Our result support our public healthcare system policies’ of liberal reimbursement of these two technologies.

Optimisation of an innovative system of sustainable production in Rwanda : the integrated rabbit-fish-rice system.

Tabaro, Simon Rukera. January 2011 (has links)
Population escalation in the developing world has been associated with increased poverty, food insecurity and environmental degradation. The situation in Rwanda, with 2.82% annual population increase is no exception. The objective of the present study was to investigate an innovative integrated system of sustainable production suitable for resource-poor rural farmers, the Integrated Rabbit–Fish–Rice (IRFR) system. The study was targeted towards contributing to Rwanda government’s goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, enhancing food security as well as abating environmental degradation. Three experiments, were carried out between 2008 and 2010, and designed to fertilise pond water with rabbit droppings and boost phytoplankton production. We also used results from our previous study, conducted in 2005 in the same ponds and under similar experimental conditions, especially rabbit and fish species and age, fishpond dimensions, as well as the fertilisation mode. The fishpond effluent was re-used to irrigate rice fields rather than being discharged into the environment. This study advocated the potential adaptation of rabbits to wetland conditions and the role of rabbit droppings as organic fertilisers in providing a better environment for fish production. On-farm resources, including rabbit droppings, were the main source of nutrients in the system. The analysis of nutrient flow revealed that 27% N and 79% P of the total nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilizing input in fishponds were supplied by rabbit droppings only. Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus were able to recover 18.5–37.6% N and 16.9–34.3% P of the total nitrogen and phosphorus inputs, the rest being accumulated in the pond water and the sediment, making them useful for soil fertilisation. The re-use of nutrient-rich effluent in rice irrigation increased rice production, allowing a successful complete substitution of inorganic fertilisers. The irrigation also reduced environmental pollution as the water seeping through rice field was 31.8 and 83.3% less concentrated in total phosphorus and nitrite pollutants, respectively, than was the pond water. Economically, the IRFR generated up to 597% net return over that of the rice inorganically fertilised, thereby substantiating the sustainability of the system. Overall, it is concluded that the IRFR system works well, is readily applicable, and capable of high, diversified, and sustainable production on limited land. As such, the study demonstrates the potentialities of the IRFR system to contribute successfully to poverty reduction, and the enhancement of food security in rural areas. The system promises economic returns and is environmental friendly. The research recommends the optimal range of rabbit density, that is, 800–1200 rabbits per hectare of pond, and the best fish stocking density, that is, 3 fish.mˉ², for a sustainable IRFR culture system. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

Análise de impacto regulatório no direito ambiental : limites e possibilidades

Lamare, Julia de January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Julia de Lamare (ju_delamare@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-10T14:23:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Julia de Lamare - versão final 10.03.2016.pdf: 1781385 bytes, checksum: 5e0a14bc6abef953bdd67e2359263eaf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br) on 2016-03-16T13:15:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Julia de Lamare - versão final 10.03.2016.pdf: 1781385 bytes, checksum: 5e0a14bc6abef953bdd67e2359263eaf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2016-03-18T13:37:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Julia de Lamare - versão final 10.03.2016.pdf: 1781385 bytes, checksum: 5e0a14bc6abef953bdd67e2359263eaf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-18T13:37:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Julia de Lamare - versão final 10.03.2016.pdf: 1781385 bytes, checksum: 5e0a14bc6abef953bdd67e2359263eaf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-15 / Environmental regulation lacks transparency. Agencies responsible for environmental protection, in most of the cases, only publish the final versions of the regulatory measures adopted, without further details on supporting, technical justifications, alternatives considered and possible contributions from social participation, among other issues. As a consequence, the environmental management faces accountability issues. To overcome this scenario, the regulatory impact analysis is presented as an instrument able to add clarity, objectivity and efficiency to environmental decision making. The incorporation of the tool, however, should be performed with particular caution, in view of three major peculiarities of Environmental Law. Firstly, the sector not only handles with risk, but also with uncertainty, in which due to the absence of information, it is impossible to make probability calculation about possible outcomes. Secondly, environmental regulation deals with non-tradable assets to which traditional cost-benefit analysis is not easily applicable. Finally, the environmental regulatory authority is shared by various agencies at all levels of government, increasing the odds of technical failures. / A regulação ambiental carece de maior transparência. Os órgãos de proteção do meio ambiente, em regra, apenas publicam as versões finais das medidas elaboradas, sem explicitar as justificativas técnicas que as embasaram, as alternativas consideradas e as possíveis contribuições decorrentes de participação social, entre outras questões. Em consequência, tem-se um cenário desfavorável à realização de controle pelos mais diversos atores. Para superá-lo, a análise de impacto regulatório é apresentada como instrumento apto a agregar clareza, objetividade e eficiência ao processo decisório ambiental. A incorporação da ferramenta, no entanto, deve ser realizada com cuidado especial, tendo em vista a existência de três principais peculiaridades do direito do meio ambiente. Primeiro, o setor lida não só com situações de risco, mas também com casos de incerteza, em que a ausência de informação impossibilita o cálculo de probabilidade de ocorrência de possíveis resultados. Em segundo lugar, a regulação ambiental recai sobre bens não transacionados em mercados, o que dificulta a obtenção de seu valor de troca, aspecto relevante para a análise de custo-benefício como tradicionalmente conhecida. Por fim, o meio ambiente apresenta desenho regulatório absolutamente fragmentado, composto por variados órgãos normatizadores, deliberativos e fiscalizadores em todos os níveis da federação, o que eleva o risco de deficiências na formação técnica das autoridades reguladoras.

Vliv vybrané investice spolufinancované ze SF EU na rozvoj vybraného venkovského mikroregionu / Impact of an investments co-financed from EU Structural Funds for the development of th rural microregion

KOTOUN, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
The main target of this diploma thesis is to confirm the hypothesis that the project "Ski resort Lipno regional winter sport centre" has an unquestionable and a region wide impact on social and economical development of the municipality Lipno nad Vltavou as well as on the whole micro region Lipensko. Within the assessment of social and economical costs and benefits and based on a set of methods used to evaluate projects of ROP NUTS II Southwest which was also a financial source of this project, it was possible to prove the existence of significant and positive impacts on social and economical development of both municipality Lipno nad Vltavou and the whole micro region Lipensko (new jobs, increase revenue of other tourism subjects in this area etc.). Total social and economic effect of the investment is financially positive. It was confirmed by means of the cost- benefit analysis. Present value (PV) is 330 million CZK, net present value (NPV) of the project is about 133 million CZK. Economic rate of return (ERR) reached 11.47 %, profitability index (NPV/I) reached 0.67 CZK net discounted profit per 1 CZK invested in 8 year payback. All these values are positive and it is possible to state that this project has a great value added and it brings good societal benefits.

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