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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proton-Proton Scattering in Lattice Effective Field Theory

Ravi, Pranaam 15 August 2014 (has links)
Effective Field Theory (EFT) provides a systematic framework to study nuclear structure at low energy. The present work uses EFT to study the Coulomb effects in protonproton scattering. The Coulomb phase shift for elastic scattering is calculated. The calculation done here are on a lattice with periodic boundary conditions, and has a hard spherical wall imposed on it. The scattering inside the sphere produces spherical standing waves, the properties of which are exploited to calculate the phase shift and then compared with known theoretical calculations.

Halo effective field theory for radiative capture reactions

Premarathna, Pradeepa Sanjeewani 25 November 2020 (has links)
In this work, the radiative capture reactions 7Li(n, γ)8Li, 7Be(p, γ)8B, 3He(α, γ)7Be, and 3H(α, γ)7Li are studied using halo effective field theory (EFT). These capture reac- tions are some of the key nuclear reactions for the solar neutrino production and heavy element production in stellar and primordial nucleosyntheses. At low energy, halo EFT provides a model independent framework to describe physical observable as an expansion of a low momentum scale over a high momentum scale with well-defined error estimates. In this dissertation, electric dipole (E1) capture cross section of 7Li(n, γ)8Li reaction is calculated as a coupled channel using EFT with excited 7Li⋆ core and is compared with EFT without the excited 7Li⋆ core. Then we extend our coupled channel treatment to 7Be(p, γ)8B reaction which is the iso-spin mirror of 7Li(n, γ)8Li by adding the Coulomb force in the calculation. Similar to 7Li(n,γ)8Li calculation, we calculate the astrophys- ical Sactor for 7Be(p,γ)8B reaction using the two halo EFTs, one halo EFT without excited 7Be⋆ core and the other halo EFT with the excited 7Be⋆ core as an explicit degree of freedom. We present a formalism to compare different EFT power countings using Bayesian analysis. This is useful when the EFT couplings are poorly known, and one has competing power counting proposals. The Sactor for 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction was calculated for two competing power countings in halo EFT approach. The two power countings defer in the contribution of the two body currents. In one power counting, the two body currents contribute at the leading order and in the other power counting, the two body currents contribute at higher orders. Bayesian inference is drawn to estimate EFT parameters and calculate the posterior odds in order to do the model comparison. The posterior odds is used to propose the best power counting. We extend our calculation to the iso-spin mirror 3H(α,γ)7Li reaction using the same expressions by making the appropriate changes in masses, charges, and binding momenta. We estimate the EFT parameters and calculate the posterior odds using Bayesian analysis. The best power counting is proposed using the posterior odds.

A Full-Band Monte Carlo Transport Simulator for Wide Bandgap Materials in Power Electronics

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: 4H-SiC has been widely used in many applications. All of these benefit from its extremely high critical electric field and good electron mobility. For example, 4H-SiC possesses a critical field ten times higher than that of Si, which allows high-voltage blocking layers composed of 4H-SiC to be approximately a tenth the thickness of a comparable Si device. This, in turn, reduces the device on-resistance and power losses while maintaining the same high blocking capability. Unfortunately, commercial TCAD tools like Sentaurus and Silvaco Atlas are based on the effective mass approximation, while most 4H-SiC devices are not operated under low electric field, so the parabolic-like band approximation does not hold anymore. Hence, to get more accurate and reliable simulation results, full-band analysis is needed. The first step in the development of a full-band device simulator is the calculation of the band structure. In this work, the empirical pseudopotential method (EPM) is adopted. The next task in the sequence is the calculation of the scattering rates. Acoustic, non-polar optical phonon, polar optical phonon and Coulomb scattering are considered. Coulomb scattering is treated in real space using the particle-particle-particle-mesh (P3M) approach. The third task is coupling the bulk full-band solver with a 3D Poisson equation solver to generate a full-band device simulator. For proof-of-concept of the methodology adopted here, a 3D resistor is simulated first. From the resistor simulations, the low-field electron mobility dependence upon Coulomb scattering in 4H-SiC devices is extracted. The simulated mobility results agree very well with available experimental data. Next, a 3D VDMOS is simulated. The nature of the physical processes occurring in both steady-state and transient conditions are revealed for the two generations of 3D VDMOS devices being considered in the study. Due to its comprehensive nature, the developed tool serves as a basis for future investigation of 4H-SiC power devices. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2020

Effective Field Theory For Halo Nuclei

Vaghani, Akshay 11 August 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, we study low energy capture reactions and neutron-deuteron elastic scattering using halo effective field theory (EFT). At low energy, EFT provides a general framework to analyze physical systems regarding as an expansion of short-distance over large distance scales. We provide a model-independent calculation for neutron capture on carbon-14, radiative capture of 3He-4He, radiative capture of 3H-4He, and neutrondeuteron (n-d) doublet channel elastic scattering using halo EFT. These reactions play a significant role in the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle, solar neutrino flux measurement, lithium production, and big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) in the early universe. The cross section is calculated for radiative neutron capture in carbon-14 using halo EFT. This reaction is slowest in the CNO cycle, and it acts as a bottleneck in the production of heavier nuclei A greater than 14. The capture contribution is different from Brett-Wigner resonance because of interference between resonant and non-resonant contribution. Also, we calculated, electromagnetic form factors for one-neutron halo nuclei such as carbon-15, beryllium-11, and carbon-19 using EFT. The electromagnetic form factors depend on the nucleon separation energy, effective range, and the two-body current. The EFT expressions are presented to leading order (LO) for 15C and next-to-leading order (NLO) for 11Be and 19C. We also calculated astronomical Sactor for 3He-4He and 3H-4He radiative capture reactions. The low energy Sactor for these reactions are important to understand the Li problem and neutrino physics. At the LO, the capture amplitude contains the initial state swave strong and Coulomb interactions summed to all orders. The NLO contribution comes from non-perturbative Coulomb interaction. Our calculated astrophysical Sactor for 3He- 4He is slightly above the average compared to the other measurement and prediction but consistent within current error bars. The Sactor for 3H-4He is also compatible with the experimental extrapolation. Finally, we studied doublet channel n-d scattering using halo EFT. A two dimer halo EFT is developed to describe the virtual state and three-body bound state in n-d scattering. We show the connection between virtual state and three-body bound state using S-matrix analysis and phase shift analysis which is supported by the Efimov plots.

Measurement and control of electronic coherences / Mesure et contrôle de cohérences électroniques

Cabart, Clément 18 September 2018 (has links)
Ces dernières années, de considérables efforts expérimentaux ont été dévoués au développement d’outils de nanoélectronique quantique, dans le but d’atteindre un niveau de contrôle sur le transport électronique quantique à l’échelle de l’électron unique. Ces avancées ont poussé à un changement de paradigme dans le domaine du transport électronique cohérent et donné naissance à l’optique quantique électronique, domaine dans lequel cette thèse s’inscrit. Cette thèse est consacrée à deux problématiques. Tout d’abord, elle s’intéresse au problème des interactions Coulombiennes entre électrons, qui donnent lieu à un phénomène de décohérence qu’il est nécessaire de caractériser et de prédire au mieux afin de le contrôler. En utilisant une approche analytique et numérique, il a été possible de prédire l’effet de ces interactions sur un système expérimentalement accessible, prédiction qui a ensuite été confirmée par l’expérience. Dans la foulée de ce résultat, cette thèse présente des possibilités de contrôle de ces interactions, et propose un moyen de les mettre en œuvre qui devrait pouvoir être testé dans une expérience. Je me suis également confronté à la problématique de la caractérisation d’états quantiques complexes. En particulier, suite à la démonstration expérimentale d’un protocole de tomographie pour des états mono-électroniques, je me suis tourné vers l’extension de ce protocole à des états plus complexes, pouvant exhiber des propriétés de cohérence à deux électrons, voire plus. Ces états étant également sensibles aux interactions de Coulomb, une extension au cas multi-électronique des outils utilisés pour traiter ces interactions est proposée dans cette thèse. / Over the last few years, extensive experimental efforts have been devoted to thedevelopment of quantum nanoelectronics tools aiming at controlling electronic trans-port down to the single electron level. These advances led to a paradigm shift inthe domain of coherent electronic transport, giving birth to electron quantum optics,which is the domain of this work.This manuscript is devoted to two problems. The first of these is the one ofCoulomb interactions between electrons, which lead to a decoherence phenomenonthat must be characterized and predicted in order to be controlled. Using an analyt-ical and numerical approach, it became possible to predict the effect of interactionson an experimentally relevant system, a prediction that was then confirmed in the ex-periment. After this result, this manuscript displays some ideas aiming at controllinginteractions and proposes some ways to test them experimentally.In this work, I also took on the problem of characterizing complex quantum states.In particular, following the experimental demonstration of a tomography protocol forfirst order coherences, I tried to extend this protocol to more complex states thatcould exhibit two-electron coherences, or more. These states being also sensitive to Coulomb interactions, an extension of the tools used to treat interactions to thismulti-electronic state is also presented in this work.

Mélange d’isospin et désintégration Beta

Le Bloas, Julien 19 September 2011 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à la brisure de la symétrie d'isospin dans les noyaux N≈Z et à son effet sur l'élément de matrice de transitions β de Fermi super-permises 0+ ➝ 0+ dans le cas de la décroissance β+ du Mn50.Dans le cadre de l'approche microscopique Highly Truncated Diagonalization Approach (HTDA), dédiée à la description des corrélations au-delà du champ moyen et conservant explicitement de nombre de particules, nous avons étudié (en particulier) le rôle joué par les corrélations d'appariement dans les mécanismes de brisure de la symétrie d'isospin dans l'état fondamental de noyaux N≈Z. Une étude de sensibilité du degré de cette brisure, en fonction de l'intensité de l'interaction résiduelle décrivant l'appariement dans HTDA, a été menée et une interprétation des mécanismes recherchés a été proposée à l'aide d'une approximation développée dans ce travail. Cette étude a mis évidence toute la complexité d'un bon traitement de la symétrie d'isospin, tant au niveau de la description de la source de brisure qu'au niveau de la limitation des biais du modèle. Nous avons également montré la nécessité d'une description très fine des fonctions d'onde corrélées dans un tel problème. Plus précisément, nous avons obtenu une valeur de la correction δc de mélange d'isospin à l'élément de matrice de transition de Fermi de (0.2±0.1)%. Cette valeur a été confrontée à celles obtenues dans d'autres approches. Compte tenu des effets négligés dans notre travail, notre valeur de δc est supposée représenter une borne minimum. / In this work, we are interested in the breaking of the isospin symmetry in the N≈Z nuclei and in its effect on the matrix element of super-allowed 0+ ➝ 0+ Fermi β transitions in the case of the β+ decay of the Mn50. Within the framework of the Highly Truncated Diagonalization microscopic Approach, dedicated to the descritption of correlations beyond the mean field and conserving explicitely the particle number, we have studied (in particular) the role played by pairing correlations in the breaking mechanisms of this symmetry in the ground state of N≈Z nuclei. A sensitivity study of the isospin mixing, as a function of the strength of the residual interaction decribing the pairing correlations in HTDA, has been carried out and an interpretation of the mechanims at work has been proposed in terms of an approximation developped in this work. This study has pointed out the complexity of a good treatment of the isospin symmetry, in the description of the breaking sources as well as in the reduction of model biases. We have also paid attention to the necessity of a very fine description of the correlated wave functions in such a problem. More precisely, we have obtained a value for the isospin mixing correction δc to the Fermi transition matrix element of (0.2±0.1)%. This value has been compared to those obtained in other approaches. Taking account of the neglected effects in our work, our value of δc is expected to be a lower bound.

Giant Plasmonic Energy and Momentum Transfer on the Nanoscale

Durach, Maxim 16 October 2009 (has links)
We have developed a general theory of the plasmonic enhancement of many-body phenomena resulting in a closed expression for the surface plasmon-dressed Coulomb interaction. It is shown that this interaction has a resonant nature. We have also demonstrated that renormalized interaction is a long-ranged interaction whose intensity is considerably increased compared to bare Coulomb interaction over the entire region near the plasmonic nanostructure. We illustrate this theory by re-deriving the mirror charge potential near a metal sphere as well as the quasistatic potential behind the so-called perfect lens at the surface plasmon (SP) frequency. The dressed interaction for an important example of a metal–dielectric nanoshell is also explicitly calculated and analyzed. The renormalization and plasmonic enhancement of the Coulomb interaction is a universal effect, which affects a wide range of many-body phenomena in the vicinity of metal nanostructures: chemical reactions, scattering between charge carriers, exciton formation, Auger recombination, carrier multiplication, etc. We have described the nanoplasmonic-enhanced Förster resonant energy transfer (FRET) between quantum dots near a metal nanoshell. It is shown that this process is very efficient near high-aspect-ratio nanoshells. We have also obtained a general expression for the force exerted by an electromagnetic field on an extended polarizable object. This expression is applicable to a wide range of situations important for nanotechnology. Most importantly, this result is of fundamental importance for processes involving interaction of nanoplasmonic fields with metal electrons. Using the obtained expression for the force, we have described a giant surface-plasmoninduced drag-effect rectification (SPIDER), which exists under conditions of the extreme nanoplasmonic confinement. Under realistic conditions in nanowires, this giant SPIDER generates rectified THz potential differences up to 10 V and extremely strong electric fields up to 10^5-10^6 V/cm. It can serve as a powerful nanoscale source of THz radiation. The giant SPIDER opens up a new field of ultraintense THz nanooptics with wide potential applications in nanotechnology and nanoscience, including microelectronics, nanoplasmonics, and biomedicine. Additionally, the SPIDER is an ultrafast effect whose bandwidth for nanometric wires is 20 THz, which allows for detection of femtosecond pulses on the nanoscale.

Spin-orbit interaction in quantum dots and quantum wires of correlated electrons - A way to spintronics? / Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung in Quantenpunkten und Quantendrähten korrelierter Elektronen - Ein Weg Richtung Spintronik?

Birkholz, Jens Eiko 06 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The equation of state of the Hydrogen-Helium mixture with application to the Sun / Equation d’état du mélange hydrogen-helium à basse densité et application au Soleil

Wendland, David 30 October 2015 (has links)
L’étude des propriétés d’équilibre d’un système Coulombien quantique à plusieurs composantes présente un intérêt théorique fondamental, au-delà de ses nombreuses applications. Le mélange hydrogène-hélium est omniprésent dans la nébuleuse interstellaire ou les planètes géantes, et c’est aussi le constituant majoritaire du Soleil, où les interactions entre électrons et noyaux sont purement électrostatiques en première approximation.Ce travail est dévolu à l’équation d’état de ce mélange vu comme un plasma quantique constitué de protons, de noyaux d’Hélium et d’électrons. Dans ce cadre, nous développons des méthodes numériques pour estimer des intégrales de chemin représentant des ingrédients essentiels. En outre, nous construisons une nouvelle version de la diagrammatique à la Mayer resommée bien adaptée à nos objectifs.Tout d’abord, nous améliorons le double développement basse température et basse densité, dit SLT, pour l’hydrogène pur, grâce à de meilleures estimations des termes à trois corps, les résultats étant par ailleurs comparés à la fameuse équation d’état OPAL. Les densités plus élevées sont atteintes de manière non-perturbative, en utilisant des fonctions de partition d’entités recombinées suffisamment précises. Ainsi l’ionisation par pression est décrite sur une base théorique robuste. Nous étudions également d’autres quantités d’équilibre, comme l’énergie interne et la vitesse du son. Dans la dernière partie, nous calculons l’équation d’état du mélange hydrogène-hélium en incluant les effets d’écran associés aux ions He+, ainsi que des corrections à la Debye déterminées de manière auto-cohérente. Nos résultats nous permettent de comprendre le contenu physique d’approches ad-hoc et de déterminer leurs régimes de validité. Nous obtenons aussi une description plus fiable du mélange, qui devrait être précise le long de l'adiabate du Soleil. / The study of the thermodynamic properties of a multi-component quantum Coulomb system is of fundamental theoretical interest and has, beyond that, a wide range of applications. The Hydrogen-Helium mixture can be found in the interstellar nebulae and giant planets, however the most prominent example is the Sun. Here the interaction between the electrons and the nuclei is almost purely electrostatic.In this work we study the equation of state of the Hydrogen-Helium mixture starting from first principles, meaning the fundamental Coulomb interaction of its constituting particles. In this context we develop numerical methods to study the few-particle clusters appearing in the theory by using the path integral language. To capture the effects of the long-range Coulomb interaction between the fundamental particles, we construct a new version of Mayer-diagrammatic, which is appropriate for our purposes. In a first step, we ameliorate the scaled-low-temperature (SLT) equation of state, valid in the limit of low density and low temperature, by taking three-body terms into account and we compare the predictions to the well-established OPAL equation of state. Higher densities are accessed by direct inversion of the density equations and by the use of cluster functions that include screening effects. These cluster functions put the influence of screening on the ionization, unto now treated ad-hoc, on a theoretically well-grounded basis. We also inspect other equilibrium quantities such as the speed of sound and the inner energy. In the last part we calculate the equation of state of the Hydrogen-Helium mixture including the charged He+ ions in the screening process. Our work gives insights in the physical content of previous phenomenological descriptions and helps to better determine their range of validity. The equation of state derived in this thesis is expected to be very precise as well as reliable for conditions found in the Sun.

Dynamik endlicher Vielteilchen-Systeme in intensiven Röntgenlaserpulsen

Gnodtke, Christian 21 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der neuartigen Wechselwirkung von intensiven und ultrakurzen Röntgenlaserpulsen mit atomaren endlichen Systemen, die derzeit durch eine neue Generation von Lichtquellen, sogenannter X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) zugänglich gemacht wird. Eine der Vorzeigeanwendungen der XFELs ist die zukünftig potentiell mögliche Strukturbestimmung endlicher nicht-periodischer Systeme mit atomarer Auflösung durch Diffraktion. Hierbei stellt sich der durch die hohe notwendige Pulsintensität bedingte Strahlenschaden an dem System als limitierender Faktor heraus, der ein detailliertes Verständnis der durch Photoabsorption induzierten Dynamik voraussetzt, um diese Art der "Mikroskopie" zum Erfolg zu führen. Wir verwenden daher zur Beschreibung der laserinduzierten Dynamik ein mikroskopisches Modell in dem Photoionisation und inner-atomare Zerfallsprozesse durch quantenmechanische Raten behandelt werden und die Dynamik der Ionen und energetischen Elektronen in einer klassischen Molekulardynamik-Simulation erfasst wird. Eine Neuerung gegenüber bisherigen Modellen ist die Berücksichtigung der Ionisation von Atomen durch starke interne Felder in dem hoch-geladenen System. Durch eine Anwendung des Modells auf Neoncluster kann gezeigt werden, dass diese Feldionisation einen wichtigen Beitrag zur laserinduzierten Dynamik darstellt. Sie führt zur ultraschnellen Formation eines Nanoplasmas, welches sich im Kern des geladenen Clusters ansammelt und dort die Ladung der Clusterionen neutralisert. Hierdurch wird eine vorzeitige Coulomb-Explosion des Clusters vermieden. Es wird dargelegt, dass dieser Mechanismus der lokalen Schadensreduzierung durch die Einbettung des Clusters in ein Heliumtröpfchen auf den gesamten Cluster ausgeweitet werden kann, da durch Feldionisation und Migration von Elektronen die vollständige laserbedingte Aufladung des Clusters auf das Heliumtröpfchen transferiert wird. Eine Analyse der resultierenden Diffraktionsmuster bestätigt, dass der reduzierte Strahlenschaden am Cluster den Anwendungsbereich für Diffraktionsexperimente erheblich ausweitet. Kürzlich wurde am SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory der erste XFEL in Betrieb genommen. Eine Modifikation des Modells auf dort bereits erzielbare Wellenlängen wird genutzt um Vorhersagen über das Photoabsorptionsverhalten, aus dem alle weiteren Schäden folgen, an kleinen Neoncluster zu treffen. Hiermit lassen sich bereits jetzt durch den Vergleich zu Experimenten die wichtigen Schadensmechanismen und ihre theoretische Beschreibung testen. Es wird ferner das interessante Relaxationsverhalten des durch massive Photoionisation in XFEL-Strahlung erzeugten Elektronenplasmas untersucht. Diese neuartige Anregung erfolgt auf einer Femtosekunden-Zeitskala und produziert eine hohe Dichte an energetischen Elektronen. Wir beschreiben dieses Plasma durch ein generisches Modell seiner Vielteilchen-Dynamik. Hierbei kann der gesamte Parameterraum des Modells in vier Klassen unterteilt werden, die sich nach Anregungsgrad, der den Elektronenverlust des Plasmas regelt, und Anregungsdauer, die die transiente Dynamik beeinflusst, unterscheiden. Speziell der Bereich starker Anregung bei gleichzeitig kurzer Anregungsdauer zeigt ein interessantes neues Verhalten, bei dem sich eine Equilibrierung des Systems im Kontinuum andeutet.

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