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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um modelo multiescala concorrente para representar o processo de fissuração do concreto. / A concurrent multiscale model to represent the crack process of concrete.

Rodrigues, Eduardo Alexandre 06 November 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma técnica de modelagem multiescala concorrente do concreto considerando duas escalas distintas: a mesoescala, onde o concreto é modelado como um material heterogêneo, e a macroescala, na qual o concreto é tratado como um material homogêneo. A heterogeneidade da estrutura mesoscópica do concreto é idealizada considerando três fases distintas, compostas pelos agregados graúdos e argamassa (matriz), estes considerados materiais homogêneos, e zona de transição interfacial (ZTI), tratada como a parte mais fraca entre as três fases. O agregado graúdo é gerado a partir de uma curva granulométrica e posicionado na matriz de forma aleatória. Seu comportamento mecânico é descrito por um modelo constitutivo elástico-linear, devido a sua maior resistência quando comparado com as outras duas fases do concreto. Elementos finitos contínuos com alta relação de aspecto em conjunto com um modelo constitutivo de dano são usados para representar o comportamento não linear do concreto, decorrente da iniciação de fissuras na ZTI e posterior propagação para a matriz, dando lugar à formação de macrofissuras. Os elementos finitos de interface com alta relação de aspecto são inseridos entre todos os elementos regulares da matriz e entre os da matriz e agregados, representando a ZTI, tornando-se potenciais caminhos de propagação de fissuras. No estado limite, quando a espessura do elemento de interface tende a zero (h ?0) e, consequentemente, a relação de aspecto tende a infinito, estes elementos apresentam a mesma cinemática da aproximação contínua de descontinuidades fortes (ACDF), sendo apropriados para representar a formação de descontinuidades associados a fissuras, similar aos modelos coesivos. Um modelo de dano à tração é proposto para representar o comportamento mecânico não linear das interfaces, associado à formação de fissuras, ou até mesmo ao eventual fechamento destas. A fim de contornar os problemas causados pela malha de elementos finitos de transição entre as malhas da macro e da mesoescala, que, em geral, apresentam diferenças expressivas 5 de refinamento, utiliza-se uma técnica recente de acoplamento de malhas não conformes. Esta técnica é baseada na definição de elementos finitos de acoplamento (EFAs), os quais são capazes de estabelecer a continuidade de deslocamento entre malhas geradas de forma completamente independentes, sem aumentar a quantidade total de graus de liberdade do problema, podendo ser utilizados tanto para acoplar malhas não sobrepostas quanto sobrepostas. Para tornar possível a análise em multiescala em casos nos quais a região de localização de deformações não pode ser definida a priori, propõe-se uma técnica multiescala adaptativa. Nesta abordagem, usa-se a distribuição de tensões da escala macroscópica como um indicador para alterar a modelagem das regiões críticas, substituindo-se a macroescala pela mesoescala durante a análise. Consequentemente, a malha macroscópica é automaticamente substituída por uma malha mesoscópica, onde o comportamento não linear está na iminência de ocorrer. Testes numéricos são desenvolvidos para mostrar a capacidade do modelo proposto de representar o processo de iniciação e propagação de fissuras na região tracionada do concreto. Os resultados numéricos são comparados com os resultados experimentais ou com aqueles obtidos através da simulação direta em mesoescala (SDM). / A concurrent multiscale analysis of concrete is presented, in which two distinct scales are considered: the mesoscale, where the concrete is modeled as a heterogeneous material and the macroscale that treats the concrete as a homogeneous material. The mesostructure heterogeneities are idealized as three phase materials composed of the coarse aggregates, mortar matrix and the interfacial transition zone (ITZ). The coarse aggregates are generated from a grading curve and placed into the mortar matrix randomly. Their behavior is described using an elastic-linear constitutive model due to their significant higher strength when compared with the other two phases of the concrete. Special continuum finite elements with a high aspect ratio and a damage constitutive model are used to describe the nonlinear behavior associated to the propagation of cracks, which initiates in the ITZ and then propagates to the mortar matrix given place to a macro-crack formation. These interface elements with a high aspect ratio are inserted in between all regular finite elements of the mortar matrix and in between the mortar matrix and aggregate elements, representing the ITZ. In the limit case, when the thickness of interface elements tends to zero (h ?0) and consequently the aspect ratio tends to infinite, these elements present the same kinematics as the continuous strong discontinuity approach (CSDA), so that they are suitable to represent the formation of discontinuities associated to cracks, similar to cohesive models. A tensile damage model is proposed to model the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the interfaces, associated to the crack formation and also to the possible crack closure. To avoid transition meshes between the macro and the mesoscale meshes, a new technique for coupling non-matching meshes is used. This technique is based on the definition of coupling finite elements (CFEs), which can ensure the continuity of displacement between independent meshes, without increasing the total number of degrees of freedom of the problem. This technique can be used to couple non-overlapping and overlapping meshes.To make possible the concurrent multiscale analysis, where the strain localization region cannot be defined a priori, an adaptive multiscale model is proposed. In this approach the macroscale stress distribution is used as an indicator to properly change from the macroscale to the mesoscale modeling in the critical regions during the analysis. Consequently, the macroscopic mesh is automatically replaced by a mesoscopic mesh where the nonlinear behavior is imminent. A variety of tests are performed to show the ability of the proposed methodology in predicting the behavior of initiation and propagation of cracks in the tensile region of the concrete. The numerical results are compared with the experimental ones or with those obtained by the direct simulation in mesoscale (DSM).

Análise quase-estática de estruturas escalonadas laminadas em material compósito via modelo fenomenológico de falhas e elementos finitos estendidos: desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional / Quasi-static analysis of composite materials tapered structures through a phenomenological failure model and extended finite elements: development of a computacional tool

Angelo, Marcus Vinicius 13 December 2018 (has links)
Motivados pelas atuais tendências e suportados pelo grande interesse de indústrias do segmento aeronáutico, estudos e desenvolvimentos vêm sendo conduzidos na área de análise estrutural de materiais compósitos. Todavia, mesmo havendo várias contribuições científicas e tecnológicas nesta área, este assunto continua sendo um campo aberto e bastante promissor para novas pesquisas, devido a sua extensa complexidade e imediata aplicação. A ausência de um modelo capaz de projetar com elevada precisão uma estrutura aeronáutica com presença de escalonamento fabricada em material compósito, que pode sofrer modo de falha translaminar, motivou o presente trabalho. É sabido que o método de elementos finitos estendidos (XFEM - eXtendend Finite Element Method, do Inglês) vem sendo usado de maneira robusta para análise de propagação de trincas em elementos estruturais tridimensionais isotrópicos durante os últimos anos, mas não em compósitos. De forma a contribuir com a pequena quantidade de trabalhos científicos referentes a métodos XFEM 3D para análise de estruturas fabricadas em materiais compósitos não convencionais, como estruturas com escalonamento de camadas e laminados espessos, é apresentada uma nova metodologia implementada como uma ferramenta computacional para analisar quase estaticamente este tipo de estrutura. O modelo é baseado no aprimoramento do \"Método da Seção de Ouro\" que é aplicado em conjunto com uma versão aprimorada do critério de falha de Puck, permitindo assim definir com precisão e baixo custo computacional a iniciação e direção de uma trinca. Esta informação é utilizada para iniciar uma rotina baseada em XFEM, que é usada para o enriquecimento dos elementos finitos que vão falhando progressivamente durante a análise. A nova metodologia (implementada computacionalmente) apresenta convergência uma ordem de grandeza maior quando comparada com o algoritmo tradicional, sendo aproximadamente 20 vezes mais eficiente em termos computacionais. O modelo é ainda avaliado quanto a seus resultados em comparação com dados provenientes de ensaios experimentais, demonstrando uma boa convergência entre as previsões computacionais e os resultados obtidos em laboratório. / Supported by current trends and by the great interest of aeronautic industries, studies and developments have been made in the field of high performance composite materials. Nonetheless, even with the scientific and technological contributions, the matter is still a field wide open and promising for new research due to its high complexity and immediate application. The absence of a model capable of universally reproducing mechanical behavior of composite materials tapered structures, which can suffer translaminar failure mode, motivated the present work. It is well known that the eXtended Finite Elements Method (XFEM) has been used robustly for analysis of crack propagation in isotropic tri-dimensional structural elements lately but not for composites. In order to contribute with the scares amount of available works on 3D XFEM application on non-conventional composite material structures, such as tapered structures and thick laminates, a new methodology is presented as a computational tool for quasi-static analysis of this type of component. The model derives from \"Golden Section Method\" that is applied along with an enhanced version of Puck\'s failure criterion, which allows a low computational cost and high precision estimation of crack initiation and direction of propagation. This information is used to trigger an XFEM based routine that is applied for enriching the elements progressively during analysis. The new methodology (computationally implemented) has a convergence rate one order of magnitude greater than traditional implementation, roughly 20 times more efficient in terms of computational processing. Finally, to assure robustness, the model is validated against standardized and specifically developed experiments, showing good convergence between numerical predictions and results obtained in the laboratory.

Constraint Effects On Stationary Crack Tip Fields In Ductile Single Crystals

Patil, Swapnil D 11 1900 (has links)
In order to understand and predict the fracture behaviour of polycrystalline materials from a fundamental perspective, it is important to first investigate plastic deformation at a crack tip in a ductile single crystal. In this context, it may be noted that when the crack opening displacement is much less than the grain size, the crack tip fields are entirely contained in a single grain. Further, some key structural components are being fabricated in single crystal form. For example, blades in high pressure turbines of jet engines are made of single crystals of Nickel-based superalloys. In view of the above considerations, a combined experimental and computational study of the crack tip stress and strain fields in FCC single crystal is carried out in the present work. The effect of constraint level, which is characterized by the T-stress under mode I, plane strain small scale yielding conditions, on the near-tip response is first analyzed for a crystal orientation in which the crack plane coincides with (010) and ¯the crack front lies along[101]direction. A family of finite element solutions are generated by employing a boundary layer approach within continuum crystal plasticity framework. The results show that the near-tip deformation field, especially the development of kink and slip shear bands, is sensitive to the constraint level. On imposition of negative T-stress, a significant drop in the hydrostatic stress level is noticed in the region ahead of the tip. This suggests loss of crack tip constraint with negative T-stress, which is akin to isotropic plastic solids. The reason for the loss of crack tip constraint is traced to the occurrence of an elastic sector near the notch tip. The results also show that a two-parameter (such as K-T or J-Q) characterization of near-tip fields is necessary to accommodate different constraint levels in FCC single crystals. The results of the boundary layer formulation are used to guide the construction of asymptotic solutions near the crack tip corresponding to various constraint levels in elastic-perfectly plastic FCC single crystal. Two families of alternate asymptotic solutions are constructed by introducing an elastic near-tip sector. These families of stress fields are parameterized by the normalized opening stress ahead of the tip, τA22/τo, where τo is the critical resolved shear stress, and a quantity (p) which characterizes the coordinates of the point where elastic unloading commences in stress plane. The results show that the stress distribution corresponding to each member of these families, as well as the trajectories in stress plane as the crack tip is traversed, agree well with finite element results for a certain value of T-stress. In order to validate the above numerical and analytical solutions, the nature of crack tip deformation in aluminium single crystals is examined experimentally in a high constraint three point bend (TPB) specimen and in a low constraint single edge notch tensile (SENT) geometry. These experiments provide evidence, based on in-situ Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) of the existence of kink shear bands (involving lattice rotation) exactly as predicted by Rice [J.R. Rice, Mech. Mater. 6 (1987) 317] and the present finite element analysis. The experimental investigation of a low constraint SENT geometry is also supplemented by 3D finite element computations based on continuum crystal plasticity. These computational results enable assessment of 3D effects near the tip. Finally, the effects of different lattice orientations (especially ones for which the slip systems are not symmetric with respect to the notch line) on the near-tip fields are studied pertaining to various constraint levels. The results obtained for different orientations show that the near-tip deformation field is sensitive to the constraint level. The stress distribution and the size and shape of plastic zone near the notch tip are also strongly influenced by the level of T-stress. It is clearly established that ductile single crystal fracture geometries, would progressively lose stress triaxiality with increase in negative T-stress irrespective of lattice orientation. Also, the near-tip field is shown to be part of a family which can be characterized by two parameters (such as K – T or J - Q).

Dynamische Rissausbreitung in Elastomerwerkstoffen

Stoček, Radek 05 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die bruchmechanischen Eigenschaften von Elastomerwerkstoffen zeigen eine deutliche Abhängigkeit von der Prüfkörpergeometrie. Endscheidenden Einfluss hat die Art der Beanspruchung, die der Belastung des realen Bauteils entsprechen sollte. In dieser Arbeit wird die Methode zur Analyse des dynamischen Risswachstums von Elastomeren im simultanen Tensile- und Pure-shear-Prüfmodus beschrieben. Die Methode, basierend auf der mechanischen Aufrüstung und Weiterentwicklung eines Tear and Fatigue Analyzers, stellt den Prüfmethoden übergreifende Feststellungen zu aussagekräftigen Kennwertdaten des Bruchverhaltens von Elastomeren vor. Die Schwerpunke der Arbeit wurden in zwei Hauptthemen unterteilt, wobei zuerst eine konstruktive Modifizierung des kommerziellen TFA vorgenommen wurde und anschließend die Untersuchungen zur Beschreibung der bruchmechanischen Eigenschaften von Elastomerwerkstoffen und dynamischer Beanspruchung mittels modifiziertem TFA durchgeführt wurden. Es wurde aus den Anforderungen an die quantitative, simultane Analyse von SENT- als auch Pure-shear-Prüfkörpern eine konstruktive Modifizierung des kommerziellen TFA vorgenommen. Insbesondere die Schwerpunkte der Modifizierung wurden der Verminderung des Einflusses der Prüfkörperhalterungsfestigkeit auf die Genauigkeit der Analyse und der Untersuchung des Resonanzbereiches des TFA gewidmet. Die hier dokumentierten Ergebnisse durch den modifizierten TFA haben deutlich das unterschiedliche Bruchverhalten in der Abhängigkeit von der Prüfkörpergeometrie nachgewiesen. Es wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung der Rissausbreitungsgeschwindigkeiten in Elastomeren in Abhängigkeit von der Prüfkörpergeometrie als auch von der Risslänge durchgeführt, wobei festgestellt wurde, dass die bruchmechanischen Eigenschaften nicht nur von der Risslänge, sondern auch signifikant von der Kerbgeometrie abhängen. Die Ergebnisse haben weiterhin gezeigt, dass ein großer Einfluss der Herstellungsparameter der Prüfkörper unter Berücksichtigung von Kautschukbasis und Kautschukmischungsrezeptur auf die bruchmechanischen Eigenschaften besteht. Die vorgestellte Methode zur Bestimmung der dynamisch-bruchmechanischen Eigenschaften von Elastomeren stellt zusammen mit der Berücksichtigung der Herstellungsparameter einen genauen Vergleich zwischen den experimentell ermittelten Prüfwerten unabhängig von der Prüfkörpergeometrie dar. / The mechanical properties of rubber materials can be shown to be a function of the geometry of the test specimen. The main affecting parameters are the loading conditions. The present work proposes a new fracture mechanical testing concept for determination of dynamic crack propagation of rubber materials. This concept implements a method of simultaneous tensile- and pure-shear-mode testing. The present approach is based on an upgrade of the Tear and Fatigue Analyzers, on the fracture mechanics theory of dynamically loaded test specimens and on the definition of pure-shear states according to the test specimen’s geometry ratio. The main focus of this work can be divided in two parts. Firstly it is introduced the development of a method for analysis of dynamic crack propagation in filled rubber by simultaneous tensile- and pure shear mode testing. The servo-hydraulic machine with controlled temperature testing chamber is equipped with simultaneously operating two mode test equipment which represents a new fracture testing method. Secondarily the analysis of crack propagation under the dynamic loading conditions is practised with this method. It is shown how the tearing energy and the crack growth rate depend on the test specimen’s geometry ratio and crack length. It is also demonstrated that the values for tearing energies and also crack growth rates for short crack lengths in SENT- as well as in pure-shear test specimens are identical. Another important aspect is related to the different values of tearing energies and crack growth rates for cracks with short and large lengths in pure-shear test specimens. The results show the dependence of fracture behavior on manufacturing the test specimens. The new fracture mechanical testing concept offers a comparison between fracture behavior of rubber materials independent of the test specimens geometry.

Experimental And Numerical Studies On Fatigue Crack Growth Of Single And Interacting Multiple Surface Cracks

Patel, Surendra Kumar 05 1900 (has links)
Design based on damage tolerance concepts has become mandatory in high technology structures. These concepts are also essential for evaluating life extension of aged structures which are in service beyond originally stipulated life. Fracture analysis of such structures in the presence of single or multiple three-dimensional flaws is essential for this approach. Surface cracks are the most commonly occurring flaws and development of accurate methods of analysis for such cracks is essential for structural integrity evaluation of newly designed or aged structures. The crack fronts of these surface flaws are usually approximated mathematically to be of either part-elliptical or part-circular in geometry. In this thesis, some of the issues related to fatigue crack growth of single and multiple surface cracks are studied in detail. Here emphasis is given to the development of simple and accurate post-processing techniques to estimate stress intensity factors for surface cracks, development and/or implementation of simple numerical methods to simulate three-dimensional single and multiple cracks in fatigue and their experimental verification. Modified virtual crack closure integral (MVCCI) technique for estimation of strain energy release rates has been improved (chapter II) to deal with curved crack front and unequal elements across the crack front. The accuracy of this method is evaluated and presented in this chapter for certain benchmark surface flaw problems. The improved MVCCI is used in the investigation of interaction between multiple surface cracks in three-dimensional solids. The interaction effects are studied for both interacting and coalescing phases as observed to occur in the growth of multiple surface cracks. Extensive numerical work is performed to study the effects of various parameters such as aspect ratio, thickness ratio, interspacing on the interaction factors. These solutions are used in formulating empirical equations to estimate interaction factors. This facilitated the development of a simple semi-analytical method to study fatigue crack growth of multiple cracks. The growth of surface cracks under fatigue loading in the finite width specimens of an aero-engine superalloy has been studied experimentally (presented in chapter III). Four configurations for single semi-elliptical cracks are considered. Fatigue crack growth is simulated by two models viz. two degrees of freedom and "multi degrees of freedom with ellipse fit'. These models are sometimes referred to as semi-analytical models as the crack growth is predicted by numerical integration combining Paris equation with an empirical form of stress intensity factor solution. In order to use two degrees of freedom model for fatigue crack growth prediction of semi-elliptical cracks, empirical solution for the Ml range of geometric parameters for stress intensity factor is required for the considered configurations. The available Newman-Raju solution is useful for this purpose within a limited range of surface crack length to width (c/W) of the specimen. Based on the present finite element results, the empirical equations are developed for extended values of c/W. It is well understood that the fatigue prediction for two-dimensional crack can be improved by inclusion of crack closure effects. Usually, in semi-analytical models for growth of surface cracks under fatigue loading, the crack closure is included as a ratio of crack closure factor at surface and depth locations of semi-elliptical crack. In the present work, this ratio for the considered material of specimens is obtained by an experimental study. The difference in characteristics of preferred propagation path between semi-elliptical crack in a finite width plate and a wide plate is clearly brought out. Current crack growth predictions for most of the structures are based on the presence of only a single crack. However, in structures several cracks may initiate simultaneously within a stress critical zone and may interact depending upon their geometry, spatial location, structure geometry and mode of loading. In this work various configurations of twin semi-elliptical cracks have been studied by experiments. The beachmarks created on the specimens during experiments are used in the investigation of crack shape progression during fatigue. A three degrees of freedom crack growth model for interacting and coalescing cracks has been proposed. The experimentally determined crack shape and lives have been compared with the corresponding values from numerical simulation. The correlation of experimental results with numerical predictions was carried out through improved MVCCI for eight-noded brick elements. This has worked well in the configurations analysed. However, it is known in literature that there are benefits of using 20-noded singular elements. There could be special situations where the regular elements could fail, and singular elements could be essential. For this purpose, further development of MVCCI were carried out using 20-noded quarter-point elements (presented in chapter IV). Also a novel technique of decomposed crack closure integral (DCCI) was developed (presented in chapter V) for both regular and singular elements to represent the variation of MVCCI more accurately along the crack front. It is well known that quarter-point elements at crack front produce the required singularity at the crack tip and give accurate stress distribution with fewer degrees of freedom than conventional elements. Thus to develop more efficient post-processing tools, the MVCCI expressions are formulated for 20-noded singular quarter-point element for various assumptions regarding stress and displacement distributions in the elements across the crack front. A comprehensive study is presented (chapter IV) on MVCCI for 20-noded singular brick element including various simplified expressions for three-dimensional part-through cracks in pure and mixed-mode state of deformation of fracture. The developed MVCCI expressions are also valid for 15-noded quarter-point Penta elements. The reduction in model size can further be obtained if 12-noded three-dimensional singular element is employed at the crack front and eight-noded elements are used away from the crack front. The MVCCI expressions are also developed for 12-noded singular element and their accuracy is evaluated by numerical solutions. Presently, MVCCI, estimates the average stress intensity factor at the center of each element along the crack front. In this thesis, a Decomposed Crack Closure Integral (DCCI) is formulated to represent an assumed variation of stress intensity factor along the crack front in each element. The DCCI is formulated for 8-noded brick, 20-noded conventional brick and 20-noded singular brick elements. The numerical examples presented here deal with three-dimensional problems of patch repair technology and part-through cracks. The technique showed a major advantage for the patch repair problems where SIF variations along the crack front are of significance and large mesh sizes are computationally expensive. This along with MVCCI for 12-noded and 20-noded singular elements formed a part of the work on development of accurate and effective post-processing tools. It is expected that the present work will be helpful in damage tolerance design and assessment of aerospace structures and the experimental work performed as a part of this thesis will enhance confidence in the damage tolerance analysis. The thesis is concluded in chapter VI presenting the contributions of this thesis and projecting future lines of work possible in this area.

Theoretische und numerische Untersuchungen zu morphologischen Übergängen beim Rißwachstum

Mühle, Volker 29 January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Strukturbildung beim Risswachstum im stationären und instationärem Temperaturfeld im Rahmen der linear-elastischen Bruchmechanik analysiert und numerisch mittels der Methode der finiten Elemente (FEM) untersucht. Die beim langsamen Eintauchen eines heißen schmalen Glasstreifens in kaltes Wasser mit wachsender Temperaturdifferenz oder Eintauchgeschwindigkeit beobachteten Übergänge zwischen keinem, einem geraden und einem oszillierenden Riss werden in ein morphologisches Diagramm eingetragen und die Art des Überganges zur oszillierenden Rissausbreitung bestimmt. Die theoretischen Ergebnisse werden mit Experimenten verschiedener Autoren verglichen. Gleichartige Untersuchungen werden für die Ausbreitung mehrerer Risse durchgeführt. Beim Abschrecken einer erwärmten breiten Probe entstehen hierarchisch geordnete Risslängenstrukturen. Das Skalenverhalten der Rissdichte in Abhängigkeit von der Risslänge wird untersucht. Die Theorie liefert ohne Fitparameter eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit dem Experiment. / This paper investigates the formation of crack patterns in stationary and transient temperature fields analytically with linear elastic fracture mechanics and numerically with the finite elements method (FEM). In particular, we consider the experimental situation of a narrow thin strip of hot glass slowly lowered into cold water, with temperature difference and velocity as variable parameters. The parameter regions of no crack, one straight crack and one oscillating crack are determined. The type of phase transition related to the borderline between straight and oscillating crack is characterized. The theoretical results are compared with those of other authors. Similar investigations and comparisions are done for the propagation of multiple cracks. Quenching of a wide thin strip leads to a hierarchy of cracks whose scaling properties are analyzed. Without any fitting, theory and experiment agree surprisingly well.

Transiente Methoden der Infrarot-Thermografie zur zerstörungsfreien Fehleranalytik in der mikroelektronischen Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik / Transient methods of infrared thermography for nondestructive failure analysis in microelectronic packaging

May, Daniel 20 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurde eine neue fehleranalytische Methode zur industriellen Anwendung an neuen Technologien der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik entwickelt. Das Verfahren basiert auf der Wechselwirkung von thermischen Wellen und Defekten. Die Besonderheit ist dabei die Zerstörungsfreiheit, die Geschwindigkeit, das Auflösungsvermögen und die durch neueste IR-Detektoren erreichte Temperaturempfindlichkeit. Es wurden grundlegende Studien bezüglich Auflösung und parasitären Effekten bei der Anwendung unter industriellen Randbedingungen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde eine systematische Vorgehensweise bezüglich der Komplexität gewählt. Dies ermöglicht nun u.a. eine Vorhersage der zu erwartenden Prüfdauer zur Auflösung vergrabener Defekte, der Begrenzung der maximalen Anregungsimpulsbreite (bei gegebener Defekttiefe) und die quantitative Ermittlung des Einflusses einer Lackschicht. Methodisch kamen grundsätzlich Simulationen und vergleichende Experimente zum Einsatz. Es wurden spezielle Proben zur Isolierung und Klärung parasitärer Effekte verwendet. Letztlich konnte das Messsystem erfolgreich an industriellen Problemstellung demonstriert werden. Das entwickelte Messsystem zeichnet sich durch hohe Flexibilität aus. Verschiedene problemangepasste Anregungsquellen (interne und externe Anregung durch zahlreiche physikalische Effekte) kommen zum Einsatz. Das Messsystem besteht aus vier Hauptmodulen, der Differenzbild-Methode, der Impulsthermografie, und zwei Varianten der LockIn-Thermografie. Zusammen ist das System in der Lage, Voids, Delaminationen und Risse in verschiedenen Bereichen auch der modernen AVT sicher zu erkennen. Es werden dabei Temperaturauflösugnen bis zu 5 mK und laterale Auflösungen bis 17 µm erreicht. Diese Arbeit legt einen Grundstein für die Anwendung der thermischen Fehleranalytik in der Industrie, indem hier die Grenzen der IR-Messtechnik aufgezeigt und charakterisiert werden. / In this work a new failure analytical method for the industrial application of new technologies in electronic packaging has been developed. The developed method is based on the interaction of the thermal waves and defects. The special fature is non-destructive, speed, resolution and high temperature sensitivity due to latest IR-detectors. It fundamental studies regarding resolution and parasitic effects in the application were carried out cinsidering industrial conditions. Here, a systematic approach regarding the complexity has been selected. This now enables a prediction of the expected test period for detecting buried defects, limits for excitation pulse width (for a given defect depth) and the quantitative determination of the influence of parasitic paints. Methodically always simulations and comparative experiments were used. Simple samples for the isolation and purification of parasitic effects has been used. Finally, the measurement system has been successfully demonstrated on an industrial applications. The developed measurement system is characterized by high flexibility. Different problem-adapted excitation sources (internal and external excitation by numerous physical effects) are used. The measurement system currently consists of four main modules, the difference image method, the pulse thermography, and two variants of LockIn-thermography. Together, the system is capable of detecting voids, delaminations and cracks in various fields of electronic packageing. It will reach temperature resolutions up to 5 mK and lateral resolutions down to 17 µm. This work stes a foundation for the application of thermal failure analysis for industry by showing and charcterization the limits of IR imaging.

Initiierung und Ausbreitung kurzer Ermüdungsrisse in ein- und zweiphasigem Edelstahl

Scharnweber, Michael 26 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen zum Initiierungs- und Ausbreitungsverhalten kurzer Ermüdungsrisse in einem austenitischen sowie einem austenitisch-ferritischen Edelstahl durchgeführt. Dazu erfolgten zyklische Verformungsexperimente sowohl ex situ als auch in situ im Rasterelektronenmikroskop. Die Auswertung der Experimente erfolgte im Rasterelektronenmikroskop sowohl abbildend in verschiedenen Modi als auch über Rückstreuelektronenbeugungsmessungen. Bezüglich der Rissinitiierung wurde eine Häufigkeitsverteilung der Rissinitiierungsorte für beide Stähle erstellt. Die dabei ermittelte stark unterschiedliche Häufigkeit für die transkristalline Rissinitiierung in der austenitischen Phase konnte mit der unterschiedlichen Textur und Mikrostruktur der beiden Stähle in Zusammenwirken mit den elastischen Eigenschaften der beiden Phasen erklärt werden. Für die Rissausbreitung wurde gezeigt, dass eine Korrelation zwischen der Risslänge und der Rissausbreitungsrate besteht, aus der hervorgeht, dass die Übergangsrisslänge zwischen den Bereichen der mikrostrukturell und mechanisch kurzen Risse etwa einen Korndurchmesser beträgt. Anhand der in situ Messung der (plastischen) Rissöffnung und -scherung wurden die Unterschiede im Rissausbreitungsverhalten in den verschiedenen Phasen herausgearbeitet. Für die austenitische Phase ergibt sich dabei ein öffnungsdominierter und für die ferritische Phase ein scherungsdominierter Mechanismus. Die im Ferrit auftretenden zwei unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen der Oberflächenrisspfade („rau“ und „glatt“) konnten mit der Orientierung der jeweils risstragenden Körner korreliert werden. In Zusammenwirken mit der beobachteten Systematik der Anordnung der Gleitspuren um kurze Risse im Ferrit sowie einer Analyse der Spannungsverteilung um die Rissspitze wurde ein Modell des Rissausbreitungsmechanismus\' erstellt sowie die bisher in der Literatur vorherrschende These des Einfachgleitens widerlegt. Schließlich konnte die Barrierenwirkung von Korn- und Phasengrenzen sowohl anhand der Messung der Rissausbreitungsrate als auch der plastischen Rissöffnung bzw. -scherung gezeigt und daraus Rückschlüsse auf die Ausdehnung der plastischen Zone vor der Rissspitze gezogen werden. Gleichzeitig wurde dabei die Korrelation zwischen Rissausbreitungsrate und plastischer Rissöffnung bzw. -scherung nachgewiesen.

Πρόβλεψη μη γραμμικής συμπεριφοράς και διάδοσης ρωγμής σε συνθήκες θερμομηχανικής κόπωσης με τη μέθοδο των συνοριακών στοιχείων

Κέππας, Λουκάς 16 June 2011 (has links)
Τα δομικά στοιχεία των μηχανολογικών κατασκευών υπόκεινται σε επαναλαμβανόμενες κυκλικές καταπονήσεις, από τις οποίες δημιουργούνται και διαδίδονται ρωγμές. Οι καταπονήσεις αυτές, οι οποίες προκαλούν κόπωση στις κατασκευές, μπορεί να είναι είτε καθαρά μηχανικές είτε θερμικές ή να προκύπτουν σα συνδυασμός θερμικής και μηχανικής φόρτισης. Τυπικές περιπτώσεις θερμικών και θερμομηχανικών φορτίσεων εμφανίζονται σε κατασκευές, όπως σωλήνες κυκλωμάτων ψύξης, πιεστικά δοχεία, συνιστώσες ηλεκτρικών κυκλωμάτων, θάλαμοι μηχανών εσωτερικής καύσης και πτερύγια στροβιλοκινητήρων. Η κυκλική μεταβολή του θερμικού φορτίου στις προαναφερθείσες περιπτώσεις, συνιστά συνθήκες θερμικής κόπωσης. Επίσης, λόγω της σχετικά υψηλής συχνότητας του φορτίου η θερμοκρασία παρουσιάζει έντονη μεταβολή στο χώρο και στο χρόνο. Ο προσδιορισμός της διάρκειας ζωής ενός δομικού στοιχείου κατά τη φάση του σχεδιασμού μπορεί να γίνει με τη βοήθεια πειραματικών διαδικασιών. Τα πειράματα όμως κόπωσης είναι δαπανηρά και χρονοβόρα και προφανώς απαιτούνται περισσότερες από μια πειραματικές δοκιμές. Οπότε, είναι εύλογο να υπάρχουν υπολογιστικά εργαλεία που να δίνουν τη δυνατότητα στο μηχανικό να εκτιμήσει την διάρκεια ζωής ή τη σοβαρότητα της βλάβης ενός εξαρτήματος. Τα περισσότερα υπολογιστικά μοντέλα αναφέρονται σε καθαρά μηχανικές καταπονήσεις. Έτσι υπάρχει πρόσφορο έδαφος για την ανάπτυξη υπολογιστικών εργαλείων για την ανάλυση προβλημάτων θερμικής και θερμομηχανικής κόπωσης. Τέτοιου είδους εργαλεία θα πρέπει να λαμβάνουν υπόψη το κλείσιμο των ρωγμών, που συμβαίνει λόγω των θερμικών παραμορφώσεων, διότι είναι δυνατόν να επηρεάζεται τοπικά το θερμοκρασιακό πεδίο. Επομένως, χρειάζεται επαναληπτική διαδικασία για τον προσδιορισμό του θερμικού και τασικού πεδίου που αλληλεπιδρούν. Είναι προφανές ότι η ανάλυση της θερμικής κόπωσης εξελίσσεται σε συνθέτη διαδικασία, που θα πρέπει να συμπεριλαμβάνει τον υπολογισμό της κατανομής της θερμοκρασίας, την τοπική επίδραση του άκρου της ρωγμής στο τασικό πεδίο καθώς και την επαφή των επιφανειών της ρωγμής. Η μέθοδος των συνοριακών στοιχείων είναι ικανή να αντιμετωπίζει τέτοιου είδους τοπικές επιδράσεις. Η παρούσα διατριβή επικεντρώνεται στην ανάπτυξη υπολογιστικού εργαλείου βασισμένου στα συνοριακά στοιχεία, για την πρόβλεψη της διάδοσης ρωγμών και την εκτίμηση της διάρκειας ζωής, εξαρτημάτων υπό θερμική και θερμομηχανική κόπωση. Έμφαση δίνεται σε περιπτώσεις που το θερμικό φορτίο προκαλεί κλείσιμο της ρωγμής και σε περιπτώσεις διεπιφανειακών ρωγμών, όπου το θερμοκρασιακό πεδίο επηρεάζεται από την θερμική αντίσταση ανάμεσα στις επιφάνειες της ρωγμής. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση σε εργασίες που εστιάζουν σε φαινόμενα κόπωσης και διάδοσης ρωγμών, καθώς και στην ανάπτυξη υπολογιστικών μοντέλων για την πρόβλεψη της διάδοσης ρωγμών. Επιπλέον, προσδιορίζεται λεπτομερώς το αντικείμενο της παρούσας διατριβής και εξηγείται η συνεισφορά της και τα καινοτόμα σημεία της. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο περιγράφεται η ιδιόμορφη συμπεριφορά του άκρου της ρωγμής, δίνονται οι διατυπώσεις των μεγεθών θραύσης που χρησιμοποιούνται στην ανάλυση της κόπωσης και αναφέρονται τρόποι με τους οποίους μελετάται η διάδοση ρωγμών. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο περιγράφονται λεπτομερώς οι ολοκληρωτικές συνοριακές διατυπώσεις για την επίλυση προβλημάτων θερμοελαστικότητας. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο περιγράφονται οι υπολογιστικές διαδικασίες που ακολουθούνται στην παρούσα εργασία για τον προσδιορισμό του πεδίου θερμοκρασιών και μετατοπίσεων, καθώς και ο τρόπος που προσομοιώνεται η διάδοση ρωγμής. Στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο παρατίθενται τα αποτελέσματα που προέκυψαν από τις αναλύσεις για διάφορες περιπτώσεις, ενώ στο έκτο κεφάλαιο εξάγονται συμπεράσματα και διατυπώνονται προτάσεις για μελλοντική έρευνα. / The prediction of fatigue life is essential for the integrity and reliability of a structure when designing engineering components that undergo cyclic loading. In most cases, the mechanical cyclic loads are taken into account in order to evaluate the life and damage tolerance of structures with existing cracks. However, there exists a category of structures that experience severe thermal cycling that acts alongside the mechanical loads. Such structures include cooling system pipes, pressure vessels, pistons and combustion chambers of internal combustion engines, gas turbine blades and components of electrical circuits. Interfacial crack growth is of paramount importance when designing components that are protected by thermal barrier coatings in order to increase their endurance and efficiency. These types of structures are exposed to very intense thermo-mechanical cycling, which gradually causes delamination and eventually leads to spallation of the coating Numerical simulations, via the finite element method, are a common trend, when analysing the endurance of coated components. However, important aspects such as the heat exchange between the contacting faces and friction are not taken into account in fracture assessments of these components. The boundary element method is very attractive for crack-growth analyses because only the boundary is meshed, rather than the whole domain of the problem. In the present thesis, the boundary integral equations of uncoupled, time-dependent thermo-elasticity are employed to account for the time-varying nature of the thermal load. Our study discusses the influence of crack closure on quasi-static, sub-critical crack extension in the presence of thermo-mechanical cyclic loading. Appropriate thermal and mechanical boundary conditions are imposed on the numerical model to account for the contact state. The validity of the code to compute the temperature distribution under thermal cycling is checked through analytical solutions. Afterwards, a pure mode-I and mixed mode fracture problems in homogeneous material are analysed and the results are compared to other boundary element solutions. The singularity resulting from tractions and heat flux around the crack tip is effectively captured by singular quarter-point elements, while the fracture magnitudes can be computed using appropriate traction formulas. In these problems, the fatigue life is evaluated in terms of load cycle when the crack closure is considered. The number of cycles required for an existing crack to grow a certain length can be empirically predicted using the Paris’ law. The crack extension angle is evaluated by means of the maximum circumferential stress. The results are discussed, clearly indicating the impact of crack closure on fatigue life evaluation. The main conclusion is that crack closure should be incorporated into the analysis whenever the contact effect is inevitable. Otherwise, the fatigue life may be underestimated, leading to a conservative design. Finally, the sub-domain boundary element procedure is applied to interfacial cracks where the crack closure is more pronounced. Specifically, a case of a thermal barrier coating system is investigated. The thermal resistance between the contacting crack faces is incorporated into the procedure and it is assumed to be dependent on the contact pressure. If crack closure due to thermal distortion takes place, then the displacement and traction field may affect the heat flux between the crack faces, and the thermal and mechanical parts of the problem will need to be solved repeatedly until thermo-mechanical convergence is achieved. The results suggest that there are significant effects on the behaviour of stably growing cracks and the evaluation of failure capacity, emanating from crack closure, the amount of thermal resistance and the phase angle between the mechanical and thermal loads.

Numerical simulation of the crack propagation in a pipeline subjected to third-party damage

Jackson, Marshall 11 January 2016 (has links)
With over 830,000 km of operating pipeline in Canada alone, their safe and continued functioning underpins much of daily life. A key type of risk associated with pipelines is third-party damage, damage caused by actions not associated with the pipelines normal operation. The question of whether the pressurized structure like pipeline or pressure vessel would undergo “unzipping” due to the third-party impact is crucial for the safety of pipelines or pressure vessels in service needs to be answered. Thus, we endeavour to develop a methodology for assessment of design solutions effectiveness to prevent a pipeline or pressure vessel failure in an abrupt explosion-like fashion due to third-party damage. Model of crack propagation determining whether the “unzipping” rupture will occur is viewed as a key element in the safety-driven design procedure providing significant effect on the safety of operation. The crack propagation modeling is achieved through the use of nonlinear fracture mechanics technique. The method of singular integral equations is used to calculate the critical stress required for the catastrophic failure of pipeline or pressure vessel damaged due to third-party interference. The model was implemented as a FORTRAN program. Testing of the developed numerical tool was performed using experimental data available in the literature, with the results showing promising agreement. / February 2016

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