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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How does environment and facilities influence people during team work? – The design of a multifunctional desk to enhance creativity

Sun, YuFeng, YongHao, Yang January 2017 (has links)
Creativity and innovation are two forces that impel industries. Product design is often assigned to a team consisting of members from different backgrounds. To support the collaboration, there are many special places built for creativity and innovation, referred to as “creative space” in this thesis. Doing the project in a well-designed creative space can enhance creativity and productivity.However, most creative spaces are still using the facilities and furniture from common conference rooms, even though they are built for other purposes. Due to different working modes, the conference room does not suit for group design processes. It is still not widely accepted that what features the creative space should have to enhance the creativity.In order to design the creative space that meets the needs of the design teams, research has been done to identify the influencing factors that impact creativity. Based on these factors, observations and interviews are also carried out to analyze the influencing factors and gather data. The general concept and final solution is generated based on all the researches.As a result of this thesis, the prototype of a creative desk is carried out at the end. Some fundamental researches and discussions about the creativity stimulation are also analyzed to shed some light on this research field.

Spirit in the Screen : The effect of CuePilot on the viewer's experience in live broadcasted music competitions

Laufer, Gil, Åblad, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
The use of media technology to pre-program the camera work of performances (with tools such as CuePilot) became a state-of-theart solution in live broadcasted music competitions and events, allowing to create technologically advanced and more appealing live performances. In this paper we study how the use of such solutions affect the viewer’s experience, assuming that preprogrammed camera work results in a more unified experience compared to manual camera work. The paper also investigates whether pre-programmed camera work is noticeable by the viewers. To study these effects an experiment was conducted. The material used was a set of four entries from the Latvian music competition Supernova available in two versions: one produced manually without CuePilot and one pre-programmed with CuePilot. Each participant watched two of the entries without CuePilot and two with, and provided quantitative input according to GEMS (Geneva Emotional Music Scale), an instrument developed in order to measure musically evoked emotions, as well as qualitative input, as each participant had to determine which two of the performances watched were directed with CuePilot and asked to explain their choices. An analysis of the data using statistical tools and significance tests showed that pre-programmed camera work can result in a more unified experience compared to manual camera work, up to some degree. The ability to decrease the variance depends on the creativity value of the Creative Space of the specific production. Pre-programmed camera work is not directly noticeable but can be identified more easily with the presence of video effects, quick cuts or explicit interaction of the artist with the camera. / Användningen av medieteknik för att förprogrammerad kameraarbetet för framträdanden (med verktyg såsom CuePilot) har blivit en lösning i teknologisk framkant inom direktsända musiktävlingar och event vilket möjliggjort tekniskt avancerade och mer attraktiva liveframföranden. I denna uppsats undersöks hur användningen av sådana lösningar påverkar tittarens upplevelse under antagande att förprogrammerat kameraarbete resulterar i en mer enad upplevelse i jämförelse med manuellt kameraarbete. Vidare undersöker uppsatsen om förprogrammerat kameraarbete är märkbart hos tittaren. För att undersöka denna inverkan utfördes ett experiment. Materialet som användes var fyra bidrag från den lettiska musiktävlingen Supernova tillgängliga i två versioner: en producerad manuellt utan CuePilot och en förprogrammerad med CuePilot. Varje deltagare tittade på två av bidragen utan CuePilot och två med och bidrog med kvantitativ input enligt GEMS (Geneva Emotional Music Scale), ett verktyg framtaget för att mäta musikaliskt framkallade känslor, tillsammans med kvalitativ input då deltagarna också blev ombedda att gissa vilka av de sedda bidragen som producerats med CuePilot tillsammans med en motivering av valet. Med statistiska verktyg och signifikanstest visade en analys av datan att förprogrammerat kameraarbete till viss del kan resultera i en mindre varians av upplevelser. Möjligheten att minska variansen beror på kreativitetsvärdet av den kreativa rymden (Creative Space) för en specifik produktion. Förprogrammerat kameraarbete är inte direkt noterbart men kan lättare bli identifierat om videoeffekter, snabba klippningar och tydlig interaktion mellan artist och kamera är närvarande.

L'art au collège : quels effets pour les élèves ? un observatoire dans une classe expérimentale / Art at school : what effects for students ? observatory in experimental class / El arte en el instituto : ¿ Qué efectos para los alumnos ? un observatorio en una clase experimental

Choquet, Céline 07 October 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale a pour axe l’élaboration et la mise à l’épreuve d’un modèle évaluatif de l’éducation artistique centré sur les effets de l’art et les normes d’un atelier. Au cœur de ce modèle  : la « pédagogie » de l’artiste et sa relation avec l’élève, s’adressant à un sujet à part entière, visant à développer sa singularité et son autonomie au sein du collectif grâce à la création partagée. La thèse développe l'hypothèse d'une «  zone proximale de développement spécifique » (A. Kerlan, 2008) générée par le travail artistique et l'expérience esthétique dans une co-construction favorisant un processus de subjectivation pour le jeune, grâce à l’instauration d’un « espace de création » (D. W. Winnicott, 1975). Elle montre comment cette subjectivation passe nécessairement en atelier par un travail double de socialisation et d’individuation, dans les domaines cognitif, social et personnel. Sur le plan empirique, la recherche s’appuie sur les données recueillies dans le cadre d’un observatoire que l’on peut qualifier de microsociologique : il s’agit d’une classe artistique expérimentale, située dans un collège en zone d’éducation prioritaire, à Montpellier, ayant reçu des artistes professionnels en résidence durant quatre années, entre trois et six heures par semaine. Grâce à des méthodes qualitatives (observations directes d’un millier d’heures, films, photographies ainsi qu’une trentaine d’entretiens compréhensifs et semi-directifs) les résultats tendent à démontrer que la mise en place de résidences d’artistes sur la durée, à l’image de l’expérimentation longitudinale présentée dans la présente thèse, permet de proposer une éducation par l’art servant la formation de la personne dans son être global. / This doctoral research has for main line the development and testing of an evaluative model of arts education focused on the effects of art and the standards of a workshop. The central issue of this model: the "teaching skills" of the artist and his relationship with the student, addressing a subject in itself, to develop its uniqueness and autonomy within the group through the shared creation. The thesis develops the hypothesis of a "zone of proximal development specific" (A. Kerlan, 2008) generated by the artistic work and aesthetic experience in a co-construction encouraging a process of subjectivation for the young, thanks to establishment of a "creative space" (Winnicott, 1975). It shows how this subjectivity necessarily going in the studio with a double work of socialization and individuation, in the cognitive, social and personal. Empirically, the research is based on data collected as part of an observatory that can qualify for the micro: it is an experimental artistic class, located in a college education area priority in Montpellier, having received professional artists in residence for four years, between three and six hours per week. Through qualitative methods (direct observation of a thousand hours, films, photographs and a thirty understanding and semi-structured interviews) the results suggest that the development of artists in residences duration, like the longitudinal experiments presented in this thesis, allows us to offer an education in art for the formation of the whole person be global. / Esta investigación doctoral se centra en la elaboración y la puesta a prueba de un modelo evaluador de la educación artística centrada en los efectos del arte y las normas de un taller. En el centro de este modelo: la 'pedagogía' del artista y su relación con el estudiante, afín de dirigirse à un sujeto plenamente, para desarrollar su singularidad y su autonomía dentro del colectivo a través de la creación compartida. La tesis desarrolla la hipótesis de una "zona proximal de desarrollo específico" (A. Kerlan, 2008) generada por el trabajo artístico y la experiencia estética en una co-construcción que favorece un proceso de subjetivación de los jóvenes, mediante el establecimiento de un "espacio de creación" (D. W. Winnicott, 1975). Muestra cómo esta subjetivación en el taller pasa necesariamente por un doble trabajo de socialización y de individualización, en los ámbitos cognitivo, social y personal. En el marco empírico, la investigación se basa en los datos recogidos en el contexto de un observatorio que podría describirse como micro-sociológico: Se trata de una clase experimental artística situada en un colegio de una zona de educación prioritaria en Montpellier, que ha recibido a artistas profesionales en residencia durante cuatro años, entre tres y seis horas por semana. A través de métodos cualitativos (observaciones directas de mil horas, películas, fotografías, así como unas treinta entrevistas comprensivas y semiestructuradas), los resultados tienden a demostrar que el establecimiento de residencias de artistas en la duración, a la imagen de la experimentación longitudinal presentada en esta tesis, permite ofrecer una educación artística para la formación de la persona en su ser global.

Collaborative Creativity in the Physical Work Environment: A Pre-Test, Intervention, Post-Test Case Study

Unrath, Katie C. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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