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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La participation des pêcheurs artisanaux à la gestion des activités halieutiques artisanales tropicales : étude de cas dans le Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica.

Fargier, Luc 21 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La participation des pêcheurs artisanaux a longtemps été écartée de la gestion institutionnelle des activités halieutiques marines côtières dans la zone intertropicale, notamment au sein des États centralisés d'Amérique Centrale. L'objectif majeur de cette thèse était de déterminer le potentiel de cogestion des activités halieutiques artisanales au sein du Golfo Dulce (Pacifique Sud du Costa Rica). La réflexion s'organise en deux parties. La première est consacrée à l'étude de la gestion des activités halieutiques artisanales exploitant les ressources marines côtières, ressources communes, dans les pays en développement tropicaux, et la seconde, à une étude de cas du Golfo Dulce. Dans un premier temps, le secteur halieutique artisanal costaricain a été caractérisé, notamment au travers de son évolution historique et de sa gestion déconcentrée et pluri-institutionnelle. Les différentes modalités de participation des pêcheurs artisanaux à la gestion de leurs activités halieutiques sont illustrées par plusieurs études de cas (Cahuita, Marino-Ballena, Palito, Tárcoles, Golfo Dulce). Dans un second temps, les pratiques de pêche et le profil socio-économique des pêcheurs artisanaux des trois communautés de Bahía Pavones (sud-est du Golfo Dulce) ont été caractérisés. L'activité de pêche artisanale y repose sur huit espèces, dont les deux principales, Lutjanus gutattus (vivaneau rose) et L. peru (vivaneau garance) seraient surexploitées. La participation des pêcheurs artisanaux aux organisations locales est importante malgré un déficit de confiance envers ces dernières. Enfin, la comparaison des différentes études de cas a mis en évidence l'existence de huit conditions nécessaires au développement d'un processus de cogestion d'activités halieutiques artisanales au Costa Rica. Au sein de l'Aire Marine de Pêche Responsable du Golfo Dulce, malgré la volonté des pêcheurs artisanaux de participer à une pêche durable, c'est la manipulation de ces derniers par divers acteurs qui entrave le processus de cogestion.

L’Archaïque récent au Costa Rica, contribution des sites Piedra Viva et Linda Vista à l’histoire culturelle

Messina, Renato 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Československo, Mexiko a Střední Amerika 1945-1989 / Czechoslovakia, Mexico and Cental America 1945-1989

Majlátová, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
The doctoral thesis Czechoslovakia, Mexico and Central America 1945-1989 analyses political, economic and cultural relations between that country of the called Iron Curtain and the Mesoamerican countries during the Cold War in the twentieth century. The research is based mainly on unpublished archival materials, mainly of Czech origin. It is also complemented by fewer materials obtained at the Central American countries' official archives. The wider context of international politics is primarily outlined in the introductory chapters, which aims, on one hand, to inform readers about the development of the Czechoslovak diplomacy and foreign policy and how it was influenced by the Soviet Union and, on the other hand, to describe the unstable political situation prevailing then in the Central American countries, which were also under the constant scrutiny of the United States of America. Thereafter, the analysis focuses on the Czechoslovak-Mexican relations, which is thematically divided into political, cultural and economic sections. A special chapter is dedicated to the activities of the Czechoslovak secret service in Mexico, as a country conveniently located near to the United States. Other chapters study the bilateral relations between Prague and the individual capitals of Central America. The work...

Crustal deformation associated with great subduction earthquakes

Sun, Tianhaozhe 28 July 2017 (has links)
The slip behaviour of subduction faults and the viscoelastic rheology of Earth’s mantle govern crustal deformation throughout the subduction earthquake cycle. This Ph.D. dissertation presents research results on two topics: (1) coseismic and postseismic slip of the shallowest segment of subduction faults and (2) postseismic deformation following great subduction earthquakes controlled by mantle viscoelasticity. Topic 1: Slip behaviour of the shallowest subduction faults. By modelling high-resolution cross-trench bathymetry surveys before and after the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, we determine the magnitude and distribution of coseismic slip over the most near-trench 40 km of the Japan Trench megathrust. The inferred > 60 m average slip and a gentle increase by 5 m towards the trench over this distance indicate moderate degree of net coseismic weakening of the shallow fault. Using near-trench seafloor and sub-seafloor fluid pressure variations as strain indicators in conjunction with land-based geodetic measurements, we determine coseismic-slip and afterslip distributions of the 2012 Mw 7.6 Costa Rica earthquake. Here, trench-breaching slip similar to the Tohoku-oki rupture did not occur during the earthquake, but afterslip extended to the trench axis and reached ~0.7 m over 1.3 years after the earthquake, exhibiting a velocity-strengthening behaviour. These two contrasting examples bracket a possibly wide range of slip behaviour of the shallow megathrust. They help us understand why large tsunamis are generated by some but not all subduction earthquakes. Topic 2: Postseismic deformation following great subduction earthquakes. Due to the asymmetry of megathrust rupture, with the upper plate undergoing greater coseismic tension than the incoming plate, viscoelastic stress relaxation causes the trench and land areas to move in opposite, opposing directions immediately after the earthquake. Seafloor geodetic measurements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, modelled in this work, provided the first direct observational evidence for this effect. Systematic modelling studies in this work suggest that such viscoelastic opposing motion should be common to all Mw ≥ 8 subduction earthquakes. As the effect of viscoelastic relaxation decays with time and the effect of fault relocking becomes increasingly dominant, the dividing boundary of the opposing motion continues to migrate away from the rupture area. Comparative studies of ten 8 ≤ Mw ≤ 9.5 subduction earthquakes in this dissertation quantifies the primary role of earthquake size in controlling the “speed” of the evolution of this deformation. Larger earthquakes are followed by longer-lived opposing motion that affects a broader region of the upper plate. / Graduate

L'oeuvre d'art au coeur des lieux de mémoire comme métaphore des identités

Lambert, Myriam 24 April 2018 (has links)
L'œuvre d'art au cœur des lieux de mémoire explore 3 types de liens entre la mémoire et les lieux par des explorations artistiques. Dans un premier temps, je cherche à constituer un lieu mnémonique par le biais de l'œuvre Noroît dans l'hippocampe. En second temps, je cherche à cristalliser un évènement singulier de l'histoire collective dans un lieu donné et la troisième exploration est de faire l'expérience d'un clivage culturel radical afin d'analyser la liberté que cette confrontation peut offrir. Un regard théorique sur les identités, les lieux, la mémoire, les lieux de mémoire, l'histoire et l'archive est effectué afin de développer en profondeur la question principale qui est : Comment une œuvre d'art peut s'inscrire dans un lieu de mémoire? L'œuvre finale est constituée de tout le corpus d'interventions créées durant mes quatre années au deuxième cycle.

Terrestrial Leadership to Stay With The Trouble: What can we learn from theory, philosophy, and Costa Rican stories of response-ability and string figuring?

Blanco Arias, Maricela January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis is inspired by St. Pierre’s post qualitative inquiry and the philosophy of immanence, which support the creation of concepts through immersion in theory, philosophy, and practice. This serves as a guide of thought for the inquirer´s journey of exploration and creativity. This research departures in Latour´s concept of the Terrestrial, enriched by Haraway´s addition to the concept; and in Haraway´s theory of string figures, which is the foundation for exploring how to enact the change that is needed to survive in a world of climate destruction and business as usual. Haraway says that not all humans observe the Terrestrial from above (as Latour suggests) and invites us to go out there and find the people that never took off. For this purpose, I went to Costa Rica and had non-structured conversations with six Costa Rican leaders, who have been working for and with social and environmental causes for years. This inquiry aims to get a deeper understanding of how these stories, combined with the concept of the Terrestrial and SF theory, may help us create new concepts and develop a philosophy of Terrestrial Leadership. From a magic island to banana women, these stories tell us about how these leaders have gone through constant metamorphic processes of inner development, the discovery of their response-ability, the enactment of collaborations, and the politics of staying with the trouble in a chaotic world; in the Chthulucene. Finally, with the help of storytelling, I attempt to offer a first ontological and epistemological perspective on the concept of Terrestrial leadership and how we might benefit from it.

La modificación de oficio de la medida cautelar en el proceso contencioso administrativo

Miranda Castillo, Oscar Carlos 24 October 2019 (has links)
Si bien la Administración Pública se encuentra sometida al Principio de Legalidad, las facultades que ostenta para intervenir en la vida de los administrados le otorga una posición ventajosa frente a estos, por lo que, resulta necesario que el órgano jurisdiccional especializado en lo contencioso administrativo, responsable de hacer que la Administración se someta de forma efectiva al principio referido, cuente con herramientas suficientes que le permitan cumplir con ello. El presente trabajo se orienta a postular como una de dichas herramientas a la facultad del juzgador para modificar de oficio una medida cautelar previamente dictada. Este tema resulta relevante, en tanto que, la falta de regulación expresa sobre este aspecto en la legislación nacional vigente, deja abierta la posibilidad para que la Administración Pública continúe afectando la situación jurídica de un administrado, a pesar del dictado de una medida cautelar que, en el marco de un proceso contencioso administrativo, debería impedirle ello; esto ocurre en mérito a que el Juez se ve imposibilitado de disponer de oficio la modificación de dicha medida, quedando supeditado a la diligencia y/o celeridad de la parte en el trámite de un proceso que tiene como finalidad exclusiva el control de las actuaciones de la Administración. El análisis de lo expuesto permite concluir que resulta pertinente y necesario la modificación del Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley del Proceso Contencioso Administrativo, aprobado por el Decreto Supremo N° 013-2008-JUS, a fin de incorporar de forma expresa y concreta la posibilidad de modificar de oficio una medida cautelar.

La universidad latinoamericana en la sociedad. Análisis de la relación entre universidad y comunidad desde el enfoque de capacidades para el desarrollo humano

Monge Hernández, Carmen Lidia 14 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis explora dos experiencias de extensión universitaria latinoamericanas desde el enfoque de las capacidades para el desarrollo humano, las cuales son: la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica y la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Nuestro objetivo es comprender la contribución de tales prácticas para transitar hacia una extensión transformadora. A partir de una aproximación de corte cualitativo, identificamos las capacidades más valoradas por las personas participantes (estudiantes y personas de las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias), así como los recursos institucionales y los factores de conversión que intervienen en tales prácticas extensionistas. Desde una perspectiva crítica de la extensión universitaria y sostenida en los paradigmas constructivista e interpretativista, elegimos el estudio de caso, buscando la comprensión de la realidad y del significado de la experiencia para las personas participantes. En el campo metodológico, se desplegaron diferentes métodos cualitativos, tales como la revisión documental, observación participante, entrevistas y grupos de discusión. En cuanto a los resultados, destacamos la recuperación y sistematización de literatura latinoamericana relacionada con la extensión universitaria, reconociendo la fortaleza de la cultura extensionista para una formación integral, así como su contribución social al desarrollo humano sostenible. Por otro lado, se pone en valor las virtudes metodológicas del enfoque de las capacidades en la educación superior que permitió el diseño del primer índice latinoamericano que recoge las capacidades individuales y colectivas más valoradas por los diferentes actores de la extensión universitaria, así como los principales recursos y factores de conversión que posibilitan la expansión de tales capacidades. El índice aquí presentado agrupa seis capacidades estudiantiles ampliadas durante la experiencia extensionista, que evidencian el enfoque integral y transformador de tales prácticas en el ámbito personal, comunitario y profesional, que se encuentra alineado con los valores del desarrollo humano y el ideario de la Reforma de Córdoba. Por otro lado, desde los contextos locales, se destacó la expansión de tres capacidades individuales y cinco colectivas. A partir de tal análisis, se logró visibilizar la confluencia de diferentes factores (personales, sociales y ambientales) en la expansión de esas capacidades, así como proponer transformaciones universitarias y educativas necesarias para transitar hacia una extensión transformadora. Por último, esta investigación aporta una serie de valores, principios y fines para alcanzar una extensión transformadora alineada con el desarrollo humano sostenible. Para promover esta transición, se requiere que las universidades públicas latinoamericanas impulsen y faciliten procesos de co-diseño que promuevan la creación y actualización de normativa institucional y el fomento de una cultura y gestión institucional dirigidas a potenciar la extensión transformadora. / [CA] La present tesi explora dues experiències d'extensió universitària llatinoamericanes des de l'enfocament de les capacitats per al desenvolupament humà, les quals són: la Universitat Nacional, Costa Rica i la Universitat Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. El nostre objectiu és comprendre la contribució d'aquestes pràctiques per transitar cap a una extensió transformadora. A partir d'una aproximació de tall qualitatiu, identifiquem les capacitats més valorades per les persones participants (estudiants i persones de les organitzacions socials i comunitàries), així com els recursos institucionals i els factors de conversió que intervenen en aquestes pràctiques extensionistes. Des d'una perspectiva crítica de l'extensió universitària i sostinguda en els paradigmes constructivista i interpretativista, triem l'estudi de cas, buscant la comprensió de la realitat i del significat de l'experiència per a les persones participants. En el camp metodològic, es van desplegar diferents mètodes qualitatius, com ara la revisió documental, l'observació participant, les entrevistes i els grups de discussió. Pel que fa als resultats, destaquem la recuperació i sistematització de literatura llatinoamericana relacionada amb l'extensió universitària, reconeixent la fortalesa de la cultura extensionista per a una formació integral, així com la seva contribució social al desenvolupament humà sostenible. D'altra banda, es posa en valor les virtuts metodològiques de l'enfocament de les capacitats en l'educació superior que va permetre el disseny del primer índex llatinoamericà que recull les capacitats individuals i col·lectives més valorades pels diferents actors de l'extensió universitària, així com els principals recursos i factors de conversió que possibiliten l'expansió d'aquestes capacitats. L'índex ací presentat agrupa sis capacitats estudiantils ampliades durant l'experiència extensionista, que evidencien l'enfocament integral i transformador de tals pràctiques en l'àmbit personal, comunitari i professional, que es troba alineat amb els valors del desenvolupament humà i l'ideari de la reforma de Còrdova. D'altra banda, des dels contextos locals, es va destacar l'expansió de tres capacitats individuals i cinc col·lectives. A partir d'aquest anàlisi, es va aconseguir visualitzar la confluència de diferents factors (personals, socials i ambientals) en l'expansió d'aquestes capacitats, així com proposar transformacions universitàries i educatives necessàries per transitar cap a una extensió transformadora. Finalment, aquesta investigació aporta una sèrie de valors, principis i fins per assolir una extensió transformadora alineada amb el desenvolupament humà sostenible. Per promoure aquesta transició, es requereix que les universitats públiques llatinoamericanes impulsin i facilitin processos de co-disseny que promoguin la creació i actualització de normativa institucional i el foment d'una cultura i gestió institucional dirigides a potenciar l'extensió transformadora. / [EN] This thesis explores two Latin American university extension experiences from the perspective of human development capabilities: Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Its objective is to understand the contribution of such practices to move towards a transformative extension. From a qualitative approach, the participants' (students and people from social and community organizations) most valued capabilities were identified, along with the institutional resources and conversion factors involved in such extension practices. From a critical perspective of university extension and sustained in the constructivist and interpretivist paradigms, the case studies to understand the reality and meaning of the participants' experience were chosen. Different qualitative methods were deployed in the methodological field, such as documentary review, participant observation, interviews, and discussion groups. As for the results, the recovery and systematization of Latin American literature related to university extension were highlighted, recognizing the extensionist culture's strength for an integral formation and its social contribution to sustainable human development. On the other hand, there is an emphasis on the methodological virtues of the capabilities approach in higher education that allowed the design of the first Latin American index that gathers the individual and collective capabilities most valued by the different actors of university extension, as well as the primary resources and conversion factors that make possible the expansion of such capabilities. The index presented here brings together six student capabilities that were expanded during the extension experience, which show the comprehensive and transformative approach of such practices in the personal, community and professional fields, and aligned with the values of human development and the ideas of the Reforma de Córdoba. On the other hand, the expansion of three individual and five collective capabilities was highlighted from the local contexts. Based on this analysis, the confluence of different factors (personal, social and environmental) in expanding these capabilities was made visible and proposing the university and educational transformations needed to move towards a transformative extension. Finally, this research provides a series of values, principles and goals to achieve a transformative extension aligned with sustainable human development. To promote this transition, Latin American public universities are required to encourage and facilitate co-design processes that promote the creation and updating of institutional regulations and the promotion of institutional culture and management to enhance the transfer of knowledge and skills to the public sector. / Monge Hernández, CL. (2021). La universidad latinoamericana en la sociedad. Análisis de la relación entre universidad y comunidad desde el enfoque de capacidades para el desarrollo humano [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/166794


Carlynn Nicole Cornhill (11002167) 23 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Management of predation on sea turtle nesting beaches is vital to conservation efforts for the vulnerable loggerhead turtles (<i>Caretta caretta</i>) and olive ridley turtles (<i>Lepidochelys olivacea</i>). Sea turtles increasingly face threats from invasive and human-tolerant mammalian predators as human disturbances on nesting beaches rises. The intensity of mammalian predation has increased in Las Baulas National Park in Costa Rica which is an important nesting site for several species of threatened and endangered sea turtles. I analyzed loggerhead and olive ridley nest predation on four beaches in the United States and Costa Rica that were chosen for variations in degree of human disturbance and management strategies. My objectives were to 1) determine if egg predation rates differ at the four sites, 2) determine the most destructive predators at each location, and 3) suggest management options to alleviate mammalian threats to turtle clutches on Playa Grande and Playa Cabuyal in Costa Rica. My results show that the beaches without a nest protection or predator control program had very high rates of predation. Invasive mammalian predators and mammalian predators associated with human disturbance were the most destructive at the four sites. I recommend that regulations regarding dogs and the take of eggs from the beach are enforced at Playa Cabuyal and that physical nest protection is rapidly implemented at Playa Grande. I also recommend that the National Park consider managing raccoon predation by removing problem individuals, but caution that they do so in a way that maintains the animals’ role in the ecosystem.</p>

Intimate Partner Violence Predictors in an International Context: An Analysis of the International Violence against Women Survey

Forrester, Trina K. 21 April 2011 (has links)
Using the International Violence Against Women Survey (IVAWS), this paper identifies factors contributing to women’s individual risk of being victimized by their current intimate partner. Additionally, this analysis examines the overlap of physical and sexual violence within intimate relationships. Past research into IPV has identified a numerous predictor variables. Adapting nine such variables (controlling behaviours, male heavy drinking, female only income, female past marriage, female past IPV, respondents’ age, relationship duration, relationship status and violence outside the home) to the IVAWS dataset, a framework identifying risk patterns for physical and sexual violence was developed. The results identify a number of variables that performed as expected and increased a women’s risk of being a victim of IPV; however, some variables decreased women’s risk and therefore acted as protective factors. These findings suggest that IPV at the country level is more complex and requires additional research to fully explain the variation observed.

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